How to use del_break method in avocado

Best Python code snippet using avocado_python

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1import streamlit as st2import math3import re4#import sqlite35import mysql.connector as mysql6#import pandas as pd7import csv8from tkinter import *9from tkinter import ttk10from tkinter import messagebox11#from calculations import *12#import matplotlib13#matplotlib.use('Agg')14status=""1516#------------------------------------------------ reading input file -----------------------------------------------------------1718#read date, write into date_break192021#cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='PBTK', password='akstr!admin2',22# host='',23# database='coffee_list')24#cnx.close()2526#--------------------------- main function to call from different script27def write_break(coffee_break,breaklen):28 id_ext=""29 db = mysql.connect(user='PBTK', password='akstr!admin2', #connecting to mysql30 host='',31 database='coffee_list')32 cursor=db.cursor(buffered=True)33 34 cursor.execute("use coffee_list")3536 cursor.execute("create table if not exists breaks (id int auto_increment, id_ext char(10), day int, month int, year int, primary key(id), unique key(id_ext))") #creatingbreaks table37 cursor.execute("create table if not exists drinkers (id int auto_increment, id_ext char(10), persons varchar(30), coffees varchar(30), primary key(id), CONSTRAINT fk_drinkers_break_ID_ext FOREIGN KEY(id_ext) REFERENCES breaks(id_ext) ON DELETE CASCADE)") #creating drinkers table38 cursor.execute("create table if not exists members (id int auto_increment, name varchar(3), password varchar(20), primary key(id))")39 cursor.execute("create table if not exists update_status (id int auto_increment, object varchar(5), id_ext int, content varchar(1000), primary key(id))")40 41 #---------------------- creating the extended id -----------------------42 id_ext=""43 date_break=coffee_break[0]44 day_break=str(date_break[0])45 month_break=str(date_break[1])46 if(len(month_break)==1): #adding "0" if month has 1 digit47 month_break="0"+str(date_break[1])48 if(len(day_break)==1): #adding "0" if day has 1 digit49 day_break="0"+str(date_break[0])50 id_ext=str(date_break[2])+month_break+day_break51 52 total=053 cursor.execute("SELECT id_ext FROM breaks WHERE id_ext like '"+id_ext+"%'") #searching for breaks of the same day as enterd break54 ids=cursor.fetchall()55 ids=list(ids)56 for i in range(len(ids)):57 ids[i]=int(ids[i][0])58 if len(ids)==0:59 id_ext=id_ext+"01"60 else:61 id_ext=str(max(ids)+1)6263 temp1="" #converting coffee_break into a list of strings for instertion into database64 temp2=""65 coffee_break_str=[]66 coffee_break_str.append(date_break)6768 for i in range(len(coffee_break[1])):69 temp1=temp1+str(coffee_break[1][i])70 temp2=temp2+str(coffee_break[2][i])71 if i<(len(coffee_break[1])-1):72 temp1=temp1+"-"73 temp2=temp2+"-"74 coffee_break_str.append(temp1)75 coffee_break_str.append(temp2)76 77 cursor.execute("INSERT INTO breaks (id_ext, day, month, year) VALUES ("+id_ext+","+str(date_break[0])+","+str(date_break[1])+","+str(date_break[2])+")")78 cursor.execute("INSERT INTO drinkers (id_ext, persons, coffees) VALUES ("+id_ext+",'"+str(coffee_break_str[1])+"','"+str(coffee_break_str[2])+"')")79 #cursor.execute("select * from drinkers")80 #temp=cursor.fetchall()81 #for row in temp:82 # print(row)83 print("Coffee break saved!")84 print(id_ext+", "+str(coffee_break_str[1])+", "+str(coffee_break_str[2]))8586 #--------------------- writing into each person's list -------------------87 persons=coffee_break[1]88 coffees=coffee_break[2]8990 for i in range(len(persons)):91 cursor.execute("create table if not exists mbr_"+persons[i]+" (id_ext char(10), n_coffees int, primary key(id_ext), CONSTRAINT fk_member_"+persons[i]+"_break_ID_ext FOREIGN KEY(id_ext) REFERENCES breaks(id_ext) ON DELETE CASCADE)") #creating a table for each individual person92 cursor.execute("insert into mbr_"+persons[i]+" (id_ext, n_coffees) values (%s, %s)", (id_ext, coffees[i])) #writes break id and coffees into personal table93 cursor.execute("select count(*) from members where name='"+persons[i]+"'") #checks if person is already written in members table94 temp=cursor.fetchone()95 temp=int(temp[0])96 if temp==0:97 cursor.execute("insert into members (name) values ('"+str(persons[i])+"')") #writes person into members table98 99100 #---------------------- writing break length table ------------------------101 cursor.execute("create table if not exists break_lengths (id int auto_increment, id_ext char(10), length time(6), primary key(id), CONSTRAINT fk_breaklen_break_ID_ext FOREIGN KEY(id_ext) REFERENCES breaks(id_ext) ON DELETE CASCADE)")102 cursor.execute("insert into break_lengths (id_ext, length) values (%s, %s)",(id_ext,breaklen))103104 #writing update_status table105 cursor.execute("select max(id_ext) from breaks")106 tmp = cursor.fetchall()107 cursor.execute("update update_status set id_ext = "+str(tmp[0][0])+" where object = 'database'")108 109 110 db.commit()111 #cursor.execute("select * from drinkers")112 #databases=cursor.fetchall()113 #for row in databases:114 # print(row)115 #print("--------------------")116 db.close()117118119 #---------------------- checking for user and password --------------------120121def safety_check(command):122 status=command123 sfycheck_fld = Tk()124 sfycheck_fld.geometry("400x100")125 sfycheck_fld.title("Safety Check")126 frame_sfycheck = LabelFrame(sfycheck_fld, width= 400, height=200, bd = 0)127 (x=0, y= 10)128 header_sfycheck=Label(frame_sfycheck, text="Please enter your user name and password:", fg="red", font=("Helvetica", 14))129, y = 0)130 user_inp=ttk.Entry(frame_sfycheck, text="", width=4)131, y = 30)132 pw_inp=ttk.Entry(frame_sfycheck, show="*", text="", width=8)133, y = 30)134 conf_sfycheck=ttk.Button(frame_sfycheck, text="Delete this break", command=lambda: user_pw_database_search(sfycheck_fld,user_inp,pw_inp,status) )135, y= 60)136 sfycheck_fld.bind('<Return>', (lambda event: user_pw_database_search(sfycheck_fld,user_inp,pw_inp,status)))137138def user_pw_database_search(sfycheck_fld,user_inp,pw_inp,status):139 user_inp=str(user_inp.get()).upper()140 pw_inp=str(pw_inp.get())141 142 #print(user_inp, pw_inp)143144 db = mysql.connect(user='PBTK', password='akstr!admin2', #connecting to mysql145 host='',146 database='coffee_list')147 cursor=db.cursor(buffered=True)148 149 cursor.execute("use coffee_list")150 cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM members WHERE name='"+user_inp+"'")151 user_data=""152 user_data=cursor.fetchall()153 #print(user_data)154 if user_data==[]:155 sfycheck_fld.destroy()156 messagebox.showinfo("Log-In status", "No such User!")157 158 else:159 user_data_check=list(user_data[0])160 161 #print(user_data)162 #print(pw_inp) 163 164 if user_data_check[2]==pw_inp:165 sfycheck_fld.destroy()166167 if status=="delete_one": # to delete one break168 clear_ONE_break()169 elif status=="delete_db": # to clear the whole database170 if user_data_check[3]==1:171 answer = messagebox.askokcancel("Confirmation", "Are you REALLY sure to clear the database?",icon="warning")172 if answer:173 answer = messagebox.askokcancel("Confirmation", "Final warning!",icon="warning")174 if answer:175 #clear_database()176 messagebox.showinfo("Deletion status", "The database has successfully been cleared.")177 else:178 messagebox.showerror("Access denied", "You do not have admin rights. Please contact your system administrator.")179 else:180 sfycheck_fld.destroy()181 messagebox.showinfo("Log-In status", "Wrong Password!")182183 return184 185 #---------------------- deleting a break by knowing id_ext ----------------186def clear_ONE_break():187 input_fld = Tk()188 input_fld.geometry("600x100")189 input_fld.title("Deleting a break from the databank")190 frame_ifld = LabelFrame(input_fld, width= 600, height=100, bd = 0)191 (x=0, y= 30)192 header_ifld=Label(input_fld, text="Please enter the coffee break ID you want to delete:", fg="red", font=("Helvetica", 14))193, y = 10)194 id_inp=ttk.Entry(frame_ifld, text="", width=20)195, y = 30)196 conf_delete_break=ttk.Button(frame_ifld, text="Delete this break", command=lambda: conf_break_delete(input_fld,id_inp) )197, y=28)198 input_fld.bind('<Return>', (lambda event: conf_break_delete(input_fld,id_inp)))199 200def conf_break_delete(input_fld,id_inp):201 #print(str(id_inp.get()).upper())202 del_ID=[]203 del_ID.append(str(id_inp.get()).upper())204 del_ID=str(del_ID[0])205 print("Coffee break deleted: "+del_ID)206207 db = mysql.connect(user='PBTK', password='akstr!admin2', #connecting to mysql208 host='',209 database='coffee_list')210 cursor=db.cursor(buffered=True)211 212 cursor.execute("use coffee_list")213 cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM breaks WHERE id_ext='"+del_ID+"'")214 del_break=""215 del_break=cursor.fetchall()216 #print(del_break)217 218 if del_break != []:219 cursor.execute("DELETE FROM breaks WHERE id_ext='"+del_ID+"'")220221 #writing update_status table222 cursor.execute("select max(id_ext) from breaks")223 tmp = cursor.fetchall()224 cursor.execute("update update_status set id_ext = "+str(tmp[0][0])+" where object = 'database'")225226 input_fld.destroy()227 messagebox.showinfo("Deletion status", "This break has successfully been deleted.")228 229 else:230 input_fld.destroy()231 messagebox.showinfo("Deletion status", "This break does not exist, therefore nothing was deleted.")232233 234 235 236 db.commit()237 db.close 238239 #------------------- deleting the whole database --------------------------------------240def clear_database():241 db = mysql.connect(user='PBTK', password='akstr!admin2',242 host='',243 database='coffee_list')244 cursor=db.cursor()245246 cursor.execute("use coffee_list")247 cursor.execute("SHOW tables")248 databases=cursor.fetchall()249 #print(databases)250 #print("yes")251 cursor.execute("select name from members")252 mbrs=cursor.fetchall()253 mbrs=list(mbrs)254 for i in range(len(mbrs)):255 cursor.execute("drop table if exists mbr_"+mbrs[i][0])256 257 cursor.execute("drop table if exists break_ID,breaks, drinkers, members, total_coffees, break_lengths")258 cursor.execute("SHOW tables")259 databases=cursor.fetchall()260 #print(databases)261 db.commit()262 db.close()263264 265 #------------------------- reading breaks from 2021 into database ---------------------266def breaks_2021():267 db = mysql.connect(user='PBTK', password='akstr!admin2',268 host='',269 database='coffee_list')270 cursor=db.cursor()271272 cursor.execute("use coffee_list")273274 inp = []275 file = open("breaks_2021.txt","r")276 lines = file.readlines()277 file.close()278 persons=['TK','PB','NV','DB','FLG','SHK','TB']279 for line in lines:280 #print(line)281 #inp.append(list(map(int,line.split())))282 inp=list(map(int,line.split())) #getting lines from input file283 284 cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM breaks WHERE id_ext='"+str(inp[0])+"'") #check if break is already in database285 exists=""286 exists=cursor.fetchall()287 if exists==[]:288 #print(str(inp[0])+","+str(inp[0])[0:4]+","+str(inp[0])[4:6]+","+str(inp[0])[6:8])289 290 temp1=""291 temp2=""292 temp3=0293 temp4=0294 for j in range(7): #checking how many persons took part in break295 if inp[j+1]!=0:296 temp3+=1297298 cursor.execute("insert into breaks (id_ext, year, month, day) VALUES ("+str(inp[0])+","+str(inp[0])[0:4]+","+str(inp[0])[4:6]+","+str(inp[0])[6:8]+")")299 300 for j in range(7): #creating string for input into drinkers table301 if inp[j+1]!=0:302 temp1+=persons[j]303 temp2+=str(inp[j+1])304 temp4+=1305 if temp4 < temp3:306 temp1+="-"307 temp2+="-"308 print(inp)309 cursor.execute("create table if not exists mbr_"+persons[j]+" (id_ext char(10), n_coffees int, primary key(id_ext), CONSTRAINT fk_member_"+persons[j]+"_break_ID_ext FOREIGN KEY(id_ext) REFERENCES breaks(id_ext) ON DELETE CASCADE)")310 cursor.execute("insert into mbr_"+persons[j]+" (id_ext, n_coffees) values (%s, %s)", (inp[0], inp[j+1]))311 312 cursor.execute("INSERT INTO drinkers (id_ext, persons, coffees) VALUES ("+str(inp[0])+",'"+temp1+"','"+temp2+"')")313314 db.commit() ...

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...20# Ne pas oublier de dl toutes les = "./​tmp/​"23##### PREPROCESSING ######24def del_break(file):25 '''26 Remove breaks from a text27 '''28 f = open(file, encoding = "utf8")29 raw = raw = raw.replace('\n','')31 f.close()32 #output= open(path + file, "w", encoding="utf8")33 #print(raw, file=output)34 #output.close()35def sentence_tokenize(file, language):36 '''37 Separate texte into indexed sentences.38 '''39 # ATTENTION AU FORMAT DES FICHIERS sinon erreurs possibles -> pour twitter uft840 # Il faudra adapter le path pour les fichiers des CGUs41 if isinstance(file, str) and file.endswith(".txt"):42 del_break(file)43 f = open(file, encoding="utf8")44 raw = raw = raw.replace('\n\n', '. ').replace('\n', ' ')46 f.close()47 48 elif isinstance(file, str): 49 raw = file.replace("\n\n", '. ').replace('\n', " ")50 else :51 return " ERROR TYPE"52 # l'objet JSON53 data_stopwords = {}54 data = {}55 # segmentation par phrase56 stop_words = set(stopwords.words(language))...

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1import streamlit as st2from common_functions import *3import pandas as pd4st.set_page_config(page_title="Coffee list",page_icon="coffee",layout="wide")5 #---------------------- deleting a break by knowing id_ext ----------------6def clear_one_break(del_id, test):7 db = init_connection()8 cursor = db.cursor(buffered=True)9 10 if del_id == "":11 st.warning("Please enter a break ID")12 else:13 cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM breaks WHERE id_ext='"+del_id+"'")14 del_break=cursor.fetchall()15 if del_break != []:16 cursor.execute("DELETE FROM breaks WHERE id_ext='"+del_id+"'")17 cursor.execute("delete from break_sizes where id_ext ='"+del_id+"'")18 cursor.execute("update update_status set last_break = timestamp(subdate(current_date, 1))")19 st.success("Break "+del_id+" has successfully been deleted.")20 else:21 st.error("Break "+del_id+" does not exist, therefore nothing was deleted.")22 23 db.commit()24 db.close()25 26#----------------------- check whether break ID was entered or not --------------------------27def delete_one_coffee_check(del_id,del_person):28 if del_id=="":29 del_id = last_breaks[len(last_breaks)-1][0]30 delete_one_coffee(del_id,del_person)31 32 33 #---------------------- deleting a coffee from a break ----------------34def delete_one_coffee(id_ext, name):35 db = init_connection()36 cursor = db.cursor(buffered=True)37 38 cursor.execute("select persons, coffees from drinkers where id_ext = '"+id_ext+"'")39 tmp=cursor.fetchall()40 persons = tmp[0][0].split("-")41 coffees = tmp[0][1].split("-")42 for i in range(len(persons)):43 if persons[i] == name.upper():44 coffees[i] = int(coffees[i]) - 145 cursor.execute("update mbr_"+name.upper()+" set n_coffees = "+str(coffees[i])+" where id_ext = '"+id_ext+"'")46 if coffees[i] == 0:47 cursor.execute("delete from mbr_"+name.upper()+" where id_ext = '"+id_ext+"'")48 49 cursor.execute("select size from break_sizes where id_ext = '"+id_ext+"'")50 tmp1 = cursor.fetchall()51 cursor.execute("update break_sizes set size = "+str(int(tmp1[0][0])-1)+" where id_ext = '"+id_ext+"'")52 persons_new = ""53 coffees_new = ""54 for i in range(len(persons)):55 if coffees[i] == 0:56 pass57 else:58 if persons_new == "":59 persons_new += persons[i]60 coffees_new += str(coffees[i])61 else:62 persons_new = persons_new + "-" + persons[i]63 coffees_new = coffees_new + "-" + str(coffees[i])64 if persons_new == "":65 cursor.execute("DELETE FROM breaks WHERE id_ext='"+id_ext+"'")66 cursor.execute("delete from break_sizes where id_ext = '"+id_ext+"'")67 else:68 cursor.execute("update drinkers set persons = '"+persons_new+"' where id_ext = '"+id_ext+"'")69 cursor.execute("update drinkers set coffees = '"+coffees_new+"' where id_ext = '"+id_ext+"'")70 db.commit()71 db.close()72 73 74 75 76 77########################################################################################################################################################################78##################################################### MAIN #######################################################################################################79########################################################################################################################################################################80st.subheader("**:x:** Delete a coffee break")81if 'logged_in' not in st.session_state or 'user_name' not in st.session_state or 'admin' not in st.session_state or 'attempt' not in st.session_state:82 st.warning("Warning! Your session was terminated due to inactivity. Please return to home to restart it and regain access to all features.")83else:84 85 if st.session_state.admin != "1":86 st.warning("You do not have the permission to delete a coffee or break. Please contact a system administrator for further information.")87 elif st.session_state.admin == "1":88 st.markdown("Please enter the extended ID of the break you want to delete.")89 last_breaks=get_last_breaks(10)90 col1,col2,col3 = st.columns([1,0.5,3])91 del_id = col1.text_input("Extended ID of break", placeholder=last_breaks[len(last_breaks)-1][0])92 df=pd.DataFrame(last_breaks,columns=['Extended ID','Date','Drinkers','Coffees'])93 col3.markdown("Last 10 breaks")94 col3.dataframe(df, width=600, height=400)95 delete = col1.button("Delete break", on_click=clear_one_break, args=(del_id,""))96 col1.write("-" * 34)97 del_person = col1.text_input("Delete for person", placeholder="Username")98 col1.button("Delete coffee from break", on_click=delete_one_coffee_check, args=(del_id,del_person))99#------- footer ----------------100footer="""<style>101.footer {102position: fixed;103left: 0;104bottom: 0;105width: 100%;106background-color: white;107color: grey;108text-align: center;109}110</​style>111<div class="footer">112<p>Developed by P. C. Brehm and T. Kalisch. Web design by T. Kalisch <a style='display: block; text-align: center</​a></​p>113</​div>114"""...

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