How to use get_r method in avocado

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1import os2import re3import sys4regs=['t1','t2','t3','t4','t5','t6','t7','t8','t9','s0','s1','s2','s3','s4','s5','s6','s7']5table={}6reg_ok={}7variables=[]89def translate(line):10 if line[1]=='=':11 if line[3] == '_':12 if line[2][0] == '#': # ['15:', '=', '#1', '_', 'a'] li加载立即数13 return '%s\n\tli %s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[4]),line[2].replace('#',''))14 else: # ['15:', '=', 't1', '_', 'a']15 return '%s\n\tmove %s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[4]),Get_R(line[2]))16 if line[1] == '+': 17 if line[3][0] == '#': # ['2:', '+', 'a', '#1', 't2']18 return '%s\n\taddi %s,%s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[4]),Get_R(line[2]),line[3].replace('#',''))19 elif line[2][0] == '#': # ['2:', '+', '#1', 'a', 't2'] 20 return '%s\n\taddi %s,%s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[4]),Get_R(line[3]),line[2].replace('#',''))21 else: # ['2:', '+', 'b', 'a', 't2']22 return '%s\n\tadd %s,%s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[4]),Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[3]))23 if line[1] == '-': 24 if line[3][0] == '#': # ['2:', '-', 'a', '#1', 't2'] 25 return '%s\n\taddi %s,%s,-%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[4]),Get_R(line[2]),line[3].replace('#',''))26 elif line[2][0] == '#': # ['2:', '-', '#1', 'a', 't2'] 27 return '%s\n\taddi %s,%s,-%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[4]),Get_R(line[3]),line[2].replace('#',''))28 else: # ['2:', '-', 'b', 'a', 't2']29 return '%s\n\tsub %s,%s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[4]),Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[3]))30 if line[1] == '*': # ['3:', '*', 't2', 'a', 't3']31 return '%s\n\tmul %s,%s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[4]),Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[3]))32 if line[1]=='/​': # div:两个定点寄存器的内容相除。 ['3:', '/​', 't2', 'a', 't3'] 商数存放在 lo, 余数存放在 hi ;不能直接获取 hi 或 lo中的值; 需要mfhi, mflo指令传值给寄存器33 return '%s\n\tdiv %s,%s\n\tmflo %s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[3]),Get_R(line[4]))34 if line[1]=='%': # %:两个定点寄存器的内容求余。 ['3:', '%', 't2', 'a', 't3'] 商数存放在 lo, 余数存放在 hi ;不能直接获取 hi 或 lo中的值; 需要mfhi, mflo指令传值给寄存器35 return '%s\n\tdiv %s,%s\n\tmfhi %s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[3]),Get_R(line[4]))36 if line[1]=='<': # slt $1,$2,$3 if($2<$3) $1=1 else $1=0 ['3:', '<', 'var0', 't4', 't5']37 return '%s\n\tslt %s,%s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[4]),Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[3]))38 if line[1]=='>':39 return '%s\n\tslt %s,%s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[4]),Get_R(line[3]),Get_R(line[2]))40 if line[1] == 'CALL':41 if line[4] != '_': # ['1:','CALL','fun','_',t1]42 if line[2] == 'INPUT' or line[2] == 'PRINT': # ['1:','CALL','INPUT','_',t1]43 # $sp 栈指针,指向栈顶 -4 (指向temp9); sw $ra,0($sp)-> memory[$sp+0]=$ra 返回地址; jal INPUT/​PRINT; 44 # lw $ra,0($sp) -> $ra=memory[$sp+0]; move Get_R(temp9),$v0 INPUT就是读取的整数,PRINT是0 ; addi $sp,$sp,445 return '%s\n\taddi $sp,$sp,-4\n\tsw $ra,0($sp)\n\tjal %s\n\tlw $ra,0($sp)\n\tmove %s,$v0\n\taddi $sp,$sp,4'%("Label"+line[0],line[2],Get_R(line[4]))46 else: # ['1:','CALL','fun','_',t1]47 # addi $sp,$sp,-2448 # sw $t0,0($sp) -> memory[$sp+0]=$t049 # sw $ra,4($sp) -> memory[$sp+4]=$ra 返回地址50 # sw $t1,8($sp) -> memory[$sp+8]=$t151 # sw $t2,12($sp) -> memory[$sp+12]=$t252 # sw $t3,16($sp) -> memory[$sp+16]=$t353 # sw $t4,20($sp) -> memory[$sp+20]=$t454 # jal fact -> goto line[-1]55 # lw $a0,0($sp) -> $a0=memory[$sp+0]56 # lw $ra,4($sp) -> $ra=memory[$sp+4]57 # lw $t1,8($sp) -> $t1=memory[$sp+8]58 # lw $t2,12($sp) -> $t2=memory[$sp+12]59 # lw $t3,16($sp) -> $t3=memory[$sp+16]60 # lw $t4,20($sp) -> $t4=memory[$sp+20]61 # addi $sp,$sp,2462 return '%s\n\taddi $sp,$sp,-24\n\tsw $t0,0($sp)\n\tsw $ra,4($sp)\n\tsw $t1,8($sp)\n\tsw $t2,12($sp)\n\tsw $t3,16($sp)\n\tsw $t4,20($sp)\n\tjal %s\n\tlw $a0,0($sp)\n\tlw $ra,4($sp)\n\tlw $t1,8($sp)\n\tlw $t2,12($sp)\n\tlw $t3,16($sp)\n\tlw $t4,20($sp)\n\taddi $sp,$sp,24\n\tmove %s $v0'%("Label"+line[0],line[2],Get_R(line[4]))63 else: # ['1:','CALL','fun','_','_']64 if line[2] == 'INPUT' or line[2] == 'PRINT': # ['1:','CALL','INPUT','_','_']65 return '%s\n\taddi $sp,$sp,-4\n\tsw $ra,0($sp)\n\tjal %s\n\tlw $ra,0($sp)\n\taddi $sp,$sp,4'%("Label"+line[0],line[2])66 else: # ['1:','CALL','fun','_','_']67 return '%s\n\taddi $sp,$sp,-24\n\tsw $t0,0($sp)\n\tsw $ra,4($sp)\n\tsw $t1,8($sp)\n\tsw $t2,12($sp)\n\tsw $t3,16($sp)\n\tsw $t4,20($sp)\n\tjal %s\n\tlw $a0,0($sp)\n\tlw $ra,4($sp)\n\tlw $t1,8($sp)\n\tlw $t2,12($sp)\n\tlw $t3,16($sp)\n\tlw $t4,20($sp)\n\taddi $sp,$sp,24\n\tmove %s $v0'%("Label"+line[0],line[2],Get_R(line[1]))68 if line[1]=='GOTO': # ['1:','GOTO','_','_','Label'+2]69 return '%s\n\tj %s'%("Label"+line[0],'Label'+line[4])70 if line[1]=='RETURN':# ['1:','RETURN','t1','_','_'] 用v0存储返回值71 return '%s\n\tmove $v0,%s\n\tjr $ra'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[2]))72 # ['1:','JEQ','t1','t2','Label'+2] -> == ; beq $1,$2,10 -> if($1==$2) goto PC+4+4073 if line[1] == 'JEQ':74 return '%s\n\tbeq %s,%s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[3]),"Label"+line[-1]) 75 # ['1:','JNZ','t1','t2','Label'+2] -> != ; bne $1,$2,10 -> if($1!=$2) goto PC+4+4076 if line[1] == 'JNE':77 return '%s\n\tbne %s,%s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[3]),"Label"+line[-1])78 # ['1:','J>','t1','t2','Label'+2] ; bgt $1,$2,10 -> if($1>$2) goto PC+4+4079 if line[1] == 'J>':80 return '%s\n\tbgt %s,%s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[3]),"Label"+line[-1])81 # ['1:','J<','t1','t2','Label'+2] ; blt $1,$2,10 -> if($1<$2) goto PC+4+4082 if line[1] == 'J<':83 return '%s\n\tblt %s,%s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[3]),"Label"+line[-1])84 # ['1:','JGE','t1','t2','Label'+2] -> >= ; bge $1,$2,10 -> if($1>=$2) goto PC+4+4085 if line[1] == 'JGE':86 return '%s\n\tbge %s,%s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[3]),"Label"+line[-1])87 # ['1:','JLE','t1','t2','Label'+2] -> <= ; ble $1,$2,10 -> if($1<=$2) goto PC+4+4088 if line[1] == 'JLE':89 return '%s\n\tble %s,%s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[3]),"Label"+line[-1])90 # ['1:','FUNCTION','_','_','main']91 if line[1]=='FUNCTION':92 return '%s:\n%s'%(line[4],"Label"+line[0])93 # ['1:','ARG','var2','_','_'] 94 if line[1]=='ARG':95 return '%s\n\tmove $t0,$a0\n\tmove $a0,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[2]))96 if line[1]=='param': # ['1:','param','_','_','var2'] 97 table[line[4]]='a0'98 if line[1]=='^': # ['1:','^','a','b','t1'] mul a,b,a mul a,b,a mul a,b,a mul a,b,t199 return '%s\n\tli $a0,1\n\tmove %s,%s\n%s\n\tmul %s,%s,%s\n\taddi $a0,$a0,1\n\tblt $a0,%s,%s\n\tmove %s,%s'%("Label"+line[0],Get_R(line[0]),Get_R(line[2]),'Labelmi'+line[0],Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[0]),Get_R(line[3]),'Labelmi'+line[0][0:-1],Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[4]))100 return ''101102def write_to_txt(Obj):103 f = sys.stdout104 template='''105.data106_prompt: .asciiz "Enter an integer:"107_ret: .asciiz "\\n"108.globl main109.text110jal main111addi $v0 $v0 10112syscall113INPUT:114 li $v0,4 # The address of the string to be PRINTed is assigned to $a0115 la $a0,_prompt116 syscall117 li $v0,5 # Assigns the INPUT integer to $v0118 syscall119 jr $ra # jr -> goto # $ra the returned address120121PRINT:122 li $v0,1 # The integer to be PRINTed is assigned to $a0123 syscall124 li $v0,4 # The address of the string to be PRINTed is assigned to $a0125 la $a0,_ret # LA(Load Address) An instruction is used to store an address or label into a register126 syscall127 move $v0,$0128 jr $ra129'''130 f.write(template)131 for line in Obj:132 f.write(line+'\n')133 f.close()134def Load_Var(Inter):135 global variables136 temp_re = '(temphh\d+)'137 for line in Inter:138 temps=re.findall(temp_re,' '.join(line))139 variables+=temps140141def Load_Inter(filename):142 lines=[]143 for line in open(filename,'r',encoding='utf-8'):144 line=line.replace('\r','').replace('\n','')145 if line =='':146 continue147 lines.append(line.split('\t'))148 return lines149150def Get_R(string):151 try:152 variables.remove(string)153 except:154 pass155 if string in table:156 return '$'+table[string] #如果已经存在寄存器分配,那么直接返回寄存器157 else:158 keys=[]159 for key in table: #已经分配寄存器的变量key160 keys.append(key)161 for key in keys: #当遇到未分配寄存器的变量时,清空之前所有分配的临时变量的映射关系!!!162 if 'temphh' in key and key not in variables: #163 reg_ok[table[key]]=1164 del table[key]165 for reg in regs: #对于所有寄存器166 if reg_ok[reg]==1: #如果寄存器可用167 table[string]=reg #将可用寄存器分配给该变量,映射关系存到table中168 reg_ok[reg]=0 #寄存器reg设置为已用169 return '$'+reg170def parser():171 for reg in regs:172 reg_ok[reg]=1 #初始化,所有寄存器都可用173 Inter=Load_Inter(sys.argv[1]) #读取中间代码174 Load_Var(Inter) #第一遍扫描,记录所有变量175 Obj=[]176 for line in Inter:177 obj_line=translate(line) #翻译中间代码成MIPS汇编178 if obj_line=='':179 continue180 Obj.append(obj_line)181 write_to_txt(Obj)182183if __name__ == "__main__": ...

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...20 if line == '':21 continue22 lines.append(line.split(' '))23 return lines24def get_r(string):25 print(variables)26 print(table)27 if string[0] == '*':28 string = string[1:]29 try:30 variables.remove(string)31 except Exception as e:32 print(string, "is not in variables!")33 if string in table:34 return '$' + table[string]35 else:36 keys = []37 for key in table:38 keys.append(key)39 for key in keys:40 if 'temp' in key and key not in variables:41 reg_ok[table[key]] = 142 del table[key]43 for reg in regs:44 if reg_ok[reg] == 1:45 table[string] = reg46 reg_ok[reg] = 047 return '$' + reg48def translate(line):49 if line[0] == 'LABEL':50 return line[1] + ':'51 if line[1] == ':=':52 if len(line) == 3:53 if line[-1][0] == '#':54 return '\tli %s,%s' % (get_r(line[0]), line[-1].replace(55 '#', ''))56 elif line[0][0] == '*':57 return '\tsw %s,0(%s)' % (get_r(line[2]), get_r(line[0][1:]))58 elif line[2][0] == '*':59 return '\tlw %s,0(%s)' % (get_r(line[0]), get_r(line[2][1:]))60 else:61 get_r(line[0])62 get_r(line[2])63 return '\tmove %s,%s' % (get_r(line[0]), get_r(line[2]))64 if len(line) == 5:65 if line[2][0] == '&' and line[2][1] == 'a':66 return '\tla %s,%s\n\taddu %s,%s,%s' % (get_r(67 line[2]), line[2][1:], get_r(line[0]), get_r(line[4]),68 get_r(line[2]))69 tmp_array = []70 if line[2][0] == '*':71 t1 = get_r(line[2][1:])72 variables.append(line[2][1:])73 t2 = get_r(line[2][1:])74 variables.append(line[2][1:])75 tmp_array.append('\tlw %s,0(%s)' % (t1, t2))76 if line[4][0] == '*':77 t1 = get_r(line[4][1:])78 variables.append(line[4][1:])79 t2 = get_r(line[4][1:])80 variables.append(line[4][1:])81 tmp_array.append('\tlw %s,0(%s)' % (t1, t2))82 if line[3] == '+':83 if line[-1][0] == '#':84 return '\taddi %s,%s,%s' % (get_r(line[0]), get_r(line[2]),85 line[-1].replace('#', ''))86 else:87 tmp_array.append('\tadd %s,%s,%s' % (get_r(88 line[0]), get_r(line[2]), get_r(line[-1])))89 return '\n'.join(tmp_array)90 elif line[3] == '-':91 if line[-1][0] == '#':92 return '\taddi %s,%s,-%s' % (get_r(line[0]), get_r(93 line[2]), line[-1].replace('#', ''))94 else:95 tmp_array.append('\tsub %s,%s,%s' % (get_r(96 line[0]), get_r(line[2]), get_r(line[-1])))97 return '\n'.join(tmp_array)98 elif line[3] == '*':99 tmp_array.append('\tmul %s,%s,%s' % (get_r(100 line[0]), get_r(line[2]), get_r(line[4])))101 return '\n'.join(tmp_array)102 elif line[3] == '/​':103 tmp_array.append('\tdiv %s,%s\n\tmflo %s' % (get_r(104 line[2]), get_r(line[-1]), get_r(line[0])))105 return '\n'.join(tmp_array)106 elif line[3] == '<':107 tmp_array.append('\tslt %s,%s,%s' % (get_r(108 line[0]), get_r(line[2]), get_r(line[-1])))109 return '\n'.join(tmp_array)110 elif line[3] == '>':111 tmp_array.append('\tslt %s,%s,%s' % (get_r(112 line[0]), get_r(line[-1]), get_r(line[2])))113 return '\n'.join(tmp_array)114 if line[2] == 'CALL':115 if line[3] == 'read' or line[3] == 'print':116 return '\taddi $sp,$sp,-4\n\tsw $ra,0($sp)\n\tjal %s\n\tlw $ra,0($sp)\n\tmove %s,$v0\n\taddi $sp,$sp,4' % (117 line[-1], get_r(line[0]))118 else:119 return '\taddi $sp,$sp,-24\n\tsw $t0,0($sp)\n\tsw $ra,4($sp)\n\tsw $t1,8($sp)\n\tsw $t2,12($sp)\n\tsw $t3,16($sp)\n\tsw $t4,20($sp)\n\tjal %s\n\tlw $a0,0($sp)\n\tlw $ra,4($sp)\n\tlw $t1,8($sp)\n\tlw $t2,12($sp)\n\tlw $t3,16($sp)\n\tlw $t4,20($sp)\n\taddi $sp,$sp,24\n\tmove %s $v0' % (120 line[-1], get_r(line[0]))121 if line[0] == 'DEC':122 data.append('%s: .space 1024' % (line[1]))123 if line[0] == 'GOTO':124 return '\tj %s' % line[1]125 if line[0] == 'RETURN':126 return '\tmove $v0,%s\n\tjr $ra' % get_r(line[1])127 if line[0] == 'IF':128 if line[2] == '==':129 return '\tbeq %s,%s,%s' % (get_r(line[1]), get_r(line[3]),130 line[-1])131 if line[2] == '!=':132 return '\tbne %s,%s,%s' % (get_r(line[1]), get_r(line[3]),133 line[-1])134 if line[2] == '>':135 return '\tbgt %s,%s,%s' % (get_r(line[1]), get_r(line[3]),136 line[-1])137 if line[2] == '<':138 return '\tblt %s,%s,%s' % (get_r(line[1]), get_r(line[3]),139 line[-1])140 if line[2] == '>=':141 return '\tbge %s,%s,%s' % (get_r(line[1]), get_r(line[3]),142 line[-1])143 if line[2] == '<=':144 return '\tble %s,%s,%s' % (get_r(line[1]), get_r(line[3]),145 line[-1])146 if line[0] == 'FUNCTION':147 return '%s:' % line[1]148 if line[0] == 'CALL':149 if line[-1] == 'read' or line[-1] == 'print':150 return '\taddi $sp,$sp,-4\n\tsw $ra,0($sp)\n\tjal %s\n\tlw $ra,0($sp)\n\taddi $sp,$sp,4' % (151 line[-1])152 else:153 return '\taddi $sp,$sp,-24\n\tsw $t0,0($sp)\n\tsw $ra,4($sp)\n\tsw $t1,8($sp)\n\tsw $t2,12($sp)\n\tsw $t3,16($sp)\n\tsw $t4,20($sp)\n\tjal %s\n\tlw $a0,0($sp)\n\tlw $ra,4($sp)\n\tlw $t1,8($sp)\n\tlw $t2,12($sp)\n\tlw $t3,16($sp)\n\tlw $t4,20($sp)\n\taddi $sp,$sp,24\n\tmove %s $v0' % (154 line[-1], get_r(line[0]))155 if line[0] == 'ARG':156 if line[1][0] == '*':157 return '\tlw %s,0(%s)\n\tmove $t0,$a0\n\tmove $a0,%s' % (get_r(158 line[1][1:]), get_r(line[1][1:]), get_r(line[1][1:]))159 return '\tmove $t0,$a0\n\tmove $a0,%s' % get_r(line[-1])160 if line[0] == 'PARAM':161 table[line[-1]] = 'a0'162 return ''163def write_to_txt(obj):164 f = open('result.asm', 'w')165 template1 = '''166read:167 li $v0,4168 la $a0,_prompt169 syscall170 li $v0,5171 syscall172 jr $ra173print:...

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1import os2import re3regs=['t1','t2','t3','t4','t5','t6','t7','t8','t9','s0','s1','s2','s3','s4','s5','s6','s7']4table={}5reg_ok={}6variables=[]7def Load_Var(Inter):8 global variables9 temp_re='(temp\d+)'10 for line in Inter:11 temps=re.findall(temp_re,' '.join(line))12 variables+=temps13def Load_Inter(filename):14 lines=[]15 for line in open(filename,'r',encoding='utf-8'):16 line=line.replace('\r','').replace('\n','')17 if line =='':18 continue19 lines.append(line.split(' '))20 return lines21def Get_R(string):22 try:23 variables.remove(string)24 except:25 pass26 if string in table:27 return '$'+table[string] #如果已经存在寄存器分配,那么直接返回寄存器28 else:29 keys=[]30 for key in table: #已经分配寄存器的变量key31 keys.append(key)32 for key in keys: #当遇到未分配寄存器的变量时,清空之前所有分配的临时变量的映射关系!!!33 if 'temp' in key and key not in variables: #34 reg_ok[table[key]]=135 del table[key]36 for reg in regs: #对于所有寄存器37 if reg_ok[reg]==1: #如果寄存器可用38 table[string]=reg #将可用寄存器分配给该变量,映射关系存到table中39 reg_ok[reg]=0 #寄存器reg设置为已用40 return '$'+reg41def translate(line):42 if line[0]=='LABEL':43 return line[1]+':'44 if line[1]==':=':45 if len(line)==3:46 if line[-1][0]=='#':47 return '\tli %s,%s'%(Get_R(line[0]),line[-1].replace('#',''))48 else:49 return '\tmove %s,%s'%(Get_R(line[0]),Get_R(line[2]))50 if len(line)==5:51 if line[3]=='+':52 if line[-1][0]=='#':53 return '\taddi %s,%s,%s'%(Get_R(line[0]),Get_R(line[2]),line[-1].replace('#',''))54 else:55 return '\tadd %s,%s,%s'%(Get_R(line[0]),Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[-1]))56 elif line[3]=='-':57 if line[-1][0]=='#':58 return '\taddi %s,%s,-%s'%(Get_R(line[0]),Get_R(line[2]),line[-1].replace('#',''))59 else:60 return '\tsub %s,%s,%s'%(Get_R(line[0]),Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[-1]))61 elif line[3]=='*':62 return '\tmul %s,%s,%s'%(Get_R(line[0]),Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[-1]))63 elif line[3]=='/​':64 return '\tdiv %s,%s\n\tmflo %s'%(Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[-1]),Get_R(line[0]))65 elif line[3]=='<':66 return '\tslt %s,%s,%s'%(Get_R(line[0]),Get_R(line[2]),Get_R(line[-1]))67 elif line[3]=='>':68 return '\tslt %s,%s,%s'%(Get_R(line[0]),Get_R(line[-1]),Get_R(line[2])) 69 if line[2]=='CALL':70 if line[3]=='read' or line[3]=='print':71 return '\taddi $sp,$sp,-4\n\tsw $ra,0($sp)\n\tjal %s\n\tlw $ra,0($sp)\n\tmove %s,$v0\n\taddi $sp,$sp,4'%(line[-1],Get_R(line[0]))72 else:73 return '\taddi $sp,$sp,-24\n\tsw $t0,0($sp)\n\tsw $ra,4($sp)\n\tsw $t1,8($sp)\n\tsw $t2,12($sp)\n\tsw $t3,16($sp)\n\tsw $t4,20($sp)\n\tjal %s\n\tlw $a0,0($sp)\n\tlw $ra,4($sp)\n\tlw $t1,8($sp)\n\tlw $t2,12($sp)\n\tlw $t3,16($sp)\n\tlw $t4,20($sp)\n\taddi $sp,$sp,24\n\tmove %s $v0'%(line[-1],Get_R(line[0]))74 if line[0]=='GOTO':75 return '\tj %s'%line[1]76 if line[0]=='RETURN':77 return '\tmove $v0,%s\n\tjr $ra'%Get_R(line[1])78 if line[0]=='IF':79 if line[2]=='==':80 return '\tbeq %s,%s,%s'%(Get_R(line[1]),Get_R(line[3]),line[-1])81 if line[2]=='!=':82 return '\tbne %s,%s,%s'%(Get_R(line[1]),Get_R(line[3]),line[-1])83 if line[2]=='>':84 return '\tbgt %s,%s,%s'%(Get_R(line[1]),Get_R(line[3]),line[-1])85 if line[2]=='<':86 return '\tblt %s,%s,%s'%(Get_R(line[1]),Get_R(line[3]),line[-1])87 if line[2]=='>=':88 return '\tbge %s,%s,%s'%(Get_R(line[1]),Get_R(line[3]),line[-1])89 if line[2]=='<=':90 return '\tble %s,%s,%s'%(Get_R(line[1]),Get_R(line[3]),line[-1])91 if line[0]=='FUNCTION':92 return '%s:'%line[1]93 if line[0]=='CALL':94 if line[-1]=='read' or line[-1]=='print':95 return '\taddi $sp,$sp,-4\n\tsw $ra,0($sp)\n\tjal %s\n\tlw $ra,0($sp)\n\taddi $sp,$sp,4'%(line[-1])96 else:97 return '\taddi $sp,$sp,-24\n\tsw $t0,0($sp)\n\tsw $ra,4($sp)\n\tsw $t1,8($sp)\n\tsw $t2,12($sp)\n\tsw $t3,16($sp)\n\tsw $t4,20($sp)\n\tjal %s\n\tlw $a0,0($sp)\n\tlw $ra,4($sp)\n\tlw $t1,8($sp)\n\tlw $t2,12($sp)\n\tlw $t3,16($sp)\n\tlw $t4,20($sp)\n\taddi $sp,$sp,24\n\tmove %s $v0'%(line[-1],Get_R(line[0]))98 if line[0]=='ARG':99 return '\tmove $t0,$a0\n\tmove $a0,%s'%Get_R(line[-1])100 if line[0]=='PARAM':101 table[line[-1]]='a0'102 return ''103def write_to_txt(Obj):104 f=open('result.asm','w')105 template='''106.data107_prompt: .asciiz "Enter an integer:"108_ret: .asciiz "\\n"109.globl main110.text111read:112 li $v0,4113 la $a0,_prompt114 syscall115 li $v0,5116 syscall117 jr $ra118print:119 li $v0,1120 syscall121 li $v0,4122 la $a0,_ret123 syscall124 move $v0,$0125 jr $ra126'''127 f.write(template)128 for line in Obj:129 f.write(line+'\n')130 f.close()131def parser():132 for reg in regs:133 reg_ok[reg]=1 #初始化,所有寄存器都可用134 Inter=Load_Inter('innerCode.txt') #读取中间代码135 Load_Var(Inter) #第一遍扫描,记录所有变量136 Obj=[]137 for line in Inter:138 obj_line=translate(line) #翻译中间代码成MIPS汇编139 if obj_line=='':140 continue141 Obj.append(obj_line)142 write_to_txt(Obj)...

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