How to use size method in avocado

Best Python code snippet using avocado_python


Source:mep-feature-backlight.js Github


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1(function($) {2 $.extend(mejs.MepDefaults, {3 backlightBackground: [0,0,0],4 backlightHorizontalLights: 5,5 backlightVerticalLights: 5,6 backlightSize: 50,7 backlightTimeout: 2008 });9 $.extend(MediaElementPlayer.prototype, {10 buildbacklight : function(player, controls, layers, media) {11 if (!player.isVideo)12 return;13 /​/​http:/​/​​blog/​html5/​382.html14 var 15 mediaContainer = player.container.find('.mejs-mediaelement').parent(),16 border = $('<div class="mejs-border"></​div>')17 .prependTo(mediaContainer)18 .css('position','absolute')19 .css('top','-10px')20 .css('left','-10px')21 .css('border','solid 10px #010101')22 .width(player.width).height(player.height),23 glowBase = $('<div class="mejs-backlight-glow"></​div>')24 .prependTo(mediaContainer)25 .css('position','absolute')26 .css('display','none')27 .css('top',0)28 .css('left',0)29 .width(player.width).height(player.height),30 base = $('<div class="mejs-backlight"></​div>')31 .prependTo(mediaContainer)32 .css('position','absolute')33 .css('top',0)34 .css('left',0)35 .width(player.width).height(player.height),36 i,37 copyCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'),38 copyContext = copyCanvas.getContext('2d'),39 pixels,40 keepUpdating = true,41 isActive = true,42 timer = null,43 glowCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'),44 glowContext = glowCanvas.getContext('2d'),45 size = player.options.backlightSize,46 backgroundColor = player.options.backlightBackground,47 gradient,48 width = player.width,49 height = player.height;50 /​/​ set sizes51 copyCanvas.width = width;52 copyCanvas.height = height;53 glowCanvas.width = width + size + size;54 glowCanvas.height = height + size + size;55 /​/​ draw glow overlay56 /​/​ top57 gradient = addGlow(backgroundColor,glowContext.createLinearGradient(size, size, size, 0));58 glowContext.fillStyle = gradient; 59 glowContext.fillRect(size, size, width, -size); 60 /​/​ tr61 gradient = addGlow(backgroundColor,glowContext.createRadialGradient(width+size, size, 0, width+size, size, size));62 glowContext.fillStyle = gradient; 63 glowContext.fillRect(width+size, size, size, -size); 64 /​/​ right65 gradient = addGlow(backgroundColor,glowContext.createLinearGradient(width+size, size, width+size+size, size));66 glowContext.fillStyle = gradient; 67 glowContext.fillRect(width+size, size, size, height); 68 /​/​ br69 gradient = addGlow(backgroundColor,glowContext.createRadialGradient(width+size, height+size, 0, width+size, height+size, size));70 glowContext.fillStyle = gradient; 71 glowContext.fillRect(width+size, height+size, size, size); 72 /​/​ bottom73 var gradient = addGlow(backgroundColor,glowContext.createLinearGradient(size, size+height, size, size+height+size));74 glowContext.fillStyle = gradient; 75 glowContext.fillRect(size, size+height, width, size); 76 /​/​ bl77 gradient = addGlow(backgroundColor,glowContext.createRadialGradient(size, height+size, 0, size, height+size, size));78 glowContext.fillStyle = gradient; 79 glowContext.fillRect(0, height+size, size, size); 80 /​/​ left81 gradient = addGlow(backgroundColor,glowContext.createLinearGradient(size, size, 0, size));82 glowContext.fillStyle = gradient; 83 glowContext.fillRect(size, size, -size, height); 84 /​/​ tl85 gradient = addGlow(backgroundColor,glowContext.createRadialGradient(size, size, 0, size, size, size));86 glowContext.fillStyle = gradient; 87 glowContext.fillRect(0, 0, size, size); 88 $(glowCanvas)89 .css('position','absolute')90 .css('top',-size)91 .css('left',-size)92 .appendTo(glowBase);93 /​/​ add toggle control94 $('<div class="mejs-backlight-button mejs-backlight-active"><span></​span></​div>')95 .appendTo(controls)96 .click(function() {97 if (isActive) {98 delete timer;99 timer = null;100 base.hide();101 glowBase.hide();102 $(this)103 .removeClass('mejs-backlight-active')104 .addClass('mejs-backlight-inactive')105 } else {106 updateLights();107;108;109 $(this)110 .removeClass('mejs-backlight-inactive')111 .addClass('mejs-backlight-active')112 }113 isActive = !isActive;114 });115 /​/​ http:/​/​​blog/​html5/​382.html116 function updateLights() {117 /​/​ get a copy of video118 copyContext.drawImage(media, 0, 0, media.width, media.height);119 /​/​ create the gradient lights120 addLights(base, copyCanvas, copyContext, 121 player.options.backlightVerticalLights, 122 player.options.backlightHorizontalLights, 123 player.options.backlightSize, 124 30);125 if (keepUpdating && isActive) {126 timer = setTimeout(updateLights, player.options.backlightTimeout);127 }128 }129 /​/​setTimeout(updateLights, timeOut);130 media.addEventListener('play',function() {131 if (isActive) {132 keepUpdating = true;133 updateLights();134 glowBase.css('display','');135 }136 }, false);137 media.addEventListener('pause',function() {138 keepUpdating = false;139 }, false);140 media.addEventListener('ended',function() {141 keepUpdating = false;142 }, false);143 }144 });145 function addLights(base, canvas, context, vBlocks, hBlocks, size, depth) {146 base.empty();147 var 148 lightsCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'),149 lightsContext = lightsCanvas.getContext('2d'),150 width = canvas.width,151 height = canvas.height,152 g,153 topLights = getMidColors(canvas, context, hBlocks, depth, 'top'),154 bottomLights = getMidColors(canvas, context, hBlocks, depth, 'bottom'),155 leftLights = getMidColors(canvas, context, vBlocks, depth, 'left'),156 rightLights = getMidColors(canvas, context, vBlocks, depth, 'right'),157 corners = [],158 stopSize = 0;159 lightsCanvas.width = width + size + size;160 lightsCanvas.height = height + size + size;161 lightsContext.globalCompositeOperation = 'xor'; /​/​'darker'; /​/​'lighter';162 /​/​ draw four gradients163 /​/​ create corners164 corners.push(averageColor(topLights[topLights.length-1], rightLights[0]) );165 corners.push(averageColor(bottomLights[bottomLights.length-1], rightLights[rightLights.length-1]) );166 corners.push(averageColor(bottomLights[0], leftLights[leftLights.length-1]) );167 corners.push(averageColor(topLights[0], leftLights[0]) );168 /​/​ top169 stopSize = 1 /​ topLights.length;170 gradient = context.createLinearGradient(size, size, width+size, size);171 gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgb(' + adjustColor(corners[3]).join(',') + ')');172 for (var i = 0, il = topLights.length; i < il; i++) {173 gradient.addColorStop(i * stopSize + stopSize/​2, 'rgb(' + adjustColor(topLights[i]).join(',') + ')');174 }175 gradient.addColorStop(1.0, 'rgb(' + adjustColor(corners[0]).join(',') + ')');176 lightsContext.fillStyle = gradient;177 lightsContext.fillRect(size, 0, width, size);178 /​/​ right179 gradient = context.createLinearGradient(size+width, size, size+width, size+height);180 gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgb(' + adjustColor(corners[0]).join(',') + ')');181 for (var i = 0, il = rightLights.length; i < il; i++) {182 gradient.addColorStop(i * stopSize + stopSize/​2, 'rgb(' + adjustColor(rightLights[i]).join(',') + ')');183 }184 gradient.addColorStop(1.0, 'rgb(' + adjustColor(corners[1]).join(',') + ')');185 lightsContext.fillStyle = gradient;186 lightsContext.fillRect(size+width, size, size+width+size, height);187 /​/​ bottom188 gradient = context.createLinearGradient(size, size+height, size+width, size+height);189 gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgb(' + adjustColor(corners[2]).join(',') + ')');190 for (var i = 0, il = bottomLights.length; i < il; i++) {191 gradient.addColorStop(i * stopSize + stopSize/​2, 'rgb(' + adjustColor(bottomLights[i]).join(',') + ')');192 }193 gradient.addColorStop(1.0, 'rgb(' + adjustColor(corners[1]).join(',') + ')');194 lightsContext.fillStyle = gradient;195 lightsContext.fillRect(size, size+height, width, size);196 /​/​ left197 gradient = context.createLinearGradient(size, size, size, size+height);198 gradient.addColorStop(0, 'rgb(' + adjustColor(corners[3]).join(',') + ')');199 for (var i = 0, il = leftLights.length; i < il; i++) {200 gradient.addColorStop(i * stopSize + stopSize/​2, 'rgb(' + adjustColor(leftLights[i]).join(',') + ')');201 }202 gradient.addColorStop(1.0, 'rgb(' + adjustColor(corners[2]).join(',') + ')');203 lightsContext.fillStyle = gradient;204 lightsContext.fillRect(0, size, size, height);205 /​/​ corners206 /​/​ top right207 lightsContext.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + adjustColor(corners[0]).join(',') + ')';208 lightsContext.fillRect(width+size, 0, size+width+size, size);209 /​/​ bottom right210 lightsContext.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + adjustColor(corners[1]).join(',') + ')';211 lightsContext.fillRect(width+size, size+height, size+width+size, size+height+size);212 /​/​ bottom left213 lightsContext.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + adjustColor(corners[2]).join(',') + ')';214 lightsContext.fillRect(0, size+height, size, size+height+size);215 /​/​ top left216 lightsContext.fillStyle = 'rgb(' + adjustColor(corners[3]).join(',') + ')';217 lightsContext.fillRect(0, 0, size, size);218 $(lightsCanvas)219 .css('position','absolute')220 .css('top',-size)221 .css('left',-size)222 .appendTo(base);223 }224 function addGlow(color, g) {225 g.addColorStop(0.0, 'rgba(' + color.join(',') + ',0)');226 g.addColorStop(1.0, 'rgba(' + color.join(',') + ',1)');227 return g;228 }229 function getMidColors(canvas, context, blocks, blockDepth, side) {230 var width = canvas.width,231 height = canvas.height,232 blockHeight = (side == 'top' || side == 'bottom') ? blockDepth : Math.ceil(height /​ blocks), /​/​ height of the analyzed block233 blockWidth = (side == 'top' || side == 'bottom') ? Math.ceil(width /​ blocks) : blockDepth,234 result = [],235 imgdata,236 i;237 if (side == 'top' || side == 'bottom') {238 for (i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {239 try {240 imgdata = context.getImageData(i*blockWidth, (side == 'top') ? 0 : height - blockHeight , blockWidth, blockHeight);241 result.push( 242 calcMidColor( );244 } catch (e) {245 console.log(e);246 }247 }248 } else {249 for (i = 0; i < blocks; i++) {250 try {251 imgdata = context.getImageData( (side == 'right') ? width - blockWidth : 0, i*blockHeight, blockWidth, blockHeight);252 result.push( 253 calcMidColor( );255 } catch (e) {256 console.log(e);257 }258 }259 }260 return result;261 }262 function averageColor(c1,c2) {263 var result = 264 [(c1[0] + c2[0]) /​ 2, 265 (c1[1] + c2[1]) /​ 2, 266 (c1[2] + c2[2]) /​ 2];267 268 return result;269 }270 /​/​ average color for a block271 function calcMidColorVertical(data, from, to) {272 var result = [0, 0, 0];273 var totalPixels = (to - from) /​ 4;274 for (var i = from; i <= to; i += 4) {275 result[0] += data[i];276 result[1] += data[i + 1];277 result[2] += data[i + 2];278 }279 result[0] = Math.round(result[0] /​ totalPixels);280 result[1] = Math.round(result[1] /​ totalPixels);281 result[2] = Math.round(result[2] /​ totalPixels);282 return result;283 }284 /​/​ average color for a block285 function calcMidColor(data) {286 var result = [0, 0, 0];287 var totalPixels = data.length;288 for (var i = 0; i < totalPixels; i += 4) {289 result[0] += data[i];290 result[1] += data[i + 1];291 result[2] += data[i + 2];292 }293 result[0] = Math.round(result[0] /​ totalPixels);294 result[1] = Math.round(result[1] /​ totalPixels);295 result[2] = Math.round(result[2] /​ totalPixels);296 return result;297 }298 function adjustColor(color) {299 /​/​if (color[0] <= 2 && color[2] <= 2 && color[3] <= 2)300 /​/​ return color;301 color = rgb2hsv(color);302 color[1] = Math.min(100, color[1] * 1.2); /​/​1.4); /​/​ saturation303 color[2] = 80; /​/​Math.min(100, color[2] * 2.7); /​/​2.7); /​/​ brightness304 return hsv2rgb(color);305 }306 function rgb2hsv(color) {307 var r = color[0] /​ 255,308 g = color[1] /​ 255,309 b = color[2] /​ 255,310 x, val, d1, d2, hue, sat, val;311 x = Math.min(Math.min(r, g), b);312 val = Math.max(Math.max(r, g), b);313 /​/​if (x == val)314 /​/​ throw Error('h is undefined');315 d1 = (r == x) ? g-b : ((g == x) ? b-r : r-g);316 d2 = (r == x) ? 3 : ((g == x) ? 5 : 1);317 hue = Math.floor((d2 - d1 /​ (val - x)) * 60) % 360;318 sat = Math.floor(((val - x) /​ val) * 100);319 val = Math.floor(val * 100);320 return [hue, sat, val];321 }322 /​**323 * Convers HSV color to RGB model324 * @param {Number[]} RGB color325 * @return {Number[]} HSV color326 */​327 function hsv2rgb(color) {328 var h = color[0],329 s = color[1],330 v = color[2];331 var r, g, a, b, c, s = s /​ 100, v = v /​ 100, h = h /​ 360;332 if (s > 0) {333 if (h >= 1) h=0;334 h = 6 * h;335 var f = h - Math.floor(h);336 a = Math.round(255 * v * (1 - s));337 b = Math.round(255 * v * (1 - (s * f)));338 c = Math.round(255 * v * (1 - (s * (1 - f))));339 v = Math.round(255 * v);340 switch (Math.floor(h)) {341 case 0: r = v; g = c; b = a; break;342 case 1: r = b; g = v; b = a; break;343 case 2: r = a; g = v; b = c; break;344 case 3: r = a; g = b; b = v; break;345 case 4: r = c; g = a; b = v; break;346 case 5: r = v; g = a; b = b; break;347 }348 return [r || 0, g || 0, b || 0];349 } else {350 v = Math.round(v * 255);351 return [v, v, v];352 }353 }...

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Source:MarkSize.js Github


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1"use strict;"2function MarkSize( main , TargetObj ){3 var Box = new THREE.Box3();4 var objCenter = new THREE.Vector3();5 var objSize = new THREE.Vector3();6 var FuniBox = new THREE.Box3();7 var FuniCenter = new THREE.Vector3();8 var group = new THREE.Group();9 main.scene.add(group);10 /​/​detect the funiture component11 for(var i = main.furnitures.length - 1; i > -1; i -- ){ 12 var object = main.furnitures[i].getFurniture();13 14 if(object.isObject3D){15 group.add(object.clone());16 }17 }18 for(var i = main.Sceneobjects.length - 1; i > -1; i -- ){19 var object = main.Sceneobjects[i];20 group.add(object.clone());21 }22 /​/​set funiture bounding box , box center23 FuniBox.setFromObject( group );24 FuniBox.getCenter( FuniCenter );25 main.scene.remove( group );26 /​/​get object center27 Box.setFromObject(TargetObj);28 Box.getCenter(objCenter);29 Box.getSize(objSize);30 /​/​ face to the user31 if( objCenter.z >= FuniCenter.z ){32 /​/​show size number33 loadText( main , 34 objSize.x ,35 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x ,36 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,37 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 + 1), 38 0 );39 /​/​show line40 loadLine( main , 41 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 ,42 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,43 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 + 1) , 44 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 ,45 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,46 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 + 1) );47 loadLine( main , 48 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 ,49 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,50 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 + 0.5) , 51 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 ,52 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,53 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 + 1.5) );54 loadLine( main , 55 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 ,56 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,57 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 + 0.5) , 58 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 ,59 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,60 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 + 1.5) );61 /​/​right to the user62 if ( objCenter.x > FuniCenter.x ){63 /​/​show high64 loadText( main , 65 objSize.y ,66 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1,67 objCenter.y ,68 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 +1, ), 69 45 );70 /​/​show line71 loadLine( main , 72 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1,73 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,74 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 +1) , 75 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1,76 objCenter.y + objSize.y/​2 ,77 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 +1) );78 /​/​show line79 loadLine( main , 80 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +0.5,81 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,82 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 +0.5) , 83 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1.5,84 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,85 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 +1.5) );86 /​/​show line87 loadLine( main , 88 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +0.5,89 objCenter.y + objSize.y/​2 ,90 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 +0.5) , 91 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1.5,92 objCenter.y + objSize.y/​2 ,93 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 +1.5) );94 }95 else{/​/​left to the user96 /​/​show high97 loadText( main , 98 objSize.y ,99 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1,100 objCenter.y ,101 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 +1, ), 102 -45 );103 /​/​show line104 loadLine( main , 105 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1,106 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,107 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 +1) , 108 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1,109 objCenter.y + objSize.y/​2 ,110 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 +1) );111 loadLine( main , 112 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -0.5,113 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,114 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 +0.5) , 115 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1.5,116 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,117 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 +1.5) );118 loadLine( main , 119 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -0.5,120 objCenter.y + objSize.y/​2 ,121 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 +0.5) , 122 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1.5,123 objCenter.y + objSize.y/​2 ,124 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2 +1.5) );125 }126 }127 else{/​/​ back to the user128 /​/​show size number129 loadText( main , 130 objSize.x ,131 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x ,132 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,133 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 - 1), 134 180 );135 /​/​show line136 loadLine( main , 137 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2,138 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,139 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 - 1) , 140 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2,141 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,142 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 - 1) );143 loadLine( main , 144 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2,145 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,146 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 - 0.5) , 147 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2,148 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,149 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 - 1.5) );150 loadLine( main , 151 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2,152 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,153 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 - 0.5) , 154 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2,155 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,156 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 - 1.5) );157 /​/​right to the user158 if ( objCenter.x > FuniCenter.x ){159 /​/​show high160 loadText( main , 161 objSize.y ,162 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1,163 objCenter.y ,164 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 -1 ), 165 135 );166 /​/​show line167 loadLine( main , 168 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1,169 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,170 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 -1) , 171 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1,172 objCenter.y + objSize.y/​2 ,173 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 -1) );174 loadLine( main , 175 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +0.5,176 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,177 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 -0.5) , 178 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1.5,179 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,180 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 -1.5) );181 loadLine( main , 182 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +0.5,183 objCenter.y + objSize.y/​2 ,184 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 -0.5) , 185 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1.5,186 objCenter.y + objSize.y/​2 ,187 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 -1.5) );188 }189 else{/​/​left to the user190 /​/​show high191 loadText( main , 192 objSize.y ,193 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1,194 objCenter.y ,195 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 -1, ), 196 225 );197 /​/​show line198 loadLine( main , 199 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1,200 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,201 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 -1) , 202 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1,203 objCenter.y + objSize.y/​2 ,204 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 -1) );205 loadLine( main , 206 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -0.5,207 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,208 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 -0.5) , 209 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1.5,210 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,211 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 -1.5) );212 loadLine( main , 213 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -0.5,214 objCenter.y + objSize.y/​2 ,215 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 -0.5) , 216 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1.5,217 objCenter.y + objSize.y/​2 ,218 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2 -1.5) );219 }220 }221 /​/​right to the user222 if ( objCenter.x > FuniCenter.x ){223 /​/​show size number224 loadText( main , 225 objSize.z ,226 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1,227 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,228 objCenter.z ), 229 90 );230 /​/​show line231 loadLine( main , 232 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1,233 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,234 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2) , 235 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1,236 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,237 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2) );238 loadLine( main , 239 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +0.5,240 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,241 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2) , 242 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1.5,243 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,244 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2) );245 loadLine( main , 246 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +0.5,247 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,248 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2) , 249 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x + objSize.x/​2 +1.5,250 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,251 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2) );252 }253 else{/​/​left to the user254 /​/​show size number255 loadText( main , 256 objSize.z ,257 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1,258 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,259 objCenter.z ), 260 270 );261 /​/​show line262 loadLine( main , 263 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1,264 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,265 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2) , 266 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1,267 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,268 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2) );269 loadLine( main , 270 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -0.5,271 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,272 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2) , 273 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1.5,274 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,275 objCenter.z - objSize.z/​2) );276 loadLine( main , 277 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -0.5,278 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,279 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2) , 280 new THREE.Vector3(objCenter.x - objSize.x/​2 -1.5,281 objCenter.y - objSize.y/​2 ,282 objCenter.z + objSize.z/​2) );283 }284}285function loadText(main , num , position , rotat){286 var text = (Math.round(num*10)/​100).toString();287 var loader = new THREE.FontLoader();288 var font = loader.load(289 /​/​ resource URL290 'three.js-master/​examples/​fonts/​helvetiker_regular.typeface.json',291 /​/​ onLoad callback292 function ( font ) {293 var geometry = new THREE.TextGeometry( text , {294 font: font ,295 size: 0.3,296 height: 0.05,297 curveSegments: 12,298 bevelEnabled: false,299 bevelThickness: 5,300 bevelSize: 4,301 bevelSegments: 1302 } );303 var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x000000 } );304 var mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );305 mesh.position.set( position.x , position.y +0.5 , position.z );306 mesh.rotateOnWorldAxis(new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0) , rotat * Math.PI/​180);307 main.scene.add( mesh );308 main.SizeObj.push( mesh );309 }310 );311}312function loadLine( main , point1 , point2){313 var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({314 color: 0x000000,315 linewidth: 10,316 linecap: 'round', /​/​ignored by WebGLRenderer317 linejoin: 'round' /​/​ignored by WebGLRenderer318 });319 var geometry = new THREE.Geometry();320 geometry.vertices.push(321 new THREE.Vector3( point1.x , point1.y , point1.z ),322 new THREE.Vector3( point2.x , point2.y , point2.z )323 );324 var line = new THREE.Line( geometry, material );325 main.scene.add( line );326 main.SizeObj.push(line);327}...

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Source:Stage_8.js Github


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1var data; /​/​ bucket for the notification data2/​/​each social media notifications count is listed3/​/​value ranges between 0-20 → circles -->map values?4var instagram, snapchat, messenger, facebook, email, instagramCol, snapchatCol, messengerCol, facebookCol, emailCol;5var whichHour=0; /​/​for iterating through data6/​/​ this will make the circles bigger7var sizeMultiplier = 5; 8var time, size;9var daycounter= 1;10function preload (){11 data =loadJSON("Sunday.json");12}13function setup() {14 15 createCanvas (windowWidth, windowHeight);16 background (255);17 18 instagramCol = color (142, 68, 173, 90);19 messengerCol = color (133, 193, 233, 90);20 snapchatCol = color (247, 220, 111, 90);21 facebookCol = color (118, 215, 196, 90);22 emailCol = color (178, 186, 187, 90); 23 frameRate(0.5);24 25 26 /​/​textSize (70);27 /​/​fill (0);28 /​/​ textFont ("Futura");29 /​/​ text ('Sunday',600,600);30 /​/​ textSize (20);31 /​/​ text ('Press any key', 150, 380);32 /​/​ text ('click anywhere on screen',1100, 380);33 /​/​ textSize(40);34 /​/​ text ('II',200,350);35 /​/​ text ('≥', 1200, 350);36 /​/​ var yplay;37 /​/​ angleMode (DEGREES);38 }39 40 41 42function draw () {43 for (whichHour=0; whichHour<data.hours.length; whichHour++){44 /​/​if (frameCount > 100 * whichHour) {45 /​/​ if (mouseX<200) {46 /​/​ yplay = int(random(100,5));}47 /​/​ else {yplay=1;}48 /​/​translate (200, 200);49 /​/​rotate(angle);50 /​/​ellipseMode (CENTER);51 52 /​/​ Sunday53 fill (instagramCol);54 size = data.hours[whichHour].instagram*sizeMultiplier;55 /​/​ellipse (data[whichHour], whichHour*yplay, whichHour*20, size, size);56 ellipse (random(100, 150), random (150, 500), size, size);57 /​/​angle++;58 59 60 fill (messengerCol);61 size = data.hours[whichHour].messenger*sizeMultiplier; 62 ellipse(random(100, 150), random(150, 500), size, size);63 64 65 fill (snapchatCol);66 size = data.hours[whichHour].snapchat*sizeMultiplier; 67 rect(random(100, 150), random(150, 500), size, size);68 69 fill (facebookCol);70 size = data.hours[whichHour].facebook*sizeMultiplier; 71 square (random(100, 150), random(150, 500), size, size);72 73 fill (emailCol);74 size = data.hours[whichHour].email*sizeMultiplier; 75 ellipse(random(100, 150), random(150, 500), size, size);76 77/​/​ Monday78fill (instagramCol);79 size = data.hours[whichHour].instagram*sizeMultiplier;80 /​/​ellipse (data[whichHour], whichHour*yplay, whichHour*20, size, size);81 ellipse (random(270, 320), random (150, 500), size, size);82 /​/​angle++;83 84 85 fill (messengerCol);86 size = data.hours[whichHour].messenger*sizeMultiplier; 87 ellipse(random(270, 320), random(150, 500), size, size);88 89 90 fill (snapchatCol);91 size = data.hours[whichHour].snapchat*sizeMultiplier; 92 rect(random(270, 320), random(150, 500), size, size);93 94 fill (facebookCol);95 size = data.hours[whichHour].facebook*sizeMultiplier; 96 square (random(270, 320), random(150, 500), size, size);97 98 fill (emailCol);99 size = data.hours[whichHour].email*sizeMultiplier; 100 ellipse(random(270, 320), random(150, 500), size, size);101 102 /​/​Tuesday103 fill (instagramCol);104 size = data.hours[whichHour].instagram*sizeMultiplier;105 /​/​ellipse (data[whichHour], whichHour*yplay, whichHour*20, size, size);106 ellipse (random(440, 490), random (150, 500), size, size);107 /​/​angle++;108 109 fill (messengerCol);110 size = data.hours[whichHour].messenger*sizeMultiplier; 111 ellipse(random(440, 490), random(150, 500), size, size);112 113 114 fill (snapchatCol);115 size = data.hours[whichHour].snapchat*sizeMultiplier; 116 rect(random(440, 490), random(150, 500), size, size);117 118 fill (facebookCol);119 size = data.hours[whichHour].facebook*sizeMultiplier; 120 square (random(440, 490), random(150, 500), size, size);121 122 fill (emailCol);123 size = data.hours[whichHour].email*sizeMultiplier; 124 ellipse(random(440, 490), random(150, 500), size, size);125 126 /​/​Wednesday127 fill (instagramCol);128 size = data.hours[whichHour].instagram*sizeMultiplier;129 /​/​ellipse (data[whichHour], whichHour*yplay, whichHour*20, size, size);130 ellipse (random(610, 660), random (150, 500), size, size);131 /​/​angle++;132 133 fill (messengerCol);134 size = data.hours[whichHour].messenger*sizeMultiplier; 135 ellipse(random(610, 660), random(150, 500), size, size);136 137 138 fill (snapchatCol);139 size = data.hours[whichHour].snapchat*sizeMultiplier; 140 rect(random(610, 660), random(150, 500), size, size);141 142 fill (facebookCol);143 size = data.hours[whichHour].facebook*sizeMultiplier; 144 square (random(610, 660), random(150, 500), size, size);145 146 fill (emailCol);147 size = data.hours[whichHour].email*sizeMultiplier; 148 ellipse(random(610, 660), random(150, 500), size, size);149 150 /​/​Thursday151 fill (instagramCol);152 size = data.hours[whichHour].instagram*sizeMultiplier;153 /​/​ellipse (data[whichHour], whichHour*yplay, whichHour*20, size, size);154 ellipse (random(780, 830), random (150, 500), size, size);155 /​/​angle++;156 157 fill (messengerCol);158 size = data.hours[whichHour].messenger*sizeMultiplier; 159 ellipse(random(780, 830), random(150, 500), size, size);160 161 162 fill (snapchatCol);163 size = data.hours[whichHour].snapchat*sizeMultiplier; 164 rect(random(780, 830), random(150, 500), size, size);165 166 fill (facebookCol);167 size = data.hours[whichHour].facebook*sizeMultiplier; 168 square (random(780, 830), random(150, 500), size, size);169 170 fill (emailCol);171 size = data.hours[whichHour].email*sizeMultiplier; 172 ellipse(random(780, 830), random(150, 500), size, size);173 174 /​/​Friday175 fill (instagramCol);176 size = data.hours[whichHour].instagram*sizeMultiplier;177 /​/​ellipse (data[whichHour], whichHour*yplay, whichHour*20, size, size);178 ellipse (random(950, 1000), random (150, 500), size, size);179 /​/​angle++;180 181 fill (messengerCol);182 size = data.hours[whichHour].messenger*sizeMultiplier; 183 ellipse(random(950, 1000), random(150, 500), size, size);184 185 186 fill (snapchatCol);187 size = data.hours[whichHour].snapchat*sizeMultiplier; 188 rect(random(950, 1000), random(150, 500), size, size);189 190 fill (facebookCol);191 size = data.hours[whichHour].facebook*sizeMultiplier; 192 square (random(950, 1000), random(150, 500), size, size);193 194 fill (emailCol);195 size = data.hours[whichHour].email*sizeMultiplier; 196 ellipse(random(950, 1000), random(150, 500), size, size);197 198 /​/​Saturday199 fill (instagramCol);200 size = data.hours[whichHour].instagram*sizeMultiplier;201 /​/​ellipse (data[whichHour], whichHour*yplay, whichHour*20, size, size);202 ellipse (random(1120, 1170), random (150, 500), size, size);203 /​/​angle++;204 205 fill (messengerCol);206 size = data.hours[whichHour].messenger*sizeMultiplier; 207 ellipse(random(1120, 1170), random(150, 500), size, size);208 209 210 fill (snapchatCol);211 size = data.hours[whichHour].snapchat*sizeMultiplier; 212 rect(random(1120, 1170), random(150, 500), size, size);213 214 fill (facebookCol);215 size = data.hours[whichHour].facebook*sizeMultiplier; 216 square (random(1120, 1170), random(150, 500), size, size);217 218 fill (emailCol);219 size = data.hours[whichHour].email*sizeMultiplier; 220 ellipse(random(1120, 1170), random(150, 500), size, size);221 }222}223/​/​this allows you to pause the sketch with just pressing any key on the keyboard. 224function keyPressed (){225 noLoop();226}227function keyReleased (){228 loop();229}230function mousePressed (){231 background (255);232 /​/​ fill (0);233 /​/​ textSize (70);234 /​/​ textFont ("Futura");235 236 /​/​ /​/​ changing the title days everytime mouse is pressed237 /​/​ if (mousePressed) {238 /​/​ daycounter = daycounter +1;239 /​/​ }240 /​/​ if (daycounter > 7) {241 /​/​ daycounter = 1;242 /​/​ }243 244 /​/​ if (daycounter ==2) {245 /​/​ text ("Monday", 600, 600);246 /​/​ }247 /​/​if (daycounter ==3) {248 /​/​ text ("Tuesday", 600,600);249 /​/​ }250 251 252 /​/​ if (daycounter ==4) {253 /​/​ text ("Wednesday", 540,600);254 /​/​ } 255 256 /​/​ if (daycounter ==5) {257 /​/​ text ("Thursday", 600,600);258 /​/​ }259 260 /​/​ if (daycounter ==6) {261 /​/​ text ("Friday", 620,600);262 /​/​ }263 264 /​/​ if (daycounter ==7) {265 /​/​ text ("Saturday", 600,600);266 /​/​ }267 268 269 /​/​ textSize (20);270 /​/​ text ('Press any key', 150, 380);271 /​/​ text ('click anywhere on screen',1100, 380);272 /​/​ textSize(40);273 /​/​ text ('II',200,350);274 /​/​ text ('≥', 1200, 350);275 276 ...

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Source:Zoomify.js Github


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1/​* Copyright (c) 2006-2013 by OpenLayers Contributors (see authors.txt for2 * full list of contributors). Published under the 2-clause BSD license.3 * See license.txt in the OpenLayers distribution or repository for the4 * full text of the license. */​5/​*6 * Development supported by a R&D grant DC08P02OUK006 - Old Maps Online7 * ( from Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.8 */​9/​**10 * @requires OpenLayers/​Layer/​Grid.js11 */​12/​**13 * Class: OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify14 *15 * Inherits from:16 * - <OpenLayers.Layer.Grid>17 */​18OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Layer.Grid, {19 /​**20 * Property: size21 * {<OpenLayers.Size>} The Zoomify image size in pixels.22 */​23 size: null,24 /​**25 * APIProperty: isBaseLayer26 * {Boolean}27 */​28 isBaseLayer: true,29 /​**30 * Property: standardTileSize31 * {Integer} The size of a standard (non-border) square tile in pixels.32 */​33 standardTileSize: 256,34 /​** 35 * Property: tileOriginCorner36 * {String} This layer uses top-left as tile origin37 **/​38 tileOriginCorner: "tl",39 /​**40 * Property: numberOfTiers41 * {Integer} Depth of the Zoomify pyramid, number of tiers (zoom levels)42 * - filled during Zoomify pyramid initialization.43 */​44 numberOfTiers: 0,45 /​**46 * Property: tileCountUpToTier47 * {Array(Integer)} Number of tiles up to the given tier of pyramid.48 * - filled during Zoomify pyramid initialization.49 */​50 tileCountUpToTier: null,51 /​**52 * Property: tierSizeInTiles53 * {Array(<OpenLayers.Size>)} Size (in tiles) for each tier of pyramid.54 * - filled during Zoomify pyramid initialization.55 */​56 tierSizeInTiles: null,57 /​**58 * Property: tierImageSize59 * {Array(<OpenLayers.Size>)} Image size in pixels for each pyramid tier.60 * - filled during Zoomify pyramid initialization.61 */​62 tierImageSize: null,63 /​**64 * Constructor: OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify65 *66 * Parameters:67 * name - {String} A name for the layer.68 * url - {String} - Relative or absolute path to the image or more69 * precisly to the TileGroup[X] directories root.70 * Flash plugin use the variable name "zoomifyImagePath" for this.71 * size - {<OpenLayers.Size>} The size (in pixels) of the image.72 * options - {Object} Hashtable of extra options to tag onto the layer73 */​74 initialize: function(name, url, size, options) {75 /​/​ initilize the Zoomify pyramid for given size76 this.initializeZoomify(size);77 OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.initialize.apply(this, [78 name, url, size, {}, options79 ]);80 },81 /​**82 * Method: initializeZoomify83 * It generates constants for all tiers of the Zoomify pyramid84 *85 * Parameters:86 * size - {<OpenLayers.Size>} The size of the image in pixels87 *88 */​89 initializeZoomify: function( size ) {90 var imageSize = size.clone();91 this.size = size.clone();92 var tiles = new OpenLayers.Size(93 Math.ceil( imageSize.w /​ this.standardTileSize ),94 Math.ceil( imageSize.h /​ this.standardTileSize )95 );96 this.tierSizeInTiles = [tiles];97 this.tierImageSize = [imageSize];98 while (imageSize.w > this.standardTileSize ||99 imageSize.h > this.standardTileSize ) {100 imageSize = new OpenLayers.Size(101 Math.floor( imageSize.w /​ 2 ),102 Math.floor( imageSize.h /​ 2 )103 );104 tiles = new OpenLayers.Size(105 Math.ceil( imageSize.w /​ this.standardTileSize ),106 Math.ceil( imageSize.h /​ this.standardTileSize )107 );108 this.tierSizeInTiles.push( tiles );109 this.tierImageSize.push( imageSize );110 }111 this.tierSizeInTiles.reverse();112 this.tierImageSize.reverse();113 this.numberOfTiers = this.tierSizeInTiles.length;114 var resolutions = [1];115 this.tileCountUpToTier = [0];116 for (var i = 1; i < this.numberOfTiers; i++) {117 resolutions.unshift(Math.pow(2, i));118 this.tileCountUpToTier.push(119 this.tierSizeInTiles[i-1].w * this.tierSizeInTiles[i-1].h +120 this.tileCountUpToTier[i-1]121 );122 }123 if (!this.serverResolutions) {124 this.serverResolutions = resolutions;125 }126 },127 /​**128 * APIMethod:destroy129 */​130 destroy: function() {131 /​/​ for now, nothing special to do here.132 OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.destroy.apply(this, arguments);133 /​/​ Remove from memory the Zoomify pyramid - is that enough?134 this.tileCountUpToTier.length = 0;135 this.tierSizeInTiles.length = 0;136 this.tierImageSize.length = 0;137 },138 /​**139 * APIMethod: clone140 *141 * Parameters:142 * obj - {Object}143 *144 * Returns:145 * {<OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify>} An exact clone of this <OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify>146 */​147 clone: function (obj) {148 if (obj == null) {149 obj = new OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify(,150 this.url,151 this.size,152 this.options);153 }154 /​/​get all additions from superclasses155 obj = OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.clone.apply(this, [obj]);156 /​/​ copy/​set any non-init, non-simple values here157 return obj;158 },159 /​**160 * Method: getURL161 *162 * Parameters:163 * bounds - {<OpenLayers.Bounds>}164 *165 * Returns:166 * {String} A string with the layer's url and parameters and also the167 * passed-in bounds and appropriate tile size specified as168 * parameters169 */​170 getURL: function (bounds) {171 bounds = this.adjustBounds(bounds);172 var res = this.getServerResolution();173 var x = Math.round((bounds.left - this.tileOrigin.lon) /​ (res * this.tileSize.w));174 var y = Math.round(( - /​ (res * this.tileSize.h));175 var z = this.getZoomForResolution( res );176 var tileIndex = x + y * this.tierSizeInTiles[z].w + this.tileCountUpToTier[z];177 var path = "TileGroup" + Math.floor( (tileIndex) /​ 256 ) +178 "/​" + z + "-" + x + "-" + y + ".jpg";179 var url = this.url;180 if (OpenLayers.Util.isArray(url)) {181 url = this.selectUrl(path, url);182 }183 return url + path;184 },185 /​**186 * Method: getImageSize187 * getImageSize returns size for a particular tile. If bounds are given as188 * first argument, size is calculated (bottom-right tiles are non square).189 *190 */​191 getImageSize: function() {192 if (arguments.length > 0) {193 var bounds = this.adjustBounds(arguments[0]);194 var res = this.getServerResolution();195 var x = Math.round((bounds.left - this.tileOrigin.lon) /​ (res * this.tileSize.w));196 var y = Math.round(( - /​ (res * this.tileSize.h));197 var z = this.getZoomForResolution( res );198 var w = this.standardTileSize;199 var h = this.standardTileSize;200 if (x == this.tierSizeInTiles[z].w -1 ) {201 var w = this.tierImageSize[z].w % this.standardTileSize;202 }203 if (y == this.tierSizeInTiles[z].h -1 ) {204 var h = this.tierImageSize[z].h % this.standardTileSize;205 }206 return (new OpenLayers.Size(w, h));207 } else {208 return this.tileSize;209 }210 },211 /​**212 * APIMethod: setMap213 * When the layer is added to a map, then we can fetch our origin214 * (if we don't have one.)215 *216 * Parameters:217 * map - {<OpenLayers.Map>}218 */​219 setMap: function(map) {220 OpenLayers.Layer.Grid.prototype.setMap.apply(this, arguments);221 this.tileOrigin = new OpenLayers.LonLat(,222;223 },224 CLASS_NAME: "OpenLayers.Layer.Zoomify"...

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