Best Python code snippet using elementium_python
1#!/usr/bin/env python2debug=13def clean():4 foreach bR (0,1,2):5 foreach bC (0,1,2)6 :7 foreach lR (0,1,2)8 :9 foreach lC (0,1,2)10 :11 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{is not = 0)12 :13 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)14 :15 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i = 016 17 value = sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{is18 # eliminate couldbe' bR/lilrow19 foreach i (0,1,2)20 :21 foreach j (0,1,2)22 :23 # eliminate couldbe' bR/lR24 sudoku[bR][i][lR][j]{couldbe{value = 025 # eliminate couldbe' bC/lC26 sudoku[i][bC][j][lC]{couldbe{value = 027 # eliminate couldbe' bR/bC28 sudoku[bR][bC][i][j]{couldbe{value = 029 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 if (debug)37 :38 print "done cleaning+++\n"39 printMatrix()40 41def markOnlyOneAnswer():42 foreach bR (0,1,2)43 :44 foreach bC (0,1,2)45 :46 foreach lR (0,1,2)47 :48 foreach lC (0,1,2)49 :50 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{is == 0)51 :52 #=============================================================53 # evaluate couldbe to see if there is only 1 answer54 answer = 055 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)56 :57 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i == 1)58 :59 answer += 160 value = i61 62 63 if (answer == 1)64 :65 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{is = value66 changes++67 if (debug)68 :69 print "found answer: "70 print "bR+bC+lR+lC = value\n"71 printMatrix()72 73 74 elsif (answer == 0)75 :76 print "ERROR bR+bC+lR+lC = value not not \n"; exit77 78 #=============================================================79 # evaluate 80 81 82 83 84 85def clearNumbersOnlyInXCells():86 # This analysis has to do with the X numbers only appearing in X cells in a row87 # or a column+ Say for instance you have 1,2,3 as possible choices in 3 cells88 # in a row+ Then you can safely eliminate 4,5,6,7,8,9 as possible choices in89 # those cells+90 foreach first (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)91 :92 foreach second (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)93 :94 if (second > first)95 :96 ### foreach third (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)97 ### :98 ### foreach fourth (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)99 ### :100 ### foreach fifth (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)101 ### :102 ### Check Rows103 foreach bR (0,1,2)104 :105 foreach lR (0,1,2)106 :107 rowCount=0108 rowFails=0109 foreach bC (0,1,2)110 :111 foreach lC (0,1,2)112 :113 value = ""114 115 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{first == 1 && 116 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{second == 1)117 :118 rowCount++119 120 elsif (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{first == 1 ||121 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{second == 1)122 :123 rowFails++124 125 126 127 if ( not rowFails && rowCount == 2)128 :129 if (debug) { print "found a hidden pair first,second in br=bR,lr=lR\n"; 130 foreach bC (0,1,2)131 :132 foreach lC (0,1,2)133 :134 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{first == 1 &&135 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{second == 1)136 :137 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)138 :139 if (i not = first && i not = second)140 :141 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i = 0142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 ### Check Columns151 foreach bC (0,1,2)152 :153 foreach lC (0,1,2)154 :155 colCount=0156 colFails=0157 foreach bR (0,1,2)158 :159 foreach lR (0,1,2)160 :161 value = ""162 163 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{first == 1 && 164 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{second == 1)165 :166 colCount++167 168 elsif (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{first == 1 ||169 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{second == 1)170 :171 colFails++172 173 174 175 if ( not colFails && colCount == 2)176 :177 if (debug) { print "found a hidden pair first,second in bc=bC,lc=lC\n"; 178 foreach bR (0,1,2)179 :180 foreach lR (0,1,2)181 :182 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{first == 1 &&183 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{second == 1)184 :185 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)186 :187 if (i not = first && i not = second)188 :189 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i = 0190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 ### 199 ### 200 ### 201 202 203 204def xwinganlysis_rows():205 foreach first (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)206 :207 vecs208 ### Check Rows209 foreach bR (0,1,2)210 :211 foreach lR (0,1,2)212 :213 rownum=bR*3+lR214 # create vectors for each first, see if there are 2 solutions and compare215 vecs[rownum]=sudoku[bR][*][lR][*]{couldbe{first216 217 218 #find vecs that have exactly 2 solutions219 foreach vec @vecs220 :221 @{vec222 223 if ( not rowFails && rowCount == 2)224 :225 if (debug) { print "found a hidden pair first,second in br=bR,lr=lR\n"; 226 foreach bC (0,1,2)227 :228 foreach lC (0,1,2)229 :230 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{first == 1 &&231 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{second == 1)232 :233 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)234 :235 if (i not = first && i not = second)236 :237 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i = 0238 239 240 241 242 243 244 ### Check Columns245 foreach bC (0,1,2)246 :247 foreach lC (0,1,2)248 :249 colCount=0250 colFails=0251 foreach bR (0,1,2)252 :253 foreach lR (0,1,2)254 :255 value = ""256 257 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{first == 1 && 258 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{second == 1)259 :260 colCount++261 262 elsif (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{first == 1 ||263 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{second == 1)264 :265 colFails++266 267 268 269 if ( not colFails && colCount == 2)270 :271 if (debug) { print "found a hidden pair first,second in bc=bC,lc=lC\n"; 272 foreach bR (0,1,2)273 :274 foreach lR (0,1,2)275 :276 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{first == 1 &&277 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{second == 1)278 :279 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)280 :281 if (i not = first && i not = second)282 :283 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i = 0284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293def clearPairROW():294 my (clearValue,bR,lR) = @_295 if (debug)296 :297 print "clearing pair row, clearValue, from bigRow, bR, lilRow, lR\n"298 299 foreach bC (0,1,2)300 :301 foreach lC (0,1,2)302 :303 value = ""304 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)305 :306 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i == 1)307 :308 value = value+i309 310 311 if (value ne clearValue)312 :313 for (i=0; i < length(clearValue); i++)314 :315 foo = substr(clearValue,i,1)316 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{foo = 0317 318 319 320 321def clearPairCOL():322 my (clearValue,bC,lC) = @_323 if (debug)324 :325 print "clearing pair col, clearValue, from bigCol, bC, lilCol, lC\n"326 327 foreach bR (0,1,2)328 :329 foreach lR (0,1,2)330 :331 value = ""332 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)333 :334 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i == 1)335 :336 value = value+i337 338 339 if (value ne clearValue)340 :341 for (i=0; i < length(clearValue); i++)342 :343 foo = substr(clearValue,i,1)344 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{foo = 0345 346 347 348 349def clearBlockExceptROW():350 my (clearValue,bR,bC,excludelR) = @_351 if (debug)352 :353 print "clearing block exept row, clearValue, from bigRow, bR, bigCol, "354 print "bC, lilRow, excludelR\n"355 356 foreach lR (0,1,2)357 :358 if (lR not = excludelR)359 :360 foreach lC (0,1,2)361 :362 for (i =0; i < length(clearValue); i++)363 :364 foo = substr(clearValue,i,1)365 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{foo = 0366 367 368 369 370def clearBlockExceptCOL():371 my (clearValue,bR,bC,excludelC) = @_372 if (debug)373 :374 print "clearing block exept col, clearValue, from bigRow, bR, bigCol, "375 print "bC, lilCol, excludelC\n"376 377 foreach lR (0,1,2)378 :379 foreach lC (0,1,2)380 :381 if (lC not = excludelC)382 :383 for (i =0; i < length(clearValue); i++)384 :385 foo = substr(clearValue,i,1)386 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{foo = 0387 388 389 390 391def printMatrix():392 my %numbersLeft393 394 if (debug)395 :396 foreach bR (0,1,2)397 :398 foreach lR (0,1,2)399 :400 for(i =0; i<3; i++)401 :402 foreach bC (0,1,2)403 :404 foreach lC (0,1,2)405 :406 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{is not = 0)407 :408 ### if (i == 0 || i == 2)409 ### :410 ### print "***"411 ### 412 ### elsif (i == 1)413 ### :414 ### print "*"+sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{is+"*"415 ### 416 print sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{is+sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{is+sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{is417 418 else419 :420 my @subset421 if (i == 0)422 :423 @subset = (1,2,3)424 425 elsif (i == 1)426 :427 @subset = (4,5,6)428 429 elsif (i == 2)430 :431 @subset = (7,8,9)432 433 foreach i (@subset)434 :435 if(sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i)436 :437 print "i"438 numbersLeft{i++439 440 else441 :442 print "_"443 444 445 446 print " "447 448 449 print " "450 451 print "\n"452 453 print "\n"454 455 print "\n"456 457 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)458 :459 print "i: numbersLeft{i\n"460 461 462 else463 :464 foreach bR (0,1,2)465 :466 foreach lR (0,1,2)467 :468 foreach bC (0,1,2)469 :470 foreach lC (0,1,2)471 :472 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{is not = 0)473 :474 print "sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{is"475 476 else477 :478 print "?"479 480 481 print " "482 483 print " "484 485 print "\n"486 487 print "\n"488 489 490def puzzleSolved():491 # calculate whether the puzzle is solved or not492 if (debug)493 :494 print "checking if puzzle solved+++"495 496 foreach bR (0,1,2)497 :498 foreach bC (0,1,2)499 :500 foreach lR (0,1,2)501 :502 foreach lC (0,1,2)503 :504 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)505 :506 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i not = 0)507 :508 if (debug)509 :510 print " nope\n"511 512 return 0513 514 515 516 517 518 519 if (debug)520 :521 print " YES not \n"522 523 return 1524#=======================525# START526#=======================527@input528foreach bR (0,1,2)529:530 foreach lR (0,1,2)531 :532 foreach bC (0,1,2)533 :534 foreach lC (0,1,2)535 :536 while (#input == -1 | 0)537 :538 chomp(entry = <>)539 @input = split(/ /,entry)540 541 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{is = shift(@input)542 543 544 545#=======================546# Initialize547#=======================548foreach bR (0,1,2)549:550 foreach bC (0,1,2)551 :552 foreach lR (0,1,2)553 :554 foreach lC (0,1,2)555 :556 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{is not = 0)557 :558 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)559 :560 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i = 0561 562 563 else564 :565 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)566 :567 sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i = 1568 569 570 571 572 573while ( not puzzleSolved)574:575 iterations++576 changes = 0577 clean()578 # check each ROW for single values579 if (debug) { print "check each ROW for single values\n"; 580 foreach bR (0,1,2)581 :582 foreach lR (0,1,2)583 :584 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)585 :586 answer = 0587 foreach bC (0,1,2)588 :589 foreach lC (0,1,2)590 :591 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i == 1)592 :593 answer += 1594 value = i595 valueBC = bC596 valueLC = lC597 598 599 600 if (answer == 1)601 :602 sudoku[bR][valueBC][lR][valueLC]{is = value603 changes++604 if (debug)605 { 606 print "found ROW answer: "607 print "bR+valueBC+lR+valueLC = value\n"608 printMatrix()609 610 clean()611 612 613 614 615 clean()616 # check each COL for single values617 if (debug) { print "check each COL for single values\n"; 618 foreach bC (0,1,2)619 :620 foreach lC (0,1,2)621 :622 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)623 :624 answer = 0625 foreach bR (0,1,2)626 :627 foreach lR (0,1,2)628 :629 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i == 1)630 :631 answer += 1632 value = i633 valueBR = bR634 valueLR = lR635 636 637 638 if (answer == 1)639 :640 sudoku[valueBR][bC][valueLR][lC]{is = value641 changes++642 if (debug)643 { 644 print "found COL answer: "645 print "valueBR+bC+valueLR+lC = value\n"646 printMatrix()647 648 clean()649 650 651 652 653 # check each COL for BLOCK only values654 if (debug) { print "check each COL for BLOCK only values\n"; 655 foreach bC (0,1,2)656 :657 foreach lC (0,1,2)658 :659 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)660 :661 my %colBlockOnly662 answer = 0663 foreach bR (0,1,2)664 :665 foreach lR (0,1,2)666 :667 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i == 1)668 :669 colBlockOnly{bR = 1670 671 672 673 my @foo = keys %colBlockOnly674 if (#foo == 0)675 :676 print "found COL for BLOCK only, i,foo[0],bC,lC\n"677 clearBlockExceptCOL(i,foo[0],bC,lC)678 clean()679 680 undef %colBlockOnly681 682 683 684 # check each ROW for BLOCK only values685 if (debug) { print "check each ROW for BLOCK only values\n"; 686 foreach bR (0,1,2)687 :688 foreach lR (0,1,2)689 :690 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)691 :692 my %rowBlockOnly693 answer = 0694 foreach bC (0,1,2)695 :696 foreach lC (0,1,2)697 :698 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i == 1)699 :700 rowBlockOnly{bC = 1701 702 703 704 my @foo = keys %rowBlockOnly705 if (#foo == 0)706 :707 print "found ROW for BLOCK only, i,bR,foo[0],lR\n"708 clearBlockExceptROW(i,bR,foo[0],lR)709 clean()710 711 undef %rowBlockOnly712 713 714 715 # check each BLOCK for single values716 if (debug) { print "check each BLOCK for single values\n"; 717 foreach bR (0,1,2)718 :719 foreach bC (0,1,2)720 :721 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)722 :723 answer = 0724 foreach lR (0,1,2)725 :726 foreach lC (0,1,2)727 :728 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i == 1)729 :730 answer += 1731 value = i732 valueLC = lC733 valueLR = lR734 735 736 737 if (answer == 1)738 :739 sudoku[bR][bC][valueLR][valueLC]{is = value740 changes++741 if (debug)742 { 743 print "found BLOCK answer: "744 print "bR+bC+valueLR+valueLC = value\n"745 printMatrix()746 747 clean()748 749 750 751 752 clean()753 markOnlyOneAnswer()754 if (debug) { print "check each ROW for pairs\n"; 755 foreach bR (0,1,2)756 :757 foreach lR (0,1,2)758 :759 my @savedValue760 count = 0761 foreach bC (0,1,2)762 :763 foreach lC (0,1,2)764 :765 answer = 0766 value = ""767 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)768 :769 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i == 1)770 :771 answer += 1772 value = value+i773 774 775 if (answer == 2)776 :777 found = 0778 for (i=0; i <= #savedValue; i++)779 :780 if (value eq savedValue[i])781 :782print "FOUND: #savedValue savedValue[i] value\n"783 found = 1784 785 786 if (found == 0)787 :788 savedValue[count] = value789print "FOUND0: #savedValue savedValue[i] value\n"790 count++791 792 else793 :794 # we have found a "pair"795 if (debug) { print "ROW pair found: bR+bC+lR+lC = value\n"; printMatrix(); 796 clearPairROW(value,bR,lR)797 798 799 800 801 undef @savedValue802 803 804 clean()805 markOnlyOneAnswer()806 if (debug) { print "check each ROW for cell pairs\n"; 807 foreach bR (0,1,2)808 :809 foreach lR (0,1,2)810 :811 my @value812 foreach bC (0,1,2)813 :814 foreach lC (0,1,2)815 :816 answer = 0817 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)818 :819 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i == 1)820 :821 value[i]++822 823 824 825 826 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)827 :828 #### TODO ####829 830 831 832 if (debug) { print "check each COL for pairs\n"; 833 foreach bC (0,1,2)834 :835 foreach lC (0,1,2)836 :837 my @savedValueCOL838 count = 0839 foreach bR (0,1,2)840 :841 foreach lR (0,1,2)842 :843 answer = 0844 value = ""845 foreach i (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)846 :847 if (sudoku[bR][bC][lR][lC]{couldbe{i == 1)848 :849 answer += 1850 value = value+i851 852 853 if (answer == 2)854 :855 found = 0856 for (i=0; i <= #savedValueCOL; i++)857 :858 if (value eq savedValueCOL[i])859 :860 found = 1861 862 863 if (found == 0)864 :865 savedValueCOL[count] = value866 count++867 868 else869 :870 # we have found a "pair"871 if (debug) { print "COL pair found: bR+bC+lR+lC = value\n"; printMatrix(); 872 clearPairCOL(value,bC,lC)873 874 875 876 877 undef @savedValueCOL878 879 880 clearNumbersOnlyInXCells()881 if (debug)882 :883 printMatrix()884 print "================================================================================\n"885 886 if (changes == 0)887 :888 if (changeIterations++ == 40)889 :890 print "something's hosed+++\n"; exit891 892 893 else894 :895 changeIterations = 0896 897print "Solved in iterations Iterations \n"...
2import os3from collections import defaultdict4from zaf.component.decorator import requires5@requires(zk2='Zk2')6def test_foreach(zk2):7 result = zk2(8 [9 'runcommand',10 'testrunner',11 'testfinder',12 'testscheduler',13 'testresults',14 'textreport',15 'sut',16 ], 'run --suts-ids one --suts-ids two')17 stdout = result.stdout18 assert (19 ''20 'test_foreach_config_entity[s=one]') in stdout, stdout...
Source: ForEach.js
1define([2 '../../Core/defined'3 ], function(4 defined) {5 'use strict';67 /**8 * Contains traversal functions for processing elements of the glTF hierarchy.9 */10 var ForEach = {};1112 ForEach.object = function(arrayOfObjects, handler) {13 if (defined(arrayOfObjects)) {14 for (var i = 0; i < arrayOfObjects.length; i++) {15 var object = arrayOfObjects[i];16 var returnValue = handler(object, i);17 if (typeof returnValue === 'number') {18 i += returnValue;19 }20 else if (returnValue) {21 break;22 }23 }24 }25 };2627 ForEach.topLevel = function(gltf, name, handler) {28 var arrayOfObjects = gltf[name];29 ForEach.object(arrayOfObjects, handler);30 };3132 ForEach.accessor = function(gltf, handler) {33 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'accessors', handler);34 };3536 ForEach.accessorWithSemantic = function(gltf, semantic, handler) {37 ForEach.mesh(gltf, function(mesh) {38 ForEach.meshPrimitive(mesh, function(primitive) {39 ForEach.meshPrimitiveAttribute(primitive, function(accessorId, attributeSemantic) {40 if (attributeSemantic.indexOf(semantic) === 0) {41 handler(accessorId, attributeSemantic, primitive);42 }43 });44 });45 });46 };4748 ForEach.animation = function(gltf, handler) {49 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'animations', handler);50 };5152 ForEach.animationSampler = function(animation, handler) {53 var samplers = animation.samplers;54 if (defined(samplers)) {55 ForEach.object(samplers, handler);56 }57 };5859 ForEach.buffer = function(gltf, handler) {60 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'buffers', handler);61 };6263 ForEach.bufferView = function(gltf, handler) {64 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'bufferViews', handler);65 };6667 = function(gltf, handler) {68 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'cameras', handler);69 };7071 ForEach.image = function(gltf, handler) {72 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'images', handler);73 };7475 ForEach.material = function(gltf, handler) {76 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'materials', handler);77 };7879 ForEach.materialValue = function(material, handler) {80 var values = material.values;81 if (defined(values)) {82 for (var name in values) {83 if (values.hasOwnProperty(name)) {84 handler(values[name], name);85 }86 }87 }88 };8990 ForEach.mesh = function(gltf, handler) {91 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'meshes', handler);92 };9394 ForEach.meshPrimitive = function(mesh, handler) {95 var primitives = mesh.primitives;96 if (defined(primitives)) {97 var primitivesLength = primitives.length;98 for (var i = 0; i < primitivesLength; i++) {99 var primitive = primitives[i];100 handler(primitive, i);101 }102 }103 };104105 ForEach.meshPrimitiveAttribute = function(primitive, handler) {106 var attributes = primitive.attributes;107 if (defined(attributes)) {108 for (var semantic in attributes) {109 if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(semantic)) {110 handler(attributes[semantic], semantic);111 }112 }113 }114 };115116 ForEach.meshPrimitiveTargetAttribute = function(primitive, handler) {117 var targets = primitive.targets;118 if (defined(targets)) {119 for (var targetId in targets) {120 if (targets.hasOwnProperty(targetId)) {121 var target = targets[targetId];122 for (var attributeId in target) {123 if (target.hasOwnProperty(attributeId) && attributeId !== 'extras') {124 handler(target[attributeId], attributeId);125 }126 }127 }128 }129 }130 };131132 ForEach.node = function(gltf, handler) {133 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'nodes', handler);134 };135136 ForEach.nodeInTree = function(gltf, nodeIds, handler) {137 var nodes = gltf.nodes;138 if (defined(nodes)) {139 for (var i = 0; i < nodeIds.length; i++) {140 var nodeId = nodeIds[i];141 var node = nodes[nodeId];142 if (defined(node)) {143 handler(node, nodeId);144 var children = node.children;145 if (defined(children)) {146 ForEach.nodeInTree(gltf, children, handler);147 }148 }149 }150 }151 };152153 ForEach.nodeInScene = function(gltf, scene, handler) {154 var sceneNodeIds = scene.nodes;155 if (defined(sceneNodeIds)) {156 ForEach.nodeInTree(gltf, sceneNodeIds, handler);157 }158 };159160 ForEach.program = function(gltf, handler) {161 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'programs', handler);162 };163164 ForEach.sampler = function(gltf, handler) {165 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'samplers', handler);166 };167168 ForEach.scene = function(gltf, handler) {169 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'scenes', handler);170 };171172 ForEach.shader = function(gltf, handler) {173 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'shaders', handler);174 };175176 = function(gltf, handler) {177 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'skins', handler);178 };179180 ForEach.techniqueAttribute = function(technique, handler) {181 var attributes = technique.attributes;182 if (defined(attributes)) {183 for (var semantic in attributes) {184 if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(semantic)) {185 if (handler(attributes[semantic], semantic)) {186 break;187 }188 }189 }190 }191 };192193 ForEach.techniqueParameter = function(technique, handler) {194 var parameters = technique.parameters;195 if (defined(parameters)) {196 for (var parameterName in parameters) {197 if (parameters.hasOwnProperty(parameterName)) {198 if (handler(parameters[parameterName], parameterName)) {199 break;200 }201 }202 }203 }204 };205206 ForEach.technique = function(gltf, handler) {207 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'techniques', handler);208 };209210 ForEach.texture = function(gltf, handler) {211 ForEach.topLevel(gltf, 'textures', handler);212 };213214 return ForEach;
Source: d3.node.js
1'use strict';2Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });3var d3Array = require('d3-array');4var d3Axis = require('d3-axis');5var d3Brush = require('d3-brush');6var d3Chord = require('d3-chord');7var d3Collection = require('d3-collection');8var d3Color = require('d3-color');9var d3Contour = require('d3-contour');10var d3Dispatch = require('d3-dispatch');11var d3Drag = require('d3-drag');12var d3Dsv = require('d3-dsv');13var d3Ease = require('d3-ease');14var d3Fetch = require('d3-fetch');15var d3Force = require('d3-force');16var d3Format = require('d3-format');17var d3Geo = require('d3-geo');18var d3Hierarchy = require('d3-hierarchy');19var d3Interpolate = require('d3-interpolate');20var d3Path = require('d3-path');21var d3Polygon = require('d3-polygon');22var d3Quadtree = require('d3-quadtree');23var d3Random = require('d3-random');24var d3Scale = require('d3-scale');25var d3ScaleChromatic = require('d3-scale-chromatic');26var d3Selection = require('d3-selection');27var d3Shape = require('d3-shape');28var d3Time = require('d3-time');29var d3TimeFormat = require('d3-time-format');30var d3Timer = require('d3-timer');31var d3Transition = require('d3-transition');32var d3Voronoi = require('d3-voronoi');33var d3Zoom = require('d3-zoom');34var version = "5.7.0";35Object.keys(d3Array).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Array[key]; });36Object.keys(d3Axis).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Axis[key]; });37Object.keys(d3Brush).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Brush[key]; });38Object.keys(d3Chord).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Chord[key]; });39Object.keys(d3Collection).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Collection[key]; });40Object.keys(d3Color).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Color[key]; });41Object.keys(d3Contour).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Contour[key]; });42Object.keys(d3Dispatch).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Dispatch[key]; });43Object.keys(d3Drag).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Drag[key]; });44Object.keys(d3Dsv).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Dsv[key]; });45Object.keys(d3Ease).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Ease[key]; });46Object.keys(d3Fetch).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Fetch[key]; });47Object.keys(d3Force).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Force[key]; });48Object.keys(d3Format).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Format[key]; });49Object.keys(d3Geo).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Geo[key]; });50Object.keys(d3Hierarchy).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Hierarchy[key]; });51Object.keys(d3Interpolate).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Interpolate[key]; });52Object.keys(d3Path).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Path[key]; });53Object.keys(d3Polygon).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Polygon[key]; });54Object.keys(d3Quadtree).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Quadtree[key]; });55Object.keys(d3Random).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Random[key]; });56Object.keys(d3Scale).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Scale[key]; });57Object.keys(d3ScaleChromatic).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3ScaleChromatic[key]; });58Object.keys(d3Selection).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Selection[key]; });59Object.keys(d3Shape).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Shape[key]; });60Object.keys(d3Time).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Time[key]; });61Object.keys(d3TimeFormat).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3TimeFormat[key]; });62Object.keys(d3Timer).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Timer[key]; });63Object.keys(d3Transition).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Transition[key]; });64Object.keys(d3Voronoi).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Voronoi[key]; });65Object.keys(d3Zoom).forEach(function (key) { exports[key] = d3Zoom[key]; });66exports.version = version;...
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