Best Python code snippet using hypothesis
1#!/usr/bin/env python32# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be4# found in the LICENSE file.5# This script takes in a list of test targets to be run on both Linux and6# Fuchsia devices and then compares their output to each other, extracting the7# relevant performance data from the output of gtest.8import argparse9import logging10import os11import re12import subprocess13import sys14import time15from collections import defaultdict16from typing import Tuple, Dict, List17import target_spec18import test_results19def RunCommand(command: List[str], msg: str) -> str:20 """Runs a command and returns the standard output.21 Args:22 command (List[str]): The list of command chunks to use in ex: ['git', 'grep', 'cat'] to find all instances of cat in a repo.24 msg (str): An error message in case the subprocess fails for some reason.25 Raises:26 subprocess.SubprocessError: Raises this with the command that failed in the27 event that the return code of the process is non-zero.28 Returns:29 str: the standard output of the subprocess.30 """31 command = [piece for piece in command if piece != ""]32 proc = command,34 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,35 stderr=subprocess.PIPE,36 stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL)37 out = proc.stdout.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore")38 err = proc.stderr.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore")39 if proc.returncode != 0:40 sys.stderr.write("{}\nreturn code: {}\nstdout: {}\nstderr: {}".format(41 msg, proc.returncode, out, err))42 raise subprocess.SubprocessError(43 "Command failed to complete successfully. {}".format(command))44 return out45# TODO( replace with --test-launcher-filter-file directly46def ParseFilterFile(filepath: str,47 p_filts: List[str],48 n_filts: List[str]) -> str:49 """Takes a path to a filter file, parses it, and constructs a gtest_filter50 string for test execution.51 Args:52 filepath (str): The path to the filter file to be parsed into a53 --gtest_filter flag.54 p_filts (List[str]): An initial set of positive filters passed in a flag.55 n_filts (List[str]): An initial set of negative filters passed in a flag.56 Returns:57 str: The properly-joined together gtest_filter flag.58 """59 positive_filters = p_filts60 negative_filters = n_filts61 with open(filepath, "r") as file:62 for line in file:63 # Only take the part of a line before a # sign64 line = line.split("#", 1)[0].strip()65 if line == "":66 continue67 elif line.startswith("-"):68 negative_filters.append(line[1:])69 else:70 positive_filters.append(line)71 return "--gtest_filter={}-{}".format(":".join(positive_filters),72 ":".join(negative_filters))73class TestTarget(object):74 """TestTarget encapsulates a single target, extracts a name from the75 target string, and manages the building and running of the target for both76 Linux and Fuchsia.77 """78 def __init__(self, target: str, p_filts: List[str], n_filts: List[str]):79 self._target = target80 self._name = target.split(":")[-1]81 self._filter_file = "testing/buildbot/filters/fuchsia.{}.filter".format(82 self._name)83 if not os.path.isfile(self._filter_file):84 self._filter_flag = ""85 self._filter_file = ""86 else:87 self._filter_flag = ParseFilterFile(self._filter_file, p_filts, n_filts)88 def ExecFuchsia(self, out_dir: str, run_locally: bool) -> str:89 """Execute this test target's test on Fuchsia, either with QEMU or on actual90 hardware.91 Args:92 out_dir (str): The Fuchsia output directory.93 run_locally (bool): Whether to use QEMU(true) or a physical device(false)94 Returns:95 str: The standard output of the test process.96 """97 runner_name = "{}/bin/run_{}".format(out_dir, self._name)98 command = [runner_name, self._filter_flag, "--exclude-system-logs"]99 if not run_locally:100 command.append("-d")101 return RunCommand(command,102 "Test {} failed on Fuchsia!".format(self._target))103 def ExecLinux(self, out_dir: str, run_locally: bool) -> str:104 """Execute this test target's test on Linux, either with QEMU or on actual105 hardware.106 Args:107 out_dir (str): The Linux output directory.108 run_locally (bool): Whether to use the host machine(true) or a physical109 device(false)110 Returns:111 str: The standard output of the test process.112 """113 command = [] # type: List[str]114 user = target_spec.linux_device_user115 ip = target_spec.linux_device_ip116 host_machine = "{0}@{1}".format(user, ip)117 if not run_locally:118 # Next is the transfer of all the directories to the destination device.119 self.TransferDependencies(out_dir, host_machine)120 command = [121 "ssh", "{}@{}".format(user, ip), "{1}/{0}/{1} -- {2}".format(122 out_dir, self._name, self._filter_flag)123 ]124 else:125 local_path = "{}/{}".format(out_dir, self._name)126 command = [local_path, "--", self._filter_flag]127 return RunCommand(command, "Test {} failed on linux!".format(self._target))128 def TransferDependencies(self, out_dir: str, host: str):129 """Transfer the dependencies of this target to the machine to execute the130 test.131 Args:132 out_dir (str): The output directory to find the dependencies in.133 host (str): The IP address of the host to receive the dependencies.134 """135 gn_desc = ["gn", "desc", out_dir, self._target, "runtime_deps"]136 out = RunCommand(137 gn_desc, "Failed to get dependencies of target {}".format(self._target))138 paths = []139 for line in out.split("\n"):140 if line == "":141 continue142 line = out_dir + "/" + line.strip()143 line = os.path.abspath(line)144 paths.append(line)145 common = os.path.commonpath(paths)146 paths = [os.path.relpath(path, common) for path in paths]147 archive_name = self._name + ".tar.gz"148 # Compress the dependencies of the test.149 command = ["tar", "-czf", archive_name] + paths150 if self._filter_file != "":151 command.append(self._filter_file)152 RunCommand(153 command,154 "{} dependency compression failed".format(self._target),155 )156 # Make sure the containing directory exists on the host, for easy cleanup.157 RunCommand(["ssh", host, "mkdir -p {}".format(self._name)],158 "Failed to create directory on host for {}".format(self._target))159 # Transfer the test deps to the host.160 RunCommand(161 [162 "scp", archive_name, "{}:{}/{}".format(host, self._name,163 archive_name)164 ],165 "{} dependency transfer failed".format(self._target),166 )167 # Decompress the dependencies once they're on the host.168 RunCommand(169 [170 "ssh", host, "tar -xzf {0}/{1} -C {0}".format(171 self._name, archive_name)172 ],173 "{} dependency decompression failed".format(self._target),174 )175 # Clean up the local copy of the archive that is no longer needed.176 RunCommand(177 ["rm", archive_name],178 "{} dependency archive cleanup failed".format(self._target),179 )180def RunTest(target: TestTarget, run_locally: bool = False) -> None:181 """Run the given TestTarget on both Linux and Fuchsia182 Args:183 target (TestTarget): The TestTarget to run.184 run_locally (bool, optional): Defaults to False. Whether the test should be185 run on the host machine, or sent to remote devices for execution.186 Returns:187 None: Technically an IO (), as it writes to the results files188 """189 linux_out = target.ExecLinux(target_spec.linux_out_dir, run_locally)190 linux_result = test_results.TargetResultFromStdout(linux_out.splitlines(),191 target._name)192 print("Ran Linux")193 fuchsia_out = target.ExecFuchsia(target_spec.fuchsia_out_dir, run_locally)194 fuchsia_result = test_results.TargetResultFromStdout(fuchsia_out.splitlines(),195 target._name)196 print("Ran Fuchsia")197 outname = "{}.{}.json".format(target._name, time.time())198 linux_result.WriteToJson("{}/{}".format(target_spec.raw_linux_dir, outname))199 fuchsia_result.WriteToJson("{}/{}".format(target_spec.raw_fuchsia_dir,200 outname))201 print("Wrote result files")202def RunGnForDirectory(dir_name: str, target_os: str, is_debug: bool) -> None:203 """Create the output directory for test builds for an operating system.204 Args:205 dir_name (str): The name to use for the output directory. This will be206 created if it does not exist.207 target_os (str): The operating system to initialize this directory for.208 is_debug (bool): Whether or not this is a debug build of the tests in209 question.210 Returns:211 None: It has a side effect of replacing args.gn212 """213 if not os.path.exists(dir_name):214 os.makedirs(dir_name)215 debug_str = str(is_debug).lower()216 with open("{}/{}".format(dir_name, ""), "w") as args_file:217 args_file.write("is_debug = {}\n".format(debug_str))218 args_file.write("dcheck_always_on = false\n")219 args_file.write("is_component_build = false\n")220 args_file.write("use_goma = true\n")221 args_file.write("target_os = \"{}\"\n".format(target_os))222["gn", "gen", dir_name]).check_returncode()223def GenerateTestData(do_config: bool, do_build: bool, num_reps: int,224 is_debug: bool, filter_flag: str):225 """Initializes directories, builds test targets, and repeatedly executes them226 on both operating systems227 Args:228 do_config (bool): Whether or not to run GN for the output directories229 do_build (bool): Whether or not to run ninja for the test targets.230 num_reps (int): How many times to run each test on a given device.231 is_debug (bool): Whether or not this should be a debug build of the tests.232 filter_flag (str): The --gtest_filter flag, to be parsed as such.233 """234 # Find and make the necessary directories235 DIR_SOURCE_ROOT = os.path.abspath(236 os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), *([os.pardir] * 3)))237 os.chdir(DIR_SOURCE_ROOT)238 os.makedirs(target_spec.results_dir, exist_ok=True)239 os.makedirs(target_spec.raw_linux_dir, exist_ok=True)240 os.makedirs(target_spec.raw_fuchsia_dir, exist_ok=True)241 # Grab parameters from config file.242 linux_dir = target_spec.linux_out_dir243 fuchsia_dir = target_spec.fuchsia_out_dir244 # Parse filters passed in by flag245 pos_filter_chunk, neg_filter_chunk = filter_flag.split("-", 1)246 pos_filters = pos_filter_chunk.split(":")247 neg_filters = neg_filter_chunk.split(":")248 test_input = [] # type: List[TestTarget]249 for target in target_spec.test_targets:250 test_input.append(TestTarget(target, pos_filters, neg_filters))251 print("Test targets collected:\n{}".format(",".join(252 [test._target for test in test_input])))253 if do_config:254 RunGnForDirectory(linux_dir, "linux", is_debug)255 RunGnForDirectory(fuchsia_dir, "fuchsia", is_debug)256 print("Ran GN")257 elif is_debug:258 logging.warning("The --is_debug flag is ignored unless --do_config is also \259 specified")260 if do_build:261 # Build test targets in both output directories.262 for directory in [linux_dir, fuchsia_dir]:263 build_command = ["autoninja", "-C", directory] \264 + [test._target for test in test_input]265 RunCommand(build_command,266 "autoninja failed in directory {}".format(directory))267 print("Builds completed.")268 # Execute the tests, one at a time, per system, and collect their results.269 for i in range(0, num_reps):270 print("Running Test set {}".format(i))271 for test_target in test_input:272 print("Running Target {}".format(test_target._name))273 RunTest(test_target)274 print("Finished {}".format(test_target._name))275 print("Tests Completed")276def main() -> int:277 cmd_flags = argparse.ArgumentParser(278 description="Execute tests repeatedly and collect performance data.")279 cmd_flags.add_argument(280 "--do-config",281 action="store_true",282 help="WARNING: This flag over-writes in the directories "283 "configured. GN is executed before running the tests.")284 cmd_flags.add_argument(285 "--do-build",286 action="store_true",287 help="Build the tests before running them.")288 cmd_flags.add_argument(289 "--is-debug",290 action="store_true",291 help="This config-and-build cycle is a debug build")292 cmd_flags.add_argument(293 "--num-repetitions",294 type=int,295 default=1,296 help="The number of times to execute each test target.")297 cmd_flags.add_argument(298 "--gtest_filter",299 type=str,300 default="",301 )302 cmd_flags.parse_args()303 GenerateTestData(cmd_flags.do_config, cmd_flags.do_build,304 cmd_flags.num_repetitions, cmd_flags.is_debug,305 cmd_flags.gtest_filter)306 return 0307if __name__ == "__main__":...
1import logging2log = logging.getLogger('fabric.fabalicious.base')3from fabric.api import *4from fabric.state import output, env5from fabric.context_managers import env6from import *7from fabric.contrib.files import exists8import re9class LocallyContext():10 def __init__(self, parent, config):11 self.parent= parent12 self.config = config13 def __enter__(self):14 self.saved = self.parent.run_locally15 self.parent.setRunLocally(self.config)16 return self17 def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):18 self.parent.run_locally = self.saved19class BaseMethod(object):20 verbose_output = True21 run_locally = False22 @staticmethod23 def supports(methodName):24 return False25 @staticmethod26 def validateConfig(config):27 return {}28 @staticmethod29 def getDefaultConfig(config, settings, defaults):30 pass31 @staticmethod32 def applyConfig(config, settings):33 pass34 @staticmethod35 def getGlobalSettings():36 return {}37 @staticmethod38 def addExecutables(config, executables):39 for e in executables:40 if e not in config['executables']:41 config['executables'][e] = e42 def __init__(self, methodName, factory):43 self.methodName = methodName44 self.factory = factory45 @staticmethod46 def getOverrides():47 return False48 def preflight(self, task, config, **kwargs):49 pass50 def postflight(self, task, config, **kwargs):51 pass52 def fallback(self, task, config, **kwargs):53 pass54 def expandVariablesImpl(self, prefix, variables, result):55 for key in variables:56 if isinstance(variables[key], dict):57 self.expandVariablesImpl(prefix + "." + key, variables[key], result)58 elif isinstance(variables[key], list):59 pass # lists are not supported.60 else:61 result["%" + prefix + "." + key + "%"] = str(variables[key])62 def expandVariables(self, variables):63 results = {}64 for key in variables:65 self.expandVariablesImpl(key, variables[key], results)66 return results67 def expandCommands(self, commands, replacements):68 parsed_commands = []69 pattern = re.compile('|'.join(re.escape(key) for key in replacements.keys()))70 if commands:71 for line in commands:72 result = pattern.sub(lambda x: replacements[], line)73 parsed_commands.append(result)74 return parsed_commands75 def addPasswordToFabricCache(self, user, host, port, password, **kwargs):76 host_string = join_host_strings(user, host, port)77 env.passwords[host_string] = password78 def list_remote_files(self, base_folder, patterns):79 result = []80 with cd(base_folder), hide('running', 'output', 'warnings'), warn_only():81 for pattern in patterns:82 cmd = 'ls -l ' + pattern + ' 2>/dev/null'83 output = run(cmd)84 lines = output.stdout.splitlines()85 for line in lines:86 tokens = line.split()87 if(len(tokens) >= 9):88 result.append(tokens[8])89 return result90 def get_backup_result(self, config, file, hash, method):91 tokens = hash.split('--')92 if len(tokens) < 3:93 return False94 # be backwards compatible.95 if tokens[0] != config['config_name']:96 tokens[0], tokens[1] = tokens[1], tokens[0]97 if tokens[0] != config['config_name']:98 return False99 return {100 'config': tokens[0],101 'commit': tokens[1],102 'date': tokens[2],103 'time': tokens[3],104 'method': method,105 'hash': hash,106 'file': file107 }108 def get_backup_result_for_method(self, files, method):109 file = filter(lambda f: f['method'] == method, files)110 if len(file) != 1:111 return False112 return file[0]113 def runLocally(self, config):114 return LocallyContext(self, config)115 def setRunLocally(self, config):116 self.run_locally = config['runLocally']117 self.setExecutables(config)118 def setExecutables(self, config):119 self.executables = {}120 replacements = self.expandVariables({ "host": config })121 for key, command in config['executables'].iteritems():122 cmds = [ command ];123 cmds = self.expandCommands(cmds, replacements)124 self.executables[key] = cmds[0]125 def cd(self, path):126 # log.error('cd: %d %s'% (self.run_locally, path))127 return lcd(path) if self.run_locally else cd(path)128 def expandCommand(self, in_cmd):129 cmd = in_cmd130 if len(self.executables) > 0:131 pattern = re.compile('|'.join(re.escape("#!" + key)+"\s" for key in self.executables.keys()))132 cmd = pattern.sub(lambda x: self.executables[[2:-1]] + ' ', cmd)133 if cmd.find('%arguments%') >= 0:134 arr = in_cmd.split(' ')135 command = arr.pop(0)136 arguments = ' '.join(arr)137 command = command.replace('#!', '');138 cmd = self.executables[command].replace('%arguments%', arguments)139 return cmd140 def run(self, cmd, **kwargs):141 # log.error("run: %d %s" % ( self.run_locally, cmd))142 cmd = self.expandCommand(cmd)143 if self.run_locally:144 return local(cmd, **kwargs)145 else:146 if 'capture' in kwargs:147 kwargs.pop('capture')148 return run(cmd, **kwargs)149 def exists(self, fname):150 return os.path.isfile(fname) if self.run_locally else exists(fname)151 def run_quietly(self, cmd, msg = '', hide_output = None, may_fail=False):152 if 'warn_only' in env and env['warn_only']:153 may_fail = True154 if msg != '':155 print msg156 if not hide_output:157 hide_output = ['running', 'output', 'warnings']158 if self.verbose_output:159 hide_output=[]160 with hide(*hide_output):161 try:162 result = if not may_fail and result.return_code != 0:164 log.error('%s failed:' %s)165 print result166 return result167 except:168 log.error('%s failed' % cmd)169 if output['aborts']:...
...27 help = "The type of dataset.")28 parser.add_argument("-o", "--output-directory", default="predictions.csv",29 help = "The output directory the save the output of the inference run.")30 arguments = vars(parser.parse_args())31 run_locally(arguments)32################################################################################33## Guard Main34if __name__ == "__main__":35 main()...
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