How to use calc_label method in hypothesis

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1'''2University at Buffalo - Spring 20153CSE 574 - Introduction to Machine Learning4Programming Assignment 25Authors: Dheeraj Balakavi, Pravin Umamaheswaran, Mithun Nagesh6It's not who you are, it's what you do that defines you - Batman /​ Bruce Wayne7'''8from __future__ import division9import numpy as np10from scipy.optimize import minimize11from import loadmat12from math import sqrt13import scipy.io14import matplotlib.pyplot as plt15import pickle16def ldaLearn(X,y):17 # Inputs18 # X - a N x d matrix with each row corresponding to a training example19 # y - a N x 1 column vector indicating the labels for each training example20 #21 # Outputs22 # means - A d x k matrix containing learnt means for each of the k classes23 # covmat - A single d x d learnt covariance matrix 24 25 # IMPLEMENT THIS METHOD26 27 28 means = np.array([])29 unique_y = np.unique(y)30 31 i = 0;32 # processing each unique values in batches33 for index_val in unique_y:34 35 mapp_matrix = (y == index_val)36 mapp_matrix.shape = ((1,X.shape[0])) 37 #extended matrix38 ex_mapp_matrix = np.tile(mapp_matrix,X.shape[1])39 ex_mapp_matrix = np.reshape(ex_mapp_matrix,(X.shape[1],X.shape[0]))40 ex_mapp_matrix = ex_mapp_matrix.T41 42 MeanMat = np.asarray(X[ex_mapp_matrix])43 new_row = MeanMat.shape[0]/​X.shape[1]44 45 KIK = np.reshape(MeanMat,(new_row,X.shape[1]))46 #taking the maen values of i/​p per input data variable(x^i) per class47 Mean_Val = KIK.mean(0)48 49 if i == 0:50 means = np.hstack(Mean_Val)51 else :52 means = np.vstack((means,Mean_Val)) 53 i+=1 54 55 means = means . T56 covmat = np.cov(X.T) # i am not sure about the covarience57 58 return means,covmat59def qdaLearn(X,y):60 # Inputs61 # X - a N x d matrix with each row corresponding to a training example62 # y - a N x 1 column vector indicating the labels for each training example63 #64 # Outputs65 # means - A d x k matrix containing learnt means for each of the k classes66 # covmats - A list of k d x d learnt covariance matrices for each of the k classes67 68 # IMPLEMENT THIS METHOD69 covmats = list()70 unique_classes = np.unique(y)71 mean_vectors = []72 for cl in range(1,5):73 mean_vectors.append(np.mean(X[y==cl], axis=0))74 75 i =0 76 for class_val in unique_classes:77 mapping_matrix = (y==class_val)78 mapping_matrix.shape = ((1,X.shape[0]))79 80 # creating an extended matrix by using tile function81 # to match the dimensions and separate by class82 83 ext_map_matrix = np.tile(mapping_matrix,X.shape[1])84 ext_map_matrix = np.reshape(ext_map_matrix,(X.shape[1],X.shape[0]))85 ext_map_matrix = ext_map_matrix.T86 87 class_ip = np.asarray(X[ext_map_matrix])88 row_size = class_ip.shape[0]/​X.shape[1]89 90 class_ip = np.reshape(class_ip,(row_size,X.shape[1]))91 covmat = np.cov(class_ip.T)92 covmats.append(covmat)93 94 #take mean values of i/​p per input data variable per class95 mean_value = class_ip.mean(0)96 if i == 0:97 means = np.hstack(mean_value)98 else :99 means = np.vstack((means,mean_value)) 100 i+=1 101 102 means = means . T103 104 return means,covmats105def ldaTest(means,covmat,Xtest,ytest):106 # Inputs107 # means, covmat - parameters of the LDA model108 # Xtest - a N x d matrix with each row corresponding to a test example109 # ytest - a N x 1 column vector indicating the labels for each test example110 # Outputs111 # acc - A scalar accuracy value112 113 # IMPLEMENT THIS METHOD114 no_of_classes = 5115 inv_covariance = np.linalg.inv(covmat) 116 N = Xtest.shape[0]117 118 calc_label = np.array([])119 #calc_label = np.reshape(calc_label,(100,1))120 new_mean = means.T121 i = 0122 for each_row in range(N): # for each row data calculate the probability or the classes123 row_data = Xtest[each_row,:]124 pdf_vector = np.array([])125 for each_class in range(no_of_classes):126 X_MU = row_data - new_mean[each_class]127 intmdt =,inv_covariance)128 temp =,X_MU)129 d = 1130 pdf = np.exp(-1/​2*temp)131 pdf_vector = np.append(pdf_vector,pdf)132 #pdf_vector[each_class] = pdf133 calc_label = np.append(calc_label,[np.argmax(pdf_vector)+1]) 134 calc_label = np.matrix(calc_label).T 135 136 acc = 100 * np.mean((calc_label == ytest).astype(float)) 137 #plotGraph(Xtest,ytest,calc_label)138 return acc139def qdaTest(means,covmats,Xtest,ytest):140 # Inputs141 # means, covmats - parameters of the QDA model142 # Xtest - a N x d matrix with each row corresponding to a test example143 # ytest - a N x 1 column vector indicating the labels for each test example144 # Outputs145 # acc - A scalar accuracy value146 147 # IMPLEMENT THIS METHOD148 #no_of_classes = 5149 k = 5150 N = Xtest.shape[0]151 i= 0152 new_mean = means.T153 calc_label = np.array([])154 for each_row in range(N): # for each row of the data calculate the probability 155 x_i = Xtest[each_row,:]156 pdf_vector = np.array([])157 for cl,cov_mat in zip(range(1,6),covmats):158 inv_covmat = np.linalg.inv(cov_mat) # inverse covariance matrix159 normlz_factor = 1/​np.sqrt((2*np.pi)**k * np.linalg.det(cov_mat))160 161 X_MU = x_i - new_mean[cl-1]162 intmdt =,inv_covmat)163 temp =,X_MU)164 pdf = np.exp(-1/​2*temp)*normlz_factor165 pdf_vector = np.append(pdf_vector,pdf)166 calc_label = np.append(calc_label,[np.argmax(pdf_vector)+1])167 168 calc_label = np.matrix(calc_label).T 169 170 acc = 100 * np.mean((calc_label == ytest).astype(float)) 171 172 return acc173# Author: Dheeraj Balakavi174 # Inputs: 175 # X = N x d 176 # y = N x 1 177 # Output: 178 # w = d x 1179def learnOLERegression(X,y):180 # Step-1: Compute the Pseudo-Inverse of X --> PI(X)181 XT = X.transpose()182 XT_into_X = (XT, X)183 XT_into_X_inv = np.linalg.inv(XT_into_X)184 185 X_pi = (XT_into_X_inv, XT)186 187 # Test to see if I got it right.. if we do (X-pi * x) we must get an identity matrix 188 # as it is pseudo inverse we are doing189 X_ident = (X_pi, X)190 191 # Step-2: Compute w192 w = (X_pi, y) 193 return w194# Author: Dheeraj Balakavi195 # Inputs:196 # X = N x d 197 # y = N x 1 198 # lambd = ridge parameter (scalar)199 # Output: 200 # w = d x 1 201def learnRidgeRegression(X,y,lambd):202 X_rows, X_columns = X.shape203 N = X_rows204 M = X_columns205 # Step-1: Compute the Pseudo-Inverse of X with regularization co-eff206 XT = X.transpose()207 XT_into_X = (XT, X)208 identity = np.identity (M)209 lambd_into_NI = (lambd * N )* identity210 211 sum_lambNI_XTX = lambd_into_NI + XT_into_X212 sum_lambNI_XTX_inv = np.linalg.inv(sum_lambNI_XTX)213 214 # Step-2: Compute w215 product_one = (sum_lambNI_XTX_inv, XT)216 w = (product_one, y)217 218 return w219# Author: Dheeraj Balakavi220 # Inputs:221 # w = d x 1222 # Xtest = N x d223 # ytest = X x 1224 # Output:225 # rmse226def testOLERegression(w,Xtest,ytest):227 # Step-1: Compute the root mean square error (rmse)228 X_rows, X_columns = Xtest.shape229 N = X_rows230 231 wT = w.transpose()232 wT_into_Xtest = (Xtest, wT.transpose())233 234 subVal = np.subtract (ytest, wT_into_Xtest)235 subVal_sqr = subVal * subVal236 237 sumVal = np.sum (subVal_sqr)238 239 sumVal_sqrt = np.sqrt(sumVal)240 rmse = sumVal_sqrt /​ N241 return rmse242# Author: Dheeraj Balakavi243 # compute squared error (scalar) and gradient of squared error with respect244 # to w (vector) for the given data X and y and the regularization parameter245 # lambda 246def regressionObjVal(w, X, y, lambd):247 # Step-1: Error computation --> scalar248 X_rows, X_columns = X.shape249 N = X_rows250 w = np.vstack (w)251 #w = np.reshape(w, (w.shape[0], 1)) 252 Xw = (X, w)253 y_minus_Xw = y - Xw254 y_minus_Xw_transpose = y_minus_Xw.transpose()255 256 prod1 = ( (y_minus_Xw_transpose, y_minus_Xw)) /​ (2 * N) 257 prod2 = (1/​2) * lambd * (w.transpose(), w) 258 error = (prod1 + prod2).item(0)259 #print error260 # Step-2: Error grad computation --> vector261 XT_X = (X.transpose(), X)262 wT_XT_X = (w.transpose(), XT_X) 263 yT_X = (y.transpose(), X)264 yT_X = -1 * yT_X265 266 sum1 = (yT_X + wT_XT_X) /​ N267 sum2 = lambd * w.transpose()268 error_grad = sum1 + sum2269 error_grad = np.squeeze(np.asarray(error_grad))270 #print error_grad 271 272 return error, error_grad273def mapNonLinear(x,p):274 # Inputs: 275 # x - a single column vector (N x 1) 276 # p - integer (>= 0) 277 # Outputs: 278 # Xd - (N x (d+1)) 279 # IMPLEMENT THIS METHOD280 output = []281 for val in np.nditer(x):282 283 #if p == 0:284 # Xd = np.ones((x.shape[0],1))285 # break286 287 for power in range(0,p+1):288 #print 'awesome' 289 output.append(pow(val,power))290 #print 'x:' + str(x.shape[0])291 #print 'p:' + str(p)292 #print 'Size is:' + str(len(output))293 Xd = np.asarray(output)294 Xd = np.reshape(Xd,(x.shape[0],p+1))295 return Xd296# Main script297# Problem 1298# load the sample data 299 300X,y,Xtest,ytest = pickle.load(open('sample.pickle','rb')) 301# LDA302means,covmat = ldaLearn(X,y)303ldaacc = ldaTest(means,covmat,Xtest,ytest)304print('LDA Accuracy = '+str(ldaacc))305# QDA306means,covmats = qdaLearn(X,y)307qdaacc = qdaTest(means,covmats,Xtest,ytest)308print('QDA Accuracy = '+str(qdaacc))309# Problem 2310X,y,Xtest,ytest = pickle.load(open('diabetes.pickle','rb')) 311# add intercept312X_i = np.concatenate((np.ones((X.shape[0],1)), X), axis=1)313Xtest_i = np.concatenate((np.ones((Xtest.shape[0],1)), Xtest), axis=1)314w = learnOLERegression(X,y)315mle = testOLERegression(w,Xtest,ytest)316w_i = learnOLERegression(X_i,y)317mle_i = testOLERegression(w_i,Xtest_i,ytest)318print('RMSE without intercept '+str(mle))319print('RMSE with intercept '+str(mle_i))320# Problem 3321k = 101322lambdas = np.linspace(0, 0.004, num=k)323i = 0324rmses3 = np.zeros((k,1))325for lambd in lambdas:326 w_l = learnRidgeRegression(X_i,y,lambd)327 rmses3[i] = testOLERegression(w_l,Xtest_i,ytest)328 i = i + 1329#plt.plot(lambdas,rmses3)330# Problem 4331k = 101332lambdas = np.linspace(0, 0.004, num=k)333i = 0334rmses4 = np.zeros((k,1))335opts = {'maxiter' : 100} # Preferred value. 336w_init = np.zeros((X_i.shape[1],1))337for lambd in lambdas:338 args = (X_i, y, lambd)339 w_l = minimize(regressionObjVal, w_init, jac=True, args=args,method='CG', options=opts)340 w_l_1 = np.zeros((X_i.shape[1],1))341 for j in range(len(w_l.x)):342 w_l_1[j] = w_l.x[j]343 rmses4[i] = testOLERegression(w_l_1,Xtest_i,ytest)344 i = i + 1345#plt.plot(lambdas,rmses4)346fig, ax = plt.subplots()347fig.suptitle('Using Gradient Descent for Ridge Regression Learning', fontsize=14, fontweight='bold')348ax.set_title('Lambda vs RMSE4 for Training data')349ax.plot(lambdas,rmses4)350ax.set_xlabel('Lambda')351ax.set_ylabel('RMSE4')352ax.legend(loc='upper right')353# Problem 5354pmax = 7355lambda_opt = lambdas[np.argmin(rmses4)]356rmses5 = np.zeros((pmax,2))357for p in range(pmax):358 Xd = mapNonLinear(X[:,2],p)359 Xdtest = mapNonLinear(Xtest[:,2],p)360 w_d1 = learnRidgeRegression(Xd,y,0)361 rmses5[p,0] = testOLERegression(w_d1,Xdtest,ytest)362 w_d2 = learnRidgeRegression(Xd,y,lambda_opt)363 rmses5[p,1] = testOLERegression(w_d2,Xdtest,ytest)364plt.plot(range(pmax),rmses5)...

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1# Temperature converter2from tkinter import *3from tkinter import messagebox4root = Tk()5root.geometry('800x600')6root.config(bg='#00A676')7# Frames for celsius to fahrenheit and vice versa8c_f_frame = Frame(root, width=300, height=200, bg='#333'), y=50)10f_c_frame = Frame(root, width=300, height=200, bg='#333'), y=50)12# Headings for celsius to fahrenheit and vice versa13c_f_label = Label(c_f_frame, text='Celsius to Fahrenheit', bg='#333', fg='white'), y=10)15f_c_label = Label(f_c_frame, text='Fahrenheit to Celsius', bg='#333', fg='white'),y=10)17# Entry fields for celsius to fahrenheit and vice versa18c_f_entry = Entry(c_f_frame, state='readonly'), y=100)20f_c_entry = Entry(f_c_frame, state='readonly'), y=100)22# Functionality for activating entry fields23def c_f_activation():24 c_f_entry.config(state='normal')25 c_f_entry.focus()26 f_c_entry.config(state='normal')27 f_c_entry.delete(0, END)28 f_c_entry.config(state='readonly')29def f_c_activation():30 f_c_entry.config(state='normal')31 f_c_entry.focus()32 c_f_entry.config(state='normal')33 c_f_entry.delete(0, END)34 c_f_entry.config(state='readonly')35# Entry activation buttons36c_f_activate = Button(root, text='Activate - Celsius to fahrenheit', command=c_f_activation), y=270)38f_c_activate = Button(root, text='Activate - Fahrenheit to Celsius', command=f_c_activation), y=270)40# Temperature conversion function41def conversion():42 try:43 # Clears result label44 calc_label.config(text='')45 # Celsius to Fahrenheit46 if c_f_entry['state'] == 'normal':47 c_temp = float(c_f_entry.get())48 f_result = round((c_temp * (9/​5)) + 32, 1)49 calc_label.config(text=f_result)50 # Fahrenheit to Celsius51 elif f_c_entry['state'] == 'normal':52 f_temp = float(f_c_entry.get())53 c_result = round((f_temp-32)*(5/​9), 1)54 calc_label.config(text=c_result)55 # raise value error if invalid entry given56 except ValueError:57 messagebox.showerror(message='Invalid entry')58# Convert button and label for result59calc = Button(root, text='Calculate Conversion', command=conversion), y=350)61calc_label = Label(root, width=20, height=2, bg='#333', fg='white'), y=350)63# functionality for clear button to clear fields64def delete():65 c_f_entry.config(state='normal')66 f_c_entry.config(state='normal')67 calc_label.config(text='')68 c_f_entry.delete(0, END)69 f_c_entry.delete(0, END)70 f_c_entry.config(state='readonly')71 c_f_entry.config(state='readonly')72# clear button73clear = Button(root, text='Clear', command=delete), y=500)75# Exit button with inbuilt function76escape = Button(root, text='Exit', command='exit'), y=500)...

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