Best Python code snippet using hypothesis
Source: report.js
1/*2 * Copyright 2017-present, Yudong (Dom) Wang3 *4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 *8 * *10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14 * limitations under the License.15 */16var reportData = @REPORT_DATA@;17// Run the code when the DOM is ready ss18$(pieChart);19function pieChart() {20 // Config settings21 var chartSizePercent = 55; // The chart radius relative to the canvas width/height (in percent)22 var sliceBorderWidth = 1; // Width (in pixels) of the border around each slice23 var sliceBorderStyle = "#fff"; // Colour of the border around each slice24 var sliceGradientColour = "#ddd"; // Colour to use for one end of the chart gradient25 var maxPullOutDistance = 25; // How far, in pixels, to pull slices out when clicked26 var pullOutFrameStep = 4; // How many pixels to move a slice with each animation frame27 var pullOutFrameInterval = 40; // How long (in ms) between each animation frame28 var pullOutLabelPadding = 65; // Padding between pulled-out slice and its label 29 var pullOutLabelFont = "bold 16px 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, sans-serif"; // Pull-out slice label font30 var pullOutValueFont = "bold 12px 'Trebuchet MS', Verdana, sans-serif"; // Pull-out slice value font31 var pullOutShadowColour = "rgba( 0, 0, 0, .5 )"; // Colour to use for the pull-out slice shadow32 var pullOutShadowOffsetX = 5; // X-offset (in pixels) of the pull-out slice shadow33 var pullOutShadowOffsetY = 5; // Y-offset (in pixels) of the pull-out slice shadow34 var pullOutShadowBlur = 5; // How much to blur the pull-out slice shadow35 var pullOutBorderWidth = 1; // Width (in pixels) of the pull-out slice border36 var pullOutBorderStyle = "#333"; // Colour of the pull-out slice border37 var chartStartAngle = -.5 * Math.PI; // Start the chart at 12 o'clock instead of 3 o'clock38 // Declare some variables for the chart39 var canvas; // The canvas element in the page40 var currentPullOutSlice = -1; // The slice currently pulled out (-1 = no slice)41 var currentPullOutDistance = 0; // How many pixels the pulled-out slice is currently pulled out in the animation42 var animationId = 0; // Tracks the interval ID for the animation created by setInterval()43 var chartData = []; // Chart data (labels, values, and angles)44 var chartColours = []; // Chart colours (pulled from the HTML table)45 var totalValue = 0; // Total of all the values in the chart46 var canvasWidth; // Width of the canvas, in pixels47 var canvasHeight; // Height of the canvas, in pixels48 var centreX; // X-coordinate of centre of the canvas/chart49 var centreY; // Y-coordinate of centre of the canvas/chart50 var chartRadius; // Radius of the pie chart, in pixels51 // Load report detail information52 report_detail();53 // Set things up and draw the chart54 init();55 /**56 * Load information from json file57 */58 function report_detail() {59 var $tasks = $("#tasks");60 var styleAttr = "";61 //$tasks.empty();62 $.each(reportData.hists, function(i, hist) {63 if (hist["result"] == 'PASS') {64 styleAttr = "style=\"color:#0AC37C\"";65 } else if (hist["result"] == 'ERROR') {66 styleAttr = "style=\"color:#F90606\"";67 } else if (hist["result"] == 'FAILURE') {68 styleAttr = "style=\"color:#0B6AF6\"";69 } else {70 styleAttr = "";71 }72 $tasks.append("<tr>" + "<td>" + (i + 1) + "</td>"73 + "<td>" + hist["request"].method + " " + hist["request"].url + "</td>" 74 + "<td>" + hist["response"].status + "</td>" 75 + "<td>" + hist["response"].date + "</td>" 76 + "<td>" + hist["response"].time + " ms" + "</td>"77 + "<td>" + hist["descr"] + "</td>"78 + "<td " + styleAttr + ">" + hist["result"] + "</td>" 79 + "<td>" + hist["cause"] + "</td>" +80 "</tr>");81 });82 }83 /**84 * Set up the chart data and colours, as well as the chart and table click handlers,85 * and draw the initial pie chart86 */87 function init() {88 // Get the canvas element in the page89 canvas = document.getElementById('chart');90 // Exit if the browser isn't canvas-capable91 if (typeof canvas.getContext === 'undefined') return;92 // Initialise some properties of the canvas and chart93 canvasWidth = canvas.width;94 canvasHeight = canvas.height;95 centreX = canvasWidth / 2;96 centreY = canvasHeight / 2;97 chartRadius = Math.min(canvasWidth, canvasHeight) / 2 * (chartSizePercent / 100);98 // Grab the data from the table,99 // and assign click handlers to the table data cells100 var currentRow = -1;101 var currentCell = 0;102 $('#chartData td').each(function() {103 currentCell++;104 if (currentCell % 2 != 0) {105 currentRow++;106 chartData[currentRow] = [];107 chartData[currentRow]['label'] = $(this).text();108 } else {109 var value = parseFloat($(this).text());110 totalValue += value;111 value = value.toFixed(0);112 chartData[currentRow]['value'] = value;113 }114 // Store the slice index in this cell, and attach a click handler to it115 $(this).data('slice', currentRow);116 $(this).click(handleTableClick);117 // Extract and store the cell colour118 if (rgb = $(this).css('color').match(/rgb\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+)/)) {119 chartColours[currentRow] = [rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[3]];120 } else if (hex = $(this).css('color').match(/#([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})([a-fA-F0-9]{2})/)) {121 chartColours[currentRow] = [parseInt(hex[1], 16), parseInt(hex[2], 16), parseInt(hex[3], 16)];122 } else {123 alert("Error: Colour could not be determined! Please specify table colours using the format '#xxxxxx'");124 return;125 }126 });127 // Now compute and store the start and end angles of each slice in the chart data128 var currentPos = 0; // The current position of the slice in the pie (from 0 to 1)129 for (var slice in chartData) {130 chartData[slice]['startAngle'] = 2 * Math.PI * currentPos;131 chartData[slice]['endAngle'] = 2 * Math.PI * (currentPos + (chartData[slice]['value'] / totalValue));132 currentPos += chartData[slice]['value'] / totalValue;133 }134 // All ready! Now draw the pie chart, and add the click handler to it135 drawChart();136 $('#chart').click(handleChartClick);137 }138 /**139 * Process mouse clicks in the chart area.140 *141 * If a slice was clicked, toggle it in or out.142 * If the user clicked outside the pie, push any slices back in.143 *144 * @param Event The click event145 */146 function handleChartClick(clickEvent) {147 // Get the mouse cursor position at the time of the click, relative to the canvas148 var mouseX = clickEvent.pageX - this.offsetLeft;149 var mouseY = clickEvent.pageY - this.offsetTop;150 // Was the click inside the pie chart?151 var xFromCentre = mouseX - centreX;152 var yFromCentre = mouseY - centreY;153 var distanceFromCentre = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(xFromCentre), 2) + Math.pow(Math.abs(yFromCentre), 2));154 if (distanceFromCentre <= chartRadius) {155 // Yes, the click was inside the chart.156 // Find the slice that was clicked by comparing angles relative to the chart centre.157 var clickAngle = Math.atan2(yFromCentre, xFromCentre) - chartStartAngle;158 if (clickAngle < 0) clickAngle = 2 * Math.PI + clickAngle;159 for (var slice in chartData) {160 if (clickAngle >= chartData[slice]['startAngle'] && clickAngle <= chartData[slice]['endAngle']) {161 // Slice found. Pull it out or push it in, as required.162 toggleSlice(slice);163 return;164 }165 }166 }167 // User must have clicked outside the pie. Push any pulled-out slice back in.168 pushIn();169 }170 /**171 * Process mouse clicks in the table area.172 *173 * Retrieve the slice number from the jQuery data stored in the174 * clicked table cell, then toggle the slice175 *176 * @param Event The click event177 */178 function handleTableClick(clickEvent) {179 var slice = $(this).data('slice');180 toggleSlice(slice);181 }182 /**183 * Push a slice in or out.184 *185 * If it's already pulled out, push it in. Otherwise, pull it out.186 *187 * @param Number The slice index (between 0 and the number of slices - 1)188 */189 function toggleSlice(slice) {190 if (slice == currentPullOutSlice) {191 pushIn();192 } else {193 startPullOut(slice);194 }195 }196 /**197 * Start pulling a slice out from the pie.198 *199 * @param Number The slice index (between 0 and the number of slices - 1)200 */201 function startPullOut(slice) {202 // Exit if we're already pulling out this slice203 if (currentPullOutSlice == slice) return;204 // Record the slice that we're pulling out, clear any previous animation, then start the animation205 currentPullOutSlice = slice;206 currentPullOutDistance = 0;207 clearInterval(animationId);208 animationId = setInterval(function() {209 animatePullOut(slice);210 }, pullOutFrameInterval);211 // Highlight the corresponding row in the key table212 $('#chartData td').removeClass('highlight');213 var labelCell = $('#chartData td:eq(' + (slice * 2) + ')');214 var valueCell = $('#chartData td:eq(' + (slice * 2 + 1) + ')');215 labelCell.addClass('highlight');216 valueCell.addClass('highlight');217 }218 /**219 * Draw a frame of the pull-out animation.220 *221 * @param Number The index of the slice being pulled out222 */223 function animatePullOut(slice) {224 // Pull the slice out some more225 currentPullOutDistance += pullOutFrameStep;226 // If we've pulled it right out, stop animating227 if (currentPullOutDistance >= maxPullOutDistance) {228 clearInterval(animationId);229 return;230 }231 // Draw the frame232 drawChart();233 }234 /**235 * Push any pulled-out slice back in.236 *237 * Resets the animation variables and redraws the chart.238 * Also un-highlights all rows in the table.239 */240 function pushIn() {241 currentPullOutSlice = -1;242 currentPullOutDistance = 0;243 clearInterval(animationId);244 drawChart();245 $('#chartData td').removeClass('highlight');246 }247 /**248 * Draw the chart.249 *250 * Loop through each slice of the pie, and draw it.251 */252 function drawChart() {253 // Get a drawing context254 var context = canvas.getContext('2d');255 // Clear the canvas, ready for the new frame256 context.clearRect(0, 0, canvasWidth, canvasHeight);257 // Draw each slice of the chart, skipping the pull-out slice (if any)258 for (var slice in chartData) {259 if (slice != currentPullOutSlice) drawSlice(context, slice);260 }261 // If there's a pull-out slice in effect, draw it.262 // (We draw the pull-out slice last so its drop shadow doesn't get painted over.)263 if (currentPullOutSlice != -1) drawSlice(context, currentPullOutSlice);264 }265 /**266 * Draw an individual slice in the chart.267 *268 * @param Context A canvas context to draw on269 * @param Number The index of the slice to draw270 */271 function drawSlice(context, slice) {272 // Compute the adjusted start and end angles for the slice273 var startAngle = chartData[slice]['startAngle'] + chartStartAngle;274 var endAngle = chartData[slice]['endAngle'] + chartStartAngle;275 if (slice == currentPullOutSlice) {276 // We're pulling (or have pulled) this slice out.277 // Offset it from the pie centre, draw the text label,278 // and add a drop shadow.279 var midAngle = (startAngle + endAngle) / 2;280 var actualPullOutDistance = currentPullOutDistance * easeOut(currentPullOutDistance / maxPullOutDistance, .8);281 startX = centreX + Math.cos(midAngle) * actualPullOutDistance;282 startY = centreY + Math.sin(midAngle) * actualPullOutDistance;283 context.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + chartColours[slice].join(',') + ')';284 context.textAlign = "center";285 context.font = pullOutLabelFont;286 context.fillText(chartData[slice]['label'], centreX + Math.cos(midAngle) * (chartRadius + maxPullOutDistance + pullOutLabelPadding), centreY + Math.sin(midAngle) * (chartRadius + maxPullOutDistance + pullOutLabelPadding));287 context.font = pullOutValueFont;288 context.fillText(chartData[slice]['value'] + " (" + (parseInt(chartData[slice]['value'] / totalValue * 100 + .5)) + "%)", centreX + Math.cos(midAngle) * (chartRadius + maxPullOutDistance + pullOutLabelPadding), centreY + Math.sin(midAngle) * (chartRadius + maxPullOutDistance + pullOutLabelPadding) + 20);289 context.shadowOffsetX = pullOutShadowOffsetX;290 context.shadowOffsetY = pullOutShadowOffsetY;291 context.shadowBlur = pullOutShadowBlur;292 } else {293 // This slice isn't pulled out, so draw it from the pie centre294 startX = centreX;295 startY = centreY;296 }297 // Set up the gradient fill for the slice298 var sliceGradient = context.createLinearGradient(0, 0, canvasWidth * .75, canvasHeight * .75);299 sliceGradient.addColorStop(0, sliceGradientColour);300 sliceGradient.addColorStop(1, 'rgb(' + chartColours[slice].join(',') + ')');301 // Draw the slice302 context.beginPath();303 context.moveTo(startX, startY);304 context.arc(startX, startY, chartRadius, startAngle, endAngle, false);305 context.lineTo(startX, startY);306 context.closePath();307 context.fillStyle = sliceGradient;308 context.shadowColor = (slice == currentPullOutSlice) ? pullOutShadowColour : "rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0 )";309 context.fill();310 context.shadowColor = "rgba( 0, 0, 0, 0 )";311 // Style the slice border appropriately312 if (slice == currentPullOutSlice) {313 context.lineWidth = pullOutBorderWidth;314 context.strokeStyle = pullOutBorderStyle;315 } else {316 context.lineWidth = sliceBorderWidth;317 context.strokeStyle = sliceBorderStyle;318 }319 // Draw the slice border320 context.stroke();321 }322 /**323 * Easing function.324 *325 * A bit hacky but it seems to work! (Note to self: Re-read my school maths books sometime)326 *327 * @param Number The ratio of the current distance travelled to the maximum distance328 * @param Number The power (higher numbers = more gradual easing)329 * @return Number The new ratio330 */331 function easeOut(ratio, power) {332 return (Math.pow(1 - ratio, power) + 1);333 }...
Source: group-pictures.js
...27 * @returns {string}28 */29 group2Layout1: function (pictures) {30 return this.getHTML([31 pictures.slice(0, 1),32 pictures.slice(1)33 ]);34 },35 /**36 * 2-237 *38 * â¡ â¡39 *40 * @param pictures41 */42 group2Layout2: function (pictures) {43 return this.getHTML(pictures);44 },45 /**46 * 3-147 *48 * â¡ â¡ â¡49 *50 * @param pictures51 */52 group3Layout1: function (pictures) {53 return this.getHTML(pictures);54 },55 /**56 * 3-257 *58 * â¡59 * â¡ â¡60 *61 * @param pictures62 */63 group3Layout2: function (pictures) {64 return this.getHTML([65 pictures.slice(0, 1),66 pictures.slice(1)67 ]);68 },69 /**70 * 3-371 *72 * â¡ â¡73 * â¡74 *75 * @param pictures76 */77 group3Layout3: function (pictures) {78 return this.getHTML([79 pictures.slice(0, 2),80 pictures.slice(2)81 ]);82 },83 /**84 * 4-185 *86 * â¡87 * â¡ â¡88 * â¡89 *90 * @param pictures91 */92 group4Layout1: function (pictures) {93 return this.getHTML([94 pictures.slice(0, 1),95 pictures.slice(1, 3),96 pictures.slice(3)97 ]);98 },99 /**100 * 4-2101 *102 * â¡103 * â¡ â¡ â¡104 *105 * @param pictures106 */107 group4Layout2: function (pictures) {108 return this.getHTML([109 pictures.slice(0, 1),110 pictures.slice(1)111 ]);112 },113 /**114 * 4-3115 *116 * â¡ â¡117 * â¡ â¡118 *119 * @param pictures120 */121 group4Layout3: function (pictures) {122 return this.getHTML([123 pictures.slice(0, 2),124 pictures.slice(2)125 ]);126 },127 /**128 * 4-4129 *130 * â¡ â¡ â¡131 * â¡132 *133 * @param pictures134 */135 group4Layout4: function (pictures) {136 return this.getHTML([137 pictures.slice(0, 3),138 pictures.slice(3)139 ]);140 },141 /**142 * 5-1143 *144 * â¡145 * â¡ â¡146 * â¡ â¡147 *148 * @param pictures149 */150 group5Layout1: function (pictures) {151 return this.getHTML([152 pictures.slice(0, 1),153 pictures.slice(1, 3),154 pictures.slice(3)155 ]);156 },157 /**158 * 5-2159 *160 * â¡ â¡161 * â¡162 * â¡ â¡163 *164 * @param pictures165 */166 group5Layout2: function (pictures) {167 return this.getHTML([168 pictures.slice(0, 2),169 pictures.slice(2, 3),170 pictures.slice(3)171 ]);172 },173 /**174 * 5-3175 *176 * â¡ â¡177 * â¡ â¡ â¡178 *179 * @param pictures180 */181 group5Layout3: function (pictures) {182 return this.getHTML([183 pictures.slice(0, 2),184 pictures.slice(2)185 ]);186 },187 /**188 * 5-4189 *190 * â¡ â¡ â¡191 * â¡ â¡192 *193 * @param pictures194 */195 group5Layout4: function (pictures) {196 return this.getHTML([197 pictures.slice(0, 3),198 pictures.slice(3)199 ]);200 },201 /**202 * 6-1203 *204 * â¡205 * â¡ â¡206 * â¡ â¡ â¡207 *208 * @param pictures209 */210 group6Layout1: function (pictures) {211 return this.getHTML([212 pictures.slice(0, 1),213 pictures.slice(1, 3),214 pictures.slice(3)215 ]);216 },217 /**218 * 6-2219 *220 * â¡221 * â¡ â¡ â¡222 * â¡ â¡223 *224 * @param pictures225 */226 group6Layout2: function (pictures) {227 return this.getHTML([228 pictures.slice(0, 1),229 pictures.slice(1, 4),230 pictures.slice(4)231 ]);232 },233 /**234 * 6-3235 *236 * â¡ â¡237 * â¡238 * â¡ â¡ â¡239 *240 * @param pictures241 */242 group6Layout3: function (pictures) {243 return this.getHTML([244 pictures.slice(0, 2),245 pictures.slice(2, 3),246 pictures.slice(3)247 ]);248 },249 /**250 * 6-4251 *252 * â¡ â¡253 * â¡ â¡254 * â¡ â¡255 *256 * @param pictures257 */258 group6Layout4: function (pictures) {259 return this.getHTML([260 pictures.slice(0, 2),261 pictures.slice(2, 4),262 pictures.slice(4)263 ]);264 },265 /**266 * 6-5267 *268 * â¡ â¡ â¡269 * â¡ â¡ â¡270 *271 * @param pictures272 */273 group6Layout5: function (pictures) {274 return this.getHTML([275 pictures.slice(0, 3),276 pictures.slice(3)277 ]);278 },279 /**280 * 7-1281 *282 * â¡283 * â¡ â¡284 * â¡ â¡285 * â¡ â¡286 *287 * @param pictures288 */289 group7Layout1: function (pictures) {290 return this.getHTML([291 pictures.slice(0, 1),292 pictures.slice(1, 3),293 pictures.slice(3, 5),294 pictures.slice(5)295 ]);296 },297 /**298 * 7-2299 *300 * â¡301 * â¡ â¡ â¡302 * â¡ â¡ â¡303 *304 * @param pictures305 */306 group7Layout2: function (pictures) {307 return this.getHTML([308 pictures.slice(0, 1),309 pictures.slice(1, 4),310 pictures.slice(4)311 ]);312 },313 /**314 * 7-3315 *316 * â¡ â¡317 * â¡ â¡318 * â¡ â¡ â¡319 *320 * @param pictures321 */322 group7Layout3: function (pictures) {323 return this.getHTML([324 pictures.slice(0, 2),325 pictures.slice(2, 4),326 pictures.slice(4)327 ]);328 },329 /**330 * 7-4331 *332 * â¡ â¡333 * â¡ â¡ â¡334 * â¡ â¡335 *336 * @param pictures337 */338 group7Layout4: function (pictures) {339 return this.getHTML([340 pictures.slice(0, 2),341 pictures.slice(2, 5),342 pictures.slice(5)343 ]);344 },345 /**346 * 7-5347 *348 * â¡ â¡ â¡349 * â¡ â¡350 * â¡ â¡351 *352 * @param pictures353 */354 group7Layout5: function (pictures) {355 return this.getHTML([356 pictures.slice(0, 3),357 pictures.slice(3, 5),358 pictures.slice(5)359 ]);360 },361 /**362 * 8-1363 *364 * â¡365 * â¡ â¡366 * â¡ â¡367 * â¡ â¡ â¡368 *369 * @param pictures370 */371 group8Layout1: function (pictures) {372 return this.getHTML([373 pictures.slice(0, 1),374 pictures.slice(1, 3),375 pictures.slice(3, 5),376 pictures.slice(5)377 ]);378 },379 /**380 * 8-2381 *382 * â¡383 * â¡ â¡384 * â¡ â¡ â¡385 * â¡ â¡386 *387 * @param pictures388 */389 group8Layout2: function (pictures) {390 return this.getHTML([391 pictures.slice(0, 1),392 pictures.slice(1, 3),393 pictures.slice(3, 6),394 pictures.slice(6)395 ]);396 },397 /**398 * 8-3399 *400 * â¡401 * â¡ â¡ â¡402 * â¡ â¡403 * â¡ â¡404 * @param pictures405 */406 group8Layout3: function (pictures) {407 return this.getHTML([408 pictures.slice(0, 1),409 pictures.slice(1, 4),410 pictures.slice(4, 6),411 pictures.slice(6)412 ]);413 },414 /**415 * 8-4416 *417 * â¡ â¡418 * â¡ â¡419 * â¡ â¡420 * â¡ â¡421 *422 * @param pictures423 */424 group8Layout4: function (pictures) {425 return this.getHTML([426 pictures.slice(0, 2),427 pictures.slice(2, 4),428 pictures.slice(4, 6),429 pictures.slice(6)430 ]);431 },432 /**433 * 8-5434 *435 * â¡ â¡436 * â¡ â¡ â¡437 * â¡ â¡ â¡438 *439 * @param pictures440 */441 group8Layout5: function (pictures) {442 return this.getHTML([443 pictures.slice(0, 2),444 pictures.slice(2, 5),445 pictures.slice(5)446 ]);447 },448 /**449 * 8-6450 *451 * â¡ â¡ â¡452 * â¡ â¡453 * â¡ â¡ â¡454 *455 * @param pictures456 */457 group8Layout6: function (pictures) {458 return this.getHTML([459 pictures.slice(0, 3),460 pictures.slice(3, 5),461 pictures.slice(5)462 ]);463 },464 /**465 * 8-7466 *467 * â¡ â¡ â¡468 * â¡ â¡ â¡469 * â¡ â¡470 *471 * @param pictures472 */473 group8Layout7: function (pictures) {474 return this.getHTML([475 pictures.slice(0, 3),476 pictures.slice(3, 6),477 pictures.slice(6)478 ]);479 },480 /**481 * 9-1482 *483 * â¡484 * â¡ â¡485 * â¡ â¡ â¡486 * â¡ â¡ â¡487 *488 * @param pictures489 */490 group9Layout1: function (pictures) {491 return this.getHTML([492 pictures.slice(0, 1),493 pictures.slice(1, 3),494 pictures.slice(3, 6),495 pictures.slice(6)496 ]);497 },498 /**499 * 9-2500 *501 * â¡502 * â¡ â¡ â¡503 * â¡ â¡504 * â¡ â¡ â¡505 *506 * @param pictures507 */508 group9Layout2: function (pictures) {509 return this.getHTML([510 pictures.slice(0, 1),511 pictures.slice(1, 4),512 pictures.slice(4, 6),513 pictures.slice(6)514 ]);515 },516 /**517 * 9-3518 *519 * â¡ â¡520 * â¡ â¡521 * â¡ â¡522 * â¡ â¡ â¡523 *524 * @param pictures525 */526 group9Layout3: function (pictures) {527 return this.getHTML([528 pictures.slice(0, 2),529 pictures.slice(2, 4),530 pictures.slice(4, 6),531 pictures.slice(6)532 ]);533 },534 /**535 * 9-4536 *537 * â¡ â¡538 * â¡ â¡539 * â¡ â¡ â¡540 * â¡ â¡541 *542 * @param pictures543 */544 group9Layout4: function (pictures) {545 return this.getHTML([546 pictures.slice(0, 2),547 pictures.slice(2, 4),548 pictures.slice(4, 7),549 pictures.slice(7)550 ]);551 },552 /**553 * 9-5554 *555 * â¡ â¡556 * â¡ â¡ â¡557 * â¡ â¡558 * â¡ â¡559 *560 * @param pictures561 */562 group9Layout5: function (pictures) {563 return this.getHTML([564 pictures.slice(0, 2),565 pictures.slice(2, 5),566 pictures.slice(5, 7),567 pictures.slice(7)568 ]);569 },570 /**571 * 9-6572 *573 * â¡ â¡ â¡574 * â¡ â¡575 * â¡ â¡576 * â¡ â¡577 *578 * @param pictures579 */580 group9Layout6: function (pictures) {581 return this.getHTML([582 pictures.slice(0, 3),583 pictures.slice(3, 5),584 pictures.slice(5, 7),585 pictures.slice(7)586 ]);587 },588 /**589 * 9-7590 *591 * â¡ â¡ â¡592 * â¡ â¡ â¡593 * â¡ â¡ â¡594 *595 * @param pictures596 */597 group9Layout7: function (pictures) {598 return this.getHTML([599 pictures.slice(0, 3),600 pictures.slice(3, 6),601 pictures.slice(6)602 ]);603 },604 /**605 * 10-1606 *607 * â¡608 * â¡ â¡ â¡609 * â¡ â¡ â¡610 * â¡ â¡ â¡611 *612 * @param pictures613 */614 group10Layout1: function (pictures) {615 return this.getHTML([616 pictures.slice(0, 1),617 pictures.slice(1, 4),618 pictures.slice(4, 7),619 pictures.slice(7)620 ]);621 },622 /**623 * 10-2624 *625 * â¡ â¡626 * â¡ â¡627 * â¡ â¡ â¡628 * â¡ â¡ â¡629 *630 * @param pictures631 */632 group10Layout2: function (pictures) {633 return this.getHTML([634 pictures.slice(0, 2),635 pictures.slice(2, 4),636 pictures.slice(4, 7),637 pictures.slice(7)638 ]);639 },640 /**641 * 10-3642 *643 * â¡ â¡644 * â¡ â¡ â¡645 * â¡ â¡646 * â¡ â¡ â¡647 *648 * @param pictures649 */650 group10Layout3: function (pictures) {651 return this.getHTML([652 pictures.slice(0, 2),653 pictures.slice(2, 5),654 pictures.slice(5, 7),655 pictures.slice(7)656 ]);657 },658 /**659 * 10-4660 *661 * â¡ â¡662 * â¡ â¡ â¡663 * â¡ â¡ â¡664 * â¡ â¡665 *666 * @param pictures667 */668 group10Layout4: function (pictures) {669 return this.getHTML([670 pictures.slice(0, 2),671 pictures.slice(2, 5),672 pictures.slice(5, 8),673 pictures.slice(8)674 ]);675 },676 /**677 * 10-5678 *679 * â¡ â¡ â¡680 * â¡ â¡681 * â¡ â¡682 * â¡ â¡ â¡683 *684 * @param pictures685 */686 group10Layout5: function (pictures) {687 return this.getHTML([688 pictures.slice(0, 3),689 pictures.slice(3, 5),690 pictures.slice(5, 7),691 pictures.slice(7)692 ]);693 },694 /**695 * 10-6696 *697 * â¡ â¡ â¡698 * â¡ â¡699 * â¡ â¡ â¡700 * â¡ â¡701 *702 * @param pictures703 */704 group10Layout6: function (pictures) {705 return this.getHTML([706 pictures.slice(0, 3),707 pictures.slice(3, 5),708 pictures.slice(5, 8),709 pictures.slice(8)710 ]);711 },712 /**713 * 10-7714 *715 * â¡ â¡ â¡716 * â¡ â¡ â¡717 * â¡ â¡718 * â¡ â¡719 *720 * @param pictures721 */722 group10Layout7: function (pictures) {723 return this.getHTML([724 pictures.slice(0, 3),725 pictures.slice(3, 6),726 pictures.slice(6, 8),727 pictures.slice(8)728 ]);729 },730 /**731 * Defaults Layout732 *733 * â¡ â¡ â¡734 * â¡ â¡ â¡735 * ...736 *737 * @param pictures738 */739 defaults: function (pictures) {740 var ROW_SIZE = 3;741 var rows = pictures.length / ROW_SIZE + 1;742 var pictureArr = [];743 for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) {744 pictureArr.push(pictures.slice(i * ROW_SIZE, (i + 1) * ROW_SIZE));745 }746 return this.getHTML(pictureArr);747 },748 getHTML: function (rows) {749 var rowHTML = '';750 for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {751 rowHTML += this.getRowHTML(rows[i]);752 }753 return '<div class="group-picture-container">' + rowHTML + '</div>';754 },755 getRowHTML: function (pictures) {756 return (757 '<div class="group-picture-row">' +758 this.getColumnHTML(pictures) +...
Source: Infinite.js
1/**2 * @private3 */4Ext.define('Ext.scroll.scroller.Infinite', {5 extend: 'Ext.scroll.scroller.CssPosition',6 config: {7 itemLength: 30,8 slicesCount: 6,9 sliceLengthFactor: 1,10 functions: {11 render: Ext.emptyFn,12 recycle: Ext.emptyFn,13 activate: Ext.emptyFn,14 deactivate: Ext.emptyFn,15 scope: null16 },17 direction: 'vertical'18 },19 itemsCountPerSlice: 0,20 sliceLength: 0,21 recycleIndexOffset: 0,22 constructor: function() {23 this.preparedSlices = {};24 this.emptySlices = [];25 this.slices = [];26 this.activeSlices = {27 upper: null,28 lower: null29 };30 return this.callParent(arguments);31 },32 getMaxPosition: function(determine) {33 var maxPosition = this.maxPosition;34 if (determine) {35 maxPosition.x = Infinity;36 maxPosition.y = Infinity;37 }38 return maxPosition;39 },40 getCurrentAxis: function() {41 return (this.getDirection() === 'horizontal') ? 'x' : 'y';42 },43 applyDirection: function(direction) {44 if (direction !== 'vertical' && direction !== 'horizontal') {45 direction = 'vertical';46 }47 return direction;48 },49 applyItemLength: function(length) {50 if (typeof length == 'number' && length > 0) {51 return length;52 }53 //<debug error>54 Ext.Logger.error("Invalid itemLength, must be a number greater than 0");55 //</debug>56 },57 updateItemLength: function(length, oldLength) {58 var containerSize = this.getContainerSize(true),59 sliceLengthFactor = this.getSliceLengthFactor(),60 itemsCountPerSlice,61 width, height, sliceLength;62 if (this.isAxisEnabled('x')) {63 height = containerSize.y;64 itemsCountPerSlice = Math.ceil(containerSize.x / length) * sliceLengthFactor;65 sliceLength = width = itemsCountPerSlice * length;66 }67 else {68 width = containerSize.x;69 itemsCountPerSlice = Math.ceil(containerSize.y / length) * sliceLengthFactor;70 sliceLength = height = itemsCountPerSlice * length;71 }72 this.itemsCountPerSlice = itemsCountPerSlice;73 this.sliceLength = sliceLength;74 this.setSliceSize(width, height);75 if (oldLength) {76 this.refresh();77 }78 },79 applySlicesCount: function(count) {80 if (typeof count == 'number' && count >= 4) {81 return count;82 }83 //<debug error>84 Ext.Logger.error("Invalid slicesCount, must be a number greater or equal to 4");85 //</debug>86 },87 updateSlicesCount: function(count, oldCount) {88 var slices = this.slices,89 emptySlices = this.emptySlices,90 slice, i;91 if (oldCount) {92 this.destroySlices();93 }94 for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {95 slice = this.createSlice();96 slices[i] = slice;97 emptySlices.push(slice);98 }99 this.recycleIndexOffset = Math.floor((count - 2) / 2);100 if (oldCount) {101 this.refresh();102 }103 },104 destroySlices: function() {105 var slices = this.slices,106 i, ln, slice;107 for (i = 0, ln = slices.length; i < ln; i++) {108 slice.destroy();109 }110 slices.length = 0;111 this.emptySlices.length = 0;112 this.preparedSlices.length = 0;113 },114 createSlice: function() {115 var element = this.getElement(),116 slice = element.createChild({}),117 style =;118 style.position = 'absolute';119// style.display = 'none';120 return slice;121 },122 setSliceSize: function(width, height) {123 this.getSlicesCount();124 var slices = this.slices,125 i, ln, slice, style;126 width = width + 'px';127 height = height + 'px';128 for (i = 0,ln = slices.length; i < ln; i++) {129 slice = slices[i];130 style =;131 style.width = width;132 style.height = height;133 }134 return this;135 },136 prepareSlice: function(index) {137 var preparedSlices = this.preparedSlices,138 itemsCountPerSlice = this.itemsCountPerSlice,139 functions = this.getFunctions(),140 startItemIndex, endItemIndex, slice;141 if (!preparedSlices[index]) {142 slice = this.getEmptySlice();143 startItemIndex = index * itemsCountPerSlice;144 endItemIndex = startItemIndex + itemsCountPerSlice - 1;145 preparedSlices[index] = slice;146, slice, startItemIndex, endItemIndex);147 }148 return preparedSlices[index];149 },150 getSlice: function(index) {151 if (index > 0) {152 this.prepareSlice(index - 1);153 }154 this.prepareSlice(index + 1);155 return this.prepareSlice(index);156 },157 getEmptySlice: function() {158 var recycleIndexOffset = this.recycleIndexOffset,159 upperIndex = this.upperSliceIndex - recycleIndexOffset,160 lowerIndex = this.lowerSliceIndex + recycleIndexOffset,161 preparedSlices = this.preparedSlices,162 emptySlices = this.emptySlices,163 i;164 for (i in preparedSlices) {165 if (preparedSlices.hasOwnProperty(i)) {166 if (i <= upperIndex || i >= lowerIndex) {167 emptySlices.push(preparedSlices[i]);168 delete preparedSlices[i];169 }170 }171 }172 return emptySlices.pop();173 },174 setSlicePosition: function(slice, position, axis) {175 var style =;176 position = (-position) + 'px';177 if (axis === 'x') {178 style.left = position;179 }180 else {181 if ( || {182 style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d(0px, ' + position + ', 0px)';183 }184 else {185 = position;186 }187 }188 },189 setActiveSlices: function(upper, lower) {190 var activeSlices = this.activeSlices,191 oldUpper = activeSlices.upper,192 oldLower = activeSlices.lower;193 if (oldUpper && oldLower) {194 if (oldUpper !== upper) {195 if (oldUpper !== lower) {196 this.deactivateSlice(oldUpper);197 }198 if (upper !== oldLower) {199 this.activateSlice(upper, 2);200 }201 }202 if (oldLower !== lower) {203 if (oldLower !== upper) {204 this.deactivateSlice(oldLower);205 }206 if (lower !== oldUpper) {207 this.activateSlice(lower, 1);208 }209 }210 }211 else {212 this.activateSlice(upper, 2);213 this.activateSlice(lower, 1);214 }215 activeSlices.upper = upper;216 activeSlices.lower = lower;217 return this;218 },219 activateSlice: function(slice, zIndex) {220 var functions = this.getFunctions(),221 style =;222// style.zIndex = zIndex;223// style.display = '';224, slice);225 },226 deactivateSlice: function(slice) {227 var functions = this.getFunctions(),228 style =;229// style.display = 'none';230 if ( || {231 style.webkitTransform = 'translate3d(0px, -10000px, 0px)';232 }233 else {234 = '-10000px';235 }236// this.setSlicePosition(slice, 0, this.getCurrentAxis());237, slice);238 },239 doScrollTo: function(x, y) {240 var axis = this.getCurrentAxis(),241 sliceLength = this.sliceLength,242 upperPosition = ((axis === 'x') ? x : y),243 upperSliceIndex = Math.max(0, Math.floor(upperPosition / this.sliceLength)),244 lowerSliceIndex = upperSliceIndex + 1;245 this.upperSliceIndex = upperSliceIndex;246 this.lowerSliceIndex = lowerSliceIndex;247 var upperSlice = this.getSlice(upperSliceIndex),248 lowerSlice = this.getSlice(lowerSliceIndex),249 containerSize = this.getContainerSize()[axis],250 lowerPosition;251 upperPosition = upperPosition % sliceLength;252 lowerPosition = upperPosition - sliceLength;253 this.setActiveSlices(upperSlice, lowerSlice);254 this.setSlicePosition(upperSlice, upperPosition, axis);255 if (lowerPosition >= -containerSize) {256 this.setSlicePosition(lowerSlice, lowerPosition, axis);257 }258 }...
...34 def test_maybe_indices_to_slice_left_edge(self):35 target = np.arange(100)36 # slice37 indices = np.array([], dtype=np.intp)38 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))39 assert isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)40 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(target[indices], target[maybe_slice])41 for end in [1, 2, 5, 20, 99]:42 for step in [1, 2, 4]:43 indices = np.arange(0, end, step, dtype=np.intp)44 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))45 assert isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)46 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(target[indices], target[maybe_slice])47 # reverse48 indices = indices[::-1]49 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))50 assert isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)51 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(target[indices], target[maybe_slice])52 # not slice53 for case in [[2, 1, 2, 0], [2, 2, 1, 0], [0, 1, 2, 1], [-2, 0, 2], [2, 0, -2]]:54 indices = np.array(case, dtype=np.intp)55 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))56 assert not isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)57 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(maybe_slice, indices)58 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(target[indices], target[maybe_slice])59 def test_maybe_indices_to_slice_right_edge(self):60 target = np.arange(100)61 # slice62 for start in [0, 2, 5, 20, 97, 98]:63 for step in [1, 2, 4]:64 indices = np.arange(start, 99, step, dtype=np.intp)65 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))66 assert isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)67 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(target[indices], target[maybe_slice])68 # reverse69 indices = indices[::-1]70 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))71 assert isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)72 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(target[indices], target[maybe_slice])73 # not slice74 indices = np.array([97, 98, 99, 100], dtype=np.intp)75 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))76 assert not isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)77 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(maybe_slice, indices)78 msg = "index 100 is out of bounds for axis (0|1) with size 100"79 with pytest.raises(IndexError, match=msg):80 target[indices]81 with pytest.raises(IndexError, match=msg):82 target[maybe_slice]83 indices = np.array([100, 99, 98, 97], dtype=np.intp)84 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))85 assert not isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)86 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(maybe_slice, indices)87 with pytest.raises(IndexError, match=msg):88 target[indices]89 with pytest.raises(IndexError, match=msg):90 target[maybe_slice]91 for case in [[99, 97, 99, 96], [99, 99, 98, 97], [98, 98, 97, 96]]:92 indices = np.array(case, dtype=np.intp)93 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))94 assert not isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)95 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(maybe_slice, indices)96 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(target[indices], target[maybe_slice])97 def test_maybe_indices_to_slice_both_edges(self):98 target = np.arange(10)99 # slice100 for step in [1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9]:101 indices = np.arange(0, 9, step, dtype=np.intp)102 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))103 assert isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)104 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(target[indices], target[maybe_slice])105 # reverse106 indices = indices[::-1]107 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))108 assert isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)109 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(target[indices], target[maybe_slice])110 # not slice111 for case in [[4, 2, 0, -2], [2, 2, 1, 0], [0, 1, 2, 1]]:112 indices = np.array(case, dtype=np.intp)113 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))114 assert not isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)115 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(maybe_slice, indices)116 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(target[indices], target[maybe_slice])117 def test_maybe_indices_to_slice_middle(self):118 target = np.arange(100)119 # slice120 for start, end in [(2, 10), (5, 25), (65, 97)]:121 for step in [1, 2, 4, 20]:122 indices = np.arange(start, end, step, dtype=np.intp)123 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))124 assert isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)125 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(target[indices], target[maybe_slice])126 # reverse127 indices = indices[::-1]128 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))129 assert isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)130 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(target[indices], target[maybe_slice])131 # not slice132 for case in [[14, 12, 10, 12], [12, 12, 11, 10], [10, 11, 12, 11]]:133 indices = np.array(case, dtype=np.intp)134 maybe_slice = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(indices, len(target))135 assert not isinstance(maybe_slice, slice)136 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(maybe_slice, indices)137 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(target[indices], target[maybe_slice])138 def test_maybe_booleans_to_slice(self):139 arr = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1], dtype=np.uint8)140 result = lib.maybe_booleans_to_slice(arr)141 assert result.dtype == np.bool_142 result = lib.maybe_booleans_to_slice(arr[:0])143 assert result == slice(0, 0)144 def test_get_reverse_indexer(self):145 indexer = np.array([-1, -1, 1, 2, 0, -1, 3, 4], dtype=np.intp)146 result = lib.get_reverse_indexer(indexer, 5)147 expected = np.array([4, 2, 3, 6, 7], dtype=np.intp)148 tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)149def test_cache_readonly_preserve_docstrings():150 # GH18197151 assert Index.hasnans.__doc__ is not None152def test_no_default_pickle():153 # GH#40397154 obj = tm.round_trip_pickle(lib.no_default)...
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