Best Python code snippet using autotest_python
1import numpy as np2import pandas as pd3import argparse, os4import json5from mdp_playground.analysis import MDPP_Analysis6from cave.cavefacade import CAVE7class MDPPToCave:8 def __init__(self):9 return10 def _create_configspace_json(self, stats_pd, var_configs):11 configspace = {12 "hyperparameters": [],13 "conditions": [],14 "forbiddens": [],15 "python_module_version": "0.4.11",16 "json_format_version": 0.1,17 }18 for param in var_configs:19 param_config = {"name": param}20 var_type = str(type(stats_pd[param].iloc[0]))21 if "int" in var_type or "bool" in var_type:22 param_config["lower"] = int(stats_pd[param].min())23 param_config["upper"] = int(stats_pd[param].max())24 param_config["default"] = int(25 param_config["lower"] + param_config["upper"] // 226 )27 param_config["type"] = "uniform_int"28 elif "str" in var_type:29 # Categorical30 param_config["type"] = "categorical"31 param_config["choices"] = list(stats_pd["conv_filters"].unique())32 param_config["default"] = param_config["choices"][0]33 else: # Float34 param_config["lower"] = float(stats_pd[param].min())35 param_config["upper"] = float(stats_pd[param].max())36 param_config["default"] = (37 param_config["lower"] + param_config["upper"]38 ) / 239 param_config["type"] = "uniform_float"40 if "lr" in param:41 param_config["log"] = True42 else:43 param_config["log"] = False44 configspace["hyperparameters"].append(param_config)45 return configspace46 def _create_run_history(47 self, stats_pd, seed_idx, col_names, output_folder, var_configs48 ):49 final_rows_for_a_config = []50 for i in range(stats_pd.shape[0] - 1):51 if (52 stats_pd["timesteps_total"].iloc[i]53 > stats_pd["timesteps_total"].iloc[i + 1]54 ):55 final_rows_for_a_config.append(i)56 final_rows_for_a_config.append(57 stats_pd.shape[0] - 158 ) # Always append the last row!59 runhistory_col_names = ["cost", "time", "status", "budget", "seed"]60 runhistory_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=runhistory_col_names)61 runhistory_df["cost"] = (62 -1 * stats_pd["episode_reward_mean"].iloc[final_rows_for_a_config]63 )64 runhistory_df["time"] = stats_pd["episode_len_mean"].iloc[65 final_rows_for_a_config66 ]67 runhistory_df["budget"] = stats_pd["timesteps_total"].iloc[68 final_rows_for_a_config69 ]70 if seed_idx > 0:71 runhistory_df["seed"] = stats_pd[col_names[seed_idx]].iloc[72 final_rows_for_a_config73 ]74 else:75 runhistory_df["seed"] = 076 runhistory_df["status"] = "SUCCESS"77 for var in var_configs:78 runhistory_df[var] = stats_pd[var].iloc[final_rows_for_a_config]79 return runhistory_df80 def join_files(self, file_prefix, file_suffix):81 """Utility to join files that were written with different experiment configs"""82 with open(file_prefix + file_suffix, "ab") as combined_file:83 i = 084 num_diff_lines = []85 while True:86 if os.path.isfile(file_prefix + "_" + str(i) + file_suffix):87 with open(88 file_prefix + "_" + str(i) + file_suffix, "rb"89 ) as curr_file:90 byte_string = newline_count = byte_string.count(10)92 num_diff_lines.append(newline_count)93 combined_file.write(byte_string)94 else:95 break96 i += 197 print(98 str(i)99 + " files were combined into 1 for file:"100 + file_prefix101 + file_suffix102 )103 # print("Files missing for config_nums:", missing_configs, ". Did you pass the right value for max_total_configs as an argument?")104 # print("Unique line count values:", np.unique(num_diff_lines))105 if i == 0:106 raise FileNotFoundError(107 "No files to combine were present. Please check your location and/or filenames that they are correct."108 )109 def _read_stats(self, stats_file):110 if os.path.isfile(stats_file + ".csv"):111 print(112 "\033[1;31mLoading data from a sequential run/already combined runs of experiment configurations.\033[0;0m"113 )114 else:115 print(116 "\033[1;31mLoading data from a distributed run of experiment configurations. Creating a combined CSV stats file.\033[0;0m"117 )118 self.join_files(stats_file, ".csv")119 self.join_files(stats_file, "_eval.csv")120 def to_cave_csv(self, args):121 # file_path = args.file_path122 input_folder = "../mdp_files/"123 file_name = "dqn_vanilla_learning_starts"124 output_folder = "../to_cave_format/%s" % file_name125 if not os.path.exists(output_folder):126 os.makedirs(output_folder)127 ## Read current csvs ##128 stats_file = os.path.join(input_folder, file_name)129 with open(stats_file + ".csv") as file_:130 col_names = file_.readline().strip().split(", ")131 col_names[0] = col_names[0][2:] # to remove '# ' that was written132 # print("config_names:", col_names)133 stats_pd = pd.read_csv(134 stats_file + ".csv",135 skip_blank_lines=True,136 header=None,137 names=col_names,138 comment="#",139 sep=" ",140 )141 remove_names = ["training_iteration", "algorithm", "seed"]142 parameters = col_names[:-3].copy() # All paramaters tracked in run143 for x in col_names:144 for name in remove_names:145 if name in x:146 parameters.remove(x)147 # Compute parameters that varied and store value in dict148 config_values = {}149 seed_idx = -1150 for i, c in enumerate(col_names): # hardcoded 3 for no. of stats written151 if c in parameters: # parameters we care about152 config_values[c] = stats_pd[c].unique() # values a given parameter took153 if "seed" in c:154 seed_idx = i155 var_configs = [p for p in parameters if len(config_values[p]) > 1]156 configspace = self._create_configspace_json(stats_pd, var_configs)157 output_configspace = os.path.join(output_folder, "configspace.json")158 with open(output_configspace, "w") as fp:159 json.dump(configspace, fp, indent=2)160 scenario_str = "paramfile = ./configspace.json\nrun_obj = quality"161 output_configspace = os.path.join(output_folder, "scenario.txt")162 with open(output_configspace, "w") as fp:163 fp.write(scenario_str)164 # Runhistory and trajectory files165 runhistory_df = self._create_run_history(166 stats_pd, seed_idx, col_names, output_folder, var_configs167 )168 runhistory_df.to_csv(169 os.path.join(output_folder, "runhistory.csv"), header=True, index=False170 )171 def to_bohb_results(172 self, input_dir, exp_name, output_dir="../cave_output/", overwrite=False173 ):174 """Converts MDP Playground stats CSVs to BOHB format stats files:175 configs.json, results.json, configspace.json, in output_dir/exp_name.176 This file can be fed into cave for further analysis.177 Currently only compatible with the MDPP expt. of type: grid of configs178 exp_name : str179 Should be the expt name from MDPP, i.e., the "prefix" of the CSV stats files. A sub-directory of output_dir is created with this name to store BOHB format stats files.180 overwrite : bool181 If existing files should be overwritten.182 Returns "<output_dir>/<exp_name>"183 """184 print("Writing BOHB to cave output to %s" % (os.path.abspath(output_dir)))185 if not os.path.exists(output_dir):186 os.makedirs(output_dir)187 # file_path = args.file_path188 output_dir_final = os.path.join(output_dir, exp_name)189 if not os.path.exists(output_dir_final):190 os.makedirs(output_dir_final)191 # Read current CSVs192 ##TODO Re-use code from to load data instead of processing it again here:193 # mdpp_analysis = MDPP_Analysis()194 # self.exp_data = mdpp_analysis.get_exp_data(dir_name=input_dir,195 # exp_name=exp_name,196 # )197 # print("exp_data:\n", self.exp_data)198 # exp_data["dims_varied"]199 # exp_data["dims_values"]200 stats_file = os.path.join(input_dir, exp_name)201 stats_file = os.path.abspath(stats_file)202 self._read_stats(stats_file)203 with open(stats_file + ".csv") as file_:204 col_names = file_.readline().strip().split(", ")205 col_names[0] = col_names[0][2:] # to remove '# ' that was written206 # print("config_names:", col_names)207 stats_pd = pd.read_csv(208 stats_file + ".csv",209 skip_blank_lines=True,210 header=None,211 names=col_names,212 comment="#",213 sep=" ",214 )215 remove_names = ["training_iteration", "algorithm", "seed"]216 parameters = col_names[:-3].copy() # All parameters tracked in run217 for x in col_names:218 for name in remove_names:219 if name in x:220 parameters.remove(x)221 # Compute parameters that varied and store value in dict222 config_values = {}223 seed_idx = -1224 for i, c in enumerate(col_names): # hardcoded 3 for no. of stats written225 if c in parameters: # parameters we care about226 config_values[c] = stats_pd[c].unique() # values a given parameter took227 if "seed" in c:228 seed_idx = i229 var_configs = [p for p in parameters if len(config_values[p]) > 1]230 final_rows_for_a_config = []231 for i in range(stats_pd.shape[0] - 1):232 if (233 stats_pd["timesteps_total"].iloc[i]234 > stats_pd["timesteps_total"].iloc[i + 1]235 ):236 final_rows_for_a_config.append(i)237 final_rows_for_a_config.append(238 stats_pd.shape[0] - 1239 ) # Always append the last row!240 ##------------- Start converting csv ----------------##241 # configspace and scenario file242 configspace = self._create_configspace_json(stats_pd, var_configs)243 cs_json_file = os.path.join(output_dir_final, "configspace.json")244 if os.path.exists(cs_json_file):245 if not overwrite:246 raise FileExistsError()247 with open(cs_json_file, "w") as fp:248 json.dump(configspace, fp, indent=2)249 # print("var_configs:", var_configs)250 # Trajectory and runhistory files251 # Finding end configuration training252 diff_configs = stats_pd.iloc[final_rows_for_a_config]253 # print("diff_configs:", diff_configs)254 diff_configs = diff_configs.groupby(var_configs)255 # print("grouped by", diff_configs)256 configs_mean = diff_configs.mean()257 # print("mean:", configs_mean)258 # print("diff_configs.groups:", diff_configs.groups)259 diff_configs_results = [] # results.json260 diff_configs_lst = []261 budget = stats_pd["timesteps_total"].iloc[262 final_rows_for_a_config[0]263 ] # all have the same budget264 aux = 0265 for i, group_name in enumerate(diff_configs.groups):266 group_labels = diff_configs.groups[group_name]267 config_id = [0, 0, i]268 config_dict = {}269 # configs.json270 config_lst = [config_id]271 for name in var_configs:272 value = stats_pd[name].iloc[group_labels[0]]273 if isinstance(value, str):274 config_dict[name] = value275 else:276 config_dict[name] = value.item()277 config_lst.append(config_dict)278 config_lst.append({"model_based_pick": False})279 diff_configs_lst.append(config_lst)280 # results.json281 mean_reward = configs_mean["episode_reward_mean"].iloc[i] # mean along seed282 results_lst = [283 config_id,284 budget.item(),285 {286 "submitted": float("%.2f" % aux),287 "started": float("%.2f" % (aux + 0.1)),288 "finished": float("%.2f" % (aux + 1)),289 },290 ]291 aux += 1.1292 results_dict = {"loss": -mean_reward.item(), "info": {}}293 results_lst.append(results_dict)294 results_lst.append(None)295 diff_configs_results.append(results_lst)296 # configs.json297 output_configs = os.path.join(output_dir_final, "configs.json")298 if os.path.exists(output_configs):299 if not overwrite:300 raise FileExistsError()301 with open(output_configs, "w") as fout:302 for d in diff_configs_lst:303 json.dump(d, fout)304 fout.write("\n")305 # results.json306 output_results = os.path.join(output_dir_final, "results.json")307 if os.path.exists(output_results):308 if not overwrite:309 raise FileExistsError()310 with open(output_results, "w") as fout:311 for d in diff_configs_results:312 json.dump(d, fout)313 fout.write("\n")314 return output_dir_final315 def to_CAVE_object(316 self, input_dir, exp_name, output_dir="../cave_output/", overwrite=False317 ):318 """Converts MDP Playground stats CSVs to BOHB format stats files and creates319 a CAVE object from them.320 Please see to_bohb_results() for details about some of the parameters.321 """322 cave_input_file = self.to_bohb_results(323 input_dir, exp_name, output_dir, overwrite=overwrite324 )325 cave_results = os.path.join(cave_input_file, "out")326 cave = CAVE(327 folders=[cave_input_file],328 output_dir=cave_results,329 ta_exec_dir=[cave_input_file],330 file_format="BOHB",331 show_jupyter=True,332 )333 return cave334if __name__ == "__main__":335 input_dir = "../mdp_files/"336 exp_name = "dqn_seq_del"337 from cave.cavefacade import CAVE338 import os339 # The converted mdpp csvs will be stored in output_dir340 output_dir = "../mdpp_to_cave"341 mdpp_file = os.path.join(input_dir, exp_name)342 mdpp_cave = MDPPToCave()343 cave_input_file = mdpp_cave.to_bohb_results(input_dir, exp_name, output_dir)344 # cave_input_file = "../../../mdpp_to_cave/dqn_seq_del"345 # Similarly, as an example, cave will ouput it's results346 # to the same directory as cave's input files347 cave_results = os.path.join(cave_input_file, "output")348 print(os.path.abspath(cave_results))349 cave = CAVE(350 folders=[cave_input_file],351 output_dir=cave_results,352 ta_exec_dir=[cave_input_file],353 file_format="BOHB",354 show_jupyter=True,355 )356 # Common analysis357 cave.performance_table()358 cave.local_parameter_importance()359 cave.cave_fanova() # can only be used with more than 1 dimension of hardness360 # Other analysis361 # cave.parallel_coordinates()362 # cave.cost_over_time()363 # cave.algorithm_footprints()364 # cave.pimp_comparison_table()365 # cave.cave_ablation()366 # cave.pimp_forward_selection()367 # cave.feature_importance()368 # cave.configurator_footprint()369 # cave.algorithm_footprints()370 # cave.plot_ecdf()371 # cave.plot_scatter()372 # cave.compare_default_incumbent()...
Source: kconfig-bisect
1#!/usr/bin/env python32#3# Use binary search to find the config change that introduced a bug4#5import argparse6import os7import shutil8import subprocess9import sys10from collections import OrderedDict11from difflib import Differ12from prettytable import PrettyTable13def read_config_file(config_file):14 '''15 Read a config file into an ordered dict16 '''17 configs = OrderedDict()18 with open(config_file, encoding='utf-8') as fh:19 for line in fh:20 line = line.strip()21 if line.startswith('CONFIG_'):22 cfg, val = line.split('=', 1)23 elif line.startswith('# CONFIG_'):24 cfg = line.split(' ')[1]25 # val = '___UNSET___'26 val = None27 elif line.startswith('# Linux/'):28 arch = line.split(' ')[1].split('/')[1]29 continue30 else:31 continue32 configs[cfg] = val33 return arch, configs34def write_config_file(configs):35 '''36 Write an ordered dict to a config file37 '''38 with open('.config', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fh:39 for cfg, val in configs.items():40 if val is None:41 fh.write(f'# {cfg} is not set\n')42 else:43 fh.write(f'{cfg}={val}\n')44def merge_configs(good_configs, bad_configs):45 '''46 Merge two ordered dicts47 '''48 differ = Differ()49 result =,50 list(bad_configs.keys()))51 all_configs = []52 for r in list(result):53 if r[0:2] in ('- ', '+ ', ' '):54 all_configs.append(r[2:])55 merged_configs = OrderedDict()56 for cfg in all_configs:57 if cfg in merged_configs:58 print(f'-- Internal error: Duplicate config in ordered dict: {cfg}')59 sys.exit(1)60 merged_configs[cfg] = {61 'good': good_configs.get(cfg),62 'bad': bad_configs.get(cfg),63 }64 return merged_configs65def generate_config_file(arch, configs, merged_configs, prev_new_configs=None):66 '''67 Generate a new config file68 '''69 if prev_new_configs is None:70 prev_new_configs = []71 # Write the config file and determine all new config options72 write_config_file(configs)73 p =['make', f'ARCH={arch}', 'listnewconfig'],74 stdout=subprocess.PIPE, text=True, check=True)75 new_configs = [p.strip() for p in p.stdout.split('\n') if p.strip()]76 if not new_configs or new_configs == prev_new_configs:77 # All done, i.e., no new configs or new configs didn't change from the78 # previous run.79['make', f'ARCH={arch}', 'olddefconfig'], check=True)80 return81 # For the new config options, use the values from the 'good' config if they82 # exist, or the defaults otherwise83 for new in new_configs:84 cfg, val = new.split('=', 1)85 if cfg in merged_configs:86 val = merged_configs[cfg]['good']87 print(f'-- New config: {cfg} -> {str(val)}')88 configs[cfg] = val89 # Rerun90 generate_config_file(arch, configs, merged_configs, new_configs)91def main():92 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()93 subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', required=True)94 sparser = subparsers.add_parser('start',95 help='Start a new bisect run')96 sparser.add_argument('good_config', metavar='good.config',97 help='Good config file')98 sparser.add_argument('bad_config', metavar='bad.config',99 help='Bad config file')100 sparser.set_defaults(command='start')101 sparser = subparsers.add_parser('good', help='Good test result')102 sparser.set_defaults(command='good')103 sparser = subparsers.add_parser('bad', help='Bad test result')104 sparser.set_defaults(command='bad')105 args = parser.parse_args()106 kb_dir = '.kconfig-bisect'107 good_config = os.path.join(kb_dir, 'good')108 bad_config = os.path.join(kb_dir, 'bad')109 if args.command == 'start':110 if not os.path.exists(kb_dir):111 os.mkdir(kb_dir)112 shutil.copy(args.bad_config, bad_config)113 shutil.copy(args.good_config, good_config)114 elif args.command == 'good':115 shutil.copy('.config', good_config)116 elif args.command == 'bad':117 shutil.copy('.config', bad_config)118 else:119 print(f'-- Internal errror: Unsupported command: {args.command}')120 sys.exit(1)121 # Read the config files122 arch, good_configs = read_config_file(good_config)123 _arch, bad_configs = read_config_file(bad_config)124 if arch != _arch:125 print(f'-- Config architectures don\'t match ({arch} != {_arch})')126 return 1127 print(f'-- Config arch: {arch}')128 # Merge the config files129 merged_configs = merge_configs(good_configs, bad_configs)130 # List of different configs131 diff_configs = []132 for cfg, val in merged_configs.items():133 if val['good'] != val['bad']:134 diff_configs.append(cfg)135 if not diff_configs:136 print('-- No differences found')137 return 0138 # Print the different config settings139 print(f'-- Diff configs: {len(diff_configs)}')140 table = PrettyTable()141 table.field_names = (['Config', 'Good', 'Bad'])142 for cfg in diff_configs:143 table.add_row([cfg, merged_configs[cfg]['good'],144 merged_configs[cfg]['bad']])145 table.align = 'l'146 print(table)147 # Create a new config148 new_configs = OrderedDict(bad_configs)149 for cfg in diff_configs[0:int((len(diff_configs) / 2))]:150 new_configs[cfg] = good_configs.get(cfg)151 generate_config_file(arch, new_configs, merged_configs)152 return 0153if __name__ == '__main__':...
...30 else:31 output.write(line)32 input.close()33 output.close()34def diff_configs(old, new):35 utils.system('diff -u %s %s > %s' % (old, new, new + '.diff'),36 ignore_status=True)37def modules_needed(config):38 return (utils.grep('CONFIG_MODULES=y', config) and utils.grep('=m', config))39def config_by_name(name, set):40 version = kernel_versions.version_choose_config(name, set[1:])41 if version:42 return set[0] + version43 return None44class kernel_config(object):45 # Build directory must be ready before init'ing config.46 #47 # Stages:48 # 1. Get original config file49 # 2. Apply overrides50 # 3. Do 'make oldconfig' to update it to current source code51 # (gets done implicitly during the process)52 #53 # You may specifiy the a defconfig within the tree to build,54 # or a custom config file you want, or None, to get machine's55 # default config file from the repo.56 build_dir = '' # the directory we're building in57 config_dir = '' # local repository for config_file data58 build_config = '' # the config file in the build directory59 orig_config = '' # the original config file60 over_config = '' # config file + overrides61 def __init__(self, job, build_dir, config_dir, orig_file,62 overrides, defconfig = False, name = None, make = None):63 self.build_dir = build_dir64 self.config_dir = config_dir65 # 1. Get original config file66 self.build_config = build_dir + '/.config'67 if (orig_file == '' and not defconfig and not make): # use user default68 set = job.config_get("kernel.default_config_set")69 defconf = None70 if set and name:71 defconf = config_by_name(name, set)72 if not defconf:73 defconf = job.config_get("kernel.default_config")74 if defconf:75 orig_file = defconf76 if (orig_file == '' and not make and defconfig): # use defconfig77 make = 'defconfig'78 if (orig_file == '' and make): # use the config command79 print "kernel_config: using " + make + " to configure kernel"80 os.chdir(build_dir)81 make_return = utils.system('make %s > /dev/null' % make)82 self.config_record(make)83 if (make_return):84 raise error.TestError('make % failed' % make)85 else:86 print "kernel_config: using " + orig_file + \87 " to configure kernel"88 self.orig_config = config_dir + '/config.orig'89 utils.get_file(orig_file, self.orig_config)90 self.update_config(self.orig_config, self.orig_config+'.new')91 diff_configs(self.orig_config, self.orig_config+'.new')92 # 2. Apply overrides93 if overrides:94 print "kernel_config: using " + overrides + \95 " to re-configure kernel"96 self.over_config = config_dir + '/config.over'97 overrides_local = self.over_config + '.changes'98 utils.get_file(overrides, overrides_local)99 apply_overrides(self.build_config, overrides_local, self.over_config)100 self.update_config(self.over_config, self.over_config+'.new')101 diff_configs(self.over_config, self.over_config+'.new')102 else:103 self.over_config = self.orig_config104 def update_config(self, old_config, new_config = 'None'):105 os.chdir(self.build_dir)106 shutil.copyfile(old_config, self.build_config)107 utils.system('yes "" | make oldconfig > /dev/null')108 if new_config:109 shutil.copyfile(self.build_config, new_config)110 def config_record(self, name):111 #Copy the current .config file to the config.<name>[.<n>]112 i = 1113 to = self.config_dir + '/config.%s' % name114 while os.path.exists(to):115 i += 1...
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