Best Python code snippet using hypothesis
...106 col = 0107 else:108 self.matrix[row][col] = c109 col += 1110 def __pop(self):111 try:112 res = self.stack.pop()113 except:114 res = 0115 return res116 def __push(self, s):117 self.stack.append(s)118 def __direction(self, direction):119 self.current_direction = direction120 def __push_num(self):121 self.__push(int(self.matrix[self.current_row][self.current_col]))122 def __add(self):123 x = self.__pop()124 y = self.__pop()125 self.__push(x + y)126 def __subtract(self):127 x = self.__pop()128 y = self.__pop()129 self.__push(y - x)130 def __multiple(self):131 x = self.__pop()132 y = self.__pop()133 self.__push(x * y)134 def __divide(self):135 x = self.__pop()136 y = self.__pop()137 if y == 0:138 self.__push(0)139 else:140 self.__push(round(y / x, 0))141 def __mod(self):142 x = self.__pop()143 y = self.__pop()144 if x == 0:145 self.__push(0)146 else:147 self.__push(y % x)148 def __not(self):149 x = self.__pop()150 if x == 0:151 self.__push(1)152 else:153 self.__push(0)154 def __gt(self):155 x = self.__pop()156 y = self.__pop()157 if y > x:158 self.__push(1)159 else:160 self.__push(0)161 def __moving_right(self):162 self.__direction('>')163 def __moving_left(self):164 self.__direction('<')165 def __moving_up(self):166 self.__direction('^')167 def __moving_down(self):168 self.__direction('v')169 def __moving_random_direction(self):170 direction = ['>', '<', '^', 'v']171 self.__direction(direction)172 self.BEFUNGE_CODE_TABLE[random.choice(direction)]()173 def __moving_by_cond_right_left(self):174 x = self.__pop()175 if x == 0:176 self.BEFUNGE_CODE_TABLE['>']()177 else:178 self.BEFUNGE_CODE_TABLE['<']()179 def __moving_by_cond_up_down(self):180 x = self.__pop()181 if x == 0:182 self.BEFUNGE_CODE_TABLE['v']()183 else:184 self.BEFUNGE_CODE_TABLE['^']()185 def __string_mode(self):186 self.__moving()187 n = ord(str(self.matrix[self.current_row][self.current_col]))188 while n != 34:189 self.__push(n)190 self.__moving()191 n = ord(str(self.matrix[self.current_row][self.current_col]))192 def __duplicate(self):193 x = self.__pop()194 self.__push(x)195 self.__push(x)196 def __swap(self):197 x = self.__pop()198 y = self.__pop()199 self.__push(x)200 self.__push(y)201 def __discard(self):202 self.__pop()203 def __end(self):204 self.is_ended = True205 def __get_integer(self):206 self.result.append(str(self.__pop()))207 def __get_char(self):208 self.result.append(chr(self.__pop()))209 def __trampoline(self):210 self.__moving()211 def __put_to_xy(self):212 x = self.__pop()213 y = self.__pop()214 v = self.__pop()215 self.matrix[x][y] = chr(v)216 def __get_from_xy(self):217 y = self.__pop()218 x = self.__pop()219 self.__push(ord(self.matrix[y][x]))220 def __nothing(self):221 pass222 def __moving(self, count=1):223 if self.current_direction == '>':224 self.current_col += count225 elif self.current_direction == '<':226 self.current_col -= count227 elif self.current_direction == '^':228 self.current_row -= count229 elif self.current_direction == 'v':230 self.current_row += count231class TestBefunge(unittest.TestCase):232 def test_befunge_is_valid(self):...
1# encoding: utf-823import time4import numpy as np5from util import update, drawCurve, testFunc, NDsort6import memory_profiler as mem78class Mopso:9 def __init__(self, num_pop, max_, min_, threshold, grid_div=10):10 self.__grid = grid_div11 self.__num_pop = num_pop # ç§ç¾¤ç²åæ°é12 self.__threshold = threshold13 self.__max = max_14 self.__min = min_1516 # self.max_v = (max_-min_)*0.5 #é度ä¸é17 # self.min_v = (max_-min_)*(-1)*0.5 #é度ä¸é18 self.__max_v = 100 * np.ones(len(max_), ) # é度ä¸ä¸é,é度ä¸åå¨ä¸ä¸éï¼å æ¤è®¾ç½®å¾å¤§19 self.__min_v = -100 * np.ones(len(min_), )2021 self.__pop = None22 self.__v = None23 self.__fit = None24 self.__pop_pbest = None25 self.__fit_pbest = None26 self.__pop_gbest = None27 self.__fit_gbest = None28 self.__archive_pop = None29 self.__archive_fit = None3031 self.__draw = drawCurve.DrawParetoCurve()3233 def evaluation_fitness(self):34 self.__fit = testFunc.obj_func("value", "DTLZ2", 2, self.__pop)3536 def initialize(self):37 """38 åå§åç²å群39 :return:40 """41 # åå§åç²åä½ç½® pop[i]42 # self.__num_pop ç²å群æ°é43 self.__pop = self.__init_loc(self.__num_pop, self.__max, self.__min)44 # åå§åç²åé度 å
¨045 self.__v = self.__init_v(self.__num_pop, self.__max_v, self.__min_v)46 # 计ç®éåºåº¦47 self.evaluation_fitness()48 # åå§å个ä½æä¼49 # TODO 第äºä¸ªåæ°åºè¯¥æ¯é度ï¼50 self.__pop_pbest, self.__fit_pbest = self.__init_pbest(self.__pop, self.__fit)51 # åå§åå¤é¨åæ¡£52 self.__archive_pop, self.__archive_fit = self.__init_archive(self.__pop, self.__fit)53 # åå§åå
¨å±æä¼54 self.__pop_gbest, self.__fit_gbest = update.update_gbest(self.__archive_pop, self.__archive_fit, self.__grid,55 self.__num_pop)5657 def update(self):58 """59 æ´æ°ç²åé度ãä½ç½®ãéåºåº¦ã个ä½æä¼ãå¤é¨åæ¡£ãå
¨å±æä¼60 :return:61 """62 self.__v = update.update_v(self.__v, self.__min_v, self.__max_v, self.__pop, self.__pop_pbest, self.__pop_gbest)63 self.__pop = update.update_pop(self.__pop, self.__v, self.__min, self.__max)6465 self.evaluation_fitness()6667 self.__pop_pbest, self.__fit_pbest = update.update_pbest(self.__pop, self.__fit, self.__pop_pbest,68 self.__fit_pbest)6970 self.__archive_pop, self.__archive_fit = update.update_archive(self.__pop, self.__fit, self.__archive_pop,71 self.__archive_fit,72 self.__threshold, self.__grid)7374 self.__pop_gbest, self.__fit_gbest = update.update_gbest(self.__archive_pop, self.__archive_fit, self.__grid,75 self.__num_pop)7677 def run(self, iterate):78 # å¼å§æ¶é´æ³79 beg = time.time()80 print(f'è¿è¡åå ç¨å
åï¼{mem.memory_usage()}')81 self.initialize()82, self.__fit, self.__archive_pop, self.__archive_fit, -1)83 for i in range(iterate):84 self.update() # æ´æ°ç§ç¾¤85 # numpy.round() è¿åæµ®ç¹æ°çåèäºå
¥å¼86 print('第', i+1, '代已å®æï¼èè´¹æ¶é´: ', np.round(time.time() - beg, 2), "s")87, self.__fit, self.__archive_pop, self.__archive_fit, i)88 print(f'è¿è¡åå ç¨å
åï¼{mem.memory_usage()}')89 return self.__archive_pop, self.__archive_fit9091 @staticmethod92 def __init_loc(pop, pop_max, pop_min):93 # åå§åç²åä½ç½®94 dim = len(pop_max) # è¾å
¥åæ°ç»´åº¦95 # numpy.random.uniform(low, high, size) ä»åååå¸ä¸éæºéæ ·ï¼sizeæ¯è¾åºæ ·æ¬æ°é96 return np.random.uniform(0, 1, (pop, dim)) * (pop_max - pop_min) + pop_min9798 @staticmethod99 def __init_v(pop, v_max, v_min):100 v_dim = len(v_max) # 维度101 # v_ = np.random.uniform(0,1,(particals,v_dim))*(v_max-v_min)+v_min102 return np.zeros((pop, v_dim))103104 @staticmethod105 def __init_pbest(pop, fit):106 return pop, fit107108 @staticmethod109 def __init_archive(pop, fit):110 # NDSort()[0] ååºç¬¬ä¸ç»è¿åå¼ï¼å¦ææ¯1åæ¯ç¬¬ä¸å±çç²å111 front_index = NDsort.NDSort(fit, pop.shape[0])[0] == 1112 front_index = np.reshape(front_index, (-1,)) # ç©éµè½¬æè¡åé113114 # curr_archiving_in = pop[front_index]115 # curr_archiving_fit = fit[front_index]116117 # pareto_c = pareto.Pareto_(pop,fitness_)118 # curr_archiving_in_,curr_archiving_fit_ = pareto_c.pareto()
1from salp import Salp2from accuracy import cal_cost_knn, cal_cost_svm3import numpy as np4import logging 5import os6from copy import deepcopy7logger = logging.getLogger("main.bssa")8class BSSA:9 10 def __init__(self, pop, dim, tf, ub, lb, upate_strategy):11 self.__pop = [Salp(dim, ub, lb) for i in range(pop)]12 self.__tf = tf13 self.__ub = ub14 self.__lb = lb15 self.__selected_features_history = []16 self.__cost_history = []17 self.__acc_history = []18 self.__update_strategy = upate_strategy19 self.__cost_func = cal_cost_svm20 21 def get_pop(self):22 return self.__pop23 def set_pop(self, pop):24 self.__pop = pop25 def get_best_salp(self):26 return self.__pop[0]27 def get_best_position(self):28 return self.__pop[0].get_position()29 def get_best_selected(self):30 return np.round(self.get_best_position())31 def get_best_cost(self):32 return self.__pop[0].get_cost()33 def replace_with_worst_salp(self, best_salp):34 self.__pop = sorted(self.__pop, key=lambda x:x.get_cost())35 self.__pop[-1].set_position(best_salp.get_position())36 self.__pop[-1].set_cost(best_salp.get_cost())37 38 def reset_history(self):39 self.__cost_history = []40 self.__selected_features_history = []41 self.__acc_history = []42 def get_cost_history(self):43 return self.__cost_history44 def get_selected_features_history(self):45 return self.__selected_features_history46 def get_acc_history(self):47 return self.__acc_history48 def train(self, max_iteration, train_data, train_target, test_data, test_target):49 us = self.__update_strategy50 tf = self.__tf51 cf = self.__cost_func52 #measure accuracy and sort respect to the fitness53 for s in self.__pop:54 c, _, _ = cf(s.get_position(), train_data, train_target)55 s.set_cost(c)56 self.__pop = sorted(self.__pop, key=lambda x:x.get_cost())57 for s in self.__pop:58 logger.debug("cost is {}".format(s.get_cost()))59 #select the best one as food60 food = self.__pop[0]61 #it should be sorted62 for i in range(max_iteration):63 c1 = us(i, max_iteration)64 for this_s, pre_s, j in zip(self.__pop[1:], 65 self.__pop[-1:] + self.__pop[1:-1], 66 range(len(self.__pop))):67 if j<= len(self.__pop)/2.0:68 c2 = np.random.rand(this_s.get_dim())69 c3 = np.random.rand(this_s.get_dim())70 c3 = np.array(list(map(lambda x:-1 if x<0.5 else 1, c3)))71 this_s.set_position(food.get_position() + c1*c2*c3)72 else:73 this_s.set_position((this_s.get_position() + pre_s.get_position())/2)74 for s in self.__pop:75 u = self.__ub76 l = self.__lb77 pos = s.get_position()78 pos = np.array(list(map(lambda x:l if x<l else(u if x>u else x), pos)))79 s.set_position(pos)80 c, _, _ = cf(s.get_position(), train_data, train_target)81 s.set_cost(c)82 if c < food.get_cost():83 food.set_position(s.get_position())84 food.set_cost(s.get_cost())85 logger.debug("best changed to this cost {} last cost {}".format(s.get_cost(), food.get_cost())) 86 87 _, e, f = cf(food.get_position(), train_data, train_target)88 self.__acc_history.append(1 - e)89 self.__selected_features_history.append(f)90 self.__cost_history.append(food.get_cost())91"iter {} cost {} pid {} ppid {}".format(i, food.get_cost(), os.getpid(), os.getppid()))...
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