How to use do_stuff method in hypothesis

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...40 global executions41 executions += 142 return "do_stuff_overriden"43 @cache()44 def do_stuff(self, number):45 global executions46 executions += 147 return number + 148 @cache()49 def do_stuff_cancel(self, number):50 global executions51 cache.cancel()52 executions += 153 return number - 154 @cache()55 def do_stuff_raises(self, number):56 global executions57 executions += 158 raise NotImplementedError()59 return number60class WithCacheIdOverride(object):61 def __init__(self, value):62 self.value = value63 def cache_id(self):64 return self.value65 @cache()66 def do_stuff(self, number):67 global executions68 executions += 169 return number70@cache()71def do_stuff(x=None):72 global executions73 executions += 174 return 175@cache()76def do_stuff_no_return(x=None):77 global executions78 executions += 179 return None80@cache()81def do_stuff_parallel(x=None):82 global executions83 executions += 184 while executions < 2:85 time.sleep(0.1)86 return 187@pytest.mark.basic88class Test:89 def setup_method(self, method):90 logging.getLogger().setLevel("DEBUG")91 config = ConfigParser().read()92 cache.init(config.get("caching", {}))93 global executions94 executions = 095 cache.wipe()96 def test_cache(self):97 global executions98 c = child()99 c.do_stuff(1)100 c.do_stuff(1)101 assert executions == 1102 c.do_stuff(2)103 assert executions == 2104 c.do_stuff(1)105 assert executions == 2106 def test_cache_two_objects(self):107 global executions108 c1 = child()109 c2 = child()110 c1.do_stuff(1)111 c2.do_stuff(1)112 assert executions == 1113 c2.diff = True # changes the pickle of c2114 c2.do_stuff(1)115 assert executions == 2116 c1.diff = True # now they are the same117 c1.do_stuff(1)118 assert executions == 2119 def test_cache_no_cache_inherited(self):120 global executions121 b = base()122 b.do_stuff_base(1)123 b.do_stuff_base(1)124 assert executions == 1125 c = child()126 child()127 c.do_stuff_base(1)128 assert executions == 2129 c.do_stuff_base(1) # not cached, decorator doesn't apply130 assert executions == 3131 def test_cache_cancelled(self):132 global executions133 c = child()134 c.do_stuff_cancel(1)135 assert executions == 1136 c.do_stuff_cancel(1) # not cached, function cancelled it137 assert executions == 2138 def test_cache_raised(self):139 global executions140 c = child()141 with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):142 c.do_stuff_raises(1)143 assert executions == 1144 with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):145 c.do_stuff_raises(1) # not cached, first call raised exception146 assert executions == 2147 def test_cache_function(self):148 global executions149 do_stuff()150 assert executions == 1151 do_stuff()152 assert executions == 1153 do_stuff("hello")154 assert executions == 2155 do_stuff({"a": {"b": "c"}})156 assert executions == 3157 do_stuff({"a": {"b": "d"}})158 assert executions == 4159 do_stuff({"a": {"b": "c"}})160 assert executions == 4161 do_stuff({"a": {"b": "d"}})162 assert executions == 4163 def test_cache_function_none(self):164 global executions165 do_stuff_no_return()166 assert executions == 1167 do_stuff_no_return()168 assert executions == 1169 def test_cache_two_objects_with_cache_id(self):170 a = WithCacheIdOverride("a")171 a2 = WithCacheIdOverride("a")172 a2.i_am_different_now = "xyz"173 b = WithCacheIdOverride("b")174 a.do_stuff(1)175 assert executions == 1176 a2.do_stuff(1)177 assert executions == 1178 a2.do_stuff(2)179 assert executions == 2180 a.do_stuff(2)181 assert executions == 2182 b.do_stuff(1)183 assert executions == 3184 b.do_stuff(3)185 assert executions == 4186 a.do_stuff(3)187 assert executions == 5188 def test_cache_parallel(self):189 # POLY-231: where a cacheable functions runs in parallel it may try to cache twice190 thread_pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(2)191 t1 = thread_pool.submit(do_stuff_parallel, (1,))192 t2 = thread_pool.submit(do_stuff_parallel, (1,))193 t1.result()...

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...9class CommandDescriptorTester(unittest.TestCase):10 def test_call_name(self):11 class Foo:12 @icpw_command13 def do_stuff(self):14 pass15 foo = Foo()16 self.assertEqual(get_command_object(foo, 'do_stuff').name, 'do_stuff')17 def test_call_local(self):18 """Test creating a command on a method and calling it like a normal19 method."""20 class Foo:21 @icpw_command22 def do_stuff(self, x: Int64):23 self.x = x24 foo = Foo()25 exp_value = 726 foo.do_stuff(exp_value)27 act_value = foo.x28 self.assertEqual(exp_value, act_value)29 def test_call_local_default_args(self):30 """Test calling a command locally with default arguments."""31 def_y = "abc"32 class Foo:33 @icpw_command34 def do_stuff(self, x: Int64, y: String = def_y):35 self.x = x36 self.y = y37 foo = Foo()38 exp_x = 739 exp_y = "hello"40 foo.do_stuff(exp_x, y=exp_y)41 act_x = foo.x42 act_y = foo.y43 self.assertEqual(exp_x, act_x)44 self.assertEqual(exp_y, act_y)45 foo.do_stuff(exp_x)46 act_x = foo.x47 act_y = foo.y48 self.assertEqual(exp_x, act_x)49 self.assertEqual(def_y, act_y)50 def test_call_network(self):51 """Test calling a command via the network interface."""52 class Foo:53 @icpw_command54 def do_stuff(self, x: Int64):55 self.x = x56 class do_stuff(Struct):57 network_name = 'do_stuff'58 x = Field(Int64)59 foo = Foo()60 exp_value = -4261 icypaw_arg = do_stuff({'x': exp_value})62 get_command_object(foo, 'do_stuff').run_network(foo, icypaw_arg)63 self.assertEqual(foo.x, exp_value)64 def test_call_network_default(self):65 """Test calling a command via the network interface with a default66 value."""67 def_y = "abc"68 class Foo:69 @icpw_command70 def do_stuff(self, x: Int64, y: String = def_y):71 self.x = x72 self.y = y73 exp_x = 4274 exp_y = "def"75 class do_stuff(Struct):76 network_name = 'do_stuff'77 x = Field(Int64)78 y = Field(String, default=def_y)79 foo = Foo()80 icypaw_arg = do_stuff({'x': exp_x, 'y': exp_y})81 get_command_object(foo, 'do_stuff').run_network(foo, icypaw_arg)82 self.assertEqual(foo.x, exp_x)83 self.assertEqual(foo.y, exp_y)84 icypaw_arg = do_stuff({'x': exp_x})85 get_command_object(foo, 'do_stuff').run_network(foo, icypaw_arg)86 self.assertEqual(foo.x, exp_x)87 self.assertEqual(foo.y, def_y)88 def test_call_bad_args(self):89 """Test calling a command via the network interface with bad90 arguments."""91 class Foo:92 @icpw_command93 def do_stuff(self, x: Int64):94 pass95 class do_stuff(Struct):96 network_name = 'do_stuff'97 x = Field(Int32)98 foo = Foo()99 icypaw_arg = do_stuff({'x': 5})100 with self.assertRaises(IcypawException):101 get_command_object(foo, 'do_stuff').run_network(foo, icypaw_arg)102 def test_scalar_one_arg_local(self):103 """Test calling a command defined using a scalar single argument."""104 class Foo:105 @icpw_command(use_template=False)106 def do_stuff(self, x: Int64):107 self.x = x108 foo = Foo()109 exp_value = 7110 foo.do_stuff(exp_value)111 act_value = foo.x112 self.assertEqual(exp_value, act_value)113 def test_scalar_one_arg_network(self):114 """Test calling a command defined using a scalar single argument."""115 class Foo:116 @icpw_command(use_template=False)117 def do_stuff(self, x: Int64):118 self.x = x119 foo = Foo()120 exp_value = -42121 icypaw_arg = Int64(exp_value)122 get_command_object(foo, 'do_stuff').run_network(foo, icypaw_arg)123 self.assertEqual(foo.x, exp_value)124 def test_scalar_no_args_network(self):125 """Test calling a command defined with no arguments."""126 exp_value = 55127 class Foo:128 @icpw_command(use_template=False)129 def do_stuff(self):130 self.x = exp_value131 foo = Foo()132 icypaw_arg = Boolean(True)133 get_command_object(foo, 'do_stuff').run_network(foo, icypaw_arg)...

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...5def test_indents():6 eq_(bdl_utils.add_indents('#!benchDL\nmake_install(git = "​bar", branch = "b")'),7 '#!benchDL\nmake_install(git = "​bar", branch = "b")')8def test_indents_2():9 eq_(bdl_utils.add_indents('#!benchDL\npool(size = 1):\n do_stuff(1,2)'),10 '#!benchDL\npool(size = 1):\n_INDENT_ do_stuff(1,2)\n_DEDENT_ ')11def test_indents_3():12 eq_(bdl_utils.add_indents('#!benchDL\npool(size = 1):\n do_stuff(2,3)\n #comment\n do_stuff(1,2)'),13 '#!benchDL\npool(size = 1):\n_INDENT_ do_stuff(2,3)\n #comment\n do_stuff(1,2)\n_DEDENT_ ')14def test_indents_4():15 eq_(bdl_utils.add_indents("""#!benchDL16pool(size = 1,17 worker_type = dummy_worker):18 do_stuff(1,2)"""),19"""#!benchDL20pool(size = 1,21 worker_type = dummy_worker):22_INDENT_ do_stuff(1,2)23_DEDENT_ """)24def test_indents_5():25 eq_(bdl_utils.add_indents("""#!benchDL26 # (27pool(size = 1,28 worker_type = dummy_worker):29 do_stuff(1,2)"""),30"""#!benchDL31 # (32pool(size = 1,33 worker_type = dummy_worker):34_INDENT_ do_stuff(1,2)35_DEDENT_ """)36def test_indents_6():37 eq_(bdl_utils.add_indents('#!benchDL\n'38 'pool(size = 1, attrib = "\\\"#("):\n'39 ' do_stuff(3)\n'40 ' #comment\n do_stuff(1,2)'),41 '#!benchDL\n'42 'pool(size = 1, attrib = "\\\"#("):\n'43 '_INDENT_ do_stuff(3)\n'44 ' #comment\n'45 ' do_stuff(1,2)\n'46 '_DEDENT_ ')47def test_includes():48 eq_(bdl_utils.get_includes(bdl_utils.convert("""#!benchDL49include_resource(test_json, "file.json", json)50pool(size = 17,51 worker_type = dummy_worker):52 do_stuff(1,2)""", {})), [["test_json", "file.json"]])53def test_includes_2():54 eq_(bdl_utils.get_includes(bdl_utils.convert("""#!benchDL55include_resourse()56pool(size = 17,57 worker_type = dummy_worker):58 do_stuff(1,2)""", {})), [])59def test_includes_3():60 eq_(bdl_utils.get_includes(bdl_utils.convert("""#!benchDL61# second comment62include_resource(test_json, "file.json", json)63pool(size = 17,64 worker_type = dummy_worker):65 do_stuff(1,2)""", {})), [["test_json", "file.json"]])66def test_num_of_workers():67 eq_(bdl_utils.get_num_of_workers(bdl_utils.convert("""#!benchDL68pool(size = 17,69 worker_type = dummy_worker):70 do_stuff(1,2)71pool(size = 13,72 worker_type = dummy_worker):73 do_stuff(1,2)""", {})), 30)74def test_num_of_workers_2():75 eq_(bdl_utils.get_num_of_workers(bdl_utils.convert("""#!benchDL76pool(size = var("num2", 3),77 worker_type = dummy_worker):78 do_stuff(1,2)79pool(size = var("num", 3),80 worker_type = dummy_worker):81 do_stuff(1,2)""", {"num": 7})), 10)82def test_num_of_workers_3():83 eq_(bdl_utils.get_num_of_workers(bdl_utils.convert("""#!benchDL84pool(size = 17K,85 worker_type = dummy_worker):86 do_stuff(1,2)87pool(size = 13M,88 worker_type = dummy_worker):...

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