Best Python code snippet using lettuce_webdriver_python
...71 title = el['title']72 list_of_links.append([href, title])73 for link in list_of_links:74 driver.get(link[0])75 wait_for_content()76 content = driver.page_source77 content_low = content.lower()78 counter = 079 if elem == word:80 for w in word_list:81 if content.find(w) > -1 and counter == 0:82 counter += 183 print(content.lower())84 if content_low.find("blockchain") > -1 or content_low.find("crypto ") > -1 or content_low.find("cryptocurrency") > -1 or content_low.find("crypto currency") > -1 or content.lower().find("distributed ledger") > -1:85 added = True86 payload = {87 "text": "New article found on with key word: " + elem + " ```" + "Title: " +88 link[1] + " \n" + "Link: "89 + link[0] + " ```"}90 response =""91 "/aee3kf3xwgnMr0Nq5jKxwXFW", json.dumps(payload))92 else:93 continue94 else:95 if content_low.find("blockchain") > -1 or content_low.find("crypto ") > -1 or content_low.find(96 "cryptocurrency") > -1 or content_low.find("crypto currency") > -1 or content.lower().find(97 "distributed ledger") > -1:98 added = True99 payload = {100 "text": "New article found on with key word: " + elem + " ```" + "Title: " +101 link[1] + " \n" + "Link: "102 + link[0] + " ```"}103 response =""104 "/aee3kf3xwgnMr0Nq5jKxwXFW", json.dumps(payload))105 # else:106 # for el in links:107 # href = "" + str(el['href'])108 # title = el['title']109 # content = driver.page_source110 # if content.lower().find("blockchain") > -1 or content.lower().find(111 # "crypto") > -1 or content.lower().find("cryptocurrency") > -1 or content.lower().find(112 # "distributed ledger") > -1:113 # payload = {114 # "text": "New article found on with key word: " + elem + " ```" + "Title: " +115 # title + " \n" + "Link: "116 # + href + " ```"}117 # response =""118 # "/aee3kf3xwgnMr0Nq5jKxwXFW", json.dumps(payload))119def wait_for_content():120 wait_time = random.randint(2, 6)121 time.sleep(wait_time)122def get_number_of_pages(text):123 first_split = text.split('(')124 sec_split = first_split[1].split(')')125 return sec_split[0]126def previous_week_date(number):127 today = week_ago = today - DT.timedelta(days=number)129 year = str(week_ago.year)130 month = str(week_ago.month)131 day = str( day_name = week_ago.strftime("%A")[0:3]133 month_name = week_ago.strftime("%B")134 month_name_short = week_ago.strftime("%b")135 return year, month, day, day_name, month_name_short, month_name136def ec_europa():137 global added138 year, month, day, day_name, month_name_short, month_name = previous_week_date(7)139 try:140 for elem in keywords:141 url = f'{elem}&dotyp=&parea=&pareaType=&datepickerbefore=&datebefore=&commissioner=&datepickerafter={day}%20{month_name}%20{year}&dateafter={day_name}%20{month_name_short}%20{day}%20{year}%2000:00:00%20GMT%2B0200%20(Central%20European%20Summer%20Time)&pagenumber=1'142 driver.get(url)143 wait_for_content()144 number = driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "ecl-heading.ecl-heading--h2.ecl-u-mb-m")145 try:146 num = number.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, "span").text147 pages_number = get_number_of_pages(num)148 number_of_pages = count_number_of_pages(int(pages_number))149 for i in range(number_of_pages):150 url2 = f'{elem}&dotyp=&parea=&pareaType=&datepickerbefore=&datebefore=&commissioner=&datepickerafter={day}%20{month_name}%20{year}&dateafter={day_name}%20{month_name_short}%20{day}%20{year}%2000:00:00%20GMT%2B0200%20(Central%20European%20Summer%20Time)&pagenumber={i + 1}'151 driver.get(url2)152 wait_for_content()153 by_class = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "ecl-link.ecl-list-item__link")154 word_list, word = words_variation(elem)155 list_of_links = []156 if elem == word:157 for ele in by_class:158 href = ele.get_attribute('href')159 title = ele.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "ecl-list-item__title.ecl-heading.ecl-heading--h3")160 list_of_links.append([href, title.text])161 for link in list_of_links:162 driver.get(link[0])163 wait_for_content()164 content = driver.page_source165 counter = 0166 for w in word_list:167 if content.find(w) > -1 and counter == 0:168 counter += 1169 added = True170 payload = {171 "text": "New article found on with key word: " + elem + " ```" + "Title: " +172 link[1] + " \n" +173 "Link: " + link[0] + " ```"}174 response =""175 "/aee3kf3xwgnMr0Nq5jKxwXFW", json.dumps(payload))176 else:177 continue178 else:179 for ele in by_class:180 href = ele.get_attribute('href')181 title = ele.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, "ecl-list-item__title.ecl-heading.ecl-heading--h3")182 added = True183 payload = {184 "text": "New article found on with key word: " + elem + " ```" + "Title: " + title.text + " \n" +185 "Link: " + href + " ```"}186 response =""187 "/aee3kf3xwgnMr0Nq5jKxwXFW", json.dumps(payload))188 except:189 continue190 except:191 return False192 driver.quit()193def last_7_days():194 list_of_days = []195 for days in range(7):196 year, month, day, day_name, month_name_short, month_name = previous_week_date(days)197 if int(day) < 10:198 day = day.replace("0", "")199 list_of_days.append([month_name_short, day, year])200 return list_of_days201def sam_gov():202 keywords2 = ['cryptocurrency']203 for elem in keywords2:204 url = f'' \205 f'%5BsimpleSearch%5D%5BkeywordRadio%5D=EXACT&sfm%5BsimpleSearch%5D%5BkeywordTags%5D%5B0%5D%5Bkey%5D={elem}' \206 f'&sfm%5BsimpleSearch%5D%5BkeywordTags%5D%5B0%5D%5Bvalue%5D={elem} '207 driver.get(url)208 wait_for_content()209 data_list = []210 try:211 page = driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, 'sds-pagination__total').text.split(' ')212 page_number = page[1]213 count_of_ele = 0214 for number in range(int(page_number)):215 url2 = f'{number + 1}&pageSize=25&sort=-modifiedDate&sfm%5Bstatus%5D%5Bis_active%5D=true&sfm' \216 f'%5BsimpleSearch%5D%5BkeywordRadio%5D=EXACT&sfm%5BsimpleSearch%5D%5BkeywordTags%5D%5B0%5D%5Bkey%5D={elem}' \217 f'&sfm%5BsimpleSearch%5D%5BkeywordTags%5D%5B0%5D%5Bvalue%5D={elem} '218 driver.get(url2)219 wait_for_content()220 date = driver.find_elements(By.XPATH, '//*[@class="sds-field sds-field--stacked"]/div[2]/span')221 for i in date:222 article_date = i.text.split(' ')223 data_list.append([article_date[0], article_date[1].replace(',', ''), article_date[2]])224 title_html = driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, "h3")225 for el in title_html:226 try:227 title = el.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, 'a')228 href = title.get_attribute('href')229 data_list[count_of_ele].append(title.text)230 data_list[count_of_ele].append(href)231 count_of_ele += 1232 except:233 continue234 last_days = last_7_days()235 for el in data_list:236 for single in last_days:237 if el[0] == single[0] and el[1] == single[1] and el[2] == single[2]:238 driver.get(el[4])239 wait_for_content()240 content = driver.page_source241 content_low = content.lower()242 if content_low.find("blockchain") > -1 or content_low.find("crypto ") > -1 or content_low.find(243 "cryptocurrency") > -1 or content_low.find("crypto currency") > -1 or content.lower().find("distributed ledger") > -1:244 global added245 added = True246 payload = {247 "text": "New article found on with key word: " + elem + " ```" + "Title: "248 + el[3] + " \n" + "Link: " + el[4] + " ```"}249 response =""250 "/aee3kf3xwgnMr0Nq5jKxwXFW", json.dumps(payload))251 except:252 continue253def ted_europa():254 global added255 for elem in keywords2:256 print(elem)257 url = ''258 driver.get(url)259 # driver.maximize_window()260 driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")261 try:262 wait_for_content()263 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'clearAll').click()264 wait_for_content()265 except:266 try:267 wait_for_content()268 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'clearAll').click()269 wait_for_content()270 except Exception as e:271 print(e)272 print("clear fail")273 continue274 try:275 driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")276 wait_for_content()277 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'textGroup').click()278 wait_for_content()279 except:280 try:281 driver.refresh()282 wait_for_content()283 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'clearAll').click()284 wait_for_content()285 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'textGroup').click()286 wait_for_content()287 except:288 print("text fail")289 continue290 try:291 driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")292 wait_for_content()293 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'freeText').send_keys(elem)294 wait_for_content()295 except:296 try:297 wait_for_content()298 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'freeText').send_keys(elem)299 wait_for_content()300 except:301 print("text input fail")302 continue303 try:304 driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")305 wait_for_content()306 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'businessOpportunitiesGroup').click()307 wait_for_content()308 except:309 try:310 wait_for_content()311 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'businessOpportunitiesGroup').click()312 wait_for_content()313 except:314 print("business fail")315 pass316 try:317 driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")318 wait_for_content()319 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'dateGroup').click()320 except:321 try:322 wait_for_content()323 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'dateGroup').click()324 except:325 print("date fail")326 continue327 year, month, day, day_name, month_name_short, month_name = previous_week_date(7)328 if int(month) < 10:329 month = '0' + month330 if int(day) < 10:331 day = '0' + day332 date = f'{day}/{month}/{year}'333 wait_for_content()334 try:335 driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")336 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'DOCUMENT_TYPE').send_keys("'Contract notice', 'Design contest'")337 except:338 print("Contract except")339 try:340 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'DOCUMENT_TYPE').send_keys("'Contract notice', 'Design contest'")341 except:342 print("Big contract except")343 pass344 try:345 driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")346 wait_for_content()347 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'publicationDateFrom').send_keys(date)348 except:349 print("Date except")350 try:351 wait_for_content()352 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'publicationDateFrom').send_keys(date)353 except:354 print("Big date except")355 continue356 try:357 driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")358 wait_for_content()359 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'dateGroup').click()360 except:361 print("Clicking date except")362 pass363 try:364 driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")365 wait_for_content()366 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'search').click()367 except:368 print("Search except")369 try:370 wait_for_content()371 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'search').click()372 except:373 print("Search except")374 try:375 wait_for_content()376 driver.find_element(By.ID, 'search').click()377 except:378 print("Big search except")379 continue380 try:381 driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, 'page-icon.pagelast').click()382 wait_for_content()383 num = driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, '')384 number_of_pages = int(num.text)385 wait_for_content()386 driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, '').click()387 for page in range(number_of_pages):388 wait_for_content()389 plus_button = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, 'btn.btn-circle.btn-sm.show_hidden_col')390 wait_for_content()391 for button in plus_button:392 wait_for_content()393 driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")394 wait_for_content()396 wait_for_content()397 title = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, 'bold.glyphicon-minus')398 list_of_titles = []399 list_of_hrefs = []400 for i, el in enumerate(title):401 if i % 2 != 0:402 list_of_titles.append(el.text)403 wait_for_content()404 for j in range(len(list_of_titles)):405 href = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, f'//*[@id="notice"]/tbody/tr[{j * 2 + 1}]/td[2]/a')406 list_of_hrefs.append(href.get_attribute('href'))407 wait_for_content()408 for index in range(len(list_of_titles)):409 driver.get(list_of_hrefs[index])410 wait_for_content()411 content = driver.page_source412 content_low = content.lower()413 if content_low.find("blockchain") > -1 or content_low.find("crypto ") > -1 or content_low.find(414 "cryptocurrency") > -1 or content_low.find("crypto currency") > -1 or content.lower().find(415 "distributed ledger") > -1:416 added = True417 payload = {418 "text": "New article found on with key word: " + elem + " ```" + "Title: "419 + list_of_titles[index] + " \n" + "Link: " + list_of_hrefs[index] + " ```"}420 response =""421 "/aee3kf3xwgnMr0Nq5jKxwXFW", json.dumps(payload))422 wait_for_content()423 driver.find_element(By.CLASS_NAME, 'page-icon.pagenext').click()424 except NoSuchElementException:425 wait_for_content()426 plus_button = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, 'btn.btn-circle.btn-sm.show_hidden_col')427 for button in plus_button:428 print("I was here", elem)429 driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);")430 wait_for_content()431 wait_for_content()433 wait_for_content()434 title = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, 'bold.glyphicon-minus')435 list_of_titles = []436 list_of_hrefs = []437 for i, el in enumerate(title):438 if i % 2 != 0:439 list_of_titles.append(el.text)440 wait_for_content()441 for j in range(len(list_of_titles)):442 href = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, f'//*[@id="notice"]/tbody/tr[{j * 2 + 1}]/td[2]/a')443 list_of_hrefs.append(href.get_attribute('href'))444 wait_for_content()445 for index in range(len(list_of_titles)):446 driver.get(list_of_hrefs[index])447 wait_for_content()448 content = driver.page_source449 content_low = content.lower()450 if content_low.find("blockchain") > -1 or content_low.find("crypto ") > -1 or content_low.find(451 "cryptocurrency") > -1 or content_low.find("crypto currency") > -1 or content.lower().find(452 "distributed ledger") > -1:453 added = True454 payload = {455 "text": "New article found on with key word: " + elem + " ```" + "Title: "456 + list_of_titles[index] + " \n" + "Link: " + list_of_hrefs[index] + " ```"}457 response =""458 "/aee3kf3xwgnMr0Nq5jKxwXFW", json.dumps(payload))459def coe():460 global added461 for elem in keywords2:462 print(elem)463 results = []464 # url = f'{elem}#f=%5B%5D#dfd=7'465 # driver.get(url)466 for word in keywords2:467 if elem != word:468 wait_for_content()469 url = f'{elem}, {word})#f=%5B%5D#dfd=7'470 driver.get(url)471 wait_for_content()472 titles = driver.find_elements(By.CLASS_NAME, "ms-srch-item-link")473 # wait_for_content()474 for el in titles:475 title = el.get_attribute('title')476 print(title)477 href = el.get_attribute('href')478 print(href)479 results.append(title)480 results.append(href)481 results = list(dict.fromkeys(results))482 print(results)483 if len(results) > 0:484 for i in range(0, len(results), 2):485 added = True486 payload = {487 "text": "New article found on with key word: " + elem + " ```" + "Title: "488 + results[i] + " \n" + "Link: " + results[i+1] + " ```"}489 response =""490 "/aee3kf3xwgnMr0Nq5jKxwXFW", json.dumps(payload))491 wait_for_content()492if __name__ == '__main__':493 instant_markets()494 sam_gov()495 ted_europa()496 coe()497 ec_europa()498 if not ec_europa():499 ec_europa()500 if added == False:501 payload = {502 "text": " ```" + "No article have matched the requirements. Nothing to show" + " ```"}503 response =""504 "/aee3kf3xwgnMr0Nq5jKxwXFW", json.dumps(payload))505 driver.quit()
...45 br.load('')46 def can_continuea(abrowser):47 t = get_tree(abrowser)48 return len(t.xpath("//input[@name='q']")) > 049 br.wait_for_content(can_continuea, 60, u'Timeout while loading account data')50 br.fill('input[name="q"]', 'kiorky')51 t = get_tree(br)52 name = [a.attrib['name']53 for a in t.xpath('//input[@type="submit"]')54 if 'google' in a.value.lower()][0]55 # search for the search input control which can change id56 input_sel = "input[name='%s']" % name57 # remodve the search live query ...58 br.native_click('input[name="q"]')59 def can_continueb(abrowser):61 t = get_tree(abrowser)62 return len( t.xpath('//*[@id="ires"]')) > 063 br.wait_for_content(can_continueb, 60, u'Timeout while loading account data')64 assert '' in br.html65if __name__ == '__main__':66 print(main())...
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