How to use reoffset method in hypothesis

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1import ConfigParser2import json3import os4import sys5import time6import pika7import wtclib8if not os.path.isdir("../​log/​reret"):9 try:10 os.mkdir("../​log/​reret")11 except Exception, e:12 print str(e) + " in line: " + str(sys._getframe().f_lineno)13 os._exit()14mylogger = wtclib.create_logging("../​log/​reret/​re2filter.log")"start running")16while True:17 (cur, err) = wtclib.get_a_sql_cur("../​conf/​conf.conf","hvpd3db2")18 if None != cur:19 break20 else:21"can not connect to db and sleep 20")22 time.sleep(20)23"""24cur.execute("insert into ReFilterTable(Spaceid, cameraID, cmosID)values('123456', '1315', 0)")25cur.execute("update ReFilterTable set PlateNumber1='wfbi' where Spaceid='123456'")26cur.execute("update ReFilterTable set PlateNumber1=NULL where Spaceid='123456'")27"""28"""29_pid = os.getpid()30try:31 cur.execute("insert into WatchdogTable(pid, runCMD,watchSeconds,renewTimet)values(%d, "32 "'python %s &', 300, %d)"%(_pid, __file__, (time.time())))33except Exception, e:34 mylogger.error(str(e)+time.asctime())35"""36msg_props = pika.BasicProperties()37msg_props.content_type = "text/​plain"38pre_similar_table = ['0DQ','8BRH',39 'S53','2Z',40 'T71','PRF',41 'PRF','6G',42 '4A']43def match_same_process(cur, FilterSql, ReoutSql):44 cur.execute()45def match_process(src, dst):46 i = -147 cnt = 048 for cc in src:49 i += 150 if cc == dst[i]:51 cnt += 152 continue53 for list1 in pre_similar_table:54 if cc in list1 and dst[i] in list1:55 cnt += 156 break57 return cnt58def same_match_filter(filterTable):59 return 160def msg_consumer(channel, method, header, body):61 channel.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag)62 global cur, mylogger, channelOut, msg_props63 _timeSec = int(time.time())64 """65 global _pid66 cur.execute("update WatchdogTable set renewTimet=%d where pid=%d" % (_timeSec, _pid))67 """68 mylogger.debug("msg recv" + body)69 try:70 _dic_info = json.loads(body)71 except Exception, e:72 mylogger.warning(str(e))73 mylogger.warning("len = %d"%len(body))74 mylogger.warning("json.loads "+body)75 return76 if "quit" in _dic_info:77 channel.basic_cancel(consumer_tag="hello-consumer2")78 channel.stop_consuming()79 mylogger.debug("quit")80 mylogger.debug(body)81 if not "cam_id" in _dic_info:82"not cam_id in _dic_info")83 return84 if not "plateGet" in _dic_info:85"not plateGet in _dic_info")86 return87 if not "CMOS" in _dic_info:88"not CMOS in _dic_info")89 return90 if not type(_dic_info["CMOS"])==int:91 mylogger.debug("not type CMOS is int")92 return93 if not type(_dic_info["plateGet"])==int:94 mylogger.debug("not type plateGet is int")95 return96 _cmos = _dic_info["CMOS"]97 if _cmos > 1:98 mylogger.error("CMOS=%d"%_cmos)99 return100 if 0 == _cmos :101 if(_dic_info["plateGet"] > 3 or _dic_info["plateGet"] < 1):102"CMOS=%d and plate=%d"%(_cmos,_dic_info["plateGet"]))103 return104 else:105 _Reoffset = (_dic_info["plateGet"]-1)*4+2106 if 1 == _cmos :107 if(_dic_info["plateGet"] > 6 or _dic_info["plateGet"] < 4):108"CMOS=%d and plate=%d"%(_cmos,_dic_info["plateGet"]))109 return110 else:111 _Reoffset = (_dic_info["plateGet"] - 4) * 4+2112 _sql_str = "select * from ReOutTable where cameraID='%s' and cmosID=%d"%(_dic_info["cam_id"], _cmos)113 if 0 == cur.execute(_sql_str):114 mylogger.debug("0="+_sql_str)115 return116 try:117 _re_out = cur.fetchmany(1)[0]118 except:119 mylogger.debug("read select * from ReOutTable = 0")120 return121 _hvpd = _dic_info["cam_id"]122 try:123 _spaceID = _dic_info["cam_id"]+str(_dic_info["plateGet"])124 if 0 == cur.execute("select * from ReFilterTable where Spaceid='%s'"%_spaceID):125 cur.execute("insert into ReFilterTable(Spaceid, cameraID, cmosID)values('%s', '%s', %d)"126 %((_dic_info["cam_id"]+str(_dic_info["plateGet"])), _dic_info["cam_id"], _cmos))127 _ReFilterInfo = cur.fetchmany(cur.execute("select * from ReFilterTable where Spaceid='%s'"%_spaceID))[0]128 if None == _re_out[_Reoffset+1]:# no plate here129 _ret = 0130 for i in range(8):131 if None == _ReFilterInfo[4+i*6] and 0 != _ReFilterInfo[3+i*6]: #same with no plate132 cur.execute("update ReFilterTable set sameCnt%d=%d,matchCnt%d=%d,sameTimet%d=%d,matchTimet%d=%d "133 "where Spaceid='%s'"%(i+1, _ReFilterInfo[5+i*6],i+1, _ReFilterInfo[6+i*6],134 i+1, _timeSec,i+1, _timeSec, _spaceID))135 _ret = 1 #found a no plate, so update136 break137 if 0 == _ret:138 for i in range(8):139 if 0 == _ReFilterInfo[3+i*4]:#find a empty buffer140 cur.execute("update ReFilterTable set inuse%d=1,PlateNumber%d=NULL, sameCnt%d=1,matchCnt%d=1,sameTimet%d=%d,matchTimet%d=%d "141 "where Spaceid='%s'"%(i+1, i+1,i+1,i+1, i+1, _timeSec, i+1,_timeSec,_spaceID))142 _ret = 11143 break144 if 11 != _ret:#all is inuse145 _matchtimet = []146 for i in range(8):147 _matchtimet.append(_ReFilterInfo[6*i+8])#delete the oldest match148 _insert = _matchtimet.index(min(_matchtimet))149 cur.execute("update ReFilterTable set PlateNumber%d=NULL, sameCnt%d=1,matchCnt%d=1,sameTimet%d=%d,matchTimet%d=%d "150 "where Spaceid='%s'" % (_insert+1, _insert+1, _insert+1, _insert+1, _timeSec, _insert+1, _timeSec, _spaceID))151 else:152 match_same_process(cur, _ReFilterInfo, _re_out)153 _ret = 0154 for i in range(8): #same and match155 if 0 != _ReFilterInfo[6*i+3] and _re_out[_Reoffset+1] == _ReFilterInfo[6*i+4]:156 cur.execute("update ReFilterTable set sameCnt%d=%d,sameTimet%d=%d,matchCnt%d=%d,matchTimet%d=%d "157 "where Spaceid='%s'" % (i+1, _ReFilterInfo[6*i+5], i+1, _timeSec, i+1, _ReFilterInfo[6*i+6], i+1, _timeSec,_spaceID))158 _ret = 1159 continue160 if match_process(_re_out[_Reoffset+1], _ReFilterInfo[6*i+4])>3:161 cur.execute("update ReFilterTable set matchCnt%d=%d,matchTimet%d=%d "162 "where Spaceid='%s'" % (i + 1, _ReFilterInfo[6 * i + 5], i + 1, _timeSec, _spaceID))163 _ret = 1164 continue165 if 0 == _ret:166 _insert = 10167 for i in range(8):168 if 0 == _ReFilterInfo[6*i+3]:169 _insert = i170 break171 if 10 != _insert:172 cur.execute("update ReFilterTable set inuse%d=1, PlateNumber%d='%s', sameCnt%d=1, matchCnt%d=1,"173 "sameTimet%d=%d, matchTimet%d=%d where Spaceid='%s'"174 % (_insert + 1, _insert + 1,_re_out[_Reoffset+1], _insert + 1, _insert + 1, _insert + 1, _timeSec, _insert + 1,_timeSec, _spaceID))175 else:176 _matchtimet = []177 for i in range(8):178 _matchtimet.append(_ReFilterInfo[6 * i + 8])179 _insert = _matchtimet.index(min(_matchtimet))180 cur.execute("update ReFilterTable set inuse%d=1, PlateNumber%d='%s', sameCnt%d=1, matchCnt%d=1,"181 "sameTimet%d=%d, matchTimet%d=%d where Spaceid='%s'"182 % (183 _insert + 1, _insert + 1, _re_out[_Reoffset + 1], _insert + 1, _insert + 1, _insert + 1, _timeSec,184 _insert + 1, _timeSec, _spaceID))185 _ReFilterInfo = cur.fetchmany(cur.execute("select * from ReFilterTable where Spaceid='%s'"%_spaceID))[0]186 _insert = same_match_filter(_ReFilterInfo)187 if 0 == cur.execute("select * from ReOutFilterTable where cameraID='%s' and cmosID=%d"%(_dic_info["cam_id"], _cmos)):188 cur.execute("insert into ReOutFilterTable(cameraID, cmosID)values('%s',%d)"%(_dic_info["cam_id"], _cmos))189 cur.execute("update ReOutFilterTable")190 msg = json.dumps({"sn": _hvpd, "CMOS": _cmos})191 try:192 mylogger.debug("basic_publish:"+msg)193 channelOut.basic_publish(body=msg, exchange="ReOut.filter", properties=msg_props,routing_key="hola")194 except Exception, e:195 channel.basic_cancel(consumer_tag="hello-consumer2")196 channel.stop_consuming()197 mylogger.error("channelOut Error "+str(e))198 except:199 mylogger.error("end")200 pass201 return202if __name__ == '__main__':203 conf_dict = wtclib.get_user_config_ret_dict("../​conf/​conf.conf", "rabbitmq")204 if "reoutmq_server_addr" in conf_dict:205 _mq_host = conf_dict["reoutmq_server_addr"]206 else:207 _mq_host = wtclib.get_ip_addr1("eth0")208 if "reoutmq_server_port" in conf_dict:209 _mq_port = int(conf_dict["reoutmq_server_port"])210 else:211 _mq_port = 5672212 if "reoutmq_exchange" in conf_dict:213 _mq_exchange = conf_dict["reoutmq_exchange"]214 else:215 _mq_exchange = ""216 if "reoutmq_user_name" in conf_dict:217 _mq_user_name = conf_dict["reoutmq_user_name"]218 else:219 _mq_user_name = "user1"220 if "reoutmq_passwd" in conf_dict:221 _mq_passwd = conf_dict["reoutmq_passwd"]222 else:223 _mq_passwd = "9876543"224 if "reoutmq_vhost" in conf_dict:225 _mq_vhost = conf_dict["reoutmq_vhost"]226 else:227 _mq_vhost = "OutTrig"228 while True:229 while True:230 try:231 credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(_mq_user_name, _mq_passwd)232 conn_params = pika.ConnectionParameters(host=_mq_host, virtual_host=_mq_vhost, credentials=credentials)233 conn_broker = pika.BlockingConnection(conn_params)234 break235 except Exception, e:236 time.sleep(2)238 while True:239 try:240 channel = # channel.exchange_declare(exchange="AiOut",exchange_type="fanout", passive=False, durable=False, auto_delete=True)242 channel.queue_declare(queue="refilter")243 channel.queue_bind(queue="refilter", exchange=_mq_exchange)244 break245 except Exception, e:246 time.sleep(20)248 channelOut = channelOut.exchange_declare(exchange="ReOut.filter", exchange_type="fanout",250 passive=False, durable=False, auto_delete=True)251 channel.basic_consume(msg_consumer, queue="refilter", consumer_tag="filter")252 try:253 channel.start_consuming()254 except Exception, e:255 mylogger.error(str(e))256 try:257 channel.close()258 except Exception, e:259 mylogger.error(str(e))260 try:261 channelOut.close()262 except Exception, e:...

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1import numpy as np2import matplotlib.pyplot as plt3from scipy.optimize import curve_fit4from scipy.ndimage import interpolation5from photonscore.python.flim import read6from photonscore.python.histogram import histogram7from photonscore.python.vault import Vault8from matplotlib.colors import colorConverter9import matplotlib as mpl10from glob import glob11#from bokeh.models import HoverTool12#from import output_notebook13from Classes.EventPreProcessor import EventPreProcessor14from Classes.EinsteinCorrection import EinsteinCorrection15def oneDFringes(x, Amplitude, Phase, Period, Offset):16 #return 10000*np.sin(Period*x)+Offset17 return Amplitude*np.sin(Period*x+Phase)+Offset18data = Vault(r"E:\RawData\SpatialIonsMainz\Measurement\01_09_2018_FirstMeas\17uW53.photons")19masterX =[:].astype(np.int64) - 204820masterY =[:].astype(np.int64) - 204821masterCoords = np.array([22 masterX,23 masterY24]).T25rotAngle = (-29.72883115886924/​180.)*np.pi26rotMatrix = np.array([27 [np.cos(rotAngle), -1*np.sin(rotAngle)],28 [np.sin(rotAngle), np.cos(rotAngle)]29])30rotatedMasterCoords = + 204831#imagMaster = histogram([:], 0, 4000, 400,[:])32#plt.imshow(imagMaster)33#plt.title("Master Image Unrotated") = histogram(rotatedMasterCoords.T[0], 0, 4000, 400, rotatedMasterCoords.T[1])36#plt.imshow(imagMaster)37#plt.title("Master Image Rotated")"master finished")40slaveX =[:].astype(np.int64) - 204841slaveY =[:].astype(np.int64) - 204842slaveCoords = np.array([43 slaveX,44 slaveY45]).T46rotAngle = (-5.19673564264405/​180.)*np.pi47rotMatrix = np.array([48 [np.cos(rotAngle), -1*np.sin(rotAngle)],49 [np.sin(rotAngle), np.cos(rotAngle)]50])51#rotate52rotatedSlaveCoords = = rotatedSlaveCoords54#translate55translateX = -6556translateY = -5057#mirror x-axis58rotatedSlaveCoords = np.array([59 (np.array(rotatedSlaveCoords.T[0]) * -1) + translateX,60 np.array(rotatedSlaveCoords.T[1] + translateY),61]).T62#reOffset63rotatedSlaveCoords = rotatedSlaveCoords + 204864#imagSlave = histogram([:], 0, 4000, 400,[:])65#plt.imshow(imagSlave)66#plt.title("Slave Image Unrotated") = histogram(rotatedSlaveCoords.T[0], 0, 4000, 400, rotatedSlaveCoords.T[1])69#plt.imshow(imagSlave)70#plt.title("Slave Image Rotated") process73Steps = range(-200,0, 2)74visibilities = []75for step in Steps:76 break77 print(str(step))78 temporalCopy = copiedRotatedSlaveCoords79 # translate80 translateX = step81 translateY = -5082 # mirror x-axis83 temporalCopy = np.array([84 (np.array(temporalCopy.T[0]) * -1) + translateX,85 np.array(temporalCopy.T[1] + translateY),86 ]).T87 # reOffset88 temporalCopy = temporalCopy + 204889 # imagSlave = histogram([:], 0, 4000, 400,[:])90 # plt.imshow(imagSlave)91 # plt.title("Slave Image Unrotated")92 # imagSlave = histogram(temporalCopy.T[0], 0, 4000, 400, temporalCopy.T[1])94 reducedData = np.sum(imagSlave[125:340, 150:340], axis=0)95 xdata = np.array(range(len(reducedData)))96 popt, pcov = curve_fit(oneDFringes, xdata, reducedData, p0=[4000, -5100, 0.15, 25200])97 #popt = [4000, -5100, 0.15, 25200]98 #plt.plot(xdata, reducedData)99 #plt.plot(xdata, oneDFringes(xdata, *popt))100 #plt.title("Rotation: " + str(angle))101 visibility = (popt[0])/​(popt[3])103 visibilities.append(np.abs(visibility))104 #print("did " + str(angle) + " degrees")105#rough estimation106#visibilities = np.array(visibilities)107#plt.plot(Steps, visibilities) = Steps[visibilities.argmin()]110minStep = -69111#translate112translateX = minStep113translateY = -50114#mirror x-axis115rotatedSlaveCoords = np.array([116 (np.array(copiedRotatedSlaveCoords.T[0]) * -1) + translateX,117 np.array(copiedRotatedSlaveCoords.T[1] + translateY),118]).T119#reOffset120rotatedSlaveCoords = rotatedSlaveCoords + 2048121#imagSlave = histogram([:], 0, 4000, 400,[:])122#plt.imshow(imagSlave)123#plt.title("Slave Image Unrotated") = histogram(rotatedSlaveCoords.T[0], 0, 4000, 400, rotatedSlaveCoords.T[1])126#opaque stuff127# generate the colors for your colormap128color1 = colorConverter.to_rgba('white')129color2 = colorConverter.to_rgba('black')130# make the colormaps131cmap1 = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('my_cmap',['green','blue'],256)132cmap2 = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('my_cmap2',[color1,color2],256)133cmap2._init() # create the _lut array, with rgba values134# create your alpha array and fill the colormap with them.135# here it is progressive, but you can create whathever you want136alphas = np.linspace(0, 0.5, cmap2.N+3)137cmap2._lut[:,-1] = alphas138f = plt.figure()139f.add_subplot(2,2, 1)140plt.title("imag Master")141plt.imshow(imagMaster)142f.add_subplot(2,2, 2)143plt.title("imag Slave")144plt.imshow(imagSlave)145f.add_subplot(2,2,3)146plt.title("Overlay")147plt.imshow(imagMaster, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap1, origin='lower')148plt.imshow(imagSlave, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap2, origin='lower')149f.add_subplot(2,2,4)150plt.title("subtract")151plt.imshow(imagSlave/​np.amax(imagSlave) - imagMaster/​np.amax(imagMaster))

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python32# Copyright (C) 2018, Vi Grey3# All rights reserved.4#5# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without6# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions7# are met:8#9# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright10# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.11# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright12# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the13# documentation and/​or other materials provided with the distribution.14#15# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND16# ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE17# IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE18# ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE19# FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL20# DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS21# OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)22# HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT23# LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY24# OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF25# SUCH DAMAGE.26import os.path27import struct28import sys29VERSION = '0.0.3'30HOSTOS = b'\x05'31# Check if help or version flag was passed as an argument32if len(sys.argv) >= 2:33 if sys.argv[1] == '--version' or sys.argv[1] == '-v':34 print('neszip ' + VERSION)35 exit(0)36# Check if there are enough arguments otherwise37elif len(sys.argv) != 3:38 print('\x1b[91m2 NES file and ZIP file paths required\x1b[0m')39 exit(1)40# Get nes file and zip file inputs values from arguments41nes_input = sys.argv[1]42zip_input = sys.argv[2]43# Takes the zip file and modifies its contents to be correctly offset44# And also claims the zip file was made on an Atari ST45def reoffset_zip(n, z, i):46 new_z = b''47 z_cursor = 048 # get last central directory file header signature49 last_file_index = z.rfind(b'\x50\x4b\x01\x02')50 index_check = True51 if last_file_index == -1:52 index_check = False53 while index_check:54 next_file_index = z.index(b'\x50\x4b\x01\x02', z_cursor)55 if next_file_index == last_file_index:56 index_check = False57 new_z += z[z_cursor: next_file_index]58 z_cursor = next_file_index59 new_z += z[z_cursor: z_cursor + 5]60 new_z += HOSTOS61 new_z += z[z_cursor + 6: z_cursor + 42]62 old_z_offset = struct.unpack('<I', z[z_cursor + 42: z_cursor + 46])[0]63 new_z += struct.pack('<I', old_z_offset + i)64 z_cursor += 4665 new_z += z[z_cursor: -6]66 zip_comment_len = len(n) - i - len(z)67 new_zip_start_offset = struct.unpack('<I', z[-6: -2])[0] + i68 new_z += struct.pack('<I', new_zip_start_offset)69 new_z += struct.pack('<H', zip_comment_len)70 return(new_z)71# Takes an NES file's contents and a zip file's contents and merges72# them into a single file73def create_polyglot(n, z):74 new_nes_contents = b''75 if len(n) - 8214 >= 16378:76 # 16394 gives a 6 byte buffer for end of PRG77 i = n.rfind(b'\x00' * len(z), 16, 16394)78 if i != -1:79 new_nes_contents += n[:i]80 z_reoffset = reoffset_zip(n, z, i)81 new_nes_contents += z_reoffset82 new_nes_contents += n[i + len(z):]83 return(new_nes_contents)84 else:85 print('\x1b[91mNot enough space in NES file for ZIP file\x1b[0m')86 exit(1)87 else:88 print('\x1b[91mInvalid NES file size\x1b[0m')89 exit(1)90# Get contents of NES rom file and zip file91try:92 nes_file = open(nes_input, 'rb+')93 nes_content = zip_file = open(zip_input, 'rb')95 zip_content = zip_file.close()97except:98 print('\x1b[91mUnable to open or read an input file\x1b[0m')99 exit(1)100# Create the new NES file that has the embedded zip file101try:102 nes_file.write(create_polyglot(nes_content, zip_content))104 nes_file.close()105except:106 print('\x1b[91mUnable to write output file\x1b[0m')...

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