How to use deprecated_func method in autotest

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...74: 85: assertEquals = assertEqual96: 107: def _deprecate(original_func):118: def deprecated_func(*args, **kwargs):129: return original_func(*args, **kwargs)1310: 1411: return deprecated_func1512: 1613: failUnlessEqual = _deprecate(assertEqual)1714: 1815: 1916: t = TestCase()2017: 2118: r = t.assertEquals2219: 2320: r2 = t.failUnlessEqual2421: 2522: print r2623: print r22724: 28"""29# Import the stypy library necessary elements30from stypy.type_inference_programs.type_inference_programs_imports import *31# Create the module type store32module_type_store = Context(None, __file__)33# ################# Begin of the type inference program ##################34# Declaration of the 'TestCase' class35class TestCase(object, ):36 @norecursion37 def assertEqual(type_of_self, localization, *varargs, **kwargs):38 global module_type_store39 # Assign values to the parameters with defaults40 defaults = []41 # Create a new context for function 'assertEqual'42 module_type_store = module_type_store.open_function_context('assertEqual', 2, 4, False)43 # Assigning a type to the variable 'self' (line 3)44 module_type_store.set_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 3, 4), 'self', type_of_self)45 46 # Passed parameters checking function47 TestCase.assertEqual.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_localization', localization)48 TestCase.assertEqual.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_type_of_self', type_of_self)49 TestCase.assertEqual.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_type_store', module_type_store)50 TestCase.assertEqual.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_function_name', 'TestCase.assertEqual')51 TestCase.assertEqual.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_param_names_list', [])52 TestCase.assertEqual.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_varargs_param_name', None)53 TestCase.assertEqual.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_kwargs_param_name', None)54 TestCase.assertEqual.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_call_defaults', defaults)55 TestCase.assertEqual.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_call_varargs', varargs)56 TestCase.assertEqual.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_call_kwargs', kwargs)57 TestCase.assertEqual.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_declared_arg_number', 1)58 arguments = process_argument_values(localization, type_of_self, module_type_store, 'TestCase.assertEqual', [], None, None, defaults, varargs, kwargs)59 if is_error_type(arguments):60 # Destroy the current context61 module_type_store = module_type_store.close_function_context()62 return arguments63 # Initialize method data64 init_call_information(module_type_store, 'assertEqual', localization, [], arguments)65 66 # Default return type storage variable (SSA)67 # Assigning a type to the variable 'stypy_return_type'68 module_type_store.set_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 0, 0), 'stypy_return_type', None)69 70 71 # ################# Begin of 'assertEqual(...)' code ##################72 # Getting the type of 'None' (line 3)73 None_1088 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 3, 15), 'None')74 # Assigning a type to the variable 'stypy_return_type' (line 3)75 module_type_store.set_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 3, 8), 'stypy_return_type', None_1088)76 77 # ################# End of 'assertEqual(...)' code ##################78 # Teardown call information79 teardown_call_information(localization, arguments)80 81 # Storing the return type of function 'assertEqual' in the type store82 # Getting the type of 'stypy_return_type' (line 2)83 stypy_return_type_1089 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 2, 4), 'stypy_return_type')84 module_type_store.store_return_type_of_current_context(stypy_return_type_1089)85 86 # Destroy the current context87 module_type_store = module_type_store.close_function_context()88 89 # Return type of the function 'assertEqual'90 return stypy_return_type_108991 @staticmethod92 @norecursion93 def _deprecate(localization, *varargs, **kwargs):94 global module_type_store95 # Assign values to the parameters with defaults96 defaults = []97 # Create a new context for function '_deprecate'98 module_type_store = module_type_store.open_function_context('_deprecate', 7, 4, False)99 100 # Passed parameters checking function101 TestCase._deprecate.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_localization', localization)102 TestCase._deprecate.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_type_of_self', None)103 TestCase._deprecate.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_type_store', module_type_store)104 TestCase._deprecate.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_function_name', '_deprecate')105 TestCase._deprecate.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_param_names_list', ['original_func'])106 TestCase._deprecate.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_varargs_param_name', None)107 TestCase._deprecate.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_kwargs_param_name', None)108 TestCase._deprecate.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_call_defaults', defaults)109 TestCase._deprecate.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_call_varargs', varargs)110 TestCase._deprecate.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_call_kwargs', kwargs)111 TestCase._deprecate.__dict__.__setitem__('stypy_declared_arg_number', 1)112 arguments = process_argument_values(localization, None, module_type_store, '_deprecate', ['original_func'], None, None, defaults, varargs, kwargs)113 if is_error_type(arguments):114 # Destroy the current context115 module_type_store = module_type_store.close_function_context()116 return arguments117 # Initialize method data118 init_call_information(module_type_store, '_deprecate', localization, [], arguments)119 120 # Default return type storage variable (SSA)121 # Assigning a type to the variable 'stypy_return_type'122 module_type_store.set_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 0, 0), 'stypy_return_type', None)123 124 125 # ################# Begin of '_deprecate(...)' code ##################126 @norecursion127 def deprecated_func(localization, *varargs, **kwargs):128 global module_type_store129 # Assign values to the parameters with defaults130 defaults = []131 # Create a new context for function 'deprecated_func'132 module_type_store = module_type_store.open_function_context('deprecated_func', 8, 8, False)133 134 # Passed parameters checking function135 deprecated_func.stypy_localization = localization136 deprecated_func.stypy_type_of_self = None137 deprecated_func.stypy_type_store = module_type_store138 deprecated_func.stypy_function_name = 'deprecated_func'139 deprecated_func.stypy_param_names_list = []140 deprecated_func.stypy_varargs_param_name = 'args'141 deprecated_func.stypy_kwargs_param_name = 'kwargs'142 deprecated_func.stypy_call_defaults = defaults143 deprecated_func.stypy_call_varargs = varargs144 deprecated_func.stypy_call_kwargs = kwargs145 arguments = process_argument_values(localization, None, module_type_store, 'deprecated_func', [], 'args', 'kwargs', defaults, varargs, kwargs)146 if is_error_type(arguments):147 # Destroy the current context148 module_type_store = module_type_store.close_function_context()149 return arguments150 # Initialize method data151 init_call_information(module_type_store, 'deprecated_func', localization, [], arguments)152 153 # Default return type storage variable (SSA)154 # Assigning a type to the variable 'stypy_return_type'155 module_type_store.set_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 0, 0), 'stypy_return_type', None)156 157 158 # ################# Begin of 'deprecated_func(...)' code ##################159 160 # Call to original_func(...): (line 9)161 # Getting the type of 'args' (line 9)162 args_1091 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 9, 34), 'args', False)163 # Processing the call keyword arguments (line 9)164 # Getting the type of 'kwargs' (line 9)165 kwargs_1092 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 9, 42), 'kwargs', False)166 kwargs_1093 = {'kwargs_1092': kwargs_1092}167 # Getting the type of 'original_func' (line 9)168 original_func_1090 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 9, 19), 'original_func', False)169 # Calling original_func(args, kwargs) (line 9)170 original_func_call_result_1094 = invoke(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 9, 19), original_func_1090, *[args_1091], **kwargs_1093)171 172 # Assigning a type to the variable 'stypy_return_type' (line 9)173 module_type_store.set_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 9, 12), 'stypy_return_type', original_func_call_result_1094)174 175 # ################# End of 'deprecated_func(...)' code ##################176 # Teardown call information177 teardown_call_information(localization, arguments)178 179 # Storing the return type of function 'deprecated_func' in the type store180 # Getting the type of 'stypy_return_type' (line 8)181 stypy_return_type_1095 = module_type_store.get_type_of(stypy.reporting.localization.Localization(__file__, 8, 8), 'stypy_return_type')182 module_type_store.store_return_type_of_current_context(stypy_return_type_1095)183 184 # Destroy the current context185 module_type_store = module_type_store.close_function_context()186 187 # Return type of the function 'deprecated_func'188 return stypy_return_type_1095189 # Assigning a type to the variable 'deprecated_func' (line 8)...

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...86set_megfile()87# PathManager will be deprecated in the future.88class PathManager:89 @staticmethod90 @deprecated_func("use megfile.smart_open instead")91 def open(path: str, mode: str = "r"):92 """93 Open a stream to a URI, similar to the built-in `open`.94 Args:95 path (str): A URI supported by this PathHandler96 Returns:97 file: a file-like object.98 """99 return megfile.smart_open(path, mode)100 @staticmethod101 @deprecated_func("use megfile.smart_copy instead")102 def copy(src_path: str, dst_path: str) -> bool:103 """104 Copies a source path to a destination path.105 Args:106 src_path (str): A URI supported by this PathHandler107 dst_path (str): A URI supported by this PathHandler108 overwrite (bool): Bool flag for forcing overwrite of existing file109 Returns:110 status (bool): True on success111 """112 return megfile.smart_copy(src_path, dst_path)113 @staticmethod114 @deprecated_func("use megfile.smart_realpath instead")115 def get_local_path(path: str) -> str:116 """117 Get a filepath which is compatible with native Python I/​O such as `open`118 and `os.path`.119 If URI points to a remote resource, this function may download and cache120 the resource to local disk.121 Args:122 path (str): A URI supported by this PathHandler123 Returns:124 local_path (str): a file path which exists on the local file system125 """126 return megfile.smart_realpath(path)127 @staticmethod128 @deprecated_func("use megfile.smart_exists instead")129 def exists(path: str) -> bool:130 """131 Checks if there is a resource at the given URI.132 Args:133 path (str): A URI supported by this PathHandler134 Returns:135 bool: true if the path exists136 """137 return megfile.smart_exists(path)138 @staticmethod139 @deprecated_func("use megfile.smart_isfile instead")140 def isfile(path: str) -> bool:141 """142 Checks if there the resource at the given URI is a file.143 Args:144 path (str): A URI supported by this PathHandler145 Returns:146 bool: true if the path is a file147 """148 return megfile.smart_isfile(path)149 @staticmethod150 @deprecated_func("use megfile.smart_isdir instead")151 def isdir(path: str) -> bool:152 """153 Checks if the resource at the given URI is a directory.154 Args:155 path (str): A URI supported by this PathHandler156 Returns:157 bool: true if the path is a directory158 """159 return megfile.smart_isdir(path)160 @staticmethod161 @deprecated_func("use megfile.smart_listdir instead")162 def ls(path: str):163 """164 List the contents of the directory at the provided URI.165 Args:166 path (str): A URI supported by this PathHandler167 Returns:168 List[str]: list of contents in given path169 """170 return megfile.smart_listdir(path)171 @staticmethod172 @deprecated_func("use megfile.smart_makedirs instead")173 def mkdirs(path: str, exist_ok: bool = True) -> None:174 """175 Recursive directory creation function. Like mkdir(), but makes all176 intermediate-level directories needed to contain the leaf directory.177 Similar to the native `os.makedirs`.178 Args:179 path (str): A URI supported by this PathHandler180 exist_ok (str): An exception will be raised if dir exist and exist_ok is Flase.181 """182 return megfile.smart_makedirs(path, exist_ok=exist_ok)183 @staticmethod184 @deprecated_func("use megfile.smart_remove instead")185 def rm(path: str) -> None:186 """187 Remove the file (not directory) at the provided URI.188 Args:189 path (str): A URI supported by this PathHandler190 """191 return megfile.smart_remove(path)192 @staticmethod193 @deprecated_func("use megfile.smart_stat instead")194 def stat(path: str):195 """196 get status of the file at the provided URI.197 Args:198 path (str): A URI supported by this PathHandler199 """200 return megfile.smart_stat(path)201 @staticmethod202 @deprecated_func("use megfile.s3_upload instead")203 def upload(local: str, remote: str):204 """205 Upload the local file (not directory) to the specified remote URI.206 Args:207 local (str): path of the local file to be uploaded.208 remote (str): the remote s3uri.209 """210 try:211 megfile.s3_upload(local, remote)212 except Exception:213 return False214 return True215 @staticmethod216 @deprecated_func("use megfile.smart_path_join instead")217 def join(*paths):...

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...41 assert test_handler.records[0].message == 'checking...'42 with pytest.raises(TypeError):43 logged_if_slow('checking...', logger=logger, func=logger.error)44def test_deprecated_func_called(capture):45 assert deprecated_func(1, 2) == 346def test_deprecation_message(capture):47 deprecated_func(1, 2)48 [record] = capture.records49 assert "deprecated" in record.message50 assert 'deprecated_func' in record.message51def test_deprecation_with_message(capture):52 @deprecated("use something else instead")53 def func(a, b):54 return a + b55 func(1, 2)56 [record] = capture.records57 assert "use something else instead" in record.message58 assert "func is deprecated" in record.message59def test_no_deprecations(capture):60 @deprecated('msg')61 def func(a, b):62 return a + b63 with suppressed_deprecations():64 assert func(1, 2) == 365 assert not capture.records66def _no_decorator(func):67 return func68@pytest.mark.parametrize('decorator', [_no_decorator, classmethod])69def test_class_deprecation(capture, decorator):70 class Bla(object):71 @deprecated('reason')72 @classmethod73 def func(self, a, b):74 assert isinstance(self, Bla)75 return a + b76 assert Bla().func(2, 4) == 677 [record] = capture.records78 assert 'Bla.func is deprecated' in record.message79def test_deprecations_different_sources(capture):80 def f():81 deprecated_func(1, 2)82 def g():83 deprecated_func(1, 2)84 f()85 g()86 assert len(capture.records) == 287def test_deprecations_same_sources(capture):88 def f():89 deprecated_func(1, 2)90 f()91 f()92 assert len(capture.records) == 193def test_deprecation_message_different_sources(capture):94 def f(flag):95 if flag:96 log_deprecation_message('first message type')97 else:98 log_deprecation_message('second message type')99 f(True)100 f(False)101 assert len(capture.records) == 2102def test_deprecation_message_same_sources(capture):103 def f(flag):104 if flag:105 log_deprecation_message('first message type')106 else:107 log_deprecation_message('second message type')108 f(True)109 f(True)110 assert len(capture.records) == 1111def test_deprecation_message_full_warning(capture):112 def f():113 log_deprecation_message('some_message')114 f()115 [record] = capture.records116 assert record.message == 'Deprecation message: some_message'117def test_name_doc():118 @deprecated119 def some_func():120 """docstring here"""121 pass122 assert some_func.__name__ == 'some_func'123 assert 'docstring here' in some_func.__doc__124def test_doc_update():125 @deprecated('some_message')126 def some_func():127 """docstring here"""128 pass129 some_func.__doc__ = 'new_docstring'130 assert 'docstring here' not in some_func.__doc__131 assert 'new_docstring' in some_func.__doc__132 assert 'some_message' in some_func.__doc__133def test_deprecatd_docstring():134 message = "Use something else instead"135 @deprecated()136 def some_func():137 """This is a function138 """139 @deprecated(message)140 def other_func():141 """This is another function142 """143 assert ".. deprecated" in some_func.__doc__144 assert ".. deprecated\n {0}".format(message) in other_func.__doc__145@pytest.fixture146def capture(request):147 handler = logbook.TestHandler(level=logbook.WARNING)148 handler.push_application()149 @request.addfinalizer150 def pop():151 handler.pop_application()152 return handler153@deprecated154def deprecated_func(a, b):155 return a + b156@pytest.fixture(autouse=True)157def forget_locations():...

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