How to use portal_visible method in autotest

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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2# Part of Odoo. See LICENSE file for full copyright and licensing details.3from collections import defaultdict4from odoo import _, api, fields, models5from odoo.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError6from uuid import uuid47class LoyaltyProgram(models.Model):8 _name = 'loyalty.program'9 _description = 'Loyalty Program'10 _order = 'sequence'11 _rec_name = 'name'12 name = fields.Char('Program Name', required=True, translate=True)13 active = fields.Boolean(default=True)14 sequence = fields.Integer(copy=False)15 company_id = fields.Many2one('', 'Company', default=lambda self: currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', 'Currency', compute='_compute_currency_id',17 readonly=False, required=True, store=True, precompute=True)18 currency_symbol = fields.Char(related='currency_id.symbol')19 total_order_count = fields.Integer("Total Order Count", compute="_compute_total_order_count")20 rule_ids = fields.One2many('loyalty.rule', 'program_id', 'Triggers', copy=True,21 compute='_compute_from_program_type', readonly=False, store=True)22 reward_ids = fields.One2many('loyalty.reward', 'program_id', 'Rewards', copy=True,23 compute='_compute_from_program_type', readonly=False, store=True)24 communication_plan_ids = fields.One2many('loyalty.mail', 'program_id', copy=True,25 compute='_compute_from_program_type', readonly=False, store=True)26 coupon_ids = fields.One2many('loyalty.card', 'program_id')27 coupon_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_coupon_count')28 program_type = fields.Selection([29 ('coupons', 'Coupons'),30 ('gift_card', 'Gift Card'),31 ('loyalty', 'Loyalty Cards'),32 ('promotion', 'Promotions'),33 ('ewallet', 'eWallet')], default='promotion', required=True,34 )35 date_to = fields.Date(string='Validity')36 limit_usage = fields.Boolean(string='Limit Usage')37 max_usage = fields.Integer()38 # Dictates when the points can be used:39 # current: if the order gives enough points on that order, the reward may directly be claimed, points lost otherwise40 # future: if the order gives enough points on that order, a coupon is generated for a next order41 # both: points are accumulated on the coupon to claim rewards, the reward may directly be claimed42 applies_on = fields.Selection([43 ('current', 'Current order'),44 ('future', 'Future orders'),45 ('both', 'Current & Future orders')], default='current', required=True,46 compute='_compute_from_program_type', readonly=False, store=True,47 )48 trigger = fields.Selection([49 ('auto', 'Automatic'),50 ('with_code', 'Use a code')],51 compute='_compute_from_program_type', readonly=False, store=True,52 help="""53 Automatic: Customers will be eligible for a reward automatically in their cart.54 Use a code: Customers will be eligible for a reward if they enter a code.55 """56 )57 portal_visible = fields.Boolean(default=False,58 help="""59 Show in web portal, PoS customer ticket, eCommerce checkout, the number of points available and used by reward.60 """)61 portal_point_name = fields.Char(default='Points', translate=True,62 compute='_compute_from_program_type', readonly=False, store=True)63 is_nominative = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_is_nominative')64 _sql_constraints = [65 ('check_max_usage', 'CHECK (limit_usage = False OR max_usage > 0)',66 'Max usage must be strictly positive if a limit is used.'),67 ]68 @api.constrains('reward_ids')69 def _constrains_reward_ids(self):70 if any(not program.reward_ids for program in self):71 raise ValidationError(_('A program must have at least one reward.'))72 def _compute_total_order_count(self):73 self.total_order_count = 074 @api.depends('company_id')75 def _compute_currency_id(self):76 for program in self:77 program.currency_id = program.company_id.currency_id or program.currency_id78 @api.depends('coupon_ids')79 def _compute_coupon_count(self):80 read_group_data = self.env['loyalty.card']._read_group([('program_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['program_id'], ['program_id'])81 count_per_program = {r['program_id'][0]: r['program_id_count'] for r in read_group_data}82 for program in self:83 program.coupon_count = count_per_program.get(, 0)84 @api.depends('program_type', 'applies_on')85 def _compute_is_nominative(self):86 for program in self:87 program.is_nominative = program.applies_on == 'both' or\88 (program.program_type == 'ewallet' and program.applies_on == 'future')89 @api.model90 def _program_type_default_values(self):91 # All values to change when program_type changes92 # NOTE: any field used in `rule_ids`, `reward_ids` and `communication_plan_ids` MUST be present in the kanban view for it to work properly.93 return {94 'coupons': {95 'applies_on': 'current',96 'trigger': 'with_code',97 'portal_visible': False,98 'portal_point_name': _('Points'),99 # Coupons don't use rules by default100 'rule_ids': [(5, 0, 0)],101 'reward_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, {102 'required_points': 1,103 'discount': 10,104 })],105 'communication_plan_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, {106 'trigger': 'create',107 'mail_template_id': (self.env.ref('loyalty.mail_template_loyalty_card', raise_if_not_found=False) or self.env['mail.template']).id,108 })],109 },110 'promotion': {111 'applies_on': 'current',112 'trigger': 'auto',113 'portal_visible': False,114 'portal_point_name': _('Points'),115 'rule_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, {116 'reward_point_amount': 1,117 'reward_point_mode': 'order',118 'minimum_amount': 50,119 })],120 'reward_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, {121 'required_points': 1,122 'discount': 10,123 })],124 'communication_plan_ids': [(5, 0, 0)],125 },126 'gift_card': {127 'applies_on': 'future',128 'trigger': 'auto',129 'portal_visible': True,130 'portal_point_name':,131 'rule_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, {132 'reward_point_amount': 1,133 'reward_point_mode': 'money',134 'reward_point_split': True,135 'product_ids': self.env.ref('loyalty.gift_card_product_50', raise_if_not_found=False),136 })],137 'reward_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, {138 'reward_type': 'discount',139 'discount_mode': 'per_point',140 'discount': 1,141 'discount_applicability': 'order',142 'required_points': 1,143 'description': _('Pay With Gift Card'),144 })],145 'communication_plan_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, {146 'trigger': 'create',147 'mail_template_id': (self.env.ref('loyalty.mail_template_gift_card', raise_if_not_found=False) or self.env['mail.template']).id,148 })],149 },150 'loyalty': {151 'applies_on': 'both',152 'trigger': 'auto',153 'portal_visible': True,154 'portal_point_name': _('Loyalty Points'),155 'rule_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, {156 'reward_point_mode': 'money',157 })],158 'reward_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, {159 'discount': 5,160 'required_points': 200,161 })],162 'communication_plan_ids': [(5, 0, 0)],163 },164 'ewallet': {165 'applies_on': 'future',166 'trigger': 'auto',167 'portal_visible': True,168 'portal_point_name':,169 'rule_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, {170 'reward_point_amount': '1',171 'reward_point_mode': 'money',172 'product_ids': self.env.ref('loyalty.ewallet_product_50'),173 })],174 'reward_ids': [(5, 0, 0), (0, 0, {175 'reward_type': 'discount',176 'discount_mode': 'per_point',177 'discount': 1,178 'discount_applicability': 'order',179 'required_points': 1,180 })],181 'communication_plan_ids': [(5, 0, 0)],182 },183 }184 @api.depends('program_type')185 def _compute_from_program_type(self):186 program_type_defaults = self._program_type_default_values()187 grouped_programs = defaultdict(lambda: self.env['loyalty.program'])188 for program in self:189 grouped_programs[program.program_type] |= program190 for program_type, programs in grouped_programs.items():191 if program_type in program_type_defaults:192 programs.write(program_type_defaults[program_type])193 def _get_valid_products(self, products):194 '''195 Returns a dict containing the products that match per rule of the program196 '''197 rule_products = dict()198 for rule in self.rule_ids:199 domain = rule._get_valid_product_domain()200 if domain:201 rule_products[rule] = products.filtered_domain(domain)202 else:203 rule_products[rule] = products204 return rule_products205 @api.ondelete(at_uninstall=False)206 def _unlink_except_active(self):207 if any( for program in self):208 raise UserError(_('You can not delete a program in an active state'))209 def toggle_active(self):210 super().toggle_active()211 # Propagate active state to children212 for program in self:213 = program.active214 = program.active215 = program.active216 = program.active217 @api.model218 def get_program_templates(self):219 '''220 Returns the templates to be used for promotional programs.221 '''222 return {223 'promo_code': {224 'title': _('Promo Code'),225 'description': _('Get a code to receive 10% discount on specific products'),226 'icon': 'promo_code',227 },228 'gift_card': {229 'title': _('Gift Card'),230 'description': _('Sell Gift Cards, that can be used to purchase products'),231 'icon': 'gift_card',232 },233 'loyalty': {234 'title': _('Loyalty Cards'),235 'description': _('Win points with each purchases, and use points to get gifts'),236 'icon': 'loyalty_cards',237 },238 'fidelity': {239 'title': _('Fidelity Cards'),240 'description': _('Buy 10 products, and get 10$ discount on the 11th one'),241 'icon': 'fidelity_cards',242 },243 'promotion': {244 'title': _('Promotional Program'),245 'description': _('Automatic promotion: 10% discount on orders higher than $50'),246 'icon': 'promotional_program',247 },248 'coupons': {249 'title': _('Coupons'),250 'description': _('Send unique coupons that give access to rewards'),251 'icon': 'coupons',252 },253 'buy_two_get_one': {254 'title': _('2+1 Free'),255 'description': _('Buy 2 products and get a third one for free'),256 'icon': '2_plus_1',257 },258 'ewallet': {259 'title': _('eWallet'),260 'description': _('Fill in your eWallet, and use it to pay future orders'),261 'icon': 'ewallet',262 },263 }264 @api.model265 def create_from_template(self, template_id):266 '''267 Creates the program from the template id defined in `get_program_templates`.268 Returns an action leading to that new record.269 '''270 template_values = self._get_template_values()271 if template_id not in template_values:272 return False273 program = self.create(template_values[template_id])274 action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id('loyalty.loyalty_program_action')275 action['view_type'] = 'form'276 action['res_id'] = program.id277 return action278 @api.model279 def _get_template_values(self):280 '''281 Returns the values to create a program using the template keys defined above.282 '''283 program_type_defaults = self._program_type_default_values()284 # For programs that require a product get the first sellable.285 product = self.env['product.product'].search([('sale_ok', '=', True)], limit=1)286 return {287 'gift_card': {288 'name': _('Gift Card'),289 'program_type': 'gift_card',290 **program_type_defaults['gift_card']291 },292 'ewallet': {293 'name': _('eWallet'),294 'program_type': 'ewallet',295 **program_type_defaults['ewallet'],296 },297 'loyalty': {298 'name': _('Loyalty Cards'),299 'program_type': 'loyalty',300 **program_type_defaults['loyalty'],301 },302 'coupons': {303 'name': _('Coupons'),304 'program_type': 'coupons',305 **program_type_defaults['coupons'],306 },307 'promotion': {308 'name': _('Promotional Program'),309 'program_type': 'promotion',310 **program_type_defaults['promotion'],311 },312 'promo_code': {313 'name': _('Promo Code'),314 'program_type': 'promotion',315 'applies_on': 'current',316 'trigger': 'with_code',317 'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {318 'mode': 'with_code',319 'code': '10PERCENT_' + str(uuid4())[:4], # Require a random code in case a user creates multiple program using this template320 })],321 'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {322 'discount_applicability': 'specific',323 'discount_product_ids': product,324 'discount_mode': 'percent',325 'discount': 10,326 })]327 },328 'fidelity': {329 'name': _('Fidelity Cards'),330 'program_type': 'loyalty',331 'applies_on': 'both',332 'trigger': 'auto',333 'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {334 'reward_point_mode': 'unit',335 'product_ids': product,336 })],337 'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {338 'discount_mode': 'per_order',339 'required_points': 11,340 'discount_applicability': 'specific',341 'discount_product_ids': product,342 'discount': 10,343 })]344 },345 'buy_two_get_one': {346 'name': _('2+1 Free'),347 'program_type': 'promotion',348 'applies_on': 'current',349 'trigger': 'auto',350 'rule_ids': [(0, 0, {351 'reward_point_mode': 'unit',352 'product_ids': product,353 })],354 'reward_ids': [(0, 0, {355 'reward_type': 'product',356 'reward_product_id': product and or False,357 'required_points': 2,358 })]359 },...

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...119 login = False120 if in map(lambda x: x[1], sessions):121 login = True122 return login123 def portal_visible(self):124 """125 Check if the portal can be found or not.126 """127 return bool(re.findall("%s$" %,128 iscsi_discover(self.portal_ip), re.M))129 def login(self):130 """131 Login session for both real iscsi device and emulated iscsi. Include132 env check and setup.133 """134 login_flag = False135 if self.portal_visible():136 login_flag = True137 elif self.initiator:138 logging.debug("Try to update iscsi initiatorname")139 cmd = "mv /​etc/​iscsi/​initiatorname.iscsi "140 cmd += "/​etc/​iscsi/​initiatorname.iscsi-%s" % self.id141 utils.system(cmd)142 fd = open("/​etc/​iscsi/​initiatorname.iscsi", 'w')143 fd.write("InitiatorName=%s" % self.initiator)144 fd.close()145 utils.system("service iscsid restart")146 if self.portal_visible():147 login_flag = True148 elif self.emulated_image:149 self.export_target()150 utils.system("service iscsid restart")151 if self.portal_visible():152 login_flag = True153 if login_flag:154 iscsi_login( def get_device_name(self):156 """157 Get device name from the target name.158 """159 cmd = "iscsiadm -m session -P 3"160 device_name = ""161 if self.logged_in():162 output = utils.system_output(cmd)163 pattern = r"Target:\s+%s.*?disk\s(\w+)\s+\S+\srunning" % self.target164 device_name = re.findall(pattern, output, re.S)165 try:...

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