How to use evalPython method in fMBT

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1'''2 Launcher for the Atlas Creator3'''4import glob5from subprocess import call6import getopt7import os8import sys9import socket10'''=========================================================================================='''11def info( message ):12 '''13 Print message to stdout and flush14 '''15 print str( message )16 import sys17 # flush, to always show the output18 sys.stdout.flush()19'''=========================================================================================='''20def is_int( s ):21 try:22 int( s )23 return True24 except ValueError:25 return False26'''=========================================================================================='''27def ConvertDirectoryToString( directory ):28 '''29 Convert a directory to a string of filePaths with space as delimiter. While reading the directory,30 only real files are added to the list, sub-directories as well as links are ignored.31 32 directory33 a String containing the path to the directory34 35 Returns36 string of filePaths with space as delimiter37 '''38 output = ""39 if not directory:40 return listOfFilePaths41 if not os.path.isdir( directory ):42 return listOfFilePaths43 # loop through the directory44 for entry in glob.glob( os.path.join( directory, '*.*' ) ):45 if os.path.isfile( entry ) and not os.path.islink( entry ):46 # this is a real file and not a link or subdir47 # add it to the string48 output += str( os.path.normpath( entry ) )49 # add the delimiter50 output += " "51 return output.rstrip()52'''=========================================================================================='''53def ConvertListToString( list ):54 '''55 Convert a list to a string of items with space as delimiter.56 57 list58 a list object59 60 Returns61 string of list items with space as delimiter62 '''63 output = ""64 for i in list:65 output += str( i )66 output += " "67 return output.rstrip()68'''=========================================================================================='''69def usage():70 '''71 Print the help information.72 '''73 info( "Usage:" )74 info( "" )75 info( "-h, --help" )76 info( " Show this information." )77 info( "" )78 info( "-i, --images DIR" )79 info( " Directory containing original images." )80 info( "" )81 info( "-s, --segmentations DIR" )82 info( " Directory containing segmentations." )83 info( "" )84 info( "-o, --output DIR" )85 info( " Output directory." )86 info( "" )87 info( "--cmtk" )88 info( " Use the CMTK toolkit for registration and resampling, instead of BRAINSFit." )89 info( " The CMTK4Slicer extensions have to be installed in order to use CMTK." )90 info( "" )91 info( "--dramms" )92 info( " Use the DRAMMS toolkit for registration and resampling, in addition to BRAINSFit or CMTK." )93 info( "" )94 info( "--skipRegistration" )95 info( " Skip the registration and use existing transforms." )96 info( "" )97 info( " The following arguments have to be specified if the registration is skipped:" )98 info( "" )99 info( " --transforms DIR" )100 info( " Directory containing existing transforms." )101 info( "" )102 info( " --existingTemplate FILEPATH" )103 info( " Filepath to an existing template used for resampling only." )104 info( "" )105 info( "--dynamic" )106 info( " Use a dynamic template for registration based on means of images." )107 info( "" )108 info( " The following arguments have to be specified if dynamic registration is chosen:" )109 info( "" )110 info( " -m, --meanIterations INT" )111 info( " Number of iterations to compute and register against a mean image." )112 info( "" )113 info( "--fixed" )114 info( " Use a fixed template for registration." )115 info( "" )116 info( " The following arguments have to be specified if fixed registration is chosen:" )117 info( "" )118 info( " --template FILEPATH" )119 info( " Filepath to an image used as a template for fixed registration." )120 info( "" )121 info( " --ignoreTemplateSegmentation" )122 info( " If activated, the template's segmentation will not be added to the atlases." )123 info( "" )124 info( "--affine" )125 info( " Use 9 DOF affine registration additionally." )126 info( "" )127 info( "--affine12" )128 info( " Use 12 DOF affine registration additionally. This includes --affine automatically." )129 info( "" )130 info( "-n, --non-rigid" )131 info( " Use Non-Rigid registration additionally. This includes --affine and --affine12 automatically." )132 info( "" )133 info( "-w, --writeTransforms" )134 info( " Write transforms to output directory." )135 info( "" )136 info( "--keepAligned" )137 info( " Keep the aligned images and segmentations." )138 info( "" )139 info( "-l, --labels STRING" )140 info( " List of labels to include for the atlases, f.e. \"3 4 5 6 8 10\"." )141 info( " DEFAULT: detect labels automatically" )142 info( "" )143 info( "--normalize" )144 info( " Normalize Atlases to 0..1." )145 info( " If activated, the output cast will be set to Double." )146 info( "" )147 info( " --normalizeTo INT" )148 info( " The upper value to normalize the atlases to." )149 info( " DEFAULT: 1" )150 info( "" )151 info( "--outputCast INT" )152 info( " Output cast for the atlases. Possible values:" )153 info( " 0: char" )154 info( " 1: unsigned char" )155 info( " 2: double" )156 info( " 3: float" )157 info( " 4: int" )158 info( " 5: unsigned int" )159 info( " 6: long" )160 info( " 7: unsigned long" )161 info( " 8: short" )162 info( " 9: unsigned short" )163 info( " DEFAULT: 8" )164 info( "" )165 info( "-c, --cluster" )166 info( " Use the cluster mode." )167 info( "" )168 info( " The following arguments have to be specified if cluster mode is chosen:" )169 info( "" )170 info( " --schedulerCommand EXECUTABLE" )171 info( " The executable to use as a scheduler in cluster mode, f.e. \"qsub\"." )172 info( "" )173 info( "--numberOfThreads" )174 info( " Specify the number of threads to use for Registration." )175 info( " By default, this is set to use the maximal number of threads for your machine." )176 info( " DEFAULT: -1" )177 info( "" )178 info( "--pca" )179 info( " Perform PCA Analysis on top of Resampling." )180 info( "" )181 info( " --pcaMaxEigenVectors INT" )182 info( " The number of maximal Eigenvectors to use for model generation." )183 info( " DEFAULT: 10" )184 info( "" )185 info( " --pcaCombine" )186 info( " Combine the PCA output." )187 info( "" )188 info( "--slicer FILEPATH" )189 info( " Filepath to the 3D Slicer launcher including arguments, f.e. \"/​usr/​bin/​Slicer3 --tmp_dir /​var/​tmp\"." )190 info( " DEFAULT: Find the 3D Slicer launcher automatically." )191 info( "" )192 info( "-d, --debug" )193 info( " Enable debug information." )194 info( "" )195 info( "--dryrun" )196 info( " Output executable commands instead of running the registration or resampling." )197 info( "" )198 info( "--examples" )199 info( " Show usage examples." )200 info( "" )201 info( "" )202 info( "Developed by Daniel Haehn and Kilian Pohl, University of Pennsylvania. The research was funded by an ARRA supplement to NIH NCRR (P41 RR13218)." )203 info( "" )204 info( "Thanks to everyone!" )205 info( "" )206'''=========================================================================================='''207def examples():208 info( "Examples:" )209 info( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" )210 info( "1. Run fixed registration with the testdata and normalize the atlases to 1:" )211 info( "" )212 info( ' python -i TestData/​originals/​ -s TestData/​segmentations/​ -o /​tmp/​acout --fixed --template TestData/​originals/​case62.nrrd -w -l "3 4 5 6 7 8 9" --normalize' )213 info( "" )214 info( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" )215 info( "2. Run fixed registration with the testdata and use CMTK instead of BRAINSFit and label auto-detection:" )216 info( "" )217 info( ' python -i TestData/​originals/​ -s TestData/​segmentations/​ -o /​tmp/​acout --fixed --template TestData/​originals/​case62.nrrd -w --cmtk' )218 info( "" )219 info( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" )220 info( "3. Run fixed registration with the testdata and use CMTK, label auto-detection and 12 DOF affine registration:" )221 info( "" )222 info( ' python -i TestData/​originals/​ -s TestData/​segmentations/​ -o /​tmp/​acout --fixed --template TestData/​originals/​case62.nrrd -w --cmtk --affine12' )223 info( "" )224 info( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" )225 info( "4. Run fixed registration with the testdata and use CMTK, label auto-detection and non-rigid registration:" )226 info( "" )227 info( ' python -i TestData/​originals/​ -s TestData/​segmentations/​ -o /​tmp/​acout --fixed --template TestData/​originals/​case62.nrrd -w --cmtk --non-rigid' )228 info( "" )229 info( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" )230 info( "5. Run dynamic registration with the testdata and normalize the atlases to 0..100:" )231 info( "" )232 info( ' python -i TestData/​originals/​ -s TestData/​segmentations/​ -o /​tmp/​acout --dynamic --meanIterations 5 -w -l "3 4 5 6 7 8 9" --normalize --normalizeTo 100' )233 info( "" )234 info( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" )235 info( "6. Run dynamic registration with the testdata on a cluster (scheduler command \"qsub -l centos5\"):" )236 info( "" )237 info( ' python -i TestData/​originals/​ -s TestData/​segmentations/​ -o /​tmp/​acout --dynamic --meanIterations 5 -w -l "3 4 5 6 7 8 9" --normalize --cluster --schedulerCommand \"qsub -l centos5\"' )238 info( "" )239 info( "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" )240 info( "7. Use existing registrations and just re-sample" )241 info( "" )242 info( ' python --skipRegistration --transforms /​tmp/​acout --existingTemplate TestData/​segmentations/​case62.nrrd -s TestData/​segmentations/​ -o /​tmp/​acout -l "3 4 5 6 7 8 9" --normalize --outputCast 3' )243 info( "" )244'''=========================================================================================='''245def main( argv ):246 '''247 Starting point, parse the command line args.248 '''249 info( "AtlasCreator for 3D Slicer" )250 info( "Version v0.42" )251 info( "Hostname: " + str( socket.gethostname() ) )252 info( "" )253 if len( argv ) == 0:254 usage()255 info( "Error: No arguments specified." )256 info( "" )257 sys.exit( 2 )258 try:259 opts, args = getopt.getopt( argv, "hdi:s:o:m:nwl:c", ["help",260 "images=",261 "segmentations=",262 "output=",263 "cmtk",264 "dramms",265 "skipRegistration",266 "transforms=",267 "existingTemplate=",268 "dynamic",269 "meanIterations=",270 "fixed",271 "template=",272 "ignoreTemplateSegmentation",273 "affine",274 "affine12",275 "non-rigid",276 "writeTransforms",277 "keepAligned",278 "labels=",279 "normalize",280 "normalizeTo=",281 "outputCast=",282 "cluster",283 "schedulerCommand=",284 "numberOfThreads=",285 "pca",286 "pcaMaxEigenVectors=",287 "pcaCombine",288 "slicer=",289 "debug",290 "dryrun",291 "testMode",292 "examples"] )293 except getopt.GetoptError, err:294 usage()295 info( "Error: " + str( err ) )296 info( "" )297 sys.exit( 2 )298 # set some default switches299 skipRegistration = False300 slicerLauncherFilePath = None301 imagesDir = None302 segmentationsDir = None303 outputDir = None304 useCMTK = False305 useDRAMMS = False306 transformsDir = None307 existingTemplate = None308 dynamic = False309 meanIterations = 0310 fixed = False311 template = None312 ignoreTemplateSegmentation = False313 affine = False314 affine12 = False315 nonRigid = False316 writeTransforms = False317 keepAligned = False318 labels = None319 normalize = False320 normalizeTo = 1321 outputCast = 8322 cluster = False323 schedulerCommand = None324 numberOfThreads = -1325 pca = False326 pcaMaxEigenVectors = 10327 pcaCombine = False328 debug = False329 dryrun = False330 testMode = False331 for opt, arg in opts:332 if opt in ( "-h", "--help" ):333 usage()334 sys.exit()335 elif opt in ( "-i", "--images" ):336 imagesDir = arg337 elif opt in ( "-s", "--segmentations" ):338 segmentationsDir = arg339 elif opt in ( "-o", "--output" ):340 outputDir = arg341 elif opt in ( "--cmtk" ):342 useCMTK = True343 elif opt in ( "--dramms" ):344 useDRAMMS = True345 elif opt in ( "--skipRegistration" ):346 skipRegistration = True347 elif opt in ( "--transforms" ):348 transformsDir = arg349 elif opt in ( "--existingTemplate" ):350 existingTemplate = arg351 elif opt in ( "--dynamic" ):352 dynamic = True353 elif opt in ( "-m", "--meanIterations" ):354 meanIterations = arg355 elif opt in ( "--fixed" ):356 fixed = True357 elif opt in ( "--template" ):358 template = arg359 elif opt in ( "--ignoreTemplateSegmentation" ):360 ignoreTemplateSegmentation = True361 elif opt in ( "--affine" ):362 affine = True363 elif opt in ( "--affine12" ):364 affine12 = True365 elif opt in ( "-n", "--non-rigid" ):366 nonRigid = True367 elif opt in ( "-w", "--writeTransforms" ):368 writeTransforms = True369 elif opt in ( "--keepAligned" ):370 keepAligned = True371 elif opt in ( "-l", "--labels" ):372 labels = arg.strip().split( " " )373 elif opt in ( "--normalize" ):374 normalize = True375 elif opt in ( "--normalizeTo" ):376 normalize = True377 normalizeTo = arg378 elif opt in ( "--outputCast" ):379 outputCast = arg380 elif opt in ( "-c", "--cluster" ):381 cluster = True382 elif opt in ( "--schedulerCommand" ):383 schedulerCommand = arg384 elif opt in ( "--numberOfThreads" ):385 numberOfThreads = arg386 elif opt in ( "--pca" ):387 pca = True388 elif opt in ( "--pcaMaxEigenVectors" ):389 pca = True390 pcaMaxEigenVectors = arg391 elif opt in ( "--pcaCombine" ):392 pca = True393 pcaCombine = True394 elif opt in ( "--slicer" ):395 slicerLauncherFilePath = arg396 elif opt in ( "-d", "--debug" ):397 debug = True398 elif opt in ( "--dryrun" ):399 debug = True400 dryrun = True401 elif opt in ( "--testMode" ):402 testMode = True403 debug = True404 elif opt in ( "--examples" ):405 examples()406 sys.exit()407 else:408 assert False, "unhandled option"409 # now check if we have all we need410 errorOccured = False411 # we need 3D Slicer, find the launcher412 if not slicerLauncherFilePath:413 # try to find the slicer launcher automatically414 slicerLauncherFilePath = sys.path[0] + os.sep + "../​../​../​../​Slicer3"415 slicerLauncherFilePath = os.path.abspath( slicerLauncherFilePath )416 if os.path.isfile( slicerLauncherFilePath ):417 # running in bin directory418 info( "Found 3D Slicer launcher at " + str( slicerLauncherFilePath ) )419 else:420 slicerLauncherFilePath = sys.path[0] + os.sep + "../​../​../​Slicer3-build/​Slicer3"421 slicerLauncherFilePath = os.path.abspath( slicerLauncherFilePath )422 if os.path.isfile( slicerLauncherFilePath ):423 # running in src directory424 info( "Found 3D Slicer3 launcher at " + str( slicerLauncherFilePath ) )425 else:426 info( "Error: Could not find the 3D Slicer launcher!" )427 info( "Error: Try to specify the location with --slicer /​path/​Slicer3" )428 errorOccured = True429 else:430 info( "3D Slicer manually specified: " + str( slicerLauncherFilePath ) )431 # check if we have a valid images dir432 if not ( imagesDir and os.path.isdir( imagesDir ) ) and not skipRegistration:433 # no valid imagesDir and registration is not skipped434 # we have to abort435 info( "Error: Could not find the images!" )436 info( "Error: Location of --images is invalid: " + str( imagesDir ) )437 errorOccured = True438 elif imagesDir:439 imagesDir = os.path.abspath( imagesDir ) + os.sep440 if not ( segmentationsDir and os.path.isdir( segmentationsDir ) ):441 # no valid segmentationsDir442 # we have to abort443 info( "Error: Could not find the segmentations!" )444 info( "Error: Location of --segmentations is invalid: " + str( segmentationsDir ) )445 errorOccured = True446 elif segmentationsDir:447 segmentationsDir = os.path.abspath( segmentationsDir ) + os.sep448 if not outputDir:449 info( "Error: Location of --output is invalid or not a directory: " + str( outputDir ) )450 errorOccured = True451 # check if we have everything if skipRegistration is enabled452 if skipRegistration and transformsDir and existingTemplate:453 # check if transformDir and existingTemplate are not valid454 if not os.path.isdir( transformsDir ):455 # transformDir invalid456 info( "Error: Could not find the directory of existing transforms!" )457 info( "Error: Location of --transforms is invalid: " + str( transformsDir ) )458 errorOccured = True459 else:460 transformsDir = os.path.abspath( transformsDir ) + os.sep461 if not os.path.isfile( existingTemplate ):462 # existingTemplate invalid 463 info( "Error: Could not find the existing template!" )464 info( "Error: Location of --existingTemplate is invalid: " + str( existingTemplate ) )465 errorOccured = True466 else:467 existingTemplate = os.path.abspath( existingTemplate )468 elif skipRegistration:469 # we don't have everything, abort!470 info( "Error: To skip the registration, --transforms and --existingTemplate are required!" )471 info( "Error: Location of --transforms is invalid: " + str( transformsDir ) )472 info( "Error: Location of --existingTemplate is invalid: " + str( existingTemplate ) )473 errorOccured = True474 # check if either dynamic or fixed registration is configured475 if not dynamic and not fixed and not skipRegistration:476 info( "Error: The registration type was not set. Either --fixed or --dynamic are required!" )477 errorOccured = True478 # check if both, dynamic and fixed were configured479 if dynamic and fixed:480 info( "Error: Either --fixed or --dynamic are required - not both!" )481 errorOccured = True482 # check if we have everything if it is dynamic mode483 if dynamic and meanIterations:484 # check if meanIterations is valid485 if not is_int( meanIterations ) or not ( int( meanIterations ) >= 1 ):486 info( "Error: The value of --meanIterations has to be an INT greater than 1." )487 if not is_int( meanIterations ):488 info( "Error: Value of --meanIterations is invalid: NaN" )489 else:490 info( "Error: Value of --meanIterations is invalid: " + str( int( meanIterations ) ) )491 errorOccured = True492 elif dynamic:493 # we don't have everything, abort!494 info( "Error: For dynamic registration, --meanIterations is required!" )495 info( "Error: Value of --meanIterations is invalid: " + str( int( meanIterations ) ) )496 errorOccured = True497 # check if we have everything if it is fixed mode498 if fixed and template:499 # check if template is valid500 if not os.path.isfile( template ):501 # existingTemplate invalid 502 info( "Error: Could not find the template!" )503 info( "Error: Location of --template is invalid: " + str( template ) )504 errorOccured = True505 else:506 template = os.path.abspath( template )507 elif fixed:508 # we don't have everything, abort!509 info( "Error: For fixed registration, --template is required!" )510 info( "Error: Location of --template is invalid: " + str( template ) )511 errorOccured = True512 # check if at least one label was specified513 if labels and type( labels ).__name__ == 'list' and len( labels ) >= 1:514 # convert to integer list515 realLabels = []516 for l in labels:517 if is_int( l ):518 realLabels.append( int( l ) )519 if len( realLabels ) < 1:520 # invalid label list521 info( "Error: At least one label (INT) is required!" )522 info( "Error: Value of --labels: " + str( labels ) )523 errorOccured = True524 else:525 labels = list( set( realLabels ) )526 elif labels:527 info( "Error: At least one label (INT) is required!" )528 info( "Error: Value of --labels: " + str( labels ) )529 errorOccured = True530 # if normalizeTo was set, check if it is an integer531 if normalizeTo != 1 and not is_int( normalizeTo ):532 info( "Error: The normalizeTo value must be an integer." )533 info( "Error: Value of --normalizeTo: " + str( normalizeTo ) )534 errorOccured = True535 # check if pcaMaxEigenVectors is an integer536 if not is_int( pcaMaxEigenVectors ):537 info( "Error: The pcaMaxEigenVectors value must be an integer." )538 info( "Error: Value of --pcaMaxEigenVectors: " + str( pcaMaxEigenVectors ) )539 errorOccured = True540 # check if we have a valid outputCast541 if outputCast and is_int( outputCast ):542 if not ( int( outputCast ) > 0 and int( outputCast ) <= 9 ):543 info( "Error: The specified output cast is invalid - only values from 0-9 accepted." )544 info( "Error: Value of --outputCast: " + str( outputCast ) )545 errorOccured = True546 # valid outputCast integer, convert to string547 if int( outputCast ) == 0:548 outputCast = "char"549 elif int( outputCast ) == 1:550 outputCast = "unsigned char"551 elif int( outputCast ) == 2:552 outputCast = "double"553 elif int( outputCast ) == 3:554 outputCast = "float"555 elif int( outputCast ) == 4:556 outputCast = "int"557 elif int( outputCast ) == 5:558 outputCast = "unsigned int"559 elif int( outputCast ) == 6:560 outputCast = "long"561 elif int( outputCast ) == 7:562 outputCast = "unsigned long"563 elif int( outputCast ) == 8:564 outputCast = "short"565 elif int( outputCast ) == 9:566 outputCast = "unsigned short"567 elif outputCast:568 info( "Error: The specified output cast is invalid - only values from 0-9 accepted." )569 info( "Error: Value of --outputCast: " + str( outputCast ) )570 errorOccured = True571 # check if we have everything if cluster mode is activated572 if cluster and not schedulerCommand:573 info( "Error: In cluster mode, a schedulerCommand is required." )574 info( "Error: Value of --schedulerCommand: " + str( schedulerCommand ) )575 errorOccured = True576 if not is_int( numberOfThreads ):577 info( "Error: The number of threads must be an integer." )578 info( "Error: Value of --numberOfThreads: " + str( numberOfThreads ) )579 errorOccured = True580 if errorOccured:581 info( "" )582 info( "Try --help or --examples to understand the usage of the Atlas Creator." )583 info( "" )584 sys.exit( 2 )585 # lets create the --evalpython command!!586 evalpythonCommand = "from Slicer import slicer;"587 # we create a new vtkMRMLAtlasCreatorNode and configure it..588 evalpythonCommand += "n=slicer.vtkMRMLAtlasCreatorNode();"589 if debug or dryrun or testMode:590 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetDebugMode(1);"591 if dryrun:592 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetDryrunMode(1);"593 if testMode:594 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetTestMode(1);"595 # set special settings if clusterMode or skipRegistrationMode is requested596 if cluster:597 # cluster Mode598 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetUseCluster(1);"599 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetSchedulerCommand('" + schedulerCommand + "');"600 elif skipRegistration:601 # skipRegistration Mode602 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetSkipRegistration(1);"603 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetTransformsDirectory('" + transformsDir + "');"604 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetExistingTemplate('" + existingTemplate + "');"605 # now the configuration options which are valid for all606 if imagesDir:607 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetOriginalImagesFilePathList('" + ConvertDirectoryToString( imagesDir ) + "');"608 if segmentationsDir:609 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetSegmentationsFilePathList('" + ConvertDirectoryToString( segmentationsDir ) + "');"610 if outputDir:611 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetOutputDirectory('" + outputDir + "');"612 if useCMTK:613 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetToolkit('CMTK');"614 else:615 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetToolkit('BRAINSFit');"616 if fixed:617 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetTemplateType('fixed');"618 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetFixedTemplateDefaultCaseFilePath('" + template + "');"619 if ignoreTemplateSegmentation:620 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetIgnoreTemplateSegmentation(1);"621 else:622 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetIgnoreTemplateSegmentation(0);"623 else:624 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetTemplateType('dynamic');"625 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetDynamicTemplateIterations(" + str( meanIterations ) + ");"626 if labels:627 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetLabelsList('" + ConvertListToString( labels ) + "');"628 else:629 # activate label auto-detection630 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetLabelsList(None);"631 if nonRigid:632 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetRegistrationType('Non-Rigid');"633 elif affine12:634 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetRegistrationType('Affine12');"635 elif affine:636 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetRegistrationType('Affine');"637 else:638 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetRegistrationType('Rigid');"639 if writeTransforms:640 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetSaveTransforms(1);"641 else:642 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetSaveTransforms(0);"643 if keepAligned:644 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetDeleteAlignedImages(0);"645 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetDeleteAlignedSegmentations(0);"646 else:647 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetDeleteAlignedImages(1);"648 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetDeleteAlignedSegmentations(1);"649 if normalize:650 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetNormalizeAtlases(1);"651 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetNormalizeTo(" + str( normalizeTo ) + ");"652 else:653 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetNormalizeAtlases(0);"654 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetNormalizeTo(-1);"655 if pca:656 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetPCAAnalysis(1);"657 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetPCAMaxEigenVectors(" + str( pcaMaxEigenVectors ) + ");"658 else:659 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetPCAAnalysis(0);"660 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetPCAMaxEigenVectors(10);"661 if pcaCombine:662 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetPCACombine(1);"663 else:664 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetPCACombine(0);"665 if useDRAMMS:666 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetUseDRAMMS(1);"667 else:668 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetUseDRAMMS(0);"669 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetNumberOfThreads(" + str( numberOfThreads ) + ");"670 evalpythonCommand += "n.SetOutputCast('" + outputCast + "');"671 # add the new node to the MRML scene672 evalpythonCommand += "slicer.MRMLScene.AddNode(n);"673 evalpythonCommand += "n.Launch();"674 command = slicerLauncherFilePath + ' --no_splash --evalpython "' + evalpythonCommand + '"'675 # now run the command676 try:677 r = call( command, shell=True )678 except OSError, e:679 "Execution failed " + str( e ) )680'''=========================================================================================='''681if __name__ == "__main__":...

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...43 if included:44 raise LookupError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": pointer " + name)45 else:46 raise LookupError(u"in " + u(line) + u": pointer " + name)47def evalPython(expr):48 try:49 result = eval(u(expr), pythonFunc)50 if type(result) is str:51 return codecs.decode(result, encoding)52 else:53 return result54 except:55 name, parm, tb = sys.exc_info()56 msg = u"in python expression: " + u(parm)57 if name is exceptions.SyntaxError:58 tbl = traceback.format_exception(name, parm, tb)59 msg += u"\n" + tbl[-3] + tbl[-2]60 else:61 msg += u": " + expr + u"\n"62 if included:63 raise name(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": " + msg)64 else:65 raise name(u"in " + u(line) + u": " + msg)66 67def execPython(script):68 try:69 if type(script) is unicode:70 exec script in pythonFunc71 else:72 exec codecs.decode(script, encoding) in pythonFunc73 except:74 name, parm, tb = sys.exc_info()75 msg = u"in python script: " + u(parm)76 if name is exceptions.SyntaxError:77 tbl = traceback.format_exception(name, parm, tb)78 msg += u"\n" + tbl[-3] + tbl[-2]79 else:80 msg += u": " + expr + u"\n"81 if included:82 raise name(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": " + msg)83 else:84 raise name(u"in " + u(line) + u": " + msg)85def textOut(text):86 if not text:87 return u""88 if type(text) is not unicode:89 text = codecs.decode(text, encoding)90 text = text.replace(r'\"', r'\\"')91 text = u'u"""' + text.replace('"', r'\"') + u'"""'92 try:93 textFunc = ymlFunc["text"]94 parms = ['text', ('parm', [text])]95 c, result = textFunc(parms)96 if c:97 if type(textFunc.alias) is unicode:98 result += u"</​" + textFunc.alias + u">"99 else:100 result += u"</​" + codecs.decode(textFunc.alias, encoding) + u">"101 return result102 except:103 return escape(eval(text))104def strRepl(text):105 if not text:106 return u""107 if type(text) is not unicode:108 text = codecs.decode(text, encoding)109 text = text.replace(r'\"', r'\\"')110 text = u'u"""' + text.replace('"', r'\"') + u'"""'111 if type(text) is unicode:112 return escape(eval(text))113def applyMacros(macros, text):114 result = text115 for key, value in macros.iteritems():116 result = result.replace(key, value)117 return result118class YF:119 def __init__(self, name):120 = name121 self.parms = []122 self.descends = []123 self.values = {}124 self.content = None125 self.pointers = {}126 self.macros = {}127 if in_ns:128 self.alias = in_ns + u":" + name.replace("_", "-")129 else:130 self.alias = name.replace("_", "-")131 pythonFunc["yml_" + name] = self132 if emitlinenumbers:133 self.values["yml:declared"] = u(line)134 def copy(self, newName):135 yf = YF(newName)136 yf.parms.extend(self.parms)137 yf.descends.extend(self.descends)138 yf.values = self.values.copy()139 yf.content = self.content140 yf.pointers = self.pointers.copy()141 yf.macros = self.macros.copy()142 yf.alias = self.alias143 return yf144 def patch(self, second):145 self.parms.extend(second.parms)146 self.descends.extend(second.descends)147 self.values.update(second.values)148 if second.content:149 self.content = second.content150 self.pointers.update(second.pointers)151 self.macros.update(second.macros)152 def __call__(self, called_with, hasContent = False, avoidTag = False):153 global pointers154 parms = []155 vals = {}156 if self.pointers:157 pointers.update(self.pointers)158 159 for data in called_with:160 if type(data) is tuple or type(data) is Symbol:161 if data[0] == "parm":162 l = data[1]163 parm = l[0]164 if parm[0] == "*":165 parm = pointer(parm)166 if len(l) == 1:167 if type(parm) is tuple or type(parm) is Symbol:168 if parm[0] == "pyExp":169 val = evalPython(parm[1][0])170 parms.append(val)171 else:172 parms.append(evalPython((parm)))173 else:174 if type(parm) is tuple or type(parm) is Symbol:175 if parm[0] == "pyExp":176 parm = evalPython(parm[1][0])177 val = l[1]178 if type(val) is tuple or type(val) is Symbol:179 if val[0] == "pyExp":180 val = evalPython(val[1][0])181 if val[0] == "*":182 val = pointer(val)183 if u(val)[0] == '"' or u(val)[0] == "'":184 vals[parm] = evalPython(u(val))185 else:186 vals[parm] = u(val)187 elif data[0] == "content":188 hasContent = True189 if enable_tracing:190 text = u(parms) + u", " + u(vals)191 pointers["_trace_info"] = u'"' + u(line) + u": " + u( + u" " + text.replace(u'"', u'#') + u'"'192 if emitlinenumbers:193 global first194 if first:195 vals["xmlns:yml"] = u"http:/​/​​yml"196 first = False197 vals["yml:called"] = u(line)198 return self.xml(parms, vals, hasContent, avoidTag)199 def addParm(self, parm):200 if parm[0] == "%":201 for i in range(len(self.parms)):202 if self.parms[i][0] != "%":203 self.parms.insert(i, parm)204 return205 self.parms.append(parm)206 def addDescend(self, desc):207 if desc[0] == "+" or desc[0] == "@":208 self.descends.append(desc[1:])209 else:210 self.descends.append(desc)211 def addValue(self, parm, value):212 if type(value) is str or type(value) is unicode:213 self.values[parm] = u(evalPython(value))214 else:215 self.values[parm] = u(evalPython(u(value)))216 def xml(self, callParms, callValues, hasContent, avoidTag = False):217 global pointers218 extraContent = u""219 if self.content:220 hasContent = True221 resultParms = self.values.copy()222 macros = self.macros.copy()223 toDelete = resultParms.keys()224 for key in toDelete:225 if key[0] == "*":226 del resultParms[key]227 for key, value in callValues.iteritems():228 if key[0] == "%":229 macros[key] = value230 else:231 resultParms[key] = value232 i = 0233 for cp in callParms:234 if i < len(self.parms):235 if self.parms[i][0] == "*":236 cp = u(cp)237 if "'" in cp:238 pointers[self.parms[i][1:]] = u'"' + cp + u'"'239 else:240 pointers[self.parms[i][1:]] = u"'" + cp + u"'"241 elif self.parms[i][0] == "%":242 macros[self.parms[i]] = u(cp)243 else:244 resultParms[self.parms[i]] = cp245 else:246 extraContent += u(cp)247 hasContent = True248 i += 1249 result = u""250 for p, v in resultParms.iteritems():251 if p[0] == "'" or p[0] == '"':252 p = eval(p)253 result += u" "+ p + u"=" + quoteattr(applyMacros(macros, u(v)))254 if hasContent:255 if avoidTag:256 return True, strRepl(extraContent)257 else:258 return True, u"<" + self.alias + result + u">" + strRepl(extraContent)259 else:260 if avoidTag:261 return False, u""262 else:263 return False, u"<" + self.alias + result + u"/​>"264def replaceContent(tree, subtree):265 n = 0266 while n < len(tree):267 obj = tree[n]268 if obj[0] == "func":269 l = obj[1]270 if l[0] == "content":271 d = 1272 if subtree:273 for el in subtree:274 tree.insert(n+d, el)275 d += 1276 del tree[n]277 n += d278 else:279 try:280 if l[-1][0] == "content":281 replaceContent(l[-1][1], subtree)282 except: pass283 elif obj[0] == "funclist":284 replaceContent(obj[1], subtree)285 n += 1286 return tree287def executeCmd(text):288 if type(text) is not unicode:289 text = codecs.decode(text, encoding)290 for (regex, pattern) in operator:291 match =, text)292 while match:293 cmd = pattern294 opt = match.groups()295 for i in range(len(opt)):296 cmd = cmd.replace(u"%" + u(i+1), opt[i])297 text = text[:match.start()] + u"`" + cmd + u"`"+ text[match.end():]298 match =, text)299 result = u""300 m =, text)301 while text and m:302 cmd = head = textOut(text[:m.start()])304 text = text[m.end():]305 try:306 r, rest = parseLine(cmd, _inner, [], True, comment)307 if rest: raise SyntaxError(cmd)308 except SyntaxError:309 if included:310 raise SyntaxError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": syntax error in executing command: " + cmd.strip())311 else:312 raise SyntaxError(u"in " + u(line) + u": syntax error in executing command: " + cmd.strip())313 inner = _finish(r)314 result += head + inner315 m =, text)316 result += textOut(text)317 return result318def codegen(obj):319 global in_ns, pointers, line, included320 ctype = obj[0]321 if type(obj) is code:322 return obj323 try:324 if ctype.line: line = ctype.line325 except: pass326 if ctype == "empty":327 return code(u"")328 if ctype == "in_ns":329 in_ns = obj[1][0]330 subtree = obj[1]331 for sel in subtree:332 codegen(sel)333 in_ns = u""334 return code(u"")335 elif ctype == "decl":336 name = u""337 for data in obj[1]:338 if type(data) is unicode or type(data) is str:339 name = data340 try:341 yf = ymlFunc[name]342 yf.alias343 except:344 ymlFunc[name] = YF(name)345 yf = ymlFunc[name]346 if in_ns:347 yf.alias = in_ns + u":" + name348 if not enable_tracing:349 if in_ns == "xsl" and (name == "debug" or name=="assert" or name[:7]=="_trace_"):350 yf.alias = "-"351 yf.addParm("skip1")352 yf.addParm("skip2")353 break354 elif type(data) is tuple or type(data) is Symbol:355 if data[0] == "base":356 base = data[1][0]357 try:358 yf = ymlFunc[name] = ymlFunc[base].copy(name)359 except KeyError:360 if included:361 raise KeyError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": " + base + u" as base for " + name)362 else:363 raise KeyError(u"in " + u(line) + u": " + base + u" as base for " + name)364 elif data[0] == "shape":365 shape = ymlFunc[data[1]]366 try:367 yf = ymlFunc[name]368 yf.patch(shape)369 except KeyError:370 if included:371 raise KeyError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": " + base + u" as shape for " + name)372 else:373 raise KeyError(u"in " + u(line) + u": " + base + u" as shape for " + name)374 elif data[0] == "descend":375 yf.addDescend(data[1])376 elif data[0] == "declParm":377 l = data[1]378 parmName = l[0]379 if len(l)==1:380 yf.addParm(parmName)381 else:382 value = l[1]383 if parmName[0] != "%":384 yf.addValue(parmName, value)385 if parmName[0] == "*":386 yf.pointers[parmName[1:]] = value387 yf.addParm(parmName)388 elif parmName[0] == "%":389 if type(value) is unicode or type(value) is str:390 yf.macros[parmName] = u(evalPython(value))391 else:392 yf.macros[parmName] = u(evalPython(u(value)))393 yf.addParm(parmName)394 elif data[0] == "alias":395 if in_ns:396 yf.alias = in_ns + u":" + data[1][0]397 else:398 yf.alias = data[1][0]399 elif data[0] == "content":400 yf.content = data[1]401 return code(u"")402 elif ctype == "funclist":403 result = u""404 for f in obj[1]:405 result += codegen(f)406 return code(result)407 elif ctype == "parentheses":408 if len(obj[1]):409 return codegen(('func', ['_parentheses', ('content', [obj[1][0]])]))410 else:411 return u""412 elif ctype == "fparm":413 if len(obj[1]):414 return codegen(('func', ['_parm', ('content', [obj[1][0]])]))415 else:416 return u""417 elif ctype == "generic":418 return codegen(('func', ['_generic', ('content', [obj[1][0]])]))419 elif ctype == "xbase":420 return codegen(('func', ['_base', ('content', [obj[1][0]])]))421 elif ctype == "func":422 avoidTag = False423 name = obj[1][0]424 if name == "decl":425 if ymlFunc[name] == "#error":426 if included:427 raise SyntaxError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": syntax error in decl statement")428 else:429 raise SyntaxError(u"in " + u(line) + u": syntax error in decl statement")430 if name == "define" or name == "operator":431 if ymlFunc[name] == "#error":432 if included:433 raise SyntaxError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": syntax error in define statement")434 else:435 raise SyntaxError(u"in " + u(line) + u": syntax error in define statement")436 if name[0] == "&":437 avoidTag = True438 name = name[1:]439 hasContent = False440 if len(name) > 2:441 if name[0:2] == "**":442 return code(eval('u'+pointer(name[1:])))443 if name[0] == "*":444 name = eval(pointer(name))445 if name[0] == "&":446 avoidTag = True447 name = name[1:]448 try:449 ymlFunc[name]450 except:451 try:452 ymlFunc["_"]453 return codegen(('func', ['_', ('content', [('funclist', [obj])])]))454 except:455 ymlFunc[name] = YF(name)456 457 if ymlFunc[name].alias == "-": avoidTag = True458 to_add = []459 if len(ymlFunc[name].descends):460 if obj[1][-1][0] != 'content':461 if included:462 raise KeyError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": " + name + u" has descending attributes, but no descendants are following")463 else:464 raise KeyError(u"in " + u(line) + u": " + name + u" has descending attributes, but no descendants are following")465 def first_func(obj):466 if type(obj) is tuple or type(obj) is Symbol:467 if obj[0] == 'func':468 return obj469 elif obj[0] == 'funclist':470 return first_func(obj[1])471 elif obj[0] == 'content':472 return first_func(obj[1])473 else:474 return None475 elif type(obj) == list:476 for e in obj:477 f = first_func(e)478 if f: return f479 return None480 def copy_without_first_func(o, found = False):481 c = []482 for obj in o:483 if found:484 c.append(obj)485 else:486 if obj[0] == 'func':487 if obj[1][-1][0] == 'content':488 c.extend( obj[1][-1][1] )489 found = True490 else:491 c.append( ( obj[0], copy_without_first_func(obj[1], False ) ) )492 return c493 def get_parms(obj):494 result = []495 for e in obj[1]:496 if type(e) is tuple or type(e) is Symbol:497 if e[0] == "parm":498 result.append( e )499 return result500 try:501 add_params = get_parms(obj)502 for e in obj[1][-1][1]:503 c = e[1]504 for dname in ymlFunc[name].descends:505 f, c = first_func(c), copy_without_first_func(c)506 if dname[0] == "*":507 pointers[dname[1:]] = "'" + f[1][0] + "'"508 else:509 add_params.append( ('parm', [dname, u"'" + f[1][0] + u"'"]) )510 try:511 add_params.extend( get_parms(f) )512 except: pass513 new_things = [ e[1][0] ]514 new_things.extend( add_params )515 new_things.append( ('content', c) )516 517 to_add.append( ('func', new_things ) )518 except:519 if included:520 raise KeyError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": " + name + u" has descending attributes, and too less descendants are following")521 else:522 raise KeyError(u"in " + u(line) + u": " + name + u" has descending attributes, and too less descendants are following")523 if not to_add:524 to_add = ( obj, )525 complete = u""526 for obj in to_add:527 subtree = None528 try:529 if obj[1][-1][0] == "content":530 subtree = obj[1][-1][1]531 except: pass532 533 if ymlFunc[name].content:534 hasContent = True535 treetemplate = deepcopy(ymlFunc[name].content)536 subtree = replaceContent(treetemplate, subtree)537 if subtree:538 hasContent = True539 hasContent, result = ymlFunc[name](obj[1], hasContent, avoidTag)540 if subtree:541 for sel in subtree:542 result += codegen(sel)543 if hasContent and not(avoidTag):544 result += u"</​" + ymlFunc[name].alias + u">"545 complete += result546 return code(complete)547 elif ctype == "textsection":548 result = u''549 ll = obj[1].splitlines()550 space = len(ll[-1]) - 2551 for l in ll[1:-1]:552 m = re.match(bqq, l)553 if m:554 cmd = try:556 r, x = parseLine(cmd, _inner, [], True, comment)557 if x: raise SyntaxError(cmd)558 result += _finish(r)559 except SyntaxError:560 if included:561 raise SyntaxError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": syntax error in executing command: " + cmd.strip())562 else:563 raise SyntaxError(u"in " + u(line) + u": syntax error in executing command: " + cmd.strip())564 else:565 result += codegen(Symbol(u'lineQuote', u'| ' + l[space:]))566 return code(result)567 elif ctype == "textsectionu":568 result = u''569 ll = obj[1].splitlines()570 space = len(ll[-1]) - 2571 for l in ll[1:-1]:572 m = re.match(bqq, l)573 if m:574 cmd = try:576 r, x = parseLine(cmd, _inner, [], True, comment)577 if x: raise SyntaxError(cmd)578 result += _finish(r)579 except SyntaxError:580 if included:581 raise SyntaxError(u"in " + included + u":" + u(line) + u": syntax error in executing command: " + cmd.strip())582 else:583 raise SyntaxError(u"in " + u(line) + u": syntax error in executing command: " + cmd.strip())584 else:585 if result != u'': result += u' '586 result += codegen(Symbol(u'quote', [u'> ' + l[space:]]))587 return code(result)588 elif ctype == "lineQuote" or ctype == "quote":589 m, text, base, inds = None, u"", 0, 0590 if ctype == "lineQuote":591 text = obj[1]592 m = lq.match(text)593 if m:594 inds = len( text =[1:]596 else: inds = 0597 elif ctype == "quote":598 inds = -1599 text = obj[1][0]600 m = sq.match(text)601 if m:602 if inds = int( text =[1:]605 else:606 if type(text) is unicode or type(text) is str:607 text = u(evalPython(text))608 ind = u""609 if inds > -1:610 try:611 cmd = evalPython(u"indent(" + u(inds) + u")")612 result, rest = parseLine(u(cmd), _inner, [], True, comment)613 if rest:614 raise SyntaxError()615 ind = _finish(result)616 except: pass617 618 if ctype == "lineQuote": text += u"\n"619 hasTextFunc = False620 try:621 ymlFunc["text"]622 hasTextFunc = True623 except: pass624 text = executeCmd(text)625 return code(ind + text) 626 elif ctype == "tagQuote":627 m = tq.match(obj[1])628 if == "<":629 return code(u"<" + else:631 return code( elif ctype == "operator":633 operator.append((re.compile(evalPython(obj[1][0])), obj[1][1]))634 return code(u"")635 elif ctype == "constant":636 name = obj[1][0]637 if name[0] == "*":638 name = name[1:]639 value = obj[1][1]640 pointers[name] = value641 return code(u"")642 elif ctype == "include":643 reverse = False644 ktext, kxml = False, False645 for arg in obj[1]:646 if type(arg) is tuple or type(arg) is Symbol:647 if arg[0] == "reverse":648 reverse = True649 elif arg[0] == "ktext":650 ktext = True651 elif arg[0] == "kxml":652 kxml = True653 elif type(arg) is unicode or type(arg) is str:654 filemask = arg655 if filemask[0] == '/​' or filemask[0] == '.':656 files = sorted(glob(filemask))657 else:658 files = []659 for directory in includePath:660 path = os.path.join(directory, filemask)661 files.extend(sorted(glob(path)))662 if files and reverse:663 files = files[-1::-1]664 if not(files):665 if included:666 raise IOError(u"in " + included + ":" + u(line) + u": include file(s) '" + filemask + u"' not found")667 else:668 raise IOError(u"in " + u(line) + u": include file(s) '" + filemask + u"' not found")669 includeFile = fileinput.input(files, mode="rU", openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded(encoding))670 _included = included671 if ktext or kxml:672 text = u""673 for line in includeFile:674 included = includeFile.filename()675 if kxml:676 if (not line[:6] == '<?xml ') and (not line[:6] == '<?XML '):677 text += line678 else:679 text += executeCmd(line)680 included = _included681 return code(text)682 else:683 result = parse(ymlCStyle(), includeFile, True, comment)684 included = u(filemask)685 x = _finish(result)686 included = _included687 return code(x)688 elif ctype == "pyExp":689 exp = obj[1][0]690 cmd = evalPython(exp)691 result, rest = parseLine(u(cmd), _inner, [], True, comment)692 if rest:693 raise SyntaxError(cmd)694 return code(_finish(result))695 elif ctype == "pythonCall":696 parms = []697 data = obj[1]698 for p in data:699 if type(p) is unicode or type(p) is str:700 name = p701 elif type(p) is tuple or type(p) is Symbol:702 ptype = p[0]703 if ptype == "parm":704 if p[1][0][0] == "*":705 parms.append(pointer(p[1][0]))706 else:707 parms.append(p[1][0])708 if len(parms) == 0:709 exp = name + u"()"710 elif len(parms) == 1:711 exp = name + u"(" + u(parms[0]) + u")"712 else:713 exp = name + u(tuple(parms))714 cmd = evalPython(exp)715 result, rest = parseLine(u(cmd), _inner, [], True, comment)716 if rest:717 raise SyntaxError()718 return code(_finish(result))719 else:720 return code(u"")721def _finish(tree):722 result = u""723 python = u""724 for el in tree:725 if el[0] == "python":726 if el[1][0][:2] == "!!":727 python += el[1][0][2:-2]728 else:...

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