Best Python code snippet using lettuce_webdriver_python
...69 absolute_file_path = os.path.abspath(file_name)70 driver.find_element_by_xpath("/html/body/div/form/div[1]/input") \71 .send_keys(absolute_file_path)72 # Click to upload73 wait_for_elem(driver, "/html/body/div/form/div[4]/input", By.XPATH, 30).click()74 # Collect upload url75 url = wait_for_elem(driver, "/html/body/div/div[1]/a/img", By.XPATH, 30).get_attribute("src")76 finally:77 driver.close()78 driver.quit()79 return url80def post_forum(string, forum_id, sub_forum_name):81 """82 Post a message on the fourmizzz forum83 :param string: string to post84 :param forum_id: id of the forum to click first85 :param sub_forum_name: name of the forum in which to post86 :return: None87 """88 url = ""89 cookies = {'PHPSESSID': get_identifiants_fmz()[-1]}90 options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()91 options.add_argument('--headless')92 options.add_argument("--start-maximized")93 driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)94 try:95 driver.get(url)96 for key, value in cookies.items():97 driver.add_cookie({'name': key, 'value': value})98 driver.get(url)99 # Click on the forum name100 wait_for_elem(driver, forum_id, By.CLASS_NAME).click()101 # Click on the subject inside the forum102 wait_for_elem(driver, sub_forum_name, By.LINK_TEXT).click()103 # Click to open answer form104 sleep(5)105 wait_for_elem(driver, "span[style='position:relative;top:-5px", By.CSS_SELECTOR).click()106 # Enter text in the form107 wait_for_elem(driver, "message", By.ID).click()108 driver.find_element_by_id("message").send_keys(string)109 # Click to send the message on the forum110 driver.find_element_by_id("repondre_focus").click()111 finally:112 driver.close()113 driver.quit()114def wait_for_elem(driver, elem, by, tps=15):115 """116 Waits for an elem to appear in a Selenium WebDriver browser117 :param driver: Selenium WebDriver118 :param elem: string of the elem to find119 :param by: find method (XPATH, ID, CLASS_NAME, ...)120 :param tps: time to wait until TimeOut121 :return: WebElement122 """123 for i in range(5):124 try:125 return WebDriverWait(driver, tps).until(ec.presence_of_element_located((by, elem)))126 except StaleElementReferenceException:127 sleep(5)128def get_new_convoys():129 """Returns a dataframe with all the convoys in 'SDC_Convois'"""130 url = ""131 cookies = {'PHPSESSID': get_identifiants_fmz()[-1]}132 forum_id = "forum61251.categorie_forum"133 # Opens webDriver134 options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()135 options.add_argument('--headless')136 options.add_argument("--start-maximized")137 driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)138 try:139 driver.get(url)140 for key, value in cookies.items():141 driver.add_cookie({'name': key, 'value': value})142 driver.get(url)143 # Click on the forum name144 wait_for_elem(driver, forum_id, By.CLASS_NAME).click()145 sleep(2)146 df_convois = pd.DataFrame(columns=["Date", "Livreur", "Destinataire", "Quantite"])147 # Mark every subforum as read148 i = 2149 while i > 0:150 try:151 # if it's an "important" topic or there are no messages // or it's locked,152 if len(driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[@id='form_cat']/table/tbody/tr["+str(i)+"]/td[1]/img")) > 0 \153 or int(wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='form_cat']/table/tbody/tr["+str(i+1)+"]/td/div/strong",154 By.XPATH, 2).text) == 0:155 # or (len(driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[@id='form_cat']/table/tbody/tr["156 # + str(i) + "]/td[2]/img")) > 0157 # and wait_for_elem(driver,"//*[@id='form_cat']/table/tbody/tr["+str(i)+"]/td[2]/img", By.XPATH,158 # 2).get_attribute('alt') == "Fermé"):159 i += 2160 continue161 # Click to open the sub forum162 wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='form_cat']/table/tbody/tr["+str(i)+"]/td[2]/a",163 By.XPATH, 2).click()164 sleep(2) # Wait for the page to load165 # Reset the forum166 driver.get(url)167 # Click on the forum name168 try:169 wait_for_elem(driver, forum_id, By.CLASS_NAME).click()170 except TimeoutException:171 forum_id = forum_id.replace("categorie_forum", "ligne_paire")172 wait_for_elem(driver, forum_id, By.CLASS_NAME).click()173 sleep(1)174 # Waits if the element didn't load yet175 except (StaleElementReferenceException, IndexError):176 sleep(0.5)177 # Leave the loop if there is no more sub forum to read178 except TimeoutException:179 break180 # Go to the next sub forum181 else:182 i += 2183 # Check every sub forum for convoys184 i = 2185 while i > 0:186 try:187 # if it's an "important" topic or there are no messages // or it's locked,188 if len(driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[@id='form_cat']/table/tbody/tr["+str(i)+"]/td[1]/img")) > 0 \189 or int(wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='form_cat']/table/tbody/tr["+str(i+1)+"]/td/div/strong",190 By.XPATH, 2).text) == 0:191 # or (len(driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[@id='form_cat']/table/tbody/tr["192 # + str(i) + "]/td[2]/img")) > 0193 # and wait_for_elem(driver,"//*[@id='form_cat']/table/tbody/tr["+str(i)+"]/td[2]/img", By.XPATH,194 # 2).get_attribute('alt') == "Fermé"):195 i += 2196 continue197 topic_name = wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='form_cat']/table/tbody/tr["+str(i)+"]/td[2]/a",198 By.XPATH, 2).text199 # Find the name of the requester and the amount requested200 try:201 destinataire, total_amount = topic_name.split(" - ")[1:3]202 except ValueError:203 continue204 total_amount = int(EngNumber(total_amount.replace(" ", "").replace("\u202f", "")))205 # Click to open the sub forum206 wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='form_cat']/table/tbody/tr["+str(i)+"]/td[2]/a",207 By.XPATH, 2).click()208 sleep(2) # Wait for the page to load209 # Read every message inside the forum210 j = 2211 while j > 0:212 try:213 # Read the date of the convoy214 annee = # if it's a new message, adapt the Xpath216 if len(driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//*[@id='forum']/div["+str(j+1)+"]/img")) > 0:217 date = wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='forum']/div["+str(j+1)+"]/span[2]", By.XPATH, 1)\218 .text.split()219 else:220 date = wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='forum']/div["+str(j+1)+"]/span", By.XPATH, 1)\221 .text.split()222 if len(date) == 5:223 annee = int(date[2])224 del date[2]225 mois = ["janv.", "févr.", "mars", "avril", "mai", "juin",226 "juil.", "août", "sept.", "oct.", "nov.", "déc."]227 date = datetime(annee, mois.index(date[1])+1, int(date[0]),228 *(int(elem) for elem in date[3].split("h")))229 if date > date = datetime(date.year-1, date.month,, date.hour, date.minute)231 # Read the sender232 livreur = wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='forum']/div["+str(j+1)+"]/a", By.XPATH, 2).text233 # Read the quantity234 quantite = wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='forum']/div["+str(j+2)+"]", By.XPATH, 2).text235 try:236 quantite = [int(match.replace("mat", "").replace("à ", "").replace("et", ""))237 for match in re.findall("et[0-9]+mat|et[0-9]+à ", quantite.replace(" ", ""))]238 except AttributeError:239 log("Web", "Convoy entry incorrect",240 "{} {} {} '"'{}'"'".format(date, livreur, destinataire, quantite))241 else:242 # If everything is right, append the convoy to the dataframe243 if len(df_convois.index) > 0 \244 and[df_convois.index[-1], "Date"].minute == date.minute:245 date += timedelta([df_convois.index[-1], "Date"].second+1)246 for s, match in enumerate(quantite):247 df_convois = df_convois.append(pd.DataFrame({"Date": [date + timedelta(seconds=s)],248 "Livreur": [livreur],249 "Destinataire": [destinataire],250 "Quantite": [match]}),251 ignore_index=True)252 total_amount -= match253 # Leave the loop if there is no more message to read254 except TimeoutException:255 # Calculate the remaining amount if needed256 if wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='forum']/div["+str(j-1)+"]/a", By.XPATH, 2).text \257 != get_identifiants_fmz()[0] \258 or len(quantite) > 0:259 convoy_link = get_convoy_link(destinataire)260 post_forum("[url="+convoy_link+"]"+destinataire+"[/url]\n\n"261 + "Reste: "+'{:,}'.format(total_amount).replace(",", " "),262 forum_id, topic_name)263 log("Forum", "Convoy countdown update", destinataire+"'s convoys updated")264 if total_amount <= 0:265 send_pm(get_identifiants_fmz()[0], "[Convoys finished]",266 destinataire+"'s convoys finished, activation requested")267 break268 # Go to the next message269 else:270 j += 2271 # Reset the forum272 driver.get(url)273 # Click on the forum name274 wait_for_elem(driver, forum_id, By.CLASS_NAME).click()275 sleep(1)276 # Waits if the element didn't load yet277 except (StaleElementReferenceException, IndexError):278 sleep(0.5)279 # Leave the loop if there is no more sub forum to read280 except TimeoutException:281 break282 # Go to the next sub forum283 else:284 i += 2285 finally:286 driver.close()287 driver.quit()288 # Reset the indices just in case289 df_convois.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True)290 return df_convois291def get_convoy_link(player_name):292 url = "" + player_name293 cookies = {'PHPSESSID': get_identifiants_fmz()[-1]}294 options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()295 options.add_argument('--headless')296 options.add_argument("--start-maximized")297 driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)298 try:299 driver.get(url)300 for key, value in cookies.items():301 driver.add_cookie({'name': key, 'value': value})302 driver.get(url)303 # get convoy link304 link = wait_for_elem(driver, "/html/body/div[4]/center/div[2]/table/tbody/tr/td[1]/a[1]", By.XPATH, 5)\305 .get_attribute('href')306 finally:307 driver.close()308 driver.quit()309 return link310def send_pm(player_name=None, subject="", text="No text"):311 if player_name is None:312 player_name = get_identifiants_fmz()[0]313 url = "" + player_name314 cookies = {'PHPSESSID': get_identifiants_fmz()[-1]}315 options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()316 options.add_argument('--headless')317 options.add_argument("--start-maximized")318 driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)319 try:320 driver.get(url)321 for key, value in cookies.items():322 driver.add_cookie({'name': key, 'value': value})323 driver.get(url)324 # write object325 wait_for_elem(driver, "/html/body/div[4]/div[1]/div[6]/div[1]/div[2]/span/input", By.XPATH, 5).click()326 wait_for_elem(driver, "/html/body/div[4]/div[1]/div[6]/div[1]/div[2]/span/input", By.XPATH, 5)\327 .send_keys(subject)328 # write main text329 wait_for_elem(driver, "/html/body/div[4]/div[1]/div[6]/div[1]/div[3]/span/textarea", By.XPATH, 5).click()330 wait_for_elem(driver, "/html/body/div[4]/div[1]/div[6]/div[1]/div[3]/span/textarea", By.XPATH, 5)\331 .send_keys(text)332 # send pm333 wait_for_elem(driver, "/html/body/div[4]/div[1]/div[6]/div[1]/div[4]/span[1]/input", By.XPATH, 50).click()334 finally:335 driver.close()336 driver.quit()337 log("Web", "Mp sent", "Mp sent to " + player_name)338def get_identifiants_fmz():339 with open("files/identifiants_fmz.txt") as file:340 identifiants = file.readlines()341 identifiants = [elem.strip() for elem in identifiants]342 return identifiants343def reconnect():344 pseudo, mdp, cook = get_identifiants_fmz()345 url = ""346 cookies = {'PHPSESSID': cook}347 options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()348 options.add_argument('--headless')349 options.add_argument("--start-maximized")350 driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)351 try:352 driver.get(url)353 for key, value in cookies.items():354 driver.add_cookie({'name': key, 'value': value})355 driver.get(url)356 wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='loginForm']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/input", By.XPATH).click()357 wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='loginForm']/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[2]/input", By.XPATH).send_keys(pseudo)358 wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='loginForm']/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/input", By.XPATH).click()359 wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='loginForm']/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[2]/input", By.XPATH).send_keys(mdp)360 wait_for_elem(driver, "//*[@id='loginForm']/input[2]", By.XPATH).click()361 except TimeoutException:362 log("Web", "Reconnection", "Reconnection failed")363 finally:364 driver.close()...
...40 time.sleep(round_time)41 return wrapper42 return decorator43@wait_for()44def wait_for_elem(selector):45 return browser.find_element(selector[0], selector[1])46@wait_for()47def wait_for_attribute(elem, attr, allow_none = False):48 attrVal = elem.get_attribute(attr)49 if not allow_none and attrVal is None:50 raise Exception('val can\'t be None.')51 return attrVal52def switch_frame(frameSelector):53 elem = wait_for_elem(frameSelector)54 browser.switch_to.frame(elem)55def get_slide_distance(slide, target):56 # slide_img = slide_libs.url2image(slide.get_attribute("src"))57 # target_img = slide_libs.url2image(target.get_attribute("src"))58 slide_img = slide_libs.url2image(wait_for_attribute(slide, "src"))59 target_img = slide_libs.url2image(wait_for_attribute(target, "src"))60 61 position = slide_libs.check_position(slide_img, target_img)62 t_size = target.size63 t_loc = target.location64 s_loc = slide.location65 #, target_img, position)66 67 return t_loc['x'] +t_size['width'] * position['x'] - s_loc['x']68# å°ä¸ä¸ªæ»å¨è·ç¦» æ为 å¤ä¸ªéæ¸åå°ç æ»å¨è·ç¦»69def fuck_distance(rest_dis, dis_list = None):70 if dis_list is None:71 dis_list = []72 73 this_dis = rest_dis / 2 + random.uniform(0, 30.0)74 dis_list.append(this_dis)75 rest_dis = rest_dis - this_dis76 if rest_dis > 0:77 return fuck_distance(rest_dis, dis_list=dis_list)78 if rest_dis < 0:79 dis_list[-1] = dis_list[-1] + rest_dis + random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0)80 return dis_list81options = Options()82options.headless = OPTS_HEADLESS83browser = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path = FIREFOX_DRIVER_PATH, options = options)84browser.set_page_load_timeout(5.0)85print("opening home page.")86start = time.perf_counter()87try:88 browser.get(home_url)89except TimeoutException as err:90 print('timeout')91switch_frame(account_iframe_selector)92wait_for_elem(account_tab_selector).click()93wait_for_elem(username_input_selector).send_keys(USERNAME)94wait_for_elem(password_input_selector).send_keys(PASSWORD)95wait_for_elem(login_button_selector).click()96switch_frame(tcaptcha_iframe_selector)97slide_elem = wait_for_elem(slide_img_selector)98target_elem = wait_for_elem(target_img_selector)99dis = get_slide_distance(slide_elem, target_elem)100action = ActionChains(browser)101action.click_and_hold(slide_elem).perform()102action.move_by_offset(dis, 0).perform()103# print(dis)104# dis_list = fuck_distance(dis)105# print(dis_list)106# move_dis = 0107# for dis_item in dis_list:108# move_dis += dis_item109# print('move: ' + str(move_dis))110# action.move_to_element_with_offset(slide_elem, move_dis, random.uniform(0, 1)).perform()111# print('rest dis: ' + str(get_slide_distance(slide_elem, target_elem)))112# time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 1))...
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