Best Python code snippet using fMBT_python
1######################################################2# File: #3# Author: James Leonard #4# Date: 09/10/2017 #5# Read an input phyMdl file and generate the gendsp #6# patch, for direct import in Max/MSP #7######################################################8def generateHeader():9 return """{10 "patcher" : {11 "fileversion" : 1,12 "appversion" : {13 "major" : 7,14 "minor" : 3,15 "revision" : 1,16 "architecture" : "x64",17 "modernui" : 118 }19,20 "rect" : [ 67.0, 109.0, 700.0, 500.0 ],21 "editing_bgcolor" : [ 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0 ],22 "bglocked" : 0,23 "openinpresentation" : 0,24 "default_fontsize" : 12.0,25 "default_fontface" : 0,26 "default_fontname" : "Arial",27 "gridonopen" : 1,28 "gridsize" : [ 15.0, 15.0 ],29 "gridsnaponopen" : 1,30 "objectsnaponopen" : 1,31 "statusbarvisible" : 2,32 "toolbarvisible" : 1,33 "lefttoolbarpinned" : 0,34 "toptoolbarpinned" : 0,35 "righttoolbarpinned" : 0,36 "bottomtoolbarpinned" : 0,37 "toolbars_unpinned_last_save" : 0,38 "tallnewobj" : 0,39 "boxanimatetime" : 200,40 "enablehscroll" : 1,41 "enablevscroll" : 1,42 "devicewidth" : 0.0,43 "description" : "",44 "digest" : "",45 "tags" : "",46 "style" : "",47 "subpatcher_template" : "",48 """49def generateNewObjBox(box_Id, nb_In, nb_Out, objName, xPos, yPos):50 boxText = """{ "box" : {51 "id" : " """ + box_Id + """ ",52 "maxclass" : "newobj",53 "numinlets" : """ + str(nb_In) + """,54 "numoutlets" : """ + str(nb_Out) + """,55 "outlettype" : [ "" ],56 "patching_rect" : [ """ + str(yPos) + """, """ + str(xPos) + """, 30.0, 22.0 ],57 "style" : "",58 "text" : " """ + objName + """ "59 } }"""60 return boxText61def generateCodeBox(codeStr, box_Id, nb_In, nb_Out, xPos, yPos):62 boxText = """{ "box" : {63 "code" : " """ + codeStr + """ ",64 "fontface" : 0,65 "fontname" : "Arial",66 "fontsize" : 12.0,67 "id" : " """ + box_Id + """ ",68 "maxclass" : "codebox",69 "numinlets" : """ + str(nb_In) + """,70 "numoutlets" : """ + str(nb_Out) + """,71 "outlettype" : [ "" ],72 "patching_rect" : [ """ + str(yPos) + """, """ + str(xPos) + """, 450.0, 300.0 ],73 "style" : ""74 } }"""75 return boxText76def generatePatchLines(source, srcNb, dest, dstNb):77 text = """ {78 "patchline" : {79 "destination" : [ " """ + dest + """ ", """ + str(dstNb) + """ ],80 "disabled" : 0,81 "hidden" : 0,82 "source" : [ " """ + source + """ ", """ + str(srcNb) + """ ]83 }84 }"""85 return text86def generateDspObj(name, codeboxCode, nbIn, nbOut):87 outFile = open(name, 'w')88 ## GenDSP File Header: always the same89 ## might have to change the 'x64' for 32 bit OS90 outFile.write(generateHeader())91 ## Boxes: codebox + inputs & outputs92 outFile.write('\n "boxes" : [ ')93 ## PhyMdl Codebox94 outFile.write(generateCodeBox(codeboxCode, "phyMdlBox", nbIn, nbOut, 50., 20.))95 outFile.write(', ')96 ## Input objects97 for x in range(1, nbIn + 1):98 outFile.write(generateNewObjBox("inbox_" + str(x), 0, 1, "in " + str(x), 20., 20. + x * 50.))99 outFile.write(', ')100 ## Output objects101 for x in range(1, nbOut):102 outFile.write(generateNewObjBox("outbox_" + str(x), 1, 0, "out " + str(x), 420., 20. + x * 50.))103 outFile.write(', ')104 outFile.write(generateNewObjBox("outbox_" + str(nbOut), 1, 0, "out " + str(nbOut), 420., 20. + nbOut * 50.))105 outFile.write('],\n "lines" : [ ')106 ## Connections107 for x in range(0, nbIn):108 outFile.write(generatePatchLines("inbox_" + str(x + 1), 0, "phyMdlBox", x))109 outFile.write(', ')110 for x in range(0, nbOut - 1):111 outFile.write(generatePatchLines("phyMdlBox", x, "outbox_" + str(x + 1), 0))112 outFile.write(', ')113 outFile.write(generatePatchLines("phyMdlBox", nbOut - 1, "outbox_" + str(nbOut), 0))114 ## End of GenDSP File115 outFile.write('] } } ')116##########################################################...
1from ctypes import (2 c_int,3 c_short,4 c_ushort,5 c_ulong,6 c_long,7 c_longlong,8 c_ulonglong,9 c_float,10 c_char,11 c_char_p,12 c_wchar_p,13 c_bool,14 c_void_p,15 c_size_t,16 Structure,17 byref,18 POINTER,19 create_string_buffer,20 sizeof,21 windll,22 cdll,23 CFUNCTYPE,24 WINFUNCTYPE,25)26from ctypes.wintypes import (27 DWORD,28 HWND,29 INT,30 LONG,31 LPARAM,32 UINT,33 WORD,34 WPARAM,35 RGB,36 MSG,37)38user32 = windll.user3239gdi32 = windll.gdi3240imm32 = windll.imm3241class wkeProxy(Structure):42 _fields_ = [('type', c_int), ('hostname', c_char * 100), ('port',43 c_ushort), ('username', c_char * 50), ('password', c_char * 50)]44class wkeRect(Structure):45 _fields_ = [('x', c_int), ('y', c_int), ('w', c_int), ('h', c_int)]46class wkeMemBuf(Structure):47 _fields_ = [('size', c_int), ('data', c_char_p), ('length', c_size_t)]48class wkeString(Structure):49 pass50class wkePostBodyElement(Structure):51 _fields_ = [('size', c_int), ('type', c_int), ('data', POINTER(wkeMemBuf)),52 ('filePath', wkeString), ('fileStart', c_longlong), ('fileLength', c_longlong)]53class wkePostBodyElements(Structure):54 _fields_ = [('size', c_int), ('element', POINTER(55 POINTER(wkePostBodyElement))), ('elementSize', c_size_t), ('isDirty', c_bool)]56class wkeScreenshotSettings(Structure):57 _fields_ = [('structSize', c_int), ('width', c_int), ('height', c_int)]58class wkeWindowFeatures(Structure):59 _fields_ = [('x', c_int), ('y', c_int), ('width', c_int), ('height', c_int), ('menuBarVisible', c_bool), ('statusBarVisible', c_bool),60 ('toolBarVisible', c_bool), ('locationBarVisible', c_bool), ('scrollbarsVisible', c_bool), ('resizable', c_bool), ('fullscreen', c_bool)]61class wkePrintSettings(Structure):62 _fields_ = [('structSize', c_int), ('dpi', c_int), ('width', c_int), ('height', c_int), ('marginTop', c_int), ('marginBottom', c_int),63 ('marginLeft', c_int), ('marginRight', c_int), ('isPrintPageHeadAndFooter', c_bool), ('isPrintBackgroud', c_bool), ('isLandscape', c_bool)]64class wkePdfDatas(Structure):65 _fields_ = [('count', c_int), ('sizes', c_size_t), ('datas', c_void_p)]66class Rect(Structure):67 _fields_ = [('Left', c_int), ('Top', c_int),68 ('Right', c_int), ('Bottom', c_int)]69class mPos(Structure):70 _fields_ = [('x', c_int), ('y', c_int)]71class mSize(Structure):72 _fields_ = [('cx', c_int), ('cy', c_int)]73class bitMap(Structure):74 _fields_ = [('bmType', c_int), ('bmWidth', c_int), ('bmHeight', c_int), ('bmWidthBytes',75 c_int), ('bmPlanes', c_short), ('bmBitsPixel', c_short), ('bmBits', c_int)]76class blendFunction(Structure):77 _fields_ = [('BlendOp', c_char_p), ('BlendFlags', c_char_p),78 ('SourceConstantAlpha', c_char_p), ('AlphaFormat', c_char_p)]79class PAINTSTRUCT(Structure):80 _fields_ = [('hdc', c_int), ('fErase', c_int), ('rcPaint', Rect), ('fRestore',81 c_int), ('fIncUpdate', c_int), ('hdc', c_int), ('rgbReserved', c_char * 32)]82class COMPOSITIONFORM(Structure):83 _fields_ = [('dwStyle', c_int), ('ptCurrentPos', mPos), ('rcArea', Rect)]84class BITMAPINFOHEADER(Structure):85 """ å
³äºDIBç尺寸åé¢è²æ ¼å¼çä¿¡æ¯ """86 _fields_ = [87 ("biSize", DWORD),88 ("biWidth", LONG),89 ("biHeight", LONG),90 ("biPlanes", WORD),91 ("biBitCount", WORD),92 ("biCompression", DWORD),93 ("biSizeImage", DWORD),94 ("biXPelsPerMeter", LONG),95 ("biYPelsPerMeter", LONG),96 ("biClrUsed", DWORD),97 ("biClrImportant", DWORD),98 ]99class BITMAPINFO(Structure):...
1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2import os3import wx4from . import configelements5from outwiker.core.system import getBuiltinImagePath6from outwiker.gui.guiconfig import MainWindowConfig7from outwiker.gui.controls.formatctrl import FormatCtrl8from outwiker.gui.preferences.baseprefpanel import BasePrefPanel9class MainWindowPanel(BasePrefPanel):10 def __init__(self, parent, application):11 super().__init__(parent)12 self.mainWindowConfig = MainWindowConfig(application.config)13 self._createGUI()14 self.LoadState()15 self.SetupScrolling()16 def _createGUI(self):17 main_sizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(cols=1)18 main_sizer.AddGrowableCol(0)19 self._createTitleFormatGUI(main_sizer)20 self._createStatusbarGUI(main_sizer)21 self.SetSizer(main_sizer)22 def _createStatusbarGUI(self, main_sizer):23 self.statusbarVisibleCheckBox = wx.CheckBox(24 self,25 label=_('Show status panel')26 )27 main_sizer.Add(self.statusbarVisibleCheckBox,28 flag=wx.ALIGN_LEFT | wx.ALL,29 border=2)30 def _createTitleFormatGUI(self, main_sizer):31 """32 СоздаÑÑ ÑлеменÑÑ Ð¸Ð½ÑеÑÑейÑа, ÑвÑзаннÑе Ñ ÑоÑмаÑом заголовка33 главного окна34 """35 hints = [36 ("{file}", _("Wiki file name")),37 ("{page}", _("Page title")),38 ("{subpath}", _("Relative path to current page")),39 ]40 self.titleFormatLabel = wx.StaticText(self,41 -1,42 _("Main window title format"))43 hintBitmap = wx.Bitmap(getBuiltinImagePath("wand.png"))44 self.titleFormatText = FormatCtrl(45 self,46 self.mainWindowConfig.titleFormat.value,47 hints,48 hintBitmap)49 self.titleFormatSizer = wx.FlexGridSizer(1, 2, 0, 0)50 self.titleFormatSizer.Add(self.titleFormatLabel,51 0,52 wx.ALL | wx.ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL,53 2)54 self.titleFormatSizer.Add(self.titleFormatText,55 0,56 wx.ALL | wx.EXPAND,57 2)58 self.titleFormatSizer.AddGrowableCol(1)59 main_sizer.Add(self.titleFormatSizer, 1, wx.EXPAND, 0)60 def LoadState(self):61 """62 ÐагÑÑзиÑÑ ÑоÑÑоÑние ÑÑÑаниÑÑ Ð¸Ð· конÑига63 """64 # ФоÑÐ¼Ð°Ñ Ð·Ð°Ð³Ð¾Ð»Ð¾Ð²ÐºÐ° ÑÑÑаниÑÑ65 self.titleFormat = configelements.StringElement(66 self.mainWindowConfig.titleFormat,67 self.titleFormatText68 )69 self.statusbarVisible = configelements.BooleanElement(70 self.mainWindowConfig.statusbar_visible,71 self.statusbarVisibleCheckBox72 )73 def Save(self):74 """75 СоÑ
ÑаниÑÑ ÑоÑÑоÑние ÑÑÑаниÑÑ Ð² конÑиг76 """77
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