Best Python code snippet using hypothesis
1#!/usr/bin/env python32# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-3from game.define.store_define import TN_P_PLAYER4from import StoreObj5from game import Game6import config7class ModelPlayer(StoreObj):8 """ç©å®¶æ°æ®"""9 TABLE_NAME = TN_P_PLAYER10 def init(self):11 = None # rid12 self.account = '' #è´¦å·13 self.password = '' #å¯ç 14 = 0 if int(config.serverNo) >= 60000 else 1 #æ¯å¦gm å
é»è®¤é½æ¯GM15 self.newTime = 0 # å建æ¶é´16 self.loginTime = 0 # æåä¸æ¬¡ç»å½æ¶é´17 self.logoutTime = 0 # æåä¸æ¬¡éåºæ¶é´18 self.itemTranceNo = 0 #ç¨äºçæç©åå¯ä¸idçèªå¢å¼19 self.mailTranceNo = 0 #ç¨äºçæé®ä»¶å¯ä¸idçèªå¢å¼20 self.petTranceNo = 0 # ç¨äºçæå® ç©å¯ä¸idçèªå¢å¼21 self.loginNum = 0 #è§è²åå²ç»é次æ°22 self.shutuped = False # ç¦è¨23 self.blocked = False # å°å·24 self.onlineTimeTotal = 0 # 累计å¨çº¿æ¶é¿25 = 0 # ç©å®¶æ¸ é26 self.platform = "" # android ios27 self.baseDict = {} #è§è²åºç¡æ°æ®28 self.attrDict = {} # è§è²å±æ§29 self.historyDict = {} # åå²ç»è®¡30 self.bagDict = {} # è§è²èå
31 self.walletDict = {} # è§è²é±å
32 self.rankDict = {} # è§è²æè¡33 self.battleArrayDict = {} # è§è²åºæéµå34 self.mapDict = {} # è§è²å°å¾35 self.niudanDict = {} # æè36 self.chargeDict = {} # å
å¼37 self.chargeDailyDict = {} # å
å¼æ¥å¸¸38 self.zhuanpanDict = {} # 转ç39 self.shopDict = {} # ååº40 self.rescueDict = {} # ææ´é41 self.vipDict = {} # vip42 self.totemDict = {} # å¾è
¾43 self.petDict = {} # è§è²å® ç©44 self.marryDict = {} # å©å§»45 self.houseDict = {} # æ¿å46 self.examDict = {} # çé¢47 self.bossDict = {} # boss ååä¸48 self.chenghaoDict = {} # 称å·49 self.myheadDict = {} # 头å50 self.relationshipDict = {} # è¿å ç¾ç» éä¼å æ51 self.daoguanDict = {} #éé¦52 self.taskDict = {} # ä»»å¡53 self.fubenDict = {} #å¯æ¬54 self.zhudaoxunliDict = {} #诸å²å·¡ç¤¼55 self.daylypvpDict = {} # æ¥å¸¸pvpæ¢å¤º56 self.hetiDict = {} #åä½57 self.chatDict = {} #ç©å®¶è天58 self.gongchengDict = {} #æ»å59 self.guildDict = {} #å
¬ä¼60 self.yabiaoDict = {} #æ¼é61 self.diaoyuDict = {} #éé±¼62 def set_owner(self, owner):63 self.owner = owner64 def to_save_dict(self, copy=False, forced=False):65 save = {}66 save['id'] = self.id67 save['account'] = self.account68 save['password'] = self.password69 save['gm'] = self.gm70 save['newTime'] = self.newTime71 save['loginTime'] = self.loginTime72 save['logoutTime'] = self.logoutTime73 save['itemTranceNo'] = self.itemTranceNo74 save['mailTranceNo'] = self.mailTranceNo75 save['petTranceNo'] = self.petTranceNo76 save['loginNum'] = self.loginNum77 save['shutuped'] = self.shutuped78 save['blocked'] = self.blocked79 save['onlineTimeTotal'] = self.onlineTimeTotal80 save['channel'] = self.channel81 save['platform'] = self.platform82 save['baseDict'] = self.owner.base.to_save_dict(forced=forced) #è§è²åºç¡ä¿¡æ¯83 save['attrDict'] = self.owner.attr.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # è§è²å±æ§84 save['historyDict'] = self.owner.history.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # åå²ç»è®¡85 save['bagDict'] = self.owner.bag.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # è§è²èå
86 save['walletDict'] = self.owner.wallet.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # è§è²é±å
87 save['rankDict'] = self.owner.rank.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # è§è²æè¡88 save['battleArrayDict'] = self.owner.battle_array.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # è§è²åºæéµå89 save['mapDict'] = # å°å¾90 save['niudanDict'] = self.owner.niudan.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # æè91 save['chargeDict'] = self.owner.charge.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # å
å¼92 save['chargeDailyDict'] = self.owner.chargeDaily.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # å
å¼æ¥å¸¸93 save['zhuanpanDict'] = self.owner.zhuanpan.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # 转ç94 save['shopDict'] = # ååº95 save['rescueDict'] = self.owner.rescue.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # ææ´é96 save['vipDict'] = # vip97 save['totemDict'] = self.owner.totem.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # å¾è
¾98 save['petDict'] = # è§è²å® ç©99 save["marryDict"] = self.owner.marry.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # å©å§»100 save["houseDict"] = # æ¿å101 save["examDict"] = self.owner.exam.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # çé¢102 save['bossDict'] = self.owner.boss.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # boss ååä¸103 save['chenghaoDict'] = self.owner.chenghao.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # 称å·104 save['myheadDict'] = self.owner.myhead.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # 头å105 save['relationshipDict'] = self.owner.relationship.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # è¿å ç¾ç» éä¼å æ106 save["daoguanDict"] = self.owner.daoguan.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # éé¦107 save['fubenDict'] = self.owner.fuben.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # å¯æ¬108 save['zhudaoxunliDict'] = self.owner.zhudaoxunli.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # 诸å²å·¡ç¤¼109 save["daylypvpDict"] = self.owner.daylypvp.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # æ¥å¸¸pvpæ¢å¤º110 save['hetiDict'] = self.owner.heti.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # åä½111 save["chatDict"] = # ç©å®¶è天112 save['gongchengDict'] = self.owner.gongcheng.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # æ»å113 save['guildDict'] = self.owner.guild.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # ä»»å¡114 save['yabiaoDict'] = self.owner.yabiao.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # æ¼é115 save['diaoyuDict'] = self.owner.diaoyu.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # éé±¼116 # save['taskDict'] = self.owner.task.to_save_dict(forced=forced) # ä»»å¡117 return save118 #overwrite119 def save(self, store, forced=False, no_let=False):120,store, forced=forced, no_let=no_let)121 self.owner.base.cleanDirty() # è§è²åºç¡ä¿¡æ¯122 self.owner.attr.cleanDirty() # è§è²å±æ§123 self.owner.history.cleanDirty() # åå²ç»è®¡124 self.owner.bag.cleanDirty() # è§è²èå
125 self.owner.wallet.cleanDirty() # è§è²é±å
126 self.owner.rank.cleanDirty() # è§è²æè¡127 self.owner.battle_array.cleanDirty() # è§è²åºæéµå128 # å°å¾129 self.owner.niudan.cleanDirty() # æè130 self.owner.charge.cleanDirty() # å
å¼131 self.owner.chargeDaily.cleanDirty() # å
å¼æ¥å¸¸132 self.owner.zhuanpan.cleanDirty() # 转ç133 # ååº134 self.owner.rescue.cleanDirty() # ææ´é135 # vip136 self.owner.totem.cleanDirty() # å¾è
¾137 # è§è²å® ç©138 self.owner.marry.cleanDirty() #å©å§»139 #æ¿å140 self.owner.exam.cleanDirty() # çé¢141 self.owner.boss.cleanDirty() # boss ååä¸142 self.owner.chenghao.cleanDirty() # 称å·143 self.owner.myhead.cleanDirty() # 头å144 self.owner.relationship.cleanDirty() # è¿å ç¾ç» éä¼å æ145 self.owner.daoguan.cleanDirty() # éé¦146 self.owner.fuben.cleanDirty() # å¯æ¬147 self.owner.zhudaoxunli.cleanDirty() # 诸å²å·¡ç¤¼148 self.owner.daylypvp.cleanDirty() # æ¥å¸¸pvpæ¢å¤º149 self.owner.heti.cleanDirty() # åä½150 # ç©å®¶è天151 self.owner.gongcheng.cleanDirty() # æ»å152 self.owner.guild.cleanDirty() # å
¬ä¼153 self.owner.yabiao.cleanDirty() # æ¼é154 self.owner.diaoyu.cleanDirty() # éé±¼155 # self.owner.task.cleanDirty() # ä»»å¡156 def GetLoginTime(self):157 return self.loginTime158 def GetLogoutTime(self):159 return self.logoutTime160 def SetLoginTime(self, iTime):161 self.loginTime = iTime162 self.modify()163 def SetLogoutTime(self, iTime):164 self.logoutTime = iTime165 self.onlineTimeTotal += self.logoutTime - self.loginTime166 if self.onlineTimeTotal < 0:167 self.onlineTimeTotal = 0168 self.modify()169 def AddLoginNum(self):170 self.loginNum += 1171 self.modify()172 def IsGm(self):173 return self.gm174 def GenerateItemTranceNo(self):175 self.itemTranceNo += 1176 self.modify()177 return self.itemTranceNo178 def GeneratePetTranceNo(self):179 self.petTranceNo += 1180 self.modify()181 return self.petTranceNo182 @classmethod183 def name_to_id(cls, name):184 rs =, None, dict(name=name))185 if rs:186 return rs[0]['id']187 @classmethod188 def id_to_name(cls, pid):189 rs =, ['name'], dict(id=pid))190 if rs:...
1#!/usr/bin/env python2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-3# This file is part of Beremiz, a Integrated Development Environment for4# programming IEC 61131-3 automates supporting plcopen standard and CanFestival.5#6# Copyright (C) 2007: Edouard TISSERANT and Laurent BESSARD7#8# See COPYING file for copyrights details.9#10# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or11# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License12# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 213# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.14#15# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,16# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of17# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the18# GNU General Public License for more details.19#20# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License21# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software22# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.23from __future__ import absolute_import24import datetime25# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------26# Date and Time conversion function27# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------28SECOND = 1000000 # Number of microseconds in one second29MINUTE = 60 * SECOND # Number of microseconds in one minute30HOUR = 60 * MINUTE # Number of microseconds in one hour31DAY = 24 * HOUR # Number of microseconds in one day32# Date corresponding to Epoch (1970 January the first)33DATE_ORIGIN = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)34def get_microseconds(value):35 """36 Function converting time duration expressed in day, second and microseconds37 into one expressed in microseconds38 @param value: Time duration to convert39 @return: Time duration expressed in microsecond40 """41 return float(value.days * DAY +42 value.seconds * SECOND +43 value.microseconds)44def generate_time(value):45 """46 Function converting time duration expressed in day, second and microseconds47 into a IEC 61131 TIME literal48 @param value: Time duration to convert49 @return: IEC 61131 TIME literal50 """51 microseconds = get_microseconds(value)52 # Get absolute microseconds value and save if it was negative53 negative = microseconds < 054 microseconds = abs(microseconds)55 # TIME literal prefix56 data = "T#"57 if negative:58 data += "-"59 # In TIME literal format, it isn't mandatory to indicate null values60 # if no greater non-null values are available. This variable is used to61 # inhibit formatting until a non-null value is found62 not_null = False63 for val, format in [64 (int(microseconds) / DAY, "%dd"), # Days65 ((int(microseconds) % DAY) / HOUR, "%dh"), # Hours66 ((int(microseconds) % HOUR) / MINUTE, "%dm"), # Minutes67 ((int(microseconds) % MINUTE) / SECOND, "%ds")]: # Seconds68 # Add value to TIME literal if value is non-null or another non-null69 # value have already be found70 if val > 0 or not_null:71 data += format % val72 # Update non-null variable73 not_null = True74 # In any case microseconds have to be added to TIME literal75 data += "%gms" % (microseconds % SECOND / 1000.)76 return data77def generate_date(value):78 """79 Function converting time duration expressed in day, second and microseconds80 into a IEC 61131 DATE literal81 @param value: Time duration to convert82 @return: IEC 61131 DATE literal83 """84 return (DATE_ORIGIN + value).strftime("DATE#%Y-%m-%d")85def generate_datetime(value):86 """87 Function converting time duration expressed in day, second and microseconds88 into a IEC 61131 DATE_AND_TIME literal89 @param value: Time duration to convert90 @return: IEC 61131 DATE_AND_TIME literal91 """92 return (DATE_ORIGIN + value).strftime("DT#%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S.%f")93def generate_timeofday(value):94 """95 Function converting time duration expressed in day, second and microseconds96 into a IEC 61131 TIME_OF_DAY literal97 @param value: Time duration to convert98 @return: IEC 61131 TIME_OF_DAY literal99 """100 microseconds = get_microseconds(value)101 # TIME_OF_DAY literal prefix102 data = "TOD#"103 for val, format in [104 (int(microseconds) / HOUR, "%2.2d:"), # Hours105 ((int(microseconds) % HOUR) / MINUTE, "%2.2d:"), # Minutes106 ((int(microseconds) % MINUTE) / SECOND, "%2.2d."), # Seconds107 (microseconds % SECOND, "%6.6d")]: # Microseconds108 # Add value to TIME_OF_DAY literal109 data += format % val110 return data111# Dictionary of translation functions from value send by debugger to IEC112# literal stored by type113TYPE_TRANSLATOR = {114 "TIME": generate_time,115 "DATE": generate_date,116 "DT": generate_datetime,117 "TOD": generate_timeofday,118 "STRING": lambda v: "'%s'" % v,119 "WSTRING": lambda v: '"%s"' % v,120 "REAL": lambda v: "%.6g" % v,121 "LREAL": lambda v: "%.6g" % v}122# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------123# Debug Data Consumer Class124# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------125class DebugDataConsumer(object):126 """127 Class that implements an element that consumes debug values128 Value update can be inhibited during the time the associated Debug Viewer is129 refreshing130 """131 def __init__(self):132 """133 Constructor134 """135 # Debug value and forced flag136 self.Value = None137 self.Forced = False138 # Store debug value and forced flag when value update is inhibited139 self.LastValue = None140 self.LastForced = False141 # Value IEC data type142 self.DataType = None143 # Flag that value update is inhibited144 self.Inhibited = False145 def Inhibit(self, inhibit):146 """147 Set flag to inhibit or activate value update148 @param inhibit: Inhibit flag149 """150 # Save inhibit flag151 self.Inhibited = inhibit152 # When reactivated update value and forced flag with stored values153 if not inhibit and self.LastValue is not None:154 self.SetForced(self.LastForced)155 self.SetValue(self.LastValue)156 # Reset stored values157 self.LastValue = None158 self.LastForced = False159 def SetDataType(self, data_type):160 """161 Set value IEC data type162 @param data_type: Value IEC data type163 """164 self.DataType = data_type165 def NewValues(self, tick, values, raw="BOOL"):166 """167 Function called by debug thread when a new debug value is available168 @param tick: PLC tick when value was captured169 @param value: Value captured170 @param forced: Forced flag, True if value is forced (default: False)171 @param raw: Data type of values not translated (default: 'BOOL')172 """173 value, forced = values174 # Translate value to IEC literal175 if self.DataType != raw:176 value = TYPE_TRANSLATOR.get(self.DataType, str)(value)177 # Store value and forced flag when value update is inhibited178 if self.Inhibited:179 self.LastValue = value180 self.LastForced = forced181 # Update value and forced flag in any other case182 else:183 self.SetForced(forced)184 self.SetValue(value)185 def SetValue(self, value):186 """187 Update value.188 May be overridden by inherited classes189 @param value: New value190 """191 self.Value = value192 def GetValue(self):193 """194 Return current value195 @return: Current value196 """197 return self.Value198 def SetForced(self, forced):199 """200 Update Forced flag.201 May be overridden by inherited classes202 @param forced: New forced flag203 """204 self.Forced = forced205 def IsForced(self):206 """207 Indicate if current value is forced208 @return: Current forced flag209 """...
1'''2Created on 17 Sep 20143@author: sm61104The module contains methods to define the velocity at the beam support.5The methods are equivalent to those implemented in the subroutine:6 module: input7 input_forcedvel (NumNodes,Time,ForcedVel,ForcedVelDot)8 9of the original Fortran beam solver. The output variables are:10 ForcedVel (NumSteps+1,6) ! Forced velocities at the support.11 ForcedVelDot(NumSteps+1,6) ! Derivatives of the forced velocities at the support.12these describe velocities and accelerations of the support at NumSteps, evenly 13spaced, times-steps.14'''15import numpy as np16#-------------------------------------------------- Methods from input_forcedved17def set_zero(Time):18 # VelAmp=0.d019 20 NumSteps = len(Time)-121 22 ForcedVel = np.zeros( (NumSteps+1,6), dtype='float', order='F' )23 ForcedVelDot = np.zeros( (NumSteps+1,6), dtype='float', order='F' )24 25 return ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot 26def set_sin(Time, Omega, TrAmpl, RotAmpl ):27 ''' 28 Sinusoidal oscillation of frequency Omega and amplitudes TrAmpl29 (translational dof) and MomAmpl (rotational dof), such that the final support30 motion will be:31 32 Tr/Rot = {TrAmpl/RotAmpl}*sin(Omega Time)33 34 '''35 36 NumSteps = len(Time)-1 37 38 ForcedVel = np.zeros( (NumSteps+1,6), dtype='float', order='F' )39 ForcedVelDot = np.zeros( (NumSteps+1,6), dtype='float', order='F' )40 Time = Omega*Time41 ForcedVel[:,:3] = np.sin(Time).reshape((NumSteps+1,1)) * TrAmpl42 ForcedVel[:,3:] = np.sin(Time).reshape((NumSteps+1,1)) * RotAmpl 43 44 ForcedVelDot[:,:3]= Omega * np.cos(Time).reshape((NumSteps+1,1)) * TrAmpl45 ForcedVelDot[:,3:]= Omega * np.cos(Time).reshape((NumSteps+1,1)) * RotAmpl46 47 return ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot 48def set_ramp( Time, Tfull, TrAmp, RotAmp ):49 '''50 Tfull: time-step at which the full load amplitude is reached.51 '''52 53 if Tfull > Time[-1]:54 raise NameError('Tfull has to be less-equal then Time[-1]') 55 56 NumSteps = len(Time)-157 ForcedVel = np.empty( (NumSteps+1,6), dtype='float', order='F' )58 ForcedVelDot = np.empty( (NumSteps+1,6), dtype='float', order='F' )59 vel_shape = np.ones( (NumSteps+1,1), dtype=float, order='F' )60 acc_shape = np.zeros( (NumSteps+1,1), dtype=float, order='F' )61 62 NSfull = np.sum(Time < Tfull) # 1st time-step with full load63 for ii in range(NSfull): # NSfull is excluded64 vel_shape[ii]= Time[ii]/Tfull65 acc_shape[ii]= 1.0/Tfull66 67 ForcedVel[:,:3] = vel_shape * TrAmp68 ForcedVel[:,3:] = vel_shape * RotAmp69 70 ForcedVelDot[:,:3] = acc_shape * TrAmp71 ForcedVelDot[:,3:] = acc_shape * RotAmp 72 73 return ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot74def set_rampsin( Time, Tfull, Omega, TrAmpl, RotAmpl ):75 '''76 Tfull: time-step at which the full load amplitude is reached.77 omega: sine frequency78 '''79 80 v1 = np.ones(3)81 82 vel_sin, acc_sin = set_sin(Time,Omega, TrAmpl, RotAmpl )83 vel_ramp1, acc_ramp1 = set_ramp( Time, Tfull, v1, v1 )84 85 ForcedVel = vel_sin * vel_ramp186 ForcedVelDot = acc_sin*vel_ramp1 + vel_sin*acc_ramp187 88 return ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot 89if __name__=='__main__':90 91 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt92 93 Time = np.linspace(0,5,500) # sec94 Omega = 2.0*np.pi*2.0 # 2Hz 95 TrAmpl =np.array([1.,10.,100.])96 RotAmpl=np.array([2.,20.,200.]) 97 Tfull = 3.098 99 #ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot = set_sin(Time, Omega, TrAmpl, RotAmpl )100 #ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot = set_ramp(Time, Tfull, TrAmpl, RotAmpl )101 ForcedVel, ForcedVelDot = set_rampsin(Time, Tfull, Omega, TrAmpl, RotAmpl )102 103 104 for ii in range(3):105 plt.plot(Time,ForcedVel[:,ii],'r')106 plt.plot(Time,ForcedVel[:,ii+3],'k')107 plt.title('Velocities of Tr and Rot no. %d' %(ii))108 110 plt.plot(Time,ForcedVelDot[:,ii],'r')111 plt.plot(Time,ForcedVelDot[:,ii+3],'k')112 plt.title('Accelerations of Tr and Rot no. %d' %(ii))113 114 115 116 117 ...
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