Best Python code snippet using fMBT_python
1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2'''3Created on : Friday 19 Jun, 2020 : 18:47:024Last Modified : Friday 19 Jun, 2020 : 23:34:005@author : Rishabh Joshi6Institute : Carnegie Mellon University7'''8import sys9sys.path.append('../')10from helper import *11PAD_IDX = 012# Dot-product attention13def get_attention(q, k, v, attn_mask=None):14 """15 :param : (batch, seq_len, seq_len) attn_mask : num_conv x max_seq_len 16 :return: (batch, seq_len, seq_len)17 """18 attn = torch.matmul(q, k.transpose(1, 2)) # num_conv x max_seq_len x max_seq_len19 if attn_mask is not None:20, -1e10)21 == 1, -1e10) # had to unsqueeze and make boolean22 attn = F.softmax(attn, dim=-1) # num_conv x seq_len x seq_len23 output = torch.matmul(attn, v) # num_conv x seq_len x 30024 return output, attn25# Get mask for attention26def get_attn_pad_mask(seq_q, seq_k):27 assert seq_q.dim() == 2 and seq_k.dim() == 228 pad_attn_mask = torch.matmul(seq_q.unsqueeze(2).float(), seq_k.unsqueeze(1).float())29 pad_attn_mask = pad_attn_mask.eq(PAD_IDX) # b_size x num_utt x 1 x len_k # that 1 is len_k30 #print(pad_attn_mask)31 return Pad for utterances with variable lengths and maintain the order of them after GRU33class GRUencoder(nn.Module):34 def __init__(self, d_emb, d_out, num_layers):35 super(GRUencoder, self).__init__()36 # default encoder 2 layers37 self.gru = nn.GRU(input_size=d_emb, hidden_size=d_out,38 bidirectional=True, num_layers=num_layers, dropout=0.3)39 def forward(self, sent, sent_lens):40 """41 :param sent: torch tensor, batch_size x seq_len x d_rnn_in # num_conv x max_utt_len x 76842 :param sent_lens: numpy tensor, batch_size x 1 # arr43 :return:44 """45 device = sent.device46 # seq_len x batch_size x d_rnn_in47 sent_old = sent.clone()48 sent_lens_old = sent_lens.clone()49 sent = sent[sent_lens != 0]50 sent_lens = sent_lens[sent_lens != 0]51 sent_embs = sent.transpose(0,1)52 # sort by length53 #s_lens, idx_sort = np.sort(sent_lens)[::-1], np.argsort(-sent_lens)54 s_lens, idx_sort = torch.sort(sent_lens, descending=True)55 #idx_unsort = np.argsort(idx_sort)56 idx_unsort = torch.argsort(idx_sort)57 #idx_sort = torch.from_numpy(idx_sort).cuda(device)58 s_embs = sent_embs.index_select(1, Variable(idx_sort)) # seq_len x num_conv x 76859 # padding60 sent_packed = pack_padded_sequence(s_embs, s_lens)61 sent_output = self.gru(sent_packed)[0]62 sent_output = pad_packed_sequence(sent_output, total_length=sent.size(1))[0] # seq_len x num_conv x 60063 # unsort by length64 #idx_unsort = torch.from_numpy(idx_unsort).cuda(device)65 sent_output = sent_output.index_select(1, Variable(idx_unsort))66 # batch x seq_len x 2*d_out67 output = sent_output.transpose(0,1)68 final_output = torch.zeros((sent_old.shape[0], sent_old.shape[1], output.shape[-1])).to(sent.device)69 try:70 final_output[torch.where(sent_lens_old != 0)] = output71 except:72 final_output[torch.nonzero(sent_lens_old != 0).view(-1)] = output73 return final_output74# Utterance encoder with three types: higru, higru-f, and higru-sf75class UttEncoder(nn.Module):76 def __init__(self, d_word_vec, d_h1, type):77 super(UttEncoder, self).__init__()78 self.encoder = GRUencoder(d_word_vec, d_h1, num_layers=2)79 self.d_input = 2 * d_h180 self.model = type81 if self.model == 'higru-f':82 self.d_input = 2 * d_h1 + d_word_vec83 if self.model == 'higru-sf':84 self.d_input = 4 * d_h1 + d_word_vec85 self.output1 = nn.Sequential(86 nn.Linear(self.d_input, d_h1),87 nn.Tanh()88 )89 def forward(self, sents, lengths, sa_mask=None):90 """91 :param sents: batch x seq_len x 2*d_h1 # num_conv x max_seq_len x 76892 :param lengths: numpy array 1 x batch # num_conv93 :param sa_mask # num_conv x max_seq_len94 :return: batch x d_h195 """96 w_context = self.encoder(sents, lengths) # num_conv x max_seq_len x 60097 combined = w_context98 if self.model == 'higru-f':99 w_lcont, w_rcont = w_context.chunk(2, -1)100 combined = [w_lcont, sents, w_rcont]101 combined =, dim=-1)102 if self.model == 'higru-sf':103 w_lcont, w_rcont = w_context.chunk(2, -1)104 sa_lcont, _ = get_attention(w_lcont, w_lcont, w_lcont, attn_mask=sa_mask)105 sa_rcont, _ = get_attention(w_rcont, w_rcont, w_rcont, attn_mask=sa_mask)106 combined = [sa_lcont, w_lcont, sents, w_rcont, sa_rcont]107 combined =, dim=-1)108 output1 = self.output1(combined)109 output = torch.max(output1, dim=1)[0]110 return output111# The overal HiGRU model with three types: HiGRU, HiGRU-f, HiGRU-sf112class HiGRUold(nn.Module):113 def __init__(self, d_word_vec, d_h1, d_h2, d_fc, emodict, worddict, embedding, type='higru'):114 super(HiGRU, self).__init__()115 self.model = type116 self.max_length = worddict.max_length117 #self.max_dialog = worddict.max_dialog118 self.d_h2 = d_h2119 # load word2vec120 self.embeddings = embedding121 self.uttenc = UttEncoder(d_word_vec, d_h1, self.model)122 self.dropout_in = nn.Dropout(0.5)123 self.contenc = nn.GRU(d_h1, d_h2, num_layers=1, bidirectional=True)124 self.d_input = 2 * d_h2125 if self.model == 'higru-f':126 self.d_input = 2 * d_h2 + d_h1127 if self.model == 'higru-sf':128 self.d_input = 4 * d_h2 + d_h1129 self.output1 = nn.Sequential(130 nn.Linear(self.d_input, d_h2),131 nn.Tanh()132 )133 self.dropout_mid = nn.Dropout(0.5)134 self.num_classes = emodict.n_words135 self.classifier = nn.Sequential(136 nn.Linear(d_h2, d_fc),137 nn.Dropout(0.5),138 nn.Linear(d_fc, self.num_classes)139 )140 def forward(self, sents, lens):141 """142 :param sents: batch x seq_len143 :param lens: 1 x batch144 :return:145 """146 if len(sents.size()) < 2:147 sents = sents.unsqueeze(0)148 w_embed = self.embeddings(sents)149 sa_mask = get_attn_pad_mask(sents, sents)150 s_embed = self.uttenc(w_embed, lens, sa_mask)151 s_embed = self.dropout_in(s_embed) # batch x d_h1152 s_context = self.contenc(s_embed.unsqueeze(1))[0]153 s_context = s_context.transpose(0,1).contiguous()154 Combined = s_context155 if self.model == 'higru-f':156 s_lcont, s_rcont = s_context.chunk(2,-1)157 Combined = [s_lcont, s_embed.unsqueeze(0), s_rcont]158 Combined =, dim=-1)159 if self.model == 'higru-sf':160 s_lcont, s_rcont = s_context.chunk(2, -1)161 SA_lcont, _ = get_attention(s_lcont, s_lcont, s_lcont)162 SA_rcont, _ = get_attention(s_rcont, s_rcont, s_rcont)163 Combined = [SA_lcont, s_lcont, s_embed.unsqueeze(0), s_rcont, SA_rcont]164 Combined =, dim=-1)165 output1 = self.output1(Combined.squeeze(0))166 output1 = self.dropout_mid(output1)167 output = self.classifier(output1)168 pred_scores = F.log_softmax(output, dim=1)...
1__author__ = "Nikhil Mehta"2__copyright__ = "--"3#---------------------------4import tensorflow as tf5import numpy as np6import sys7from util import xavier_init, initialize_weights8class Adversarial_Generator:9 def __init__(self, config):10 self.trainable = True11 self.config = config12 def G (self, z, c, reuse=None, is_training=True):13 with tf.variable_scope('generator', reuse=reuse):14 inputs = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[z, c])15 G_h1 = self.fc_layer(inputs, self.config.z_dim+self.config.attr_dim, self.config.gh1_dim, 'h1')16 G_h1 = tf.nn.relu(G_h1)17 #G_h1 = batch_norm(name='bn_h1')(G_h1, phase=is_training)18 G_h2 = self.fc_layer(G_h1, self.config.gh1_dim, self.config.gh2_dim, 'h2')19 G_h2 = tf.nn.relu(G_h2)20 #G_h2 = batch_norm(name='bn_h2')(G_h2, phase=is_training)21 22 G_out = self.fc_layer(G_h2, self.config.gh2_dim, self.config.x_dim, 'out')23 G_out = tf.tanh(G_out)24 25 return G_out26 def D (self, x, c, reuse=None, bn_name='same'):27 """ bn_name useful for batch_norm. Separate batch for real/fake"""28 with tf.variable_scope('discriminator', reuse=reuse) as d_scope:29 #x = self.dropout(x, 0.5, name="x_dropout")30 inputs = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[x, c])31 32 D_h1 = self.fc_layer(inputs, self.config.x_dim+self.config.attr_dim, self.config.dh1_dim, 'h1')33 D_h1 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(D_h1)34 #D_h1 = batch_norm(name='bn_h1')(D_h1)35 #D_h2 = self.fc_layer(D_h1, self.config.dh1_dim, self.config.dh2_dim, 'h2')36 #D_h2 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(D_h2)37 #D_h2 = batch_norm(name='bn_h2')(D_h2)38 39 D_logit = self.fc_layer(D_h1, self.config.dh1_dim, 1, 'out')40 D_prob = tf.nn.sigmoid(D_logit)41 42 return D_prob, D_logit43 def loss (self, x, z, c):44 x_gen = self.G(z, c)45 D_real, D_logit_real = self.D(x, c, bn_name='real')46 # reuse47 D_fake, D_logit_fake = self.D(x_gen, c, reuse=True, bn_name='fake')48 reverse_D_real, reverse_D_logit_real = self.D(x_gen, c, reuse=True, bn_name='fake')49 reverse_D_fake, reverse_D_logit_fake = self.D(x, c, reuse=True, bn_name='real')50 51 D_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=D_logit_real, labels=tf.ones_like(D_logit_real)))52 D_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=D_logit_fake, labels=tf.zeros_like(D_logit_fake)))53 D_loss = D_loss_real + D_loss_fake54 reverse_D_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=reverse_D_logit_real, labels=tf.ones_like(reverse_D_logit_real)))55 reverse_D_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=reverse_D_logit_fake, labels=tf.zeros_like(reverse_D_logit_fake)))56 reverse_D_loss = reverse_D_loss_real + reverse_D_loss_fake57 58 G_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=D_logit_fake, labels=tf.ones_like(D_logit_fake)))59 with tf.variable_scope('discriminator'):60 tf.summary.scalar("discriminator_loss", D_loss)61 62 with tf.variable_scope('generator'):63 tf.summary.scalar("generator_loss", G_loss)64 65 return G_loss, D_loss, reverse_D_loss66 # ------------------WGAN------------------------------67 def D_WGAN (self, x, c, reuse=None, bn_name='same'):68 """ bn_name useful for batch_norm. Separate batch for real/fake"""69 with tf.variable_scope('discriminator', reuse=reuse) as d_scope:70 inputs = tf.concat(axis=1, values=[x, c])71 72 D_h1 = self.fc_layer(inputs, self.config.x_dim+self.config.attr_dim, self.config.dh1_dim, 'h1')73 D_h1 = tf.nn.leaky_relu(D_h1)74 75 D_logit = self.fc_layer(D_h1, self.config.dh1_dim, 1, 'out')76 return D_logit77 def loss_WGAN (self, x, z, c):78 x_gen = self.G(z, c)79 D_logit_real = self.D_WGAN(x, c, bn_name='real')80 # reuse81 D_logit_fake = self.D_WGAN(x_gen, c, reuse=True, bn_name='fake')82 D_loss = tf.reduce_mean(D_logit_fake) - tf.reduce_mean(D_logit_real) 83 G_loss = - tf.reduce_mean(D_logit_fake)84 with tf.variable_scope('discriminator'):85 tf.summary.scalar("discriminator_loss", D_loss)86 87 with tf.variable_scope('generator'):88 tf.summary.scalar("generator_loss", G_loss)89 90 return G_loss, D_loss91 def fc_layer(self, input_data, in_size, out_size, name):92 with tf.variable_scope(name):93 W, b = self.get_fc_var(in_size, out_size, name)94 out = tf.matmul(input_data, W) + b95 96 return out97 def get_fc_var(self, in_size, out_size, name):98 initial_value = initialize_weights([in_size, out_size])99 #initial_value = xavier_init([in_size, out_size])100 W = tf.get_variable(name='weight', initializer=initial_value)101 initial_value = tf.zeros(shape=[out_size])102 b = tf.get_variable(name='bias', initializer=initial_value)103 return W, b104 def dropout(self, bottom, keep_prob, name):105 return tf.nn.dropout(bottom, keep_prob, name=name)106class batch_norm(object):107 108 #def __init__(self, epsilon=1e-5, momentum = 0.99, name="batch_norm"):109 def __init__(self, name="batch_norm"):110 with tf.variable_scope(name):111 #self.epsilon = epsilon112 #self.momentum = momentum113 = name114 # Keep phase True for both train and test case for GANs115 def __call__(self, x, phase=True):116 return tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm(x,117 #decay=self.momentum, 118 #epsilon=self.epsilon,119 scale=True,120 center=True, 121 is_training=phase,...
1import numpy as np2import os, sys3import json4import random5import hungarian6import os7os.system('cat ../WEB_3D3_2.txt ../WEB_3D3_2.txt ../WEB_3D3_2.txt ../WEB_3D3_2.txt ../WEB_3D3_2.txt ../WEB_3D3_2.txt ../WEB_3D3_2.txt ../WEB_3D3_2.txt > WEB_3D3_.txt')8print('Loading S')9imgs = np.loadtxt(open('S_features.csv','rb'),delimiter=',',skiprows=0)10imgs = np.concatenate((imgs, imgs), axis=0)11imgs = np.concatenate((imgs, imgs), axis=0)12imgs = np.concatenate((imgs, imgs), axis=0)13paths = open('./WEB_3D3_.txt','r').readlines()14print('Loading T')15imgs_web = np.loadtxt(open('T_features.csv','rb'),delimiter=',',skiprows=0)16paths_web = open('./new_AwA2.txt','r').readlines()17print('Loaded !')18L = imgs.shape[0]19print(L)20print(imgs.shape[0])21print(imgs.shape[1])22shuffle = [i for i in range(L)]23random.shuffle(shuffle)24Tail = imgs_web.shape[0] - imgs.shape[0]25imgs = np.concatenate((imgs, imgs[shuffle[:Tail]]), axis=0)26print(len(paths))27paths_tail = [paths[i] for i in shuffle[:Tail]]28paths = paths + paths_tail29L = imgs_web.shape[0]30shuffle = [i for i in range(L)]31random.shuffle(shuffle)32imgs_web = imgs_web[shuffle]33paths_web = [paths_web[i] for i in shuffle]34random.shuffle(shuffle)35imgs = imgs[shuffle]36paths = [paths[i] for i in shuffle]37d_h1 = imgs[:8500].astype(np.float32)38d_h2 = imgs_web[:8500].astype(np.float32)39L1_ = np.zeros((d_h1.shape[0], d_h2.shape[0]))40ws = []41BSZ = 5042for i in range(int(d_h1.shape[0]/BSZ)+1):43 print(i)44 if i!=int(d_h1.shape[0]/BSZ):45 d_h1_ = np.repeat(d_h1[int(i*BSZ):int((i+1)*BSZ)], d_h2.shape[0], axis=0)46 d_h2_ = np.tile(d_h2, [BSZ,1])47 L1 = np.sum(np.abs(d_h1_ - d_h2_), 1)48 L1_[int(i*BSZ):int((i+1)*BSZ),:] = np.reshape(L1, (BSZ, d_h2.shape[0]))49 else:50 d_h1_ = np.repeat(d_h1[int(i*BSZ):], d_h2.shape[0], axis=0)51 d_h2_ = np.tile(d_h2, [int(d_h1.shape[0]%BSZ),1])52 L1 = np.sum(np.abs(d_h1_ - d_h2_), 1)53 L1_[int(i*BSZ):,:] = np.reshape(L1, (int(d_h1.shape[0]%BSZ), d_h2.shape[0]))54obj_matrix = L1_55f=open('COR1.txt','w')56print('Begin')57rs, cs = hungarian.lap(obj_matrix)58print('Write result')59for i in range(8500):60 f.write(paths[i][:-1]+' '+ paths_web[rs[i]])61f.close()62f=open('COR2.txt','w')63d_h1 = imgs[8500:17000].astype(np.float32)64d_h2 = imgs_web[8500:17000].astype(np.float32)65L1_ = np.zeros((d_h1.shape[0], d_h2.shape[0]))66ws = []67BSZ = 5068for i in range(int(d_h1.shape[0]/BSZ)+1):69 print(i)70 if i!=int(d_h1.shape[0]/BSZ):71 d_h1_ = np.repeat(d_h1[int(i*BSZ):int((i+1)*BSZ)], d_h2.shape[0], axis=0)72 d_h2_ = np.tile(d_h2, [BSZ,1])73 L1 = np.sum(np.abs(d_h1_ - d_h2_), 1)74 L1_[int(i*BSZ):int((i+1)*BSZ),:] = np.reshape(L1, (BSZ, d_h2.shape[0]))75 else:76 d_h1_ = np.repeat(d_h1[int(i*BSZ):], d_h2.shape[0], axis=0)77 d_h2_ = np.tile(d_h2, [int(d_h1.shape[0]%BSZ),1])78 L1 = np.sum(np.abs(d_h1_ - d_h2_), 1)79 L1_[int(i*BSZ):,:] = np.reshape(L1, (int(d_h1.shape[0]%BSZ), d_h2.shape[0]))80obj_matrix = L1_81print('Begin')82rs, cs = hungarian.lap(obj_matrix)83print('Write result')84for i in range(8500):85 f.write(paths[i+8500][:-1]+' '+ paths_web[rs[i]+8500])86f.close()87f=open('COR3.txt','w')88d_h1 = imgs[17000:25500].astype(np.float32)89d_h2 = imgs_web[17000:25500].astype(np.float32)90L1_ = np.zeros((d_h1.shape[0], d_h2.shape[0]))91ws = []92BSZ = 5093for i in range(int(d_h1.shape[0]/BSZ)+1):94 print(i)95 if i!=int(d_h1.shape[0]/BSZ):96 d_h1_ = np.repeat(d_h1[int(i*BSZ):int((i+1)*BSZ)], d_h2.shape[0], axis=0)97 d_h2_ = np.tile(d_h2, [BSZ,1])98 L1 = np.sum(np.abs(d_h1_ - d_h2_), 1)99 L1_[int(i*BSZ):int((i+1)*BSZ),:] = np.reshape(L1, (BSZ, d_h2.shape[0]))100 else:101 d_h1_ = np.repeat(d_h1[int(i*BSZ):], d_h2.shape[0], axis=0)102 d_h2_ = np.tile(d_h2, [int(d_h1.shape[0]%BSZ),1])103 L1 = np.sum(np.abs(d_h1_ - d_h2_), 1)104 L1_[int(i*BSZ):,:] = np.reshape(L1, (int(d_h1.shape[0]%BSZ), d_h2.shape[0]))105obj_matrix = L1_106print('Begin')107rs, cs = hungarian.lap(obj_matrix)108print('Write result')109for i in range(8500):110 f.write(paths[i+17000][:-1]+' '+ paths_web[rs[i]+17000])111f.close()112f=open('COR4.txt','w')113d_h1 = imgs[25500:34000].astype(np.float32)114d_h2 = imgs_web[25500:34000].astype(np.float32)115L1_ = np.zeros((d_h1.shape[0], d_h2.shape[0]))116ws = []117BSZ = 50118for i in range(int(d_h1.shape[0]/BSZ)+1):119 print(i)120 if i!=int(d_h1.shape[0]/BSZ):121 d_h1_ = np.repeat(d_h1[int(i*BSZ):int((i+1)*BSZ)], d_h2.shape[0], axis=0)122 d_h2_ = np.tile(d_h2, [BSZ,1])123 L1 = np.sum(np.abs(d_h1_ - d_h2_), 1)124 L1_[int(i*BSZ):int((i+1)*BSZ),:] = np.reshape(L1, (BSZ, d_h2.shape[0]))125 else:126 d_h1_ = np.repeat(d_h1[int(i*BSZ):], d_h2.shape[0], axis=0)127 d_h2_ = np.tile(d_h2, [int(d_h1.shape[0]%BSZ),1])128 L1 = np.sum(np.abs(d_h1_ - d_h2_), 1)129 L1_[int(i*BSZ):,:] = np.reshape(L1, (int(d_h1.shape[0]%BSZ), d_h2.shape[0]))130obj_matrix = L1_131print('Begin')132rs, cs = hungarian.lap(obj_matrix)133print('Write result')134for i in range(min(8500,8268)):135 f.write(paths[i+25500][:-1]+' '+ paths_web[rs[i]+25500])136f.close()137f=open('COR5.txt','w')138d_h1 = imgs[34000:].astype(np.float32)139d_h2 = imgs_web[34000:].astype(np.float32)140L1_ = np.zeros((d_h1.shape[0], d_h2.shape[0]))141ws = []142BSZ = 50143for i in range(int(d_h1.shape[0]/BSZ)+1):144 print(i)145 if i!=int(d_h1.shape[0]/BSZ):146 d_h1_ = np.repeat(d_h1[int(i*BSZ):int((i+1)*BSZ)], d_h2.shape[0], axis=0)147 d_h2_ = np.tile(d_h2, [BSZ,1])148 L1 = np.sum(np.abs(d_h1_ - d_h2_), 1)149 L1_[int(i*BSZ):int((i+1)*BSZ),:] = np.reshape(L1, (BSZ, d_h2.shape[0]))150 else:151 d_h1_ = np.repeat(d_h1[int(i*BSZ):], d_h2.shape[0], axis=0)152 d_h2_ = np.tile(d_h2, [int(d_h1.shape[0]%BSZ),1])153 L1 = np.sum(np.abs(d_h1_ - d_h2_), 1)154 L1_[int(i*BSZ):,:] = np.reshape(L1, (int(d_h1.shape[0]%BSZ), d_h2.shape[0]))155obj_matrix = L1_156print('Begin')157rs, cs = hungarian.lap(obj_matrix)158print('Write result')159for i in range(len(imgs)-34000):160 f.write(paths[i+34000][:-1]+' '+ paths_web[rs[i]+34000])161f.close()...
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