How to use change_position method in autotest

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...221 var_heuristic = heuristic()222 numbers_photos_list[position_snake], numbers_photos_list[position_future] = numbers_photos_list[position_future], numbers_photos_list[position_snake]223 return var_heuristic224 225 def change_position(nesxt_snake_position):226 position_snake = numbers_photos_list.index(snake_photo)227 position_snake_future = numbers_photos_list.index(nesxt_snake_position)228 numbers_photos_list[position_snake], numbers_photos_list[position_snake_future] = numbers_photos_list[position_snake_future], numbers_photos_list[position_snake]229 def find_min_heuristic(heuristic_val_list):#I takes a list of heuristic valeus and returns a list with the position numbers(at the heuristic values list) of the min heuristics 230 new_list = []231 val_list = heuristic_val_list232 min_val = min(val_list)233 for i in range(len(heuristic_val_list)):234 if heuristic_val_list[i] == min_val:235 new_list += [i]236 return new_list237 238 def auto():239 if snake_photo == position_0:240 val_1 = next_step_heuristic(position_1)241 val_2 = next_step_heuristic(position_3)242 if snake_queue[0]==1: #if snake in the previous move at this position i make the heuristic large to avoid a step back 243 val_1 = 50244 if snake_queue[0]==3:245 val_2 = 50246 print(f'Fidi deksia:{val_1}, Fidi kato:{val_2}') 247 if val_1 >= val_2:248 change_position(position_3)249 refresh_game()250 else:251 change_position(position_1)252 refresh_game()253 elif snake_photo == position_1:254 val_1 = next_step_heuristic(position_0)255 val_2 = next_step_heuristic(position_2)256 val_3 = next_step_heuristic(position_4)257 if snake_queue[0]==0:258 val_1 = 50259 if snake_queue[0]==2:260 val_2 = 50261 if snake_queue[0]==4:262 val_3 = 50263 min_heuristic_positions = find_min_heuristic([val_1,val_2,val_3])264 print(f'Fidi aristera:{val_1}, Fidi deksia:{val_2}, Fidi kato:{val_3}')265 if len(min_heuristic_positions)==1: 266 if val_1 >= val_3 and val_2>=val_3:267 change_position(position_4)268 refresh_game()269 elif val_1 >=val_2 and val_3>=val_2:270 change_position(position_2)271 refresh_game()272 else:273 change_position(position_0)274 refresh_game()275 else:276 position_number = int(random.choice(min_heuristic_positions)) # if two or more heuristics are equal i randomize the choice of the path to avoid infinite loop 277 if position_number == 0:278 change_position(position_0)279 refresh_game()280 elif position_number == 1:281 change_position(position_2)282 refresh_game()283 else:284 change_position(position_4)285 refresh_game()286 elif snake_photo == position_2:287 val_1 = next_step_heuristic(position_1)288 val_2 = next_step_heuristic(position_5)289 if snake_queue[0]==1:290 val_1 = 50291 if snake_queue[0]==5:292 val_2 = 50293 print(f'Fidi aristera:{val_1}, Fidi kato:{val_2}') 294 if val_1 >= val_2:295 change_position(position_5)296 refresh_game()297 else:298 change_position(position_1)299 refresh_game()300 elif snake_photo == position_3:301 val_1 = next_step_heuristic(position_0)302 val_2 = next_step_heuristic(position_4)303 val_3 = next_step_heuristic(position_6)304 if snake_queue[0]==0:305 val_1 = 50306 if snake_queue[0]==4:307 val_2 = 50308 if snake_queue[0]==6:309 val_3 = 50 310 min_heuristic_positions = find_min_heuristic([val_1,val_2,val_3])311 print(f'Fidi pano:{val_1}, Fidi deksia:{val_2}, Fidi kato:{val_3}')312 if len(min_heuristic_positions)==1:313 if val_1 >= val_3 and val_2>=val_3:314 change_position(position_6)315 refresh_game()316 elif val_1 >=val_2 and val_3>=val_2:317 change_position(position_4)318 refresh_game()319 else:320 change_position(position_0)321 refresh_game()322 else:323 position_number = int(random.choice(min_heuristic_positions))324 if position_number == 0:325 change_position(position_0)326 refresh_game()327 elif position_number == 1:328 change_position(position_4)329 refresh_game()330 else:331 change_position(position_6)332 refresh_game()333 elif snake_photo == position_4:334 val_1 = next_step_heuristic(position_1)335 val_2 = next_step_heuristic(position_3)336 val_3 = next_step_heuristic(position_5)337 val_4 = next_step_heuristic(position_7)338 if snake_queue[0]==1:339 val_1 = 50340 if snake_queue[0]==3:341 val_2 = 50342 if snake_queue[0]==5:343 val_3 = 50344 if snake_queue[0]==7:345 val_4 = 50 346 min_heuristic_positions = find_min_heuristic([val_1,val_2,val_3,val_4])347 print(f'Fidi pano:{val_1}, Fidi aristera:{val_2}, Fidi deksia:{val_3}, Fidi kato:{val_4}')348 if len(min_heuristic_positions)==1: 349 if val_1 >= val_4 and val_2>=val_4 and val_3 >= val_4:350 change_position(position_7)351 refresh_game()352 elif val_1 >= val_3 and val_2>=val_3 and val_4 >= val_3:353 change_position(position_5)354 refresh_game()355 elif val_1 >= val_2 and val_3>=val_2 and val_4 >= val_2:356 change_position(position_3)357 refresh_game()358 else:359 change_position(position_1)360 refresh_game()361 else:362 position_number = int(random.choice(min_heuristic_positions))363 if position_number == 0:364 change_position(position_1)365 refresh_game()366 elif position_number == 1:367 change_position(position_3)368 refresh_game()369 elif position_number == 2:370 change_position(position_5)371 refresh_game()372 else:373 change_position(position_7)374 refresh_game()375 elif snake_photo == position_5:376 val_1 = next_step_heuristic(position_2)377 val_2 = next_step_heuristic(position_4)378 val_3 = next_step_heuristic(position_8)379 if snake_queue[0]==2:380 val_1 = 50381 if snake_queue[0]==4:382 val_2 = 50383 if snake_queue[0]==8:384 val_3 = 50385 min_heuristic_positions = find_min_heuristic([val_1,val_2,val_3])386 print(f'Fidi pano:{val_1}, Fidi aristera:{val_2}, Fidi kato:{val_3}')387 if len(min_heuristic_positions)==1: 388 if val_1 >= val_3 and val_2>=val_3:389 change_position(position_8)390 refresh_game()391 elif val_1 >=val_2 and val_3>=val_2:392 change_position(position_4)393 refresh_game()394 else:395 change_position(position_2)396 refresh_game()397 else:398 position_number = int(random.choice(min_heuristic_positions))399 if position_number == 0:400 change_position(position_2)401 refresh_game()402 elif position_number == 1:403 change_position(position_4)404 refresh_game()405 else:406 change_position(position_8)407 refresh_game()408 elif snake_photo == position_6:409 val_1 = next_step_heuristic(position_3)410 val_2 = next_step_heuristic(position_7)411 if snake_queue[0]==3:412 val_1 = 50413 if snake_queue[0]==7:414 val_2 = 50415 print(f'Fidi pano:{val_1}, Fidi deksia:{val_2}') 416 if val_1 >= val_2:417 change_position(position_7)418 refresh_game()419 else:420 change_position(position_3)421 refresh_game()422 423 elif snake_photo == position_7:424 val_1 = next_step_heuristic(position_4)425 val_2 = next_step_heuristic(position_6)426 val_3 = next_step_heuristic(position_8)427 if snake_queue[0]==4:428 val_1 = 50429 if snake_queue[0]==6:430 val_2 = 50431 if snake_queue[0]==8:432 val_3 = 50433 min_heuristic_positions = find_min_heuristic([val_1,val_2,val_3])434 print(f'Fidi pano:{val_1}, Fidi aristera:{val_2}, Fidi deksia:{val_3}')435 if len(min_heuristic_positions)==1: 436 if val_1 >= val_3 and val_2>=val_3:437 change_position(position_8)438 refresh_game()439 elif val_1 >=val_2 and val_3>=val_2:440 change_position(position_6)441 refresh_game()442 else:443 change_position(position_4)444 refresh_game()445 else:446 position_number = int(random.choice(min_heuristic_positions))447 if position_number == 0:448 change_position(position_4)449 refresh_game()450 elif position_number == 1:451 change_position(position_6)452 refresh_game()453 else:454 change_position(position_8)455 refresh_game()456 457 elif snake_photo == position_8:458 val_1 = next_step_heuristic(position_7)459 val_2 = next_step_heuristic(position_5)460 if snake_queue[0]==7:461 val_1 = 50462 if snake_queue[0]==5:463 val_2 = 50464 print(f'Fidi aristera:{val_1}, Fidi pano:{val_2}') 465 if val_1 >= val_2:466 change_position(position_5)467 refresh_game()468 else:469 change_position(position_7)470 refresh_game()471 472 def left_button_fun():473 if snake_photo == position_1:474 change_position(position_0)475 refresh_game()476 elif snake_photo == position_2:477 change_position(position_1)478 refresh_game()479 elif snake_photo == position_4:480 change_position(position_3)481 refresh_game()482 elif snake_photo == position_5:483 change_position(position_4)484 refresh_game()485 elif snake_photo == position_7:486 change_position(position_6)487 refresh_game()488 elif snake_photo == position_8:489 change_position(position_7)490 refresh_game()491 def right_button_fun():492 if snake_photo == position_1:493 change_position(position_2)494 refresh_game()495 elif snake_photo == position_0:496 change_position(position_1)497 refresh_game()498 elif snake_photo == position_4:499 change_position(position_5)500 refresh_game()501 elif snake_photo == position_3:502 change_position(position_4) 503 refresh_game()504 elif snake_photo == position_7:505 change_position(position_8)506 refresh_game()507 elif snake_photo == position_6:508 change_position(position_7)509 refresh_game()510 def up_button_fun():511 if snake_photo == position_5:512 change_position(position_2)513 refresh_game()514 elif snake_photo == position_4:515 change_position(position_1)516 refresh_game()517 elif snake_photo == position_8:518 change_position(position_5)519 refresh_game()520 elif snake_photo == position_7:521 change_position(position_4)522 refresh_game()523 elif snake_photo == position_3:524 change_position(position_0)525 refresh_game()526 elif snake_photo == position_6:527 change_position(position_3)528 refresh_game()529 def down_button_fun():530 if snake_photo == position_3:531 change_position(position_6)532 refresh_game()533 elif snake_photo == position_0:534 change_position(position_3)535 refresh_game()536 elif snake_photo == position_2:537 change_position(position_5)538 refresh_game()539 elif snake_photo == position_1:540 change_position(position_4)541 refresh_game()542 elif snake_photo == position_5:543 change_position(position_8)544 refresh_game()545 elif snake_photo == position_4:546 change_position(position_7)547 refresh_game()548 left_button = Button(frame_12, image=left_photo, command=left_button_fun)549 left_button.grid(row=0, column=0)550 right_button = Button(frame_12, image=right_photo, command=right_button_fun)551 right_button.grid(row=0, column=1)552 up_button = Button(frame_14, image=up_photo, command=up_button_fun)553 up_button.grid(row=0, column=0)554 down_button = Button(frame_14, image=down_photo, command=down_button_fun)555 down_button.grid(row=0, column=1)556 shuf_button = Button(frame_9, image=shuf_photo, command=shuf_photos)557 shuf_button.pack()558 exit_button = Button(frame_11, image=exit_photo, command=root.destroy)559 exit_button.pack()560 if numbers_photos_list == [number_1_photo, number_2_photo, number_3_photo, number_8_photo, snake_photo, number_4_photo, number_7_photo, number_6_photo, number_5_photo]:...

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1import sys2sys.stdin = open('input.txt', 'r')3switch_count = int(input())4switch_list = list(map(int, input().split()))5student_count = int(input())6for _ in range(student_count):7 gender, g_count = map(int, input().split())8 # 남학생꺼 처리9 if gender == 1:10 for a in range(switch_count/​/​g_count):11 change_position = g_count * (a + 1) - 112 switch_list[change_position] = (switch_list[change_position] + 1) % 213 # 여학생꺼 처리14 else:15 # 일단 ê·¸ 자리 우선 바꾸고 시작하자16 change_position = g_count - 117 switch_list[change_position] = (switch_list[change_position] + 1) % 218 range_num = min(change_position, switch_count - change_position - 1)19 for b in range(range_num):20 if switch_list[change_position - (b + 1)] != switch_list[change_position + (b + 1)]:21 break22 else:23 switch_list[change_position - (b + 1)] = (switch_list[change_position - (b + 1)] + 1) % 224 switch_list[change_position + (b + 1)] = (switch_list[change_position + (b + 1)] + 1) % 225 if not change_position - b or change_position + b == switch_count - 1:26 break27# 출력 규칙에 맞게 출력28for i in range(switch_count):29 if not i % 20:30 if i:31 print(result)32 result = ''33 if i % 20 == 19:34 result += str(switch_list[i])35 else:36 result += str(switch_list[i]) + ' '37if result:...

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...3# turtle.setundobuffer(15)4turtle.pensize(3)5turtle.speed(1000)6s = turtle.Screen()7def change_position(x,y):8 turtle.penup()9 turtle.setposition(x,y)10 turtle.pendown()11 # print(x,y)12def box_draw(pos_x: int, pos_y: int, size: int):13 '''Making a box a 'size' value away in all directions starting from (pos_x, pos_y)'''14 change_position(pos_x + size,pos_y)15 turtle.goto(pos_x + size,pos_y + size) # 116 marker_1 = turtle.position()17 turtle.goto(pos_x - size,pos_y + size) # 218 marker_2 = turtle.position()19 turtle.goto(pos_x - size,pos_y - size) # 320 marker_3 = turtle.position()21 turtle.goto(pos_x + size,pos_y - size) # 422 marker_4 = turtle.position()23 turtle.goto(pos_x + size,pos_y)24 change_position(pos_x,pos_y)25 box_markers = (marker_1, marker_2, marker_3, marker_4)26 return box_markers27def is_free(pos_x, pos_y):28 pass29def board(how_many:int, size_x:int, size_y:int):30 '''Making a (2*size_x : 2*size_y) board with 'how_many' items on it'''31 for i in range(1,how_many + 1):32 x = randint(-size_x + 30,size_x - 30) # +- 30 for making all of the boxes fully visible on the screen33 y = randint(-size_y + 30,size_y - 30)34 is_free(x,y) # ultimately is to select coordinates35 box_draw(x,y,25)36 change_position(x, y - 25)37 turtle.write(str(i),True, align='center',font=('Arial',30,'normal'))...

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