How to use starting_lists method in hypothesis

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1import time2import os3import numpy as np4import elasticsearch as es5from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch6from gensim.summarization import keywords7from collections import Counter8import gexf9import redis10from igraph import *11121314'''15Main class representing similarity graph extracted from seeds16 17 Attributes: integer k : min # common lists to create edge18 string encoding the desired output in the dictionary of seeds19 list of seeds20 dictionary of edges with valences21 set of vertices ids22 dictionary of frequency of visits of each vertice23 dictionary of Louvain communities membership24 dictionary of list ids of each community25 dictionary of keywords of lists in each community26 dictionary of information about vertices (frequency, name, cluster membership)27 28 Methods:__init__ : Either connects to redis to grow the graph from the seeds or reads29 a precomputed graph30 totxt : writes the edges of the graph and their valences (dict of dicts)31 writes the frequency of visits of each vertice by the random walk32 louvain_communities : Either computes the communities using Louvain algo and33 connect to redis to grab list ids in communities or reads34 precomputed files35 clusters_kws : Connects to elasticsearch and calculate word frequency inside36 each cluster37 to_gexf : export graph in gexf format38 get_users_info : connects to elasticsearch to get screennames of vertices and39 summarizes information about users in gaph40'''41class graph:42 K = 043 champ = ''44 seeds = []45 edges = {}46 vertices = set()47 vertices_frequency = {}48 vertices_communities = {}49 communities_lists = {}50 communities_kws = {}51 user_names_info = {}525354 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):55 K = kwargs['K']56 champ = kwargs['champ']57 dic_champs= kwargs['dic_champs']58 unwanted_lists = kwargs['unwanted_lists']59 self.K = K60 self.champ = champ61 seeds = dic_champs[champ]62 self.seeds = seeds63 if args[0] == 0:64 print('Initialisation {} : {} seeds k = {}'.format(champ,len(seeds),K))65 reduced_graphs = {}66 nodes_intensity = {}67 for seed in seeds:68 print('Starting with {}'.format(seed))69 d, dc1 = get_corona(seed, unwanted_lists, K)70 d2 = get_corona_2(dc1, unwanted_lists, K)71 final_dict, dic, dic_i = merge_dict(d, d2, seed)72 size = len(final_dict.keys())73 matrix = build_matrix(final_dict, size)74 rp, dic_paths = get_paths(matrix, dic_i[seed[7:]], dic)75 rg = reduced_graph(dic_paths.keys(), final_dict, dic)76 reduced_graphs[seed] = rg77 nodes_intensity[seed] = dic_paths78 79 self.edges = merge_graphs(reduced_graphs, seeds)80 #self.vertices = final_graph.keys()81 final_intensities = merge_intensity(nodes_intensity, seeds)82 self.vertices = set(final_intensities.keys())83 self.vertices_frequency = final_intensities84 else:85 print('Reading graph {} : k = {}'.format(champ, K))86 self.edges, self.vertices_frequency = read_graph_freq(champ, K)87 self.vertices = set(self.edges.keys())8889 def totxt(self):90 write_dict(self.edges, self.vertices_frequency, self.champ, self.K)9192 def louvain_communities(self, done = False):93 if done:94 dic_clusters, dic_lists_clusters = read_com(self.champ, self.K)95 else:96 l_edges, weights = edgelist(self.edges)97 l_vertices = self.vertices98 l_vertices = list(set(l_vertices))99 l_vertices = sorted([int(t) for t in l_vertices])100 l_vertices = [str(t) for t in l_vertices]101 #print('1')102 g = Graph(directed = False)103 g.add_vertices(l_vertices)104 #print('2')105 g.add_edges(l_edges)106['weight'] = weights107 #print('3')108 p = g.community_multilevel(weights = weights)109 dic_lists_clusters = {}110 dic_clusters = {}111 r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost')112 for i,cl in enumerate(p):113 lists = set()114 ids = set()115 for v in cl:116 v = g.vs[v]['name']117 ids.add(v)118 for listname in r.smembers('userId:' + v):119 lists.add(listname.decode('utf-8'))120 dic_lists_clusters[i] = lists121 dic_clusters[i] = ids122123 write_clusters(dic_clusters, dic_lists_clusters, self.champ, self.K)124 #print(g.modularity(p))125 self.vertices_communities = dic_clusters126 self.communities_lists = dic_lists_clusters127 return dic_clusters, dic_lists_clusters128 #print([g.vs[t]['name'] for t in p[0]], p[1])129 #print(q)130 #print(g.vcount())131 #print(g.ecount())132133 def clusters_kws(self, done = False):134 if done:135 c_kws = read_kws(self.champ, self.K)136 else:137 es_t = Elasticsearch([{'local': 'localhost'}])138 c_kws = {}139 d_names = {}140 for k, v in self.communities_lists.items():141 #maybe a list to take into account # of occurences142 names = set()143 #print(str(k))144 for l in v:145 nm = get_list_name(es_t,l)146 names.add(nm)147 d_names[k] = names148 txt = ' '.join(list(names))149 wds = min(5,len(names))150 #print('--------------doing kws')151 #kws = keywords(txt, words = wds)152 ws = txt.split(' ')153 unwanted_words = ['/​','et','&', '-', '***NoListName***', 'de', ',', '_', '.', 'the', 'of', 'les', 'le', 'la', 'and', 'list','my']154 ws = [x.strip() for x in ws if len(x)>0]155 ws = [x.lower() for x in ws]156 ws = [x for x in ws if x not in unwanted_words]157 kws = Counter(ws).most_common(wds)158 print(kws)159 print('\n')160 c_kws[k] = kws161 #print('--------------done with kws')162 #c_kws[k] = [t.encode('ascii', 'ignore') for t in kws.split('\n')]163 write_names(d_names, self.champ, self.K)164 write_kws(c_kws, self.champ, self.K)165 self.communities_kws = c_kws166 return c_kws167168 def to_gexf(self):169 edges = set()170 champ = self.champ171 k = self.K172 gexf_file = gexf.Gexf('Graph similarity',champ + str(k))173 gph = gexf_file.addGraph('gr',"undirected", "static")174 intensAtt = gph.addNodeAttribute("intensity","0.0","float")175 clussAtt = gph.addNodeAttribute("cluster","100","int")176177 with open('../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​user_names_info.txt'.format(champ, str(k)), 'r') as f:178 for line in f:179 line = line[:-1]180 line = line.split(',')181 n = gph.addNode(line[0], line[1])182 #, attributes={'intensity':line[2], 'cluster':line[3]})183 n.addAttribute(intensAtt, line[2])184 n.addAttribute(clussAtt, line[3])185186 with open('../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​graph.txt'.format(champ,str(k)), 'r') as f:187 eid = 0188 for line in f:189 line = line[:-1]190 line = line.split(';')191 u1 = line[0]192 for u2, val in [el.split(',') for el in line [1:]]:193 if (u1, u2) not in edges and (u2, u1) not in edges:194 eid += 1195 edges.add((u1, u2))196 gph.addEdge(eid, u1, u2, weight=val)197198 file = open('./​graph_{}_{}/​graphe.gexf'.format(champ, str(k)), 'wb')199 gexf_file.write(file)200201 def get_users_info(self, done=False):202 if done:203 dic_names_info = read_user_info(self.champ, self.K)204 else:205 dic_names_freq = {}206 es_t = Elasticsearch([{'local': 'localhost'}])207 for k, v in self.vertices_frequency.items():208 try:209 name ='twitter', body={'query': {'match': {'userId': k}}})['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']['screenName'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')210 except:211 name = '**noName**'212 dic_names_freq[k] = [name, v]213 dic_names_cluster = {}214 for k, v in self.vertices_communities.items():215 for u in v:216 dic_names_cluster[u] = k217 dic_names_info = {}218 for k, v in dic_names_freq.items():219 dic_names_info[k] = v + [dic_names_cluster[k]]220 self.user_names_info = dic_names_info221 write_user_info(dic_names_info, self.champ, self.K)222 return dic_names_info223224 def print_cluster_info(self):225 for k in self.vertices_communities.keys():226 kws = ''227 for kw in self.communities_kws[k]:228 kws = kws + ',' + kw229 print(str(k) + ',' + str(len(self.vertices_communities[k])) + kws)230231 def get_desired_vertices(self, d_c):232 directory = '../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​'.format(self.champ, self.K)233 with open(directory + 'desired_vertices.txt', 'w') as f:234 for k,v in self.vertices_communities.items():235 if k in d_c:236 for uid in v:237 f.write(uid + '\n')238239240241def get_vertices_lists(champ, k, biglist):242 users = set()243 directory = '../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​'.format(champ,k)244 with open(directory + 'desired_vertices.txt', 'r') as f:245 for line in f:246 users.add(line[:-1])247 r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost')248 dic_users_lists = lists_of_users(users, r, biglist)249 with open(directory + 'vertices_lists.txt', 'w') as f:250 for k,v in dic_users_lists.items():251 f.write(k)252 for li in v:253 f.write(',' + li)254 f.write('\n')255256# Write file with frequencies of visit, screenames and clusters of users257def write_user_info(dico, champ, k):258 directory = '../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​'.format(champ, k)259 with open(directory + 'user_names_info.txt', 'w') as f:260 for k, v in dico.items():261 f.write(k + ',' + v[0] + ',' + str(v[1]) + ',' + str(v[2]) + '\n')262263264# Reads info about users and stores it in dictionary of lists265def read_user_info(champ, k):266 dic_names_info = {}267 directory = '../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​'.format(champ, k)268 try:269 with open(directory + 'user_names_info.txt', 'r') as f:270 for line in f:271 line = line[:-1]272 line = line.split(',')273 dic_names_info[line[0]] = [line[1], line[2], line[3]]274 return dic_names_info275 except:276 print('No such file user_names_info')277 return False278279280# Write names of lists of users by clusters281def write_names(dic, champ, k):282 directory = '../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​'.format(champ, k)283 with open(directory + 'cluster_names.txt', 'w') as f:284 for k, v in dic.items():285 f.write(str(k))286 for name in v:287 f.write(',' + name)288 f.write('\n')289290291# Query elasticsearch to get listname292def get_list_name(es_con, listid):293 try:294 name ='twitter', body={"query": {"match": {'listId':listid}}})['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']['listName'].encode('ascii', 'ignore')295 except:296 name = '***NoListName***'297 if name != '':298 if name[-1] == '\n':299 name = name[:-1]300 return name301302303# Write keywords of listnames by clusters304def write_kws(dic, champ, k):305 directory = '../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​'.format(champ, k)306 with open(directory + 'clusters_kws.txt', 'w') as f:307 for k, v in dic.items():308 f.write(str(k))309 for kw in v:310 f.write(',' + kw[0])311 f.write('\n')312313314# Read file of keywords of clusters and store in dictionary315def read_kws(champ, k):316 c_kws = {}317 directory = '../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​'.format(champ, k)318 try:319 with open(directory + 'clusters_kws.txt', 'r') as f:320 for line in f:321 line = line.split(',')322 kws = []323 for kw in line[1:]:324 if kw[-1] == '\n':325 kw = kw[:-1]326 kws.append(kw)327 c_kws[int(line[0])] = kws328 return c_kws329 except:330 print('No such file')331 return False332333334# Writes file with clusters membership of users 335# file with lists occuring in each cluster336def write_clusters(dic_cl, dic_l_cl, champ, k):337 directory = '../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​'.format(champ, k)338 if not os.path.exists(directory):339 os.makedirs(directory)340 with open(directory + 'clusters.txt', 'w') as f:341 for k, v in dic_cl.items():342 f.write(str(k))343 for u in v:344 f.write(',' + u)345 f.write('\n')346 with open(directory + 'lists_clusters.txt', 'w') as f:347 for k, v in dic_l_cl.items():348 f.write(str(k))349 for u in v:350 f.write(',' + u)351 f.write('\n')352353354# Returns a set of tuples representing edges and a lists of corresponding weights355def edgelist(dic_edges):356 el = set()357 w = []358 for k, v in dic_edges.items():359 #print('0')360 for n, val in v.items():361 if tuple([k, n]) not in el and tuple([n, k]) not in el:362 el.add(tuple([k, n]))363 w.append(val)364 return el, w365366367# Write a file representing the graph and the frequency of visits of each vertice368def write_dict(dic, dic_intensity, champ, k):369 directory = '../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​'.format(champ, k)370 if not os.path.exists(directory):371 os.makedirs(directory)372 with open(directory + 'graph.txt', 'w') as f:373 for key, val in dic.items():374 f.write(str(key))375 for k, v in val.items():376 f.write(';' + str(k) + ',' + str(v))377 f.write('\n')378 with open(directory + 'intensity.txt', 'w') as f:379 for key, val in dic_intensity.items():380 f.write(str(key) + ',' + str(val) + '\n')381382383# Returns aggregate dictionary containing the graphs obtained from each seed384def merge_graphs(dic_graphs, seeds):385 full_dic = dic_graphs[seeds[0]].copy()386 for _ in range(1, len(seeds)):387 for user, dic_neis in dic_graphs[seeds[_]].items():388 if user in full_dic.keys():389 full_dic[user] = dict(set(full_dic[user].items()) | set(dic_neis.items()))390 else:391 full_dic[user] = dic_neis392 return full_dic393394395# Aggregation of frequency of visits of vertices starting from the different seeds396def merge_intensity(dic_imp,seeds):397 full_dic = dic_imp[seeds[0]].copy()398 for _ in range(1,len(seeds)):399 for user, imp in dic_imp[seeds[_]].items():400 if user in full_dic.keys():401 full_dic[user] += imp402 else:403 full_dic[user] = imp404 return full_dic405 406407# Filters out lists containing more than 'max_members' users408def biglists(max_members):409 big_lists = set()410 with open('../​lists_cardinality.csv','r') as f:411 next(f)412 for line in f:413 line = line.split(',')414 if int(line[2][:-1]) > max_members:415 big_lists.add(line[1][7:])416 return big_lists417418419# Return list ids containing given user 420def lists_of_user(user, r_con, biglists):421 print('Getting lists of seed.')422 lists = set(r_con.smembers(user))423 return {t.decode('utf-8') for t in lists if t.decode('utf-8') not in biglists}424425426# Return user ids belonging to a set of lists427def users_in_set_of_lists(lists, r_con, n):428 print('Getting users belonging to set of lists.')429 pipe = r_con.pipeline()430 if n == 1:431 for l in lists:432 pipe.smembers('listId:' + l)433 else:434 for l in lists:435 pipe.smembers('listId:' + l.decode('utf-8'))436 users = {j for i in pipe.execute() for j in i}437 return {t.decode('utf-8') for t in users}438439440# Return list ids containing each user of given set441def lists_of_users(users, r_con, biglists):442 print('Getting lists of set of users.')443 pipe = r_con.pipeline()444 list_users = []445 for u in users:446 list_users.append(u)447 pipe.smembers('userId:'+u)448 list_lists = pipe.execute()449 dic_corona_lists = {}450 for i,n in enumerate(list_users):451 dic_corona_lists[n] = set([t for t in list_lists[i] if t.decode('utf-8') not in biglists])452 return dic_corona_lists453454455# Forces the symmetry of a dictionary of edges456def sym_dict(dic):457 dico = {}458 for k,v in dic.items():459 for user,val in v.items():460 if k not in dico.keys():461 dico[k] = {}462 dico[k][user] = val463 if user not in dico.keys():464 dico[user] = {}465 dico[user][k] = val466 return dico 467468469# Computes intersections between sets of lists to get edges and valences470def intersection_pairs_users(dic_users,k):471 print('Calculating common lists between users.')472 dic_corona_links = {}473 for u, lu in dic_users.items():474 dic_nei_vals = {}475 for v, lv in dic_users.items():476 if v != u:477 inter = len(lu & lv)478 if inter >= k:479 dic_nei_vals[v] = inter480 if dic_nei_vals != {}:481 dic_corona_links[u] = dic_nei_vals482 return sym_dict(dic_corona_links)483484485# Computes intersections between sets of lists to get edges and weights of the graph486def intersection_pairs_users_2(dic_users_1, dic_users_2, k):487 print('Calculating common lists between users.')488 dic_corona_links = {}489 for u, lu in dic_users_1.items():490 dic_nei_vals = {}491 for v, lv in dic_users_2.items():492 inter = len(lu & lv)493 if inter >= k:494 dic_nei_vals[v] = inter495 if dic_nei_vals != {}:496 dic_corona_links[u] = dic_nei_vals497 return sym_dict(dic_corona_links)498499500# Main function to get neighbours of a seed and connections between them501def get_corona(seed, blists, k):502 print('Corona I: ')503 START = time.clock()504 r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost')505 starting_lists = lists_of_user(seed, r, blists)506 #print('Seed is in {} lists'.format(len(starting_lists)))507 users_corona = users_in_set_of_lists(starting_lists, r, 1)508 #print('N users in corona and start : {}'.format(len(users_corona)))509 dic_corona_lists = lists_of_users(users_corona, r, blists)510 dic_corona_links = intersection_pairs_users(dic_corona_lists,k)511 print('Getting corona I took {} seconds\n'.format(time.clock()-START))512 try:513 del dic_corona_lists[seed[7:]]514 except:515 print("seed not in corona lists")516 print("test 1", len(dic_corona_links))517 print('Is seed in nodes of graph corona I : ',seed[7:] in dic_corona_links)518 return dic_corona_links, dic_corona_lists519520521# Main function to get neighbours of the neighbours of the seeds522def get_corona_2(lists_corona_1, blists, k):523 print('Corona II: ')524 START = time.clock()525 users_corona_1 = set(lists_corona_1.keys())526 starting_lists = set()527 for val in lists_corona_1.values():528 starting_lists = starting_lists | val529 r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost')530 users_corona = users_in_set_of_lists(starting_lists, r, 2)531 users_corona_2 = {t for t in users_corona if t not in users_corona_1}532 #print('Starting with {} users'.format(len(users_corona_2)))533 dic_corona_2 = lists_of_users(users_corona_2, r , blists)534 dic_corona_links_2 = intersection_pairs_users_2(lists_corona_1, dic_corona_2, k)535 print('Getting corona II took {} seconds'.format(time.clock()-START))536 print("test 2", len(dic_corona_links_2)) 537 return dic_corona_links_2538539540# Create intermediate graph from one seed541def merge_dict(dic1, dic2, seed):542 nodes = set(dic1.keys()) | set(dic2.keys())543 print('Is seed in nodes of graph : ', seed[7:] in nodes)544 dic_nodes = {n:v for n,v in zip(range(len(nodes)),nodes)}545 dic_nodes_i = {n:v for n,v in zip(nodes,range(len(nodes)))}546 final_dict = {}547 for node in nodes:548 n_dict = {}549 if node in dic1.keys():550 for n,v in dic1[node].items():551 n_dict[dic_nodes_i[n]] = v552 if node in dic2.keys():553 for n,v in dic2[node].items():554 n_dict[dic_nodes_i[n]] = v555 final_dict[dic_nodes_i[node]] = n_dict556 return final_dict, dic_nodes, dic_nodes_i557558559# Return np matrix representing the graph560def build_matrix(dic, sz):561 matrix = np.zeros((sz, sz))562 for k, v in dic.items():563 for k2, val in v.items():564 matrix[int(k), int(k2)] = val565 return matrix566567568# Estimate the frequency of visits of each vertice with a rw starting from the seed569def get_paths(matrix, seed_ind, dic_users):570 paths2 =, matrix[seed_ind,:].T)571 v = np.ones(paths2.size)572 paths =, v) + paths2573 paths = (paths - np.mean(paths)) /​ np.std(paths)574 dic = {}575 for i, p in np.ndenumerate(paths):576 if p > 0:577 dic[dic_users[i[0]]] = p578 return paths, dic579580581# Eliminate vertices visited by the rw less than average582def reduced_graph(selected_users, dic, dic_users):583 red_graph = {}584 for k, v in dic.items():585 if dic_users[k] in selected_users:586 dico = {}587 for k2, val in v.items():588 if dic_users[k2] in selected_users:589 dico[dic_users[k2]] = val590 red_graph[dic_users[k]] = dico591 return red_graph592593594# Read file representing the grph and the importance of nodes595def read_graph_freq(champ, k):596 graph = {}597 intensities = {}598 directory = '../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​'.format(champ, k)599 try:600 with open(directory + 'graph.txt', 'r') as f:601 for line in f:602 line = line[:-1]603 line = line.split(';')604 dic = {}605 for pair in line[1:]:606 n, val = pair.split(',')607 dic[n] = int(val)608 graph[line[0]] = dic609 with open(directory + 'intensity.txt', 'r') as f:610 for line in f:611 v, imp = line.split(',')612 if imp[-1] == '\n':613 imp = imp[:-1]614 intensities[v] = float(imp)615 except:616 print('No such file')617 return False618 return graph, intensities619620621def read_graph_uinfo(champ, k):622 graph = {}623 user_info = {}624 directory = '../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​'.format(champ, k)625 try:626 with open(directory + 'graph.txt', 'r') as f:627 for line in f:628 line = line[:-1]629 line = line.split(';')630 dic = {}631 for pair in line[1:]:632 n, val = pair.split(',')633 dic[n] = int(val)634 graph[line[0]] = dic635 with open(directory + 'user_names_info.txt', 'r') as f:636 for line in f:637 line = line[:-1]638 v, name, imp, clu = line.split(',')639 user_info[v] =[name, float(imp)]640 except:641 print('No such file')642 return False643 return graph, user_info644645646def read_desired_users_and_lists(champ, k):647 desired_users = set()648 users_lists = {}649 directory = '../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​'.format(champ, k)650 with open(directory + 'desired_vertices.txt', 'r') as f:651 for line in f:652 desired_users.add(line[:-1])653 with open(directory + 'vertices_lists.txt', 'r') as f:654 for line in f:655 line = line[:-1].split(',')656 users_lists[line[0]] = line[1:]657 return desired_users, users_lists658659660661662# Read files reprensenting node membership to clusters and lists of each cluster663def read_com(champ, k):664 clusters = {}665 lists_on_clusters = {}666 directory = '../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​'.format(champ, k)667 try:668 with open(directory + 'clusters.txt', 'r') as f:669 for line in f:670 line = line[:-1]671 line = line.split(',')672 users = set()673 for user in line[1:]:674 users.add(user)675 clusters[int(line[0])] = users676 with open(directory + 'lists_clusters.txt', 'r') as f:677 for line in f:678 line = line[:-1]679 line = line.split(',')680 lists = set()681 for l in line[1:]:682 lists.add(l)683 lists_on_clusters[int(line[0])] = lists684 except:685 print('No such file')686 return False687 return clusters, lists_on_clusters688689690# Return direct neighborhood691def getReducedNeighbor(user, blids, k):692 START = time.clock()693 neighbor_dict = {}694 r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost')695 lists = [t for t in r.smembers(user) if t.decode('utf-8') not in blids]696 if len(lists) == 0:697 print('User {} is isolated.'.format(user))698 return neighbor_dict699 else:700 print('User {} is in {} lists.'.format(user, len(lists)))701 pipe = r.pipeline()702 for l in lists:703 listId = 'listId:' + l.decode('utf-8')704 pipe.smembers(listId)705 neighs = list(set([j for i in pipe.execute() for j in i]))706 pipe = r.pipeline()707 for n in neighs:708 ne = 'userId:' + n.decode('utf-8')709 pipe.sinter(user,ne)710 valences = pipe.execute()711 valences = [len([x for x in t if x not in blids]) for t in valences]712 print(valences[0])713 for u,val in zip(neighs, valences):714 if val > k:715 us = 'userId:' + u.decode('utf-8')716 neighbor_dict[us] = val717 print('Finding neighbors of {} took {} seconds.\n'.format(user,time.clock() - START))718 return neighbor_dict719720721# Alt grow gaph722def getGraph(seed, blists, k):723 dict_of_dicts = {}724 dict_of_dicts[seed] = getReducedNeighbor(seed, blists, k)725 keys = dict_of_dicts[seed].keys()726 print('Seed has {} neighbors.'.format(len(keys)))727 for el in keys:728 dict_of_dicts[el] = getReducedNeighbor(el, blists, k)729 print('User {} has {} neighbors.'.format(el,len(dict_of_dicts[el].keys())))730 dict_of_dicts = sym_dict(dict_of_dicts)731 dic_nodes = {n:v for n,v in zip(range(len(keys)+1),[seed]+list(keys))}732 dic_nodes_i = {n:v for n,v in zip([seed]+list(keys),range(len(keys)+1))}733 final_dict = {}734 for node,neis in dict_of_dicts.items():735 n_dict = {}736 for k,v in neis.items():737 n_dict[dic_nodes_i[k]] = v738 final_dict[dic_nodes_i[node]] = n_dict739 return final_dict, dic_nodes, dic_nodes_i740741742def construct_reduced_graph(c_p, uinfo, desired_users):743 l_edges, weights = edgelist(c_p)744 l_vertices = list(desired_users)745 l_vertices = sorted([int(t) for t in l_vertices])746 l_vertices = [str(t) for t in l_vertices]747 net = Graph(directed = False)748 net.add_vertices(l_vertices)749 w = []750 edges = []751 for i,edge in enumerate(l_edges):752 if edge[0] in desired_users and edge[1] in desired_users:753 #net.add_edge(edge)754 w.append(weights[i])755 edges.append(edge)756 net.add_edges(edges)757['weight'] = w758 p = net.community_multilevel(weights = w)759 user_full_info = {}760 for i,cl in enumerate(p):761 for v in cl:762 v = net.vs[v]['name']763 user_full_info[v] = uinfo[v] + [i]764 return edges, w, user_full_info765#def cut_graph():766767768def get_keywords(uinfo, ulists, champ, k):769 directory = '../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​'.format(champ,k)770 es_t = Elasticsearch([{'local':'localhost'}])771 clu_lists = {}772 for k,v in ulists.items():773 clu = uinfo[k][2]774 if clu not in clu_lists.keys():775 clu_lists[clu] = set()776 else:777 clu_lists[clu] = clu_lists[clu] | set(v)778 c_kws = {}779 for k,v in clu_lists.items():780 names = set()781 for l in v:782 nm = get_list_name(es_t, l)783 names.add(nm)784 txt = ' '.join(list(names))785 wds = min(5, len(names))786 ws = txt.split(' ')787 unwanted_words = ['/​','et','&', '-', '***NoListName***', 'de', ',', '_', '.', 'the', 'of', 'les', 'le', 'la', 'and', 'list','my']788 ws = [x.strip() for x in ws if len(x)>0]789 ws = [x.lower() for x in ws]790 ws = [x for x in ws if x not in unwanted_words]791 kws = Counter(ws).most_common(wds)792 print(kws)793 print('\n')794 c_kws[k] = kws795 with open(directory + 'reduced_clusters_kws.txt', 'w') as f:796 for k,v in c_kws.items():797 f.write(str(k))798 for pair in v:799 f.write(',{},{}'.format(pair[0],pair[1]))800 f.write('\n')801 return c_kws 802803804805def write_gexf(r_g, w, uinfo, champ, k):806 edges = set()807 file = open('../​data/​graph_{}_{}/​graphe_reduit.gexf'.format(champ, k), 'wb')808 gexf_file = gexf.Gexf('Reduced Graph similarity',champ + str(k))809 gph = gexf_file.addGraph("undirected", "static", 'gr')810 intensAtt = gph.addNodeAttribute("intensity","0.0","float")811 clusAtt = gph.addNodeAttribute("cluster","100","int")812 for k,v in uinfo.items():813 n = gph.addNode(k,v[0])814 n.addAttribute(intensAtt, str(v[1]))815 n.addAttribute(clusAtt, str(v[2]))816 eid = 0817 for (k,v) in r_g:818 if (k,v) not in edges and (v,k) not in edges:819 edges.add((k,v))820 gph.addEdge(eid, k, v, weight=w[eid])821 eid += 1 ...

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...85 self.upperEntry.current(0)86 self.lowerEntry.current(0)87 self.digitsEntry.current(0)88 self.dropMenu.current(1)89 def starting_lists(self, event):90 """91 Creates a list of the range of the users desired password length. And, updates the value of comboboxs92 initialized to the list created. Function also creates a combobox to represent the desire of special characters,93 places comboboxs in appropriate grib position, and binds the selection of a value to update other lists.94 :param event: None [Event is required in order to be assigned to keystroke]95 :return: None96 """97 # Setting initialized variable user_num to desired user length of password98 self.user_num.set(self.lengthEntry.get())99 # Creating lists for combobox user options100 values_list = [num for num in range(0, int(self.user_num.get()) + 1)]101 options = ['Yes', 'No']102 # Updating values of initialized comboboxes103 self.upperEntry = ttk.Combobox(self, values=values_list, state='readonly', justify='center')...

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...31 result.sort()32 return slice(*result)33class IntListRules(RuleBasedStateMachine):34 @initialize(ls=st.lists(INTEGERS))35 def starting_lists(self, ls):36 self.model = list(ls)37 = IntList(ls)38 @invariant()39 def lists_are_equivalent(self):40 if hasattr(self, "model"):41 assert isinstance(self.model, list)42 assert isinstance(, IntList)43 assert len(self.model) == len( assert list( == self.model45 @rule(n=INTEGERS)46 def append(self, n):47 self.model.append(n)48 @rule(i=valid_index() | valid_slice())...

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