How to use startHTTPServer method in fMBT

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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2#3# 自己責任で、ご自由にお使いください。4# 2020å¹´4月吉日5# uma3san6#7### to scratch8from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer9from urllib.parse import parse_qs, urlparse10### to tello11import threading12import socket13import sys14import queue15import cv216from time import sleep17from collections import deque18scratchAdrs = ( 'localhost', 8001 ) # PC <-> Scratch on PC19telloCmdAdrs = ( '', 8889 ) # Tello <-> PC ( 50602 )20pcAdrs2SendCmd2Tello = ( '', 50602 ) # 50602: 決めておけば何でも可。上は動かない。21 # tello は PCを(としている22rcvTelloStateAdrs = ( '', 8890 ) # Tello -> PC23rcvTelloVideoURL = ( 'udp:/​/​@' ) # Tello -> PC24INTERVAL = 0.225class SendCmd(threading.Thread):26 def __init__(self):27 self.sendSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # socket for receiving tello state28 self.sendSock.bind( pcAdrs2SendCmd2Tello ) # program を再起動する時、tello の再起動を避けるために設定。29 self.sendSock.settimeout(10.0)30 self.finishSignal = False31 self.result = False32 if self.connect() == True:33 super().__init__(daemon=True)34 self.start()35 self.result = True36 37 def connect(self):38 print("-> try to connect the tello", end="")39 counter = 540 while counter > 0:41 self.sendSock.sendto('command'.encode('utf-8'), telloCmdAdrs) # tello を command モードにする42 try:43 response = self.sendSock.recvfrom(1024) # ctl-c で終了すると、telloを再起動しないと動かない -> client.bind で再起動は不要に44 # recvfrom は、データを受け取ると戻ってくる。(buffer が一杯でなくても)45 print(response) 46 if b'ok' in response:47 print("-> connected : set tello to command mode")48 return True49 except socket.timeout:50 print('\n???? socket timeout : ', counter-1, end="" )51 counter -= 152 except KeyboardInterrupt:53 print('~~CTRL-C')54 return False55 else:56 return False57 #58 # Thread of sending command from PC to Tello59 #60 def run(self):61 while True:62 if self.finishSignal == True:63 self.sendSock.close()64 print(".... SendCmd : socket closed")65 return66 67 if len(cmdQue) != 0:68 if 'emergency' in cmdQue:69 # 飛行停止コマンド70 cmd = 'emergency'71 cmdQue.clear()72 else:73 # 通常のコマンド74 cmd = cmdQue.popleft()75 print('{} {} {}'.format("->", cmd, " ... "), end="")76 self.sendSock.sendto(cmd.encode('utf-8'), telloCmdAdrs)77 try:78 response = self.sendSock.recvfrom(1024) # (b'ok', ('', 8889)) 79 # byte str int の tuple80 if b'ok' in response:81 print( response[0].decode('utf-8'), response[1][0], response[1][1])82 pass 83 elif b'error' in response:84 print( response[0].decode('utf-8'), response[1][0], response[1][1])85 # sys.exit()86 except socket.timeout:87 print("???? send command error : recvfrom time out")88 continue89 else:90 pass91 def kill_thread(self):92 self.finishSignal = True93class ReceiveTelloState(threading.Thread):94 def __init__(self):95 self.rcvSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) # socket for receiving tello state96 self.rcvSock.bind(rcvTelloStateAdrs)97 self.rcvSock.settimeout(1.0)98 self.finishSignal = False99 super().__init__(daemon=True)100 self.start()101 #102 # The thread of receiving tello state103 #104 def run(self):105 while True:106 if self.finishSignal == True:107 self.rcvSock.close()108 print(".... ReceiveTelloState : socket closed")109 return110 try:111 response, ip = self.rcvSock.recvfrom(1024)112 except socket.timeout as ex:113 print("???? ReceiveTelloState : ", ex) # tello の電源を切っている時、この thread の優先度が高いのか?114 continue115 if b'ok' in response:116 print("**ok") # state は、ok を返さない。117 continue118 #print("state = ", response)119 out = response.rstrip(b'\r\n') # 最後の改行文字を削除120 out = out.replace( b';', b'\n')121 out = out.replace( b':', b' ' )122 #print(out)123 stateQue.append(out) # scratch に送るために queue に積む124 125 sleep(INTERVAL)126 def kill_thread(self):127 self.finishSignal = True128#129# http server for scratch editor130#131class MyHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):132 def do_GET(self):133 parsed_path = urlparse(self.path)134 #print(type(parsed_path))135 if parsed_path.path == '/​poll':136 #137 # scratch editor が polling した138 #139 if len(stateQue) == 0:140 # print(" empty")141 pass142 else:143 state = stateQue.popleft()144 self.wfile.write( state ) # state を scrach に145 # print( state )146 return147 148 #print(type(self.path))149 #print(parsed_path.path)150 #print('path = {}'.format(self.path))151 #print('parsed: path = {}, query = {}'.format(parsed_path.path, parse_qs(parsed_path.query)))152 #153 # scratch editor が tello command を送った154 #155 _com = parsed_path.path.replace('/​', ' ')156 _com = _com[1:]157 cmdQue.append(_com)158class StartHttpServer(threading.Thread):159 def __init__(self):160 super().__init__(daemon=True)161 self.start()162 #self.finishSignal = False163 def run(self):164 scratchSvr = HTTPServer(scratchAdrs, MyHTTPRequestHandler)165 try:166 scratchSvr.serve_forever()167 except KeyboardInterrupt:168 print(".... startHttpServer : Exit startHttpServer by KeyboardInterrupt")169 def kill_thread(self):170 print(".... StartHttpServer : shutdown")171 self.scratchSvr.shutdown()172 173#174# 外部からこの thread を停止する方法は分からない175# ctl-c でぬけるはずだが。176# 177class MyInput(threading.Thread):178 def __init__(self):179 self.finishSignal = False # self.start() の後に書くと run() の self.finish が先に参照されて、no attribute の error が出るようだ180 self.queue = deque()181 super().__init__(daemon=True)182 self.start()183 def run(self):184 while True:185 if self.finishSignal == True:186 #187 # ここが実行されたことはなかった。188 #189 print("....MyInput : close")190 return191 try:192 t = input()193 except Exception as ex: # ctl-c でこの例外が発生して、プログラムが終了されるようだ194 print(".... MyInput : ctl-c") # この行は表示される195 self.queue.append("!!!! ctl-c") # プログラムが止まるまで時間がかかる196 break197 198 if t != None:199 self.queue.append(t)200 201 def input(self, block=True, timeout=None):202 if len(self.queue) == 0:203 return None204 else:205 return self.queue.popleft()206 #207 # この関数は使わないが、後の参考のために残しておく208 #209 def kill_thread(self):210 self.finishSignal = True211def kill_all_thread():212 sendCmd.kill_thread()213 receiveTelloState.kill_thread()214 #cin.kill_thread()215 #startHttpServer.kill_thread()216if __name__ == "__main__":217 #218 # ここに書いても、上記 class の中で参照できる219 #220 stateQue = deque() # tello state -> このプログラム -> scratch221 cmdQue = deque() # tell cmd <- このプログラム <- scratch222 223 #224 # all thread start225 #226 sendCmd = SendCmd() # class なので () は必要。 インスタンスなら() は不要と思われる。227 if sendCmd.result == False:228 print( "\n???? error : can't connect to the tello")229 sys.exit()230 231 receiveTelloState = ReceiveTelloState()232 startHttpServer = StartHttpServer()233 cin = MyInput()234 cmdQue.append('command')235 cmdQue.append('streamon')236 VS_UDP_IP = ''237 VS_UDP_PORT = 11111238 #udp_video_address = 'udp:/​/​@' + VS_UDP_IP + ':' + str(VS_UDP_PORT)239 #cap = cv2.VideoCapture(udp_video_address)240 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(rcvTelloVideoURL)241 #objects = [ sendCmd, receiveTelloState, startHttpServer, cin ]244 while True:245 try:246 msg = cin.input()247 except KeyboardInterrupt:248 print("....main : Exit KeyboardInterrupt")249 kill_all_thread() # どちらか250 # map( lambda func:func.kill_thread(), objects )251 break 252 if msg == None:253 pass254 255 elif '!!!!' in msg:256 break257 258 else:259 if 'quit' in msg:260 print ('.... main : Exit by <quit>')261 kill_all_thread()262 break 263 else:264 cmdQue.append(msg)265 ret, frame = cv2.imshow('frame', frame)267 268 if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):269 print ('.... main : Exit by <q> on the video window')270 kill_all_thread()271 break 272 cap.release()273 cv2.destroyAllWindows()274 sendCmd.join()275 print("<<<< join sendCmd")276 receiveTelloState.join()277 print("<<<< join receiveTelloState")278 startHttpServer.kill_thread()279 startHttpServer.join() # ここが実行されるとプログラムが終了する280 print("<<<< join startHttpServer") # ここから下が実行されることはなかった281 cin.join()...

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1p# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2"""3Created on Thu Jun 20 17:27:48 20194@author: THP65"""6# coding:utf-87import threading8import time9import socket10import sys11from wsclient_test import startClient12#import turn_server13from turn_server import turnServer14from multiprocessing import Process15def handle_client(client_socket):16 """17 处理客户端请求18 """19 request_data = client_socket.recv(1024)20 print("request data:", request_data)21 # 构造响应数据22 response_start_line = "HTTP/​1.1 200 OK\r\n"23 response_headers = "Server: My server\r\n"24 response_body = "<h1>Python HTTP Test</​h1>"25 response = response_start_line + response_headers + "\r\n" + response_body26 # 向客户端返回响应数据27 client_socket.send(bytes(response, "utf-8"))28 # 关闭客户端连接29 client_socket.close()30def startHttpServer(name):31 print ("startHttpServer")32 server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)33 server_socket.bind(("", 8000))34 server_socket.listen(128)35 while True:36 client_socket, client_address = server_socket.accept()37 print("[%s, %s]用户连接上了" % client_address)38 handle_client_process = Process(target=handle_client, args=(client_socket,))39 handle_client_process.start()40 client_socket.close()41 42def startWebsocket(ts):43 print ("startWebsocket")44 #ts=turnServer();45 ts.startWebsocket() 46 print ("startWebsocket end")47def startConnetServer(ws):48 try:49 ws.connect()50 ws.run_forever()51 except KeyboardInterrupt:52 ws.close()53 54if __name__ == "__main__":55 ts=None56 try:57 print ("start") 58 ts=turnServer();59 '''60 t1 = threading.Thread(target=startHttpServer,args=('ws1', ))61 t1.start()62 print ("start1ed")63 '''64 t2 = threading.Thread(target=startWebsocket,args=(ts, ))65 t2.start()66 print ("start2ed")67 68 69 #startClient()70 71 while True:72 msg = input(">> ").strip()73 if("e"==msg):74 print("exit")75 sys.exit(0)76 elif("2"==msg):77 print("live")78 else:79 print("cmd:",msg)80 81 time.sleep(10000)82 83 except:84 print ("Error: unable to start thread")85 86 87 88 89 90 ...

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​python32import time3import sys4import os5import random6import numpy as np7from execute.sequentialEvaluation import sequentialEvaluation #function8from execute.generateBatches import generateBatches #function9from execute.generateBehaviour import generateBehaviour #function10from execute.startHttpServer import startHttpServer #function11from execute.resultsVerification import resultsVerification #function12from batch.batch import Batch #class13from batchDefinition.aBatchDefinition import ABatchDefinition #class14def main2():15 start = time.time()16 sequentialEvaluation()17 end = time.time()18 print()19 print("Time: " + format(end - start, '.5f') + " s")20if __name__ == "__main__":21 #generateBatches()22 if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "-generateBatches":23 generateBatches()24 if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "-generateBehaviours":25 generateBehaviour()26 if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "-startHttpServer":27 startHttpServer()28 if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "-resultVerification":29 resultsVerification()30 if len(sys.argv) == 1:...

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