How to use eq_dict method in grail

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1import matplotlib.pyplot as plt2from pleiades.analysis import *3class EQDSK(dict):4 def __init__(self,fname=None):5 if fname is not None:6 self.read_eqdsk(fname)7 else:8 pass9 def write_eqdsk(self,fname):10 with open(fname,"w") as f:11 pass12 def read_eqdsk(self,fname):13 with open(fname,"r") as f:14 pass15#class MirrorEQDSK(EQDSK):16# def __init__(self,fname=None):17# self["18#19#20# ## line 1 -- write grid information: cursign, nnr, nnz, nnv21# f.write(title+"".join("{:4d}".format(xi) for xi in [int(cursign),nnr,nnz,nnv]))22# ## line 2 -- write rbox,zbox,0,0,023# f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for xi in [rbox,zbox,0,0,0]))24# ## line 3 -- write 0,0,0,psi_lim,025# f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for xi in [0,0,0,psi_lim,0]))26# ## line 4 -- write total toroidal current,0,0,0,027# f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for xi in [tot_cur,0,0,0,0]))28# ## line 5 -- write 0,0,0,0,029# f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for xi in [0,0,0,0,0]))30def write_eqdsk(Rho,Z,psi,plas_currents,fname,title):31 title='PLEIADES '+title32 if len(title) >= 26:33 title = title[0:26]34 title = title.ljust(26) + "cursign,nnr,nnz,nnv = "35 nnr,nnz,nnv = int(len(Rho[0,:])),int(len(Z[:,0])),10136 rbox,zbox = np.amax(Rho)-np.amin(Rho),np.amax(Z)-np.amin(Z)37 tot_cur = np.sum(plas_currents)38 cursign = np.sign(tot_cur)39 blank = np.zeros(nnv)40 limit_pairs,vessel_pairs = 100,10041 rho0_idx = np.abs(Rho[0,:]).argmin()42 #### Plotting current and flux lines from plasma currents 43 [psi_lim] = locs_to_vals(Rho,Z,psi,[(.6,0)])44 psi_ves = psi_lim*1.0245 psi_levels = tuple(sorted([psi_lim,psi_ves]))46 fig,ax = plt.subplots()47 cf = ax.contour(Rho,Z,psi,psi_levels,colors='k',zorder=1)48 ## get contour for psi_lim boundary49 flpoints = get_fieldlines(cf,psi_lim,start_coord=(.05,.5),end_coord=(.05,-.5))50 r,z = flpoints[:,0],flpoints[:,1]51 z = np.array(list(z)+[-z[0]])52 z = z[::-1]53 r = np.array(list(r)+[r[0]])54 r = r[::-1]55 flpoints = np.vstack((z,r)).T56# ax.plot(flpoints[:,0],flpoints[:,1],"bo")57# ax.plot(flpoints[0,0],flpoints[0,1],"go")58# ax.plot(flpoints[-1,0],flpoints[-1,1],"ro")59# fl_dist = get_fieldline_distance(flpoints)61 spl = UnivariateSpline(z,r,k=1,s=0)62 fl_spl = UnivariateSpline(fl_dist,z,k=1,s=0)63 uniform_s = np.linspace(fl_dist[0],fl_dist[-1],100)64 zlimit = fl_spl(uniform_s)65 rlimit = spl(zlimit)66# ax.plot(r,z,"bo")67# ax.plot(rlimit,zlimit,"ro")68 ## get contour for psi_ves boundary69 flpoints = get_fieldlines(cf,psi_ves,start_coord=(.05,.5),end_coord=(.05,-.5))70 r,z = flpoints[:,0],flpoints[:,1]71 z = np.array(list(z)+[-z[0]])72 z = z[::-1]73 r = np.array(list(r)+[r[0]])74 r = r[::-1]75 flpoints = np.vstack((z,r)).T76 fl_dist = get_fieldline_distance(flpoints)77 spl = UnivariateSpline(z,r,k=1,s=0)78 fl_spl = UnivariateSpline(fl_dist,z,k=1,s=0)79 uniform_s = np.linspace(fl_dist[0],fl_dist[-1],100)80 zves = fl_spl(uniform_s)81 rves = spl(zves)82# ax.plot(r,z,"yo")83# ax.plot(rves,zves,"go")84# plt.close()86 lim_ves_pairs = [loc for pair in zip(rlimit,zlimit) for loc in pair]+[loc for pair in zip(rves,zves) for loc in pair]87 with open(fname,"w") as f:88 ## line 1 -- write grid information: cursign, nnr, nnz, nnv89 f.write(title+"".join("{:4d}".format(xi) for xi in [int(cursign),nnr,nnz,nnv]))90 ## line 2 -- write rbox,zbox,0,0,091 f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for xi in [rbox,zbox,0,0,0]))92 ## line 3 -- write 0,0,0,psi_lim,093 f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for xi in [0,0,0,psi_lim,0]))94 ## line 4 -- write total toroidal current,0,0,0,095 f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for xi in [tot_cur,0,0,0,0]))96 ## line 5 -- write 0,0,0,0,097 f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for xi in [0,0,0,0,0]))98 ## line 6 -- write list of toroidal flux for each flux surface (zeros)99 f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}\n".format(xi) if np.mod(i+1,5)==0 else "{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for i,xi in enumerate(blank)))100 ## line 7 -- write list of pressure for each flux surface (zeros)101 f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}\n".format(xi) if np.mod(i+1,5)==0 else "{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for i,xi in enumerate(blank)))102 ## line 8 -- write list of (RBphi)' for each flux surface (zeros)103 f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}\n".format(xi) if np.mod(i+1,5)==0 else "{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for i,xi in enumerate(blank)))104 ## line 9 -- write list of P' for each flux surface (zeros)105 f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}\n".format(xi) if np.mod(i+1,5)==0 else "{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for i,xi in enumerate(blank)))106 ## line 10 -- write flattened list of psi values on whole grid (NOT ZERO)107 f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}\n".format(xi) if np.mod(i+1,5)==0 else "{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for i,xi in enumerate(psi.flatten())))108 ## line 11 -- write list of q for each flux surface (zeros)109 f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}\n".format(xi) if np.mod(i+1,5)==0 else "{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for i,xi in enumerate(blank)))110 ## line 12 -- write number of coordinate pairs for limit surface and vessel surface111 f.write("\n"+"".join("{0:5d}{1:5d}".format(limit_pairs,vessel_pairs)))112 ## line 13 -- write list of R,Z pairs for limiter surface, then vessel surface113 f.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}\n".format(xi) if np.mod(i+1,5)==0 else "{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for i,xi in enumerate(lim_ves_pairs)))114def write_eqdsk_fromdict(eq_dict,fname):115 title = eq_dict["title"]116 cursign,nnr,nnz,nnv = eq_dict["cursign"], eq_dict["nnr"], eq_dict["nnz"], eq_dict["nnv"]117 rbox,zbox = eq_dict["rbox"],eq_dict["zbox"]118 psi_lim = eq_dict["psi_lim"]119 Ip = eq_dict["Ip"]120 p_flux = eq_dict["p_flux"]121 tor_flux = eq_dict["tor_flux"] 122 rbphi_flux = eq_dict["rbphi_flux"]123 pprime_flux = eq_dict["pprime_flux"]124 psi = eq_dict["psi"]125 q_flux = eq_dict["q_flux"]126 nlim_pairs = eq_dict["nlim_pairs"]127 nves_pairs = eq_dict["nves_pairs"]128 lim_pairs = eq_dict["lim_pairs"]129 ves_pairs = eq_dict["ves_pairs"]130 lim_ves_pairs = [loc for pair in lim_pairs for loc in pair] + [loc for pair in ves_pairs for loc in pair]131 with open(fname,"w") as fh:132 ## line 1 -- write grid information: cursign, nnr, nnz, nnv133 fh.write(title+"".join("{:4d}".format(xi) for xi in [int(cursign),nnr,nnz,nnv]))134 ## line 2 -- write rbox,zbox,0,0,0135 fh.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for xi in [rbox,zbox,0,0,0]))136 ## line 3 -- write 0,0,0,psi_lim,0137 fh.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for xi in [0,0,0,psi_lim,0]))138 ## line 4 -- write total toroidal current,0,0,0,0139 fh.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for xi in [Ip,0,0,0,0]))140 ## line 5 -- write 0,0,0,0,0141 fh.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for xi in [0,0,0,0,0]))142 ## line 6 -- write list of toroidal flux for each flux surface (zeros)143 fh.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}\n".format(xi) if np.mod(i+1,5)==0 else "{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for i,xi in enumerate(tor_flux)))144 ## line 7 -- write list of pressure for each flux surface (zeros)145 fh.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}\n".format(xi) if np.mod(i+1,5)==0 else "{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for i,xi in enumerate(p_flux)))146 ## line 8 -- write list of (RBphi)' for each flux surface (zeros)147 fh.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}\n".format(xi) if np.mod(i+1,5)==0 else "{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for i,xi in enumerate(rbphi_flux)))148 ## line 9 -- write list of P' for each flux surface (zeros)149 fh.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}\n".format(xi) if np.mod(i+1,5)==0 else "{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for i,xi in enumerate(pprime_flux)))150 ## line 10 -- write flattened list of psi values on whole grid (NOT ZERO)151 fh.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}\n".format(xi) if np.mod(i+1,5)==0 else "{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for i,xi in enumerate(psi.flatten())))152 ## line 11 -- write list of q for each flux surface (zeros)153 fh.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}\n".format(xi) if np.mod(i+1,5)==0 else "{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for i,xi in enumerate(q_flux)))154 ## line 12 -- write number of coordinate pairs for limit surface and vessel surface155 fh.write("\n"+"".join("{0:5d}{1:5d}".format(nlim_pairs,nves_pairs)))156 ## line 13 -- write list of R,Z pairs for limiter surface, then vessel surface157 fh.write("\n"+"".join("{: 16.9E}\n".format(xi) if np.mod(i+1,5)==0 else "{: 16.9E}".format(xi) for i,xi in enumerate(lim_ves_pairs)))158def read_eqdsk(filename):159 """160 line 1 -- read grid information: title cursign, nnr, nnz, nnv161 line 2 -- read rbox,zbox,0,0,0162 line 3 -- read 0,0,0,psi_lim,0163 line 4 -- read total toroidal current,0,0,0,0164 line 5 -- read 0,0,0,0,0165 line 6 -- read list of toroidal flux for each flux surface (zeros)166 line 7 -- read list of pressure for each flux surface (zeros)167 line 8 -- read list of (RBphi)' for each flux surface (zeros)168 line 9 -- read list of P' for each flux surface (zeros)169 line 10 -- read flattened list of psi values on whole grid (NOT ZERO)170 line 11 -- read list of q for each flux surface (zeros)171 line 12 -- read number of coordinate pairs for limit surface and vessel surface172 line 13 -- read list of R,Z pairs for limiter surface, then vessel surface173 """174 eq_dict = {}175 with open(filename,"r") as f:176 lines = f.readlines()177 line1 = lines[0]178 eq_dict["title"] = line1[0:48]179 line1rem = line1[48:]180 eq_dict["cursign"] = int(line1rem.split()[-4])181 eq_dict["nnr"] = int(line1rem.split()[-3])182 eq_dict["nnz"] = int(line1rem.split()[-2])183 eq_dict["nnv"] = int(line1rem.split()[-1])184 line2 = lines[1].split()185 eq_dict["rbox"] = float(line2[-5])186 eq_dict["zbox"] = float(line2[-4])187 line3 = lines[2].split()188 eq_dict["psi_lim"] = float(line3[-2])189 line4 = lines[3].split()190 eq_dict["Ip"] = float(line4[-5])191 line5 = lines[4].split()192 fs_lines = int(np.ceil(eq_dict["nnv"]/​5.0))193 head = [line.strip().split() for line in lines[5:5+fs_lines]]194 tor_flux = np.array([float(num) for line in head for num in line])195 eq_dict["tor_flux"] = tor_flux196 head = [line.strip().split() for line in lines[5+fs_lines:5+2*fs_lines]]197 p_flux = np.array([float(num) for line in head for num in line])198 eq_dict["p_flux"] = p_flux199 head = [line.strip().split() for line in lines[5+2*fs_lines:5+3*fs_lines]]200 rbphi_flux = np.array([float(num) for line in head for num in line])201 eq_dict["rbphi_flux"] = rbphi_flux202 head = [line.strip().split() for line in lines[5+3*fs_lines:5+4*fs_lines]]203 pprime_flux = np.array([float(num) for line in head for num in line])204 eq_dict["pprime_flux"] = pprime_flux205 # Read psi on whole grid, nnr x nnz206 nnr,nnz = eq_dict["nnr"],eq_dict["nnz"]207 rz_pts = nnr*nnz208 l0 = 5+4*fs_lines209 psi_lines = int(np.ceil(rz_pts/​5.0))210 head = [line.strip().split() for line in lines[l0:l0+psi_lines]]211 psi = np.array([float(num) for line in head for num in line])212 eq_dict["psi"] = psi.reshape((nnz,nnr))213 rbox,zbox = eq_dict["rbox"],eq_dict["zbox"]214 R,Z = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,rbox,nnr),np.linspace(-zbox/​2,zbox/​2,nnz))215 eq_dict["R"] = R216 eq_dict["Z"] = Z217 head = [line.strip().split() for line in lines[l0+psi_lines:l0+psi_lines+fs_lines]]218 q_flux = np.array([float(num) for line in head for num in line])219 eq_dict["q_flux"] = q_flux220 nlim_pairs, nves_pairs = [int(x) for x in lines[l0+psi_lines+fs_lines].strip().split()]221 eq_dict["nlim_pairs"] = nlim_pairs222 eq_dict["nves_pairs"] = nves_pairs223 pair_lines = int(np.ceil((nlim_pairs + nves_pairs)*2.0/​5.0))224 rest = [line.rstrip() for line in lines[l0+psi_lines+fs_lines+1:]]225 rest = [line[i:i+16] for line in rest for i in range(0,len(line),16)]226 pairs = np.array([float(num.strip()) for num in rest])227 lim_pairs = np.array(list(zip(pairs[0:2*nlim_pairs:2],pairs[1:2*nlim_pairs:2])))228 ves_pairs = np.array(list(zip(pairs[2*nlim_pairs::2],pairs[2*nlim_pairs+1::2])))229 eq_dict["lim_pairs"] = lim_pairs230 eq_dict["ves_pairs"] = ves_pairs...

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1#2# @lc app=leetcode id=399 lang=python33#4# [399] Evaluate Division5#6# @lc code=start7class Solution:8 def calcEquation(self, equations: List[List[str]], values: List[float], queries: List[List[str]]) -> List[float]:9 from collections import defaultdict10 eq_dict = defaultdict(dict)11 for (a, b), val in zip(equations, values):12 eq_dict[a][b] = val13 eq_dict[b][a] = 1 /​ val14 for (a, b), val in zip(equations, values):15 for c in eq_dict[a]:16 eq_dict[b][c] = eq_dict[a][c] /​ eq_dict[a][b]17 eq_dict[c][b] = 1 /​ eq_dict[b][c]18 for c in eq_dict[b]:19 eq_dict[a][c] = eq_dict[b][c] /​ eq_dict[b][a]20 eq_dict[c][a] = 1 /​ eq_dict[a][c]21 res = []22 for a, b in queries:23 curr_res = -124 for c in eq_dict:25 if a in eq_dict and b in eq_dict[a]:26 curr_res = eq_dict[a][b]27 break28 res.append(curr_res)29 return res30# directed graph: Building graph: O(E) and O(E), each query: O(N) and O(1)31class Solution(object):32 def calcEquation(self, equations, values, queries):33 graph = {}34 def build_graph(equations, values):35 def add_edge(f, t, value):36 if f in graph:37 graph[f].append((t, value))38 else:39 graph[f] = [(t, value)]40 for vertices, value in zip(equations, values):41 f, t = vertices42 add_edge(f, t, value)43 add_edge(t, f, 1/​value)44 def find_path(query):45 b, e = query46 if b not in graph or e not in graph:47 return -1.048 q = collections.deque([(b, 1.0)])49 visited = set()50 while q:51 front, cur_product = q.popleft()52 if front == e:53 return cur_product54 visited.add(front)55 for neighbor, value in graph[front]:56 if neighbor not in visited:57 q.append((neighbor, cur_product*value))58 return -1.059 build_graph(equations, values)60 return [find_path(q) for q in queries]...

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Source: eq_explore Github


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1import json2from plotly.graph_objs import Scattergeo, Layout3from plotly import offline4# Explore the structure of the data.5filename = 'data/​1.0_month.geojson.json'6with open(filename,encoding="utf8") as f:7 all_eq_data = json.load(f)8 readable_file = 'data/​readable_eq_data.json'9with open(readable_file, 'w') as f:10 json.dump(all_eq_data, f, indent=4)11all_eq_dicts = all_eq_data['features']12title = all_eq_data['metadata']['title']13mags = [eq_dict['properties']['mag'] for eq_dict in all_eq_dicts]14lons = [eq_dict['geometry']['coordinates'][0] for eq_dict in all_eq_dicts]15lats = [eq_dict['geometry']['coordinates'][1] for eq_dict in all_eq_dicts]16hover_texts = [eq_dict['properties']['title'] for eq_dict in all_eq_dicts]17# Map the earthquakes.18data = [{19'type': 'scattergeo',20'lon': lons,21'lat': lats,22'text': hover_texts,23'marker': {24 'size': [5*mag for mag in mags],25 'color': mags,26 'colorscale': 'Viridis',27 'reversescale': True,28 'colorbar': {'title': 'Magnitude'},29 },30}]31my_layout = Layout(title=f'{title}')32fig = {'data': data, 'layout': my_layout}...

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