How to use error_exit method in avocado

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1from error_exit import error_exit2from parenthesis import parse_parenthesis3def check_parenthesis(parents):4 if parents.count("(") != parents.count(")"):5 error_exit("Bad Syntax, parenthesis unbalanced")6 _ = parse_parenthesis(parents)7 found_opening = False8 for letter in parents:9 if found_opening:10 if not (letter.isalpha() or letter == "(" or letter == "!"):11 error_exit("Bad Syntax, parenthesis with non-alphabet symbol")12 if letter == ")":13 if not (last.isalpha() or last == ")"):14 error_exit("Bad Syntax, parenthesis with non-alphabet symbol")15 found_opening = False16 if letter == "(":17 found_opening = True18 last = letter19def check_parents(parents):20 parents = parents.replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split("+")21 for parent in parents:22 if not parent:23 error_exit("Bad Syntax, + missing symbol")24 if len(parent) == 1: ## AND25 if not parent.isalpha():26 error_exit("Bad Syntax, non-alphabet symbol")27 elif len(parent) == 2: ## NOT28 if parent[0] != "!" or not parent[1].isalpha():29 error_exit("Bad Syntax, combined conditions")30 else: ## OR / XOR31 parents_or = parent.split("|")32 for parent in parents_or:33 if not parent:34 error_exit("Bad Syntax, | missing symbol")35 if len(parent) == 1: ## OR36 if not parent.isalpha():37 error_exit("Bad Syntax, non-alphabet symbol with |")38 elif len(parent) == 2: ## OR NOT39 if parent[0] != "!" or not parent[1].isalpha():40 error_exit("Bad Syntax, 2 combined conditions")41 else: ## XOR42 parents_xor = parent.split("^")43 for parent in parents_xor:44 if not parent:45 error_exit("Bad Syntax, ^ missing symbol")46 if len(parent) == 1: ## XOR47 if not parent.isalpha():48 error_exit("Bad Syntax, non-alphabet symbol with ^")49 elif len(parent) == 2: ## XOR NOT50 if parent[0] != "!" or not parent[1].isalpha():51 error_exit("Bad Syntax, many combined conditions")52 else:53 for content in parents_xor:54 i = 055 for letter in content:56 i += 157 last = letter58 j = 059 for letter in content:60 j += 161 if i == j:62 break63 if letter != "!":64 error_exit("Bad Syntax, too many combined conditions")65 if not last.isalpha():66 error_exit("Bad Syntax, too many combined conditions")67def check_children(children):68 if "(" in children or ")" in children:69 error_exit("Bad Syntax, parenthesis in conclusion")70 children = children.split("+")71 for child in children:72 if not child:73 error_exit("Bad Syntax, + missing symbol in conclusion")74 if len(child) == 1: ## AND75 if not child.isalpha():76 error_exit("Bad Syntax, non-alphabet symbol")77 elif len(child) == 2: ## NOT78 if child[0] != "!" or not child[1].isalpha():79 error_exit("Bad Syntax, combined conditions")80 else: ## OR / XOR81 children_or = child.split("|")82 for child_or in children_or:83 if not child_or:84 error_exit("Bad Syntax, | missing symbol")85 if len(child_or) == 1: ## OR86 if not child_or.isalpha():87 error_exit("Bad Syntax, non-alphabet symbol with |")88 elif len(child_or) == 2: ## OR NOT89 if child_or[0] != "!" or not child_or[1].isalpha():90 error_exit("Bad Syntax, 2 combined conditions")91 else: ## XOR92 children_xor = child_or.split("^")93 for child_xor in children_xor:94 if not child_xor:95 error_exit("Bad Syntax, ^ missing symbol")96 if len(child_xor) == 1: ## XOR97 if not child_xor.isalpha():98 error_exit("Bad Syntax, non-alphabet symbol with ^")99 elif len(child_xor) == 2: ## XOR NOT100 if child_xor[0] != "!" or not child_xor[1].isalpha():101 error_exit("Bad Syntax, many combined conditions")102 else:103 error_exit("Bad Syntax, too many combined conditions")104def check_syntax(g):105 for rule in g.rules:106 check_parenthesis(rule.parents)107 check_parents(rule.parents)108 check_children(rule.children)109def check_loop(g):110 for rule in g.rules:111 rules_tree = []112 for child in rule.children:113 for letter in child:114 if letter.isalpha():115 deduced = letter116 for rule_implied in g.rules:117 for parent in rule_implied.parents:118 for letter in parent:119 if letter == deduced:120 rules_tree.append(rule_implied)121 for rule_implied in rules_tree:122 if len(rules_tree) > 420000: ## complexity limit123 error_exit("Bad Logic, infinite loop")124 for child in rule_implied.children:125 for letter in child:126 if letter.isalpha():127 deduced = letter128 for rule_orig in g.rules:129 for parent in rule_orig.parents:130 for letter in parent:131 if letter == deduced:132 if rule_orig.parents == rule.parents and rule_orig.children == rule.children:133 error_exit("circular Logic, infinite loop")134 rules_tree.append(rule_orig)135 break136def check_contradiction(g):137 for fact in g.facts:138 rules_tree = []139 positive = []140 negative = []141 for child_rule in fact.child_rules:142 rules_tree.append(child_rule)143 for child_rule in rules_tree:144 negative_found = False145 for letter in child_rule.children:146 if letter == "!":147 negative_found = True148 if letter.isalpha():149 if negative_found == False:150 positive.append(letter)151 else:152 negative.append(letter)153 negative_found = False 154 for rule_implied in g.rules:155 for parent in rule_implied.parents:156 for letter_implied in parent:157 if letter_implied == letter:158 rules_tree.append(rule_implied)159 for pos in positive:160 for neg in negative:161 if pos == neg:162 error_exit("Bad Logic, contradiction")163def check_error(g):164 check_syntax(g)165 check_loop(g)...

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...32 logic = args.logic33 return filepath, graph, color, timer, logic34def parse_initial_facts(line, g):35 if g.initial_facts:36 error_exit("Multiple lines of initial facts")37 initial_facts = line38 i = 039 for letter in initial_facts:40 fact_found = False41 if i > 0:42 if not letter.isalpha():43 error_exit("Non-alphabet character in initial facts")44 for fact in g.facts:45 if letter == fact.symbol:46 fact_found = True47 break48 if fact_found:49 g.add_initial_fact(letter)50 else:51 g.add_fact(letter)52 g.add_initial_fact(letter)53 i += 154 if i > 26:55 error_exit("Initial facts too long")56def parse_queries(line, g):57 if g.queries:58 error_exit("Multiple lines of queries")59 queries = line60 i = 061 for letter in queries:62 if i > 0:63 g.add_queries(letter)64 i += 165 if i > 26:66 error_exit("Queries too long")67def parse_rule(line, g):68 i = 069 for letter in line:70 i += 171 if i > 100000:72 error_exit("Rule too long")73 if letter.isalpha() == True:74 found = False75 for fact in g.facts:76 if letter == fact.symbol:77 found = True78 if not found:79 g.add_fact(letter)80 g.add_rule(line)81### parse_file converts Rules, Initial facts, & Queries into a graph of fact nodes linked with parent & child rules82def parse_file(filepath):83 if not os.path.isfile(filepath):84 error_exit("Invalid filepath")85 if not os.access(filepath, os.R_OK):86 error_exit("file has no read permissions")87 allowedSymbols = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '(', ')', '+', '!', '|', '^', '=', '>', '?'}88 g = graph()89 with open(filepath, 'r') as file:90 i = 091 initial_facts_found = False92 for line in file:93 i += 194 if i > 10000:95 error_exit("File too long")96 line = line.replace(" ", "").replace("\t", "").replace("\n", "").split("#")[0]97 if line != "":98 if not allowedSymbols.issuperset(line):99 error_exit("Invalid symbol in file")100 if line[0] == '=': ## Initial facts101 parse_initial_facts(line, g)102 initial_facts_found = True103 elif line[0] == '?': ## Queries104 if not initial_facts_found:105 error_exit("Queries given before initial facts")106 parse_queries(line, g)107 else: ## Rule108 if initial_facts_found:109 error_exit("Rule given after initial facts")110 if g.queries:111 error_exit("Rule given after queries")112 parse_rule(line, g)113 if initial_facts_found == False:114 error_exit("No initial facts")115 if not g.queries:116 error_exit("No queries")117 g.link_facts_rules()...

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...24 def __init__(self, tee_filename):25 try:26 self.tee_fil = open(tee_filename, "w")27 except IOError as ioe:28 error_exit("Caught IOError: {}".format(repr(ioe)))29 except Exception as e:30 error_exit("Caught Exception: {}".format(repr(e)))31 def write(self, s):32 sys.stdout.write(s)33 self.tee_fil.write(s)34 def writeln(self, s):35 self.write(s + '\n')36 def close(self):37 try:38 self.tee_fil.close()39 except IOError as ioe:40 error_exit("Caught IOError: {}".format(repr(ioe)))41 except Exception as e:42 error_exit("Caught Exception: {}".format(repr(e)))43def main():44 if len(sys.argv) != 2:45 error_exit("Usage: python {} teefile".format(sys.argv[0]))46 tee = Tee(sys.argv[1])47 tee.write("This is a test of the Tee Python class.\n")48 tee.writeln("It is inspired by the Unix tee command,")49 tee.write("which can send output to both a file and stdout.\n")50 i = 151 s = "apple"52 tee.writeln("This line has interpolated values like {} and '{}'.".format(i, s))53 tee.close()54if __name__ == '__main__':55 main()56'''57The error_exit function is as follows - put it into a separate file called in the same folder as the program, on put it on your PYTHONPATH:59# error_exit.py60# Author: Vasudev Ram61# Web site: https://vasudevram.github.io62# Blog: https://jugad2.blogspot.com63# Product store: Purpose: This module,, defines a function with 65# the same name, error_exit(), which takes a string message 66# as an argument. It prints the message to sys.stderr, or 67# to another file object open for writing (if given as the 68# second argument), and then exits the program.69# The function error_exit can be used when a fatal error condition occurs, 70# and you therefore want to print an error message and exit your program.71import sys72def error_exit(message, dest=sys.stderr):73 dest.write(message)74 sys.exit(1)75def main():76 error_exit("Testing error_exit.\n")77if __name__ == "__main__":78 main()...

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