How to use _call_test_function method in autotest

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...310 # Execute:311 os.chdir(self.outputdir)312 # call self.warmup cherry picking the arguments it accepts and313 # translate exceptions if needed314 _call_test_function(_cherry_pick_call, self.warmup,315 *args, **dargs)316 if hasattr(self, 'run_once'):317 p_args, p_dargs = _cherry_pick_args(self.run_once,318 args, dargs)319 # pull in any non-* and non-** args from self.execute320 for param in _get_nonstar_args(self.execute):321 if param in dargs:322 p_dargs[param] = dargs[param]323 else:324 p_args, p_dargs = _cherry_pick_args(self.execute,325 args, dargs)326 _call_test_function(self.execute, *p_args, **p_dargs)327 except Exception:328 try:329 logging.exception('Exception escaping from test:')330 except:331 pass # don't let logging exceptions here interfere332 # Save the exception while we run our cleanup() before333 # reraising it.334 exc_info = sys.exc_info()335 try:336 try:337 if run_cleanup:338 _cherry_pick_call(self.cleanup, *args, **dargs)339 except Exception:340 print 'Ignoring exception during cleanup() phase:'341 traceback.print_exc()342 print 'Now raising the earlier %s error' % exc_info[0]343 self.crash_handler_report()344 finally:345 self.job.logging.restore()346 try:347 raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]348 finally:349 # # Be nice and prevent a circular reference.351 del exc_info352 else:353 try:354 if run_cleanup:355 _cherry_pick_call(self.cleanup, *args, **dargs)356 self.crash_handler_report()357 finally:358 self.job.logging.restore()359 except error.AutotestError:360 if self.network_destabilizing:361 self.job.enable_warnings("NETWORK")362 # Pass already-categorized errors on up.363 raise364 except Exception, e:365 if self.network_destabilizing:366 self.job.enable_warnings("NETWORK")367 # Anything else is an ERROR in our own code, not execute().368 raise error.UnhandledTestError(e)369 else:370 if self.network_destabilizing:371 self.job.enable_warnings("NETWORK")372def _get_nonstar_args(func):373 """Extract all the (normal) function parameter names.374 Given a function, returns a tuple of parameter names, specifically375 excluding the * and ** parameters, if the function accepts them.376 @param func: A callable that we want to chose arguments for.377 @return: A tuple of parameters accepted by the function.378 """379 return func.func_code.co_varnames[:func.func_code.co_argcount]380def _cherry_pick_args(func, args, dargs):381 """Sanitize positional and keyword arguments before calling a function.382 Given a callable (func), an argument tuple and a dictionary of keyword383 arguments, pick only those arguments which the function is prepared to384 accept and return a new argument tuple and keyword argument dictionary.385 Args:386 func: A callable that we want to choose arguments for.387 args: A tuple of positional arguments to consider passing to func.388 dargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments to consider passing to func.389 Returns:390 A tuple of: (args tuple, keyword arguments dictionary)391 """392 # Cherry pick args:393 if func.func_code.co_flags & 0x04:394 # func accepts *args, so return the entire args.395 p_args = args396 else:397 p_args = ()398 # Cherry pick dargs:399 if func.func_code.co_flags & 0x08:400 # func accepts **dargs, so return the entire dargs.401 p_dargs = dargs402 else:403 # Only return the keyword arguments that func accepts.404 p_dargs = {}405 for param in _get_nonstar_args(func):406 if param in dargs:407 p_dargs[param] = dargs[param]408 return p_args, p_dargs409def _cherry_pick_call(func, *args, **dargs):410 """Cherry picks arguments from args/dargs based on what "func" accepts411 and calls the function with the picked arguments."""412 p_args, p_dargs = _cherry_pick_args(func, args, dargs)413 return func(*p_args, **p_dargs)414def _validate_args(args, dargs, *funcs):415 """Verify that arguments are appropriate for at least one callable.416 Given a list of callables as additional parameters, verify that417 the proposed keyword arguments in dargs will each be accepted by at least418 one of the callables.419 NOTE: args is currently not supported and must be empty.420 Args:421 args: A tuple of proposed positional arguments.422 dargs: A dictionary of proposed keyword arguments.423 *funcs: Callables to be searched for acceptance of args and dargs.424 Raises:425 error.AutotestError: if an arg won't be accepted by any of *funcs.426 """427 all_co_flags = 0428 all_varnames = ()429 for func in funcs:430 all_co_flags |= func.func_code.co_flags431 all_varnames += func.func_code.co_varnames[:func.func_code.co_argcount]432 # Check if given args belongs to at least one of the methods below.433 if len(args) > 0:434 # Current implementation doesn't allow the use of args.435 raise error.TestError('Unnamed arguments not accepted. Please '436 'call job.run_test with named args only')437 # Check if given dargs belongs to at least one of the methods below.438 if len(dargs) > 0:439 if not all_co_flags & 0x08:440 # no func accepts *dargs, so:441 for param in dargs:442 if not param in all_varnames:443 raise error.AutotestError('Unknown parameter: %s' % param)444def _installtest(job, url):445 (group, name) = job.pkgmgr.get_package_name(url, 'test')446 # Bail if the test is already installed447 group_dir = os.path.join(job.testdir, "download", group)448 if os.path.exists(os.path.join(group_dir, name)):449 return (group, name)450 # If the group directory is missing create it and add451 # an empty so that sub-directories are452 # considered for import.453 if not os.path.exists(group_dir):454 os.makedirs(group_dir)455 f = file(os.path.join(group_dir, ''), 'w+')456 f.close()457 print name + ": installing test url=" + url458 tarball = os.path.basename(url)459 tarball_path = os.path.join(group_dir, tarball)460 test_dir = os.path.join(group_dir, name)461 job.pkgmgr.fetch_pkg(tarball, tarball_path,462 repo_url = os.path.dirname(url))463 # Create the directory for the test464 if not os.path.exists(test_dir):465 os.mkdir(os.path.join(group_dir, name))466 job.pkgmgr.untar_pkg(tarball_path, test_dir)467 os.remove(tarball_path)468 # For this 'sub-object' to be importable via the name469 # '' we need to provide an,470 # so link the main entry point to this.471 os.symlink(name + '.py', os.path.join(group_dir, name,472 ''))473 # The test is now installed.474 return (group, name)475def _call_test_function(func, *args, **dargs):476 """Calls a test function and translates exceptions so that errors477 inside test code are considered test failures."""478 try:479 return func(*args, **dargs)480 except error.AutotestError:481 # Pass already-categorized errors on up as is.482 raise483 except Exception, e:484 # Other exceptions must be treated as a FAIL when485 # raised during the test functions486 raise error.UnhandledTestFail(e)487def runtest(job, url, tag, args, dargs,488 local_namespace={}, global_namespace={},489 before_test_hook=None, after_test_hook=None,...

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...22 @wraps(func)23 def run_spec(*args, **kwargs):24 self = next(iter(args or []), None)25 context = Context()26 _call_test_function(func, context, *args, **kwargs)27 test_func = _get_original_func(func) # we need to get to the test function to find spec step methods28 steps = get_spec_steps(test_func, self)29 if len(steps) == 0:30 return31 _output_step("* SPEC: ", test_func)32 try:33 for name, section in steps.items():34 if name.startswith("given"):35 _output_step(" ", section)36 section(context)37 if name.startswith("when"):38 _output_step(" ", section)39 section(context)40 if name.startswith("it_should"):41 _output_step(" > ", section)42 section(context)43 finally:44 cleanups = _get_all_named_like(steps, "cleanup")45 for cleanup in cleanups:46 _output_step(" ", cleanup)47 cleanup(context)48 return run_spec49class MetaSpec(type):50 def __new__(mcs, clsname, bases, attrs):51 decorated_attrs = {}52 for name, val in attrs.items():53 if name.startswith("test_") and inspect.isroutine(val):54 decorated_attrs[name.replace("_", " ")] = spec(val)55 else:56 decorated_attrs[name] = val57 return super(MetaSpec, mcs).__new__(mcs, clsname, bases, decorated_attrs)58 def __getattr__(self, name):59 return _get_spaced_test(self, name)60def with_metaclass(meta, *bases):61 """Create a base class with a metaclass."""62 class Metaclass(meta):63 def __new__(cls, name, this_bases, d):64 return meta(name, bases, d)65 return type.__new__(Metaclass, 'temporary_class', (), {})66class SpecTestCase(with_metaclass(MetaSpec, unittest.TestCase)):67 def __getattr__(self, name):68 return _get_spaced_test(self, name)69def _is_step_name(name):70 return name.startswith("given")\71 or name.startswith("when")\72 or name.startswith("it_should")\73 or name.startswith("cleanup")74def _get_original_func(func):75 if isinstance(func, (classmethod, staticmethod)):76 return func.__func__77 # get original func from decorators (only for those who follow standard update_wrapper/wraps pattern)78 while hasattr(func, "__wrapped__"):79 func = func.__wrapped__80 return func81def _call_test_function(func, context, *args, **kwargs):82 args_names = inspect.getargspec(_get_original_func(func))[0]83 if "ctx" in args_names:84 kwargs["ctx"] = context85 if isinstance(func, (classmethod, staticmethod)):86 self = args[0]87 args = args[1:]88 func = func.__get__(self, type(self)) # we need to call underlying static or class function89 func(*args, **kwargs)90def _get_all_named_like(dict_, name):91 return [v for k, v in dict_.items() if k.startswith(name)]92def _output_step(message, func):93 func_name = func.__name__.replace("_", " ")94 print(message + func_name)95def _get_spaced_test(self, name):...

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