How to use _get_cursor method in avocado

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...47)48LOGGER = logging.getLogger(tests.LOGGER_NAME)49@unittest.skipIf(HAVE_CMYSQL == False, "C Extension not available")50class CExtMySQLCursorTests(tests.CMySQLCursorTests):51 def _get_cursor(self, cnx=None):52 if not cnx:53 cnx = CMySQLConnection(**self.config)54 return CMySQLCursor(connection=cnx)55 def test___init__(self):56 self.assertRaises(errors.InterfaceError, CMySQLCursor, connection='ham')57 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)58 self.assertTrue(hex(id(self.cnx)).upper()[2:-1]59 in repr(cur._cnx).upper())60 def test_lastrowid(self):61 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)62 tbl = 'test_lastrowid'63 self.setup_table(self.cnx, tbl)64 cur.execute("INSERT INTO {0} (col1) VALUES (1)".format(tbl))65 self.assertEqual(1, cur.lastrowid)66 cur.execute("INSERT INTO {0} () VALUES ()".format(tbl))67 self.assertEqual(2, cur.lastrowid)68 cur.execute("INSERT INTO {0} () VALUES (),()".format(tbl))69 self.assertEqual(3, cur.lastrowid)70 cur.execute("INSERT INTO {0} () VALUES ()".format(tbl))71 self.assertEqual(5, cur.lastrowid)72 def test__fetch_warnings(self):73 self.cnx.get_warnings = True74 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)75 cur._cnx = None76 self.assertRaises(errors.InterfaceError, cur._fetch_warnings)77 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)78 cur.execute("SELECT 'a' + 'b'")79 cur.fetchall()80 exp = [81 ('Warning', 1292, "Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'a'"),82 ('Warning', 1292, "Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'b'")83 ]84 res = cur._fetch_warnings()85 self.assertTrue(tests.cmp_result(exp, res))86 self.assertEqual(len(exp), cur._warning_count)87 def test_execute(self):88 self.cnx.get_warnings = True89 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)90 self.assertEqual(None, cur.execute(None))91 self.assertRaises(errors.ProgrammingError, cur.execute,92 'SELECT %s,%s,%s', ('foo', 'bar',))93 cur.execute("SELECT 'a' + 'b'")94 cur.fetchall()95 exp = [96 ('Warning', 1292, "Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'a'"),97 ('Warning', 1292, "Truncated incorrect DOUBLE value: 'b'")98 ]99 self.assertTrue(tests.cmp_result(exp, cur._warnings))100 self.cnx.get_warnings = False101 cur.execute("SELECT BINARY 'ham'")102 exp = [('ham',)]103 self.assertEqual(exp, cur.fetchall())104 cur.close()105 tbl = 'myconnpy_cursor'106 self.setup_table(self.cnx, tbl)107 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)108 stmt_insert = "INSERT INTO {0} (col1,col2) VALUES (%s,%s)".format(tbl)109 res = cur.execute(stmt_insert, (1, 100))110 self.assertEqual(None, res, "Return value of execute() is wrong.")111 stmt_select = "SELECT col1,col2 FROM {0} ORDER BY col1".format(tbl)112 cur.execute(stmt_select)113 self.assertEqual([(1, '100')],114 cur.fetchall(), "Insert test failed")115 data = {'id': 2}116 stmt = "SELECT col1,col2 FROM {0} WHERE col1 <= %(id)s".format(tbl)117 cur.execute(stmt, data)118 self.assertEqual([(1, '100')], cur.fetchall())119 cur.close()120 def test_executemany__errors(self):121 self.cnx.get_warnings = True122 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)123 self.assertEqual(None, cur.executemany(None, []))124 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)125 self.assertRaises(errors.ProgrammingError, cur.executemany,126 'programming error with string', 'foo')127 self.assertRaises(errors.ProgrammingError, cur.executemany,128 'programming error with 1 element list', ['foo'])129 self.assertEqual(None, cur.executemany('empty params', []))130 self.assertEqual(None, cur.executemany('params is None', None))131 self.assertRaises(errors.ProgrammingError, cur.executemany,132 'foo', ['foo'])133 self.assertRaises(errors.ProgrammingError, cur.executemany,134 'SELECT %s', [('foo',), 'foo'])135 self.assertRaises(errors.ProgrammingError,136 cur.executemany,137 "INSERT INTO t1 1 %s", [(1,), (2,)])138 cur.executemany("SELECT SHA1(%s)", [('foo',), ('bar',)])139 self.assertEqual(None, cur.fetchone())140 def test_executemany(self):141 tbl = 'myconnpy_cursor'142 self.setup_table(self.cnx, tbl)143 144 stmt_insert = "INSERT INTO {0} (col1,col2) VALUES (%s,%s)".format(tbl)145 stmt_select = "SELECT col1,col2 FROM {0} ORDER BY col1".format(tbl)146 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)147 res = cur.executemany(stmt_insert, [(1, 100), (2, 200), (3, 300)])148 self.assertEqual(3, cur.rowcount)149 res = cur.executemany("SELECT %s", [('f',), ('o',), ('o',)])150 self.assertEqual(3, cur.rowcount)151 data = [{'id': 2}, {'id': 3}]152 stmt = "SELECT * FROM {0} WHERE col1 <= %(id)s".format(tbl)153 cur.executemany(stmt, data)154 self.assertEqual(5, cur.rowcount)155 cur.execute(stmt_select)156 self.assertEqual([(1, '100'), (2, '200'), (3, '300')],157 cur.fetchall(), "Multi insert test failed")158 data = [{'id': 2}, {'id': 3}]159 stmt = "DELETE FROM {0} WHERE col1 = %(id)s".format(tbl)160 cur.executemany(stmt, data)161 self.assertEqual(2, cur.rowcount)162 stmt = "TRUNCATE TABLE {0}".format(tbl)163 cur.execute(stmt)164 stmt = (165 "/​*comment*/​INSERT/​*comment*/​INTO/​*comment*/​{0}(col1,col2)VALUES"166 "/​*comment*/​(%s,%s/​*comment*/​)/​*comment()*/​ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE"167 " col1 = VALUES(col1)"168 ).format(tbl)169 cur.executemany(stmt, [(4, 100), (5, 200), (6, 300)])170 self.assertEqual(3, cur.rowcount)171 cur.execute(stmt_select)172 self.assertEqual([(4, '100'), (5, '200'), (6, '300')],173 cur.fetchall(), "Multi insert test failed")174 stmt = "TRUNCATE TABLE {0}".format(tbl)175 cur.execute(stmt)176 stmt = (177 "INSERT INTO/​*comment*/​{0}(col1,col2)VALUES"178 "/​*comment*/​(%s,'/​*100*/​')/​*comment()*/​ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE "179 "col1 = VALUES(col1)"180 ).format(tbl)181 cur.executemany(stmt, [(4,), (5,)])182 self.assertEqual(2, cur.rowcount)183 cur.execute(stmt_select)184 self.assertEqual([(4, '/​*100*/​'), (5, '/​*100*/​')],185 cur.fetchall(), "Multi insert test failed")186 cur.close()187 def _test_callproc_setup(self, cnx):188 self._test_callproc_cleanup(cnx)189 stmt_create1 = (190 "CREATE PROCEDURE myconnpy_sp_1 "191 "(IN pFac1 INT, IN pFac2 INT, OUT pProd INT) "192 "BEGIN SET pProd := pFac1 * pFac2; END;")193 stmt_create2 = (194 "CREATE PROCEDURE myconnpy_sp_2 "195 "(IN pFac1 INT, IN pFac2 INT, OUT pProd INT) "196 "BEGIN SELECT 'abc'; SELECT 'def'; SET pProd := pFac1 * pFac2; "197 "END;")198 stmt_create3 = (199 "CREATE PROCEDURE myconnpy_sp_3"200 "(IN pStr1 VARCHAR(20), IN pStr2 VARCHAR(20), "201 "OUT pConCat VARCHAR(100)) "202 "BEGIN SET pConCat := CONCAT(pStr1, pStr2); END;")203 stmt_create4 = (204 "CREATE PROCEDURE myconnpy_sp_4"205 "(IN pStr1 VARCHAR(20), INOUT pStr2 VARCHAR(20), "206 "OUT pConCat VARCHAR(100)) "207 "BEGIN SET pConCat := CONCAT(pStr1, pStr2); END;")208 try:209 cur = cnx.cursor()210 cur.execute(stmt_create1)211 cur.execute(stmt_create2)212 cur.execute(stmt_create3)213 cur.execute(stmt_create4)214 except errors.Error as err:215"Failed setting up test stored routine; {0}".format(err))216 cur.close()217 def _test_callproc_cleanup(self, cnx):218 sp_names = ('myconnpy_sp_1', 'myconnpy_sp_2', 'myconnpy_sp_3',219 'myconnpy_sp_4')220 stmt_drop = "DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS {procname}"221 try:222 cur = cnx.cursor()223 for sp_name in sp_names:224 cur.execute(stmt_drop.format(procname=sp_name))225 except errors.Error as err:226 "Failed cleaning up test stored routine; {0}".format(err))228 cur.close()229 def test_callproc(self):230 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)231 self.check_method(cur, 'callproc')232 self.assertRaises(ValueError, cur.callproc, None)233 self.assertRaises(ValueError, cur.callproc, 'sp1', None)234 config = tests.get_mysql_config()235 self.cnx.get_warnings = True236 self._test_callproc_setup(self.cnx)237 cur = self.cnx.cursor()238 if tests.MYSQL_VERSION < (5, 1):239 exp = ('5', '4', b'20')240 else:241 exp = (5, 4, 20)242 result = cur.callproc('myconnpy_sp_1', (exp[0], exp[1], 0))243 self.assertEqual(exp, result)244 if tests.MYSQL_VERSION < (5, 1):245 exp = ('6', '5', b'30')246 else:247 exp = (6, 5, 30)248 result = cur.callproc('myconnpy_sp_2', (exp[0], exp[1], 0))249 self.assertTrue(isinstance(cur._stored_results, list))250 self.assertEqual(exp, result)251 exp_results = [252 ('abc',),253 ('def',)254 ]255 for i, result in enumerate(cur.stored_results()):256 self.assertEqual(exp_results[i], result.fetchone())257 exp = ('ham', 'spam', 'hamspam')258 result = cur.callproc('myconnpy_sp_3', (exp[0], exp[1], 0))259 self.assertTrue(isinstance(cur._stored_results, list))260 self.assertEqual(exp, result)261 exp = ('ham', 'spam', 'hamspam')262 result = cur.callproc('myconnpy_sp_4',263 (exp[0], (exp[1], 'CHAR'), (0, 'CHAR')))264 self.assertTrue(isinstance(cur._stored_results, list))265 self.assertEqual(exp, result)266 cur.close()267 self._test_callproc_cleanup(self.cnx)268 def test_fetchone(self):269 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)270 self.assertEqual(None, cur.fetchone())271 cur = self.cnx.cursor()272 cur.execute("SELECT BINARY 'ham'")273 exp = ('ham',)274 self.assertEqual(exp, cur.fetchone())275 self.assertEqual(None, cur.fetchone())276 cur.close()277 def test_fetchmany(self):278 """MySQLCursor object fetchmany()-method"""279 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)280 self.assertEqual([], cur.fetchmany())281 tbl = 'myconnpy_fetch'282 self.setup_table(self.cnx, tbl)283 stmt_insert = (284 "INSERT INTO {table} (col1,col2) "285 "VALUES (%s,%s)".format(table=tbl))286 stmt_select = (287 "SELECT col1,col2 FROM {table} "288 "ORDER BY col1 DESC".format(table=tbl))289 cur = self.cnx.cursor()290 nrrows = 10291 data = [(i, str(i * 100)) for i in range(1, nrrows+1)]292 cur.executemany(stmt_insert, data)293 cur.execute(stmt_select)294 exp = [(10, '1000'), (9, '900'), (8, '800'), (7, '700')]295 rows = cur.fetchmany(4)296 self.assertTrue(tests.cmp_result(exp, rows),297 "Fetching first 4 rows test failed.")298 exp = [(6, '600'), (5, '500'), (4, '400')]299 rows = cur.fetchmany(3)300 self.assertTrue(tests.cmp_result(exp, rows),301 "Fetching next 3 rows test failed.")302 exp = [(3, '300'), (2, '200'), (1, '100')]303 rows = cur.fetchmany(3)304 self.assertTrue(tests.cmp_result(exp, rows),305 "Fetching next 3 rows test failed.")306 self.assertEqual([], cur.fetchmany())307 # Fetch more than we have.308 cur.execute(stmt_select)309 rows = cur.fetchmany(100)310 exp = [(10, '1000'), (9, '900'), (8, '800'), (7, '700'),311 (6, '600'), (5, '500'), (4, '400'),312 (3, '300'), (2, '200'), (1, '100')]313 self.assertTrue(tests.cmp_result(exp, rows),314 "Fetching next 3 rows test failed.")315 cur.close()316 def test_fetchall(self):317 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)318 self.assertRaises(errors.InterfaceError, cur.fetchall)319 tbl = 'myconnpy_fetch'320 self.setup_table(self.cnx, tbl)321 stmt_insert = (322 "INSERT INTO {table} (col1,col2) "323 "VALUES (%s,%s)".format(table=tbl))324 stmt_select = (325 "SELECT col1,col2 FROM {table} "326 "ORDER BY col1 ASC".format(table=tbl))327 cur = self.cnx.cursor()328 cur.execute("SELECT * FROM {table}".format(table=tbl))329 self.assertEqual([], cur.fetchall(),330 "fetchall() with empty result should return []")331 nrrows = 10332 data = [(i, str(i * 100)) for i in range(1, nrrows+1)]333 cur.executemany(stmt_insert, data)334 cur.execute(stmt_select)335 self.assertTrue(tests.cmp_result(data, cur.fetchall()),336 "Fetching all rows failed.")337 self.assertEqual(None, cur.fetchone())338 cur.close()339 def test_raise_on_warning(self):340 self.cnx.raise_on_warnings = True341 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)342 cur.execute("SELECT 'a' + 'b'")343 try:344 cur.execute("SELECT 'a' + 'b'")345 cur.fetchall()346 except errors.DatabaseError:347 pass348 else:349"Did not get exception while raising warnings.")350 def test__str__(self):351 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)352 self.assertEqual("CMySQLCursor: (Nothing executed yet)",353 cur.__str__())354 355 cur.execute("SELECT VERSION()")356 cur.fetchone()357 self.assertEqual("CMySQLCursor: SELECT VERSION()",358 cur.__str__())359 stmt = "SELECT VERSION(),USER(),CURRENT_TIME(),NOW(),SHA1('myconnpy')"360 cur.execute(stmt)361 cur.fetchone()362 self.assertEqual("CMySQLCursor: {0}..".format(stmt[:40]),363 cur.__str__())364 cur.close()365 def test_column_names(self):366 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)367 stmt = "SELECT NOW() as now, 'The time' as label, 123 FROM dual"368 exp = ('now', 'label', '123')369 cur.execute(stmt)370 cur.fetchone()371 self.assertEqual(exp, cur.column_names)372 cur.close()373 def test_statement(self):374 cur = CMySQLCursor(self.cnx)375 exp = 'SELECT * FROM ham'376 cur._executed = exp377 self.assertEqual(exp, cur.statement)378 cur._executed = ' ' + exp + ' '379 self.assertEqual(exp, cur.statement)380 cur._executed = b'SELECT * FROM ham'381 self.assertEqual(exp, cur.statement)382 def test_with_rows(self):383 cur = CMySQLCursor(self.cnx)384 self.assertFalse(cur.with_rows)385 cur._description = ('ham', 'spam')386 self.assertTrue(cur.with_rows)387 def tests_nextset(self):388 cur = CMySQLCursor(self.cnx)389 stmt = "SELECT 'result', 1; SELECT 'result', 2; SELECT 'result', 3"390 cur.execute(stmt)391 self.assertEqual([('result', 1)], cur.fetchall())392 self.assertTrue(cur.nextset())393 self.assertEqual([('result', 2)], cur.fetchall())394 self.assertTrue(cur.nextset())395 self.assertEqual([('result', 3)], cur.fetchall())396 self.assertEqual(None, cur.nextset())397 tbl = 'myconnpy_nextset'398 stmt = "SELECT 'result', 1; INSERT INTO {0} () VALUES (); " \399 "SELECT * FROM {0}".format(tbl)400 self.setup_table(self.cnx, tbl)401 cur.execute(stmt)402 self.assertEqual([('result', 1)], cur.fetchall())403 try:404 cur.nextset()405 except errors.Error as exc:406 self.assertEqual(errorcode.CR_NO_RESULT_SET, exc.errno)407 self.assertEqual(1, cur._affected_rows)408 self.assertTrue(cur.nextset())409 self.assertEqual([(1, None, 0)], cur.fetchall())410 self.assertEqual(None, cur.nextset())411 cur.close()412 self.cnx.rollback()413 def tests_execute_multi(self):414 tbl = 'myconnpy_execute_multi'415 stmt = "SELECT 'result', 1; INSERT INTO {0} () VALUES (); " \416 "SELECT * FROM {0}".format(tbl)417 self.setup_table(self.cnx, tbl)418 multi_cur = CMySQLCursor(self.cnx)419 results = []420 exp = [421 (u"SELECT 'result', 1", [(u'result', 1)]),422 (u"INSERT INTO {0} () VALUES ()".format(tbl), 1, 1),423 (u"SELECT * FROM {0}".format(tbl), [(1, None, 0)]),424 ]425 for cur in multi_cur.execute(stmt, multi=True):426 if cur.with_rows:427 results.append((cur.statement, cur.fetchall()))428 else:429 results.append(430 (cur.statement, cur._affected_rows, cur.lastrowid)431 )432 self.assertEqual(exp, results)433 cur.close()434 self.cnx.rollback()435 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)436 cur.execute("DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS multi_results")437 procedure = (438 "CREATE PROCEDURE multi_results () "439 "BEGIN SELECT 1; SELECT 'ham'; END"440 )441 cur.execute(procedure)442 stmt = "CALL multi_results()"443 if not PY2:444 stmt = b"CALL multi_results()"445 exp_result = [[(1,)], [(u'ham',)]]446 results = []447 for result in cur.execute(stmt, multi=True):448 if result.with_rows:449 self.assertEqual(stmt, result._executed)450 results.append(result.fetchall())451 self.assertEqual(exp_result, results)452 cur.execute("DROP PROCEDURE multi_results")453 cur.close()454class CExtMySQLCursorBufferedTests(tests.CMySQLCursorTests):455 def _get_cursor(self, cnx=None):456 if not cnx:457 cnx = CMySQLConnection(**self.config)458 self.cnx.buffered = True459 return CMySQLCursorBuffered(connection=cnx)460 def test___init__(self):461 self.assertRaises(errors.InterfaceError, CMySQLCursorBuffered,462 connection='ham')463 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)464 self.assertTrue(hex(id(self.cnx)).upper()[2:-1]465 in repr(cur._cnx).upper())466 def test_execute(self):467 self.cnx.get_warnings = True468 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)469 self.assertEqual(None, cur.execute(None, None))470 self.assertEqual(True,471 isinstance(cur, CMySQLCursorBuffered))472 cur.execute("SELECT 1")473 self.assertEqual((1,), cur.fetchone())474 def test_raise_on_warning(self):475 self.cnx.raise_on_warnings = True476 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)477 self.assertRaises(errors.DatabaseError,478 cur.execute, "SELECT 'a' + 'b'")479 def test_with_rows(self):480 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)481 cur.execute("SELECT 1")482 self.assertTrue(cur.with_rows)483class CMySQLCursorRawTests(tests.CMySQLCursorTests):484 def _get_cursor(self, cnx=None):485 if not cnx:486 cnx = CMySQLConnection(**self.config)487 return CMySQLCursorRaw(connection=cnx)488 def test_fetchone(self):489 cur = self._get_cursor(self.cnx)490 self.assertEqual(None, cur.fetchone())491 cur.execute("SELECT 1, 'string', MAKEDATE(2010,365), 2.5")492 exp = (b'1', b'string', b'2010-12-31', b'2.5')...

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