How to use test_is_positive method in assertpy

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1import xml.etree.ElementTree2import argparse3import os4import mc5import forrobot6from osc import ISC7import datastructUtils8from output import Output9import copy10from time import sleep11#############################################12## ISC Exception Classes13# class ISCException(Exception): pass14# class ISCDataError(ISCException): pass15# class ISCStatusError(ISCException): pass16# class ISCOperationalError(ISCException): pass17# class ISCTestError(ISCException): pass18from osc import ISCException19from osc import ISCDataError20from osc import ISCStatusError21from osc import ISCOperationalError22from osc import ISCTestError23##24#################################@###########25# ###########################################################26# ##27# ## Default Values28# ##29#30#31# ostack_rmq_info = {32# 'ishttps' : 'false',33# 'rabbitMQPort' : '5672',34# 'rabbitUser' : 'guest',35# 'rabbitMQPassword' : 'admin123'36# }37# 38# 39# ##ostack_info['keystoneurl'] = ( "http:/​/​" + ostack_info['keystoneip'] + ":5000/​v2.0")40# ##ostack_info['keystoneurl'] = ( "http:/​/​%s:%s/​%s" %( ostack_info['keystoneip'], ostack_info['keystoneport'], ostack_info['keystoneversion'] ))41# ostack_info['keystoneurl'] = ( "http:/​/​%s:%s/​v%s" %( ostack_info['keystoneip'], ostack_info['keystoneport'], ostack_info['keystoneversion'] ))42# ostack_info['ostackurl'] = ostack_info['keystoneurl']43# 44# 45# 46# 47# policy_defaults = {48# 'smc_policy_template': 'Layer 2 Firewall Inspection Template',49# 'smc_policy': "smc_layer2_policy1"50# }51# 52# policy_info = {53# 'smc_policy_template': args['smc_policy_template'] or policy_defaults['smc_policy_template'],54# 'smc_policy': args['smc_policy'] or policy_defaults['smc_policy']55# }56# 57# 58# 59# ##60# ## Args: {'iscpassword': 'admin123', 'iscport': 8090, 'ostackip': '', 'ostackversion': '2', 'keystoneip': '', 'smc_policy': None, 'ostackprojectid': 'b38d21a9ac3b464492f1b8cb18d77a25', 'ostackuser': 'admin', 'vcname': 'vctest', 'keystoneuser': 'admin', 'smckey': None, 'keystonepassword': 'admin123', 'smc_policy_template': 'Layer 2 Firewall Inspection Template', 'smcversion': '5.10', 'smcproto': 'https', 'ostackpassword': 'admin123', 'smcport': None, 'iscuser': 'admin', 'ostackproject': 'admin', 'smcip': None, 'mcname': 'OSQAET-SMC', 'sgname': 'sgtest', 'iscip': ''}61# ##62# ##63# ###########################################################64###########################################################65##66## ---------------- Begin Debug Code -----------------67##68#######################################################69#70# Regex Pattern Objects71#72# rgx = re.compile(r'\w+')73# print("\nLongevity - Line: 73 - RGX Type: %s RGX Obj: %s\n\n" %(type(rgx), rgx))74#75# RGX Type: (<class '_sre.SRE_Pattern'>)76# RGX Obj: re.compile('\\w+')77#78#######################################################79###########################################################################################################80###########################################################################################################81#---------------------------------------------------------------------82##83## ISC - MC Related Methods84##85# def createManagerConnector(self, mcname, smcip, smckey):86# def getManagerConnectorByID(self, mcid):87# def getDomainsofManagerConnector(self, mcid):88# def getManagerConnectors(self):89# def syncManagerConnector(self, name, mgrID, mgrIP):90# def updateManagerConnector(self, mcid, mcname, smcip, smckey):91# def deleteMC(self,mcid):92#93##94##95#---------------------------------------------------------------------96def createMC(osc, mc):97 osc.createMC(mc)98def updateMC(osc, mc, id):99 osc.updateMC(mc, id)100def deleteMC(osc, mcid):101 osc.deleteMC(mcid=mcid)102def getManagerConnectors(osc):103 return osc.getManagerConnectors()104def getMcID(osc, name):105 return osc.getManagerConnectorByName(name)106###107### _get_mgrconns(osc, mcname=None, mcid=None)108###109### Return existing Manager Connectors (MCs). If mcname is given, return only those MCs, if any, whose name110### matches mcname111###112###113def _get_mgrconns(osc, mcname=None, mcid=None, mcnames=None, mcids=None):114 if False:115 Log.prdbg("Enter _get_mgrconns - MCName: \"%s\" MCID: \"%s\"\n -- MC Names Arg: %s\n -- MC Ids Arg: %s" %(mcname, mcid, mcnames, mcids))116 pass117 all_nm_to_id = osc.getManagerConnectors()118 if not all_nm_to_id:119 all_nm_to_id = {}120 pass121 sel_nm_to_id = None122 if mcids:123 sel_nm_to_id = { nm:id for nm,id in all_nm_to_id.items() if id in mcids }124 elif mcnames:125 sel_nm_to_id = { nm:id for nm,id in all_nm_to_id.items() if nm in mcnames }126 else:127 sel_nm_to_id = all_nm_to_id128 pass129 if False:130 Log.prdbg("_get_mgrconns \n\n - All-MC-Name-To-ID-Index:\n%s\n\n - MCIDs: %s\n\n - MCNames: %s\n\n - Selected Name-To-Id: %s" %(Log.pformat(all_nm_to_id), mcids, mcnames, Log.pformat(sel_nm_to_id), mcname, mcid, Log.pformat(sel_nm_to_id)))131 pass132 rtn = sel_nm_to_id133 if False:134 Log.prdbg("Exit _get_mgrconns\n - MCName: \"%s\" MCID: \"%s\"\n - MC Names Arg: %s\n - MC Ids Arg: %s\n\n -- Returning:\n%s" %(mcname, mcid, mcnames, mcids, rtn))135 pass136 return(rtn)137pass138def _getManagerConnectorIdByName(osc, mcname):139 sleep(3)140 _get_mgrconns(osc, mcname=mcname)141 sleep(2)142 mc_name_to_id_dict = osc.getManagerConnectors()143 Log.log_debug("MC Name To Id Dict:\n%s" %(Log.pformat(mc_name_to_id_dict)))144 if mcname in mc_name_to_id_dict:145 return(mc_name_to_id_dict[mcname])146 else:147 Log.log_abort("_getManagerConnectorIdByName: No MC Found For MC Name: \"%s\"\n -- In Manager Connectors: %s" %(mcname, mc_name_to_id_dict))148 pass149pass150#151###152### def _update_mgrconn(osc, mcid, mcname, mgrip, mgrkey):153###154### Just a call to the corresponding ISC method. Errors are propoagated.155###156### # updateManagerConnector(self, mcid, mcname, mgrip, mgrkey)157###158def _update_mgrconn(osc, mcid, mcname, mgrip, mgrkey):159 ###_fcnargs = {'osc':osc, 'mcid':mcid, 'mcname':mcname, 'mgrip':mgrip, 'mgrkey':mgrkey}160 Log.prdbg("Enter _update_mgrconn - MC ID: %s MCName: %s mgr IP: %s mgr Key: %s" %(mcid, mcname, mgrip, mgrkey))161 sleep(1)162 osc.pdateManagerConnector(mcid, mcname, mgrip, mgrkey)163 sleep(1)164 Log.prdbg("Exit _update_mgrconn - MC ID: %s MCName: %s mgr IP: %s mgr Key: %s" %(mcid, mcname, mgrip, mgrkey))165 pass166pass167###168### def _sync_mgrconn(osc, mcname, mcid, mgrip):169###170### Just a call to the corresponding ISC method. Errors are propoagated.171###172### # syncManagerConnector(self, name, mgrID, mgrIP):173###174def _sync_mgrconn(osc, mcname, mcid, mgrip):175 ###_fcnargs = {'osc':osc, 'mcid':mcid}176 Log.prdbg("Enter _sync_mgrconn - MC ID: %s" %(mcid))177 sleep(1)178 osc.syncManagerConnector(mcname, mcid, mgrip)179 sleep(1)180 Log.prdbg("Exit _sync_mgrconn - MC ID \"%s\"" %(mcid))181 pass182pass183###184### _delete_single_mgrconn(osc, mcid):185###186### Just a call to the corresponding ISC method. Errors are propoagated.187###188### # osc.deleteMC(mcid)189###190def _delete_single_mgrconn(osc, mcid):191 ###_fcnargs = {'osc':osc, 'mcid':mcid}192 Log.prdbg("Enter _delete_single_mgrconn - MC ID: %s" %(mcid))193 sleep(1)194 osc.deleteMC(mcid)195 sleep(1)196 Log.prdbg("Exit _delete_single_mgrconn - MC ID \"%s\"" %(mcid))197 pass198pass199###200###201### do_pretest -- One of: True, False202### pretest_fail_actions -- One or more of: ['continue', 'return', 'warn', 'error', 'abort' ]203### pretest_continue_on_fail -- One of: True, False204###205### _safe_delete_mgrconns(osc, mcname=None, mcid=None, do_pretest=True, pretest_fail_action="abort"):206###207### Delete existing Manager Connectors (MCs). If mcname is given, delete only those208### MCs (if any) whose name matches mcname. Otherwise delete all MCs209###210def _safe_delete_mgrconns(osc, mcname=None, mcid=None, mcids_to_delete=None, mcnames_to_delete=None, mcids_to_keep=None, mcnames_to_keep=None):211 _fcnargs = {'osc':osc, 'mcname':mcname, 'mcid':mcid}212 if True:213 Log.prdbg("Enter _safe_delete_mgrconns - MC Name: \"%s\" MCId: \"%s\"\n\n - MC Names To Delete: %s\n\nMC IDs To Delete: %s\n\n - MC Names To Keep: %s\n\n - MC Ids To Keep: %s" %(mcname, mcid, mcnames_to_delete, mcids_to_delete, mcnames_to_keep, mcids_to_keep))214 #sleep(4)215 pass216 nm_to_id_before_deletion = _get_mgrconns(osc)217 ##mcids_before_deletion = [ x['id'] for x in nm_to_id_before_deletion ]218 mcids_before_deletion = [ id for id in nm_to_id_before_deletion.values() ]219 if True:220 Log.log_debug("_safe_delete_mgrconns -- MC IDs Before Deletion:\n%s" %(mcids_before_deletion))221 #sleep(5)222 pass223 if (mcid is None) and (mcname is None) and (mcids_to_delete is None) and (mcnames_to_delete is None):224 mcids_to_delete = mcids_before_deletion225 Log.log_debug("_safe_delete_mgrconns -- Will Delete All Exisiting MC IDs: %s" %(mcids_to_delete))226 pass227 mcnames_to_delete = (mcnames_to_delete or [])228 mcids_to_delete = (mcids_to_delete or [])229 mcnames_to_keep = (mcnames_to_keep or [])230 mcids_to_keep = (mcids_to_keep or [])231 mcid_to_keep_data = None232 mcid_to_delete_data = None233 if mcname:234 mcnames_to_delete = [ mcname ]235 elif mcid:236 mcids_to_delete = [ mcid ]237 pass238 if mcnames_to_keep:239 mcid_to_keep_data = _get_mgrconns(osc, mcnames=mcnames_to_keep)240 ## mcids_to_keep = [ x['id'] for x in mcid_to_keep_data ]241 mcids_to_keep += [ id for nm,id in nm_to_id_before_deletion.items() if nm in mcnames_to_keep ]242 pass243 if mcnames_to_delete:244 mcid_to_delete_data = _get_mgrconns(osc, mcnames=mcnames_to_delete)245 ## mcids_to_delete = [ x['id'] for x in mcid_to_delete_data ]246 mcids_to_delete += [ id for nm,id in nm_to_id_before_deletion.items() if nm in mcnames_to_delete ]247 pass248 raw_mcids_to_delete = copy.copy(mcids_to_delete)249 if mcids_to_keep:250 mcids_to_delete = [ x for x in mcids_to_delete if x not in mcids_to_keep ]251 pass252 extra_mcids = [ id for id in mcids_to_delete if id not in mcids_before_deletion ]253 if True:254 ##Log.prdbg("_safe_delete_mgrconns - Existing MCs To Delete for MC Name: \"%s\" MC ID: \"%s\"\n -- Before Deletion:\n%s" %(mcname, mcid, Log.pformat(mcid_to_delete))255 Log.prdbg("_safe_delete_mgrconns - Existing MCs To Delete for MC Name: \"%s\" MC ID: \"%s\"\n - MC Names To Delete: %s\n"256 " - Raw MC IDs To Delete: %s\n - IDs To Delete: %s\n - MC Names To Keep: %s\n - MC IDs To Keep: %s\n\n - Non-Existing MC Ids To Delete: %s"257 " -- Before Deletion -- \n\n - All MC IDs: %s" %(mcname, mcid, mcnames_to_delete, raw_mcids_to_delete, mcids_to_delete, mcnames_to_keep, mcids_to_keep, mcids_before_deletion, extra_mcids))258 pass259 if mcids_to_delete:260 for mcid in mcids_to_delete:261 if False:262 Log.log_debug("_safe_delete_mgrconns -- Deleting MC ID: \"%s\" ..." %(mcid))263 pass264 _delete_single_mgrconn(osc, mcid)265 if False:266 Log.log_debug("_safe_delete_mgrconns -- ... Finished Deleting MC ID: \"%s\"" %(mcid))267 pass268 pass269 else:270 Log.log_debug("Exit _safe_delete_mgrconns -- No MCs To Delete")271 return272 pass273 sleep(1)274 nm_to_id_after_deletion = _get_mgrconns(osc, mcname=mcname, mcid=mcid)275 ##mcids_after_deletion = [ x['id'] for x in nm_to_id_after_deletion ]276 mcids_after_deletion = [ id for nm,id in nm_to_id_after_deletion.items() ]277 mcids_failed_delete = [ x for x in mcids_to_delete if x in mcids_after_deletion ]278 if True:279 Log.log_debug("_safe_delete_mgrconns\n - MCs To Be Deleted: %s\n - MCs Remaining After Deletion %s\n - MC IDs Failed To Delete: %s" %(mcids_to_delete, mcids_after_deletion, mcids_failed_delete))280 sleep(8)281 pass282 if mcids_failed_delete:283 msg = "_safe_delete_mgrconns -- Failed to Delete MCs for mcname \"%s\" - %s" %(mcname, mcids_failed_delete)284 ##raise Exception(msg)285 Log.log_abort(msg)286 pass287 if True:288 Log.log_debug("Exit _safe_delete_mgrconns -- All Manager Connectors Deleted")289 #sleep(8)290 pass291pass292###293### _create_mgrconn(osc, mcname=None, mgrip=None, mgrkey=None, mgrtype='NSM'):294###295### Just a call to the corresponding ISC method. Errors are propoagated.296###297def _create_mgrconn(osc, mcname=None, mgrip=None, mgrkey=None, mgrtype='NSM', mgruser='admin', mgrpasswd='admin123'):298 _fcnargs = {'osc':osc, 'mcname':mcname, 'mgrip':mgrip, 'mgrkey':mgrkey}299 if True:300 Log.prdbg("Enter _create_mgrconn - mcname: \"%s\" mgrip: \"%s\" mgrkey: \"%s\""%(mcname, mgrip, mgrkey))301 #sleep(5)302 pass303 mcid = osc.createManagerConnector(mcname=mcname, mgrip=mgrip, mgrkey=mgrkey, mgrtype=mgrtype, mgruser=mgruser, mgrpasswd=mgrpasswd)304 if True:305 Log.prdbg("_create_mgrconn - Manager Connector Created - MC ID: %s - %s" %(mcid, mcid.__repr__()))306 #sleep(5)307 pass308 return(mcid)309pass310###311### _safe_create_mgrconn(osc, mcname=args['mcname'], mgrip=args['mgrip'], mgrkey=args['mgrkey'], mgrtype=None):312###313###314def _safe_create_mgrconn(osc, mgrtype='NSM', mcname=None, mgrip=None, mgrkey=None, mgruser=None, mgrpasswd=None):315 cfgdict = configDict.get(mgrtype, None)316 if cfgdict:317 if mgrip is None:318 mgrip = cfgdict['ip']319 if mgrpasswd is None:320 mgrpasswd = cfgdict['password']321 if mgruser is None:322 mgruser = cfgdict['user']323 pass324 pass325 ###_fcnargs = {'osc':osc, 'mcname':mcname, 'mgrip':mgrip, 'mgrkey':mgrkey}326 Log.log_debug("Enter _safe_create_mgrconn - mcname: \"%s\" mgrip: %s mgrkey: %s mgrtype: \"%s\"" %(mcname, mgrip, mgrkey, mgrtype))327 ##if mgrtype and isinstance(mgrtype, basestring):328 if mgrtype and isinstance(mgrtype, str):329 mgrtype = mgrtype.upper()330 pass331 if mgrtype not in ['NSM', 'SMC']:332 Log.log_abort("'mgrtype' must be one of 'nsm' or 'smc': \"%s\"" %(mgrtype))333 pass334 sleep(1)335 nm_to_id_before_creation = _get_mgrconns(osc, mcname=mcname)336 # nm_to_id_before_creation = [ x['id'] for x in mcid_before_creation_data ]337 ### mcids_to_preserve = [ v for v in nm_to_id_before_creation.values() ]338 mcids_to_delete = [ v for v in nm_to_id_before_creation.values() ]339 if True:340 ### Log.log_debug("_safe_create_mgrconn - Existing mgr Manager Connectors IDs for mcname: \"%s\"\n\n -- MC-Name-To-IDs Before Creation:\n%s\n\n%s\n\n -- MCIDs To Preserve:\n%s" %(mcname, nm_to_id_before_creation, mcids_to_preserve))341 Log.log_debug("_safe_create_mgrconn - Existing Manager Connectors IDs for MC Name: \"%s\"\n\n -- MC-Name-To-IDs Before Creation:\n%s\n\n -- MC Ids To Delete: %s" %(mcname, nm_to_id_before_creation, mcids_to_delete))342 #sleep(5)343 pass344 if nm_to_id_before_creation:345 Log.log_debug("_safe_create_mgrconn - Deleting Matching mgr MCs for MC Name: \"%s\"\n- %s" %(mcname, nm_to_id_before_creation))346 _safe_delete_mgrconns(osc, mcname=mcname)347 Log.log_debug("_safe_create_mgrconn - Finished Deleting Matching mgr MCs for MC Name: \"%s\"" %(mcname))348 else:349 Log.log_debug("_safe_create_mgrconn - No Existing mgr MCs for MC Name: \"%s\"" %(mcname))350 pass351 Log.log_debug("_safe_create_mgrconn - Creating Manager connector" %())352 mcid = _create_mgrconn(osc, mcname=mcname, mgrip=mgrip, mgrkey=mgrkey, mgrtype=mgrtype, mgruser=mgruser, mgrpasswd=mgrpasswd)353 ###mcid = osc.createManagerConnector(args['mcname'], args['mgrip'], args['mgrkey'])354 Log.log_debug("_safe_create_mgrconn - Manager connector created - MC ID: %s" %(mcid))355 ##all_mcid_dict = _get_mgrconns(osc, rtn_format='dict')356 #357 # mcid_after_creation_data = _get_mgrconns(osc, mcname=mcname)358 # mcids_after_creation = [ x['id'] for x in mcid_after_creation_data ]359 #360 nm_to_id_after_creation = _get_mgrconns(osc, mcname=mcname)361 mcids_after_creation = [ v for v in nm_to_id_after_creation.values() ]362 Log.log_debug("_safe_create_mgrconn - Matching MCs for MC Name \"%s\" After Creating New MC: - %s" %(mcname, mcids_after_creation))363 if not mcids_after_creation:364 msg = "_safe_create_mgrconn -- Failed to create new mgr MC for MC Name: \"%s\"" %(mcname)365 ##raise Exception(msg)366 Log.log_abort(msg)367 elif len(mcids_after_creation) != 1:368 msg = "_safe_create_mgrconn -- Expected Exactly 1 Matching MC for MC Name %s After Creating New MC - Got %d:\n%s" %(mcname, len(mcid_list), Log.pformat(mcids_after_creation))369 ##raise Exception(msg)370 Log.log_abort(msg)371 pass372 mcid = mcids_after_creation[0]373 Log.log_debug("Exit _safe_create_mgrconn - mcname: \"%s\" - Returning: MC ID \"%s\""%(mcname, mcid))374 ##sleep(3)375 return(mcid)376pass377###########################################################################################################378###########################################################################################################379def mctest_tab1_n1(osc=None, mcconfig=None):380 test_name = "Test#1 -- NSM MC Test Cases Tab#1 -- MC Name Syntax/​Positive Tests"381 test_funcname = "mctest_tab1_n1"382 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Can Be Created With Any Valid MC Name - test-snort, snort-mc, snort-123 etc. "383 test_is_positive = True384 test_step = 0385 test_err_count = 0386 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)387 nsmC = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)388 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Baseline NSM Definition -- nsmC2:\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_step, Log.objformat(nsmC)))389 for mcname in [ 'snort', 'snort-123', 'mc-snort', 'foo-bar' ]:390 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)391 = mcname392 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to create NSM Connector with Valid-Syntax Name: \"%s\"" %(test_funcname, test_step, mcname))393 err_match_str = ""394 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=True, finish_clean=True, osc=osc, obj=nsmC2, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)395 pass396 if test_err_count:397 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))398 else:399 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))400 pass401 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)402pass403def mctest_tab1_n2(osc=None, mcconfig=None):404 test_name = "Test#2 -- NSM MC Test Cases Tab#1 -- MC-Name Syntax/​Negative Tests"405 test_funcname = "mctest_tab1_n2"406 test_desc = "Verify that MC-Name Cannot be Blank (empty-string) for MC Creation on ISC"407 test_is_positive = False408 test_err_count = 0409 test_step = 0410 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)411 nsmC = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)412 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Baseline NSM Definition -- nsmC2:\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_step, Log.objformat(nsmC)))413 mcname = ""414 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)415 = mcname416 err_match_str = "Security Controller: Name should not have an empty value"417 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=True, finish_clean=True, osc=osc, obj=nsmC2, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)418 if test_err_count:419 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- Found %d unexpected Errors" %(test_funcname, test_err_count))420 else:421 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))422 pass423 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)424pass425def mctest_tab1_n3(osc=None, mcconfig=None):426 test_name = "Test#3 -- NSM MC Test Cases Tab#1 ---MC Name with special characters - Positive Tests"427 test_funcname = "mctest_tab1_n3"428 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Can use specical characters while Valid-Syntax MC Name - 'special with space', 'VerySpecial!!%%$', '*Strange name<>&', '$#valid still ?? % !!7 ??? yes it is!!' etc. "429 test_is_positive = True430 test_step = 0431 test_err_count = 0432 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)433 nsmC = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)434 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Baseline NSM Definition -- nsmC2:\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_step, Log.objformat(nsmC)))435 for mcname in [ 'special with space', 'VerySpecial!!%%$', '*Strange name<>&', '$#valid still ?? % !!7 ??? yes it is!!' ]:436 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)437 = datastructUtils.escape(mcname)438 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to create Manager Connector with Valid-Syntax Name with special characters: \"%s\"" %(test_funcname, test_step, mcname))439 err_match_str = ""440 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=True, finish_clean=True, osc=osc, obj=nsmC2, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)441 pass442 if test_err_count:443 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors" %(test_funcname, test_err_count))444 else:445 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))446 pass447 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)448pass449def mctest_tab1_n4_n5(osc=None, mcconfig=None):450 test_name = "Test#4 -- NSM MC Test Cases Tab#1 --- MC Name Syntax/​Negative Tests - should not exceed more than 155 characters"451 test_funcname = "mctest_tab1_n4"452 test_desc = "Verify that Manager Connector Name Cannot be over 155 characters"453 test_is_positive = False454 test_step = 0455 test_err_count = 0456 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)457 mcname = "too-long-mc-name-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890-1234567890"458 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)459 = datastructUtils.escape(mcname)460 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Negative Test: %s -- Expecting Failure" %(test_funcname, test_step, test_desc))461 err_match_str = "Name length should not exceed 155 characters. The provided field exceeds this limit by"462 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=True, finish_clean=True, osc=osc, obj=nsmC2, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)463 pass464 if test_err_count:465 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))466 else:467 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))468 pass469 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)470pass471def mctest_tab1_n6(osc=None, mcconfig=None):472 test_name = "Test#5 -- MC Test Cases Tab#1 'MC name Syntax/​Positive Test"473 test_funcname = "mctest_tab1_n6"474 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Can Be Created With an MC name of exactly 155 characters - like: VC!!-123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"475 test_is_positive = True476 test_step = 0477 test_err_count = 0478 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)479 for mcname in [ 'Test-123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890',480 'MC!!-123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890',481 'Real-123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890',482 'Fooo 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890' ]:483 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)484 = datastructUtils.escape(mcname)485 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to create a Manager Connector with Valid-Syntax vc Name: \"%s\"" %(test_funcname, test_step, mcname))486 err_match_str = " Authentication problem. Please recheck credentials"487 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=True, finish_clean=True, osc=osc, obj=nsmC2, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)488 pass489 if test_err_count:490 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))491 else:492 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))493 pass494 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)495pass496def mctest_tab3_n1(osc=None, mcconfig=None):497 test_name = "MC Test Cases Tab#3 -- IP Address Tests -- Test#1 Blank IP Address -- Negative Test"498 test_funcname = "mctest_tab3_n1"499 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Cannot Be Created With Blank/​Empty IP Address"500 test_is_positive = False501 test_step = 0502 test_err_count = 0503 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)504 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)505 nsmC2.ip = ""506 err_match_str = "Open Security Controller: IP Address should not have an empty value"507 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to create NSM Connector with Blank IP Address -- Negative Test:" %(test_funcname, test_step))508 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=True, finish_clean=False, osc=osc, obj=nsmC2, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)509 if test_err_count:510 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))511 else:512 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))513 pass514 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)515pass516def mctest_tab3_n2(osc=None, mcconfig=None):517 test_name = "MC Test Cases Tab#3 -- IP Address Tests -- Test#2 Invalid IP Address -- Negative Test"518 test_funcname = "mctest_tab3_n2"519 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors IP Address Must Be Syntactically Correct -- E.g. 4 Octets, with values v: (1 <= v <= 255)"520 test_is_positive = False521 test_step = 0522 test_err_count = 0523 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)524 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)525 nsmC2.ip = ""526 ##err_match_str = "Open Security Controller: IP Address .* has invalid format"527 err_match_str = "Open Security Controller: IP Address: .* has invalid format"528 for ipaddr in [ '10', '10.10', '10.10.10.', '.10.10.10', '.10.10.10.', '10..10.10', '...', '..10.10.10', '10..10.10.10',529 '10.10..10', '10.10.10..10', '10.10..10', '10.10.10..10', '10.10..10.10', '', '',530 '', '', '' ]:531 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)532 = datastructUtils.escape(mcname)533 nsmC2.ip = ipaddr534 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to create a Manager Connector with InValid-Syntax IP Address: \"%s\"" %(test_funcname, test_step, ipaddr))535 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=True, finish_clean=True, osc=osc, obj=nsmC2, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)536 pass537 if test_err_count:538 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))539 else:540 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))541 pass542 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)543pass544def mctest_tab3_n3(osc=None, mcconfig=None):545 test_name = "MC Test Cases Tab#3 -- IP Address Tests -- Test#3 Syntactically-Correct IP Address"546 test_funcname = "mctest_tab3_n3"547 test_desc = "Verify OSC Does Not Give Error When Incorrect But Syntactically Valid IP Address Given"548 test_is_positive = False549 test_step = 0550 test_err_count = 0551 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)552 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)553 nsmC2.ip = ""554 ##err_match_str = "Open Security Controller: IP Address .* has invalid format"555 err_match_str = " Failed to GET resource"556 for ipaddr in [ '', '', '', '' ]:557 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)558 = datastructUtils.escape(mcname)559 nsmC2.ip = ipaddr560 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to create a Manager Connector with Syntactically-Correct (But Non-NSM) IP Address -- IP Address: \"%s\"" %(test_funcname, test_step, ipaddr))561 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=True, finish_clean=True, osc=osc, obj=nsmC2, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)562 pass563 if test_err_count:564 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))565 else:566 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))567 pass568 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)569pass570def mctest_tab4_n1(osc=None, mcconfig=None):571 test_name = "MC Test Cases Tab#4 -- Username/​Password Tests -- Test#1 Blank Username -- Negative Test"572 test_funcname = "mctest_tab4_n1"573 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Cannot Be Created With Blank/​Empty Username"574 test_is_positive = False575 test_step = 0576 test_err_count = 0577 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)578 nsmC = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)579 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Baseline NSM Definition -- nsmC2:\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_step, Log.objformat(nsmC)))580 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)581 nsmC2.user = ""582 err_match_str = "Open Security Controller: User Name should not have an empty value"583 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to create NSM Connector with Blank Username" %(test_funcname, test_step))584 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=True, finish_clean=False, osc=osc, obj=nsmC2, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)585 if test_err_count:586 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))587 else:588 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))589 pass590 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)591pass592def mctest_tab4_n2(osc=None, mcconfig=None):593 test_name = "MC Test Cases Tab#4 -- Username/​Password Tests -- Test#2 Blank Password -- Negative Test"594 test_funcname = "mctest_tab4_n2"595 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Cannot Be Created With Blank/​Empty Password"596 test_is_positive = False597 test_step = 0598 test_err_count = 0599 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)600 nsmC = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)601 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Baseline NSM Definition -- nsmC2:\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_step, Log.objformat(nsmC)))602 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)603 nsmC2.passwd = ""604 err_match_str = "Open Security Controller: Password should not have an empty value"605 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to create NSM Connector with Blank Password" %(test_funcname, test_step))606 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=True, finish_clean=False, osc=osc, obj=nsmC2, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)607 if test_err_count:608 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))609 else:610 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))611 pass612 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)613pass614def mctest_tab4_n3(osc=None, mcconfig=None):615 test_name = "MC Test Cases Tab#4 -- Username/​Password Tests -- Test#3 Valid Username (Valid Chars Up to Lenght 155) -- Positive Test"616 test_funcname = "mctest_tab4_n3"617 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Can Be Created With Syntactically-Correct Username (Valid Chars, Len <= 155)"618 test_is_positive = False619 test_step = 0620 test_err_count = 0621 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)622 nsmC = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)623 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Baseline NSM Definition -- nsmC2:\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_step, Log.objformat(nsmC)))624 ##nsmC2.mcname = datastructUtils.escape(mcname)625 err_match_str = " Authentication problem. Please recheck credentials"626 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to create NSM Connector with Blank Password" %(test_funcname, test_step))627 for user in [628 'Test-123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890',629 'MC!!-123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890',630 'Real-123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890',631 'Fooo 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890',632 'Bar__123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890',633 ]:634 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)635 nsmC2.user = user636 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to create a Manager Connector with Valid-Syntax Username (Length=155): \"%s\"" %(test_funcname, test_step, user))637 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=True, finish_clean=True, osc=osc, obj=nsmC2, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)638 pass639 if test_err_count:640 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))641 else:642 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))643 pass644 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)645pass646def mctest_tab4_n4(osc=None, mcconfig=None):647 test_name = "MC Test Cases Tab#4 -- Username/​Password Tests -- Test#4 Valid Password (Valid Chars Up to Lenght 155) -- Positive Test"648 test_funcname = "mctest_tab4_n4"649 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Can Be Created With Syntactically-Correct Password (Valid Chars, Len <= 155)"650 test_is_positive = False651 test_step = 0652 test_err_count = 0653 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)654 nsmC = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)655 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Baseline NSM Definition -- nsmC2:\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_step, Log.objformat(nsmC)))656 ##nsmC2.mcname = datastructUtils.escape(mcname)657 err_match_str = " Authentication problem. Please recheck credentials"658 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to create NSM Connector with Blank Password" %(test_funcname, test_step))659 for passwd in [660 'Test-123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890',661 'MC!!-123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890',662 'Real-123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890',663 'Fooo 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890',664 'Bar__123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890',665 ]:666 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)667 nsmC2.passwd = passwd668 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to create a Manager Connector with Valid-Syntax Password (Length=155): \"%s\"" %(test_funcname, test_step, passwd))669 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=True, finish_clean=True, osc=osc, obj=nsmC2, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)670 pass671 if test_err_count:672 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))673 else:674 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))675 pass676 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)677pass678def mctest_tab5_n1(osc=None, mcconfig=None):679 test_name = "Test#1 -- NSM MC Test Cases Tab#5 -- Add/​EditDelete/​Sync"680 test_funcname = "mctest_tab5_n1"681 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Can Be Created With All Valid Parameters"682 test_is_positive = True683 test_step = 0684 test_err_count = 0685 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)686 nsmC = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)687 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Baseline NSM Definition -- nsmC2:\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_step, Log.objformat(nsmC)))688 nsmC2 = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)689 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to create NSM Connector with All Valid Input" %(test_funcname, test_step))690 err_match_str = ""691 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=True, finish_clean=False, osc=osc, obj=nsmC2, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)692 if test_err_count:693 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))694 else:695 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))696 pass697 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)698pass699def mctest_tab5_n2(osc=None, mcconfig=None):700 test_name = "NSM MC Test Cases Tab#5 -- Add/​EditDelete/​Sync Tests -- Test#2: Create Baseline Manager Connector & Update with Unchanged Params"701 test_funcname = "mctest_tab5_n2"702 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Can Be Created With All Valid Parameters & Updated With Valid Parameters (None Changed)"703 test_is_positive = True704 test_step = 0705 test_err_count = 0706 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)707 nsmC = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)708 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Baseline NSM Definition -- nsmC2:\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_step, Log.objformat(nsmC)))709 orig_mcname = nsmC.name710 orig_mctype = nsmC.type711 orig_user = nsmC.user712 orig_passwd = nsmC.passwd713 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to Create NSM Connector with All Valid Input -- Err Count: %d" %(test_funcname, test_step, test_err_count))714 err_match_str = ""715 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=True, finish_clean=False, osc=osc, obj=nsmC, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)716 update_mcid = _getManagerConnectorIdByName(osc, orig_mcname)717 Log.log_debug("MC Id For MC Name \"%s\": \"%s\"" %(orig_mcname, update_mcid))718 if not update_mcid:719 Log.log_abort("%s:Step %d\n -- Failed to Get MC Id of New Manager Connector \"%s\"" %(orig_mcname))720 pass721 nsmC.update_mcid = update_mcid722 ##nsmC.user = new_user723 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to Perform 'Update NSM Connector' Operation With No Unchanged Data -- Update MC Id: \"%s\" -- Err Count: %d" %(test_funcname, test_step, update_mcid, test_err_count))724 err_match_str = ""725 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=False, finish_clean=True, osc=osc, obj=nsmC, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=updateMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)726 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to Perform 'Update NSM Connector' Operation With No Unchanged Data -- Update MC Id: \"%s\" -- Err Count: %d" %(test_funcname, test_step, update_mcid, test_err_count))727 if test_err_count:728 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))729 else:730 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))731 pass732 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)733pass734def mctest_tab5_n3(osc=None, mcconfig=None):735 test_name = "NSM MC Test Cases Tab#5 -- Add/​EditDelete/​Sync Tests -- Test#3: Create Baseline Manager Connector & Update with Valid Username & Passwd"736 test_funcname = "mctest_tab5_n3"737 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Can Be Created With All Valid Parameters & Updated With Valid 'Username' & 'Passwd'"738 test_is_positive = False739 test_step = 0740 test_err_count = 0741 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)742 nsmC = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)743 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Baseline NSM Definition -- nsmC2:\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_step, Log.objformat(nsmC)))744 orig_mcname = nsmC.name745 orig_mctype = nsmC.type746 orig_user = nsmC.user747 orig_passwd = nsmC.passwd748 new_user = (orig_user + "_UPDATE")749 new_passwd = (orig_passwd + "_UPDATE")750 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to Create NSM Connector with All Valid Input -- Err Count: %d" %(test_funcname, test_step, test_err_count))751 err_match_str = ""752 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=True, start_clean=True, finish_clean=False, osc=osc, obj=nsmC, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)753 update_mcid = _getManagerConnectorIdByName(osc, orig_mcname)754 Log.log_debug("MC Id For MC Name \"%s\": \"%s\"" %(orig_mcname, update_mcid))755 if not update_mcid:756 Log.log_abort("%s:Step %d\n -- Failed to Get MC Id of New Manager Connector \"%s\"" %(orig_mcname))757 pass758 nsmC.update_mcid = update_mcid759 nsmC.user = new_user760 nsmC.passwd = new_passwd761 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to Perform 'Update NSM Connector' Operation With New Syntactically-Valid 'Username' & 'Password' -- Update MC Id: \"%s\" -- Err Count: %d" %(test_funcname, test_step, update_mcid, test_err_count))762 ##err_match_str = None763 err_match_str = " Authentication problem. Please recheck credentials."764 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=False, finish_clean=True, osc=osc, obj=nsmC, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=updateMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)765 if test_err_count:766 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))767 else:768 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))769 pass770 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)771pass772def mctest_tab5_n4(osc=None, mcconfig=None):773 test_name = "NSM MC Test Cases Tab#5 -- Add/​EditDelete/​Sync Tests -- Test#4: Create Baseline Manager Connector & Update with Valid Username & Passwd"774 test_funcname = "mctest_tab5_n4"775 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Can Be Created With All Valid Parameters & Updated With Valid 'Username' & 'Passwd'"776 test_is_positive = True777 test_step = 0778 test_err_count = 0779 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)780 nsmC = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)781 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Baseline NSM Definition -- nsmC2:\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_step, Log.objformat(nsmC)))782 orig_mcname = nsmC.name783 orig_mctype = nsmC.type784 orig_user = nsmC.user785 orig_passwd = nsmC.passwd786 new_mcname = (orig_mcname + "_UPDATE")787 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to Create NSM Connector with All Valid Input -- Err Count: %d" %(test_funcname, test_step, test_err_count))788 err_match_str = ""789 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=True, start_clean=True, finish_clean=False, osc=osc, obj=nsmC, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)790 update_mcid = _getManagerConnectorIdByName(osc, orig_mcname)791 Log.log_debug("MC Id For MC Name \"%s\": \"%s\"" %(orig_mcname, update_mcid))792 if not update_mcid:793 Log.log_abort("%s:Step %d\n -- Failed to Get MC Id of New Manager Connector \"%s\"" %(orig_mcname))794 pass795 nsmC.update_mcid = update_mcid796 = new_mcname797 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to Perform 'Update NSM Connector' Operation With New Syntactically-Valid 'MC Name' -- Update MC Id: \"%s\" -- Err Count: %d" %(test_funcname, test_step, update_mcid, test_err_count))798 ##err_match_str = None799 err_match_str = ""800 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=False, finish_clean=True, osc=osc, obj=nsmC, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=updateMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)801 if test_err_count:802 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))803 else:804 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))805 pass806 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)807pass808def mctest_tab5_n5(osc=None, mcconfig=None):809 test_name = "NSM MC Test Cases Tab#5 -- Add/​EditDelete/​Sync Tests -- Test#4: Create Baseline Manager Connector & Update with Valid Username & Passwd"810 test_funcname = "mctest_tab5_n5"811 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Can Be Created With All Valid Parameters & Updated With New MC Name"812 test_is_positive = False813 test_step = 0814 test_err_count = 0815 Log.testBegin(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_is_positive)816 nsmC = copy.deepcopy(nsmConnector)817 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Baseline NSM Definition -- nsmC2:\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_step, Log.objformat(nsmC)))818 orig_mcname = nsmC.name819 orig_mctype = nsmC.type820 orig_user = nsmC.user821 orig_passwd = nsmC.passwd822 new_mcip = ""823 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to Create NSM Connector with All Valid Input -- Err Count: %d" %(test_funcname, test_step, test_err_count))824 err_match_str = ""825 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=True, start_clean=True, finish_clean=False, osc=osc, obj=nsmC, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)826 update_mcid = _getManagerConnectorIdByName(osc, orig_mcname)827 Log.log_debug("MC Id For MC Name \"%s\": \"%s\"" %(orig_mcname, update_mcid))828 if not update_mcid:829 Log.log_abort("%s:Step %d\n -- Failed to Get MC Id of New Manager Connector \"%s\"" %(orig_mcname))830 pass831 nsmC.update_mcid = update_mcid832 nsmC.ip = new_mcip833 Log.log_debug("%s:Step %d\n -- Will attempt to Perform 'Update NSM Connector' Operation With New Syntactically-Valid 'IP Address' -- Update MC Id: \"%s\" -- Err Count: %d" %(test_funcname, test_step, update_mcid, test_err_count))834 ##err_match_str = None835 err_match_str = " Failed to GET resource:"836 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=False, finish_clean=True, osc=osc, obj=nsmC, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=updateMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=test_step, test_err_count=test_err_count)837 if test_err_count:838 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors -- Err Info\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))839 else:840 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))841 pass842 Log.testEnd(test_name, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)843pass844def getText(tree, tag):845 element = tree.find(tag)846 if element == None:847 return None848 else:849 return element.text850def getElement(tree, tag):851 element = tree.find(tag)852 if element == None:853 return None854 else:855 return element856def getParams(xml_str):857 global nsmConnector, smcConnector858 global osc859 tree = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(xml_str)860 if tree.tag == 'Params' :861 # third party executables862 py27 = getText(tree, "thirdParty/​py27")863 ovfToolExe = getText(tree, "thirdParty/​ovfToolExe")864 Log.log_debug("py27=%s, ovfToolExe=%s" % (py27, ovfToolExe))865 # osc credentials866 #iscVersion = getText(tree, "ISC/​version")867 iscIp = getText(tree, "ISC/​ip")868 iscPort = getText(tree, "ISC/​port")869 iscUser = getText(tree, "ISC/​user")870 iscPass = getText(tree, "ISC/​pass")871 Log.log_debug("iscIp=%s, iscUser=%s, iscPass=%s" % (iscIp, iscUser, iscPass))872 # NSM Connector873 nsmElement = getElement(tree, "nsm")874 nsmConnectorXml = xml.etree.ElementTree.tostring(nsmElement, encoding='utf8', method='xml')875 nsmConnector = Log.log_debug("nsmConnectorXml=%s" % nsmConnectorXml)877 osc = ISC( iscIp, iscPort, iscUser, iscPass)878 pass879pass880def init_all():881 global Log882 Log = Output()883 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="MC Tests For NSM -- ")884 parser.add_argument( '-c', '--configFile', default="McTestsParams.xml", help='Path to XML Param File')885 parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', required=False, help='Enable verbose output', dest='verbose', default=False, action='store_true')886 parser.add_argument('-d', '--delay', default='0', help='Delay between operation so we can see it in the OSC UI')887 args = vars(parser.parse_args())888 xml_test_path = args['configFile']889 Log.log_debug('xml_test_path %s' % xml_test_path)890 verbose = args['verbose']891 Log.set_module_name(os.path.basename(__file__))892 Log.set_debug(verbose=verbose)893 if verbose:894 Log.log_info('debug message will be displayed')895 else:896 Log.log_info("debug message won't be displayed")897 seconds = args['delay']898 try:899 f_sec = float(seconds)900 except:901 Log.log_abort('--delay should be a positive floating number')902 if f_sec < 0:903 Log.log_abort('--delay should be a POSITIVE floating number')904 else: # f_sec >= 0905 Log.set_delay(seconds=f_sec)906 Log.log_debug("Reading parameters from '%s'" % xml_test_path)907 xml_params_test_file = open(xml_test_path, "r")908 xml_params_test_str = xml_params_test_file.close()910 getParams(xml_params_test_str)911def get_mc(mcType, mcName, mcIP, mcUser, mcPass, mcApiKey):912 mc =, mcName, mcIP, mcUser, mcPass, mcApiKey)913 return mc914def get_mc_smc(mcType, mcName, mcIP, mcUser, mcPass, mcApiKey):915 mc =, mcName, mcIP, mcUser, mcPass, mcApiKey)916 return mc917def positive_test_mc_name(start_clean, finish_clean, mcname, mc, osc, log):918 global Log919 vcid = None920 err_match_str = ""921 test_funcname = "positive_test_mc_name"922 test_is_positive = True923 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Can Be Created With Any Valid name like: " + mcname924 test_mc = copy.deepcopy(mc)925 = mcname926 Log=log927 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=start_clean, finish_clean=finish_clean, osc=osc, obj=test_mc, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=0, test_err_count=0, fail_on_error=False)928 if test_err_count:929 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors\n -- Err Info:\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))930 else:931 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))932 pass933 Log.testEnd(test_funcname, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)934 return test_err_count935def negative_test_mc_name(err_match_str, start_clean, finish_clean, mcname, mc, osc, log):936 global Log937 test_funcname = "negative_test_mc_name"938 test_is_positive = False939 test_desc = "Verify Manager Connectors Cannot be created with invalid name Be Created With Any Valid name like: '" + mcname + "'"940 test_mc = copy.deepcopy(mc)941 = mcname942 Log=log943 test_step, test_err_count, err_info = datastructUtils.wrap_test_plus_cleaning(positive=test_is_positive, start_clean=start_clean, finish_clean=finish_clean, osc=osc, obj=test_mc, calling_func=test_funcname, err_match_str=err_match_str, test_fcn=createMC, clean_fcn=deleteMC, verification_fcn=getManagerConnectors, test_step=0, test_err_count=0, fail_on_error=False)944 if test_err_count:945 Log.log_error("Exit Test %s -- Found %d Errors\n -- Err Info:\n%s" %(test_funcname, test_err_count, err_info))946 else:947 Log.log_debug("Exit Test %s -- All Tests Passed" %(test_funcname))948 pass949 Log.testEnd(test_funcname, test_funcname, test_desc, test_step, test_err_count)950 return test_err_count, err_info951def main():952 init_all()953 mctest_tab1_n1(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)954 mctest_tab1_n2(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)955 mctest_tab1_n3(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)956 mctest_tab1_n4_n5(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)957 mctest_tab1_n6(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)958 mctest_tab3_n1(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)959 mctest_tab3_n2(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)960 mctest_tab3_n3(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)961 mctest_tab4_n1(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)962 mctest_tab4_n2(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)963 mctest_tab4_n3(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)964 mctest_tab4_n4(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)965 mctest_tab5_n1(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)966 mctest_tab5_n2(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)967 mctest_tab5_n3(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)968 mctest_tab5_n4(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)969 mctest_tab5_n5(osc=osc, mcconfig=None)970 Log.summarize_module_tests()971pass972##973## End start()974##975if __name__ == "__main__":...

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...27 assert found == expected28 found = funcs.f(3,3)29 expected = ((3*3**2) + (4*3))/​ (2 * 3)30 assert found == expected31def test_is_positive():32 found = funcs.is_positive(-1)33 expected = False34 assert found == expected35 found = funcs.is_positive(1)36 expected = True37 assert found == expected38 found = funcs.is_positive(-2)39 expected = False40 assert found == expected41def test_both_positive():42 found = funcs.both_positive(2,2)43 expected = True44 assert found == expected45 found = funcs.both_positive(2, -2)46 expected = False47 assert found == expected48 found = funcs.both_positive(3,3)49 expected = True50 assert found == expected51def main():52 test_cube()53 test_hypotenuse()54 test_f()55 test_is_positive()56 test_both_positive()57if __name__ == '__main__':...

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...9 combination(0, 3)10def test_binomiarl_theorem():11 assert binomial_theorem(16, 8, 2, -3) == 2161665792012 assert binomial_theorem(16, 13, 2, -3) == -714256704013def test_is_positive():14 assert is_positive("----") == True15 assert is_positive("+++++") == False16 assert is_positive("-+-+") == True17 assert is_positive("adlkfja") == False18def test_theorem():19 test_combination()20 test_comination_n_zero()21 test_binomiarl_theorem()22 test_is_positive()23if __name__ == "__main__":...

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