Best Python code snippet using fMBT_python
1from scipy import *2import odassl as od3g=13.7503716373294544 # gravitation constant such that the period is 24def tolerance_set(irun,tol):5 rtol=atol=tol*ones((5,))6 if irun == 1 or irun == 3:7 rtol[4]=atol[4]=1.e78 elif irun == 0: 9 rtol[2:]=atol[2:]=1.e7 10 info=111 return rtol,atol,info 12def res1(t,p,pp):13 ires=0 14 delta=empty((5,)) 15 # kinematics 16 delta[0:2] = [pp[0] - p[2], pp[1] - p[3]] 17 # dynamics 18 delta[2:4] = [pp[2] + p[4]*p[0], pp[3]+p[4]*p[1]+g] 19 # lambda constraint 20 delta[4] = p[2]**2 + p[3]**2 - (p[0]**2 + p[1]**2)*p[4] - p[1]*g 21 return delta, ires22def res2(t,p,pp):23 ires=0 24 delta=empty((5,)) 25 # kinematics 26 delta[0:2] = [pp[0] - p[2], pp[1] - p[3]] 27 # dynamics 28 delta[2:4] = [pp[2] + p[4]*p[0], pp[3]+p[4]*p[1]+g] 29 # velocity constraint 30 delta[4] = p[0]*p[2] + p[1]*p[3] 31 return delta, ires32def res3(t,p,pp):33 ires=0 34 delta=empty((5,)) 35 #print t,p,pp 36 # kinematics 37 delta[0:2] = [pp[0] - p[2], pp[1] - p[3]] 38 # dynamics 39 delta[2:4] = [pp[2] + p[4]*p[0], pp[3]+p[4]*p[1]+g] 40 # position constraint 41 delta[4] = p[0]**2 + p[1]**2 - 1.0 42 return delta, ires43def resStab2(t,p,pp):44 ires=0 45 delta=empty((neq,)) 46 #print t,p,pp 47 # kinematics 48 delta[0:2] = [pp[0] - p[2], pp[1] - p[3]] 49 # dynamics 50 delta[2:4] = [pp[2] + p[4]*p[0], pp[3]+p[4]*p[1]+g]51 # velocity constraint 52 delta[4] = p[0]*p[2] + p[1]*p[3] 53 # position constraint 54 delta[5] = p[0]**2 + p[1]**2 - 1.0 55 return delta, ires 56def resStab1(t,p,pp):57 ires=0 58 delta=empty((neq,)) 59 #print t,p,pp 60 # kinematics 61 delta[0:2] = [pp[0] - p[2], pp[1] - p[3]] 62 # dynamics 63 delta[2:4] = [pp[2] + p[4]*p[0], pp[3]+p[4]*p[1]+g]64 # lambda constraint65 delta[4] = p[2]**2 + p[3]**2 - (p[0]**2 + p[1]**2)*p[4] - p[1]*g66 # velocity constraint 67 delta[6] = p[0]*p[2] + p[1]*p[3] 68 # position constraint 69 delta[5] = p[0]**2 + p[1]**2 - 1.0 70 return delta, ires 71p=empty(5)72pp=empty(5)73rwork=empty((1000,))74iwork=empty((200,),dtype=int32) 75 76ny = 5 77tol= 1.e-5 78res=[res3,res2,res1, resStab2, resStab1] 79for irun, task in enumerate(['INDEX-3', 'INDEX-2',80 'INDEX-1', 81 'STAB. INDEX-2','STAB. INDEX-1']):82 83 info=zeros((15,),dtype=int32) 84 # initial conditions 85 p[0] = 1.0 86 p[1] = -sqrt(1.0 - p[0]**2) 87 p[2:] = 0.0 88 pp[0:2] = p[2:4] 89 pp[2:5] = [-p[4]*p[0], -g-p[4]*p[1],0.] 90 # other initialisations 91 t,th = 0., 2.0 92 93 rtol,atol,info[1] = tolerance_set(irun,tol) 94 ny=len(p)95 if irun <= 2: 96 neq=ny 97 elif irun==3: # stab index 2 98 neq=ny+1 99 elif irun==4: # stab index 1100 neq=ny+2 101# INTEGRATION LOOP 102 for i in range(50):103 tout=t+th 104 t,y,yprime,tout,info,idid,rwork,iwork = od.odassl(res[irun],neq,ny,t,p,pp,tout,info,rtol,atol,105 rwork,iwork,res[irun]) 106 if idid<0: 107 print task+': ', idid 108 break 109 else: 110 print '{0} : t= {1: >8.2f} p={2[0]: >-12.8f} {2[1]: > 12.8f} {2[2]: >-12.8f} {2[3]: >-12.8f} {2[4]: >-12.8f}'.format(task, t, p) ...
1import matplotlib as mpl2mpl.use('Agg')3import matplotlib.pyplot as plt4import pandas as pd5import numpy as np6from scipy import interpolate7data_dir = "../analysis_out/"8norad_folder = "norad_prod"9rad_folder = "rad_prod"10sim_name_bases = ["small_ecc","small_circ"]11rad_format = "rad_{}_full"12rad_format_earlier = "rad_{}_earlier"13data_file_format = data_dir+"disc_components_{}_{}.txt"14t_orbit = 13.7e-3 # Myr15m_bh = 2.e316t_offset = 0.0002128*0.9778e9/1.e617norad_data_unprocessed = [pd.read_csv(data_file_format.format(norad_folder,sim_name_bases[irun]),sep=' ') for irun in [0,1]]18rad_data = [pd.read_csv(data_file_format.format(rad_folder,rad_format.format(sim_name_bases[irun])),sep=' ') for irun in [0,1]]19rad_data_earlier = [pd.read_csv(data_file_format.format(rad_folder,rad_format_earlier.format(sim_name_bases[irun])),sep=' ') for irun in [0,1]]20# interpolate norad_data to make timing consistent21norad_data = []22for df in norad_data_unprocessed:23 dt = df["t"].iloc[-1]-df["t"].iloc[-2]24 interp_t = np.arange(0,df["t"].iloc[-1],dt)25 new_df = pd.DataFrame()26 new_df["t"] = interp_t27 new_df["m1"] = interpolate.interp1d(df["t"],df["m1"])(interp_t)28 new_df["m2"] = interpolate.interp1d(df["t"],df["m2"])(interp_t)29 norad_data.append(new_df)30# yticks = [0,5e-4,1e-3,3e-3,5e-3,1e-2]31fig,sp = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(9,3),sharex=True,sharey=True,constrained_layout=True)32for irun in range(2):33 for idisc in [1,2]:34 for t,m,label in [(norad_data[irun]["t"], norad_data[irun][f"m{idisc}"], f"disc{idisc}"),35 (rad_data[irun]["t"] + norad_data[irun]["t"].iloc[-1], rad_data[irun][f"m{idisc}"], None),36 (rad_data_earlier[irun]["t"] + t_offset, rad_data_earlier[irun][f"m{idisc}"], None)37 ]:38 sp[irun].plot(t / t_orbit, m / m_bh, label=label)39 # orbit_t = t/t_orbit40 # interp_t = np.arange(int(orbit_t[0]),orbit_t[-1],1)41 # sp[irun].plot(norad_data[irun]["t"]/t_orbit,norad_data[irun][f"m{idisc}"]/m_bh,label=f"disc{idisc}")42 # sp[irun].plot((rad_data[irun]["t"]+norad_data[irun]["t"].iloc[-1])/t_orbit,rad_data[irun][f"m{idisc}"]/m_bh)43 # sp[irun].plot((rad_data_earlier[irun]["t"]+t_offset)/t_orbit,rad_data_earlier[irun][f"m{idisc}"]/m_bh)44 # sp[irun].legend()45 sp[irun].minorticks_on()46 sp[irun].xaxis.set_minor_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1))47 sp[irun].set_xlim([0,None])48 # sp[irun].set_ylim([0,1.e-2])49 sp[irun].set_ylim([0,0.003])50 # sp[irun].set_yscale('symlog',linthresh=1.e-3)51 # sp[irun].set_yticks(yticks)52 # sp[irun].set_yticklabels(yticks)53 sp[irun].set_xlabel(r"$t$ (orbits)")54sp[0].set_ylabel(r"$M_d/(M_1+M_2)$")55sp[0].set_title("Elliptical")56sp[1].set_title("Circular")...
1import numpy as np2import h5py3from num2tex import num2tex4f = h5py.File("../analysis_out/tidy_torque.hdf5",'r')5def get_exponent(x):6 return np.floor(np.log10(np.abs(x))).astype( format_with_uncertainty(x,e,precision=1,significance=3):8 # fmt = fr"({{0:.{precision}f}} \pm {{1:.{precision}f}}) \times 10^{{{{{{2}}}}}}"9 #10 # exponents = np.minimum(get_exponent(x),get_exponent(e))11 # bases = x/10.**exponents12 # error_bases = e/10.**exponents13 # strout = fmt.format(bases,error_bases,exponents)14 round_factor = -np.floor(np.log10(e)).astype( + precision-115 x_round = np.round(x,round_factor)16 e_round = np.round(e,round_factor)17 if round_factor<0:18 strout = fr"{{{x_round:.0f}}} \pm {{{e_round:.0f}}}"19 else:20 strout_0 = fr"{{0:.{round_factor:0d}f}} \pm {{1:.{round_factor:0d}f}}"21 strout = strout_0.format(x_round,e_round)22 # strout = fr"{{{x:.3f}}} \pm {{{e:.3f}}}"23 # if np.abs(bases)>np.abs(error_bases):24 if np.abs(x) > significance*np.abs(e) :25 strout = r"$\mathbf{"+strout+r"}$"26 else:27 strout = r"$"+strout+r"$"28 # TODO: implement for arrays?29 return strout30stage_name = [r"norad\_all", r"norad\_eqm", r"rad\_early", r"rad\_late"]31torque_name = {"grav":r"$\tau_g$",32 "acc":r"$\tau_a$"33 }34run_indices = [0,0,1,2]35run_offsets = [0,20,0,0]36nruns = len(run_indices)37assert nruns==len(run_offsets)38# UNITS = L0/T (set in tidy_up_torque)39for plot_key in ["acc","grav"]:40 mu = np.zeros((2,2,nruns))41 sd = np.zeros((2,2,nruns))42 for isim in range(2):43 for bh in [1,2] :44 for irun,run_index in enumerate(run_indices):45 time = np.array(f[f"time_{run_index}_{isim}"])46 h5_key = f"BH_{plot_key}_J_{bh}_{run_index}_{isim}"47 angmom = -np.array(f[h5_key])48 torque = np.gradient(angmom,time)49 run_offset = run_offsets[irun]50 if run_offset>0:51 torque = torque[(time>run_offset)]52 mu[isim,bh-1,irun] = np.mean(torque)53 sd[isim,bh-1,irun] = np.std(torque)/np.sqrt(len(torque))54 for irun in range(nruns):55 line = []56 for isim in range(2) :57 for bh in range(2) :58 line+=[format_with_uncertainty(mu[isim,bh,irun]*1e6,sd[isim,bh,irun]*1e6,precision=2)]59 # line+=[fr"${num2tex(mu[isim,bh,irun],precision=2):.2g} \pm {num2tex(sd[isim,bh,irun],precision=2):.0g}$"]60 if irun==1:61 key_str = torque_name[plot_key]+" & "62 else:63 key_str = "~ & "64 print(key_str+stage_name[irun]+" & "+r" & ".join(line)+r"\\")...
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