Best Python code snippet using autotest_python
...39### format helpers ###40######################41def format_line(line, indent_level=0):42 return INDENT * indent_level + line.replace("\t", INDENT) + "\n"43def format_lines(lines, indent_level=0):44 return [format_line(line, indent_level) for line in lines]45######################46#### ENUM helpers ####47######################48def add_to_enum_list(elist, new_enum):49 if new_enum != None and next((i for i in elist if (i.value == new_enum.value)), None) == None:50 elist.append(new_enum)51def get_enum_value(root, extnumber = None):52 #print(root.tag, root.attrib)53 if "alias" in root.attrib:54 return None55 if "value" in root.attrib:56 return vk_enum_value(name=root.attrib.get("name"), value=root.attrib.get("value"))57 if "extnumber" in root.attrib:58 extnumber = (int(root.attrib.get("extnumber")) - 1) * 100059 offset = int(root.attrib.get("offset"))60 value = 1000000000 + extnumber + offset61 return vk_enum_value(name=root.attrib.get("name"), value=str(value))62def get_sub_enum(root, result, enum_name, ext_num = None):63 for item in root.findall("enum"):64 if item.attrib.get("extends") == enum_name:65 add_to_enum_list(result, get_enum_value(item, ext_num))66def get_enum_from_feature(root, result, enum_name, ext_num = None):67 for require in root.findall("require"):68 if "extension" in require.attrib:69 continue70 get_sub_enum(require, result, enum_name, ext_num)71def get_enum(root, enum_name):72 core_enum = [i for i in root.findall("enums") if i.get("name") == enum_name][0];73 if core_enum.get("type") != "enum":74 raise LookupError("not enum")75 #print(core_enum.tag, core_enum.attrib)76 result = []77 for i in core_enum:78 add_to_enum_list(result, get_enum_value(i))79 features = root.findall("feature");80 for feature in features:81 get_enum_from_feature(feature, result, enum_name)82 extensions = root.find("extensions");83 for ext in extensions:84 if ext.attrib.get("supported") != "disabled":85 tmp = []86 get_enum_from_feature(ext, tmp, enum_name, int(ext.attrib.get("number")))87 platform = [i for i in g_platforms if == str(ext.attrib.get("platform"))][0]88 for value in tmp:89 value.platform = platform90 add_to_enum_list(result, value)91 result.sort(key=lambda e: int(e.value))92 return result93######################94#### func helpers ####95######################96def get_all_funcs(root):97 funcs = []98 child_instance = {'VkInstance', 'VkPhysicalDevice'}99 child_device = {'VkDevice', 'VkCommandBuffer', 'VkQueue'}100 commands = root.find("commands")101 for command in commands.findall("command"):102 name = None103 parent = None104 if command.attrib.get("alias") != None:105 func = [i for i in funcs if == command.attrib.get("alias")][0]106 func.aliases.append(command.attrib.get("name"))107 proto = command.find("proto")108 if proto != None:109 name = proto.find("name").text110 param = command.find("param")111 if param != None:112 if param.find("type").text in child_instance:113 parent = "VkInstance"114 elif param.find("type").text in child_device:115 parent = "VkDevice"116 else:117 continue118 else:119 continue120 funcs.append(vk_func(name, parent))121## result = []122## features = root.findall("feature");123## for feature in features:124## for require in feature.findall("require"):125## for command in require.findall("command"):126## result.append(vk_func(command.attrib.get("name")))127##128 extensions = root.find("extensions");129 for ext in extensions:130 if ext.attrib.get("supported") != "disabled":131 for require in ext.findall("require"):132 platform = [i for i in g_platforms if == str(ext.attrib.get("platform"))][0]133 for command in require.findall("command"):134 try:135 func = [i for i in funcs if == command.attrib.get("name")][0]136 func.platform=platform137 except:138 pass139 else:140 for require in ext.findall("require"):141 platform = [i for i in g_platforms if == str(ext.attrib.get("platform"))][0]142 for command in require.findall("command"):143 try:144 func = [i for i in funcs if == command.attrib.get("name")][0]145 funcs.remove(func)146 except:147 pass148 #print(funcs)149 return funcs150######################151### sType helpers ####152######################153def convert_sType_to_name(sType: str):154 vendor_parts = ["EXT", "KHR", "KHX", "AMD", "NV", "NVX", "IMG", "AMDX", "ARM", "ANDROID", "FUCHSIA",155 "GGP", "GOOGLE", "QCOM", "NN", "MVK", "MESA", "INTEL",]156 blacklisted_parts = ["ID", "LOD", "SM", "ASTC", "AABB",]157 #TODO auto generate + add more158 special_parts = {"8BIT" : "8Bit", "16BIT" : "16Bit", "DIRECTFB" : "DirectFB",}159 special_meaning = {"VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOADER_DEVICE_CREATE_INFO" : "VkLayerDeviceCreateInfo",160 "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_LOADER_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO" : "VkLayerInstanceCreateInfo",161 "VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_TEXTURE_COMPRESSION_ASTC_HDR_FEATURES_EXT" :162 "VkPhysicalDeviceTextureCompressionASTCHDRFeaturesEXT",}163 if special_meaning.get(sType) != None:164 return special_meaning[sType];165 struct_parts = sType[len("VK_STRUCTURE_TYPE_"):].split("_")166 struct_name = "Vk"167 for i in range(len(struct_parts)):168 part = struct_parts[i]169 if part in vendor_parts and i == len(struct_parts) - 1:170 struct_name += part171 elif part in blacklisted_parts:172 struct_name += part173 elif special_parts.get(part) != None:174 struct_name += special_parts[part]175 else:176 struct_name += part[0]177 struct_name += part[1:].lower()178 return struct_name179######################180##### generators #####181######################182def write_vulkan_sizeof(sTypes):183 with open("../generated/vulkan_sizeof.h", "w") as file:184 boilerplate_start = ["#pragma once", "",185 "#ifdef __cplusplus",186 "extern \"C\" {",187 "#endif", "",188 "#include <stddef.h>", "",189 "//Frog",190 ]191 vksizeof_start = ["static size_t vksizeof(VkStructureType sType)",192 "{",193 "\tswitch (sType)",194 "\t{",195 ]196 vksizeof_end = ["\t\tdefault: return 0;",197 "\t}",198 "}", "",199 ]200 boilerplate_end = ["#ifdef __cplusplus",201 "}",202 "#endif",203 ]204 file.writelines(format_lines(boilerplate_start))205 file.writelines(format_lines(vksizeof_start))206 for i in sTypes:207 if != "None":208 file.write(format_line("#ifdef {}".format(i.platform.guard)))209 line = "case {}: return sizeof({});".format(, convert_sType_to_name( file.write(format_line(line, 2))211 if != "None":212 file.write(format_line("#endif"))213 file.writelines(format_lines(vksizeof_end))214 file.writelines(format_lines(boilerplate_end))215def write_vulkan_get_sType(sTypes):216 with open("../generated/vulkan_stype.hpp", "w") as file:217 boilerplate_start = ["#pragma once", "",218 "#include <type_traits>", "",219 "//Frog generated",220 ]221 get_sType_start = ["template <typename T>",222 "constexpr VkStructureType sTypeFromStruct()",223 "{",224 ]225 get_sType_end = ["",226 "\treturn (VkStructureType) -1;",227 "}",228 ]229 boilerplate_end = []230 file.writelines(format_lines(boilerplate_start))231 file.writelines(format_lines(get_sType_start))232 for i in sTypes:233 if != "None":234 file.write(format_line("#ifdef {}".format(i.platform.guard)))235 lines = ["if constexpr (std::is_same<T, {}>::value)".format(convert_sType_to_name(,236 "{",237 "\treturn {};".format(,238 "}",239 ]240 file.writelines(format_lines(lines, 1))241 if != "None":242 file.write(format_line("#endif"))243 file.writelines(format_lines(get_sType_end))244 file.writelines(format_lines(boilerplate_end))245def write_vulkan_dispatch_table(funcs):246 with open("../generated/vulkan_dispatch_table.hpp", "w") as file:247 boilerplate_start = ["#pragma once", "",248 "//Frog generated",249 ]250 d_table_start = ["struct VulkanDispatchTable",251 "{",252 ]253 d_table_end = ["};",254 "",255 ]256 init_instance_start = ["static void initInstanceTable(PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr gipa, VkInstance instance, VulkanDispatchTable* table)",257 "{",258 ]259 init_instance_end = ["}", ""]260 init_device_start = ["static void initDeviceTable(PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr gdpa, VkDevice device, VulkanDispatchTable* table)",261 "{",262 ]263 init_device_end = ["}",]264 boilerplate_end = []265 file.writelines(format_lines(boilerplate_start))266 file.writelines(format_lines(d_table_start))267 for i in funcs:268 if != "None":269 file.write(format_line("#ifdef {}".format(i.platform.guard)))270 line = "PFN_{} {} = nullptr;".format(,[2:])271 file.write(format_line(line, 1))272 if != "None":273 file.write(format_line("#endif"))274 file.writelines(format_lines(d_table_end))275 file.writelines(format_lines(boilerplate_end))276def write_vulkan_dispatch_int(funcs):277 with open("../generated/vulkan_dispatch_init.hpp", "w") as file:278 boilerplate_start = ["#pragma once", "",279 "//Frog generated",280 ]281 init_instance_start = ["static void initInstanceTable(PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr gipa, VkInstance instance, VulkanDispatchTable* table)",282 "{",283 ]284 init_instance_end = ["}", ""]285 init_device_start = ["static void initDeviceTable(PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr gdpa, VkDevice device, VulkanDispatchTable* table)",286 "{",287 ]288 init_device_end = ["}",]289 boilerplate_end = []290 file.writelines(format_lines(boilerplate_start))291 292 file.writelines(format_lines(init_instance_start))293 for i in [f for f in funcs if f.parent == "VkInstance"]:294 if != "None":295 file.write(format_line("#ifdef {}".format(i.platform.guard)))296 commands = [] + i.aliases297 for command in commands:298 lines = ["if (table->{} == nullptr)".format([2:]),299 "\ttable->{} = (PFN_{}) gipa(instance, \"{}\");".format([2:],, command)]300 file.writelines(format_lines(lines, 1))301 if != "None":302 file.write(format_line("#endif"))303 file.writelines(format_lines(init_instance_end))304 file.writelines(format_lines(init_device_start))305 for i in [f for f in funcs if f.parent == "VkDevice"]:306 if != "None":307 file.write(format_line("#ifdef {}".format(i.platform.guard)))308 commands = [] + i.aliases309 for command in commands:310 lines = ["if (table->{} == nullptr)".format([2:]),311 "\ttable->{} = (PFN_{}) gdpa(device, \"{}\");".format([2:],, command)]312 file.writelines(format_lines(lines, 1))313 if != "None":314 file.write(format_line("#endif"))315 file.writelines(format_lines(init_device_end))316 317 file.writelines(format_lines(boilerplate_end))318def main():319 vk_xml = "vk-{}.xml".format(VK_API_VERSION)320 get_vk_xml(vk_xml, VK_API_VERSION)321 tree = etree.parse(vk_xml)322 get_vk_platforms(tree)323 #print(g_platforms)324 sTypes = get_enum(tree, "VkStructureType")325 #print(sTypes)326 #print([ for i in sTypes])327 write_vulkan_sizeof(sTypes)328 write_vulkan_get_sType(sTypes)329 funcs = get_all_funcs(tree)330 write_vulkan_dispatch_table(funcs)331 write_vulkan_dispatch_int(funcs)...
1# This code is part of Qiskit.2#3# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.4#5# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may6# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory7# of this source tree or at Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this10# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating11# that they have been altered from the originals.12"""13A class that formats documentation sections.14"""15from typing import List16from .utils import _check_no_indent17class DocstringSectionFormatter:18 """A class that formats parsed docstring lines.19 This formatter formats sections with Google Style Python Docstrings with20 several reStructuredText directives.21 """22 def __init__(self, indent: str):23 self.indent = indent24 def format_header(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:25 """Format header section."""26 format_lines = lines27 format_lines.append("")28 return format_lines29 @_check_no_indent30 def format_overview(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:31 """Format overview section."""32 format_lines = [".. rubric:: Overview", ""]33 format_lines.extend(lines)34 format_lines.append("")35 return format_lines36 @_check_no_indent37 def format_reference(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:38 """Format reference section."""39 format_lines = [".. rubric:: References", ""]40 format_lines.extend(lines)41 format_lines.append("")42 return format_lines43 def format_warning(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:44 """Format warning section."""45 format_lines = [".. warning::", ""]46 for line in lines:47 format_lines.append(self.indent + line)48 format_lines.append("")49 return format_lines50 @_check_no_indent51 def format_example(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:52 """Format example section."""53 format_lines = [".. rubric:: Example", ""]54 format_lines.extend(lines)55 format_lines.append("")56 return format_lines57 def format_note(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:58 """Format notification section."""59 format_lines = [".. note::", ""]60 for line in lines:61 format_lines.append(self.indent + line)62 format_lines.append("")63 return format_lines64 @_check_no_indent65 def format_see_also(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:66 """Format see also section."""67 text = ".. seealso:: Module(s) "68 modules = []69 for line in lines:70 modules.append(f":py:mod:`~{line.lstrip()}`")71 text += ", ".join(modules)72 return [text, ""]73 @_check_no_indent74 def format_tutorial(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:75 """Format tutorial section."""76 format_lines = [".. rubric:: Tutorials", ""]77 format_lines.extend(lines)78 format_lines.append("")79 return format_lines80class ExperimentSectionFormatter(DocstringSectionFormatter):81 """Formatter for experiment class."""82 @_check_no_indent83 def format_analysis_ref(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:84 """Format analysis class reference section."""85 format_lines = [".. rubric:: Analysis Class Reference", ""]86 format_lines.extend(lines)87 format_lines.append("")88 return format_lines89 @_check_no_indent90 def format_experiment_opts(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:91 """Format experiment options section."""92 format_lines = [93 ".. rubric:: Experiment Options",94 "",95 "These options can be set by :py:meth:`set_experiment_options` method.",96 "",97 ]98 format_lines.extend(lines)99 format_lines.append("")100 return format_lines101 @_check_no_indent102 def format_analysis_opts(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:103 """Format analysis options section."""104 format_lines = [105 ".. rubric:: Analysis Options",106 "",107 "These options can be set by :py:meth:`analysis.set_options` method.",108 "",109 ]110 format_lines.extend(lines)111 format_lines.append("")112 return format_lines113 @_check_no_indent114 def format_transpiler_opts(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:115 """Format transpiler options section."""116 format_lines = [117 ".. rubric:: Transpiler Options",118 "",119 "This option can be set by :py:meth:`set_transpile_options` method.",120 "",121 ]122 format_lines.extend(lines)123 format_lines.append("")124 return format_lines125 @_check_no_indent126 def format_run_opts(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:127 """Format run options section."""128 format_lines = [129 ".. rubric:: Backend Run Options",130 "",131 "This option can be set by :py:meth:`set_run_options` method.",132 "",133 ]134 format_lines.extend(lines)135 format_lines.append("")136 return format_lines137class AnalysisSectionFormatter(DocstringSectionFormatter):138 """Formatter for analysis class."""139 @_check_no_indent140 def format_analysis_opts(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:141 """Format analysis options section."""142 format_lines = [143 ".. rubric:: Run Options",144 "",145 "These are the keyword arguments of :py:meth:`run` method.",146 "",147 ]148 format_lines.extend(lines)149 format_lines.append("")150 return format_lines151 @_check_no_indent152 def format_fit_model(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:153 """Format fit model section."""154 format_lines = [155 ".. rubric:: Fit Model",156 "",157 "This is the curve fitting analysis. ",158 "The following equation(s) are used to represent curve(s).",159 "",160 ]161 format_lines.extend(lines)162 format_lines.append("")163 return format_lines164 @_check_no_indent165 def format_fit_parameters(self, lines: List[str]) -> List[str]:166 """Format fit parameter section."""167 format_lines = [168 ".. rubric:: Fit Parameters",169 "",170 "The following fit parameters are estimated during the analysis.",171 "",172 ]173 format_lines.extend(lines)174 format_lines.append("")...
...4def read_txt_file(file_url: str):5 with open(file_url, "r") as read_file:6 lines = read_file.readlines()7 return lines8def format_lines(lines):9 lines = [line.replace("\n", "") for line in lines]10 formatted_lines = [float(line.replace("\n", "")) for line in lines]11 return formatted_lines12def plot(*args):13 fig = plt.figure()14 for arg in args:15 plt.plot(arg)16 fig.savefig(f"./visualisation/figures/compare.png")17def main():18 ## Exact solution19 lines = read_txt_file(EXACT_SOLUTION_URL)20 formatted_lines_exact = format_lines(lines)21 ## Approximated solution22 lines = read_txt_file(CG_SOLUTION_URL)23 formatted_lines_cg = format_lines(lines)24 ## Plot25 plot(formatted_lines_exact, formatted_lines_cg)26if __name__ == "__main__":...
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