How to use d_h2 method in fMBT

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1import numpy as np2import math3import torch4import torch.nn as nn5import torch.nn.functional as F6from torch.autograd import Variable7from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pack_padded_sequence,pad_packed_sequence8from .fusion.fusionPlugin import fusionPlugin9class GRUencoder(nn.Module):10 def __init__(self, d_emb, d_out, num_layers):11 super(GRUencoder, self).__init__()12 # default encoder 2 layers13 self.gru = nn.GRU(input_size=d_emb, hidden_size=d_out,14 bidirectional=True, num_layers=num_layers)15 def forward(self, sent, sent_lens):16 """17 :param sent: torch tensor, batch_size x seq_len x d_rnn_in18 :param sent_lens: numpy tensor, batch_size x 119 :return:20 """21 device = sent.device22 # seq_len x batch_size x d_rnn_in23 sent_embs = sent.transpose(0,1)24 # sort by length25 s_lens, idx_sort = np.sort(sent_lens)[::-1], np.argsort(-sent_lens)26 idx_unsort = np.argsort(idx_sort)27 idx_sort = torch.from_numpy(idx_sort).cuda(device)28 # idx_sort = idx_sort.cuda(device)29 s_embs = sent_embs.index_select(1, Variable(idx_sort))30 # padding31 s_lens = s_lens.copy()32 sent_packed = pack_padded_sequence(s_embs, s_lens)33 sent_output = self.gru(sent_packed)[0]34 sent_output = pad_packed_sequence(sent_output, total_length=sent.size(1))[0]35 # unsort by length36 idx_unsort = torch.from_numpy(idx_unsort).cuda(device)37 # idx_unsort = idx_unsort.cuda(device)38 sent_output = sent_output.index_select(1, Variable(idx_unsort))39 # batch x seq_len x 2*d_out40 output = sent_output.transpose(0,1)41 return output42class DialogEncoder(nn.Module):43 def __init__(self, d_h1, d_h2, layers=2, drop=0.5):44 super(DialogEncoder, self).__init__()45 self.dialog_gru = nn.GRU(d_h1, d_h2, num_layers=1, bidirectional=False)46 d_h2 = d_h1 + d_h2 #+ sp_size47 self.fc = nn.Sequential(48 nn.Linear(d_h2, d_h1),49 nn.Tanh()50 )51 self.out_dim = d_h152 d_h2 = d_h153 self.dropout_mid = nn.Dropout(drop)54 self.gat = nn.ModuleList([GAT(d_h2) for _ in range(layers)])55 self.output2 = nn.Sequential(56 nn.Linear(d_h2, d_h2),57 nn.Tanh(),58 )59 def forward(self, x, sp=None):60 # self.dialog_gru61 s_context = self.dialog_gru(x.unsqueeze(1))[0]62 s_context = s_context.transpose(0,1).contiguous()63 out =[s_context, x.unsqueeze(0)], dim=-1)64 out = self.fc(out)65 out = self.dropout_mid(out)66 for m in self.gat:67 out = m(out)68 return self.output2(out.squeeze(0))69class SentenceEncoder(nn.Module):70 def __init__(self, d_emb, d_out, num_layers, drop = 0.5):71 super(SentenceEncoder, self).__init__()72 self.gru = GRUencoder(d_emb, d_out, num_layers)73 self.cnn = nn.Conv1d(d_out*2, 1, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1)74 fc_size = d_out*2 + d_emb75 self.dropout_in = nn.Dropout(drop)76 self.fc = nn.Linear(fc_size, d_out)77 def forward(self, x, x_lens):78 gru_x = self.gru(x, x_lens)79 # gru_x = torch.tanh(gru_x)80 g = self.cnn(gru_x.transpose(1, 2)).transpose(1, 2)81 gate_x = torch.tanh(gru_x) * F.sigmoid(g)82 combined = [x, gate_x]83 combined =, dim=-1)84 s_embed = self.fc(combined)85 s_embed = torch.tanh(s_embed)86 s_embed = torch.max(s_embed, dim=1)[0]87 s_embed = self.dropout_in(s_embed)88 return s_embed89class GAR(nn.Module):90 def __init__(self, args, embedding):91 super(GAR, self).__init__()92 self.d_h2 = args.d_h293 # load word2vec94 self.embeddings = embedding95 self.roberta = args.roberta96 self.multi = args.multi97 if args.multi:98 self.fusion = fusionPlugin(args)99 self.sent_encoder = SentenceEncoder(args.d_word_vec, args.d_h1, num_layers=1, drop=args.drop)100 self.dialog_encoder = DialogEncoder(args.d_h1, args.d_h2, args.ll, drop=args.drop)101 self.num_classes = args.num_classes102 d_h2 = self.dialog_encoder.out_dim#-sp_size103 self.classifier = nn.Linear(d_h2, self.num_classes)104 def forward(self, sents, lens, video = None, audio =None):105 if len(sents.size()) < 2:106 sents = sents.unsqueeze(0)107 if self.roberta:108 w_embed = self.embeddings(sents, lens)109 else:110 w_embed = self.embeddings(sents)111 # sentence112 s_embed = self.sent_encoder(w_embed, lens)113 # dialogs114 if self.multi:115 s_embed = self.fusion(s_embed, video, audio)116 out = self.dialog_encoder(s_embed)117 # classifier118 out = self.classifier(out)119 pred_scores = F.log_softmax(out, dim=1)120 return pred_scores121class GAT(nn.Module):122 def __init__(self, hidden_size):123 super().__init__()124 self.wa = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size)125 self.wb = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size)126 self.wv = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size)127 self.wc = nn.Linear(2*hidden_size, 1)128 self.mlp = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size)129 def forward(self, x):130 # x-> b, c, d131 # x = x.unsqueeze(0)132 a = self.wa(x).unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, x.size(1), -1)133 b = self.wb(x).unsqueeze(1).expand(-1, x.size(1), -1, -1)134 c =[a, b], dim=3)135 c = self.wc(c).squeeze(3)136 c = F.leaky_relu(c)137 c = F.softmax(c, dim=2)138 out = torch.einsum('blc, bcd->bld', c, self.wv(x))139 out = torch.tanh(self.mlp(out))+x...

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1import numpy as np2import tensorflow as tf3from sklearn.utils import shuffle4from time import clock5###############################################################6#7# Important notes: 8# - Do not change any of the existing functions or parameter names, 9# except in __init__, you may add/​change parameter names/​defaults values.10# - In __init__ set default values to the best ones, e.g., learning_rate=0.111# - Training epochs/​iterations should not be a parameter to __init__,12# To train/​test your network, we will call fit(...) until time (2 mins) runs out.13#14###############################################################15class Network():16 def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.005):17 ''' initialize the classifier with default (best) parameters '''18 self.alpha = learning_rate19 self.batch_size = 10020 self.display_step = 1021 22 self.d_X = 29423 self.d_Y = 624 self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None, self.d_X],name = 'x')25 self.y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,[None, self.d_Y], name = 'y')26 27 28 self.d_h1 = 6429 self.d_h2 = 3230 self.d_h3 = 1631 W = {"h1": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_X, self.d_h1])),32 "h2": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_h1, self.d_h2])),33 "h3": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_h2, self.d_h3])),34 "out": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_h3, self.d_Y]))}35 36 b = {"h1": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_h1])),37 "h2": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_h2])),38 "h3": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_h3])),39 "out": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_Y]))}40 41 self.layer1 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(self.x,W["h1"])+b["h1"])42 self.layer2 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(self.layer1,W["h2"])+b["h2"])43 self.layer3 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(self.layer2,W["h3"])+b["h3"])44 self.pred_logits = tf.matmul(self.layer3,W["out"])+b["out"]45 self.pred = tf.nn.sigmoid(self.pred_logits)46 47 48 """49 self.d_h1 = 12850 self.d_h2 = 6451 self.d_h3 = 3252 self.d_h4 = 1653 W = {"h1": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_X, self.d_h1])),54 "h2": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_h1, self.d_h2])),55 "h3": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_h2, self.d_h3])),56 "h4": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_h3, self.d_h4])),57 "out": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_h4, self.d_Y]))}58 59 b = {"h1": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_h1])),60 "h2": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_h2])),61 "h3": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_h3])),62 "h4": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_h4])),63 "out": tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([self.d_Y]))}64 65 self.layer1 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(self.x,W["h1"])+b["h1"])66 self.layer2 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(self.layer1,W["h2"])+b["h2"])67 self.layer3 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(self.layer2,W["h3"])+b["h3"])68 self.layer4 = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.matmul(self.layer3,W["h4"])+b["h4"])69 self.pred_logits = tf.matmul(self.layer4,W["out"])+b["out"]70 self.pred = tf.nn.sigmoid(self.pred_logits)71 """72 73 #self.cost = -tf.reduce_sum(self.y*tf.log(self.pred)+(1-self.y)*tf.log(1-self.pred))74 self.cost = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels = self.y, logits = self.pred_logits))75 self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.alpha).minimize(self.cost)76 77 self.init = tf.global_variables_initializer()78 self.sess = tf.Session()79 81 def fit(self,X,Y,warm_start=True,n_epochs=10):82 ''' train the network, and if warm_start, then do not reinit. the network83 (if it has already been initialized)84 '''85 X = np.float32(X)86 Y = np.float32(Y)87 self.n_labels = Y.shape[1]88 self.n = Y.shape[0]89 total_batch = self.n/​/​self.batch_size90 if not warm_start:91 93 94 for epoch in range(n_epochs):95 X,Y = shuffle(X,Y)96 avg_cost = 097 for i in range(total_batch-1):98 x_batch, y_batch = X[i*self.batch_size:(i+1)*self.batch_size,:], Y[i*self.batch_size:(i+1)*self.batch_size,:]99 _, c =[self.optimizer, self.cost], 100 feed_dict={'x:0': x_batch, 'y:0':y_batch })101 avg_cost += c /​ total_batch102 103 _, c =[self.optimizer, self.cost], 104 feed_dict={'x:0': X[(total_batch-1)*self.batch_size:],105 'y:0': Y[(total_batch-1)*self.batch_size:]})106 avg_cost += c /​ total_batch107 if (epoch+1) % self.display_step == 0:108 print("Epoch: "+str(epoch+1)+", cost={}".format(avg_cost))109 #print("Optimization Finished!")110 111 return self112 def predict_proba(self,X):113 ''' return a matrix P where P[i,j] = P(Y[i,j]=1), 114 for all instances i, and labels j. '''115 X = np.float32(X)116 return self.pred.eval(session = self.sess, feed_dict={'x:0': X})117 def predict(self,X):118 ''' return a matrix of predictions for X '''...

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