How to use westonTakeScreenshotRoot method in fMBT

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...668 rawfmbt_data = ctypes.string_at(, image.height * image.bytes_per_line)669 compressed_image = rawfmbt_header + zlib.compress(rawfmbt_data, 3)670 libX11.XDestroyImage(image_p)671 return True, compressed_image672def westonTakeScreenshotRoot(retry=2):673 if westonTakeScreenshotRoot.ssFilenames == None:674 westonTakeScreenshotRoot.ssFilenames = findWestonScreenshotFilenames()675 if not westonTakeScreenshotRoot.ssFilenames:676 return False, "cannot find weston screenshot directory"677 try:678 for ssFilename in westonTakeScreenshotRoot.ssFilenames:679 if os.access(ssFilename, os.R_OK):680 os.remove(ssFilename)681"KEY_LEFTMETA")682 keyboard_device.tap("s")683 keyboard_device.release("KEY_LEFTMETA")684 time.sleep(0.5)685 # find which screenshot file got created?686 for ssFilename in westonTakeScreenshotRoot.ssFilenames:687 if os.access(ssFilename, os.R_OK):688 break689 else:690 if retry > 0:691 return westonTakeScreenshotRoot(retry-1)692 else:693 return False, "weston did not create any of files %s" % (694 westonTakeScreenshotRoot.ssFilenames,)695 # wait for the screenshot writer to finish696 writerPid = fuser(ssFilename)697 if writerPid != None:698 time.sleep(0.1)699 while fuser(ssFilename, [writerPid]) != None:700 time.sleep(0.1)701 shutil.move(ssFilename, "/​tmp/​screenshot.png")702 os.chmod("/​tmp/​screenshot.png", 0666)703 except Exception, e:704 return False, str(e)705 return True, None706westonTakeScreenshotRoot.ssFilenames = None707def takeScreenshotOnWeston():708 if iAmRoot:709 rv, status = westonTakeScreenshotRoot()710 else:711 rv, status = subAgentCommand("root", "tizen", "ss weston-root")712 if rv == False:713 return rv, status714 return True, file("/​tmp/​screenshot.png").read()715def fuser(filename, usualSuspects=None):716 """Returns the pid of a user of given file, or None"""717 filepath = os.path.realpath(filename)718 if not os.access(filepath, os.R_OK):719 raise ValueError('No such file: "%s"' % (filename,))720 if usualSuspects == None:721 procFds = glob.glob("/​proc/​[1-9][0-9][0-9]*/​fd/​*")722 else:723 procFds = []724 for pid in usualSuspects:725 procFds.extend(glob.glob("/​proc/​%s/​fd/​*" % (pid,)))726 for symlink in procFds:727 try:728 if os.path.realpath(symlink) == filepath:729 return int(symlink.split('/​')[2])730 except OSError:731 pass732def findWestonScreenshotFilenames():733 # find weston cwd734 dirs = []735 for exe in glob.glob("/​proc/​[1-9][0-9][0-9]*/​exe"):736 try:737 if os.path.realpath(exe) == "/​usr/​bin/​weston":738 dirs.append(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(exe) + "/​cwd"))739 except OSError:740 pass741 return [d + "/​wayland-screenshot.png" for d in sorted(set(dirs))]742if g_Xavailable:743 takeScreenshot = takeScreenshotOnX744else:745 takeScreenshot = takeScreenshotOnWeston746def shellSOE(command, asyncStatus, asyncOut, asyncError, usePty):747 if usePty:748 command = '''python -c "import pty; pty.spawn(%s)" ''' % (repr(shlex.split(command)),),749 if (asyncStatus, asyncOut, asyncError) != (None, None, None):750 # prepare for decoupled asynchronous execution751 if asyncStatus == None: asyncStatus = "/​dev/​null"752 if asyncOut == None: asyncOut = "/​dev/​null"753 if asyncError == None: asyncError = "/​dev/​null"754 try:755 stdinFile = file("/​dev/​null", "r")756 stdoutFile = file(asyncOut, "a+")757 stderrFile = file(asyncError, "a+", 0)758 statusFile = file(asyncStatus, "a+")759 except IOError, e:760 return False, (None, None, e)761 try:762 if os.fork() > 0:763 # parent returns after successful fork, there no764 # direct visibility to async child process beyond this765 # point.766 stdinFile.close()767 stdoutFile.close()768 stderrFile.close()769 statusFile.close()770 return True, (0, None, None) # async parent finishes here771 except OSError, e:772 return False, (None, None, e)773 os.setsid()774 else:775 stdinFile = subprocess.PIPE776 stdoutFile = subprocess.PIPE777 stderrFile = subprocess.PIPE778 try:779 p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True,780 stdin=stdinFile,781 stdout=stdoutFile,782 stderr=stderrFile,783 close_fds=True)784 except Exception, e:785 return False, (None, None, e)786 if asyncStatus == None and asyncOut == None and asyncError == None:787 # synchronous execution, read stdout and stderr788 out, err = p.communicate()789 else:790 # asynchronous execution, store status to file791 statusFile.write(str(p.wait()) + "\n")792 statusFile.close()793 out, err = None, None794 sys.exit(0) # async child finishes here795 return True, (p.returncode, out, err)796def waitOutput(nonblockingFd, acceptedOutputs, timeout, pollInterval=0.1):797 start = time.time()798 endTime = start + timeout799 s = ""800 try: s += except IOError: pass802 foundOutputs = [ao for ao in acceptedOutputs if ao in s]803 while len(foundOutputs) == 0 and time.time() < endTime:804 time.sleep(pollInterval)805 try: s += except IOError: pass807 foundOutputs = [ao for ao in acceptedOutputs if ao in s]808 return foundOutputs, s809_subAgents = {}810def openSubAgent(username, password):811 p = subprocess.Popen('''python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn(["su", "-c", "python /​tmp/​ --sub-agent", "-", "%s"])' ''' % (username,),812 shell=True,813 stdin=subprocess.PIPE,814 stdout=subprocess.PIPE,815 stderr=subprocess.PIPE)816 # Read in non-blocking mode to ensure agent starts correctly817 fl = fcntl.fcntl(p.stdout.fileno(), fcntl.F_GETFL)818 fcntl.fcntl(p.stdout.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, fl | os.O_NONBLOCK)819 output2 = ""820 seenPrompts, output1 = waitOutput(p.stdout, ["Password:", "FMBTAGENT"], 5.0)821 if "Password:" in seenPrompts:822 p.stdin.write(password + "\r")823 output1 = ""824 seenPrompts, output2 = waitOutput(p.stdout, ["FMBTAGENT"], 5.0)825 if not "FMBTAGENT" in seenPrompts:826 p.terminate()827 return (None, 'fMBT agent with username "%s" does not answer.' % (username,),828 output1 + output2)829 # Agent is alive, continue in blocking mode830 fcntl.fcntl(p.stdout.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, fl)831 return p, "", ""832def subAgentCommand(username, password, cmd):833 if not username in _subAgents:834 process, output, error = openSubAgent(username, password)835 if process == None:836 return None, (-1, output, error)837 else:838 _subAgents[username] = process839 p = _subAgents[username]840 p.stdin.write(cmd + "\r")841 p.stdin.flush()842 answer = p.stdout.readline().rstrip()843 if answer.startswith("FMBTAGENT OK "):844 return True, _decode(answer[len("FMBTAGENT OK "):])845 else:846 return False, _decode(answer[len("FMBTAGENT ERROR "):])847def closeSubAgents():848 for username in _subAgents:849 subAgentCommand(username, None, "quit")850if __name__ == "__main__":851 try:852 origTermAttrs = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin.fileno())853 hasTerminal = True854 except termios.error:855 origTermAttrs = None856 hasTerminal = False857 if hasTerminal and not "--keep-echo" in sys.argv and not "--debug" in sys.argv:858 # Disable terminal echo859 newTermAttrs = origTermAttrs860 newTermAttrs[3] = origTermAttrs[3] & ~termios.ECHO861 termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin.fileno(), termios.TCSANOW, newTermAttrs)862 if "--no-x" in sys.argv:863 debug("X disabled")864 g_Xavailable = False865 platformInfo = {}866 platformInfo["input devices"] = fmbtuinput._g_deviceNames.keys()867 # Send version number, enter main loop868 write_response(True, platformInfo)869 cmd = read_cmd()870 while cmd:871 if cmd.startswith("bl "): # set display backlight time872 if iAmRoot:873 timeout = int(cmd[3:].strip())874 try:875 file("/​opt/​var/​kdb/​db/​setting/​lcd_backlight_normal","wb").write(struct.pack("ii",0x29,timeout))876 write_response(True, None)877 except Exception, e: write_response(False, e)878 else:879 write_response(*subAgentCommand("root", "tizen", cmd))880 elif cmd.startswith("er "): # event recorder881 if iAmRoot:882 cmd, arg = cmd.split(" ", 1)883 if arg.startswith("start "):884 filterOpts = _decode(arg.split()[1])885 if touch_device:886 filterOpts["touchScreen"] = touch_device887 fmbtuinput.startQueueingEvents(filterOpts)888 write_response(True, None)889 elif arg == "stop":890 events = fmbtuinput.stopQueueingEvents()891 write_response(True, None)892 elif arg == "fetch":893 events = fmbtuinput.fetchQueuedEvents()894 write_response(True, events)895 else:896 write_response(*subAgentCommand("root", "tizen", cmd))897 elif cmd.startswith("gd"): # get display status898 try:899 p = subprocess.Popen(['/​usr/​bin/​xset', 'q'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)900 out, err = p.communicate()901 if "Monitor is Off" in out: write_response(True, "Off")902 elif "Monitor is On" in out: write_response(True, "On")903 else: write_response(False, err)904 except Exception, e: write_response(False, e)905 elif cmd.startswith("tm "): # touch move(x, y)906 xs, ys = cmd[3:].strip().split()907 if g_Xavailable:908 libXtst.XTestFakeMotionEvent(display, current_screen, int(xs), int(ys), X_CurrentTime)909 libX11.XFlush(display)910 else:911 if iAmRoot: rv, msg = sendHwMove(int(xs), int(ys))912 else: rv, msg = subAgentCommand("root", "tizen", cmd)913 write_response(True, None)914 elif cmd.startswith("tr "): # relative move(x, y)915 xd, yd = cmd[3:].strip().split()916 if iAmRoot: rv, msg = sendRelMove(int(xd), int(yd))917 else: rv, msg = subAgentCommand("root", "tizen", cmd)918 write_response(True, None)919 elif cmd.startswith("tt "): # touch tap(x, y, button)920 x, y, button = [int(i) for i in cmd[3:].strip().split()]921 if g_Xavailable:922 libXtst.XTestFakeMotionEvent(display, current_screen, x, y, X_CurrentTime)923 libXtst.XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, button, X_True, X_CurrentTime)924 libXtst.XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, button, X_False, X_CurrentTime)925 libX11.XFlush(display)926 rv, msg = True, None927 else:928 if iAmRoot: rv, msg = sendHwTap(x, y, button-1)929 else: rv, msg = subAgentCommand("root", "tizen", cmd)930 write_response(rv, msg)931 elif cmd.startswith("td "): # touch down(x, y, button)932 xs, ys, button = cmd[3:].strip().split()933 button = int(button)934 if g_Xavailable:935 libXtst.XTestFakeMotionEvent(display, current_screen, int(xs), int(ys), X_CurrentTime)936 libXtst.XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, button, X_True, X_CurrentTime)937 libX11.XFlush(display)938 else:939 if iAmRoot: rv, msg = sendHwFingerDown(int(xs), int(ys), button-1)940 else: rv, msg = subAgentCommand("root", "tizen", cmd)941 write_response(True, None)942 elif cmd.startswith("tu "): # touch up(x, y, button)943 xs, ys, button = cmd[3:].strip().split()944 button = int(button)945 if g_Xavailable:946 libXtst.XTestFakeMotionEvent(display, current_screen, int(xs), int(ys), X_CurrentTime)947 libXtst.XTestFakeButtonEvent(display, button, X_False, X_CurrentTime)948 libX11.XFlush(display)949 else:950 if iAmRoot: rv, msg = sendHwFingerUp(int(xs), int(ys), button-1)951 else: rv, msg = subAgentCommand("root", "tizen", cmd)952 write_response(True, None)953 elif cmd.startswith("kd "): # hw key down954 if iAmRoot: rv, msg = sendHwKey(cmd[3:], 0, -1)955 else: rv, msg = subAgentCommand("root", "tizen", cmd)956 write_response(rv, msg)957 elif cmd.startswith("kn"): # list input key names958 if "hwKeyDevice" in globals():959 hk = hwKeyDevice.keys()960 else:961 hk = []962 if "keyboard_device" in globals():963 ik = InputKeys964 else:965 ik = []966 write_response(True, sorted(ik + hk))967 elif cmd.startswith("kp "): # hw key press968 if iAmRoot: rv, msg = sendHwKey(cmd[3:], 0, 0)969 else: rv, msg = subAgentCommand("root", "tizen", cmd)970 write_response(rv, msg)971 elif cmd.startswith("ku "): # hw key up972 if iAmRoot: rv, msg = sendHwKey(cmd[3:], -1, 0)973 else: rv, msg = subAgentCommand("root", "tizen", cmd)974 write_response(rv, msg)975 elif cmd.startswith("kt "): # send x events976 if g_Xavailable:977 rv, skippedSymbols = typeSequence(_decode(cmd[3:]))978 libX11.XFlush(display)979 elif iAmRoot:980 rv, skippedSymbols = typeSequence(_decode(cmd[3:]),981 delayBetweenChars=0.05)982 else:983 rv, skippedSymbols = subAgentCommand("root", "tizen", cmd)984 write_response(rv, skippedSymbols)985 elif cmd.startswith("ml "): # send multitouch linear gesture986 if iAmRoot:987 rv, _ = mtLinearGesture(*_decode(cmd[3:]))988 else:989 rv, _ = subAgentCommand("root", "tizen", cmd)990 write_response(rv, _)991 elif cmd.startswith("ss"): # save screenshot992 if "R" in cmd.split() and g_Xavailable:993 resetXConnection()994 if "weston-root" in cmd.split(): # do Weston root part only995 write_response(*westonTakeScreenshotRoot())996 else:997 rv, compressedImage = takeScreenshot()998 write_response(rv, compressedImage)999 elif cmd.startswith("sd "): # set screen dimensions (width and height)1000 _sw, _sh = cmd[3:].split()1001 screenWidth, screenHeight = int(_sw), int(_sh)1002 if iAmRoot:1003 if touch_device:1004 touch_device.setScreenSize((screenWidth, screenHeight))1005 rv, msg = True, None1006 else:1007 rv, msg = True, "no touch device"1008 else:1009 rv, msg = subAgentCommand("root", "tizen", cmd)...

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