How to use fix_ method in Lemoncheesecake

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1#fuck off!2#It will return 200 if Successfully Got User in Force Sub Channel and 400 if Found that User Not Participant in Force Sub Channel or User is Kicked from Force Sub Channel it will return 400. Also it returns 200 if Unable to Find Channel.3#Re-use for more information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!4import asyncio5from config import UPDATES_CHANNEL6from pyrogram import Client7from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, UserNotParticipant8from pyrogram.types import InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton, Message9async def ForceSub(bot: Client, event: Message):10 try:11 invite_link = await bot.create_chat_invite_link(chat_id=(int(UPDATES_CHANNEL) if UPDATES_CHANNEL.startswith("-100") else UPDATES_CHANNEL))12 except FloodWait as e:13 await asyncio.sleep(e.x)14 fix_ = await ForceSub(bot, event)15 return fix_16 except Exception as err:17 print(f"Unable to do Force Subscribe to {UPDATES_CHANNEL}\n\nError: {err}\n\nContact [Support Group](https:/​/​​slbotzone)")18 return 20019 try:20 user = await bot.get_chat_member(chat_id=(int(UPDATES_CHANNEL) if UPDATES_CHANNEL.startswith("-100") else UPDATES_CHANNEL), if user.status == "kicked":22 await bot.send_message(23,24 text="Sorry Dear, You are Banned to use me ☹️\nFeel free to say in our [Support Group](https:/​/​​slbotzone).",25 parse_mode="markdown",26 disable_web_page_preview=True,27 reply_to_message_id=event.message_id28 )29 return 40030 else:31 return 20032 except UserNotParticipant:33 await bot.send_message(34,35 text="<b>Hello {} 👋</​b>\n\n<b>You cant use me untill subscribe our updates channel ☹️</​b>\n<b>So Please join our updates channel by the following button and restart our bot by ( /​start ) command 😊</​b>".format(event.from_user.mention),36 reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(37 [38 [39 InlineKeyboardButton("Join Our Updates Channel 🗣", url=invite_link.invite_link)40 ]41 ]42 ),43 disable_web_page_preview=True,44 reply_to_message_id=event.message_id45 )46 return 40047 except FloodWait as e:48 await asyncio.sleep(e.x)49 fix_ = await ForceSub(bot, event)50 return fix_51 except Exception as err:52 print(f"Something Went Wrong! Unable to do Force Subscribe.\nError: {err}\n\nContact Support Group: https:/​/​​slbotzone")...

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1'''2 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/​or modify3 it under the terms of the Revised BSD License.4 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,5 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of6 MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the7 Revised BSD License for more details.8 Copyright 2011-2020 Game Maker 2k - https:/​/​​GameMaker2k9 Copyright 2011-2020 Kazuki Przyborowski - https:/​/​​KazukiPrzyborowski10 $FileInfo: - Last Update: 12/​3/​2019 Ver. 2.7.19 RC 1 - Author: cooldude2k $11'''12from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals;13import upcean.validate.validate,;14'''15/​/​ Shortcut Codes by Kazuki Przyborowski16/​/​ validate17'''18def validate_checksum(bctype, upc, return_check=False):19 if(bctype not in"tuple")):20 return False;21 if(hasattr(upcean.validate.validate, "validate_"+bctype+"_checksum") and callable(getattr(upcean.validate.validate, "validate_"+bctype+"_checksum"))):22 return getattr(upcean.validate.validate, "validate_"+bctype+"_checksum")(upc,return_check);23 if(not hasattr(upcean.validate.validate, "validate_"+bctype+"_checksum") or not callable(getattr(upcean.validate.validate, "validate_"+bctype+"_checksum"))):24 return False;25 return False;26def get_checksum(bctype, upc):27 if(bctype not in"tuple")):28 return False;29 if(hasattr(upcean.validate.validate, "get_"+bctype+"_checksum") and callable(getattr(upcean.validate.validate, "get_"+bctype+"_checksum"))):30 return getattr(upcean.validate.validate, "get_"+bctype+"_checksum")(upc);31 if(not hasattr(upcean.validate.validate, "get_"+bctype+"_checksum") or not callable(getattr(upcean.validate.validate, "get_"+bctype+"_checksum"))):32 return False;33 return False;34def fix_checksum(bctype, upc):35 if(bctype not in"tuple")):36 return False;37 if(hasattr(upcean.validate.validate, "fix_"+bctype+"_checksum") and callable(getattr(upcean.validate.validate, "fix_"+bctype+"_checksum"))):38 return getattr(upcean.validate.validate, "fix_"+bctype+"_checksum")(upc);39 if(not hasattr(upcean.validate.validate, "fix_"+bctype+"_checksum") or not callable(getattr(upcean.validate.validate, "fix_"+bctype+"_checksum"))):40 return False;...

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1import asyncio2from pyrogram import Client3from pyrogram.errors import FloodWait, UserNotParticipant4from pyrogram.types import InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton, Message5from config import F_SUB_CHANNEL67CHANNEL_ID = F_SUB_CHANNEL8910async def ForceSub(bot: Client, event: Message):11 try:12 await bot.get_chat_member(chat_id=(int(CHANNEL_ID) if CHANNEL_ID.startswith("-100") else CHANNEL_ID), except FloodWait as e:14 await asyncio.sleep(e.x)15 fix_ = await ForceSub(bot, event)16 return fix_17 except UserNotParticipant:18 try:19 link = await bot.create_chat_invite_link(chat_id=(int(CHANNEL_ID) if CHANNEL_ID.startswith("-100") else CHANNEL_ID)) 20 gh = await bot.send_message(21,22 text=f"""23⚠️ **Access Denied** {event.from_user.mention}24❗️ You Must Join This Channel First !25""",26 reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup(27 [28 [29 InlineKeyboardButton("🚀 Join Now ", url=f"{link}"),30 ],31 ]32 ),33 disable_web_page_preview=True,34 reply_to_message_id=event.message_id35 )36 await asyncio.sleep(10)37 await gh.delete()38 return 40039 except:40 event.continue_propagation() 41 except FloodWait as e:42 await asyncio.sleep(e.x)43 fix_ = await ForceSub(bot, event)44 return fix_45 except Exception as err:46 print(f"Something Went Wrong! Unable to do Force Subscribe.\nError: {err}\n\nContact Support Group: https:/​/​​ONLY_DUSKY") ...

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