How to use pid method in fMBT

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python2# coding: utf-83import sys, os4import matplotlib5matplotlib.use('Agg')6from pylab import *7from matplotlib.transforms import TransformedBbox 8class EventFactory(object):9 #CPU time pid cpu (si pid == -1 -> idle)10 cpu_event= lambda x: Event(x[0],EventFactory.Events.keys().index(x[0]),int(x[1]),int(x[2]),int(x[3]))11 #EVENT time pid 12 other_event= lambda x: Event(x[0],EventFactory.Events.keys().index(x[0]),int(x[1]),int(x[2]),-1)13 #CONTEXT CPU cpu time (se pone pid == -2) 14 context_switch_event= lambda x: Event(x[0] ,EventFactory.Events.keys().index(x[0]),int(x[3]),-2,int(x[2]))15 Events = {'LOAD': other_event,16 'CPU':cpu_event, 17 'BLOCK': other_event, 18 'UNBLOCK': other_event, 19 'EXIT': other_event,20 'CONTEXT':context_switch_event,21 'WAITING':None,22 'NOT_LOAD': None,23 'CPU_BLOCK': None}24 25 @classmethod26 def get_event(cls, event_line):27 splited_event_line= event_line.split()28 if splited_event_line[0] in EventFactory.Events.keys():29 print splited_event_line30 return EventFactory.Events[splited_event_line[0]](splited_event_line)31 else:32 return None33 34class Event(object):35 def __init__(self, event_type, event_code, time, pid, core):36 self.event_type= event_type37 self.event_code= event_code38 self.time= time39 pid40 self.core= core41 def __str__(self):42 return 'Type: ' + self.event_type + ', Code: ' + str(self.event_code) + ', Time: ' + str(self.time) + ', Pid: ' + str( + ', Core: ' + str(self.core)43def parseInput(fin):44 ln = 045 result = []46 cores = 047 pids= 048 settings = None49 cpus_timeline= dict()50 print fin51 for line in fin:52 ln += 153 vls = line.split()54 if line and line[0] == '#':55 if line.startswith('# SETTINGS '):56 settings = line[11:].strip()57 continue58 else:59 line= line[2:].strip() # Queda --> 'CONTEXT CPU[cpu] time60 event= EventFactory.get_event(line)61 result.append(event)62 63 if event.event_type == 'CPU':64 if (cores <=event.core):65 cores = event.core+166 if event.event_type == 'LOAD':67 if(pids <= pids = +169 70 return settings, result, cores, pids71def dataGathering(data, cores, pids):72 core_resume= dict() # core: {processing_time: #, switching_time: #, idle_time: #}73 core_timeline= dict() # core: list(pids) NOTA: se supone que en cada tick hay un pid74 pid_resume= dict() # pid: {load_time: #, running_time: #, blocked: #, end_time: #}75 pids_timeline= dict() # pid: list((event_code, core))76 77 block_lapse= dict()78 for event in data:79 #core_time80 if event.core != -1:81 if event.core not in core_timeline: core_timeline[event.core]= []82 core_timeline[event.core].append( 84 #core_time85 if event.core != -1:86 if event.core not in core_resume: core_resume[event.core]= {'processing_time': 0, 'switching_time': 0, 'idle_time': 0}87 if event.event_type == 'CPU':88 if != -1: core_resume[event.core]['processing_time'] = core_resume[event.core]['processing_time'] + 189 else: core_resume[event.core]['idle_time'] = core_resume[event.core]['idle_time'] + 190 elif event.event_type == 'CONTEXT': core_resume[event.core]['switching_time'] = core_resume[event.core]['switching_time'] + 191 92 if != -2 and != -1:93 #task_resume94 if not in pid_resume: pid_resume[]= {'running_time': 0, 'blocked': 0}95 if event.event_type == 'LOAD': pid_resume[]['load_time']= event.time96 if event.event_type == 'CPU': pid_resume[]['running_time']= pid_resume[]['running_time'] + 197 if event.event_type == 'BLOCK': 98 if not in block_lapse: block_lapse[]= -199 if block_lapse[] == -1:100 block_lapse[]= event.time101 if event.event_type == 'UNBLOCK':102 pid_resume[]['blocked']= pid_resume[]['blocked'] + event.time - block_lapse[] + 1103 block_lapse[]= -1104 if event.event_type == 'EXIT': pid_resume[]['end_time']= event.time105 106 #task_timeline no hay interes en mostrar los context switchs107 108 if not in pids_timeline: pids_timeline[]= []109 if event.event_type == 'LOAD':110 #NOT LOADED111 for i in range(0, event.time):112 pids_timeline[].append((EventFactory.Events.keys().index('NOT_LOAD'),-1))113 elif event.event_type == 'CPU':114 prev_event_code, prev_event_core= pids_timeline[][-1]115 #POSIBLE BLOCK ANTES QUE CPU116 if len(pids_timeline[]) == event.time:117 prev_event_code, prev_event_core= pids_timeline[][-1]118 if (EventFactory.Events.keys().index('BLOCK') == prev_event_code or119 EventFactory.Events.keys().index('CPU_BLOCK') == prev_event_code):120 pid_resume[]['running_time']= pid_resume[]['running_time'] - 1 121 pids_timeline[][-1]= (EventFactory.Events.keys().index('CPU_BLOCK'),event.core)122 continue123 #WAITING EVENT124 for i in range(len(pids_timeline[])+1, event.time):125 pids_timeline[].append((EventFactory.Events.keys().index('LOAD'),-1))126 elif event.event_type == 'BLOCK':127 #ESTA BLOQUEADO Y EJECUTANDO128 if len(pids_timeline[]) == event.time:129 prev_event_code, prev_event_core= pids_timeline[][-1]130 if (EventFactory.Events.keys().index('CPU') == prev_event_code or131 EventFactory.Events.keys().index('CPU_BLOCK') == prev_event_code):132 pids_timeline[][-1]= (EventFactory.Events.keys().index('CPU_BLOCK'),prev_event_core)133 continue134 elif event.event_type == 'UNBLOCK':135 #Agrego el gap que queda de todo el tiempo bloqueado136 block_code, block_dummy_core= pids_timeline[][-1]137 if block_code != EventFactory.Events.keys().index('CPU_BLOCK'): 138 for i in range(len(pids_timeline[])+1, event.time+1):139 pids_timeline[].append((block_code,block_dummy_core))140 if event.event_type != 'UNBLOCK' and event.event_type != 'EXIT':141 pids_timeline[].append((event.event_code,event.core))142 143 return core_resume, core_timeline, pid_resume, pids_timeline144def draw_cores_resume_bars(cores_resume, filename):145 ''' pre: cores_resume = { core: {processing_time: #, switching_time: #, idle_time: #}}'''146 ''' post: horizonal bar diagram in filenaname.png '''147 148 colors={'processing_time': 'green', 'switching_time': 'yellow', 'idle_time': 'red'}149 labels={'processing_time': 'Procesando', 'switching_time': 'Cambiando contexto', 'idle_time': 'Sin uso'}150 151 fig= figure(figsize=(11.8,8.3))152 153 154 bars_lenghts= []155 for core in cores_resume:156 bars_lenghts.append(sum(cores_resume[core].values()))157 values= sorted(zip(cores_resume[core].values(), cores_resume[core].keys()), reverse= True)158 base= 0159 for value in values:160 broken_barh([(base,value[0])], (core-0.4,0.8), color=colors[value[1]], edgecolor='black')161 base= base+value[0]162 163 title('Tiempo total por tipo de tarea por core')164 yticks(cores_resume.keys())165 xlabel('Tiempo total')166 ylabel('Core')167 xlim((0,max(bars_lenghts)+1))168 ylim((-1,len(cores_resume.keys())+1))169 tight_layout()170 legend()171 savefig(filename+'.png', dpi=300, format='png')172 return None173def draw_cores_timeline_gannt(cores_timeline, filename):174 ''' pre: cores_timeline = {core: list(pid) } '''175 176 # Necesitaria tener la info algo asi como177 # core: {pid: ini_1,fin_1,ini_2,fin_2} (es decir por intervalos)178 # broken_barh necesita (inicio, longitud)179 180 colors={'pid':'#c0ffc0','switch':'#b7b7f7', 'idle':'#d0d0d0'}181 fig= figure(figsize=(11.8,8.3))182 ax = fig.add_subplot(111) 183 title('Tareas en Core por tiempo')184 yticks(cores_timeline.keys())185# ax.xaxis.set_major_locator( 186 ax.xaxis.set_major_locator( IndexLocator(2,1) )187 #xticks(range(len(cores_timeline[0])),range(0,len(cores_timeline[0]),5))188 xlabel('Tiempo')189 ylabel('Core')190 ylim((-1,len(cores_timeline.keys())))191 ax.grid(True) 192 for core in cores_timeline:193 pids_by_time= cores_timeline[core]194 intervals= dict()195 last_pid= -1196 for time in range(len(pids_by_time)):197 if last_pid != pids_by_time[time]:198 last_pid = pids_by_time[time]199 if last_pid not in intervals: intervals[last_pid]= []200 intervals[last_pid].append((time, 1))201 #intervals.push((last_pid,time,1))202 else:203 #pid, time, interval_size= intervals.pop()204 #intervals.push((pid, time, interval_size+1))205 time, interval_size= intervals[last_pid].pop()206 intervals[last_pid].append((time, interval_size+1))207 208 for pid in intervals:209 if pid >= 0:210 rect= ax.broken_barh(intervals[pid], (core-0.25, 0.5), facecolor=colors['pid'])211 for init, size in intervals[pid]:212 ax.text(init+(size/​2.0),core, str(pid), ha="center", va="center", size=9, weight='bold')213 elif pid == -1:214 rect= ax.broken_barh(intervals[pid], (core-0.25, 0.5), facecolor=colors['idle'])215 elif pid == -2:216 rect= ax.broken_barh(intervals[pid], (core-0.25, 0.5), facecolor=colors['switch'])217 else:218 print 'ERROR!'219 220 tarea_dummy = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors['pid'])221 switch_dummy = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors['switch'])222 idle_dummy = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors['idle'])223 legend([tarea_dummy, switch_dummy, idle_dummy], ['Tarea','Cambio de contexto','Inactivo'])224 tight_layout()225 fig.autofmt_xdate()226 ax.legend()227 savefig(filename+'.png', dpi=300, format='png')228def draw_tasks_resume_bars(pids_resume, filename):229 ''' pre: pid: {load_time: #, running_time: #, blocked: #, end_time: #}'''230 ''' post: horizonal bar diagram in filenaname.png '''231 232 colors={'running_time': '#c0ffc0', 'blocked': '#b7b7f7', 'waiting_time': '#d0d0d0'}233 labels={'running_time': 'En ejecucion', 'blocked': 'Bloqueado', 'waiting_time': 'Esperando'}234 235 fig= figure(figsize=(11.8,8.3))236 pids_resume.pop(-1,None)237 max_time= 0238 for pid in pids_resume:239 load_time= pids_resume[pid].pop('load_time',-1)240 end_time= pids_resume[pid].pop('end_time',-1)241 max_time= max([end_time-load_time,max_time])242 pids_resume[pid]['waiting_time']= end_time - load_time - pids_resume[pid]['running_time'] - pids_resume[pid]['blocked']243 values= sorted(zip(pids_resume[pid].values(), pids_resume[pid].keys()), reverse= True)244 base= 0245 for value in values:246 broken_barh([(base,value[0])], (pid-0.25, 0.5), facecolor=colors[value[1]])247 #if pid != 0:248 # barh(pid, base + value[0], align='center', color=colors[value[1]], edgecolor='black')249 #else:250 # barh(pid, base + value[0], align='center', color=colors[value[1]], edgecolor='black', label=labels[value[1]])251 base= base + value[0]252 running_dummy = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors['running_time'])253 blocked_dummy = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors['blocked'])254 waiting_dummy = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors['waiting_time'])255 legend([running_dummy, blocked_dummy, waiting_dummy],[labels['running_time'],labels['blocked'], labels['waiting_time']],loc='best', ncol=3)256 title('Tiempo total de la tarea divido en estados')257 yticks(pids_resume.keys())258 xlabel('Tiempo total')259 ylabel('Tarea')260 ylim((-1,len(pids_resume.keys())+1))261 xlim((0,max_time+2))262 tight_layout()263 #show()264 savefig(filename+'.png', dpi=300, format='png')265 return None266def draw_pids_timeline_gannt(pids_timeline, filename):267 ''' pre: pids_timeline = { pid: list((event_code, core))}'''268 ''' post: horizonal bar diagram in filenaname.png '''269 270 # Necesitaria tener la info algo asi como271 # core: {pid: ini_1,fin_1,ini_2,fin_2} (es decir por intervalos)272 # broken_barh necesita (inicio, longitud)273 274 colors={'CPU':'#f7b7b7','BLOCK':'#b7b7f7', 'WAITING':'#e7ffe7', 'LOAD':'#e7ffe7', 'NOT_LOAD':'#d0d0d0', 'CPU_BLOCK':'#b7b7f7'}275 fig= figure(figsize=(11.8,8.3))276 ax = fig.add_subplot(111) 277 title('Estado de las tareas por tiempo')278 yticks(pids_timeline.keys(), sorted(pids_timeline.keys(),reverse=True))279# ax.xaxis.set_major_locator( 280 ax.xaxis.set_major_locator( IndexLocator(5,1) )281 #xticks(range(len(cores_timeline[0])),range(0,len(cores_timeline[0]),5))282 xlabel('Tiempo')283 ylabel('Tarea')284 ax.grid(True) 285 for pid in pids_timeline:286 pid_state_by_time= pids_timeline[pid]287 intervals= dict()288 last_state= (None,None)289 for time in range(len(pid_state_by_time)):290 if last_state != pid_state_by_time[time]:291 last_state = pid_state_by_time[time]292 if last_state not in intervals: intervals[last_state]= []293 intervals[last_state].append((time, 1))294 #intervals.push((last_pid,time,1))295 else:296 #pid, time, interval_size= intervals.pop()297 #intervals.push((pid, time, interval_size+1))298 time, interval_size= intervals[last_state].pop()299 intervals[last_state].append((time, interval_size+1))300 for event_code, core in intervals.keys():301 event_name= EventFactory.Events.keys()[event_code]302 rect= ax.broken_barh(intervals[(event_code, core)], ((len(pids_timeline)-pid-1)-0.25, 0.5), facecolor=colors[event_name])303 if core >= 0:304 for init, size in intervals[(event_code, core)]:305 ax.text(init+(size/​2.0),(len(pids_timeline)-pid-1), str(core), ha="center", va="center", size=9, weight='bold')306 #else:307 #if event_code == -1:308 #elif event_code == -2:309 #rect= ax.broken_barh(intervals[(event_code, core)], (pid-0.25, 0.5), facecolor=colors['not_loaded'])310 #elif event_name == 'LOAD':311 #rect= ax.broken_barh(intervals[(event_code, core)], (pid-0.25, 0.5), facecolor=colors['load'])312 #elif event_name == 'BLOCK':313 #rect= ax.broken_barh(intervals[(event_code, core)], (pid-0.25, 0.5), facecolor=colors['blocked'])314 #else:315 # print 'ERROR!', event_code, core316 317 running_dummy = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors['CPU'])318 waiting_dummy = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors['WAITING'])319 not_loaded_dummy = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors['NOT_LOAD'])320 #load_dummy = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors['LOAD'])321 blocked_dummy = Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, fc=colors['BLOCK'])322 legend([not_loaded_dummy,running_dummy, waiting_dummy, blocked_dummy], ['No cargada','En ejecucion','Lista','Bloqueada'],loc='best', ncol=4)323 ylim((-1,len(pids_timeline.keys())+1))324 xlim((0,max([len(x) for x in pids_timeline.values()])+1))325 tight_layout()326 fig.autofmt_xdate()327 ax.legend()328 #show()329 savefig(filename+'.png', dpi=300, format='png')330 return None331def main(argv):332 if '-c' in argv or '--caption' in argv:333 hit = '-c' if '-c' in argv else '--caption'334 pos = argv.index(hit)335 argv.pop(pos)336 caption = argv.pop(pos)337 else:338 caption = None339 if len(argv) <= 1:340 fin = sys.stdin341 fout_cores_resume= 'out_cores_resume'342 fout_cores_timeline= 'out_cores_timeline'343 fout_pids_resume= 'out_pids_resume'344 fout_pids_timeline= 'out_pids_timeline'345 else:346 fin = open(argv[1], 'r')347 preffix= argv[1]348 fout_cores_resume= preffix + '_cores_resume' 349 fout_cores_timeline= preffix + '_cores_timeline' 350 fout_pids_resume= preffix + '_pids_resume' 351 fout_pids_timeline= preffix + '_pids_timeline' 352 353 print 'parsing input'354 settings, data, cores, pids = parseInput(fin)355 356 print 'data gathering'357 cores_resume, cores_timeline, pids_resume, pids_timeline= dataGathering(data, cores, pids)358 #todo dump de los datos359 print 'drawing cores resumen'360 draw_cores_resume_bars(cores_resume, fout_cores_resume)361 print 'drawing cores timeline'362 draw_cores_timeline_gannt(cores_timeline, fout_cores_timeline)363 print 'drawing cores timeline'364 draw_tasks_resume_bars(pids_resume, fout_pids_resume)365 print 'drawing pids timeline'366 draw_pids_timeline_gannt(pids_timeline, fout_pids_timeline)367if __name__ == "__main__":...

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...27 t = g = utils.container_of(g['tasks']['next'],28 task_ptr_type, "tasks")29 if t == init_task:30 return31def get_task_by_pid(pid):32 for task in task_lists():33 if int(task['pid']) == pid:34 return task35 return None36class LxTaskByPidFunc(gdb.Function):37 """Find Linux task by PID and return the task_struct variable.38$lx_task_by_pid(PID): Given PID, iterate over all tasks of the target and39return that task_struct variable which PID matches."""40 def __init__(self):41 super(LxTaskByPidFunc, self).__init__("lx_task_by_pid")42 def invoke(self, pid):43 task = get_task_by_pid(pid)44 if task:45 return task.dereference()46 else:47 raise gdb.GdbError("No task of PID " + str(pid))48LxTaskByPidFunc()49class LxPs(gdb.Command):50 """Dump Linux tasks."""51 def __init__(self):52 super(LxPs, self).__init__("lx-ps", gdb.COMMAND_DATA)53 def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):54 for task in task_lists():55 gdb.write("{address} {pid} {comm}\n".format(56 address=task,57 pid=task["pid"],58 comm=task["comm"].string()))59LxPs()60thread_info_type = utils.CachedType("struct thread_info")61ia64_task_size = None62def get_thread_info(task):63 thread_info_ptr_type = thread_info_type.get_type().pointer()64 if utils.is_target_arch("ia64"):65 global ia64_task_size66 if ia64_task_size is None:67 ia64_task_size = gdb.parse_and_eval("sizeof(struct task_struct)")68 thread_info_addr = task.address + ia64_task_size69 thread_info = thread_info_addr.cast(thread_info_ptr_type)70 else:71 thread_info = task['stack'].cast(thread_info_ptr_type)72 return thread_info.dereference()73class LxThreadInfoFunc (gdb.Function):74 """Calculate Linux thread_info from task variable.75$lx_thread_info(TASK): Given TASK, return the corresponding thread_info76variable."""77 def __init__(self):78 super(LxThreadInfoFunc, self).__init__("lx_thread_info")79 def invoke(self, task):80 return get_thread_info(task)81LxThreadInfoFunc()82class LxThreadInfoByPidFunc (gdb.Function):83 """Calculate Linux thread_info from task variable found by pid84$lx_thread_info_by_pid(PID): Given PID, return the corresponding thread_info85variable."""86 def __init__(self):87 super(LxThreadInfoByPidFunc, self).__init__("lx_thread_info_by_pid")88 def invoke(self, pid):89 task = get_task_by_pid(pid)90 if task:91 return get_thread_info(task.dereference())92 else:93 raise gdb.GdbError("No task of PID " + str(pid))...

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1#!/​usr/​bin/​env python2# Copyright (c) 2009, Giampaolo Rodola'. All rights reserved.3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be4# found in the LICENSE file.5"""psutil exception classes.6Not supposed to be used /​ imported directly.7Instead use psutil.NoSuchProcess, etc.8"""9class Error(Exception):10 """Base exception class. All other psutil exceptions inherit11 from this one.12 """13class NoSuchProcess(Error):14 """Exception raised when a process with a certain PID doesn't15 or no longer exists (zombie).16 """17 def __init__(self, pid, name=None, msg=None):18 Error.__init__(self)19 = pid20 = name21 self.msg = msg22 if msg is None:23 if name:24 details = "(pid=%s, name=%s)" % (, repr( else:26 details = "(pid=%s)" % self.pid27 self.msg = "process no longer exists " + details28 def __str__(self):29 return self.msg30class AccessDenied(Error):31 """Exception raised when permission to perform an action is denied."""32 def __init__(self, pid=None, name=None, msg=None):33 Error.__init__(self)34 = pid35 = name36 self.msg = msg37 if msg is None:38 if (pid is not None) and (name is not None):39 self.msg = "(pid=%s, name=%s)" % (pid, repr(name))40 elif (pid is not None):41 self.msg = "(pid=%s)" % self.pid42 else:43 self.msg = ""44 def __str__(self):45 return self.msg46class TimeoutExpired(Error):47 """Raised on Process.wait(timeout) if timeout expires and process48 is still alive.49 """50 def __init__(self, pid=None, name=None):51 Error.__init__(self)52 = pid53 = name54 if (pid is not None) and (name is not None):55 self.msg = "(pid=%s, name=%s)" % (pid, repr(name))56 elif (pid is not None):57 self.msg = "(pid=%s)" % self.pid58 else:59 self.msg = ""60 def __str__(self):...

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