How to use kill_branch method in hypothesis

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...256def abolsute_branch_uncondtionional(N, **kwargs):257 return [N]258def absolute_call(next_pc, N, **kwargs):259 return [next_pc, N]260def kill_branch(**kwargs):261 return []262class B(I):263 def __init__(self, pattern, name, newpc):264 super().__init__(pattern, "")265 self.newpc = newpc266 = name267 def to_string(self, dict):268 if self.newpc == kill_branch:269 return**dict)270 if self.newpc == relative_branch or self.newpc == relative_branch_unconditional:271 dest = dict["next_pc"] + dict["S"]272 elif self.newpc == relative_call:273 dest = dict["next_pc"] + dict["S"]274 else:...

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1# Copyright 2021 Google LLC2#3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.5# You may obtain a copy of the License at6#7# http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.08#9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and13# limitations under the License.14"""Utility library for optical flow network."""15from typing import Union, Tuple, Sequence16import tensorflow as tf17def coords_grid(18 batch_size: Union[tf.Tensor, int],19 height: Union[tf.Tensor, int],20 width: Union[tf.Tensor, int],21) -> tf.Tensor:22 """Creates a coordinate grid.23 Args:24 batch_size: A 0-D Tensor (scalar), batch size of coordinate grids.25 height: A 0-D Tensor (scalar), height of coordinate grids.26 width: A 0-D Tensor (scalar), width of coordinate grids.27 Returns:28 Coordinate grid: A Tensor of size B x H x W x 2 where B is batch size, H x W29 is the size of coordinate grid.30 """31 coords = tf.meshgrid(tf.range(height), tf.range(width), indexing='ij')32 coords = tf.cast(tf.stack(coords[::-1], axis=-1), dtype=tf.float32)33 coords = tf.expand_dims(coords, axis=0)34 coords = tf.repeat(coords, batch_size, axis=0)35 return coords36def initialize_flow(image: tf.Tensor,37 division: int = 8) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]:38 """Creates initial coodinates of flow field before and after update.39 Args:40 image: A Tensor of size B x H x W x C, where B is batch size, H x W is the41 image size, and C is the number of channels.42 division: A integer specifying the division factor between input image and43 flow field.44 Returns:45 Coordinate of flow field before update: A Tensor of size B x H/​division x46 W/​division x 2, where B is batch size, H/​division x W/​division is the47 flow field size.48 Coordinate of flow field after update: A Tensor of size B x H/​division x49 W/​division x 2, where B is batch size, H/​division x W/​division is the50 flow field size.51 """52 batch, height, width, _ = tf.unstack(tf.shape(image))53 pre_coords = coords_grid(batch, height /​/​ division, width /​/​ division)54 post_coords = coords_grid(batch, height /​/​ division, width /​/​ division)55 return pre_coords, post_coords56def compute_upsample_flow(flow: tf.Tensor,57 size: Union[tf.Tensor, Tuple[int, int]]) -> tf.Tensor:58 """Resizes 'flow' to 'size' while rescaling flow value."""59 # For the boundary pixels, bilinear sampling will introduce incorrect value.60 # For example, the arms occluding the torso may have different flow value.61 flow_size = tf.unstack(flow.shape)62 if len(flow_size) == 3:63 flow_height = flow_size[0]64 flow_width = flow_size[1]65 else:66 flow_height = flow_size[1]67 flow_width = flow_size[2]68 upsampled_flow = tf.image.resize(flow, size)69 upsampled_x = upsampled_flow[..., 0] * tf.cast(70 size[1], dtype=tf.float32) /​ tf.cast(71 flow_width, dtype=tf.float32)72 upsampled_y = upsampled_flow[..., 1] * tf.cast(73 size[0], dtype=tf.float32) /​ tf.cast(74 flow_height, dtype=tf.float32)75 return tf.stack((upsampled_x, upsampled_y), axis=-1)76def create_path_drop_masks(p_flow: float,77 p_surface: float) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]:78 """Determines global path drop decision based on given probabilities.79 Args:80 p_flow: A scalar of float32, probability of keeping flow feature branch81 p_surface: A scalar of float32, probability of keeping surface feature82 branch83 Returns:84 final_flow_mask: A constant tensor mask containing either one or zero85 depending on the final coin flip probability.86 final_surface_mask: A constant tensor mask containing either one or87 zero depending on the final coin flip probability.88 """89 # The logic works as follows:90 # We have flipped 3 coins, first determines the chance of keeping91 # the flow branch, second determines keeping surface branch, the third92 # makes the final decision in the case where both branches were killed93 # off, otherwise the initial flow and surface chances are kept.94 random_values = tf.random.uniform(shape=[3], minval=0.0, maxval=1.0)95 keep_branch = tf.constant(1.0)96 kill_branch = tf.constant(0.0)97 flow_chances = [(tf.math.less_equal(random_values[0], p_flow), lambda: keep_branch)],99 default=lambda: kill_branch)100 surface_chances = [(tf.math.less_equal(random_values[1], p_surface), lambda: keep_branch)],102 default=lambda: kill_branch)103 # Decision to determine whether both branches were killed off104 third_flip = tf.math.logical_or(105 tf.cast(flow_chances, dtype=tf.bool),106 tf.cast(surface_chances, dtype=tf.bool))107 third_flip = tf.cast(third_flip, dtype=tf.float32)108 # Make a second choice, for the third case109 # Here we use a 50/​50 chance to keep either flow or surface110 # If its greater than 0.5, keep the image111 flow_second_flip = [(tf.math.greater(random_values[2], 0.5), lambda: keep_branch)],113 default=lambda: kill_branch)114 # If its less than or equal to 0.5, keep surface115 surface_second_flip = [(tf.math.less_equal(random_values[2], 0.5), lambda: keep_branch)],117 default=lambda: kill_branch)118 final_flow_mask =[(tf.equal(third_flip, 1), lambda: flow_chances)],119 default=lambda: flow_second_flip)120 final_surface_mask = [(tf.equal(third_flip, 1), lambda: surface_chances)],122 default=lambda: surface_second_flip)123 return final_flow_mask, final_surface_mask124def build_pyramid(image: tf.Tensor,125 num_levels: int = 7,126 resize_method: str = 'bilinear',127 rescale_flow: bool = False) -> Sequence[tf.Tensor]:128 """Return list of downscaled images (level 0 = original)."""129 pyramid = [image]130 size = tf.shape(image)[-3:-1]131 for _ in range(1, num_levels):132 size = size /​/​ 2133 image = tf.image.resize(pyramid[-1], size, method=resize_method)134 if rescale_flow:135 image /​= 2 # half-resolution => half-size flow136 pyramid.append(image)...

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...64 return json_object65 66 def __unicode__(self):67 return str(self.short_desc)68 def kill_branch(self):69 offspring = Page.objects.all().filter(parent=self)70 for page in offspring:71 page.kill_branch()72 self.delete()73class Properties(models.Model):74 user = models.OneToOneField(User)75 avatar = models.ImageField(upload_to='images/​user_avatars/​%Y/​%m/​%d') 76 77 def __unicode__(self):78 return str(self.user.username)79 def getPages(self):80 return Page.objects.all().filter(author=self.user)...

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