How to use hardreset method in autotest

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1import json2import urllib3import urllib24import requests5import zipfile6import csv7import sys8import difflib9import string10import time11import re12import tmdbsimple as tmdb # pip install tmdbsimple13import rtsimple as rt # pip install rtsimple14from pymongo import MongoClient15from functools import partial16# Set some constants17omdbFile = "omdb/​omdbMovies.txt"18rawOmdbFile = "raw_omdb.json"19rawTmdbFile = "raw_tmdb.json"20rawRtFile = "raw_rt.json"21movieFile = "movie_data.json"22meteorPath = "../​meteorApp/​private/​movie_data.json"23uri = 'mongodb:/​/​localhost/​appdb'24tmdb.API_KEY = '2a50430216cd531275198faae3531bb4'25tmdbImages = tmdb.Configuration().info()['images']26rt.API_KEY = 'dbbykgj6pbm3wnfrnvhdbdym'27# readcsv function28def readcsv(path):29 f = open(path, "rb")30 rawdata = csv.reader(f, delimiter="\t")31 data = []32 keys = for row in rawdata:34 item = dict()35 for i in range(len(keys)):36 if len(row) > i:37 item[keys[i]] = row[i].decode("utf-8", "ignore").strip()38 else:39 item[keys[i]] = None40 data.append(item)41 return dat42def loadFromTmdb(filePath, hardReset, omdbMovies):43 44 if not hardReset:45 tmdbMovies = json.load(open(filePath, 'r'))46 else:47 tmdbMovies = dict()48 49 50 i = 051 for m in omdbMovies:52 i += 153 54 imdbID = m["ImdbID"]55 if (imdbID in tmdbMovies): continue56 print("tmdb" + str(i))57 sys.stdout.flush()58 data = keywords = videos = None59 try:60 data = tmdb.Movies("tt" + imdbID).info()61 keywords = tmdb.Movies(data['id']).keywords()['keywords']62 videos = tmdb.Movies(data['id']).videos()['results']63 # titles = tmdb.Movies(data['id']).alternative_titles()64 # cast = tmdb.Movies(fromTmdb['id']).credits()['cast']65 # crew = tmdb.Movies(fromTmdb['id']).credits()['crew']66 # images = tmdb.Movies(fromTmdb['id']).images()67 except requests.HTTPError as e:68 if e.message == '404 Client Error: Not Found':69 tmdbMovies[imdbID] = False70 continue71 else:72 print('HTTP Error')73 return74 tmdbMovies[imdbID] = dict({75 "Adult": data["adult"] or None,76 "Backdrop": tmdbImages['base_url'] + 'original' + str(data['backdrop_path']) if data["backdrop_path"] else None,77 "Budget": data["budget"] or None,78 "Genres": [g["name"] for g in data["genres"]],79 "Homepage": data["homepage"] or None,80 "Languages": [g["name"] for g in data["spoken_languages"]],81 "Tagline": data["tagline"] or None,82 "Title": data["title"] or None,83 "Poster": tmdbImages['base_url'] + 'w185' + data["poster_path"] if data["poster_path"] else None,84 # can use 'original', u'w92', 'w154', 'w185', 'w342', 'w500', 'w780'85 "Studios": [g["name"] for g in data["production_companies"]],86 "Overview": data["overview"] or None,87 "Popularity": data["popularity"] or None,88 "Released": data["release_date"] or None,89 "Revenue": data["revenue"] or None,90 "Runtime": data["runtime"] or None,91 "TmdbRating": data["vote_average"] or None,92 "TmdbVotes": data["vote_count"] or None,93 "Keywords": [k["name"] for k in keywords],94 "Videos": [dict({ "key": v["key"], "type": v["type"], "site": v["site"] }) for v in videos]95 });96 return tmdbMovies97def saveTmdb(tmdbMovies, filePath):98 json.dump(tmdbMovies, open(filePath, 'w'), indent=4)99def loadFromRt(filePath, hardReset, omdbMovies):100 101 if not hardReset:102 rtMovies = json.load(open(filePath, 'r'))103 else:104 rtMovies = dict()105 106 i = 0107 errorCount = 0108 for m in omdbMovies:109 i += 1110 111 if errorCount >= 10:112 return rtMovies113 114 imdbID = m["ImdbID"]115 if (imdbID in rtMovies and rtMovies[imdbID] != False): continue116 print("Rotten Tomatoes " + str(i))117 sys.stdout.flush()118 119 try:120 data = rt.Alias().movie(type='imdb', id=imdbID)121 except requests.HTTPError as e:122 rtMovies[imdbID] = False123 print("HTTPError")124 errorCount = errorCount + 1125 continue126 rtID = data['id'];127 128 # videos = rt.Movies(rtID).clips()['clips']129 # reviews = rt.Movies(fromRt['id']).reviews()130 # cast = rt.Movies(fromRt['id']).cast()['cast']131 132 rtMovies[imdbID] = dict({133 "Cast": [dict({ "name": c["name"], "character": c["characters"] if "characters" in c else None })134 for c in data["abridged_cast"]],135 "Directors": [g["name"] for g in data["abridged_directors"]] if "abridged_directors" in data else [],136 "Genres": data["genres"] or [],137 "RtID": data["id"],138 "Rating": data["mpaa_rating"].replace("N/​A", "") or None,139 "Consensus": (data["critics_consensus"] or None) if "critics_consensus" in data else None,140 "Posters": data["posters"],141 "LinkRt": data['links']['alternate'] if 'alternate' in data['links'] else None,142 "RtAudience": data["ratings"]["audience_score"] if data["ratings"]["audience_score"] > 0 else None,143 "RtCritics": data["ratings"]["critics_score"] if data["ratings"]["critics_score"] > 0 else None,144 "ReleasedDVD": data["release_dates"]["dvd"] if "dvd" in data["release_dates"] else None,145 "Released": data["release_dates"]["theater"] if "theater" in data["release_dates"] else None,146 "Runtime": data["runtime"] or None,147 "Studio": data["studio"] if "studio" in data else None,148 "Synopsis": data["synopsis"] or None,149 "Title": data["title"] or None,150 "Year": data["year"] or None151 });152 rtMovies['0088199'] = False #automagic153 return rtMovies154def saveRt(fromRt, filePath):155 json.dump(fromRt, open(filePath, 'w'), indent=4)156def sanitize(fromOmdb, fromTmdb, fromRt):157 movies = []158 for m in fromOmdb:159 imdbID = m['ImdbID']160 if imdbID in fromTmdb and imdbID in fromRt and fromRt[imdbID] and fromTmdb[imdbID]:161 movies.append(formatMovie(imdbID, m, fromRt[imdbID], fromTmdb[imdbID]))162 return movies 163def saveMovies(movies, filePath, meteorPath):164 json.dump(movies, open(filePath, 'w'), indent=4)165 json.dump(movies, open(meteorPath, 'w'), indent=4)166 167def updateMovies(movies):168 #Don't run this, use Meteor instead!169 client = MongoClient(uri)170 171 for movie in movies:172 cursor = client.appdb.movies.find({"link_imdb": movie['link_imdb']})173 if cursor.count() == 0:174 movie['firstInserted'] = time.time()175 movie['lastUpdated'] = time.time()176 client.appdb.movies.insert(movie)177 else:178 continue179 #movie['lastUpdated'] = time.time()180 #client.appdb.movies.replace_one({"link_imdb" : movie['link_imdb']}, movie)181 182def formatMovie(imdbID, fromOmdb, fromRt, fromTmdb):183 result = dict()184 result['title'] = fromTmdb['Title']185 result['plot'] = fromTmdb['Overview'] or fromOmdb['Plot'] or fromRt['Synopsis']186 result['keywords'] = fromTmdb['Keywords']187 result['runtime'] = fromTmdb['Runtime'] or fromRt['Runtime']188 result['budget'] = fromTmdb['Budget']189 result['revenue'] = fromTmdb['Revenue']190 result['tagline'] = fromTmdb['Tagline']191 result['year'] = fromOmdb['Year']192 result['released'] = fromTmdb['Released']193 result['languages'] = fromTmdb['Languages']194 result['country'] = fromOmdb['Country']195 fromTmdb['Studios'].append(None)196 result['studio'] = fromRt['Studio'] or fromTmdb['Studios'][0] # TODO197 result['cast'] = fromOmdb['Cast'] or fromOmdb['Cast']198 result['directors'] = fromOmdb['Directors'] or fromOmdb['Directors']199 result['homepage'] = fromTmdb['Homepage']200 201 result['awards'] = fromOmdb['Awards']202 result['rating'] = fromRt['Rating'] or fromOmdb['Rating']203 result['score_rtaudience'] = fromRt['RtAudience']204 result['score_rtcritics'] = fromRt['RtCritics']205 result['score_metacritic'] = fromOmdb['Metacritic']206 result['score_imdb'] = fromOmdb['ImdbRating']207 result['votes_imdb'] = fromOmdb['ImdbVotes']208 result['score'] = (fromRt['RtCritics'] or 0) + (fromRt['RtAudience'] or 0) + (fromOmdb['ImdbRating'] or 0)*10209 result['poster'] = fromOmdb['Poster'] or fromTmdb['Poster']210 result['background'] = fromTmdb['Backdrop']211 result['link_rt'] = fromRt['LinkRt']212 result['link_imdb'] = 'tt' + imdbID213 # Genres214 genres = set(fromTmdb['Genres'])215 if 'Kids' in genres:216 genres.remove('Kids')217 genres.add('Family')218 if 'TV Movie' in genres:219 genres.remove('TV Movie')220 result['genres'] = list(genres)221 # Trailer222 trailers = [a for a in fromTmdb['Videos'] if a['type'] == 'Trailer']223 if len(trailers) and trailers[-1]['site'] == 'YouTube':224 result['trailer_youtube'] = trailers[-1]['key']225 else :226 result['trailer_youtube'] = None227 # Search String228 result['search_str'] = (result['title'] + ' ' + ' '.join(result['cast']) + ' '.join(result['directors']) + ' '.join(result['keywords'])).lower()229 230 # Streaming231 result['streaming'] = dict()232 233 return result234 235# We first get the latest data from OMDb236def loadData(hardReset, redownloadOmdb):237 fromOmdb = json.load(open(rawOmdbFile, 'r'))238 239 # OMDB240 print("Downloading the movies from OMDB...")241 if redownloadOmdb:242 downloadOmdbData()243 print("OMDB movies downloaded and extracted to "+omdbFile+".")244 print("Loading and filtering the movies from OMDB...")245 fromOmdb = loadFromOmdb(omdbFile)246 print(len(fromOmdb), "Movies loaded from OMDB.")247 print("Saving the OMDB filtered movies to "+rawOmdbFile+" ...")248 saveOmdb(fromOmdb, rawOmdbFile)249 print("OMDB movies saved.")250 # Tmdb251 print("Loading TMDB movies, hardReset:"+str(hardReset)+" ...")252 fromTmdb = loadFromTmdb(rawTmdbFile, hardReset, fromOmdb)253 print(len(fromTmdb), " movies loaded from TMDB.")254 print("Saving the TMDB movies to "+rawTmdbFile+" ...")255 saveTmdb(fromTmdb, rawTmdbFile)256 print("TMDB Movies saved.")257 # Rt258 print("Loading Rotten Tomatoes movies, hardReset:"+str(hardReset)+" ...")259 fromRt = loadFromRt(rawRtFile, hardReset, fromOmdb)260 print(len(fromRt), " movies loaded from Rotten Tomatoes.")261 print("Saving the Rotten Tomatoes movies to "+rawRtFile+" ...")262 saveRt(fromRt, rawRtFile)263 print("Rotten Tomatoes movies saved.")264 265 # Netflix266 267 # Amazon268 # Saving and updating the movies269 print("Combining data from OMDB, TMDB, RT...")270 movies = sanitize(fromOmdb, fromTmdb, fromRt)271 print(len(movies)," movies combined.")272 print("Saving movies to "+movieFile+" and "+meteorPath+" ...")273 saveMovies(movies, movieFile, meteorPath)274 print("Movies saved.")275 print("Updating the mongo db with the latest information...")276 updateMovies(movies)277 print("Mongodb updated.")278################# Start of the main programm ##################279if __name__ == "__main__":280 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Refresh data omdb imdb rotten tomatoes')281 parser.add_argument('--uri', default='mongodb:/​/​localhost/​appdb',282 help='The uri of the mongo connection')283 parser.add_argument('--hardReset', type=int, help='Refresh completely the files', default=0)284 args = parser.parse_args()285 hardReset = args.hardReset...

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...19 self.printInfo(_("You can't set negative limits for %s") % pqkey, "error")20 if reset :21 pqentry.reset()22 if hardreset : 23 pqentry.hardreset()24 if suffix == "User" :25 if used :26 pqentry.setUsage(used)27 28 def main(self, names, options) :29 """Edit user or group quotas."""30 names = self.sanitizeNames(options, names)31 suffix = (options["groups"] and "Group") or "User" 32 printernames = options["printer"].split(",")33 34 if not options["list"] :35 percent = Percent(self)36 percent.display("%s..." % _("Extracting datas"))37 printers =["printer"])...

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1from Products.zms import standard2import os3def manage_repository_gitpull(self, request=None):4 printed = []5 request = self.REQUEST6 RESPONSE = request.RESPONSE7 btn = request.form.get('btn')8 came_from = request.get('came_from',request['HTTP_REFERER'])9 if came_from.find('?') > 0:10 came_from = came_from[:came_from.find('?')]11 base_path = self.get_conf_basepath()12 branch = self.getConfProperty('ZMSRepository.git.server.branch','master').replace('"','').replace(';','')13 hardreset_cmd = 'git reset --hard origin/​%s'%(branch)14 printed.append('<!DOCTYPE html>')15 printed.append('<html lang="en">')16 printed.append(self.zmi_html_head(self,request))17 printed.append('<body class="repository_manager_main %s">'%(' '.join(['zmi',request['lang'],self.meta_id])))18 # printed.append(self.zmi_body_header(self,request,options=[{'action':'#','label':'%s...'%self.getZMILangStr('BTN_GITPULL')}]))19 printed.append(self.zmi_body_header(self,request,options=self.repository_manager.customize_manage_options()))20 printed.append('<div id="zmi-tab">')21 printed.append(self.zmi_breadcrumbs(self,request,extra=[self.manage_sub_options()[0]]))22 printed.append('<div class="card">')23 printed.append('<form class="form-horizontal" method="post" enctype="multipart/​form-data">')24 printed.append('<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="%s"/​>'%request['lang'])25 printed.append('<input type="hidden" name="came_from" value="%s"/​>'%came_from)26 printed.append('<legend>%s, Current Branch %s</​legend>'%(self.getZMILangStr('BTN_GITPULL'),branch))27 # --- PULL. +++IMPORTANT+++: Use SSH/​cert and git credential manager28 # ---------------------------------29 if btn=='BTN_GITPULL':30 message = []31 ### update from repository32 # userid = self.getConfProperty('ZMSRepository.git.server.userid')33 # password = self.getConfProperty('ZMSRepository.git.server.password') # TODO: decrypt34 # url = self.getConfProperty('ZMSRepository.git.server.url')35 if len([x for x in request['AUTHENTICATED_USER'].getRolesInContext(self) if x in ['Manager','ZMSAdminstrator']]) > 0:36 os.chdir(base_path)37 if request.get('hardreset'):38 result = os.system(hardreset_cmd)39 message.append('<code class="d-block">%s [%s]</​code>'%(hardreset_cmd, str(result)))40 command = 'git checkout %s;git pull'%(branch)41 if request.get('revision')!='HEAD' and request.get('revision') is not None:42 command = 'git checkout %s'%(request.get('revision').replace('"','').replace(';',''))43 result = os.system(command)44 message.append('<code class="d-block mb-3">%s [%s]</​code>'%(command, str(result)))45 ### import from working-copy46 # success = self.updateChanges(REQUEST.get('ids',[]),btn=='override')47 # message.append(self.getZMILangStr('MSG_IMPORTED')%('<em>%s</​em>'%' '.join(success)))48 else:49 message.append('Error: To execute this function a user role Manager or ZMSAdministrator is needed.')50 ### return with message51 request.response.redirect(self.url_append_params('manage_main',{'lang':request['lang'],'manage_tabs_message':''.join(message)}))52 # --- Cancel.53 # ---------------------------------54 elif btn=='BTN_CANCEL':55 request.response.redirect(self.url_append_params(came_from,{'lang':request['lang']}))56 # --- Display initial form.57 # -------------------------58 else:59 printed.append('<div class="card-body">')60 printed.append('<div class="form-group row">')61 printed.append('<label for="revision" class="col-sm-2 control-label mandatory">Revision</​label>')62 printed.append('<div class="col-sm-10"><input class="form-control" name="revision" type="text" size="25" value="HEAD" title="Default value HEAD pulls the latest revision. Please, enter the hexadecimal ID for checking out a specific revision." placeholder="Enter HEAD or Revision-ID"></​div>')63 printed.append('</​div><!-- .form-group -->')64 printed.append('<div class="form-group row">')65 printed.append('<label for="hardreset" class="col-sm-2 control-label mandatory">Use Hard Reset</​label>')66 printed.append('<div class="col-sm-10"><input type="checkbox" name="hardreset" value="hardreset" title="git reset --hard origin/​%s" /​></​div>'%(branch))67 printed.append('</​div><!-- .form-group -->')68 printed.append('<div class="form-group">')69 printed.append('<div class="controls save">')70 printed.append('<button type="submit" name="btn" class="btn btn-primary" value="BTN_GITPULL">%s</​button>'%(self.getZMILangStr('BTN_GITPULL')))71 printed.append('<button type="submit" name="btn" class="btn btn-secondary" value="BTN_CANCEL">%s</​button>'%(self.getZMILangStr('BTN_CANCEL')))72 printed.append('</​div>')73 printed.append('</​div><!-- .form-group -->')74 # printed.append(self.manage_main_diff(self,request))75 printed.append('</​div><!-- .card-body -->')76 # ---------------------------------77 printed.append('</​form><!-- .form-horizontal -->')78 printed.append('</​div><!-- .card -->')79 printed.append('</​div><!-- #zmi-tab -->')80 printed.append(self.zmi_body_footer(self,request))81 printed.append('<script>$ZMI.registerReady(function(){ $(\'#tabs_items li a\').removeClass(\'active\');$(\'#tabs_items li[data-action*=\"repository_manager\"] a\').addClass(\'active\'); })</​script>')82 printed.append('</​body>')83 printed.append('</​html>')...

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