Best Python code snippet using autotest_python
1import os2import re3import pytest4from flexmock import flexmock5from typing import Dict, List, IO6from algorithm_tester.concurrency_runners import Runner, Runners, BaseRunner7import algorithm_tester.concurrency_runners as concurrency_runners8from algorithm_tester_common.tester_dataclasses import Algorithm, AlgTesterContext, Parser, InstancesLogger9from algorithm_tester.helpers import curr_time_millis, create_path10from tests.test_internal.fixtures import create_dummy_context, create_dummy_algorithm, get_base_parsed_data, create_dummy_parser11from algorithm_tester.plugins import Plugins12_runner: BaseRunner = BaseRunner()13def test_notify_communicators_timing():14 base_context = create_dummy_context()15 notification_vars = {16 "last_comm_time": 0,17 "instances_done": 018 }19 res = _runner.notify_communicators(base_context, [], {}, notification_vars)20 new_last_comm_time = notification_vars["last_comm_time"]21 assert notification_vars["last_comm_time"] != 022 assert res == True23 res = _runner.notify_communicators(base_context, [], {}, notification_vars)24 assert res == False25 assert notification_vars["last_comm_time"] == new_last_comm_time26 notification_vars["last_comm_time"] -= base_context.min_time_between_communications + 127 new_last_comm_time = notification_vars["last_comm_time"]28 res = _runner.notify_communicators(base_context, [], {}, notification_vars)29 assert res == True30 assert notification_vars["last_comm_time"] != new_last_comm_time31 print32def _removing_perform(context: AlgTesterContext, parsed_data: Dict[str, object]):33 """34 A function that does not return input data that is further needed in the algorithm.35 36 Arguments:37 context {AlgTesterContext} -- Used context.38 parsed_data {Dict[str, object]} -- Input data.39 40 Returns:41 Dict[str, object] -- Modified input data.42 """43 return {"id": parsed_data["id"], "item_count": parsed_data["item_count"]}44@pytest.mark.parametrize('algorithm', 45 (create_dummy_algorithm(),46 create_dummy_algorithm(name="DummyRemovingAlgorithm", perform_func=_removing_perform))47)48def test_get_solution_for_instance(algorithm: Algorithm):49 base_context = create_dummy_context(algorithms=[algorithm.get_name()])50 base_data = get_base_parsed_data(base_context, algorithm)51 base_data.update({"id": 0, "item_count": 0})52 res: Dict[str, object] = _runner.get_solution_for_instance(base_context, algorithm, base_data)53 assert "algorithm" in res54 assert "algorithm_name" in res55 assert "output_filename" in res56 print57@pytest.mark.parametrize('algorithm', 58 (create_dummy_algorithm(),59 create_dummy_algorithm(name="DummyRemovingAlgorithm", perform_func=_removing_perform))60)61def test_get_parsed_instances_data(algorithm: Algorithm):62 parser = create_dummy_parser()63 base_context = create_dummy_context(algorithms=[algorithm.get_name()], parser=parser.get_name())64 base_data = get_base_parsed_data(base_context, algorithm)65 with open(f'{base_context.input_dir}/4_inst.dat', "r") as input_file:66 res: List[Dict[str, object]] = _runner.get_parsed_instances_data(base_context, input_file, parser, algorithm)67 assert len(res) > 068 assert "algorithm" in res[0]69 assert "algorithm_name" in res[0]70 assert "output_filename" in res[0]71 print72@pytest.mark.parametrize('algorithms', 73 ([create_dummy_algorithm(), create_dummy_algorithm("Alg2")],74 [create_dummy_algorithm(name="DummyRemovingAlgorithm", perform_func=_removing_perform), create_dummy_algorithm("Alg2")])75)76def test_run_tester_for_file(algorithms: Algorithm, tmpdir):77 output_dir = tmpdir78 parser = create_dummy_parser()79 base_context: AlgTesterContext = create_dummy_context(algorithms=[alg.get_name() for alg in algorithms], parser=parser.get_name())80 base_context.num_of_instances = 500*len(algorithms)81 base_context.output_dir = output_dir.strpath82 notification_vars = {83 "last_comm_time": 0,84 "instances_done": 0,85 "instances_failed": 086 }87 instances_logger: InstancesLogger = InstancesLogger(base_context.output_dir, base_context.is_forced)88 create_path(base_context.output_dir)89 90 flexmock(Plugins)91 Plugins.should_receive("get_parser").and_return(parser)92 93 for algorithm in algorithms:94 (Plugins.should_receive("get_algorithm")95 .with_args(algorithm.get_name())96 .and_return(algorithm))97 flexmock(BaseRunner)98 BaseRunner.should_receive("notify_communicators").times(base_context.num_of_instances + 1)99 flexmock(parser).should_receive("write_result_to_file").times(base_context.num_of_instances)100 _runner.init(instances_logger)101 _runner.run_tester_for_file(base_context, f'{base_context.input_dir}/4_inst.dat', notification_vars)102 assert notification_vars["instances_done"] == base_context.num_of_instances103 assert not instances_logger._instance_log.closed104 instances_logger.close_log()105 assert instances_logger._instance_log.closed106 instances_logger.load_instances()107 assert instances_logger.get_num_of_done_instances() == base_context.num_of_instances108 109 print110def _dummy_failing_func(context: AlgTesterContext, parsed_data: Dict[str, object]) -> Dict[str, object]:111 raise Exception("Dummy exception")112def test_run_tester_for_file_exceptions(tmpdir):113 output_dir = tmpdir114 parser = create_dummy_parser()115 algorithms = [create_dummy_algorithm(), create_dummy_algorithm(name="AlgFailure", perform_func=_dummy_failing_func)]116 base_context: AlgTesterContext = create_dummy_context(parser=parser.get_name(), algorithms=[alg.get_name() for alg in algorithms])117 base_context.num_of_instances = 500118 base_context.output_dir = output_dir.strpath119 notification_vars = {120 "last_comm_time": 0,121 "instances_done": 0,122 "instances_failed": 0123 }124 instances_logger: InstancesLogger = InstancesLogger(base_context.output_dir, base_context.is_forced)125 create_path(base_context.output_dir)126 127 flexmock(Plugins)128 Plugins.should_receive("get_parser").and_return(parser)129 130 for algorithm in algorithms:131 (Plugins.should_receive("get_algorithm")132 .with_args(algorithm.get_name())133 .and_return(algorithm))134 flexmock(BaseRunner)135 BaseRunner.should_receive("notify_communicators").times(base_context.num_of_instances + 1)136 flexmock(parser).should_receive("write_result_to_file").times(base_context.num_of_instances)137 _runner.init(instances_logger)138 _runner.run_tester_for_file(base_context, f'{base_context.input_dir}/4_inst.dat', notification_vars)139 assert notification_vars["instances_done"] == base_context.num_of_instances140 assert notification_vars["instances_failed"] == base_context.num_of_instances141 print142@pytest.mark.parametrize('is_change_forced', (True, False))143def test_compute_results(is_change_forced: bool):144 base_context: AlgTesterContext = create_dummy_context()145 base_context.max_files_to_check = None146 base_context.is_forced = is_change_forced147 instances_logger: InstancesLogger = InstancesLogger(base_context.output_dir, base_context.is_forced)148 input_files = list()149 for root, _, files in os.walk(base_context.input_dir):150 for filename in files:151 input_files.append(f'{root}/{filename}')152 flexmock(BaseRunner)153 (BaseRunner.should_receive("run_tester_for_file")154 .with_args(base_context, re.compile(f'{base_context.input_dir}/.*'), object)155 .and_return(None)156 .times(len(input_files)))157 _runner.init(instances_logger)158 _runner.compute_results(base_context, input_files)...
1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals3from glob import glob4from functools import reduce5import json6import jsone7import os8import sys9import requests10import slugid11import yaml12import subprocess13import networkx as nx14TASKS_ROOT = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])))15TASKCLUSTER_API_BASEURL = 'http://taskcluster/queue/v1/task/%(task_id)s'16def string_to_dict(sid, value):17 parts = sid.split('.')18 def pack(parts):19 if len(parts) == 1:20 return {parts[0]: value}21 elif len(parts):22 return {parts[0]: pack(parts[1:])}23 return parts24 return pack(parts)25def merge_dicts(*dicts):26 if not reduce(lambda x, y: isinstance(y, dict) and x, dicts, True):27 raise TypeError("Object in *dicts not of type dict")28 if len(dicts) < 2:29 raise ValueError("Requires 2 or more dict objects")30 def merge(a, b):31 for d in set(a.keys()).union(b.keys()):32 if d in a and d in b:33 if type(a[d]) == type(b[d]):34 if not isinstance(a[d], dict):35 ret = list({a[d], b[d]})36 if len(ret) == 1: ret = ret[0]37 yield (d, sorted(ret))38 else:39 yield (d, dict(merge(a[d], b[d])))40 else:41 raise TypeError("Conflicting key:value type assignment", type(a[d]), a[d], type(b[d]), b[d])42 elif d in a:43 yield (d, a[d])44 elif d in b:45 yield (d, b[d])46 else:47 raise KeyError48 return reduce(lambda x, y: dict(merge(x, y)), dicts[1:], dicts[0])49def taskcluster_event_context():50 das_context = {}51 # Pre-filterting52 for k in os.environ.keys():53 if k == 'GITHUB_HEAD_USER':54 os.environ['GITHUB_HEAD_USER_LOGIN'] = os.environ[k]55 del os.environ['GITHUB_HEAD_USER']56 for k in os.environ.keys():57 if k == 'TASK_ID':58 parts = string_to_dict('taskcluster.taskGroupId', os.environ[k])59 das_context = merge_dicts(das_context, parts)60 if k.startswith('GITHUB_'):61 parts = string_to_dict(k.lower().replace('_', '.').replace('github', 'event'), os.environ[k])62 das_context = merge_dicts(das_context, parts)63 return das_context64def load_specific_contextFile(file):65 specific_context = {}66 try:67 with open(os.path.join(TASKS_ROOT, file)) as src:68 specific_context = yaml.load(src)69 if specific_context is None:70 specific_context = {}71 except FileNotFoundError:72 specific_context = {}73 return specific_context74def defaultValues_build_context():75 return load_specific_contextFile('.build.yml')76def shared_context():77 return load_specific_contextFile('.shared.yml')78def create_task_payload(build, base_context):79 print('build', build)80 build_type = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(build))[0]81 build_context = defaultValues_build_context()82 with open(build) as src:83 build_context['build'].update(yaml.load(src)['build'])84 # Be able to use what has been defined in base_context85 # e.g., the {${event.head.branch}}86 build_context = jsone.render(build_context, base_context)87 template_context = {88 'taskcluster': {89 'taskId': as_slugid(build_type)90 },91 'build_type': build_type92 }93 with open(os.path.join(TASKS_ROOT, build_context['build']['template_file'])) as src:94 template = yaml.load(src)95 contextes = merge_dicts({}, base_context, template_context, build_context)96 for one_context in glob(os.path.join(TASKS_ROOT, '*.cyml')):97 with open(one_context) as src:98 contextes = merge_dicts(contextes, yaml.load(src))99 return jsone.render(template, contextes)100def send_task(t):101 url = TASKCLUSTER_API_BASEURL % {'task_id': t['taskId']}102 del t['taskId']103 r = requests.put(url, json=t)104 print(url, r.status_code)105 if r.status_code != print(json.dumps(t, indent=2))107 print(r.content)108 print(json.loads(r.content.decode())['message'])109 return r.status_code == = {}111def as_slugid(name):112 if name not in slugids:113 slugids[name] = slugid.nice().decode()114 print('cache miss', name, slugids[name])115 else:116 print('cache hit', name, slugids[name])117 return slugids[name]118def to_int(x):119 return int(x)120def functions_context():121 return {122 'as_slugid': as_slugid,123 'to_int': to_int124 }125def is_dry_run():126 return (len(sys.argv) > 1) and (sys.argv[1] == '--dry')127def should_run():128 # Make a quick clone to fetch the last commit129 try:130 subprocess.check_call([131 'git', 'clone', '--quiet', '-b', os.environ.get('GITHUB_HEAD_BRANCH'),132 '--single-branch', os.environ.get('GITHUB_HEAD_REPO_URL'),133 '--depth=1', '/tmp/ds-clone/'134 ], env={'GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE': '1'})135 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:136 print("Error while git cloning:", e, file=sys.stderr)137 return False138 try:139 git_msg = subprocess.check_output([140 'git', '--git-dir=/tmp/ds-clone/.git/',141 'log', '--format=%b', '-n', '1',142 os.environ.get('GITHUB_HEAD_SHA')143 ]).decode('utf-8').strip().upper()144 except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:145 print("Error while git show:", e, file=sys.stderr)146 return False147 print('Commit message:', git_msg)148 x_deepspeech = filter(lambda x: 'X-DEEPSPEECH:' in x, git_msg.split('\n'))149 if len(list(filter(lambda x: 'NOBUILD' in x, x_deepspeech))) == 1:150 print('Not running anything according to commit message')151 return False152 return True153if __name__ == '__main__':154 if not is_dry_run():155 # We might want to NOT run in some cases156 if not should_run():157 sys.exit(0)158 base_context = taskcluster_event_context()159 base_context = merge_dicts(base_context, functions_context())160 base_context = merge_dicts(base_context, shared_context())161 root_task = base_context['taskcluster']['taskGroupId']162 tasks_graph = nx.DiGraph()163 tasks = {}164 for build in glob(os.path.join(TASKS_ROOT, '*.yml')):165 t = create_task_payload(build, base_context)166 # We allow template to produce completely empty output167 if not t:168 continue169 if 'dependencies' in t and len(t['dependencies']) > 0:170 for dep in t['dependencies']:171 tasks_graph.add_edge(t['taskId'], dep)172 else:173 tasks_graph.add_edge(t['taskId'], root_task)174 tasks[t['taskId']] = t175 for task in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(tasks_graph):176 # root_task is the task group and also the task id that is already177 # running, so we don't have to schedule that178 if task == root_task:179 continue180 t = tasks[task]181 if is_dry_run():182 print(json.dumps(t, indent=2))183 continue184 p = send_task(t)185 if not p:...
1import decimal2import regex3import ast4import logging5import json6from datetime import datetime7from dotted.collection import DottedDict8def search_json(json_data, key):9 """Search for dot notation in json10 If ALL or ANY are included in the search path, then we will return a list of matching items.11 For example: with the data of:12 {"dogs": [13 {"name": "spot",14 "breed": "dalmatian"},15 {"name": "Daisy",16 "breed": "boomer"},17 {"name": "jack",18 "breed": "jack russel"},19 ]20 }21 Search terms, and their responses:22 dogs.1.breed = "boomer"23 dogs.2 = {"name": "jack", "breed": "jack russel"}24 = ["spot", "Daisy", "jack"]25 = ["spot", "Daisy", "jack"]26 = ["spot", "Daisy", "jack"]27 Parameters:28 json_data (str): The json to be searched in29 key (str): The string to look for30 Returns:31 String: The new string with found values32 """33 if ".ALL." in key or ".ANY." in key:34 key = key.replace(".ANY.", ".ALL.")35 short_list = DottedDict(json_data)[key.split(".ALL.")[0]].to_python()36 collated_values = []37 for item in short_list:38 if type(item[key.split(".ALL.")[1]]) == datetime:39 collated_value = str(item[key.split(".ALL.")[1]])40 else:41 collated_value = item[key.split(".ALL.")[1]]42 collated_values.append(collated_value)43 found_value = json.dumps(collated_values)44 else:45 if type(DottedDict(json_data)[key]) in [str, int, bool, float, decimal.Decimal, datetime]:46 found_value = str(DottedDict(json_data)[key])47 elif callable(DottedDict(json_data)[key]):48 found_value = DottedDict(json_data)[key]()49 elif DottedDict(json_data)[key] == None:50 found_value = "None"51 else:52 found_value = json.dumps(DottedDict(json_data)[key].to_python(), sort_keys=True, default=str)53 return found_value54def merge_context(base_context, addition):55 """Merges one set of json into another56 Parameters:57 base_context (dict): The initial json to merge to58 addition (dict): The json that we want to add59 60 Returns:61 String (dict): The new json that we'll return62 """63 if len(base_context) > 0:64 for u_item in addition:65 if u_item not in base_context:66 base_context[u_item] = addition[u_item]67 else:68 if type(addition[u_item]) == dict:69 base_context[u_item] = merge_context(base_context[u_item], addition[u_item])70 elif type(addition[u_item]) == list and type(base_context[u_item]) == list:71 base_context[u_item] += addition[u_item]72 else:73 base_context[u_item] = addition[u_item]74 else:75 base_context = addition76 return base_context77def merge_json(base_context, addition):78 """Merges one set of json into another79 Parameters:80 base_context (dict): The initial json to merge to81 addition (dict): The json that we want to add82 Returns:83 String (dict): The new json that we'll return84 """85 if len(base_context) > 0:86 for u_item in addition:87 if u_item not in base_context:88 base_context[u_item] = addition[u_item]89 else:90 if type(addition[u_item]) == dict:91 base_context[u_item] = merge_json(base_context[u_item], addition[u_item])92 else:93 base_context[u_item] = addition[u_item]94 else:95 base_context = addition96 return base_context97def is_json(myjson):98 try:99 json_object = json.loads(myjson)100 except ValueError as e:101 return False102 return True103def get_dotsearch(context, string_to_search):104 # rx = ast.literal_eval(regex.findall(r"(\[.*\])", string_to_search)[0]) 105 rx = json.loads(regex.findall(r"(\[.*\])", string_to_search)[0])106 search_pattern = string_to_search.replace(regex.findall(r"(\[.*\], )", string_to_search)[0], "")107 search_key = search_pattern[:search_pattern.find(".")]108 # search_value = search_pattern[search_pattern.rfind(".") + 1:]109 search_value = search_pattern.lstrip(search_key)110 search_value = search_value.replace(".", "", 1)111 logging.debug(f"search_key: {search_key}")112 logging.debug(f"search_value: {search_value}")113 found_index = "NOTFOUND"114 for array_index, dict_struct in enumerate(rx):115 if search_key in dict_struct:116 found_value = search_json(dict_struct, search_key)117 if (found_value != "NOTFOUND") and (found_value == search_value):118 found_index = str(array_index)119 logging.debug(f"found_index: {found_index}")120 ...
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