How to use get_line_text method in Gherkin-python

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...9 self.filename = filename10 # @staticmethod 11 def get_layout_count(self,layout):12 return len(layout)13 def get_line_text(self,layout,line_number):14 i=115 for lt_obj in layout:16 if isinstance(lt_obj, LTTextBox) :17 if i==line_number :18 # print('--in function--%s' % i)19 x=lt_obj.get_text()20 return x.strip()21 i=i+122 return ''23 def getInfo(self):24 fp = open(self.filename, 'rb')25 parser = PDFParser(fp)26 doc = PDFDocument()27 parser.set_document(doc)28 doc.set_parser(parser)29 doc.initialize('')30 rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager()31 laparams = LAParams()32 device = PDFPageAggregator(rsrcmgr, laparams=laparams)33 interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device)34 # Process each page contained in the document.35 images_folder=""36 text_content = []37 # print ("Info")38 import re39 rex = re.compile("^[0-9]{2}[A-Z][0-9]{2}[A-Z][0-9]$")40 for page in doc.get_pages():41 interpreter.process_page(page)42 layout = device.get_result()43 layout_count = self.get_layout_count(layout)44 i=145 # print ('LayOut Count : %s' % layout_count)46 # if layout_count =9 , means Full1Box (IN) or MTY1Box(OUT)47 company=self.get_company(layout,layout_count)48 lpn = self.get_license_plate_number(layout,layout_count)49 50 contain1_no = self.get_container1(layout,layout_count)51 contain1_loc = self.get_location1(layout,layout_count)52 contain1_seal = self.get_seal_number1(layout,layout_count)53 contain2_no = self.get_container2(layout,layout_count)54 contain2_loc = self.get_location2(layout,layout_count)55 contain2_seal = self.get_seal_number2(layout,layout_count)56 call_card = self.get_call_card(layout,layout_count)57 time_stamp =self.get_timestamp(layout,layout_count)58 data = {59 'filename' : self.filename,60 'type' : layout_count,61 'company' : company ,62 'license_no': lpn,63 'call_card':call_card,64 'time_stamp' : time_stamp65 }66 if layout_count == 9 :67 emptyFixContainer=False68 # print("Full (IN)/​Empty(Out) 1 Box TID")69 c2_text = self.get_line_text(layout,2)70 c3_text = self.get_line_text(layout,3)71 # if len(c2_text) > 1 :72 # direction='in'73 # # print ('Full (IN) 1 box')74 # else:75 # direction='out'76 # # print ('Full (OUT) 1 box')77 if c2_text=='-' and c3_text=='-' :78 direction='out'79 # print ('Full (IN) 1 box')80 else:81 y = c2_text.split(' ')82 if len(y) > 1 :83 direction='in'84 else :85 emptyFixContainer = True86 direction='out'87 # print ('Full (OUT) 1 box')88 if direction=='in':89 data[direction]={}90 data[direction]['item1']={'container_no' : contain1_no,91 'location' : contain1_loc,92 'seal' : contain1_seal}93 if direction=='out':94 # either 1 or 2 Full out95 c4_text = self.get_line_text(layout,4)96 y= c4_text.split(' ')97 data[direction]={}98 if emptyFixContainer :99 data[direction]['item1']={'container_no' : contain1_loc,100 'location' : '',101 'seal' : contain1_seal,102 'line3':''}103 else:104 if '-' in c4_text :105 data[direction]['item1']={'container_no' : contain1_no,106 'location' : contain1_loc,107 'seal' : contain1_seal,108 'line3':''}109 else:110 data[direction]['item1']={'container_no' : contain1_no,111 'location' : contain1_loc,112 'seal' : contain1_seal,113 'line3' : ''}114 data[direction]['item2']={'container_no' : contain2_no,115 'location' : contain2_loc,116 'seal' : contain2_seal,117 'line3' : ''}118 # data[direction]['item1']={'container_no' : contain1_no,119 # 'location' : contain1_loc,120 # 'seal' : contain1_seal}121 122 if layout_count == 7 :123 data['in']={}124 data['in']['item1']={'container_no' : contain1_no,125 'location' : contain1_loc,126 'seal' : contain1_seal}127 if self.get_line_text(layout,3) == '-' :128 data['in']['item2']={'container_no' : contain2_no,129 'location' : contain2_loc,130 'seal' : contain2_seal}131 else:132 data['out']={}133 data['out']['item1'] ={'container_no':contain2_no,134 'location' : contain2_loc,135 'seal':contain2_seal,136 'line3':''}137 # print('')138 if layout_count == 10 :139 data['in']={}140 data['in']['item1']={'container_no' : contain1_no,141 'location' : contain1_loc,142 'seal' : contain1_seal}143 tmp=self.get_line3text1(layout,layout_count)144 if rex.match(tmp):145 location=tmp146 else:147 location=''148 data['out']={}149 data['out']['item1']={150 'container_no' : self.get_service1(layout,layout_count),151 'seal' : self.get_container1_type(layout,layout_count),152 'line3' : self.get_line3text1(layout,layout_count),153 'location' : location}154 tmp=self.get_line3text2(layout,layout_count)155 if rex.match(tmp):156 location=tmp157 else:158 location=''159 data['out']['item2']={160 'container_no' : self.get_service2(layout,layout_count),161 'seal' : self.get_container2_type(layout,layout_count),162 'line3' : self.get_line3text2(layout,layout_count),163 'location' : location}164 if layout_count == 11 :165 data['out']={}166 tmp=self.get_line3text1(layout,layout_count)167 if rex.match(tmp):168 location=tmp169 else:170 location=''171 data['out']['item1']={172 'container_no' : self.get_service1(layout,layout_count),173 'seal' : self.get_container1_type(layout,layout_count),174 'line3' : self.get_line3text1(layout,layout_count),175 'location' : location176 }177 if self.get_line_text(layout,3)=='-' :178 tmp=self.get_line3text2(layout,layout_count)179 if rex.match(tmp):180 location=tmp181 else:182 location=''183 data['out']['item2']={184 'container_no' : self.get_service2(layout,layout_count),185 'seal' : self.get_container2_type(layout,layout_count),186 'line3' : self.get_line3text2(layout,layout_count),187 'location' : location}188 if layout_count == 12 :189 data['out']={}190 tmp=self.get_line3text1(layout,layout_count)191 if rex.match(tmp):192 location=tmp193 else:194 location=''195 data['out']['item1']={196 'container_no' : self.get_service1(layout,layout_count),197 'seal' : self.get_container1_type(layout,layout_count),198 'line3' : self.get_line3text1(layout,layout_count),199 'location' :location}200 tmp=self.get_line3text2(layout,layout_count)201 if rex.match(tmp):202 location=tmp203 else :204 location=''205 data['out']['item2']={206 'container_no' : self.get_service2(layout,layout_count),207 'seal' : self.get_container2_type(layout,layout_count),208 'line3' : self.get_line3text2(layout,layout_count),209 'location' :location}210 return data211 # For View file details212 # if argv[1] == 'y':213 # for lt_obj in layout:214 # if isinstance(lt_obj, LTTextBox) :215 # line_text=lt_obj.get_text()216 # print('%s) %s' % (i,line_text))217 # i=i+1218 # print('-------------End Page----------------------------------------------')219 220 def getRaw(self):221 fp = open(self.filename, 'rb')222 parser = PDFParser(fp)223 doc = PDFDocument()224 parser.set_document(doc)225 doc.set_parser(parser)226 doc.initialize('')227 rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager()228 laparams = LAParams()229 device = PDFPageAggregator(rsrcmgr, laparams=laparams)230 interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device)231 # Process each page contained in the document.232 images_folder=""233 text_content = []234 # print ("Info")235 import re236 rex = re.compile("^[0-9]{2}[A-Z][0-9]{2}[A-Z][0-9]$")237 i=0238 for page in doc.get_pages():239 interpreter.process_page(page)240 layout = device.get_result()241 for lt_obj in layout:242 if isinstance(lt_obj, LTTextBox) :243 line_text=lt_obj.get_text()244 print('%s) %s' % (i,line_text))245 i=i+1246 # tid_type 247 # 9 : Full(in) 1 box OR Empty(out) 1 box248 # 7 : Full(in) 2 box249 #12 : Empty(out) 2 box250 def get_company(self,layout,tid_type):251 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,1)252 x = line_text.split(' ')253 return x[0].strip()254 # if tid_type == 9 or tid_type == 7 :255 # return x[0].strip()256 # if tid_type == 12 :257 # return x[0].strip()258 def get_license_plate_number(self,layout,tid_type):259 if tid_type == 7 or tid_type == 10:260 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,1)261 x = line_text.split(' ')262 return x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ','')263 if tid_type == 9 :264 if len(self.get_line_text(layout,1))>2:265 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,2)266 x = line_text.split(' ')267 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','')268 else :269 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,1)270 x = line_text.split(' ')271 return x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ','')272 if tid_type == 11 :273 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,3) #Check 274 if line_text == '-':275 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,1)276 x = line_text.split(' ')277 return x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ','')278 else:279 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,2)280 return line_text.strip().replace(' ','')281 if tid_type == 12 :282 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,2)283 x = line_text.split(' ')284 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','')285 def get_container1(self,layout,tid_type):286 if tid_type == 9 or tid_type == 7 :287 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,2).strip()288 # print (line_text)289 if len(line_text) == 1:290 # return self.get_line_text(layout,4).strip(x = line_text.split(' ')).replace(' ','').replace('-','')291 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,4).strip()292 x = line_text.split(' ')293 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','')294 else:295 x = line_text.split(' ')296 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','')297 if tid_type == 10 :298 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,3).strip()299 x = line_text.split(' ')300 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','')301 def get_container2(self,layout,tid_type):302 if tid_type == 7 :303 # print ('Line #3 %s' % self.get_line_text(layout,3).strip())304 if self.get_line_text(layout,3).strip()=='-':305 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,2).strip()306 x = line_text.split(' ')307 return x[1].strip().replace(' ','')308 else:309 # print ('get Container#2')310 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,3).strip()311 x = line_text.split(' ')312 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','')313 if tid_type == 9 :314 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,4).strip()315 x = line_text.split(' ')316 return x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ','')317 def get_location1(self,layout,tid_type):318 if tid_type == 7 : #Full(in)2 boxes319 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,4).strip()320 x = line_text.split(' ')321 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','')322 if tid_type == 10 : 323 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,7).strip()324 x = line_text.split(' ')325 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','')326 if tid_type == 9 :327 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,5).strip()328 if len(line_text) > 1 :329 330 return line_text.strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')331 else :332 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,7).strip()333 x = line_text.split(' ')334 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')335 # return self.get_line_text(layout,7).strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')336 # print (line_text)337 # if len(line_text) == 1:338 # return get_line_text(layout,4).strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')339 # else:340 341 # return x[0].strip().replace(' ','')342 def get_location2(self,layout,tid_type):343 if tid_type == 7 : #Full(in)2 boxes344 # print ('line #3 %s ' % self.get_line_text(layout,3).strip() )345 if self.get_line_text(layout,3).strip()=='-' :346 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,4).strip()347 x = line_text.split(' ')348 return x[2].strip().replace(' ','')349 else :350 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,5).strip()351 # print ('line #5 %s ' % line_text )352 x = line_text.split(' ')353 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','')354 if tid_type == 9 : #Full(out)2 boxes355 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,7).strip()356 x = line_text.split(' ')357 return x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ','')358 def get_seal_number1(self,layout,tid_type):359 if tid_type == 9 or tid_type == 7 :360 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,6).strip()361 # print (line_text)362 if len(line_text) == 1:363 #1 Full Box IN364 # return self.get_line_text(layout,8).strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')365 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,8).strip()366 x = line_text.split(' ')367 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')368 else:369 #2 Full boxes IN370 x = line_text.split(' ')371 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')372 if tid_type == 10 :373 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,9).strip()374 x = line_text.split(' ')375 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')376 def get_seal_number2(self,layout,tid_type):377 if tid_type == 7 :378 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,6).strip()379 #2 Full boxes IN380 x = line_text.split(' ')381 return x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')382 if tid_type == 9 : #Full(out)2 boxes383 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,8).strip()384 x = line_text.split(' ')385 return x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ','')386 387 def get_call_card(self,layout,tid_type):388 if tid_type == 9 or tid_type == 7 :389 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,9).strip()390 # print (line_text)391 if len(line_text) == 0:392 #1 Full Box IN393 line_text=self.get_line_text(layout,7).strip()394 x = line_text.split(' ')395 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')396 else:397 #2 Full boxes IN398 x = line_text.split(' ')399 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')400 if tid_type == 10 :401 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,10).strip()402 x = line_text.split(' ')403 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')404 if tid_type == 11 :405 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,11).strip()406 x = line_text.split(' ')407 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')408 if tid_type == 12 :409 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,12).strip()410 x = line_text.split(' ')411 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')412 def get_timestamp(self,layout,tid_type):413 if tid_type == 9 or tid_type == 7 :414 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,9).strip()415 # print (line_text)416 if len(line_text) == 0:417 #1 Full Box IN418 line_text=self.get_line_text(layout,7).strip()419 x = line_text.split(' ')420 # print (len(x))421 return x[len(x)-1].strip().replace('-','')422 else:423 #2 Full boxes IN424 x = line_text.split(' ')425 # print (len(x))426 return x[len(x)-1].strip().replace('-','')427 if tid_type == 10 :428 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,10).strip()429 x = line_text.split(' ')430 return x[len(x)-1].strip().replace('-','')431 if tid_type == 11 :432 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,11).strip()433 x = line_text.split(' ')434 return x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')435 if tid_type == 12 :436 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,12).strip()437 x = line_text.split(' ')438 return x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ','').replace('-','')439 440 def get_service1(self,layout,tid_type):441 if tid_type == 10 :442 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,2).strip()443 x = line_text.split(' ')444 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','')445 if tid_type == 11 :446 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,3).strip()447 if line_text=='-':448 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,2).strip()449 x = line_text.split(' ')450 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','')451 else:452 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,3).strip()453 return line_text.strip().replace(' ','')454 if tid_type == 12 :455 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,3).strip()456 x = line_text.split(' ')457 return x[0].strip().replace(' ','')458 def get_service2(self,layout,tid_type):459 if tid_type == 10 or tid_type == 11 :460 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,2).strip()461 x = line_text.split(' ')462 return x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ','')463 if tid_type == 12 :464 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,3).strip()465 x = line_text.split(' ')466 return x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ','')467 def get_container1_type(self,layout,tid_type):468 if tid_type == 10 :469 line_text1 = self.get_line_text(layout,4).strip()470 x = line_text1.split(' ')471 line_text2 = self.get_line_text(layout,5).strip()472 y = line_text2.split(' ')473 return '%s %s' % (x[0].strip().replace(' ',''),y[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('DV',' DV '))474 if tid_type == 11 :475 line_text = self.get_line_text(layout,3).strip()476 if line_text=='-':477 line_text1 = self.get_line_text(layout,5).strip()478 x = line_text1.split(' ')479 line_text2 = self.get_line_text(layout,6).strip()480 y = line_text2.split(' ')481 return '%s %s' % (x[0].strip().replace(' ',''),y[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('DV',' DV '))482 else:483 line_text1 = self.get_line_text(layout,6).strip()484 x = line_text1.split(' ')485 line_text2 = self.get_line_text(layout,7).strip()486 y = line_text2.split(' ')487 return '%s %s' % (x[0].strip().replace(' ',''),y[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('DV',' DV '))488 if tid_type == 12 :489 line_text1 = self.get_line_text(layout,6).strip()490 x = line_text1.split(' ')491 line_text2 = self.get_line_text(layout,7).strip()492 y = line_text2.split(' ')493 return '%s %s' % (x[0].strip().replace(' ',''),y[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('DV',' DV '))494 def get_container2_type(self,layout,tid_type):495 if tid_type == 10 :496 line_text1 = self.get_line_text(layout,5).strip()497 x = line_text1.split(' ')498 line_text2 = self.get_line_text(layout,6).strip()499 y = line_text2.split(' ')500 return '%s %s' % (x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ',''),y[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('DV',' DV '))501 if tid_type == 11 :502 line_text1 = self.get_line_text(layout,6).strip()503 x = line_text1.split(' ')504 line_text2 = self.get_line_text(layout,7).strip()505 y = line_text2.split(' ')506 return '%s %s' % (x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ',''),y[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('DV',' DV '))507 if tid_type == 12 :508 line_text1 = self.get_line_text(layout,7).strip()509 x = line_text1.split(' ')510 line_text2 = self.get_line_text(layout,8).strip()511 y = line_text2.split(' ')512 return '%s %s' % (x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ',''),y[0].strip().replace(' ','').replace('DV',' DV '))513 def get_line3text1(self,layout,tid_type):514 if tid_type == 10 :515 line_text1 = self.get_line_text(layout,8).strip()516 x = line_text1.split(' ')517 return '%s' % (x[0].strip().replace(' ',''))518 if tid_type == 11 :519 line_text1 = self.get_line_text(layout,10).strip()520 x = line_text1.split(' ')521 return '%s' % (x[0].strip().replace(' ',''))522 if tid_type == 12 :523 line_text1 = self.get_line_text(layout,11).strip()524 x = line_text1.split(' ')525 return '%s' % (x[0].strip().replace(' ',''))526 def get_line3text2(self,layout,tid_type):527 if tid_type == 10 :528 line_text1 = self.get_line_text(layout,8).strip()529 x = line_text1.split(' ')530 return '%s' % (x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ',''))531 if tid_type == 11 :532 line_text1 = self.get_line_text(layout,10).strip()533 x = line_text1.split(' ')534 return '%s' % (x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ',''))535 if tid_type == 12 :536 line_text1 = self.get_line_text(layout,11).strip()537 x = line_text1.split(' ')538 return '%s' % (x[len(x)-1].strip().replace(' ',''))539 def _parse_pages (doc, images_folder):540 """With an open PDFDocument object, get the pages, parse each one, and return the entire text541 [this is a higher-order function to be passed to with_pdf()]"""542 rsrcmgr = PDFResourceManager()543 laparams = LAParams()544 device = PDFPageAggregator(rsrcmgr, laparams=laparams)545 interpreter = PDFPageInterpreter(rsrcmgr, device)546 text_content = [] # a list of strings, each representing text collected from each page of the doc547 for i, page in enumerate(doc.get_pages()):548 interpreter.process_page(page)549 # receive the LTPage object for this page550 layout = device.get_result()...

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...40 def get_history_item(self, index):41 '''Return the current contents of history item at index (starts with index 1).'''42 item = self.history[index - 1]43 log("get_history_item: index:%d item:%r"%(index, item))44 return item.get_line_text()45 def set_history_length(self, value):46 log("set_history_length: old:%d new:%d"%(self._history_length, value))47 self._history_length = value48 def get_history_cursor(self):49 value = self._history_cursor50 log("get_history_cursor:%d"%value)51 return value52 def set_history_cursor(self, value):53 log("set_history_cursor: old:%d new:%d"%(self._history_cursor, value))54 self._history_cursor = value55 56 history_length = property(get_history_length, set_history_length)57 history_cursor = property(get_history_cursor, set_history_cursor)58 def clear_history(self):59 '''Clear readline history.'''60 self.history[:] = []61 self.history_cursor = 062 def read_history_file(self, filename=None): 63 '''Load a readline history file.'''64 if filename is None:65 filename = self.history_filename66 try:67 for line in open(filename, 'r'):68 self.add_history(lineobj.ReadLineTextBuffer(ensure_unicode(line.rstrip())))69 except IOError:70 self.history = []71 self.history_cursor = 072 def write_history_file(self, filename = None): 73 '''Save a readline history file.'''74 if filename is None:75 filename = self.history_filename76 fp = open(filename, 'wb')77 for line in self.history[-self.history_length:]:78 fp.write(ensure_str(line.get_line_text()))79 fp.write('\n'.encode('ascii'))80 fp.close()81 def add_history(self, line):82 '''Append a line to the history buffer, as if it was the last line typed.'''83 if not hasattr(line, "get_line_text"):84 line = lineobj.ReadLineTextBuffer(line)85 if not line.get_line_text():86 pass87 elif len(self.history) > 0 and self.history[-1].get_line_text() == line.get_line_text():88 pass89 else:90 self.history.append(line)91 self.history_cursor = len(self.history)92 def previous_history(self, current): # (C-p)93 '''Move back through the history list, fetching the previous command. '''94 if self.history_cursor == len(self.history):95 self.history.append(current.copy()) #do not use add_history since we do not want to increment cursor96 97 if self.history_cursor > 0:98 self.history_cursor -= 199 current.set_line(self.history[self.history_cursor].get_line_text())100 current.point = lineobj.EndOfLine101 def next_history(self, current): # (C-n)102 '''Move forward through the history list, fetching the next command. '''103 if self.history_cursor < len(self.history) - 1:104 self.history_cursor += 1105 current.set_line(self.history[self.history_cursor].get_line_text())106 def beginning_of_history(self): # (M-<)107 '''Move to the first line in the history.'''108 self.history_cursor = 0109 if len(self.history) > 0:110 self.l_buffer = self.history[0]111 def end_of_history(self, current): # (M->)112 '''Move to the end of the input history, i.e., the line currently113 being entered.'''114 self.history_cursor = len(self.history)115 current.set_line(self.history[-1].get_line_text())116 def reverse_search_history(self, searchfor, startpos=None):117 if startpos is None:118 startpos = self.history_cursor119 origpos = startpos120 result = lineobj.ReadLineTextBuffer("")121 for idx, line in list(enumerate(self.history))[startpos:0:-1]:122 if searchfor in line:123 startpos = idx124 break125 #If we get a new search without change in search term it means126 #someone pushed ctrl-r and we should find the next match127 if self.last_search_for == searchfor and startpos > 0:128 startpos -= 1129 for idx, line in list(enumerate(self.history))[startpos:0:-1]:130 if searchfor in line:131 startpos = idx132 break133 if self.history: 134 result = self.history[startpos].get_line_text()135 else:136 result = ""137 self.history_cursor = startpos138 self.last_search_for = searchfor139 log("reverse_search_history: old:%d new:%d result:%r"%(origpos, self.history_cursor, result))140 return result141 142 def forward_search_history(self, searchfor, startpos=None):143 if startpos is None:144 startpos = min(self.history_cursor, max(0, self.get_current_history_length()-1))145 origpos = startpos146 147 result = lineobj.ReadLineTextBuffer("")148 for idx, line in list(enumerate(self.history))[startpos:]:149 if searchfor in line:150 startpos = idx151 break152 #If we get a new search without change in search term it means153 #someone pushed ctrl-r and we should find the next match154 if self.last_search_for == searchfor and startpos < self.get_current_history_length()-1:155 startpos += 1156 for idx, line in list(enumerate(self.history))[startpos:]:157 if searchfor in line:158 startpos = idx159 break160 if self.history: 161 result = self.history[startpos].get_line_text()162 else:163 result = ""164 self.history_cursor = startpos165 self.last_search_for = searchfor166 return result167 def _search(self, direction, partial):168 try:169 if (self.lastcommand != self.history_search_forward and170 self.lastcommand != self.history_search_backward):171 self.query = ''.join(partial[0:partial.point].get_line_text())172 hcstart = max(self.history_cursor,0) 173 hc = self.history_cursor + direction174 while (direction < 0 and hc >= 0) or (direction > 0 and hc < len(self.history)):175 h = self.history[hc]176 if not self.query:177 self.history_cursor = hc178 result = lineobj.ReadLineTextBuffer(h, point=len(h.get_line_text()))179 return result180 elif (h.get_line_text().startswith(self.query) and (h != partial.get_line_text())):181 self.history_cursor = hc182 result = lineobj.ReadLineTextBuffer(h, point=partial.point)183 return result184 hc += direction185 else:186 if len(self.history) == 0:187 pass 188 elif hc >= len(self.history) and not self.query:189 self.history_cursor = len(self.history)190 return lineobj.ReadLineTextBuffer("", point=0)191 elif self.history[max(min(hcstart, len(self.history) - 1), 0)]\192 .get_line_text().startswith(self.query) and self.query:193 return lineobj.ReadLineTextBuffer(self.history\194 [max(min(hcstart, len(self.history) - 1),0)],195 point = partial.point)196 else: 197 return lineobj.ReadLineTextBuffer(partial, 198 point=partial.point)199 return lineobj.ReadLineTextBuffer(self.query, 200 point=min(len(self.query),201 partial.point))202 except IndexError:203 raise204 def history_search_forward(self, partial): # ()205 '''Search forward through the history for the string of characters206 between the start of the current line and the point. This is a...

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...24 hist = self.q25 assert hist.history_cursor == 626 l = RL("")27 hist.previous_history(l)28 assert l.get_line_text() == "ako"29 hist.previous_history(l)30 assert l.get_line_text() == "bbb"31 hist.previous_history(l)32 assert l.get_line_text() == "akca"33 hist.previous_history(l)34 assert l.get_line_text() == "aaca"35 hist.previous_history(l)36 assert l.get_line_text() == "aaba"37 hist.previous_history(l)38 assert l.get_line_text() == "aaaa"39 hist.previous_history(l)40 assert l.get_line_text() == "aaaa"41 def test_next_history (self):42 hist=self.q43 hist.beginning_of_history()44 assert hist.history_cursor==045 l=RL("")46 hist.next_history(l)47 assert l.get_line_text()=="aaba"48 hist.next_history(l)49 assert l.get_line_text()=="aaca"50 hist.next_history(l)51 assert l.get_line_text()=="akca"52 hist.next_history(l)53 assert l.get_line_text()=="bbb"54 hist.next_history(l)55 assert l.get_line_text()=="ako"56 hist.next_history(l)57 assert l.get_line_text()=="ako"58class Test_prev_next_history(unittest.TestCase):59 t = "test text"60 def setUp(self):61 self.q = q = LineHistory()62 for x in ["aaaa","aaba","aaca","akca","bbb","ako"]:63 q.add_history(RL(x))64 65 def test_history_search_backward (self):66 q = LineHistory()67 for x in ["aaaa","aaba","aaca"," aacax","akca","bbb","ako"]:68 q.add_history(RL(x))69 a=RL("aa",point=2)70 for x in ["aaca","aaba","aaaa","aaaa"]:71 res=q.history_search_backward(a)72 assert res.get_line_text()==x73 74 def test_history_search_forward (self):75 q = LineHistory()76 for x in ["aaaa","aaba","aaca"," aacax","akca","bbb","ako"]:77 q.add_history(RL(x))78 q.beginning_of_history()79 a=RL("aa",point=2)80 for x in ["aaba","aaca","aaca"]:81 res=q.history_search_forward(a)82 assert res.get_line_text()==x83class Test_history_search_incr_fwd_backwd(unittest.TestCase):84 def setUp(self):85 self.q = q = LineHistory()86 for x in ["aaaa","aaba","aaca","akca","bbb","ako"]:87 q.add_history(RL(x))88 def test_backward_1(self):89 q = self.q90 self.assertEqual(q.reverse_search_history("b"), "bbb") 91 self.assertEqual(q.reverse_search_history("b"), "aaba") 92 self.assertEqual(q.reverse_search_history("bb"), "aaba") 93 def test_backward_2(self):94 q = self.q95 self.assertEqual(q.reverse_search_history("a"), "ako") 96 self.assertEqual(q.reverse_search_history("aa"), "aaca") ...

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...25 hist=self.q26 assert hist.history_cursor==627 l=RL("")28 hist.previous_history(l)29 assert l.get_line_text()=="ako"30 hist.previous_history(l)31 assert l.get_line_text()=="bbb"32 hist.previous_history(l)33 assert l.get_line_text()=="akca"34 hist.previous_history(l)35 assert l.get_line_text()=="aaca"36 hist.previous_history(l)37 assert l.get_line_text()=="aaba"38 hist.previous_history(l)39 assert l.get_line_text()=="aaaa"40 hist.previous_history(l)41 assert l.get_line_text()=="aaaa"42 def test_next_history (self):43 self.init_test()44 hist=self.q45 hist.beginning_of_history()46 assert hist.history_cursor==047 l=RL("")48 hist.next_history(l)49 assert l.get_line_text()=="aaba"50 hist.next_history(l)51 assert l.get_line_text()=="aaca"52 hist.next_history(l)53 assert l.get_line_text()=="akca"54 hist.next_history(l)55 assert l.get_line_text()=="bbb"56 hist.next_history(l)57 assert l.get_line_text()=="ako"58 hist.next_history(l)59 assert l.get_line_text()=="ako"60 def init_test2(self):61 self.q=q=LineHistory()62 for x in ["aaaa","aaba","aaca","akca","bbb","ako"]:63 q.add_history(RL(x))64 65 def test_history_search_backward (self):66 history._ignore_leading_spaces=False67 q=LineHistory()68 for x in ["aaaa","aaba","aaca"," aacax","akca","bbb","ako"]:69 q.add_history(RL(x))70 a=RL("aa",point=2)71 for x in ["aaca","aaba","aaaa","aaaa"]:72 res=q.history_search_backward(a)73 assert res.get_line_text()==x74 75 def test_history_search_forward (self):76 history._ignore_leading_spaces=False77 q=LineHistory()78 for x in ["aaaa","aaba","aaca"," aacax","akca","bbb","ako"]:79 q.add_history(RL(x))80 q.beginning_of_history()81 a=RL("aa",point=2)82 for x in ["aaba","aaca","aaca"]:83 res=q.history_search_forward(a)84 assert res.get_line_text()==x85#----------------------------------------------------------------------86# utility functions87#----------------------------------------------------------------------88if __name__ == '__main__':89 unittest.main()...

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