How to use breadth method in hypothesis

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1from GraphGame import *2from Value import *3def one_aleatory_test(nb_vertex,min_weight = 1, max_weight = 100):4 """5 Genere aleatoirement un jeu a deux joueurs pour lequel chaque joueur a un objectif (ces deux objectis etant differents)6 :param nb_vertex: nombre de sommets du graphe du jeu7 :param min_weight: poids minimal sur les aretes du graphe8 :param max_weight: poids maximal sur les aretes du graphe9 :return: un jeu10 """11 possible_goal = range(0, nb_vertex)12 random.shuffle(possible_goal)13 goal_1 = possible_goal.pop()14 goal_2 = possible_goal.pop()15 possible_init = range(0, nb_vertex)16 random.shuffle(possible_init)17 init = possible_init.pop()18 game = ReachabilityGame.generate_game(2, nb_vertex, init, [{goal_1}, {goal_2}], min_weight, max_weight)19 return game20def compute_a_star(game, allowed_time = float("infinity")):21 res = game.best_first_search(ReachabilityGame.a_star_positive, None, allowed_time)22 return res23def compute_random_method(game, nbr_path=100):24 set_res = game.test_random_path(nbr_path, game.compute_max_length())25 best_res = game.filter_best_result(set_res)26 return best_res27def compute_init_best_first_search(game, allowed_time = float("infinity")):28 init = game.best_first_search_with_init_path_both_two(ReachabilityGame.a_star_positive, allowed_time)29 return init30def compute_breadth_first_search_first(game):31 first = game.breadth_first_search()32 return first33def compute_breadth_first_search(game, allowed_time = float("infinity")):34 breadth = game.breadth_first_search(False, allowed_time)35 breadth_result = game.filter_best_result(breadth)36 return breadth_result37BEST = 038SAME = 139EQUIVALENT = 240BOTH_FAIL = 341WORST = 442def compare_one_method_to_other_method(game, path1, path2):43 """44 Compare si pour un certain jeu donne un resultat: path1 et un autre resultat. Determine sur path1 est meilleur, pire,45 egal, equivalent a path2.46 :param game: un jeu d atteignabilite47 :param path1: un resultat48 :param path2: un autre resultat49 :return: la comparaison entre les deux resultats50 """51 if path1 is None and path2 is None:52 return BOTH_FAIL53 else:54 if path1 is None:55 return WORST56 else:57 if path2 is None:58 return BEST59 else:60 (_cost1,reached_player1) = game.get_info_path(path1)61 (_cost2,reached_player2) = game.get_info_path(path2)62 cost1 = game.cost_for_all_players(path1, True)63 cost2 = game.cost_for_all_players(path2, True)64 if len(reached_player1) > len(reached_player2) :65 return BEST66 else:67 if len(reached_player1) < len(reached_player2):68 return WORST69 else:70 sum_1 = 071 for p in cost1.keys():72 sum_1 += cost1[p]73 sum_2 = 074 for j in cost2.keys():75 sum_2 += cost2[j]76 if sum_1 < sum_2:77 return BEST78 else:79 if sum_1 > sum_2:80 return WORST81 else:82 if ReachabilityGame.same_paths(path1,path2):83 return SAME84 else:85 return EQUIVALENT86def compute_stat(file_name, allowed_time = float("infinity")):87 """88 Test l' algorithme best-first search auquel on associe la fonction d evaluation de type A* sur des graphes a n noeuds89 ou 5 <= n <= 20, 100 tests pour chaque n differents90 :param file_name: nom du fichier dans lequel stocker les resultats91 :param allowed_time: temps permis pour l execution d une methode92 """93 stat = open(file_name, "a")94 for nb_v in range(5, 21):95 stat.write("******************* \n")96 stat.write(" test avec "+str(nb_v)+" sommets \n")97 stat.write(" temps permis pour chaque recherche "+str(allowed_time)+"\n")98 compt_find = 099 compt_not_find = 0100 debut = time.time()101 for i in range(0, 100):102 game = one_aleatory_test(nb_v)103 res = compute_a_star(game, allowed_time)104 if res is not None:105 compt_find += 1106 else:107 compt_not_find +=1108 fin = time.time()109 print "fini pour ", nb_v, " sommets en ", fin - debut, " secondes"110 stat.write(" nb EN trouves "+str(compt_find)+"\n")111 stat.write(" nbr EN manques "+str(compt_not_find)+"\n")112 stat.write("temps ecoule "+str(fin - debut)+"\n")113 stat.close()114def compute_stat_all_method(file_name, allowed_time = float("infinity")):115 """116 Execute les differents resultats sur 100 jeux donc le graphe est compose de 5 noeuds et genere aleatoirement et117 ecrit les resultats dans un fichier.118 :param file_name: nom du fichier dans lequel inscrire les resultats119 :param allowed_time: temps permis pour l execution d une methode120 """121 stat = open(file_name, "a")122 for nb_v in range(5, 6):123 stat.write("******************* \n")124 stat.write(" test avec " + str(nb_v) + " sommets \n")125 stat.write(" temps permis pour chaque recherche " + str(allowed_time) + "\n")126 compt_find_a_star = 0127 compt_find_random = 0128 compt_find_init = 0129 compt_find_breadth_first = 0130 compt_find_breadth = 0131 real_debut = time.time()132 fin_a_star = 0133 fin_random = 0134 fin_init = 0135 fin_breadth_first = 0136 fin_breadth = 0137 best_vs_random = 0138 best_vs_init = 0139 best_vs_breadth_first = 0140 best_vs_breadth = 0141 worst_vs_random = 0142 worst_vs_init = 0143 worst_vs_breadth_fisrt = 0144 worst_vs_breadth = 0145 both_fail_vs_random = 0146 both_fail_vs_init = 0147 both_fail_vs_breadth_first = 0148 both_fail_vs_breadth = 0149 equivalent_vs_random = 0150 equivalent_vs_init = 0151 equivalent_vs_breadth_first = 0152 equivalent_vs_breadth = 0153 same_vs_random = 0154 same_vs_init = 0155 same_vs_breadth_first = 0156 same_vs_breadth = 0157 for i in range(0, 20):158 print "------"159 print "Jeu numero: ", i + 1160 game = one_aleatory_test(nb_v)161 debut = time.time()162 a_star = compute_a_star(game, allowed_time)163 fin = time.time()164 fin_a_star = fin_a_star + (fin - debut)165 print " a_star"166 debut = fin167 random = compute_random_method(game, 100)168 fin = time.time()169 fin_random = fin_random + (fin - debut)170 print "random"171 debut = fin172 init = compute_init_best_first_search(game, allowed_time)173 fin = time.time()174 fin_init = fin_init + (fin - debut)175 print "init"176 debut = fin177 breadth_first = compute_breadth_first_search_first(game)178 fin = time.time()179 fin_breadth_first = fin_breadth_first + (fin - debut)180 print "breadth"181 #debut = fin182 #breadth = compute_breadth_first_search(game, allowed_time)183 #fin = time.time()184 #fin_breadth = fin_breadth + (debut - fin)185 if a_star is not None:186 compt_find_a_star += 1187 if random is not None:188 compt_find_random += 1189 if init is not None:190 compt_find_init += 1191 if breadth_first is not None:192 compt_find_breadth_first += 1193 #if breadth is not None:194 # compt_find_breadth += 1195 #on compare les resultats obtenus avec celui de A*196 vs_random = compare_one_method_to_other_method(game, a_star, random)197 if vs_random == BEST:198 best_vs_random += 1199 if vs_random == WORST:200 worst_vs_random += 1201 if vs_random == BOTH_FAIL:202 both_fail_vs_random += 1203 if vs_random == SAME:204 same_vs_random += 1205 if vs_random == EQUIVALENT:206 equivalent_vs_random += 1207 vs_init = compare_one_method_to_other_method(game, a_star, init)208 if vs_init == BEST:209 best_vs_init += 1210 if vs_init == WORST:211 worst_vs_init += 1212 if vs_init == BOTH_FAIL:213 both_fail_vs_init += 1214 if vs_init == SAME:215 same_vs_init += 1216 if vs_init == EQUIVALENT:217 equivalent_vs_init += 1218 vs_breadth_first = compare_one_method_to_other_method(game, a_star, breadth_first)219 if vs_breadth_first == BEST:220 best_vs_breadth_first += 1221 if vs_breadth_first == WORST:222 worst_vs_breadth_fisrt += 1223 if vs_breadth_first == BOTH_FAIL:224 both_fail_vs_breadth_first += 1225 if vs_breadth_first == SAME:226 same_vs_breadth_first += 1227 if vs_breadth_first == EQUIVALENT:228 equivalent_vs_breadth_first += 1229 #vs_breadth = compare_one_method_to_other_method(game, a_star, breadth)230 #if vs_breadth == BEST:231 # best_vs_breadth += 1232 #if vs_breadth == WORST:233 # worst_vs_breadth +=1234 #if vs_breadth == BOTH_FAIL:235 # both_fail_vs_breadth += 1236 #if vs_breadth_first == SAME:237 # same_vs_breadth += 1238 #if vs_breadth == EQUIVALENT:239 # equivalent_vs_breadth += 1240 real_fin = time.time()241 print "fini en ", real_fin - real_debut, " secondes"242 stat.write("A_STAR : \n")243 stat.write("Nb EN trouves " + str(compt_find_a_star) + "\n")244 stat.write("temps ecoule " + str(fin_a_star) + "\n")245 stat.write("----------------------- \n")246 stat.write("RANDOM : \n")247 stat.write("Nb EN trouves " + str(compt_find_random) + "\n")248 stat.write("temps ecoule " + str(fin_random) + "\n")249 stat.write("----------------------- \n")250 stat.write("INIT BEST : \n")251 stat.write("Nb EN trouves " + str(compt_find_init) + "\n")252 stat.write("temps ecoule " + str(fin_init) + "\n")253 stat.write("----------------------- \n")254 stat.write("BREADTH FIRST : \n")255 stat.write("Nb EN trouves " + str(compt_find_breadth_first) + "\n")256 stat.write("temps ecoule " + str(fin_breadth_first) + "\n")257 stat.write("----------------------- \n")258 #stat.write("BREADTH MULTI : \n")259 #stat.write("Nb EN trouves " + str(compt_find_breadth) + "\n")260 #stat.write("temps ecoule " + str(fin_breadth) + "\n")261 #stat.write("----------------------- \n")262 stat.write("STAT SUR A_STAR : \n")263 stat.write("A_star vs random: meilleur " + str(best_vs_random)+" pire "+ str(worst_vs_random) +" pareil :" + str(same_vs_random) + " equivalent :"+ str(equivalent_vs_random) + " manque tous les deux :"+ str(both_fail_vs_random)+ "\n")264 stat.write("A_star vs init : meilleur " + str(best_vs_init)+" pire "+ str(worst_vs_init) +" pareil " + str(same_vs_init) + " equivalent "+ str(equivalent_vs_init) + " manque tous les deux "+ str(both_fail_vs_init)+ "\n")265 stat.write("A_star vs breadth first: meilleur " + str(best_vs_breadth_first)+ " pire " + str(worst_vs_breadth_fisrt) +" pareil " + str(same_vs_breadth_first) + " equivalent "+ str(equivalent_vs_breadth_first) + " manque tous les deux "+ str(both_fail_vs_breadth_first)+ "\n")266 #stat.write("A_star vs breadth multi: meilleur " + str(best_vs_breadth) +" pareil " + str(same_vs_breadth) + " equivalent "+ str(equivalent_vs_breadth) + "manque tous les deux"+ str(both_fail_vs_breadth)+ "\n")267 stat.write("----------------------- \n")268 stat.close()269def real_EN_test(nb_v, allowed_time = float("infinity")):270 stat = open("real_EN.txt", "a")271 stat.write("*****************\n")272 stat.write("Nouveau test \n")273 compt_find = 0274 compt_not_find = 0275 real_EN = 0276 debut = time.time()277 for i in range(0, 100):278 game = one_aleatory_test(nb_v)279 res = compute_a_star(game, allowed_time)280 (nash,coal) = game.is_a_Nash_equilibrium(res)281 if res is not None:282 compt_find += 1283 if nash:284 real_EN += 1285 else:286 compt_not_find += 1287 fin = time.time()288 print "fini pour ", nb_v, " sommets en ", fin - debut, " secondes"289 stat.write(" nb EN trouves " + str(compt_find) + "\n")290 stat.write(" nbr EN manques " + str(compt_not_find) + "\n")291 stat.write(" EN reel " + str(real_EN) + "\n")292 stat.write("temps ecoule " + str(fin - debut) + "\n")293 stat.close()294def restart_test(times):295 for i in range(0, times):296 real_EN_test(5)297if __name__ == '__main__':298 #compute_stat(30)299 #restart_test(10)...

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1import MySQLdb 2import os, sys, json 3import bot_detect as bot 4import numpy as np5import itertools6from dateutil import parser7import draw_tools.cdf_plot as cdf_plot8from draw_tools.line_plot import LinePlot9from draw_tools.cdf_plot import CDFPlot10def get_breadth_time_series(keys, users):11 dir_name = "RetweetNew/​"12 files = os.listdir(dir_name)13 unique_d = {}14 count = 015 breadth_size = {}16 breadth_time = {}17 breadth_user = {}18 files = keys.split('_')19 user_index = {}20 for postid in files:21 #if not get_veracity(postid, veracity):22 # continue23 unique_d[postid] = {}24 breadth_time[postid] = []25 user_index[postid] = []26 with open(dir_name + postid, 'r') as f:27 tweets = json.load(f)28 29 sort = {}30 for key in tweets.keys():31 tweet = tweets[key]32 sort[key] = parser.parse(tweet['time'])33 #sort by time34 new_list = sorted(sort.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])35 start_time = new_list[0][1]36 sorted_ids = [item[0] for item in new_list]37 breadth_size[postid] = {}38 unique_users = {}39 max_breadth = 040 for i, tid in enumerate(sorted_ids):41 tweet = tweets[tid]42 unique_users[tweet['user']] = 143 #order by breadth can decrease time 44 #time to get to the breadth in a rumor. not care about which breadth is in 45 b_size = breadth_size[postid].get(tweet['depth'], 0) + 146 breadth_size[postid][tweet['depth']] = b_size47 print(tweet['user'], tweet['depth'])48 if max_breadth < b_size:49 max_breadth = b_size50 # breadth_time[max_breadth] = breadth_time.get(max_breadth, {})51 # elapsed_time = (new_list[i][1] - start_time).total_seconds() /​ 60 #min52 # breadth_time[max_breadth][postid] = elapsed_time53 # breadth_user[max_breadth] = breadth_user.get(max_breadth, {})54 # breadth_user[max_breadth][postid] = len(unique_users)55 if tweet['user'] in users:56 user_index[postid].append(i)57 breadth_time[postid].append(max_breadth)58 #time to get to the breadth in a breadth.59 count += 160 #if count > 10 :61 # break62 return breadth_time, user_index63#observe the change of breadth size with emergence of echo chamber users 64def breadth_change():65 66 with open('Data/​echo_chamber2.json', 'r') as f:67 echo_chambers = json.load(f)68 count = 069 for keys in echo_chambers.keys():70 users = echo_chambers[keys]71 breadth_series, user_index = get_breadth_time_series(keys, users) 72 for key in breadth_series.keys():73 breadth = breadth_series[key]74 user = user_index[key]75 line = LinePlot()76 #line.set_ylog()77 line.set_label('Users', 'Breadth')78 line.set_plot_data(breadth, np.arange(1, len(breadth) + 1, 1))79 line.set_axvline(user)80 #line.set_legends(['True', 'False', 'Mixed'])81 #line.set_xticks(x_ticks)82 line.save_image('Image/​Breadth/​breadth_change_line_%s_%s.png'%(keys, key))83 count += 1 84 if count > 0:85 break86if __name__ == "__main__":87 #breadth_cdf()88 #breadth_num()...

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1##################################2### Title: Packing ########3### Author: GuoChen Hou ########4##################################5# Given a rectangle tray and an unlimited supply of slabs. Calculate the maximum number of slabs that can fit into the rectangular 6# tray, in a single orientation only.7def compute_max_slabs(tray_length, tray_breadth, slab_length, slab_breadth):8 length_slabs = int(tray_length /​ slab_length)9 breadth_slabs = int(tray_breadth /​ slab_breadth)10 11 remain_length = tray_length - (length_slabs * slab_length)12 remain_breadth_slab = 013 remain_breadth = tray_breadth - (breadth_slabs * slab_breadth)14 remain_length_slab = 015 if remain_length >= slab_breadth:16 if tray_breadth >= slab_length:17 remain_breadth_slab = int(remain_length /​ slab_breadth)18 if remain_breadth >= slab_length:19 if tray_length >= slab_length:20 remain_length_slab = int(remain_breadth /​ slab_length)21 return length_slabs * breadth_slabs +remain_breadth_slab + remain_length_slab22t_length, t_breadth = raw_input('Enter dimensions of tray: ').split()23s_length, s_breadth = raw_input('Enter dimensions of tray: ').split()24if t_breadth > t_length:25 temp = t_length26 t_length = t_breadth27 t_breadth = temp28if s_breadth > s_length:29 temp = s_length30 s_length = s_breadth31 s_breadth = temp32tray_length = int(t_length)33tray_breadth = int(t_breadth)34slab_length = int(s_length)35slab_breadth = int(s_breadth)36length_base_slab_number = compute_max_slabs(tray_length, tray_breadth, slab_length, slab_breadth)37breadth_base_slab_number = compute_max_slabs(tray_length, tray_breadth, slab_breadth, slab_length)38print length_base_slab_number39print breadth_base_slab_number40if length_base_slab_number > breadth_base_slab_number:41 print 'Maximum number of slabs =', length_base_slab_number42else:...

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