Best Python code snippet using django-test-plus_python
...19 data = [{"name": k, "city": v} for k, v in CITY.items()]20 data.sort(key=lambda x: x['name'])21 else:22 data = CITY.get(province, [])23 return response_200({'cities': data})24class UserGradeView(generics.GenericAPIView):25 permission_classes = (AllowAny,)26 def get(self, request):27 """28 è·å年级é项29 """30 data = [{'label': g[1], 'value': g[0]} for g in CustomUser.GRADE_CHOICES]31 return response_200({'grades': data})32class UserWorkspaceOfTeacherView(generics.GenericAPIView):33 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)34 def get(self, request):35 """36 è·åèå¸ä»¬çå·¥ä½å°å37 """38 users = CustomUser.objects.filter(role=CustomUser.ROLE_CHOICES[0][0]).values('work_place').distinct()39 return response_200({'work_places': [u['work_place'] for u in users]})40class UserAllWorkspaceOfTeacherView(generics.GenericAPIView):41 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)42 def get(self, request):43 """44 è·åèå¸ä»¬çå·¥ä½å°å45 """46 users = CustomUser.objects.filter(role=CustomUser.ROLE_CHOICES[0][0]).values('work_place').distinct()47 return response_200({'work_places': [u['work_place'] for u in users]})48class UserTeacherOfWorkspaceView(generics.GenericAPIView):49 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)50 def get(self, request):51 """52 GETåæ°`work_space`ï¼è·å该å¦æ ¡ï¼åä½ï¼èå¸ä»¬53 """54 work_space = request.GET.get('work_space', None)55 if work_space:56 users = CustomUser.objects.filter(work_place=work_space)57 return response_200({'teachers': [u.to_dict() for u in users]})58 else:59 return response_404()60class UserInfoView(generics.GenericAPIView):61 """62 ç¨æ·ä¿¡æ¯63 """64 serializer_class = UserInfoSerializer65 permission_classes = (AllowAny,)66 def get(self, request):67 """68 è·åç¨æ·ä¿¡æ¯, é»è®¤ä¸ºæ¬äººçç¨æ·ä¿¡æ¯ï¼ä¼ å
¥getåæ°idåè·å对åºidçç¨æ·ä¿¡æ¯69 å¦ï¼/api/user/info/?id=170 """71 user_id = request.GET.get('id', None)72 if user_id:73 user = get_object_or_404(CustomUser, pk=user_id)74 else:75 if request.user.is_anonymous:76 return response_403()77 user = request.user78 return response_200(user.to_dict(guest=request.user))79 def patch(self, request):80 """æ´æ°ç¨æ·ä¿¡æ¯"""81 serializer = UserInfoSerializer(instance=request.user, if not serializer.is_valid():83 return response_400(serializer.errors)84 user = return response_200(user.to_dict())86class UserFollowView(generics.GenericAPIView):87 """88 ç¨æ·å
³æ³¨ä¿¡æ¯89 """90 serializer_class = UserFollowSerializer91 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)92 def get(self, request):93 """94 è·åå
³æ³¨ä¿¡æ¯ï¼ä¼ å
³æ³¨ä¿¡æ¯95 å¦ï¼/api/user/follow/?id=196 """97 user_id = request.GET.get('id', None)98 if user_id:99 user = get_object_or_404(CustomUser, pk=user_id)100 else:101 user = request.user102 data = {103 'my_follow': [u.to_dict() for u in user.follow.all()],104 'follow_me': [u.to_dict() for u in user.customuser_set.all()]105 }106 return response_200(data)107 def post(self, request):108 """109 å
³æ³¨110 """111 serializer = UserFollowSerializer( if not serializer.is_valid():113 return response_400(serializer.errors)114 request.user.follow.add(['user_id'])115 send_push_j(['user_id'], '%så
³æ³¨äºä½ ' % (request.user.full_name or, ),116 class_name=Message.CLASS_NAME_CHOICES[2][0], return response_200(request.user.to_dict())118 def delete(self, request):119 """120 åæ¶å
³æ³¨121 """122 serializer = UserFollowSerializer( if not serializer.is_valid():124 return response_400(serializer.errors)125 request.user.follow.remove(['user_id'])126 return response_200( UserWorksView(generics.GenericAPIView):128 """129 ç¨æ·ä½å130 å¯éGETåæ°`storage_type`ï¼131 * image: å¾ç132 * video: è§é¢133 """134 serializer_class = serializers.Serializer135 permission_classes = (AllowAny,)136 def get(self, request, _id):137 storage_type = request.GET.get('storage_type', None)138 works_s = Works.objects.filter(is_delete=False, user_id=_id)139 if storage_type:140 works_s = works_s.filter(storage__type__startswith=storage_type)141 return response_200({'works': [w.details() for w in works_s]})142class UserFollowTeacherView(generics.GenericAPIView):143 """144 ç¨æ·å
³æ³¨çèå¸145 """146 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)147 def get(self, request):148 teachers = request.user.follow.filter(role=CustomUser.ROLE_CHOICES[0][0])149 recommends = CustomUser.objects.filter(role=CustomUser.ROLE_CHOICES[0][0]).exclude(150 pk__in=teachers).exclude('?')[:5]151 return response_200({'users': [u.to_dict() for u in teachers], 'recommends': [u.to_dict() for u in recommends]})152class UserFollowStudentView(generics.GenericAPIView):153 """154 ç¨æ·å
³æ³¨çå¦ç155 """156 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)157 def get(self, request):158 students = request.user.follow.filter(role=CustomUser.ROLE_CHOICES[1][0])159 recommends = CustomUser.objects.filter(role=CustomUser.ROLE_CHOICES[1][0]).exclude(160 pk__in=students).exclude('?')[:5]161 return response_200({'users': [u.to_dict() for u in students], 'recommends': [u.to_dict() for u in recommends]})162class UserFollowWorksView(generics.GenericAPIView):163 """164 ç¨æ·å
³æ³¨ç人çææ°å¨æ165 """166 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)167 def get(self, request):168 follows = request.user.follow.all()169 works_s = Works.objects.filter(user__in=follows, is_delete=False).order_by('-create_time')170 return response_200({'works': [works.details(user=request.user) for works in works_s]})171class UserMessageView(generics.GenericAPIView):172 """173 ç¨æ·æ¶æ¯174 """175 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)176 def get(self, request):177 messages = Message.objects.filter(user=request.user).order_by('-push_time')178 return response_200({'messages': [message.details() for message in messages]})179class UserMessageReadView(generics.GenericAPIView):180 """181 æ è®°æ¶æ¯å·²è¯»182 """183 serializer_class = serializers.Serializer184 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)185 def put(self, request, _id):186 Message.objects.filter(pk=_id).update(is_read=True)187 return response_200({})188class UserMessageChartDetailView(generics.GenericAPIView):189 """190 æ¶æ¯è¯¦æ
191 """192 serializer_class = serializers.Serializer193 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)194 def get(self, request, _id):195 import db.models196 message = get_object_or_404(Message, pk=_id, user=request.user)197 _class = getattr(db.models, message.class_name, )198 if not _class:199 return response_404()200 class_instance = _class.objects.get(pk=message.class_id)201 if isinstance(class_instance, CustomUser):202 return response_200({'user': class_instance.to_dict()})203 works = class_instance if isinstance(class_instance, Works) else class_instance.works204 if request.user.role == CustomUser.ROLE_CHOICES[0][0]:205 teacher = request.user206 else:207 if isinstance(class_instance, Works):208 return response_403()209 teacher = class_instance.user if isinstance(class_instance, WorksComment) else class_instance.to210 chat_list = []211 for c in WorksComment.objects.filter(works=works, user=teacher):212 chat_list.append(c)213 for q in WorksQuestion.objects.filter(works=works, to=teacher):214 chat_list.append(q)215 chat_list.extend(list(WorksQuestionReply.objects.filter(works_question=q)))216 return response_200({217 'works': works.details(), 'teacher_id':,218 'chat_list': [{**i.details(), 'class': i.__class__.__name__}219 for i in sorted(chat_list, key=lambda x: x.create_time)]})220class UserQuestionView(generics.ListAPIView):221 """222 ç¨æ·çæé®223 """224 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)225 def get(self, request):226 questions = WorksQuestion.objects.filter(works__user=request.user)227 return response_200({'questions': [{**q.details(), 'works':} for q in questions]})228class UserQuestionDetailsView(generics.ListAPIView):229 """230 ç¨æ·çæé®231 """232 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)233 def get(self, request, _id):234 question = get_object_or_404(WorksQuestion, pk=_id, works__user=request.user)235 data = question.details()236 data['works'] = data['reply_list'] = [r.details() for r in question.worksquestionreply_set.all()]238 return response_200(data)239class UserCommentView(generics.ListAPIView):240 """241 ç¨æ·çè¯è®º242 """243 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)244 def get(self, request):245 comments = WorksComment.objects.filter(user=request.user)246 return response_200({'comments': [{**c.details(), 'works':} for c in comments]})247class UserCommentDetailsView(generics.ListAPIView):248 """249 ç¨æ·çè¯è®ºè¯¦æ
ï¼ä½åï¼250 """251 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)252 def get(self, request, _id):253 comment = get_object_or_404(WorksComment, pk=_id, user=request.user)254 data = {}255 data['works'] = data['comments'] = [r.details() for r in WorksComment.objects.filter(, user=request.user)]257 return response_200(data)258class UserReplyView(generics.ListAPIView):259 """260 ç¨æ·çåå¤261 """262 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)263 def get(self, request):264 questions = WorksQuestion.objects.filter(to=request.user)265 return response_200({'reply': [{**r.details(), 'question': q.details(), 'works':} for q in questions for r in q.worksquestionreply_set.all()]})266class UserReplyDetailsView(generics.ListAPIView):267 """268 ç¨æ·çåå¤ï¼æé®ï¼269 """270 permission_classes = (IsAuthenticated,)271 def get(self, request, _id):272 reply = get_object_or_404(WorksQuestionReply, pk=_id, works_question__to=request.user)273 data = {}274 data['question'] = reply.works_question.details()275 data['replies'] = [r.details() for r in reply.works_question.worksquestionreply_set.all()]...
...5from .models import Product, ShelfBox, Shelf, Transport6from .api.serializers import ProductSerializer, ShelfSerializer, TransportSerializer7from .const import *8class Responses:9 def response_200(self, data, label=False, success=True):10 response = dict()11 12 if label:13 response[self.label] = data14 else:15 response = data16 17 if success:18 response['success'] = True19 return Response(response, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)20 21 def response_201(self, data):22 response = {23 'success': True,24 self.label: data25 }26 27 return Response(response, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)28 29 def response_400(self, data={}):30 return Response(data, status=status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)31 32 def response_404(self):33 return Response({}, status=status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND)34class APIRoot(generics.GenericAPIView):35 name = 'api-root'36 37 def get(self, request):38 return Response({39 'products': reverse('products', request=request),40 'shelfs': reverse('shelfs', request=request),41 'transports': reverse('transports', request=request),42 })43class Products(APIView, Responses):44 label = Product._meta.verbose_name45 46 def get(self, request):47 products = Product.objects.all()48 serializer = ProductSerializer(products, many=True)49 50 return self.response_200(51,52 success=False53 )54 55 def post(self, request):56 serializer = ProductSerializer( 58 if serializer.is_valid():59 61 return self.response_201(62 serializer.data63 )64 65 if serializer.errors.get('name'):66 return self.response_400(ERROR_NAME_TAKEN)67 68 return self.response_400(serializer.errors)69class ProductItem(APIView, Responses):70 label = Product._meta.verbose_name71 72 def get(self, request, id):73 try:74 product = Product.objects.get(id=id)75 serializer = ProductSerializer(product)76 77 return self.response_200(78,79 success=False80 )81 except Product.DoesNotExist:82 return self.response_404()83 84 return self.response_400()85 86 def patch(self, request, id):87 try:88 product = Product.objects.get(id=id)89 90 ='name', product.quantity ='quantity', product.quantity)92 94 serializer = ProductSerializer(product)95 96 return self.response_200(97,98 label=True99 )100 except Product.DoesNotExist:101 return self.response_404()102 103 def delete(self, request, id):104 try:105 product = Product.objects.get(id=id)106 product.delete()107 108 return self.response_200({})109 except Product.DoesNotExist:110 return self.response_404()111 112class Shelfs(APIView, Responses):113 label = Shelf._meta.verbose_name114 115 def get(self, request):116 shelfs = Shelf.objects.all()117 serializer = ShelfSerializer(shelfs, many=True)118 119 return self.response_200(120,121 success=False122 )123 124 def post(self, request):125 def create_box(box_id):126 if box_id and box_id != 'None':127 return ShelfBox.objects.get(id=box_id)128 else:129 return ShelfBox.create_empty_box()130 131 shelfs = Shelf.objects.all()132 133 if shelfs.count() < SHELF_OBJECTS_MAX_COUNT:134 box1 = create_box('box1'))135 box2 = create_box('box2'))136 box3 = create_box('box3'))137 138 139 shelf = Shelf.objects.create(box1=box1, box2=box2, box3=box3)140 141 serializer = ShelfSerializer(shelf)142 143 return self.response_201(144 serializer.data145 )146 147 return self.response_400(ERROR_MAX_OBJECTS)148class ShelfItem(APIView, Responses):149 label = Shelf._meta.verbose_name150 151 def get(self, request, id):152 try:153 shelf = Shelf.objects.get(id=id)154 serializer = ShelfSerializer(shelf)155 156 return self.response_200(157,158 success=False159 )160 except Shelf.DoesNotExist:161 return self.response_404()162 163 return self.response_400()164 165 def patch(self, request, id):166 try:167 shelf = Shelf.objects.get(id=id)168 169 for box_name in box = getattr(shelf, box_name)171 product_id =[box_name].get('product')172 quantity =[box_name].get('quantity')173 174 if == 'EMPTY' and == product_id and quantity:175 return self.response_400(ERROR_EMPTY_ARTICLE)176 else:177 try:178 product = Product.objects.get(id=product_id)179 box.product = product180 box.quantity = quantity or 0181 except Product.DoesNotExist:183 pass184 185 serializer = ShelfSerializer(shelf)186 187 return self.response_200(188,189 label=True190 )191 except Shelf.DoesNotExist:192 return self.response_404()193 194 def delete(self, request, id):195 try:196 shelf = Shelf.objects.get(id=id)197 shelf.delete()198 199 return self.response_200({})200 except Shelf.DoesNotExist:201 return self.response_404()202class Transports(APIView, Responses):203 label = Transport._meta.verbose_name204 205 def get(self, request):206 transports = Transport.objects.all()207 serializer = TransportSerializer(transports, many=True)208 209 return self.response_200(210,211 success=False212 )213 214 def post(self, request):215 serializer = TransportSerializer( 217 if serializer.is_valid():218 220 return self.response_201(221 serializer.data222 )223 224 if serializer.errors.get('name'):225 return self.response_400(ERROR_NAME_TAKEN)226 227 return self.response_400(serializer.errors)228class TransportItem(APIView, Responses):229 label = Transport._meta.verbose_name230 231 def get(self, request, id):232 try:233 transport = Transport.objects.get(id=id)234 serializer = TransportSerializer(transport)235 236 return self.response_200(237,238 success=False239 )240 except Transport.DoesNotExist:241 return self.response_404()242 243 return self.response_400()244 245 def patch(self, request, id):246 try:247 transport = Transport.objects.get(id=id)248 249 transport.product_request = 'product_request', transport.product_request)251 transport.status = 'status', transport.status)253 255 serializer = TransportSerializer(transport)256 257 return self.response_200(258,259 label=True260 )261 except Transport.DoesNotExist:262 return self.response_404()263 264 def delete(self, request, id):265 try:266 transport = Transport.objects.get(id=id)267 transport.delete()268 269 return self.response_200({})270 except Transport.DoesNotExist:271 return self.response_404()272 273class Prepare(APIView, Responses):274 def _save(self, *objects):275 for obj in objects:276 278 def get(self, request):279 products = Product.objects.all().exclude(name='EMPTY')280 shelfs = Shelf.objects.all().iterator()281 transports = Transport.objects.all().filter(status='incoming')282 283 shelf = next(shelfs)284 box = shelf.get_free_box()285 286 for transport in transports:287 product = products.get(name=transport.product_request)288 product_available = product.get_storage()289 290 if product_available:291 free_shelf_space = shelf.get_free_space()292 293 # can't add two products to one box294 if box.product != product:295 box = shelf.get_free_box()296 297 # shelf is full298 if not free_shelf_space or not box:299 shelf = next(shelfs)300 free_shelf_space = shelf.get_free_space()301 box = shelf.get_free_box()302 303 if product_available >= CARGO_MAX_VALUE:304 product.quantity -= CARGO_MAX_VALUE305 306 if == 'EMPTY':307 box.product = product308 309 if free_shelf_space >= CARGO_MAX_VALUE:310 box.quantity += CARGO_MAX_VALUE311 else:312 temp = free_shelf_space313 box.quantity += free_shelf_space314 315 self._save(box, shelf)316 317 shelf = next(shelfs)318 free_shelf_space = shelf.get_free_space()319 box = shelf.get_free_box()320 321 box.product = product322 box.quantity += CARGO_MAX_VALUE - temp323 else:324 product.quantity -= product_available325 326 if == 'EMPTY':327 box.product = product328 329 if free_shelf_space >= product_available:330 box.quantity += product_available331 else:332 temp = free_shelf_space333 box.quantity += free_shelf_space334 335 self._save(box, shelf)336 337 shelf = next(shelfs)338 free_shelf_space = shelf.get_free_space()339 box = shelf.get_free_box()340 341 box.product = product342 box.quantity += product_available - temp343 344 345 self._save(product, box, shelf)346 347 return self.response_200({})348 ...
...19 else:20 results = [json.loads(place.to_json()) for place in places]21 response = {'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'places': results}22 print(response)23 return self.response_200(response)24 else:25 place = PlaceTable.query.get(data)26 if place is None:27 return self.response_error(400, "ID not found!")28 else:29 return self.response_200({'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'places': [json.loads(place.to_json())]})30 def post(self):31 status, data = self.get_data()32 if not status:33 places = PlaceTable.query.all()34 if places is None:35 return self.response_error(400, "ID not found!")36 else:37 results = [json.loads(place.to_json()) for place in places]38 response = {'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'places': results}39 print(response)40 return self.response_200(response)41 id = data.get("id", '')42 if id is None or id is '':43 # No id given... then display all details..44 places = PlaceTable.query.all()45 if places is None:46 return self.response_error(400, "ID not found!")47 else:48 results = [json.loads(place.to_json()) for place in places]49 response = {'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'places': results}50 print(response)51 return self.response_200(response)52 else:53 place = PlaceTable.query.get(id)54 if place is None:55 return self.response_error(400, "ID not found!")56 else:57 return self.response_200({'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'places': [json.loads(place.to_json())]})58class CrudHandler(BaseListHandler):59 def __init__(self):60 self.pk_param_name = 'uuid'61 self.collection = 'places'62 def get(self):63 status, data = self.get_url_data()64 data = data.get("id", '')65 if data is None or len(data) == 0:66 # No id given... then display all details..67 places = PlaceTable.query.all()68 if places is None:69 return self.response_error(400, "ID not found!")70 else:71 results = [json.loads(place.to_json()) for place in places]72 response = {'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'places': results}73 print(response)74 return self.response_200(response)75 else:76 place = PlaceTable.query.get(data)77 if place is None:78 return self.response_error(400, "ID not found!")79 else:80 return self.response_200({'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'places': [json.loads(place.to_json())]})81 def post(self):82 # Post method to add a place into the table place_table83 status, data = self.get_data()84 if not status:85 return self.response_error(400, "Invalid Post Data")86 name = data.get("name", '')87 if name is None or name is '':88 # No name is given... then show invalid post data..89 return self.response_error(400, "No name element added")90 else:91 place = PlaceTable(data)92 try:93 except SQLAlchemyError as e:95 error = str(e.__dict__['orig'])96 return self.response_error(400, error)97 return self.response_200({'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'message': "Successfully inserted the place to db."})98 def put(self):99 # Update field..100 status, data = self.get_data()101 if not status:102 return self.response_error(400, "Invalid request")103 data = placetable_schema.load(data, partial=True)104 try:105 place = PlaceTable.get_one_places(data.get("id"))106 except KeyError as e:107 return self.response_error(400, "Invalid id")108 if place is None:109 return self.response_error(400, "ID not found!")110 try:111 place.update(data)112 except SQLAlchemyError as error2:113 return self.response_error(400, str(error2.__dict__['orig']))114 return self.response_200({'uuid': str(uuid.uuid4()), 'message': "Successfully updated Details!"})115 def delete(self):116 # Delete field..117 status, data = self.get_data()118 if not status:119 return self.response_error(400, "Invalid request")120 data = placetable_schema.load(data, partial=True)121 try:122 place = PlaceTable.get_one_places(data.get("id"))123 except KeyError as e:124 return self.response_error(400, "Invalid id")125 if place is None:126 return self.response_error(400, "ID not found!")127 try:128 place.delete()129 except SQLAlchemyError as error2:130 return self.response_error(400, str(error2.__dict__['orig']))...
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