Best Python code snippet using autotest_python
1import sys2import os3import shutil4import subprocess5from import BaseCommand6CWD = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))7sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(CWD, '..', '..', '..'))8os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'settings'9from tests_app.models import Spider, TestRun, Report, ReportSearchterm,\10 LocalCache11from utils import test_run_to_dirname, get_output_fname, get_log_fname12sys.path.append(os.path.join(CWD, '..', '..', '..', '..', 'product-ranking'))13from debug_match_urls import match14def _create_proj_dir(test_run):15 dirname = test_run_to_dirname(test_run)16 if not dirname.endswith('/'):17 dirname += '/'18 if not os.path.exists(dirname):19 os.makedirs(dirname)20 return dirname21def _get_branches_dirs(test_run):22 base_dir = _create_proj_dir(test_run)23 dir1 = os.path.join(base_dir, test_run.branch1)24 dir2 = os.path.join(base_dir, test_run.branch2)25 return dir1, dir226def prepare_git_branches(test_run, copy_files=True, force=True):27 """ Creates 2 dirs under base path; each dir contains complete project28 with the specific branches """29 dir1, dir2 = _get_branches_dirs(test_run)30 if not os.path.exists(dir1):31 os.makedirs(dir1)32 if not os.path.exists(dir2):33 os.makedirs(dir2)34 # clone & checkout first dir35 this_repo_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(CWD, '..', '..', '..', '..'))36 cmd_copy = 'cp -r "%s/." "%s"'37 cmd_fetch = 'cd %s; git fetch --all %s && git checkout %s %s && git pull origin %s %s'38 if copy_files:39 os.system(cmd_copy % (this_repo_dir, dir1))40 os.system(cmd_copy % (this_repo_dir, dir2))41 if force:42 force = ' --force '43 else:44 force = ''45 os.system(cmd_fetch % (dir1, force, test_run.branch1, force, test_run.branch1, force))46 os.system(cmd_fetch % (dir2, force, test_run.branch2, force, test_run.branch2, force))47def get_cache(searchterm, test_run, delete_expired=True):48 """ Returns valid cache for the specified searchterm and spider49 if it exists; None otherwise50 """51 cache = LocalCache.objects.filter(52 searchterm=searchterm, test_run=test_run, spider=test_run.spider53 ).order_by('-when_created')54 if delete_expired:55 for c in cache:56 if not c.is_valid():57 shutil.rmtree(c.get_path())58 print ' removing expired cache %s' % c59 c.delete()60 cache = LocalCache.objects.filter(61 searchterm=searchterm, test_run=test_run, spider=test_run.spider62 ).order_by('-when_created')63 if cache and os.path.exists(cache[0].get_path()):64 print ' returning cache %s' % cache[0]65 return cache[0]66 else:67 # file path does not exist - create new cache68 cache = LocalCache.objects.create(69 searchterm=searchterm, test_run=test_run, spider=test_run.spider)70 print ' created new cache %s' % cache71 return cache72def create_cache_path_if_doesnt_exist(cache):73 if not os.path.exists(cache.get_path()):74 print ' created cache path %s' % cache.get_path()75 os.makedirs(cache.get_path())76def test_match(test_run):77 prepare_git_branches(test_run, copy_files=True, force=True)78 cmd = ('cd "{branch_dir}/product-ranking/"; scrapy crawl {spider_name}'79 ' -a searchterms_str="{searchterm}" -a quantity={quantity}'80 ' -a enable_cache=True -s HTTPCACHE_DIR="{cache_dir}"'81 ' -s DOWNLOAD_DELAY=0.05 -s LOG_FILE={log_path} -o {output_path}')82 report = Report.objects.create(testrun=test_run)83 for searchterm in test_run.spider.searchterms.all():84 cache = get_cache(searchterm, test_run)85 create_cache_path_if_doesnt_exist(cache)86 print ' executing spider %s for ST %s' % (87, searchterm.searchterm)88 output1 = get_output_fname(searchterm, test_run, test_run.branch1)89 output2 = get_output_fname(searchterm, test_run, test_run.branch2)90 log1 = get_log_fname(searchterm, test_run, test_run.branch1)91 log2 = get_log_fname(searchterm, test_run, test_run.branch2)92 os.system(cmd.format(93 branch_dir=_get_branches_dirs(test_run)[0],94,95 searchterm=searchterm.searchterm, quantity=searchterm.quantity,96 cache_dir=cache.get_path(), output_path=output1, log_path=log1))97 os.system(cmd.format(98 branch_dir=_get_branches_dirs(test_run)[1],99,100 searchterm=searchterm.searchterm, quantity=searchterm.quantity,101 cache_dir=cache.get_path(), output_path=output2, log_path=log2))102 if test_run.exclude_fields is None:103 test_run.exclude_fields = []104 diff = match(105 f1=output1, f2=output2,106 fields2exclude=test_run.exclude_fields,107 strip_get_args=test_run.strip_get_args,108 skip_urls=test_run.skip_urls,109 exclude_duplicates=test_run.exclude_duplicates,110 print_output=False111 )112 report_searchterm = ReportSearchterm.objects.create(113 report=report, searchterm=searchterm, total_urls=diff['total_urls'],114 matched_urls=diff['matched_urls'], diffs=diff['diff'])115def cleanup_files(test_run):116 for _dir in _get_branches_dirs(test_run):117 shutil.rmtree(_dir)118class Command(BaseCommand):119 can_import_settings = True120 def handle(self, *args, **options):121 # get a test run to check122 test_runs = TestRun.objects.filter(status='stopped').order_by('when_started')123 if test_runs:124 tr = test_runs[0]125 print 'Going to check test run %s' % tr126 tr.status = 'running'127 test_match(tr)129 tr_reports = tr.testrun_reports.all().order_by('-when_created')130 if tr_reports:131 status = 'passed'132 if tr_reports[0].not_enough_matched_urls():133 status = 'failed'134 if tr_reports[0].diffs_found():135 status = 'failed'136 else:137 status = 'failed'138 tr.status = status139 cleanup_files(tr)141 else:...
1# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be3# found in the LICENSE file.4"""Request handler to serve the main_view page."""5import jinja26import json7import os8import re9import sys10import webapp211import ispy_api12from common import constants13from common import ispy_utils14import gs_bucket15import views16JINJA = jinja2.Environment(17 loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(os.path.dirname(views.__file__)),18 extensions=['jinja2.ext.autoescape'])19class MainViewHandler(webapp2.RequestHandler):20 """Request handler to serve the main_view page."""21 def get(self):22 """Handles a get request to the main_view page.23 If the test_run parameter is specified, then a page displaying all of24 the failed runs in the test_run will be shown. Otherwise a view listing25 all of the test_runs available for viewing will be displayed.26 """27 test_run = self.request.get('test_run')28 bucket = gs_bucket.GoogleCloudStorageBucket(constants.BUCKET)29 ispy = ispy_utils.ISpyUtils(bucket)30 # Load the view.31 if test_run:32 self._GetForTestRun(test_run, ispy)33 return34 self._GetAllTestRuns(ispy)35 def _GetAllTestRuns(self, ispy):36 """Renders a list view of all of the test_runs available in GS.37 Args:38 ispy: An instance of ispy_api.ISpyApi.39 """40 template = JINJA.get_template('list_view.html')41 data = {}42 test_runs = set([path.lstrip('/').split('/')[1] for path in43 ispy.GetAllPaths('failures/')])44 base_url = '/?test_run=%s'45 data['links'] = [(test_run, base_url % test_run) for test_run in test_runs]46 self.response.write(template.render(data))47 def _GetForTestRun(self, test_run, ispy):48 """Renders a sorted list of failure-rows for a given test_run.49 This method will produce a list of failure-rows that are sorted50 in descending order by number of different pixels.51 Args:52 test_run: The name of the test_run to render failure rows from.53 ispy: An instance of ispy_api.ISpyApi.54 """55 paths = set([path for path in ispy.GetAllPaths('failures/' + test_run)56 if path.endswith('actual.png')])57 can_rebaseline = ispy_api.ISpyApi(58 ispy.cloud_bucket).CanRebaselineToTestRun(test_run)59 rows = [self._CreateRow(test_run, path, ispy) for path in paths]60 # Function that sorts by the different_pixels field in the failure-info.61 def _Sorter(a, b):62 return cmp(b['percent_different'],63 a['percent_different'])64 template = JINJA.get_template('main_view.html')65 self.response.write(66 template.render({'comparisons': sorted(rows, _Sorter),67 'test_run': test_run,68 'can_rebaseline': can_rebaseline}))69 def _CreateRow(self, test_run, path, ispy):70 """Creates one failure-row.71 This method builds a dictionary with the data necessary to display a72 failure in the main_view html template.73 Args:74 test_run: The name of the test_run the failure is in.75 path: A path to the failure's actual.png file.76 ispy: An instance of ispy_api.ISpyApi.77 Returns:78 A dictionary with fields necessary to render a failure-row79 in the main_view html template.80 """81 res = {}82 res['expectation'] = path.lstrip('/').split('/')[2]83 res['test_run'] = test_run84 res['info'] = json.loads(ispy.cloud_bucket.DownloadFile(85 ispy_utils.GetFailurePath(res['test_run'], res['expectation'],86 'info.txt')))87 expected = ispy_utils.GetExpectationPath(88 res['expectation'], 'expected.png')89 diff = ispy_utils.GetFailurePath(test_run, res['expectation'], 'diff.png')90 res['percent_different'] = res['info']['fraction_different'] * 10091 res['expected_path'] = expected92 res['diff_path'] = diff93 res['actual_path'] = path94 res['expected'] = ispy.cloud_bucket.GetImageURL(expected)95 res['diff'] = ispy.cloud_bucket.GetImageURL(diff)96 res['actual'] = ispy.cloud_bucket.GetImageURL(path)...
1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2"""$ pype pype-config plugin-register/plugin-unregister."""3import importlib4from pype.config import plugin_register, plugin_unregister5from tests import create_runner, create_test_env, invoke_runner, reload_config6class TestCLIPypePluginRegister: # noqa: D1017 def test_register_without_name(self) -> None: # noqa: D1028 test_run = invoke_runner(plugin_register.main)9 assert test_run.result.exit_code == 210 assert 'Missing option \'--name\'' in test_run.result.output11 def test_register_without_path(self) -> None: # noqa: D10212 test_run = invoke_runner(13 plugin_register.main, ['--name', 'test'])14 assert test_run.result.exit_code == 215 assert 'Missing option \'--path\'' in test_run.result.output16 def test_register_without_create(self) -> None: # noqa: D10217 test_run = invoke_runner(18 plugin_register.main,19 ['--name', 'plug', '--path', '%CONFIG_DIR%'])20 assert test_run.result.exit_code == 121 assert 'Could not find a python module' in test_run.result.output22 def test_register_with_create(self) -> None: # noqa: D10223 test_run = invoke_runner(24 plugin_register.main,25 ['--name', 'plug', '--path', '%CONFIG_DIR%', '--create'])26 assert test_run.result.exit_code == 027 assert 'successfully created' in test_run.result.output28 def test_register_twice(self) -> None: # noqa: D10229 with create_test_env() as test_env:30 # Register plugin31 test_run = create_runner(32 test_env,33 plugin_register.main,34 ['--name', 'plug', '--path', '%CONFIG_DIR%', '--create'])35 assert test_run.result.exit_code == 036 assert 'successfully created' in test_run.result.output37 result_configuration = reload_config(test_run)38 assert len(result_configuration['plugins']) == 139 assert result_configuration['plugins'][0]['name'] == 'plug'40 # Try to register again41 result = test_run.runner.invoke(42 plugin_register.main,43 ['--name', 'plug', '--path', test_run.test_env.config_dir])44 assert result.exit_code == 145 assert 'already a plugin named' in result.output46 assert len(result_configuration['plugins']) == 147 def test_register_unregister_and_reregister(self) -> None: # noqa: D10248 with create_test_env() as test_env:49 # Register plugin50 test_run = create_runner(51 test_env,52 plugin_register.main,53 ['--name', 'plug', '--path', '%CONFIG_DIR%', '--create'])54 assert test_run.result.exit_code == 055 assert 'successfully created' in test_run.result.output56 result_configuration = reload_config(test_run)57 assert len(result_configuration['plugins']) == 158 assert result_configuration['plugins'][0]['name'] == 'plug'59 # Unregister plugin (doesn't delete)60 # Reload to activate current test_env61 importlib.reload(plugin_unregister)62 result = test_run.runner.invoke(63 plugin_unregister.main,64 ['--name', 'plug'])65 assert result.exit_code == 066 assert 'successfully unregistered' in result.output67 result_configuration = reload_config(test_run)68 assert len(result_configuration['plugins']) == 069 # Register plugin again70 result = test_run.runner.invoke(71 plugin_register.main,72 ['--name', 'plug', '--path', test_env.config_dir])73 assert result.exit_code == 074 assert 'successfully registered' in result.output75 result_configuration = reload_config(test_run)76 assert len(result_configuration['plugins']) == 1...
1# -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-2"""3 MoinMoin - MoinMoin.widget.browser Tests4 @copyright: 2010 by MoinMoin:ReimarBauer5 @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.6"""7import py8from MoinMoin.util.dataset import TupleDataset, Column9from MoinMoin.widget.browser import DataBrowserWidget10class Test_DataBrowserWidget_sort_table(object):11 def setup_class(self):12 # check if state of example changes during tests13 example = [['L1', (u'c', u'c'), (u'1', u'1'), (u'2', u'2'), (u'a', u'a'), (u'4', u'4'), (u'5', u'5')],14 ['L2', (u'b', u'b'), (u'10', u'10'), (u'21', u'21'), (u'B', u'B'), (u'40', u'40'), (u'10', u'10')],15 ['L3', (u'b', u'b'), (u'2', u'2'), (u'3.14', u'3.14'), (u'c', u'c'), (u'54', u'54'), (u'50', u'50')],16 ['L4', (u'b', u'b'), (u'90', u'90'), (u'-2.240', u'-2.240'), (u'D', u'D'), (u'40', u'40'), (u'5', u'5')],17 ['L5', (u'a', u'a'), (u'95', u'95'), (u'20', u'20'), (u'e', u'e'), (u'40', u'40'), (u'10', u'10')],18 ]19 self.example = example20 data = TupleDataset()21 data.columns = []22 data.columns.extend([Column('TEST', label='TEST')])23 for line in self.example:24 data.addRow([line[0]] + line[1:])25 data.columns.extend([Column(line[0], label=line[0])])26 = data27 self.table = DataBrowserWidget(self.request)28 def test_tablecreation(self):29 """30 tests input data not changed31 """32 self.table.setData( result = example = self.example35 assert result == example36 def test_sort_one_column_alphas(self):37 """38 tests one column sorted alphabetically39 """40 self.table.setData(, sort_columns=[4])41 test_run = result = [result[0] for result in test_run]43 assert result == ['L2', 'L4', 'L1', 'L3', 'L5']44 def test_sort_one_column_integers(self):45 """46 tests one column sorted numerical47 """48 self.table.setData(, sort_columns=[2])49 test_run = result = [result[0] for result in test_run]51 assert result == ['L1', 'L3', 'L2', 'L4', 'L5']52 def test_sort_one_column_floats(self):53 """54 tests one column sorted numerical for floating point values55 """56 self.table.setData(, sort_columns=[3])57 test_run = result = [result[0] for result in test_run]59 assert result == ['L4', 'L1', 'L3', 'L5', 'L2']60 def test_n_sort(self):61 """62 tests n_sort63 """64 self.table.setData(, sort_columns=[1, 2])65 test_run = result = [result[0] for result in test_run]67 assert result == ['L5', 'L3', 'L2', 'L4', 'L1']68 self.table.setData(, sort_columns=[5, 6, 3])69 test_run = result = [result[0] for result in test_run]71 assert result == ['L1', 'L4', 'L5', 'L2', 'L3']72 def test_reverse_sort(self):73 """74 tests reverse sort75 """76 self.table.setData(, sort_columns=[0], reverse=True)77 test_run = result = [result[0] for result in test_run]79 assert result == ['L5', 'L4', 'L3', 'L2', 'L1']80 def test_sort_and_reverse_by_a_different_column(self):81 """82 tests reverse sort by a different column as the one to sort83 """84 self.table.setData(, sort_columns=[6], reverse=[0])85 test_run = result = [result[0] for result in test_run]...
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