How to use _colors method in autotest

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1import string2from java import awt, lang3from import Expression4from geoscript import util5_colors = {}6_colors['aliceblue'] = awt.Color(240,248,255)7_colors['antiquewhite'] = awt.Color(250,235,215)8_colors['aqua'] = awt.Color(0,255,255)9_colors['aquamarine'] = awt.Color(127,255,212)10_colors['azure'] = awt.Color(240,255,255)11_colors['beige'] = awt.Color(245,245,220)12_colors['bisque'] = awt.Color(255,228,196)13_colors['black'] = awt.Color(0,0,0)14_colors['blanchedalmond'] = awt.Color(255,235,205)15_colors['blue'] = awt.Color(0,0,255)16_colors['blueviolet'] = awt.Color(138,43,226)17_colors['brown'] = awt.Color(165,42,42)18_colors['burlywood'] = awt.Color(222,184,135)19_colors['cadetblue'] = awt.Color(95,158,160)20_colors['chartreuse'] = awt.Color(127,255,0)21_colors['chocolate'] = awt.Color(210,105,30)22_colors['coral'] = awt.Color(255,127,80)23_colors['cornflowerblue'] = awt.Color(100,149,237)24_colors['cornsilk'] = awt.Color(255,248,220)25_colors['crimson'] = awt.Color(220,20,60)26_colors['cyan'] = awt.Color(0,255,255)27_colors['darkblue'] = awt.Color(0,0,139)28_colors['darkcyan'] = awt.Color(0,139,139)29_colors['darkgoldenrod'] = awt.Color(184,134,11)30_colors['darkgray'] = awt.Color(169,169,169)31_colors['darkgreen'] = awt.Color(0,100,0)32_colors['darkkhaki'] = awt.Color(189,183,107)33_colors['darkmagenta'] = awt.Color(139,0,139)34_colors['darkolivegreen'] = awt.Color(85,107,47)35_colors['darkorange'] = awt.Color(255,140,0)36_colors['darkorchid'] = awt.Color(153,50,204)37_colors['darkred'] = awt.Color(139,0,0)38_colors['darksalmon'] = awt.Color(233,150,122)39_colors['darkseagreen'] = awt.Color(143,188,143)40_colors['darkslateblue'] = awt.Color(72,61,139)41_colors['darkslategray'] = awt.Color(47,79,79)42_colors['darkturquoise'] = awt.Color(0,206,209)43_colors['darkviolet'] = awt.Color(148,0,211)44_colors['deeppink'] = awt.Color(255,20,147)45_colors['deepskyblue'] = awt.Color(0,191,255)46_colors['dimgray'] = awt.Color(105,105,105)47_colors['dodgerblue'] = awt.Color(30,144,255)48_colors['firebrick'] = awt.Color(178,34,34)49_colors['floralwhite'] = awt.Color(255,250,240)50_colors['forestgreen'] = awt.Color(34,139,34)51_colors['fuchsia'] = awt.Color(255,0,255)52_colors['gainsboro'] = awt.Color(220,220,220)53_colors['ghostwhite'] = awt.Color(248,248,255)54_colors['gold'] = awt.Color(255,215,0)55_colors['goldenrod'] = awt.Color(218,165,32)56_colors['gray'] = awt.Color(128,128,128)57_colors['green'] = awt.Color(0,128,0)58_colors['greenyellow'] = awt.Color(173,255,47)59_colors['grey'] = awt.Color(84,84,84)60_colors['honeydew'] = awt.Color(240,255,240)61_colors['hotpink'] = awt.Color(255,105,180)62_colors['indianred'] = awt.Color(205,92,92)63_colors['indigo'] = awt.Color(75,0,130)64_colors['ivory'] = awt.Color(255,255,240)65_colors['khaki'] = awt.Color(240,230,140)66_colors['lavender'] = awt.Color(230,230,250)67_colors['lavenderblush'] = awt.Color(255,240,245)68_colors['lawngreen'] = awt.Color(124,252,0)69_colors['lemonchiffon'] = awt.Color(255,250,205)70_colors['lightblue'] = awt.Color(173,216,230)71_colors['lightcoral'] = awt.Color(240,128,128)72_colors['lightcyan'] = awt.Color(224,255,255)73_colors['lightgoldenrodyellow'] = awt.Color(250,250,210)74_colors['lightgrey'] = awt.Color(211,211,211)75_colors['lightgreen'] = awt.Color(144,238,144)76_colors['lightpink'] = awt.Color(255,182,193)77_colors['lightsalmon'] = awt.Color(255,160,122)78_colors['lightseagreen'] = awt.Color(32,178,170)79_colors['lightskyblue'] = awt.Color(135,206,250)80_colors['lightslategray'] = awt.Color(119,136,153)81_colors['lightsteelblue'] = awt.Color(176,196,222)82_colors['lightyellow'] = awt.Color(255,255,224)83_colors['lime'] = awt.Color(0,255,0)84_colors['limegreen'] = awt.Color(50,205,50)85_colors['linen'] = awt.Color(250,240,230)86_colors['magenta'] = awt.Color(255,0,255)87_colors['maroon'] = awt.Color(128,0,0)88_colors['mediumaquamarine'] = awt.Color(102,205,170)89_colors['mediumblue'] = awt.Color(0,0,205)90_colors['mediumorchid'] = awt.Color(186,85,211)91_colors['mediumpurple'] = awt.Color(147,112,216)92_colors['mediumseagreen'] = awt.Color(60,179,113)93_colors['mediumslateblue'] = awt.Color(123,104,238)94_colors['mediumspringgreen'] = awt.Color(0,250,154)95_colors['mediumturquoise'] = awt.Color(72,209,204)96_colors['mediumvioletred'] = awt.Color(199,21,133)97_colors['midnightblue'] = awt.Color(25,25,112)98_colors['mintcream'] = awt.Color(245,255,250)99_colors['mistyrose'] = awt.Color(255,228,225)100_colors['moccasin'] = awt.Color(255,228,181)101_colors['navajowhite'] = awt.Color(255,222,173)102_colors['navy'] = awt.Color(0,0,128)103_colors['oldlace'] = awt.Color(253,245,230)104_colors['olive'] = awt.Color(128,128,0)105_colors['olivedrab'] = awt.Color(107,142,35)106_colors['orange'] = awt.Color(255,165,0)107_colors['orangered'] = awt.Color(255,69,0)108_colors['orchid'] = awt.Color(218,112,214)109_colors['palegoldenrod'] = awt.Color(238,232,170)110_colors['palegreen'] = awt.Color(152,251,152)111_colors['paleturquoise'] = awt.Color(175,238,238)112_colors['palevioletred'] = awt.Color(216,112,147)113_colors['papayawhip'] = awt.Color(255,239,213)114_colors['peachpuff'] = awt.Color(255,218,185)115_colors['peru'] = awt.Color(205,133,63)116_colors['pink'] = awt.Color(255,192,203)117_colors['plum'] = awt.Color(221,160,221)118_colors['powderblue'] = awt.Color(176,224,230)119_colors['purple'] = awt.Color(128,0,128)120_colors['red'] = awt.Color(255,0,0)121_colors['rosybrown'] = awt.Color(188,143,143)122_colors['royalblue'] = awt.Color(65,105,225)123_colors['saddlebrown'] = awt.Color(139,69,19)124_colors['salmon'] = awt.Color(250,128,114)125_colors['sandybrown'] = awt.Color(244,164,96)126_colors['seagreen'] = awt.Color(46,139,87)127_colors['seashell'] = awt.Color(255,245,238)128_colors['sienna'] = awt.Color(160,82,45)129_colors['silver'] = awt.Color(192,192,192)130_colors['skyblue'] = awt.Color(135,206,235)131_colors['slateblue'] = awt.Color(106,90,205)132_colors['slategray'] = awt.Color(112,128,144)133_colors['snow'] = awt.Color(255,250,250)134_colors['springgreen'] = awt.Color(0,255,127)135_colors['steelblue'] = awt.Color(70,130,180)136_colors['tan'] = awt.Color(210,180,140)137_colors['teal'] = awt.Color(0,128,128)138_colors['thistle'] = awt.Color(216,191,216)139_colors['tomato'] = awt.Color(255,99,71)140_colors['turquoise'] = awt.Color(64,224,208)141_colors['violet'] = awt.Color(238,130,238)142_colors['wheat'] = awt.Color(245,222,179)143_colors['white'] = awt.Color(255,255,255)144_colors['whitesmoke'] = awt.Color(245,245,245)145_colors['yellow'] = awt.Color(255,255,0)146_colors['yellowgreen'] = awt.Color(154,205,50)147class Color(Expression):148 """149 Expression that evaluates to a color object.150 The `val` argument may be specified as an rgba tuple: 151 >>> Color((255, 0, 255))152 (255,0,255)153 Or as a hex color string:154 >>> Color('ff00ff')155 (255,0,255)156 Or as a well known color name:157 >>> Color('magenta')158 (255,0,255)159 160 """161 def __init__(self, val):162 Expression.__init__(self, val)163 def _expr(self, val):164 if isinstance(val, Expression):165 # direct expression specified166 return val.expr167 else:168 # transform val to color169 if isinstance(val, awt.Color):170 # try direct awt color 171 col = val172 elif _colors.has_key(val):173 # try well known174 col = _colors[val]175 elif isinstance(val,(list,tuple)):176 # try as tuple177 col = awt.Color(*val)178 elif isinstance(val, (str,unicode)):179 # look up wellknown180 if hasattr(awt.Color, string.upper(val)):181 col = getattr(awt.Color, string.upper(val))182 else:183 # try as hex string184 val = val[1:] if val[0] == "#" else val185 # convert 3 digit to 6186 if len(val) == 3:187 val = ''.join([val[i]+val[i] for i in range(0,3)])188 # support 8 and 6 digit189 if len(val) == 8:190 # move alpha to end191 val = val[2:] + val[:2]192 col = awt.Color(*[int('0x'+x,0) 193 for x in [val[i:i+2] for i in range(0, len(val), 2)]])194 #for x in val[0:2],val[2:4],val[4:6]])195 else:196 # default197 col = awt.Color(0,0,0)198 return self.factory.filter.literal(col)199 def __repr__(self):200 return "(%d,%d,%d)" % self.rgb201 def _getcolor(self):202 return self.expr.evaluate(awt.Color)203 _color = property(_getcolor)204 def getrgb(self):205 col = self._color206 return (,, rgb = property(getrgb,None,None,"The RGB value of the color")208 def getrgba(self):209 col = self._color210 return (,,, col.alpha)211 rgba = property(getrgba,None,None,"The RGBA value of the color")212 213 def getargb(self):214 col = self._color215 return (col.alpha,,, argb = property(getrgba,None,None,"The ARGB value of the color")217 def gethex(self):218 return self._tohex(self.rgb)219 hex = property(gethex,None,None,"The hex value of the color")220 def getahex(self):221 return self._hex(self.argb)222 ahex = property(gethex,None,None,"The hex value, with alpha, of the color")223 def _tohex(self, vals):224 return ''.join([lang.String.format('%02x', x) for x in vals])225 def gethsl(self): 226 r,g,b = [x/​255.0 for x in self.rgb]227 lo, hi = min(r,g,b), max(r,g,b)228 h = s = l = (lo+hi)/​2.0229 if lo == hi:230 h = s = 0 # achromatic231 else:232 d = float(hi - lo);233 s = d /​ (2-hi-lo) if l > 0.5 else d /​ (hi+lo)234 h = {235 r: lambda x: (g - b) /​ d + (6 if g < b else 0),236 g: lambda x: (b - r) /​ d + 2,237 b: lambda x: (r - g) /​ d + 4238 }[hi](-1)239 h /​= 6.0;240 return [x for x in [h, s, l]]; 241 hsl = property(gethsl,None,None,"The HSL/​HLS value of the color")242 def opacity(self, o):243 return self.alpha(int(255*o))244 def alpha(self, a):245 return Color(tuple(list(self.rgb) + [a]))246 def interpolate(self, color, n=10, method='linear'):247 """ 248 Interpolates a set of color values beteen this color and the specified249 *color*. 250 The *n* parameter specifies how many values to interpolate, specifically the251 number of classes resulting from the interpolation. The interpolation is 252 inclusive of this and the specified color and returns a list of *n*+1 253 values.254 """ 255 color = Color(color)256 hsl1,hsl2 = self.hsl, color.hsl 257 dhsl = map(lambda x: x[1]-x[0], zip(hsl1,hsl2)) 258 colors = [Color.fromHSL(map(lambda x,y: x + (r/​float(n))*y,hsl1,dhsl)) 259 for r in util.interpolate(0, n, n, method)]260 if self._color.alpha != color._color.alpha:261 alphas = util.interpolate(self._color.alpha,color._color.alpha,n,method)262 colors = map(lambda (c,a): c.alpha(int(a)), zip(colors, alphas)) 263 return colors264 @classmethod265 def fromHSL(cls, hsl):266 """267 Creates a color object from the HSL/​HLS value.268 """269 h,s,l = hsl270 if s == 0:271 r = g = b = l # achromatic272 else:273 q = l * (1+s) if l < 0.5 else l + s - l * s;274 p = 2 * l - q275 #var q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;276 #var p = 2 * l - q;277 r = Color._hue2rgb(p, q, h + 1/​3.0)278 g = Color._hue2rgb(p, q, h);279 b = Color._hue2rgb(p, q, h - 1/​3.0);280 return Color(tuple([int(round(255*x)) for x in [r,g,b]]))281 @classmethod282 def random(cls, n):283 """284 Returns a generator of random colors.285 *n* is the number of colors to generate.286 """287 colors = _colors.values()288 from random import randint289 for i in range(n):290 yield Color(colors[randint(0,len(colors)-1)])291 @classmethod292 def _hue2rgb(cls, p, q, t):293 if t < 0: 294 t += 1;295 if t > 1: 296 t -= 1;297 if t < 1/​6.0: 298 return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;299 if t < 1/​2.0: 300 return q;301 if t < 2/​3.0: 302 return p + (q - p) * (2/​3.0 - t) * 6;303 return p;...

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1from __future__ import annotations2import os3from typing import Dict4from Fun.utils import colors, pretty5from matplotlib import font_manager as fm6_FONTS = sorted(fm.findSystemFonts(fontpaths=None), key=lambda x: os.path.basename(x))7_FONT_FILE = "Roboto-Bold"8_FONT_SRC = None9for font in _FONTS:10 if _FONT_FILE in font:11 _FONT_SRC = font12 break13assert _FONT_SRC is not None14pretty.color_print(colors.GOOGLE_GREEN_300, f"font source: {_FONT_SRC}")15class Theme:16 def __init__(self) -> None:17 self._colors: Dict[str, str] = {}18 self._alpha: Dict[str, float] = {}19 self.dart_theme()20 def dart_theme(self) -> None:21 self._colors["up"] = colors.PAPER_TEAL_40022 self._colors["down"] = colors.PAPER_RED_40023 self._colors["unchanged"] = colors.PAPER_BLUE_GREY_20024 self._colors["records"] = "#ffffff"25 self._colors["bb0"] = colors.PAPER_PURPLE_40026 self._colors["bb1"] = colors.PAPER_INDIGO_40027 self._colors["bb2"] = colors.PAPER_RED_90028 self._colors["bb3"] = colors.PAPER_BLUE_70029 self._colors["sma0"] = colors.PAPER_YELLOW_30030 self._colors["sma1"] = colors.PAPER_BLUE_GREY_20031 # self._colors["sma2"] = colors.PAPER_LIGHT_GREEN_30032 self._colors["sma2"] = colors.PAPER_INDIGO_40033 self._colors["sma3"] = colors.PAPER_PURPLE_40034 # self._colors["sma4"] = colors.PAPER_ORANGE_40035 self._colors["sma4"] = colors.PAPER_RED_90036 self._colors["sma5"] = colors.PAPER_BLUE_70037 self._colors["sma6"] = colors.PAPER_BROWN_30038 # self._colors["sma6"] = colors.PAPER_LIGHT_GREEN_40039 self._colors["background"] = "#000000"40 self._colors["grid"] = colors.PAPER_GREY_40041 self._colors["ticks"] = "#ffffff"42 self._colors["text"] = "#ffffff"43 self._alpha["sma"] = 1.044 self._alpha["bb"] = 0.645 self._alpha["grid"] = 0.3546 def get_color(self, key: str) -> str:47 return self._colors[key]48 def get_alpha(self, key: str) -> float:49 return self._alpha[key]50 def get_font(self, font_size: float) -> fm.FontProperties:51 return fm.FontProperties(fname=_FONT_SRC, size=font_size)52class InteractiveTheme(Theme):53 def __init__(self):54 super().__init__()55 def dart_theme(self):56 super().dart_theme()57 self._colors["crosshair"] = colors.PAPER_GREY_10058 self._alpha["bb"] = 0.6559 self._alpha["crosshair"] = 0.560class MagicalTheme(Theme):61 def __init__(self):62 super().__init__()63 def dart_theme(self) -> None:64 super().dart_theme()65 self._colors["up"] = colors.PAPER_GREY_30066 self._colors["down"] = colors.PAPER_GREY_90067 self._colors["unchanged"] = colors.PAPER_BLUE_GREY_20068 self._colors["records"] = "#ffffff"69 self._colors["sma3"] = colors.PAPER_PINK_20070 self._colors["sma5"] = colors.PAPER_RED_60071 self._colors["sma7"] = "#000000"72 self._colors["sma10"] = colors.PAPER_YELLOW_50073 self._colors["sma20"] = colors.PAPER_GREEN_50074 self._colors["sma30"] = colors.PAPER_GREY_50075 self._colors["sma60"] = colors.PAPER_BLUE_50076 self._colors["sma100"] = colors.PAPER_PURPLE_40077 self._colors["sma300"] = colors.PAPER_ORANGE_50078 self._colors["background"] = colors.PAPER_GREY_70079 self._colors["grid"] = colors.PAPER_GREY_90080 self._colors["ticks"] = "#ffffff"...

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...14 green = GREEN15 lightgreen = LIGHTGREEN16 white = WHITE17_colors = Colorize()18def get_colors():19 return _colors20def colorize():21 global _colors22 _colors = Colorize()23def no_colors():24 global _colors25 _colors = Colorize()26 = ''27 _colors.reset = ''28 _colors.yellow = ''29 = ''30 _colors.lightgreen = ''31 _colors.white = ''32def write(msg):33 print_at = cache.print_at34 increment = cache.increment35 counter = cache.log_repeat_log_msg_counter36 if cache.last_log_line != msg:37 sys.stderr.write(msg)...

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