How to use exit_with method in hypothesis

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...24def print_to_stderr(*objs):25 print(*objs, file=stderr)26def get_stack():27 return "stack=(" + ", ".join("{}:{}".format(, frame.lineno) for frame in traceback.extract_stack()) + ")"28def exit_with(code, message, print_traceback=False):29 print_to_stderr(message)30 print_to_stderr(get_stack())31 if print_traceback:32 traceback.print_exc()33 exit(code)34def info():35 print("vulns: 1:1")36 exit(OK)37def get_data_from_cookies(cookies):38 uid = None39 secret = None40 for cookie in cookies:41 if == "uid":42 try:43 uid = int(cookie.value)44 except ValueError:45 exit_with(MUMBLE, "invalid uid from cookie: '{}'".format(cookie.value))46 elif == "secret":47 secret = cookie.value48 if uid is None or secret is None:49 exit_with(MUMBLE, "uid or secret is None")50 return uid, secret51def register(hostport, password):52 url = REGISTER_URL.format(hostport=hostport)53 r = url,55 json={"password": password},56 headers=generate_headers(),57 timeout=TIMEOUT,58 )59 r.raise_for_status()60 return r.cookies61def login(hostport, password, uid):62 url = LOGIN_URL.format(hostport=hostport)63 r = url,65 json={"userId": uid, "password": password},66 headers=generate_headers(),67 timeout=TIMEOUT,68 )69 r.raise_for_status()70 return r.cookies71def run_task(hostport: str, cookies: CookieJar, source: str, stdin: bytes, token: str):72 url = RUN_TASK_URL.format(hostport=hostport)73 r = url,75 cookies=cookies,76 json={77 "source": source,78 "stdinb64": b64encode(stdin).decode(),79 "token": token,80 },81 headers=generate_headers(),82 timeout=TIMEOUT,83 )84 r.raise_for_status()85 data = json.loads(r.content)86 if "taskId" not in data:87 exit_with(MUMBLE, "run task response has not taskId: {}".format(data))88 task_id = data["taskId"]89 if not isinstance(task_id, int):90 exit_with(MUMBLE, "task id is not int: ({}, {})".format(task_id, type(task_id)))91 return task_id92def get_task_info(hostport, cookies, task_id, token):93 url = TASK_INFO_URL.format(hostport=hostport, task_id=task_id, token=token)94 r = requests.get(95 url,96 cookies=cookies,97 headers=generate_headers(),98 timeout=TIMEOUT,99 )100 r.raise_for_status()101 data = json.loads(r.content)102 if "Stdoutb64" not in data or "Status" not in data or "Error" not in data:103 exit_with(MUMBLE, "task info response has no required field(s): {}".format(data))104 stdoutb64 = data["Stdoutb64"]105 stdout = b64decode(stdoutb64)106 status = data["Status"]107 error = data["Error"]108 if not isinstance(stdout, bytes) or not isinstance(status, int) or not isinstance(error, str):109 exit_with(MUMBLE, "at least field in task info response has wrong type: {}".format(data))110 return stdout, status, error111def check_with_task(hostname, task_func):112 hostport = get_hostport(hostname)113 password = generate_string(5)114 token = generate_string(5)115 cookies = register(hostport, password)116 uid, _ = get_data_from_cookies(cookies)117 another_cookies = login(hostport, password, uid)118 if another_cookies != cookies:119 exit_with(MUMBLE, "different cookies with same uid and password: {} != {}".format(cookies, another_cookies))120 # source, stdin, output = generate_long_output_task()121 # source, stdin, output = generate_mega_task()122 source, stdin, output = task_func()123 task_id = run_task(hostport, cookies, source, stdin, token)124 stdout = b""125 status = 1126 error = ""127 for try_index in range(CHECK_TRIES_COUNT):128 try:129 stdout, status, error = get_task_info(hostport, cookies, task_id, token)130 if status != 1:131 break132 except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:133 if e.response.status_code != 404:134 raise135 time.sleep(RETRY_SLEEP)136 if status == 1:137 exit_with(MUMBLE, "can not get task info, too long answer")138 elif status == 2:139 exit_with(MUMBLE, "error while task running: {}".format(error))140 if output != stdout:141 exit_with(MUMBLE, "wrong output:\n\nexpected='{}'\n\nreal='{}'\n".format(output, stdout))142 exit(OK)143def check(hostname):144 check_with_task(hostname, generate_mega_task)145 check_with_task(hostname, generate_long_output_task)146def put_first(hostname, flag_id, flag):147 hostport = get_hostport(hostname)148 password = flag149 cookie = register(hostport, password)150 uid, _ = get_data_from_cookies(cookie)151 print("{},{}".format(uid, password))152 exit(OK)153def get_first(hostname, flag_id, flag):154 hostport = get_hostport(hostname)155 raw_uid, password = flag_id.split(',')156 uid = int(raw_uid)157 try:158 login(hostport, password, uid)159 except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:160 if e.response.status_code == 403:161 exit_with(CORRUPT, "can not log in", print_traceback=True)162 exit(OK)163def put_second(hostname, flag_id, flag):164 hostport = get_hostport(hostname)165 password = generate_string(10)166 cookies = register(hostport, password)167 source = generate_simple_task()168 token = flag169 task_id = run_task(hostport, cookies, source, b"", token)170 uid, _ = get_data_from_cookies(cookies)171 print("{},{},{}".format(uid, password, task_id))172 exit(OK)173def get_second(hostname, flag_id, flag):174 hostport = get_hostport(hostname)175 raw_uid, password, task_id = flag_id.split(",")176 uid = int(raw_uid)177 try:178 cookies = login(hostport, password, uid)179 get_task_info(hostport, cookies, task_id, flag)180 except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as e:181 if e.response.status_code in {403, 404}:182 exit_with(CORRUPT, "can not get flag", print_traceback=True)183 exit(OK)184def get(hostname, flag_id, flag, vuln):185 {'1': get_first, '2': get_second}[vuln](hostname, flag_id, flag)186def put(hostname, flag_id, flag, vuln):187 {'1': put_first, '2': put_second}[vuln](hostname, flag_id, flag)188def not_found(*args):189 exit_with(CHECKER_ERROR, "Unsupported command: {}".format(args[1]))190COMMANDS = {'check': check, 'put': put, 'get': get, 'info': info}191def main():192 try:193 COMMANDS.get(argv[1], not_found)(*argv[2:])194 except (requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, ConnectionRefusedError, urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError,195 urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError, requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout):196 exit_with(DOWN, "service is down: '{}'".format(argv[1:]), print_traceback=True)197 except (requests.exceptions.HTTPError, json.decoder.JSONDecodeError, ValueError, binascii.Error):198 exit_with(MUMBLE, "known exception while doing command: '{}'".format(argv[1:]), print_traceback=True)199 except Exception:200 traceback.print_exc()201 exit(CHECKER_ERROR)202if __name__ == '__main__':...

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...121314def check_input_file(header, board):15 if len(header.split()) != 4:16 exit_with(WRONG_INPUT, 'First line must contain 4 numbers')17 for x in header.split():18 if not x.isnumeric():19 exit_with(WRONG_INPUT, 'First line must contain 4 numbers')2021 width, height, distance, population = [int(x) for x in header.split()]22 if len(board) != height:23 exit_with(WRONG_INPUT, 'Board has wrong dimensions')24 for row in board:25 if len(row) != width:26 exit_with(WRONG_INPUT, 'Board has wrong dimensions')27 for cell in row:28 if cell not in ['.', '-', '|', '+']:29 exit_with(WRONG_INPUT, 'Board must contain only . - | and + characters')30 return True313233def check_output_file(output, expected_population, board_width, board_height):34 if len(output) < expected_population:35 exit_with(WRONG_OUTPUT, 'Output file must contain %s lines (as defined in input file)' % expected_population)36 for line in output:37 if len(line) != 2 or not line[0].isnumeric() or not line[1].isnumeric:38 exit_with(WRONG_OUTPUT, 'Each line of output file must contain exactly 2 numbers')39 xx = int(line[0])40 yy = int(line[1])41 if xx < 0 or xx >= board_width:42 exit_with(WRONG_OUTPUT, 'Coordinates (%s, %s) are outside the board' % tuple(line))43 if yy < 0 or yy >= board_height:44 exit_with(WRONG_OUTPUT, 'Coordinates (%s, %s) are outside the board' % tuple(line))4546def read_board(filename):47 with open(filename) as board_file:48 raw_board = raw_board = [x for x in raw_board.split('\n') if x]50 header = raw_board[0]51 board = raw_board[2:]52 check_input_file(header, board)53 width, height, distance, population = [int(x) for x in header.split()]54 return distance, population, board, width, height555657def read_result(filename, population, width, height):58 with open(filename) as result_file:59 raw_result = [x.split() for x in'\n') if x]60 check_output_file(raw_result, population, width, height)61 result = [(int(y), int(x)) for (x, y) in raw_result]62 return result636465def neighbours(board, i, j, width, height):66 neighbours = []67 if board[i][j] in ('|', '+'):68 if i > 0 and board[i-1][j] in ('|', '+'):69 neighbours.append((i-1, j))70 if i < height-1 and board[i+1][j] in ('|', '+'):71 neighbours.append((i+1, j))72 if board[i][j] in ('-', '+'):73 if j > 0 and board[i][j-1] in ('-', '+'):74 neighbours.append((i, j-1))75 if j < width-1 and board[i][j+1] in ('-', '+'):76 neighbours.append((i, j+1))77 return neighbours787980def check_distances(board, population, distance, width, height):81 distances = [[-1 for i in range(width)] for j in range(height)]8283 for i in range(len(population)):84 x, y = population[i]85 distances[x][y] = i86 queue = []87 for a, b in neighbours(board, x, y, width, height):88 queue.append((a, b, 1))8990 while queue:91 x, y, d = queue.pop(0)92 if d <= distance and distances[x][y] < i:93 if (x, y) in population:94 exit_with(PEOPLE_TOO_CLOSE, 'People are too close to each other')95 distances[x][y] = i96 for (a, b) in neighbours(board, x, y, width, height):97 queue.append((a, b, d+1))9899 return OK100101def check_placement( board, result ):102 for (y,x) in result:103 if board[y][x] == ".":104 exit_with(NOT_ON_ROAD,"Person not on a road")105106 unique = set()107 for (y,x) in result:108 if (x,y) in unique:109 exit_with(NON_UNIQUE,"Two people on the same position")110 unique.add((x,y))111112 return OK113114115116117def check_args():118 if len(sys.argv) < 3 or len(sys.argv) > 4:119 exit_with(WRONG_ARGUMENTS, 'Judge expects 2 or 3 arguments')120 if sys.argv[1] not in os.listdir():121 exit_with(WRONG_ARGUMENTS, 'Input file does not exist')122 if sys.argv[2] not in os.listdir():123 exit_with(WRONG_ARGUMENTS, 'Output file does not exist')124125126def exit_with(code, message):127 print(message)128 exit(code)129130131if __name__ == '__main__':132 try:133 check_args()134 board_file_name = sys.argv[1]135 result_file_name = sys.argv[2]136 distance, population, board, width, height = read_board(board_file_name)137 result = read_result(result_file_name, population, width, height)138 # for i in range(len(board)): print(board[i])139 # print(result)140 check_placement(board, result)141142 check_distances(board, result, distance, width, height)143 exit_with(OK, 'OK')144 except Exception as e: ...

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...17[os.path.join(os.environ['FLEX_HOME'], 'bin', 'mxmlc'),18 '-source-path=../​flex-pilot/​src/​',19 '-source-path+=test/​resources/​html/​flex/​',20 file_name])21def exit_with(msg):22 print msg23 sys.exit(1)24if __name__ == "__main__":25 if len(sys.argv) == 1:26 exit_with(__doc__)27 try:28 opts, _ = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h", ["help"])29 except getopt.error, msg:30 exit_with(msg + "\nfor help use --help")31 for o, _ in opts:32 if o in ("-h", "--help"):33 exit_with(__doc__)34 if not 'FLEX_HOME' in os.environ:35 exit_with('Please set FLEX_HOME environment variable.')...

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