How to use distinct_labels method in hypothesis

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1import os2import sys3import numpy as np4import matplotlib.pyplot as plt5import torch6from sklearn.manifold import TSNE7from sklearn.decomposition import PCA8from matplotlib import cm9from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerLine2D, HandlerTuple10import tikzplotlib11from os.path import join as pjoin12BASEPATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))13sys.path.insert(0, BASEPATH)14sys.path.insert(0, pjoin(BASEPATH, '..'))15from py_utils import ensure_dirs16def distinct_labels_and_indices(labels):17 distinct_labels = list(set(labels))18 distinct_labels.sort()19 num_labels = len(distinct_labels)20 indices_i = {label: [] for label in distinct_labels}21 for i, label in enumerate(labels):22 indices_i[label].append(i)23 indices_i = {label: np.array(indices) for label, indices in indices_i.items()}24 return num_labels, distinct_labels, indices_i25def plot2D(data, labels, title):26 x_min, x_max = np.min(data, axis=0), np.max(data, axis=0)27 data = (data - x_min) /​ (x_max - x_min)28 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))29 cjet = cm.get_cmap("jet")30 num_labels, distinct_labels, indices = distinct_labels_and_indices(labels)31 for i, label in enumerate(distinct_labels):32 index = indices[label]33 ax.scatter(data[index, 0], data[index, 1], label=label, c=[cjet(1.0 * i /​ num_labels)], linewidths=0.)34 ax.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0, 1, 1),35 title=title.split('/​')[-1])36 fig.tight_layout()37"%s.tex" % title, figure=fig, strict=True)38 plt.savefig("%s.png" % title)39 return fig40def plot2D_overlay(data_list, labels_list, alpha_list, title):41 x_min, x_max = np.array((1e9, 1e9)), np.array((-1e9, -1e9))42 for data in data_list:43 x_min = np.minimum(x_min, np.min(data, axis=0))44 x_max = np.maximum(x_max, np.max(data, axis=0))45 for i in range(len(data_list)):46 data_list[i] = (data_list[i] - x_min) /​ (x_max - x_min)47 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))48 cjet = cm.get_cmap("jet")49 indices_list = []50 distinct_labels = []51 for labels in labels_list:52 _, cur_labels, indices = distinct_labels_and_indices(labels)53 indices_list.append(indices)54 for label in cur_labels:55 if label not in distinct_labels:56 distinct_labels.append(label)57 num_labels = len(distinct_labels)58 for i, label in enumerate(distinct_labels):59 res = 0.060 for data, labels, indices, alpha in zip(data_list, labels_list, indices_list, alpha_list):61 if label in indices.keys():62 index = indices[label]63 else:64 index = np.array([])65 c = cjet((1.0 * i + res) /​ (num_labels + 1))66 ax.scatter(data[index, 0], data[index, 1], label=label, c=[c], alpha=alpha, linewidths=0.)67 res += 0.368 handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()69 paired_handles = []70 handles_tot = len(handles) /​/​ 271 for i in range(handles_tot):72 paired_handles.append((handles[i * 2], handles[i * 2 + 1]))73 ax.legend(handles=paired_handles, labels=distinct_labels, numpoints=1,74 handler_map={tuple: HandlerTuple(ndivide=None)},75 loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0, 1, 1),76 title=title.split('/​')[-1])77 fig.tight_layout()78"%s.tex" % title, figure=fig, strict=True)79 plt.savefig("%s.png" % title)80 return fig81def plot2D_phase(data, labels, title):82 x_min, x_max = np.min(data, axis=0), np.max(data, axis=0)83 data = (data - x_min) /​ (x_max - x_min)84 figsize = (8, 8)85 add_width = 286 new_width = figsize[0] + add_width87 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(new_width, figsize[1]))88 fac_l, fac_r = figsize[0] /​ new_width, add_width /​ new_width89 rect_l = [0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8]90 rect_r = [0., 0.1, 0.2, 0.8]91 ax = fig.add_axes(np.array(rect_l) * np.array([fac_l, 1, fac_l, 1]))92 cax = fig.add_axes(np.array(rect_r) * np.array([fac_r, 1, fac_r, 1]) + np.array([fac_l, 0, 0, 0]))93 sin_labels = list(map(lambda l: np.sin(float(l)), labels))94 bla = ax.scatter(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], c=sin_labels, cmap="jet", alpha=1.0)95 # plt.colorbar(bla, cax=cax) <- some problem with the color bar..96 # fig.tight_layout()97"%s.tex" % title, figure=fig, strict=True)98 plt.savefig("%s.png" % title)99 return fig100tsne = None101def calc_tsne(raw):102 global tsne103 if tsne is None:104 tsne = TSNE(n_components=2, init='pca', random_state=7) # n_iter = xxx105 result = tsne.fit_transform(raw)106 return result107pca = None108def calc_pca(raw):109 global pca110 if pca is None:111 pca = PCA(n_components=2)112 return pca.fit_transform(raw)113def calc_pca_curve(raw):114 pcan = PCA()115 pcan.fit_transform(raw)116 pct = pcan.explained_variance_ratio_117 prefix = np.cumsum(pct /​ np.sum(pct))118 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))119 ax = fig.add_axes([0.2, 0.2, 0.6, 0.6])120 ax.plot(list(range(1, 6)), prefix[:5])121 ax.plot(2, prefix[1], "ro")122 ax.annotate("{:.3f}% of variation".format(prefix[1] * 100),123 (2, prefix[1]),124 textcoords="offset points",125 xytext=(60, -20),126 ha="center")127 ax.set_xticks(list(range(1, 6)))128 ax.set_yticks(list(np.arange(0.5, 1.01, 0.1)))129 ax.set_xlabel("number of components")130 ax.set_ylabel("explained variance ratio")131 name = "pca_curve"132 + ".tex", figure=fig, strict=True)133 plt.savefig("pca_curve.png")134 return pct135def plot_tsne(raw, labels, title):136 result = calc_tsne(raw)137 return plot2D(result, labels, title)138def plot_content_tsne(raw, slabels, clabels, title):139 name = title + "_tsne"140 path = name + ".npz"141 if os.path.exists(path):142 print("%s already exists" % path)143 result = np.load(path, allow_pickle=True)["result"]144 else:145 print("start to produce %s" % path)146 result = calc_tsne(raw)147 np.savez_compressed(name, result=result)148 plot2D(result, slabels, title + "_style_labels")149 plot2D(result, clabels, title + "_content_labels")150def calc_many_blas(raws, calc_single):151 lens = list(map(lambda x: len(x), raws))152 whole = np.concatenate(raws, axis=0)153 proj = calc_single(whole)154 ret = ()155 suml = 0156 for l in lens:157 ret += (proj[suml: suml + l],)158 suml += l159 return ret160def get_all_plots(data, output_path, writers, iter, summary=True,161 style_cluster_protocols=('pca'),162 separate_compute=False):163 """164 data: {"train": dict_train, "test": dict_test}165 dict_train: {"style2d_code": blabla, etc.}166 separate_compute: compute t-SNE for 2D & 3D separately167 """168 ensure_dirs(output_path)169 def fig_title(title):170 return pjoin(output_path, title)171 def add_fig(fig, title, phase):172 if summary:173 writers[phase].add_figure(title, fig, global_step=iter)174 keys = data["train"].keys()175 has2d = "style2d_code" in keys176 has3d = "style3d_code" in keys177 # style codes & adain params178 for suffix in ["_code", "_adain"]:179 codes_raw = []180 titles = []181 phases = []182 data_keys = []183 if has2d: data_keys.append("style2d" + suffix)184 if has3d: data_keys.append("style3d" + suffix)185 for key in data_keys:186 for phase in ["train", "test"]:187 codes_raw.append(data[phase][key])188 titles.append(f'{phase}_{key}')189 phases.append(phase)190 # calc tsne with style2/​3d, train/​test altogether191 for name, protocol in zip(['pca', 'tsne'], [calc_pca, calc_tsne]):192 if name not in style_cluster_protocols:193 continue194 style_codes = calc_many_blas(codes_raw, protocol)195 fig = plot2D_overlay([style_codes[0], style_codes[2]],196 [data["train"]["meta"]["style"], data["train"]["meta"]["style"]],197 [1.0, 0.5],198 fig_title(f'joint_embedding_{name}{suffix}'))199 add_fig(fig, f'joint_embedding_{name}{suffix}', "train")200 for i, (code, phase, title) in enumerate(zip(style_codes, phases, titles)):201 if separate_compute:202 code = protocol(codes_raw[i])203 for label_type in ["style", "content"]:204 fig = plot2D(code, data[phase]["meta"][label_type], fig_title(f'{title}_{name}_{label_type}'))205 add_fig(fig, f'{title}_{name}_{label_type}', phase)206 # content codes (train only)207 content_code_pca = calc_pca(data["train"]["content_code"])208 for label in ["style", "content", "phase"]:209 if label == "phase":210 indices = [i for i in range(len(data["train"]["meta"]["content"])) if data["train"]["meta"]["content"][i] == "walk"]211 walk_code = content_code_pca[np.array(indices)]212 phase_labels = [data["train"]["meta"]["phase"][i] for i in indices]213 fig = plot2D_phase(walk_code, phase_labels, fig_title(f'content_by_{label}'))214 else:215 fig = plot2D(content_code_pca, data["train"]["meta"][label], fig_title(f'content_by_{label}'))216 add_fig(fig, f'content_by_{label}', "train")217 """218 fig = show_images_from_disk("", all_titles, 2, output_path + "all_codes")219 if summary:220 writers["train"].add_figure("all codes", fig, global_step=iter)221 """222def get_demo_plots(data, output_path):223 """224 data: {"train": dict_train, "test": dict_test}225 dict_train: {"style2d_code": blabla, etc.}226 """227 ensure_dirs(output_path)228 def fig_title(title):229 return pjoin(output_path, title)230 style_labels = data["train"]["meta"]["style"]231 adain_raw = []232 for key in ["style2d_adain", "style3d_adain"]:233 for phase in ["train", "test"]:234 adain_raw.append(data[phase][key])235 adain_tsne = calc_many_blas(adain_raw, calc_tsne)236 plot2D_overlay([adain_tsne[0], adain_tsne[2]],237 [style_labels, style_labels],238 [1.0, 0.5],239 fig_title(f'joint_embedding_adain_tsne'))240 for key in ["style3d_code", "style3d_adain"]:241 tsne_code = calc_tsne(data["train"][key])242 plot2D(tsne_code, style_labels, fig_title(f'{key}_tsne'))243 content_code_pca = calc_pca(data["train"]["content_code"])244 indices = [i for i in range(len(data["train"]["meta"]["content"])) if data["train"]["meta"]["content"][i] == "walk"]245 walk_code = content_code_pca[np.array(indices)]246 phase_labels = [data["train"]["meta"]["phase"][i] for i in indices]247 plot2D_phase(walk_code, phase_labels, fig_title(f'content_by_phase'))248 plot2D(content_code_pca, style_labels, fig_title(f'content_by_style'))249def show_images_from_disk(path, titles, rows, this_title):250 images = []251 for title in titles:252 name = "%s.png" % title253 input_path = os.path.join(path, name)254 images.append(plt.imread(input_path))255 this_title = os.path.join(path, this_title)256 return show_images(images, titles, this_title, rows)257def show_images(images, titles, this_title, rows=1):258 """Display a list of images in a single figure with matplotlib.259 Parameters260 ---------261 images: List of np.arrays compatible with plt.imshow.262 cols (Default = 1): Number of columns in figure (number of rows is263 set to np.ceil(n_images/​float(cols))).264 titles: List of titles corresponding to each image. Must have265 the same length as titles.266 """267 assert (len(images) == len(titles))268 n_images = len(images)269 cols = np.ceil(n_images /​ float(rows))270 # if titles is None: titles = ['Image (%d)' % i for i in range(1,n_images + 1)]271 size = np.array((8, 8)) * np.array(rows, cols)272 fig = plt.figure(figsize=size)273 for n, (image, title) in enumerate(zip(images, titles)):274 a = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, n + 1)275 if image.ndim == 2:276 plt.gray()277 a.set_axis_off()278 plt.imshow(image)279 a.set_title(title)280 fig.tight_layout(pad=0, w_pad=0, h_pad=0)281 plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0)282 # plt.savefig("%s.png" % this_title, dpi=150, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)...

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-3from scipy.spatial import distance4class MyKNeighborsClassifier:5 """Classifier implementing the k-nearest neighbors vote similar to sklearn 6 library but different.7 https:/​/​​Cmji3U8 But still same.9 10 Parameters11 ----------12 n_neighbors : int, optional (default = 5)13 Number of neighbors to use by default.14 method : string, optional (default = 'classical')15 method for voting. Possible values:16 - 'classical' : uniform weights. All points in each neighborhood17 are weighted equally.18 - 'weighted' : weight points by the inverse of their distance.19 in this case, closer neighbors of a query point will have a20 greater influence than neighbors which are further away.21 - 'validity' weights are calculated with distance and multiplied22 of validity for each voter. 23 Note: implementing kd_tree is bonus.24 norm : {'l1', 'l2'}, optional (default = 'l2')25 Distance norm. 'l1' is manhattan distance. 'l2' is euclidean distance.26 Examples27 --------28 """29 def __init__(self, n_neighbors=5, method='classical', norm='l2'):30 self.n_neighbors = n_neighbors31 self.method = method32 self.norm = norm33 self.labels = []34 self.distinct_labels = []35 = []36 def fit(self, X, y):37 """Fit the model using X as training data and y as target values38 Parameters39 ----------40 X : array-like, shape (n_query, n_features),41 Training data. 42 y : array-like, shape = [n_samples] 43 Target values.44 """45 = X46 self.labels = y47 self.distinct_labels = sorted(list(set(y))) # get distinct classes48 if self.method == "validity":49 self.validities = []50 # calculate validities for each sample 51 for sample_i, sample in enumerate( distances = []53 if self.norm == "l1":54 # apply Manhattan distance55 for i, x in enumerate( if x != sample:57 print x, sample58 distances.append([distance.cityblock(x, sample), self.labels[i]]) # store [distance, label] pairs in distances list59 elif self.norm == "l2":60 # apply Euclidean distance61 for i, x in enumerate( if x != sample:63 print x, sample64 distances.append([distance.euclidean(x, sample), self.labels[i]]) # store [distance, label] pairs in distances list65 # get n nearest neighbors66 nearest_neighbors = sorted(distances, key = lambda x: x[0])[:self.n_neighbors] # sort wrt distance67 label_weights = [0.0] * len(self.distinct_labels) # store label weights wrt neighbors for each label68 for i, neighbor in enumerate(nearest_neighbors):69 label_index = self.distinct_labels.index(neighbor[1])70 label_weights[label_index] += (1.0 /​ (neighbor[0] + 1e-15))71 sample_label = self.labels[sample_i]72 validity = label_weights[self.distinct_labels.index(sample_label)] /​ sum(label_weights)73 self.validities.append(validity)74 def predict(self, X):75 """Predict the class labels for the provided data76 Parameters77 ----------78 X : array-like, shape (n_query, n_features),79 Test samples.80 Returns81 -------82 y : array of shape [n_samples]83 Class labels for each data sample.84 """85 if len(self.labels) == 0:86 raise ValueError("You should fit first!")87 88 y = [] # store labels for each data89 for x_i, x in enumerate(X):90 # find distance of x to all training data91 distances = []92 if self.norm == "l1": 93 for i, data in enumerate( distances.append([distance.cityblock(x, data), self.labels[i], i]) # store [distance, label, data_index] pairs in distances list95 elif self.norm == "l2":96 for i, data in enumerate( distances.append([distance.euclidean(x, data), self.labels[i], i]) # store [distance, label, data_index] pairs in distances list98 # get n nearest neighbors99 nearest_neighbors = sorted(distances, key = lambda x: x[0])[:self.n_neighbors] # sort wrt distance100 101 votes = [0] * self.n_neighbors # store vote(label) of each nearest neighbor102 if self.method == "classical":103 for i, neighbor in enumerate(nearest_neighbors):104 votes[i] = neighbor[1]105 y.append(max(votes, key = votes.count))106 elif self.method == "weighted":107 108 weights = [] # store weight of each neighbor (1/​(distance + 1))109 for i, neighbor in enumerate(nearest_neighbors):110 weights.append(1.0 /​ (neighbor[0] + 1e-15))111 total_weights = [0] * len(self.distinct_labels) # store total weights for each label wrt indexes in self.distinct_labels112 for i, neighbor in enumerate(nearest_neighbors):113 label_index = self.distinct_labels.index(neighbor[1])114 total_weights[label_index] += weights[i]115 y.append(self.distinct_labels[total_weights.index(max(total_weights))])116 elif self.method == "validity":117 validities = [] # store weight of each neighbor (1/​(distance + 1))118 for i, neighbor in enumerate(nearest_neighbors):119 validities.append((1.0 /​ (neighbor[0] + 1e-15)) * self.validities[neighbor[2]]) 120 121 total_validities = [0] * len(self.distinct_labels) # store total validity*weight values for each label wrt indexes in self.distinct_labels122 for i, neighbor in enumerate(nearest_neighbors):123 label_index = self.distinct_labels.index(neighbor[1])124 total_validities[label_index] += validities[i]125 y.append(self.distinct_labels[total_validities.index(max(total_validities))])126 return y127 128 def predict_proba(self, X, method=None):129 """Return probability estimates for the test data X.130 Parameters131 ----------132 X : array-like, shape (n_query, n_features),133 Test samples.134 method : string, if None uses self.method.135 Returns136 -------137 p : array of shape = [n_samples, n_classes]138 The class probabilities of the input samples. Classes are ordered139 by lexicographic order.140 """141 if method == None:142 method = self.method143 p = [[0] * len(self.distinct_labels)] * len(X) # store probabilities of each class for each sample144 145 for x_i, x in enumerate(X): 146 # find distance of x to all training data147 distances = []148 if self.norm == "l1": 149 for i, data in enumerate( distances.append([distance.cityblock(x, data), self.labels[i], i]) # store [distance, label, data_index] pairs in distances list151 elif self.norm == "l2":152 for i, data in enumerate( distances.append([distance.euclidean(x, data), self.labels[i], i]) # store [distance, label, data_index] pairs in distances list154 # get n nearest neighbors155 nearest_neighbors = sorted(distances, key = lambda x: x[0])[:self.n_neighbors] # sort wrt distance156 157 classes = [0] * len(self.distinct_labels) # store how many neighbors there are in each class158 159 if method == "classical":160 for i, neighbor in enumerate(nearest_neighbors):161 label_index = self.distinct_labels.index(neighbor[1])162 classes[label_index] += 1163 164 for class_i in range(len(classes)):165 p[x_i][class_i] = float(classes[class_i]) /​ self.n_neighbors166 167 elif method == "weighted":168 weights = [] # store weight of each neighbor (1/​(distance + 1))169 for i, neighbor in enumerate(nearest_neighbors):170 weights.append(1.0 /​ (neighbor[0] + 1e-15))171 for i, neighbor in enumerate(nearest_neighbors):172 label_index = self.distinct_labels.index(neighbor[1])173 classes[label_index] += weights[i]174 for class_i in range(len(classes)):175 p[x_i][class_i] = float(classes[class_i]) /​ self.n_neighbors176 177 elif method == "validity":178 validities = [] # store validity*weight of each neighbor (1/​(distance + 1))*validity179 for i, neighbor in enumerate(nearest_neighbors):180 validities.append((1.0 /​ (neighbor[0] + 1e-15)) * self.validities[neighbor[2]]) 181 class_validities = [0] * len(self.distinct_labels) # store total validity*weight values for each label wrt indexes in self.distinct_labels182 for i, neighbor in enumerate(nearest_neighbors):183 label_index = self.distinct_labels.index(neighbor[1])184 class_validities[label_index] += validities[i]185 for valid_i in range(len(class_validities)):186 p[x_i][valid_i] = float(class_validities[valid_i]) /​ self.n_neighbors187 # normalize probability list for each sample188 norm = sum(p[x_i]) 189 p[x_i] = [round(j /​ norm, 8) for j in p[x_i]]190 return p191if __name__=='__main__':192 X = [[0], [1], [2], [3]]193 y = [0, 0, 1, 1]194 neigh = MyKNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=3, method="validity")195, y)196 197 print neigh.predict([[1.1]]) #, [6.7], [5], [1.9], [0]])198 n = 0.9199 print(neigh.predict_proba([[n]], method='classical'))200 # [[0.66666667 0.33333333]]201 print(neigh.predict_proba([[n]], method='weighted'))202 # [[0.92436975 0.07563025]]203 print(neigh.predict_proba([[n]], method='validity'))...

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1"""2Code for the AKNN classification rule from:3An adaptive nearest neighbor rule for classification4Akshay Balsubramani, Sanjoy Dasgupta, Yoav Freund, Shay Moran5https:/​/​​abs/​1905.127176Author: Akshay Balsubramani7"""8import numpy as np, sklearn, time9import sklearn.metrics10from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors11import pynndescent12def aknn_predict(13 ref_data, 14 labels, 15 margin=1.0, 16 query_data=None, 17 max_k=100, 18 use_nndescent=False19):20 # itime = time.time()21 self_is_data = False22 if query_data is None:23 query_data = ref_data24 self_is_data = True25 26 itime = time.time()27 nbrs_list = _calc_nbrs_exact(ref_data, k=max_k, use_nndescent=False)28 print('Neighbor indices computed. Time:\t {}'.format(time.time() - itime))29 aknn_predictions = predict_nn_rule(nbrs_list, labels)30 print('AKNN predictions made. Time:\t {}'.format(time.time() - itime))31 return aknn_predictions32 """33 nbrs = sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=max_k).fit(ref_data)34 if use_nndescent:35 index = pynndescent.NNDescent(raw_data, n_neighbors=k)36 indices, distances = index.neighbor_graph37 else:38 distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(query_data)39 if self_is_data:40 indices = indices[:, 1:]41 distinct_labels = np.unique(labels)42 rngarr = np.arange(indices.shape[1])+143 query_nbrs = labels[indices]44 fracs_labels = [np.cumsum(query_nbrs == i, axis=1)/​rngarr for i in distinct_labels]45 46 thresholds = margin/​np.sqrt(np.arange(indices.shape[1]) + 1)47 numlabels_predicted = np.add.reduce([f > (thresholds + 1.0/​len(distinct_labels)) for f in fracs_labels])48 adaptive_k = np.argmax(numlabels_predicted > 0, axis=1)49 pred_labels = np.zeros(fracs_labels[0].shape[0]).astype(str)50 for i in range(fracs_labels[0].shape[0]):51 if adaptive_k[i] == 0:52 pred_labels[i] = '?'53 else:54 lst = [f[i, adaptive_k[i]] for f in fracs_labels]55 pred_labels[i] = distinct_labels[np.argmax(lst)]56 return np.array(pred_labels), np.array(adaptive_k)57 """58def predict_nn_rule(nbr_list_sorted, labels, margin=1.0):59 """60 Given matrix of ordered nearest neighbors for each point, returns AKNN's label predictions and adaptive neighborhood sizes.61 62 Parameters63 ----------64 nbr_list_sorted: array of shape (n_samples, n_neighbors)65 Indices of the `n_neighbors` nearest neighbors in the dataset, for each data point.66 labels: array of shape (n_samples)67 Dataset labels.68 69 margin: float70 The confidence parameter "A" from the AKNN paper.71 Returns72 -------73 pred_labels: array of shape (n_samples)74 AKNN label predictions on dataset.75 adaptive_ks: array of shape (n_samples)76 AKNN neighborhood sizes on dataset.77 78 emp_margins: array of shape (n_samples)79 Empirically calculated "advantage" of each point.80 """81 pred_labels = []82 adaptive_ks = []83 thresholds = margin/​np.sqrt(np.arange(nbr_list_sorted.shape[1])+1)84 distinct_labels = np.unique(labels)85 for i in range(nbr_list_sorted.shape[0]):86 (pred_label, adaptive_k_ndx, _, emp_margin) = aknn(nbr_list_sorted[i,:], labels, thresholds)87 pred_labels.append(pred_label)88 adaptive_ks.append(adaptive_k_ndx + 1)89 emp_margins.append(emp_margin)90 return np.array(pred_labels), np.array(adaptive_ks), np.array(emp_margins)91def aknn(nbrs_arr, labels, thresholds, distinct_labels=['A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J']):92 """93 Apply AKNN rule for a query point, given its list of nearest neighbors.94 95 Parameters96 ----------97 nbrs_arr: array of shape (n_neighbors)98 Indices of the `n_neighbors` nearest neighbors in the dataset.99 labels: array of shape (n_samples)100 Dataset labels.101 102 thresholds: array of shape (n_neighbors)103 Bias thresholds at different neighborhood sizes.104 Returns105 -------106 pred_label: string107 AKNN label prediction.108 first_admissible_ndx: int109 n-1, where AKNN chooses neighborhood size n.110 111 fracs_labels: array of shape (n_labels, n_neighbors)112 Fraction of each label in balls of different neighborhood sizes.113 114 emp_margin: float115 Empirical "advantage" of the point, as specific by the AKNN paper.116 """117 query_nbrs = labels[nbrs_arr]118 mtr = np.stack([query_nbrs == i for i in distinct_labels])119 rngarr = np.arange(len(nbrs_arr))+1120 fracs_labels = np.cumsum(mtr, axis=1)/​rngarr121 biases = fracs_labels - 1.0/​len(distinct_labels)122 emp_margin = np.max(rngarr*biases*biases)123 numlabels_predicted = np.sum(biases > thresholds, axis=0)124 admissible_ndces = np.where(numlabels_predicted > 0)[0]125 first_admissible_ndx = admissible_ndces[0] if len(admissible_ndces) > 0 else len(nbrs_arr)126 # Break any ties between labels at stopping radius, by taking the most biased label127 pred_label = '?' if first_admissible_ndx == len(nbrs_arr) else distinct_labels[np.argmax(biases[:, first_admissible_ndx])]128 return (pred_label, first_admissible_ndx, fracs_labels, emp_margin)129def knn_rule(nbr_list_sorted, labels, k=10):130 """131 For benchmarking: given matrix of ordered nearest neighbors for each point, returns kNN rule's label predictions.132 133 Parameters134 ----------135 nbr_list_sorted: array of shape (n_samples, n_neighbors)136 Indices of the `n_neighbors` nearest neighbors in the dataset, for each data point.137 Returns138 -------139 array of shape (n_samples)140 Predictions of the k-NN rule for each data point.141 """142 toret = []143 for i in range(nbr_list_sorted.shape[0]):144 uq = np.unique(labels[nbr_list_sorted[i,:k]], return_counts=True)145 toret.append(uq[0][np.argmax(uq[1])])146 return np.array(toret)147def _calc_nbrs_exact(raw_data, k=1000, brute_force=False, use_nndescent=False, query_is_ref=True):148 """149 Calculate list of `k` exact Euclidean nearest neighbors for each point.150 151 Parameters152 ----------153 raw_data: array of shape (n_samples, n_features)154 Input dataset.155 Returns156 -------157 nbr_list_sorted: array of shape (n_samples, n_neighbors)158 Indices of the `n_neighbors` nearest neighbors in the dataset, for each data point.159 """160 if use_nndescent:161 index = pynndescent.NNDescent(raw_data, n_neighbors=k)162 indices, distances = index.neighbor_graph163 if query_is_ref:164 return indices[:, 1:]165 else:166 return indices167 if brute_force:168 a = sklearn.metrics.pairwise_distances(raw_data)169 nbr_list_sorted = np.argsort(a, axis=1)170 if query_is_ref:171 nbr_list_sorted = nbr_list_sorted[:, 1:]172 return nbr_list_sorted[:, :k]173 else:174 distances, indices = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k+1).fit(raw_data).kneighbors(raw_data)175 if query_is_ref:176 return indices[:, 1:]177 else:...

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