How to use branch method in fMBT

Best Python code snippet using fMBT_python

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1# Copyright 2016 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.2#3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.5# You may obtain a copy of the License at6#7# http:/​/​​licenses/​LICENSE-2.08#9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and13# limitations under the License.14# ==============================================================================15"""Contains the definition for inception v1 classification network."""16from __future__ import absolute_import17from __future__ import division18from __future__ import print_function19import tensorflow as tf20from nets import inception_utils21slim = tf.contrib.slim22trunc_normal = lambda stddev: tf.truncated_normal_initializer(0.0, stddev)23def inception_v1_base(inputs,24 final_endpoint='Mixed_5c',25 scope='InceptionV1'):26 """Defines the Inception V1 base architecture.27 This architecture is defined in:28 Going deeper with convolutions29 Christian Szegedy, Wei Liu, Yangqing Jia, Pierre Sermanet, Scott Reed,30 Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, Vincent Vanhoucke, Andrew Rabinovich.31 http:/​/​​pdf/​1409.4842v1.pdf.32 Args:33 inputs: a tensor of size [batch_size, height, width, channels].34 final_endpoint: specifies the endpoint to construct the network up to. It35 can be one of ['Conv2d_1a_7x7', 'MaxPool_2a_3x3', 'Conv2d_2b_1x1',36 'Conv2d_2c_3x3', 'MaxPool_3a_3x3', 'Mixed_3b', 'Mixed_3c',37 'MaxPool_4a_3x3', 'Mixed_4b', 'Mixed_4c', 'Mixed_4d', 'Mixed_4e',38 'Mixed_4f', 'MaxPool_5a_2x2', 'Mixed_5b', 'Mixed_5c']39 scope: Optional variable_scope.40 Returns:41 A dictionary from components of the network to the corresponding activation.42 Raises:43 ValueError: if final_endpoint is not set to one of the predefined values.44 """45 end_points = {}46 with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'InceptionV1', [inputs]):47 with slim.arg_scope(48 [slim.conv2d, slim.fully_connected],49 weights_initializer=trunc_normal(0.01)):50 with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d, slim.max_pool2d],51 stride=1, padding='SAME'):52 end_point = 'Conv2d_1a_7x7'53 net = slim.conv2d(inputs, 64, [7, 7], stride=2, scope=end_point)54 end_points[end_point] = net55 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points56 end_point = 'MaxPool_2a_3x3'57 net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], stride=2, scope=end_point)58 end_points[end_point] = net59 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points60 end_point = 'Conv2d_2b_1x1'61 net = slim.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1], scope=end_point)62 end_points[end_point] = net63 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points64 end_point = 'Conv2d_2c_3x3'65 net = slim.conv2d(net, 192, [3, 3], scope=end_point)66 end_points[end_point] = net67 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points68 end_point = 'MaxPool_3a_3x3'69 net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], stride=2, scope=end_point)70 end_points[end_point] = net71 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points72 end_point = 'Mixed_3b'73 with tf.variable_scope(end_point):74 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'):75 branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 64, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')76 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'):77 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 96, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')78 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 128, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')79 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'):80 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 16, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')81 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 32, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')82 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'):83 branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3')84 branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 32, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1')85 net = tf.concat(86 axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3])87 end_points[end_point] = net88 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points89 end_point = 'Mixed_3c'90 with tf.variable_scope(end_point):91 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'):92 branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 128, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')93 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'):94 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 128, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')95 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 192, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')96 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'):97 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 32, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')98 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 96, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')99 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'):100 branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3')101 branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 64, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1')102 net = tf.concat(103 axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3])104 end_points[end_point] = net105 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points106 end_point = 'MaxPool_4a_3x3'107 net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], stride=2, scope=end_point)108 end_points[end_point] = net109 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points110 end_point = 'Mixed_4b'111 with tf.variable_scope(end_point):112 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'):113 branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')114 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'):115 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 96, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')116 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 208, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')117 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'):118 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 16, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')119 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 48, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')120 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'):121 branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3')122 branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 64, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1')123 net = tf.concat(124 axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3])125 end_points[end_point] = net126 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points127 end_point = 'Mixed_4c'128 with tf.variable_scope(end_point):129 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'):130 branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 160, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')131 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'):132 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 112, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')133 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 224, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')134 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'):135 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 24, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')136 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 64, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')137 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'):138 branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3')139 branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 64, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1')140 net = tf.concat(141 axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3])142 end_points[end_point] = net143 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points144 end_point = 'Mixed_4d'145 with tf.variable_scope(end_point):146 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'):147 branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 128, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')148 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'):149 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 128, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')150 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 256, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')151 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'):152 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 24, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')153 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 64, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')154 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'):155 branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3')156 branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 64, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1')157 net = tf.concat(158 axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3])159 end_points[end_point] = net160 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points161 end_point = 'Mixed_4e'162 with tf.variable_scope(end_point):163 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'):164 branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 112, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')165 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'):166 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 144, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')167 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 288, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')168 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'):169 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 32, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')170 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 64, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')171 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'):172 branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3')173 branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 64, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1')174 net = tf.concat(175 axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3])176 end_points[end_point] = net177 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points178 end_point = 'Mixed_4f'179 with tf.variable_scope(end_point):180 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'):181 branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')182 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'):183 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 160, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')184 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 320, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')185 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'):186 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 32, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')187 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 128, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')188 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'):189 branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3')190 branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 128, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1')191 net = tf.concat(192 axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3])193 end_points[end_point] = net194 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points195 end_point = 'MaxPool_5a_2x2'196 net = slim.max_pool2d(net, [2, 2], stride=2, scope=end_point)197 end_points[end_point] = net198 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points199 end_point = 'Mixed_5b'200 with tf.variable_scope(end_point):201 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'):202 branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 256, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')203 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'):204 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 160, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')205 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 320, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')206 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'):207 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 32, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')208 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 128, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0a_3x3')209 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'):210 branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3')211 branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 128, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1')212 net = tf.concat(213 axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3])214 end_points[end_point] = net215 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points216 end_point = 'Mixed_5c'217 with tf.variable_scope(end_point):218 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_0'):219 branch_0 = slim.conv2d(net, 384, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')220 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_1'):221 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(net, 192, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')222 branch_1 = slim.conv2d(branch_1, 384, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')223 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_2'):224 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(net, 48, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0a_1x1')225 branch_2 = slim.conv2d(branch_2, 128, [3, 3], scope='Conv2d_0b_3x3')226 with tf.variable_scope('Branch_3'):227 branch_3 = slim.max_pool2d(net, [3, 3], scope='MaxPool_0a_3x3')228 branch_3 = slim.conv2d(branch_3, 128, [1, 1], scope='Conv2d_0b_1x1')229 net = tf.concat(230 axis=3, values=[branch_0, branch_1, branch_2, branch_3])231 end_points[end_point] = net232 if final_endpoint == end_point: return net, end_points233 raise ValueError('Unknown final endpoint %s' % final_endpoint)234def inception_v1(inputs,235 num_classes=1000,236 is_training=True,237 dropout_keep_prob=0.8,238 prediction_fn=slim.softmax,239 spatial_squeeze=True,240 reuse=None,241 scope='InceptionV1'):242 """Defines the Inception V1 architecture.243 This architecture is defined in:244 Going deeper with convolutions245 Christian Szegedy, Wei Liu, Yangqing Jia, Pierre Sermanet, Scott Reed,246 Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan, Vincent Vanhoucke, Andrew Rabinovich.247 http:/​/​​pdf/​1409.4842v1.pdf.248 The default image size used to train this network is 224x224.249 Args:250 inputs: a tensor of size [batch_size, height, width, channels].251 num_classes: number of predicted classes.252 is_training: whether is training or not.253 dropout_keep_prob: the percentage of activation values that are retained.254 prediction_fn: a function to get predictions out of logits.255 spatial_squeeze: if True, logits is of shape [B, C], if false logits is of256 shape [B, 1, 1, C], where B is batch_size and C is number of classes.257 reuse: whether or not the network and its variables should be reused. To be258 able to reuse 'scope' must be given.259 scope: Optional variable_scope.260 Returns:261 logits: the pre-softmax activations, a tensor of size262 [batch_size, num_classes]263 end_points: a dictionary from components of the network to the corresponding264 activation.265 """266 # Final pooling and prediction267 with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'InceptionV1', [inputs, num_classes],268 reuse=reuse) as scope:269 with slim.arg_scope([slim.batch_norm, slim.dropout],270 is_training=is_training):271 net, end_points = inception_v1_base(inputs, scope=scope)272 with tf.variable_scope('Logits'):273 net = slim.avg_pool2d(net, [7, 7], stride=1, scope='AvgPool_0a_7x7')274 net = slim.dropout(net,275 dropout_keep_prob, scope='Dropout_0b')276 logits = slim.conv2d(net, num_classes, [1, 1], activation_fn=None,277 normalizer_fn=None, scope='Conv2d_0c_1x1')278 if spatial_squeeze:279 logits = tf.squeeze(logits, [1, 2], name='SpatialSqueeze')280 end_points['Logits'] = logits281 end_points['Predictions'] = prediction_fn(logits, scope='Predictions')282 return logits, end_points283inception_v1.default_image_size = 224...

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Source: view-branch.component.ts Github


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1import { BranchUpdate } from './​../​../​../​../​interfaces/​branch';2import { BranchCombined } from 'src/​app/​interfaces/​branch-combined';3import { HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/​common/​http';4import { BranchService } from './​../​../​../​../​services/​branch.service';5import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/​core';6import { FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators, FormControl } from '@angular/​forms';7import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/​router';8import { BranchForm } from 'src/​app/​interfaces/​branch';9import { Options } from 'ngx-google-places-autocomplete/​objects/​options/​options';10import { last, switchMap } from 'rxjs/​operators';11import { AngularFireStorage } from '@angular/​fire/​storage';12import { MatDialog } from '@angular/​material/​dialog';13import { ConfirmModalComponent } from 'src/​app/​components/​modals/​confirm-modal/​confirm-modal.component';14import { MatSnackBar } from '@angular/​material/​snack-bar';15@Component({16 selector: 'app-view-branch',17 templateUrl: './​view-branch.component.html',18 styleUrls: ['./​view-branch.component.scss']19})20export class ViewBranchComponent implements OnInit {21 /​/​ View /​ Update Form of Branch Viewed /​ Updated22 viewBranchForm1: FormGroup;23 /​/​ Initialization of view branch container variable24 branchInfo: BranchForm[];25 updatedBranch: any = [];26 branchImage: any;27 selectedImage: any;28 status: any;29 name: any;30 loadingMode: any;31 /​/​ Data Members and Methods for Google Maps Places API32 address: any; placeId: any; latitude: any; longitude: any; /​/​ Not Displayed33 streetName: any; streetAddress: any; suburb: any; city: any; province: any; country: any; zip: any; /​/​ Displayed34 addressOptions = {35 componentRestrictions: { country: "za" },36 types: ["address"]37 } as Options;38 storage: any;39 public handleAddressChange(address: any) {40 /​/​ Place id (Not Displayed)41 this.placeId = address.place_id;42 console.log(this.placeId);43 /​/​ Latitude coordinate (Not Displayed)44 this.latitude =;45 console.log(this.latitude);46 /​/​ Longitude coordinate (Not Displayed)47 this.longitude = address.geometry.location.lng();48 console.log(this.longitude);49 /​/​ Reset street address on method refresh50 this.streetAddress = "";51 /​/​ Street Address (full unformatted) (Displayed)52 this.viewBranchForm1.get('branchAddressFull')?.setValue(address.formatted_address);53 /​/​ Street number (Displayed i.t.o)54 for (var i = 0; i < address.address_components.length; i++) {55 for (var x = 0; x < address.address_components[i].types.length; x++) {56 if (address.address_components[i].types[x] === "street_number") {57 this.streetAddress = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(address.address_components[i].long_name)) + " ";58 }59 }60 }61 /​/​ Street name (Displayed i.t.o)62 for (var i = 0; i < address.address_components.length; i++) {63 for (var x = 0; x < address.address_components[i].types.length; x++) {64 if (address.address_components[i].types[x] === "route") {65 this.streetAddress += JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(address.address_components[i].long_name));66 }67 }68 }69 /​/​ Set Street Name field to combined street name variable (this.streetAddress)70 this.viewBranchForm1.get('branchStreetName')?.setValue(this.streetAddress);71 /​/​ Reset suburb on method refresh72 this.suburb = "";73 /​/​ Suburb (Displayed)74 for (var i = 0; i < address.address_components.length; i++) {75 for (var x = 0; x < address.address_components[i].types.length; x++) {76 if (address.address_components[i].types[x] === "sublocality") {77 this.viewBranchForm1.get('branchSuburb')?.setValue(address.address_components[i].long_name);78 }79 }80 }81 /​/​ Reset city on method refresh82 = "";83 /​/​ City (Displayed)84 for (var i = 0; i < address.address_components.length; i++) {85 for (var x = 0; x < address.address_components[i].types.length; x++) {86 if (address.address_components[i].types[x] === "locality") {87 this.viewBranchForm1.get('branchCity')?.setValue(address.address_components[i].long_name);88 }89 }90 }91 /​/​ Reset province on method refresh92 this.province = "";93 /​/​ Province (Displayed)94 for (var i = 0; i < address.address_components.length; i++) {95 for (var x = 0; x < address.address_components[i].types.length; x++) {96 if (address.address_components[i].types[x] == "administrative_area_level_1") {97 this.viewBranchForm1.get('branchProvince')?.setValue(address.address_components[i].long_name);98 }99 }100 }101 /​/​ Reset country on method refresh102 = "";103 /​/​ Country (Displayed)104 for (var i = 0; i < address.address_components.length; i++) {105 for (var x = 0; x < address.address_components[i].types.length; x++) {106 if (address.address_components[i].types[x] == "country") {107 this.viewBranchForm1.get('branchCountry')?.setValue(address.address_components[i].long_name);108 }109 }110 }111 /​/​ Reset zip on method refresh112 = "";113 /​/​ ZIP (Displayed)114 for (var i = 0; i < address.address_components.length; i++) {115 for (var x = 0; x < address.address_components[i].types.length; x++) {116 if (address.address_components[i].types[x] == "postal_code") {117 this.viewBranchForm1.get('branchZip')?.setValue(address.address_components[i].long_name);118 }119 }120 }121 /​/​ Latitude Control (Not displayed)122 this.viewBranchForm1.get('branchLate')?.setValue(this.latitude);123 /​/​ Longitude Control (Not displayed)124 this.viewBranchForm1.get('branchLng')?.setValue(this.longitude);125 }126 constructor(127 private fb: FormBuilder,128 private _Activatedroute: ActivatedRoute,129 private branchService: BranchService,130 private storageFb: AngularFireStorage,131 public dialog: MatDialog,132 private route: Router,133 private _snackBar: MatSnackBar,134 ) {}135 /​/​ Fetch ID number from URL (Branch ID Number of branch selected)136 passedId = this._Activatedroute.snapshot.paramMap.get("id");137 ngOnInit(): void {138 this.loadingMode = 'query';139 this.branchService.getAllBranchData(this.passedId).subscribe(140 (data: any) => {141 this.loadingMode = 'determinate';142 this.branchInfo = data;143 this.branchImage = this.branchInfo[0].BranchImage;144 this.status = this.branchInfo[0].BranchStatus;145 = this.branchInfo[0].BranchName;146 console.log(data);147 /​/​ Populate View Branch Form Group148 this.viewBranchForm1 ={149 branchStatus: [this.branchInfo[0].BranchStatus],150 /​/​ Branch Name Control151 branchName: [this.branchInfo[0].BranchName,152 Validators.compose([Validators.required])153 ],154 /​/​ Branch Contact Number Control155 branchContactNumber: [this.branchInfo[0].BranchContactNumber,156 Validators.compose([Validators.required])157 ],158 /​/​ Branch Email Address Control159 branchEmailAddress: [this.branchInfo[0].BranchEmailAddress,160 Validators.compose([Validators.required, Validators.pattern("^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\\.[a-z]{2,4}$")])161 ],162 /​/​ Branch Image Control163 branchImage: [this.branchInfo[0].BranchImage,164 Validators.compose([Validators.required])165 ],166 /​/​ Branch Main Address Control (Autocomplete)167 branchAddressFull: [this.branchInfo[0].BranchAddressFull,168 Validators.compose([Validators.required])169 ],170 /​/​ Branch Street Name Control171 branchStreetName: [{value: this.branchInfo[0].BranchStreetAddress, disabled: true},172 Validators.compose([Validators.required])173 ],174 /​/​ Branch Suburb Control175 branchSuburb: [{value: this.branchInfo[0].BranchSuburb, disabled: true},176 Validators.compose([Validators.required])177 ],178 /​/​ Branch City Control179 branchCity: [{value: this.branchInfo[0].BranchCity, disabled: true},180 Validators.compose([Validators.required])181 ],182 /​/​ Branch Province Control183 branchProvince: [{value: this.branchInfo[0].BranchProvince, disabled: true},184 Validators.compose([Validators.required])185 ],186 /​/​ Branch Country Control187 branchCountry: [{value: this.branchInfo[0].BranchCountry, disabled: true},188 Validators.compose([Validators.required])189 ],190 /​/​ Branch ZIP Control191 branchZip: [{value: this.branchInfo[0].BranchZip, disabled: true},192 Validators.compose([Validators.required])193 ],194 /​/​ Branch Latitude Control (Hidden)195 branchLate: [{value: this.branchInfo[0].BranchLate, disabled: true}],196 /​/​ Branch Longitude Control (Hidden)197 branchLng: [{value: this.branchInfo[0].BranchLng, disabled: true}],198 });199 (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {200 console.log(error);201 }}202 )203 }204 async onSubmit() {205 if (this.selectedImage != null) {206 const filePath = `POSImages/​${'.').slice(0,-1).join('.')}_${new Date().getTime()}`;207 const fileRef = this.storageFb.ref(filePath);208 const task = this.storageFb.upload(filePath, this.selectedImage);209 task.snapshotChanges().pipe(210 last(),211 switchMap(() => fileRef.getDownloadURL())212 ).subscribe((url: any) => {213 this.viewBranchForm1.get('branchImage')?.patchValue(url);214 if (this.viewBranchForm1.invalid) {215 return;216 }217 else {218 this.updateBranch();219 }220 })221 } else {222 this.updateBranch();223 }224 }225 updateBranch() {226 /​/​ Confirm New Branch Creation and Add New Branch227 const confirm =, {228 disableClose: true,229 data: {230 heading: 'Confirm Branch Updates',231 message: 'Are you sure you would like to update this branch?'232 }233 });234 confirm.afterClosed().subscribe(resp => {235 this.loadingMode = 'query';236 if (resp) {237 const newBranch: BranchUpdate = this.viewBranchForm1.getRawValue();238 this.branchService.updateBranch(newBranch, this.passedId).subscribe(239 (resp: any) => {240 console.log("Branch Updated Successfully")241 this.route.navigateByUrl('/​admin-home/​maintain-branch');242 this.displaySuccessMessage("Branch Successfully Updated!")243 this.loadingMode = 'determinate';244 },245 (error: HttpErrorResponse) => {246 if (error.status === 404) {247 this.displayErrorMessage("Unable to Update Branch!")248 }249 else if (error.status === 500 || error.status === 400) {250 this.displayErrorMessage("A branch with that name already exists!")251 } else {252 this.displayErrorMessage("An error occured on the server side!")253 }254 this.loadingMode = 'determinate';255 });256 }257 })258 }259 /​/​ Method to reset form to initial values (Discard Changes On Click)260 resetDefault() {261 this.viewBranchForm1.patchValue({262 /​/​ Branch Details Section263 branchStatus: this.branchInfo[0].BranchStatus,264 branchName: this.branchInfo[0].BranchName,265 branchContactNumber: this.branchInfo[0].BranchContactNumber,266 branchEmailAddress: this.branchInfo[0].BranchEmailAddress,267 branchImage: this.branchInfo[0].BranchImage,268 /​/​ Branch Address Section269 branchAddressFull: this.branchInfo[0].BranchAddressFull,270 branchStreetName: this.branchInfo[0].BranchStreetAddress,271 branchSuburb: this.branchInfo[0].BranchSuburb,272 branchCity: this.branchInfo[0].BranchCity,273 branchProvince: this.branchInfo[0].BranchProvince,274 branchCountry: this.branchInfo[0].BranchCountry,275 branchZip: this.branchInfo[0].BranchZip,276 branchLate: this.branchInfo[0].BranchLate,277 branchLng: this.branchInfo[0].BranchLng278 })279 this.viewBranchForm1.markAsPristine();280 }281 imagePath: any;282 url: any;283 getImageFile(event: any) {284 this.selectedImage =[0];285 let fileName =;286 const element: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('file') as HTMLElement;287 element.innerHTML = fileName;288 const files =;289 if (files.length === 0)290 return;291 const reader = new FileReader();292 this.imagePath = files;293 reader.readAsDataURL(files[0]);294 reader.onload = (_event) => {295 this.branchImage = reader.result;296 }297 }298 displayErrorMessage(message: string) {299, '', {300 duration: 6000,301 panelClass: ['error-snackbar']302 });303 }304 displaySuccessMessage(message: string) {305, '', {306 duration: 6000,307 panelClass: ['success-snackbar']308 });309 }...

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Source: BranchSolution.js Github


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1var gbSelectedBranchList = [];2var branchSolutionManager = {3 4 GenerateBranchSolutionGrid: function() {5 6 var url = "../​Branch/​GetActiveBranchSummaryForSbuConfigaration/​";7 var column = branchSolutionHelper.GenerateBranchColumns();8 empressCommonManager.GenerateCommonGridWithPaging("divgridBranchSolution", url, column, 50);9 }10};11var branchSolutionHelper = {12 13 initiateBranchSolution: function() {14 15 branchSolutionManager.GenerateBranchSolutionGrid();16 $("#btnAddBranchSol").click(function () {17 branchSolutionHelper.AddBranchSolutionpopInfo();18 19 });20 branchSolutionHelper.createBranchList();21 branchSummaryManager.GenerateBranchGrid();22 branchSummaryHelper.clickEventForEditBranch();23 $("#txtBranchCode").focus();24 branchDetailsHelper.DivisionNameCombo();25 empressCommonHelper.PopulateRegionComboByZoneId(0, "cmbRegion");26 empressCommonHelper.PopulateAreaComboByRegionId(0, "cmbArea");27 $("#cmbDivision").change(function () {28 $("#cmbRegion").data("kendoComboBox").value("");29 $("#cmbArea").data("kendoComboBox").value("");30 var zoneId = $("#cmbDivision").data("kendoComboBox").value();31 if (zoneId == "") {32 zoneId = 0;33 }34 empressCommonHelper.PopulateRegionComboByZoneId(zoneId, "cmbRegion");35 });36 $("#cmbRegion").change(function () {37 $("#cmbArea").data("kendoComboBox").value("");38 var regionId = $("#cmbRegion").data("kendoComboBox").value();39 if (regionId == "") {40 regionId = 0;41 }42 empressCommonHelper.PopulateAreaComboByRegionId(regionId, "cmbArea");43 });44 $("#chkContraEntryApplicable").click(function () { branchSolutionHelper.IsContractEntryApplicable(); });45 },46 47 AddBranchSolutionpopInfo: function () {48 var initPopup = $("#branchDiv").kendoWindow({49 title: 'Add New Branch',50 resizeable: false,51 width: "90%",52 actions: ["Pin", "Refresh", "Maximize", "Close"],53 modal: true,54 visible: false,55 });56"kendoWindow").open().center();57 },58 59 GenerateBranchColumns: function() {60 return columns = [61 { field: "check_rowForBranch", title: "Select", width: 35, editable: false, filterable: false, sortable: false, template: '#= branchSolutionHelper.checkedDataForBranch(data) #', headerTemplate: '<input type="checkbox" id="checkAllForBranch" /​>' },62 { filed: "BranchId", title: "BranchId", width: 50, hidden: true },63 { field: "BranchCode", title: "Branch Code", width: 100, sortable: true },64 { field: "BranchName", title: "Branch Name", width: 200, sortable: true },65 { field: "BranchAddress", title: "Address", width: 200, sortable: true }66 ];67 },68 69 createBranchList: function () {70 71 $('#checkAllForBranch').click('click', function (e) {72 gbSelectedBranchList = [];73 var gridSummary = $("#divgridBranchSolution").data("kendoGrid");74 var selectAll = document.getElementById("checkAllForBranch");75 if (selectAll.checked == true) {76 $("#divgridBranchSolution tbody input:checkbox").attr("checked", this.checked);77 $("#divgridBranchSolution table tr").addClass('k-state-selected');78 var gridData =;79 for (var i = 0; i < gridData.length; i++) {80 var obj = gridData[i];81 gbSelectedBranchList.push(obj);82 }83 }84 else {85 $("#divgridBranchSolution tbody input:checkbox").removeAttr("checked", this.checked);86 $("#divgridBranchSolution table tr").removeClass('k-state-selected');87 gbSelectedBranchList = [];88 }89 });/​/​ All Row Selection 90 $('#divgridBranchSolution').on('change', '.check_rowForBranch', function (e) {91 var $target = $(e.currentTarget);92 var grid = $("#divgridBranchSolution").data("kendoGrid");93 var dataItem = grid.dataItem($(this).closest('tr'));94 if ($target.prop("checked")) {95 gbSelectedBranchList.push(dataItem);96 } else {97 for (var i = 0; i < gbSelectedBranchList.length; i++) {98 if (gbSelectedBranchList[i].BranchId == dataItem.BranchId) {99 gbSelectedBranchList.splice(i, 1);100 break;101 }102 }103 }104 });105 },106 107 checkedDataForBranch: function (data) {108 if (gbSelectedBranchList.length > 0) {109 var result = gbSelectedBranchList.filter(function (obj) {110 return obj.BranchId == data.BranchId;111 });112 if (result.length > 0) {113 return '<input id="check_rowForBranch" class="check_rowForBranch" type="checkbox" checked="checked"/​>';114 }115 else {116 return '<input id="check_rowForBranch" class="check_rowForBranch" type="checkbox"/​>';117 /​/​if (data.CompanyId > 0) {118 /​/​ gbSelectedBranchList.push(data);119 /​/​ return '<input id="check_row" class="check_row" type="checkbox" checked="checked"/​>';120 /​/​} else {121 /​/​ return '<input id="check_row" class="check_row" type="checkbox"/​>';122 /​/​}123 }124 }125 else {126 /​/​if (data.CompanyId > 0) {127 /​/​ gbSelectedBranchList.push(data);128 /​/​ return '<input id="check_row" class="check_row" type="checkbox" checked="checked"/​>';129 /​/​} else {130 /​/​ return '<input id="check_row" class="check_row" type="checkbox"/​>';131 /​/​}132 return '<input id="check_rowForBranch" class="check_rowForBranch" type="checkbox"/​>';133 }134 },135 136 PopulateBranchArray: function(objBranchList) {137 gbSelectedBranchList = [];138 for (var i = 0; i < objBranchList.length; i++) {139 gbSelectedBranchList.push(objBranchList[i]);140 }141 if (objBranchList.length > 0) {142 $("#divgridBranchSolution").data("kendoGrid");143 }144 },145 IsContractEntryApplicable: function () {146 if ($("#chkContraEntryApplicable").is(':checked') == true) {147 $("#liDebitAccHead").show();148 $("#liCreditAccHead").show();149 }150 else {151 $("#liDebitAccHead").hide();152 $("#liCreditAccHead").hide();153 }154 }...

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Source: _BranchTypeWithBranchMappingSummary.js Github


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12var BranchTypeWithBranchMappingSummaryManager = {3 BranchTypeWithBranchMappingDataSource: function () {4 var gridDataSource = new{5 type: "json",6 serverPaging: true,7 serverSorting: true,8 serverFiltering: true,9 allowUnsort: true,10 /​/​pageSize: 10,11 batch: true,12 /​/​autoSync: true,13 transport: {14 read: {15 url: '../​BranchTypeWithBranchMapping/​GetBranchTypeWithBranchMappingSummary',16 type: "POST",17 dataType: "json",18 cache: false,19 async: false,20 contentType: "application/​json; charset=utf-8"21 },22 parameterMap: function (options, operation) {23 if (operation !== "read" && options.models) {24 return { models: kendo.stringify(options.models) };25 }26 return JSON.stringify(options);27 }28 },29 schema: {30 model: {31 id: "BranchTypeMappingId",32 fields: {33 BranchTypeMappingId: { type: 'number' },34 BranchName: { type: 'text', editable: true },35 BranchType: { type: 'text', editable: true }36 37 },38 },39 data: "Items", total: "TotalCount"40 }41 });42 return gridDataSource;43 }44};45var BranchTypeWithBranchMappingSummaryHelper = {46 GenerateBranchTypeWithBranchMappingGrid: function () {47 48 /​/​$("#divBranchTypeWithBranchMappingSummary").kendoGrid({49 /​/​ dataSource: BranchTypeWithBranchMappingSummaryManager.BranchTypeWithBranchMappingDataSource(),50 /​/​ pageable: {51 /​/​ refresh: true, serverPaging: true, serverFiltering: true, serverSorting: true52 /​/​ },53 /​/​ filterable: true, sortable: true,54 /​/​ columns: BranchTypeWithBranchMappingSummaryHelper.GenerateBranchTypeWithBranchMappingGridColumns(),55 /​/​ editable: false,56 /​/​ /​/​toolbar: ["create"], selectable: "row,multiple",57 /​/​ dataBound: function (e) {58 /​/​ }59 /​/​});60 $("#divBranchTypeWithBranchMappingSummary").kendoGrid({61 dataSource: BranchTypeWithBranchMappingSummaryManager.BranchTypeWithBranchMappingDataSource(),62 pageable: {63 refresh: true,64 serverPaging: true,65 serverFiltering: true,66 serverSorting: true67 },68 filterable: true,69 sortable: true,70 columns: BranchTypeWithBranchMappingSummaryHelper.GenerateBranchTypeWithBranchMappingGridColumns(),71 editable: false,72 navigatable: true,73 selectable: "row"74 });75 },76 GenerateBranchTypeWithBranchMappingGridColumns: function () {77 return columns = [78 { field: "BranchName", title: "Branch Name", width: 100 },79 { field: "BranchType", title: "Branch Type", width: 100 },80 {81 field: "Edit", title: "Edit", filterable: false, width: 30, template:82 '<button type="button" value="Edit" id="btnEdit" class="k-button" onClick="BranchTypeWithBranchMappingSummaryHelper.clickEventForEditFunction()"><span class="k-icon k-i-pencil"></​span></​button>', sortable: false83 },84 85 ];86 },87 populateBranchTypeWithBranchMappingInformation: function (objMapping) {88 $("#hdnBranchMappingId").val(objMapping.BranchTypeMappingId);89 $("#txtBranchType").data("kendoComboBox").value(objMapping.BranchType);90 $("#txtBranchName").data("kendoComboBox").value(objMapping.BranchId);91 },92 clickEventForEditFunction: function () {93 94 var gridData = $("#divBranchTypeWithBranchMappingSummary").data("kendoGrid");95 var selectedItem = gridData.dataItem(;96 97 if (selectedItem != null) {98 BranchTypeWithBranchMappingSummaryHelper.populateBranchTypeWithBranchMappingInformation(selectedItem);99 }100}101 102 ...

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