How to use test_result_type method in hypothesis

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python2"""3Examples:4 -l 6 -o /​tmp/​rank_test_call_method_6_m40000.tsv -m 400005 6 -l 6,7 -o /​tmp/​rank_test_call_method_6_7_a.tsv -a7 8 #check TopSNP test results9 -l 17 -x /​tmp/​top_snp_test_call_method_17_g_f200.png -g -y 2 -f 20010 11Description:12 Output Test result in data matrix. either CandidateGeneRankSumTestResult or CandidateGeneTopSNPTest13 In the outputted matrix, -1 = NA. -2 = (pvalue=0).14 15"""16import sys, os, math17#bit_number = math.log(sys.maxint)/​math.log(2)18#if bit_number>40: #64bit19sys.path.insert(0, os.path.expanduser('~/​lib/​python'))20sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/​script')))21import getopt, csv, math22import Numeric, cPickle23from pymodule import PassingData, importNumericArray, write_data_matrix, SNPData24import Stock_250kDB25from Stock_250kDB import Snps, SnpsContext, ResultsMethod, GeneList, GeneListType, \26 CandidateGeneTopSNPTest, CandidateGeneRankSumTestResult, AnalysisMethod, PhenotypeMethod, ResultsByGene27from sets import Set28from pymodule.DrawMatrix import drawMatrix, drawLegend, drawContinousLegend, get_font, combineTwoImages, Value2Color29num = importNumericArray()30class OutputTestResultInMatrix(object):31 __doc__ = __doc__32 option_default_dict = {('drivername', 1,):['mysql', 'v', 1, 'which type of database? mysql or postgres', ],\33 ('hostname', 1, ): ['', 'z', 1, 'hostname of the db server', ],\34 ('dbname', 1, ): ['stock_250k', 'd', 1, 'database name', ],\35 ('schema', 0, ): [None, 'k', 1, 'database schema name', ],\36 ('db_user', 1, ): [None, 'u', 1, 'database username', ],\37 ('db_passwd', 1, ): [None, 'p', 1, 'database password', ],\38 ("min_distance", 1, int): [20000, 'm', 1, 'minimum distance allowed from the SNP to gene'],\39 ("get_closest", 0, int): [0, 'g', 0, 'only get genes closest to the SNP within that distance'],\40 ('min_MAF', 1, float): [0.1, 'n', 1, 'minimum Minor Allele Frequency.'],\41 ('max_pvalue_per_gene', 0, int): [0, 'a', 0, 'take the most significant among all SNPs associated with one gene'],\42 ('min_sample_size', 0, int): [5, 'i', 1, 'minimum size for both candidate and non-candidate sets to do wilcox.test'],\43 ('no_of_top_snps', 1, int): [100, 'f', 1, 'For test_result_type=2. how many number of top snps based on score or -log10(pvalue).'],\44 ('call_method_id_ls', 1, ):[None, 'l', 1, 'Restrict results based on these call_methods, coma-separated list of ids.'],\45 ('analysis_method_id_ls', 0, ):[None, 'j', 1, 'Restrict results based on these analysis, coma-separated. Default is no such restriction.'],\46 ("test_result_type", 1, int): [1, 'y', 1, 'Which test result to output. 1: CandidateGeneRankSumTestResult, 2: CandidateGeneTopSNPTest, 3: CandidateGeneRankSumTestResultMethod'],\47 ("super_type_id", 0, int): [1, 'q', 1, 'Super Type ID for candidate gene lists'],\48 ('font_path', 1, ):['/​usr/​share/​fonts/​truetype/​freefont/​FreeSerif.ttf', 'e', 1, 'path of the font used to draw labels'],\49 ('font_size', 1, int):[20, 's', 1, 'size of font, which determines the size of the whole figure.'],\50 ("output_fname", 0, ): [None, 'o', 1, 'Filename to store data matrix'],\51 ("fig_fname", 1, ): [None, 'x', 1, 'File name for the figure'],\52 ("no_of_ticks", 1, int): [15, 't', 1, 'Number of ticks on the legend'],\53 ("test_type", 1, int): [0, 'w', 1, 'which type of test in each result_type. column test_type. Check or for info.'],\54 ('commit', 0, int):[0, 'c', 0, 'commit the db operation. this commit happens after every db operation, not wait till the end.'],\55 ('debug', 0, int):[0, 'b', 0, 'toggle debug mode'],\56 ('report', 0, int):[0, 'r', 0, 'toggle report, more verbose stdout/​stderr.']}57 58 def __init__(self, **keywords):59 """60 2008-07-2461 split results_method_id_ls if it exists, to accomodate MpiGeneListRankTest which removed this option62 2008-07-1063 """64 from pymodule import ProcessOptions65 = ProcessOptions.process_function_arguments(keywords, self.option_default_dict, error_doc=self.__doc__, class_to_have_attr=self)66 67 def getListTypeInfo(self, db, where_condition):68 """69 2008-08-2970 add -1 as a separator into list_type_id_ls71 """72 sys.stderr.write("Getting list type info ...")73 rows = db.metadata.bind.execute("select distinct c.list_type_id, g.biology_category_id from %s order by g.biology_category_id, list_type_id"\74 %(where_condition))75 list_type_id_ls = []76 prev_biology_category_id = None77 for row in rows:78 if prev_biology_category_id == None:79 prev_biology_category_id = row.biology_category_id80 elif row.biology_category_id!=prev_biology_category_id:81 prev_biology_category_id = row.biology_category_id82 list_type_id_ls.append(-1)83 list_type_id_ls.append(row.list_type_id)84 sys.stderr.write("Done.\n")85 return list_type_id_ls86 87 88 def getAnalysisMethodInfo(self, db, where_condition):89 sys.stderr.write("Getting analysis method info ...")90 rows = db.metadata.bind.execute("select distinct r.analysis_method_id from %s order by analysis_method_id"\91 %(where_condition))92 analysis_method_id_ls = []93 for row in rows:94 analysis_method_id_ls.append(row.analysis_method_id)95 sys.stderr.write("Done.\n")96 return analysis_method_id_ls97 98 def getPhenotypeInfo(self, db, where_condition):99 """100 2008-08-29101 add -1 as a separator into phenotype_method_id_ls and others102 """103 sys.stderr.write("Getting phenotype method info ...")104 rows = db.metadata.bind.execute("select distinct r.phenotype_method_id, p.biology_category_id from %s p, %s and order by p.biology_category_id, r.phenotype_method_id"\105 %(, where_condition))106 phenotype_method_id_ls = []107 phenotype_method_id2index = {}108 phenotype_method_label_ls = []109 prev_biology_category_id = None110 no_of_separators = 0111 for row in rows:112 if prev_biology_category_id == None:113 prev_biology_category_id = row.biology_category_id114 elif row.biology_category_id!=prev_biology_category_id:115 prev_biology_category_id = row.biology_category_id116 #add a blank phenotype id as separator117 no_of_separators += 1118 phenotype_method_id2index[-no_of_separators] = len(phenotype_method_id_ls)119 phenotype_method_id_ls.append(-no_of_separators)120 phenotype_method_label_ls.append('')121 phenotype_method_id2index[row.phenotype_method_id] = len(phenotype_method_id_ls)122 phenotype_method_id_ls.append(row.phenotype_method_id)123 pm = PhenotypeMethod.get(row.phenotype_method_id)124 phenotype_method_label_ls.append('%s_%s'%(, pm.short_name))125 phenotype_info = PassingData()126 phenotype_info.phenotype_method_id2index = phenotype_method_id2index127 phenotype_info.phenotype_method_id_ls = phenotype_method_id_ls128 phenotype_info.phenotype_method_label_ls = phenotype_method_label_ls129 sys.stderr.write("Done.\n")130 return phenotype_info131 132 def orderListTypeAnalysisMethodID(self, list_type_id_ls, analysis_method_id_ls):133 """134 2008-08-29135 deal with separator (list_type_id=-1) in list_type_id_ls136 """137 sys.stderr.write("Orderinig list type id and analysis_method id ... ")138 list_type_id_analysis_method_id_ls = []139 list_type_id_analysis_method_id2index = {}140 list_type_analysis_method_label_ls = []141 no_of_separators = 0142 for list_type_id in list_type_id_ls:143 if list_type_id==-1: #separator144 no_of_separators += 1145 tup = (-no_of_separators,-1)146 list_type_id_analysis_method_id2index[tup] = len(list_type_id_analysis_method_id_ls)147 list_type_id_analysis_method_id_ls.append(tup)148 list_type_analysis_method_label_ls.append('')149 continue150 list_type_short_name = GeneListType.get(list_type_id).short_name151 for analysis_method_id in analysis_method_id_ls:152 analysis_method_short_name = AnalysisMethod.get(analysis_method_id).short_name153 tup = (list_type_id, analysis_method_id)154 list_type_id_analysis_method_id2index[tup] = len(list_type_id_analysis_method_id_ls)155 list_type_id_analysis_method_id_ls.append(tup)156 list_type_analysis_method_label_ls.append('%s_%s_%s'%(analysis_method_short_name, list_type_short_name, list_type_id))157 return_data = PassingData()158 return_data.list_type_id_analysis_method_id_ls = list_type_id_analysis_method_id_ls159 return_data.list_type_id_analysis_method_id2index = list_type_id_analysis_method_id2index160 return_data.list_type_analysis_method_label_ls = list_type_analysis_method_label_ls161 sys.stderr.write("Done.\n")162 return return_data163 164 def get_data_matrix(self, db, phenotype_info, list_type_analysis_method_info, where_condition):165 sys.stderr.write("Getting data matrix ...")166 data_matrix = num.zeros([len(list_type_analysis_method_info.list_type_id_analysis_method_id2index), len(phenotype_info.phenotype_method_id2index)], num.float)167 data_matrix[:] = -1168 i = 0169 rows = db.metadata.bind.execute("select r.analysis_method_id, r.phenotype_method_id, c.* from %s order by analysis_method_id"\170 %(where_condition))171 min_value = None172 max_value = None173 for row in rows:174 tup = (row.list_type_id, row.analysis_method_id)175 row_index = list_type_analysis_method_info.list_type_id_analysis_method_id2index[tup]176 col_index = phenotype_info.phenotype_method_id2index[row.phenotype_method_id]177 if row.pvalue>0:178 data_value = -math.log10(row.pvalue)179 if min_value==None:180 min_value = data_value181 elif data_value<min_value:182 min_value = data_value183 184 if max_value==None:185 max_value=data_value186 elif data_value>max_value:187 max_value =data_value188 else:189 data_value = -2 #0 pvalue190 data_matrix[row_index, col_index] = data_value191 sys.stderr.write("Done.\n")192 return_data = PassingData()193 return_data.data_matrix = data_matrix194 return_data.min_value = min_value195 return_data.max_value = max_value196 return return_data197 198 def markDataMatrixBoundary(self, data_matrix, phenotype_info, list_type_analysis_method_info):199 """200 2008-09-01201 mark boundary between different groups of rows and columns202 all those separators have id <0 and mark them with a value different from NA_value, -3.203 """204 sys.stderr.write("Marking data matrix boundaries ...")205 for row_id in list_type_analysis_method_info.list_type_id_analysis_method_id2index:206 if row_id[0]<0: #row_id is a tuple207 row_index = list_type_analysis_method_info.list_type_id_analysis_method_id2index[row_id]208 data_matrix[row_index,:] = -3209 for col_id in phenotype_info.phenotype_method_id2index:210 if col_id<0:211 col_index = phenotype_info.phenotype_method_id2index[col_id]212 data_matrix[:, col_index] = -3213 sys.stderr.write("Done.\n")214 return data_matrix215 216 def run(self): 217 if self.debug:218 import pdb219 pdb.set_trace()220 db = Stock_250kDB.Stock_250kDB(drivername=self.drivername, username=self.db_user,221 password=self.db_passwd, hostname=self.hostname, database=self.dbname, schema=self.schema)222 db.setup()223 session = db.session224 225 if self.test_result_type==1:226 test_result_class_table = CandidateGeneRankSumTestResult.table.name227 test_result_class_table = 'candidate_gene_rank_sum_test_result_2008_09_15'228 elif self.test_result_type==2:229 test_result_class_table = CandidateGeneTopSNPTest.table.name230 elif self.test_result_type==3:231 test_result_class_table = Stock_250kDB.CandidateGeneRankSumTestResultMethod.table.name232 else:233 sys.stderr.write(" test_result_type %s not supported.\n"%(self.test_result_type))234 sys.exit(2)235 #the condition for min_MAF is tricky because of the floating precision.236 if self.test_result_type==1:237 where_condition = "%s r, %s c, %s g where and r.analysis_method_id is not null \238 and and c.get_closest=%s and c.min_distance=%s and abs(c.min_MAF-%s)<0.00001"\239 %(, test_result_class_table,, self.get_closest, self.min_distance, self.min_MAF)240 elif self.test_result_type==2:241 where_condition = "%s r, %s rg, %s c, %s g where and r.analysis_method_id is not null and \242 and and c.get_closest=%s and c.min_distance=%s and abs(c.min_MAF-%s)<0.00001"\243 %(,, test_result_class_table,, self.get_closest, self.min_distance, self.min_MAF)244 elif self.test_result_type==3:245 where_condition = "%s r, %s c, %s g where and r.analysis_method_id is not null \246 and and c.get_closest=%s and c.min_distance=%s and abs(c.min_MAF-%s)<0.00001"\247 %(, test_result_class_table,, self.get_closest, self.min_distance, self.min_MAF)248 if self.call_method_id_ls:249 where_condition += " and r.call_method_id in (%s)"%self.call_method_id_ls250 251 if self.analysis_method_id_ls:252 where_condition += " and r.analysis_method_id in (%s)"%self.analysis_method_id_ls253 if self.super_type_id:254 where_condition += " and g.super_type_id=%s"%self.super_type_id255 256 if self.test_type:257 where_condition += " and c.test_type=%s"%self.test_type258 259 if self.test_result_type==1:260 pass261 where_condition += " and c.max_pvalue_per_gene=%s"%(self.max_pvalue_per_gene)262 elif self.test_result_type==2:263 where_condition += " and c.no_of_top_snps=%s"%(self.no_of_top_snps) 264 265 list_type_id_ls = self.getListTypeInfo(db, where_condition)266 analysis_method_id_ls = self.getAnalysisMethodInfo(db, where_condition)267 list_type_analysis_method_info = self.orderListTypeAnalysisMethodID(list_type_id_ls, analysis_method_id_ls)268 phenotype_info = self.getPhenotypeInfo(db, where_condition)269 rdata = self.get_data_matrix(db, phenotype_info, list_type_analysis_method_info, where_condition)270 271 rdata.data_matrix = self.markDataMatrixBoundary(rdata.data_matrix, phenotype_info, list_type_analysis_method_info)272 273 header = ['list_type_analysis_method', ''] + phenotype_info.phenotype_method_label_ls274 strain_acc_list = list_type_analysis_method_info.list_type_analysis_method_label_ls275 category_list = list_type_analysis_method_info.list_type_id_analysis_method_id_ls276 if SNPData.isDataMatrixEmpty(rdata.data_matrix):277 sys.stderr.write("Nothing fetched from database.\n")278 sys.exit(3)279 if self.output_fname:280 write_data_matrix(rdata.data_matrix, self.output_fname, header, strain_acc_list, category_list)281 282 if self.fig_fname:283 font = get_font(self.font_path, font_size=self.font_size) #2008-08-01284 value2color_func = lambda x: Value2Color.value2HSLcolor(x, rdata.min_value, rdata.max_value)285 im_legend = drawContinousLegend(rdata.min_value, rdata.max_value, self.no_of_ticks, value2color_func, font)286'%s_legend.png'%self.fig_fname_prefix)287 im = drawMatrix(rdata.data_matrix, value2color_func, list_type_analysis_method_info.list_type_analysis_method_label_ls,\288 phenotype_info.phenotype_method_label_ls, with_grid=1, font=font)289 im = combineTwoImages(im, im_legend, font=font)290 292if __name__ == '__main__':293 from pymodule import ProcessOptions294 main_class = OutputTestResultInMatrix295 po = ProcessOptions(sys.argv, main_class.option_default_dict, error_doc=main_class.__doc__)296 297 instance = main_class(**po.long_option2value)...

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1import argparse2import collections3import itertools4import json5import os6import re7import subprocess as sp8import sys9DEFAULT_TIME_LIMIT = 210TEST_RESULT_TYPE = {11 'pass': 'OK ',12 'file_not_found': " ? ",13 'compile_error': 'CE ',14 'wrong_answer': 'WA ',15 'runtime_error': 'RE ',16 'time_limit_exceed': 'TLE',17 'memory_limit_exceed': 'MLE',18}19MEMORY_LIMIT = 51220COMPILE_OUT = 'a.out'21RUN_OUT = 'b.out'22ERROR_OUT = 'e.out'23CPP_COMPILE_CMD = ['g++', '-O2', '-static', '-o', COMPILE_OUT, '']24RUN_CMD = {25 'cpp': ['/​usr/​bin/​time', '--verbose', './​' + COMPILE_OUT],26 'py': ['/​usr/​bin/​time', '--verbose', 'python3', '', '<', '']27}28COMPARE_CMD = ['diff', '-Z', RUN_OUT, '']29TEST_HARNESS_CMD = ['python3', '', '', RUN_OUT, '']30FAIL_SCRIPT = 'Test Failed.\n Error Code: {}\n'31class _TestEntry:32 __slots__ = {'setid', 'caseid', 'fin', 'fout', 'rtype', 'time', 'memory'}33 def __init__(self, setid, caseid):34 self.setid = setid35 self.caseid = caseid36 self.fin = self.fout = self.rtype = self.time = self.memory = None37 38 def __lt__(self, other):39 if self.setid != other.setid:40 return self.setid < other.setid41 42 return self.caseid < other.caseid43 44 def __repr__(self):45 rep = {46 'setid': self.setid,47 'caseid': self.caseid,48 'fin': self.fin,49 'fout': self.fout,50 'rtype': self.rtype,51 'time': self.time, 52 'memory': self.memory53 }54 return json.dumps(rep, separators=(',', ':'), indent=2)55def find_test_cases(folder):56 files = os.listdir(folder)57 entry_dict = {}58 for f in files:59 name = f60 if f.endswith('.in'):61 out = False62 f = f[:-3]63 elif f.endswith('.out'):64 out = True65 f = f[:-4]66 else:67 continue68 69 if f in entry_dict:70 if not entry_dict[f].fout:71 entry_dict[f].fout = os.path.join(folder, name)72 else:73 entry_dict[f].fin = os.path.join(folder, name)74 else:75 i = f.find('.')76 f = f[i+1:]77 if '.' in f:78 i = f.find('.')79 setid, caseid = f[:i], f[i+1:]80 elif '-' in f:81 i = f.find('-')82 setid, caseid = f[:i], f[i+1:]83 elif f.startswith('sample'):84 setid, caseid = 'sample', f[6:]85 if not caseid:86 caseid = 187 elif f.startswith('samp'):88 setid, caseid = 'sample', f[4:]89 if not caseid:90 caseid = 191 elif re.match(r'(\d+)([a-z])', f):92 setid, caseid = f[:-1], ord(f[-1]) - ord('a') + 193 else:94 setid, caseid = f, 195 96 setid = int(setid) if setid != 'sample' else 097 caseid = int(caseid) if caseid != 'sample' else 198 entry = _TestEntry(setid, caseid)99 if out:100 entry.fout = os.path.join(folder, name)101 else:102 entry.fin = os.path.join(folder, name)103 entry_dict[name[:name.rfind('.')]] = entry104 105 entries = sorted(list(entry_dict.values()))106 group, setid = [], ''107 for entry in entries:108 if entry.setid != setid:109 group.append({110 'setid': entry.setid,111 'cases': []112 })113 setid = entry.setid114 115 group[-1]['cases'].append(entry)116 117 return group118def compile(src):119 if src.endswith('.py'):120 RUN_CMD['py'][-3] = src121 return True, []122 123 CPP_COMPILE_CMD[-1] = src124 proc = sp.Popen(CPP_COMPILE_CMD, stderr=sp.PIPE)125 err = [line.decode('utf-8').strip() for line in proc.stderr]126 success = os.path.isfile(COMPILE_OUT)127 return success, err128def run(case_group, lang, limit):129 total = passed = 0130 cmd = RUN_CMD[lang]131 for group in case_group:132 setid = 'sample' if group['setid'] == 0 else group['setid']133 print(f'Test Set {setid}')134 success = True135 for case in group['cases']:136 if args.early_stop and not success:137 print(f'Case #{case.caseid:02d}: -- | Runtime: --, Memory: --')138 continue139 stats = {}140 proc = None141 with open(case.fin, 'r') as fin, open(RUN_OUT, 'w') as fout, open(ERROR_OUT, 'w') as ferr:142 try:143 if lang == 'py':144 cmd[-1] = case.fin145 proc =, stdin=fin, stdout=fout, stderr=ferr, timeout=limit+1)146 except sp.TimeoutExpired:147 stats['time'] = limit+1148 stats['memory'] = -1149 150 151 with open(ERROR_OUT, 'r') as f:152 for line in f:153 line = line.strip()154 if line.startswith('User time'):155 stats['time'] = float(line[line.rfind(':')+1:])156 elif line.startswith('Maximum resident set size'):157 stats['memory'] = float(line[line.rfind(':')+1:]) /​ 1000158 159 case.time = stats['time']160 case.memory = stats['memory']161 if proc is not None and proc.returncode != 0:162 if proc.stderr:163 print(proc.stderr.decode('utf-8'))164 if proc.stdout:165 print(proc.stderr.decode('utf-8'))166 case.rtype = TEST_RESULT_TYPE['runtime_error']167 elif stats['time'] > limit:168 case.rtype = TEST_RESULT_TYPE['time_limit_exceed']169 elif stats['memory'] > MEMORY_LIMIT:170 case.rtype = TEST_RESULT_TYPE['memory_limit_exceed']171 else:172 ok = test(case)173 case.rtype = TEST_RESULT_TYPE['pass'] if ok else TEST_RESULT_TYPE['wrong_answer']174 175 ok = case.rtype == TEST_RESULT_TYPE['pass']176 success &= ok177 178 if case.rtype == TEST_RESULT_TYPE['time_limit_exceed']:179 time = f'{limit:.2f}+'180 memory = ' -- '181 else:182 time = f'{case.time:.2f}s'183 memory = f'{case.memory:.3f}'184 print(f'Case #{case.caseid:02d}: {case.rtype} | Runtime: {time}, Memory: {memory}MB')185 print()186 187 group['status'] = 'Pass' if success else 'Fail'188 if setid != 'sample':189 total += 1190 if success:191 passed += 1192 print(f'Total {passed}/​{total} test sets passed.')193 194def test(case):195 fout = case.fout196 if args.tol != -1:197 return _test_num_close(RUN_OUT, fout)198 elif args.harness:199 return _test_harness(args.harness, case.fin, RUN_OUT, fout)200 else:201 return _test_diff(fout)202def _test_diff(sol):203 COMPARE_CMD[-1] = sol204 proc =, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE)205 if proc.stdout:206 print(proc.stdout.decode('utf-8'))207 if proc.stderr:208 print(proc.stderr.decode('utf-8'))209 210 return not proc.stderr and not proc.stdout211def _test_num_close(ans, sol):212 with open(ans, 'r') as fans, open(sol, 'r') as fsol:213 for la, ls in itertools.zip_longest(iter(fans), iter(fsol), fillvalue=''):214 215 if not la or not ls:216 return False217 try:218 la, ls = float(la), float(ls)219 if abs(la - ls) > args.tol:220 return False221 except Exception:222 return False223 return True224def _test_harness(test_file, input_file, ans, sol):225 TEST_HARNESS_CMD[1] = test_file226 TEST_HARNESS_CMD[2] = input_file227 TEST_HARNESS_CMD[-1] = sol228 proc =, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE)229 if proc.stdout:230 print(proc.stdout.decode('utf-8'))231 if proc.stderr:232 print(proc.stderr.decode('utf-8'))233 return not proc.stderr and not proc.stdout234def print_result(case_group):235 # not used236 total = ok = 0237 for group in case_group:238 setid = 'Sample' if group['setid'] == 0 else group['setid']239 print(f'Test Set {setid}: {group["status"]}')240 if setid != 'Sample':241 total += 1242 if (group['status'] == 'Pass'):243 ok += 1244 for case in group['cases']:245 print(f'Case #{case.caseid}: {case.rtype} | Runtime: {case.time:.2f}s, Memory: {case.memory:.3f}MB')246 print()247 248 print(f'Total {ok}/​{total} test sets passed.')249def cleanup(compile_file=True):250 if compile_file and os.path.exists(COMPILE_OUT):251 os.remove(COMPILE_OUT)252 if os.path.exists(RUN_OUT):253 os.remove(RUN_OUT)254 if os.path.exists(ERROR_OUT):255 os.remove(ERROR_OUT)256def check(src, test_folder, lang, limit):257 # cleanup old files258 cleanup()259 # file src file260 if not os.path.isfile(src):261 print(f"File {os.path.abspath(src)} does not exist.")262 263 # list test cases264 if not os.path.isdir(test_folder):265 print(f"Path {os.path.abspath(test_folder)} does not exist or is not a folder.")266 case_group = find_test_cases(test_folder)267 # compile src if needed268 success, error = compile(src)269 if error:270 for line in error:271 print(line)272 if not success:273 print(FAIL_SCRIPT.format(TEST_RESULT_TYPE['compile_error']))274 sys.exit(1)275 # run src on test cases276 run(case_group, lang, limit)277 # cleanup, keep compile files in case manual debugging is needed278 cleanup(args.cleanup)279if __name__ == "__main__":280 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()281 parser.add_argument('--src', '-s', type=str, help='source program file', required=True)282 parser.add_argument('--data', '-d', type=str, help='test folder', required=True)283 parser.add_argument('--lang', '-l', type=str, help='language used. Now support cpp and py', required=True)284 parser.add_argument('--tol', '-t', type=float, help='Threshold to numeric answers.', required=False, default=-1)285 parser.add_argument('--harness', '-H', type=str, help='program to test correctness', required=False)286 parser.add_argument('--timeout', '-T', type=float, help='timeout limit on each test case.', required=False, default=2)287 parser.add_argument('--cleanup', '-c', type=str, help='delete compiled file after finishing the testing', required=False, default='')288 parser.add_argument('--early-stop', '-e', type=str, help='stop current test set when one case if failed', default='')289 args = parser.parse_args()290 if args.lang not in {'cpp', 'py'}:291 print('Language only support cpp or py now.')292 sys.exit(1)293 if args.tol != -1 and args.harness:294 print('tol and harness cannot be set together.')295 sys.exit(1)...

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1import pytest2from MySQLdb import _mysql3def test_result_type():4 with pytest.raises(TypeError):...

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