How to use test_dyn method in assertpy

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1from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function2import base643from cmath import nan4import imageio5import matplotlib6import matplotlib.pyplot as plt7import numpy as np8import PIL.Image9import reverb10import zlib11import os12import cv2 as cv13import glob14import tensorflow as tf15import tensorflow_probability as tfp16tfd = tfp.distributions17from tensorflow import keras18from tensorflow.keras import layers, Model, models19from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense20from tf_agents.environments import suite_gym21from tf_agents.environments import tf_py_environment22# from cartpole_noise import CartPoleEnvNoise23from cartpole_high import CartPoleEnvNoise24# gym_env = CartPoleEnvNoise(1.0)25gym_env = suite_gym.wrap_env(CartPoleEnvNoise(1.0, 2))26# env = suite_gym.wrap_env(gym_env)27# env_name = 'CartPole-v0'28# env = suite_gym.load(env_name)29eval_env = tf_py_environment.TFPyEnvironment(gym_env)30class CustomLossNLL(tf.losses.Loss):31 @tf.function32 def call(self, y_true, y_pred):33 mean, log_sigma = tf.split(y_pred, 2, axis=-1)34 y_target, temp =tf.split(y_true,2,axis=-1)35 sigma = tf.nn.softplus(log_sigma)36 dist = tfp.distributions.MultivariateNormalDiag(loc=mean, scale_diag=sigma)37 loss = -tf.reduce_mean(dist.log_prob(y_target))38 return loss39def run_models(env, dyn_model, obs_model, saved_policy):40 zero_vec = np.zeros((1,5))41 time_step = env.reset()42 obs=time_step.observation.numpy()43 state = np.concatenate((obs, np.array([0]).reshape(1,1)), axis=1)44 test_state=[]; test_dyn=[]; test_obs=[]45 # video_full = cv.VideoWriter('video_full_3.avi', 0, 30, (600,400))46 # video_sliced = cv.VideoWriter('video_sliced_3.avi', 0, 30, (300,75))47 policy_state = saved_policy.get_initial_state(batch_size=1)48 for j in range(200):49 if not time_step.is_last():50 # use ground truth state51 img_full=env.render(mode='rgb_array').numpy().reshape(400,600,3)52 cut = cv.pyrDown(img_full[167:317,:,:])53 gray = cv.cvtColor(cut, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)54 img = np.abs((gray/​255)-1)55 if j == 0:56 prev_img = img57 obs = np.concatenate((img.reshape(1,75,300,1), prev_img.reshape(1,75,300,1)), axis=0)58 obs = obs.reshape(1,2,75,300,1)59 obs_pred = obs_model(obs, training=False)60 state_pred = dyn_model(state, training=False)61 62 policy_step = saved_policy.action(time_step, policy_state)63 policy_state = policy_step.state64 action = policy_step.action.numpy()65 time_step = env.step(action)66 obs=time_step.observation.numpy()67 state = np.concatenate((obs, np.array([action]).reshape(1,1)), axis=1)68 prev_img = img69 test_state.append(state)70 test_dyn.append(state_pred)71 test_obs.append(obs_pred.numpy())72 # video_full.write(img_full)73 # video_sliced.write(gray)74 else:75 break76 # cv.destroyAllWindows()77 # video_full.release()78 # video_sliced.release()79 test_state = np.asarray(test_state).reshape(-1,5)80 test_dyn = np.asarray(test_dyn).reshape(-1,10)81 dynamics_mean, dynamics_log_sigma = tf.split(test_dyn, 2, axis=-1)82 dynamics_sigma = np.sqrt(tf.nn.softplus(dynamics_log_sigma))83 # obs_mean, obs_log_sigma = tf.split(test_obs, 2, axis=-1)84 # obs_mean=obs_mean.numpy().reshape(-1,5)85 # obs_sigma = np.sqrt(tf.nn.softplus(obs_log_sigma)).reshape(-1,5)86 plt.figure(10)87 for i in range(5):88 plt.subplot(5,1,i+1)89 plt.plot(test_state[:,i], color='k')90 plt.plot(dynamics_mean[:,i], color='b')91 plt.fill_between(np.linspace(0,dynamics_mean.shape[0],dynamics_mean.shape[0]), dynamics_mean[:,i]+dynamics_sigma[:,i], dynamics_mean[:,i]-dynamics_sigma[:,i], facecolor='b', alpha=.2)92 plt.plot(np.asarray(test_obs)[:,:,i], color='g')93 # plt.fill_between(np.linspace(0,obs_mean.shape[0],obs_mean.shape[0]), obs_mean[:,i]+obs_sigma[:,i], obs_mean[:,i]-obs_sigma[:,i], facecolor='g', alpha=.2)94 run_filter(env, dyn_model, obs_model, saved_policy):96 savename = 'Pendulum_specklenoise'97 video_full = cv.VideoWriter(savename+'.avi', 0, 30, (600,400), 0)98 time_step = env.reset()99 state = np.concatenate((time_step.observation.numpy(), np.array([0]).reshape(1,1), np.zeros([1,5])), axis=1)100 test_state=[]; test_dyn=[]; test_obs=[]; test_filter=[]101 cycle_state = state102 policy_state = saved_policy.get_initial_state(batch_size=1)103 for j in range(500):104 if not time_step.is_last():105 img_full=env.render(mode='rgb_array').numpy().reshape(400,600,3)106 # gray = cv.cvtColor(img_full, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY).reshape(400,600,1)107 gray = img_full108 # speckle noise109 # gauss = np.random.normal(0,.5,gray.size)110 # gauss = gauss.reshape(gray.shape[0],gray.shape[1], gray.shape[2]).astype('uint8')111 # noise = gray + gray * gauss112 # Salt noise113 # gauss = np.random.normal(0,1,gray.size)114 # gauss = gauss.reshape(gray.shape[0],gray.shape[1], gray.shape[2]).astype('uint8')115 # noise = cv.add(gray,gauss).reshape(400,600,1)116 # Gaussian Blur117 # noise = cv.GaussianBlur(gray.reshape(400,600), (7, 7), 0).reshape(400,600,1)118 # No noise119 noise = gray120 video_full.write(noise)121 # cv.imshow("full_img", noise)122 # cv.waitKey(1)123 cut = cv.pyrDown(noise[167:317,:,:])124 img = np.abs((cut/​255)-1)125 # cv.imshow("full_img", cut)126 # cv.waitKey(1)127 if j == 0:128 prev_img = img129 obs = np.concatenate((img.reshape(1,75,300,-1), prev_img.reshape(1,75,300,-1)), axis=0)130 obs = obs.reshape(1,2,75,300,-1)131 obs_pred = obs_model(obs, training=False)132 obs_mean, obs_logvar = np.split(obs_pred, 2, axis=-1)133 obs_var = tf.nn.softplus(obs_logvar).numpy()134 state_pred = dyn_model(cycle_state[-1,0:5].reshape(1,-1), training=False)135 # state_pred = dyn_model(state[0,0:5].reshape(1,-1), training=False)136 dyn_mean, dyn_logvar = np.split(state_pred, 2, axis=-1)137 dyn_var = tf.nn.softplus(dyn_logvar).numpy()138 proc_var = (dyn_var + cycle_state[-1,5:10])*2139 filtered_state = (obs_var/​(proc_var+obs_var))*dyn_mean + (proc_var/​(proc_var+obs_var))*obs_mean140 filtered_var = proc_var*(proc_var+obs_var)*obs_var141 new_state = np.concatenate((filtered_state, filtered_var), axis=1)142 cycle_state = np.concatenate((cycle_state, new_state), axis=0)143 policy_step = saved_policy.action(time_step, policy_state)144 policy_state = policy_step.state145 action = policy_step.action.numpy()146 print(action)147 time_step = env.step(action)148 state = np.concatenate((time_step.observation.numpy(), np.array([action]).reshape(1,1), np.zeros([1,5])), axis=1)149 prev_img = img150 test_state.append(state)151 test_dyn.append(state_pred)152 test_obs.append(obs_pred)153 test_filter.append(new_state)154 else:155 break156 cv.destroyAllWindows()157 video_full.release()158 test_state = np.asarray(test_state).reshape(-1,10)159 test_dyn = np.asarray(test_dyn).reshape(-1,10)160 test_obs = np.asarray(test_obs).reshape(-1,10)161 test_filter = np.asarray(test_filter).reshape(-1,10)162 plt.figure(1, figsize=(10,10))163 for i in range(5):164 plt.subplot(5,1,i+1)165 plt.plot(test_state[:,i], c='#173f5f')166 # plt.plot(test_dyn[:,i], c='b')167 # plt.fill_between(np.linspace(0,test_dyn.shape[0]-1,test_dyn.shape[0]), test_dyn[:,i]+tf.nn.softplus(test_dyn[:,i+5]), test_dyn[:,i]-tf.nn.softplus(test_dyn[:,i+5]), facecolor='b', alpha=.2)168 plt.plot(test_obs[:,i], c=[.4705, .7921, .6470])169 plt.fill_between(np.linspace(0,test_obs.shape[0]-1,test_obs.shape[0]), test_obs[:,i]+tf.nn.softplus(test_obs[:,i+5]), test_obs[:,i]-tf.nn.softplus(test_obs[:,i+5]), facecolor='g', alpha=.2)170 plt.plot(test_filter[:,i], c='b')171 plt.fill_between(np.linspace(0,test_filter.shape[0]-1,test_filter.shape[0]), test_filter[:,i]+test_filter[:,i+5], test_filter[:,i]-test_filter[:,i+5], facecolor='b', alpha=.2)172 173 plt.subplot(5,1,1)174 plt.ylabel('Cart Position')175 plt.subplot(5,1,2)176 plt.ylabel('Cart Velocity')177 plt.subplot(5,1,3)178 plt.ylabel('Pole Position')179 plt.subplot(5,1,4)180 plt.ylabel('Pole Velocity')181 plt.subplot(5,1,5)182 i=4183 plt.plot(test_dyn[:,i], c='b')184 plt.fill_between(np.linspace(0,test_dyn.shape[0]-1,test_dyn.shape[0]), test_dyn[:,i]+tf.nn.softplus(test_dyn[:,i+5]), test_dyn[:,i]-tf.nn.softplus(test_dyn[:,i+5]), facecolor='b', alpha=.2)185 plt.ylabel('Control Force')186 # plt.ylim([-.25, 1.25])187 plt.xlabel('Time (t)')188 plt.savefig(savename+'.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')189 __name__=='__main__':191 # control model192 ctrl_model = tf.compat.v2.saved_model.load('/​home/​geoffrey/​Research/​data/​pendulum_high/​models/​ctrl0')193 # dyn_model = build_dynamics_model()194 dyn_model = models.load_model('/​home/​geoffrey/​Research/​data/​pendulum_high/​models/​dyn_simple0')195 # obs_model = build_timedistributed_observation_model()196 obs_model = models.load_model('/​home/​geoffrey/​Research/​data/​pendulum_high/​models/​obs0', custom_objects={'CustomLossNLL': CustomLossNLL()})197 run_models(eval_env, dyn_model, obs_model, ctrl_model)...

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1"""2You are given an array of integers `nums`, there is a sliding window of size `k`3which is moving from the very left of the array to the very right.4You can only see the `k` numbers in the window. Each time the sliding window moves5right by one position.6Return the max sliding window.7## Example 1:8- Input: `nums = [1,3,-1,-3,5,3,6,7]`, `k = 3`9- Output: `[3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 7]`10- Explanation:11Window position Max12--------------- -----13[1 3 -1] -3 5 3 6 7 314 1 [3 -1 -3] 5 3 6 7 315 1 3 [-1 -3 5] 3 6 7 516 1 3 -1 [-3 5 3] 6 7 517 1 3 -1 -3 [5 3 6] 7 618 1 3 -1 -3 5 [3 6 7] 719## Example 2:20- Input: `nums = [1]`, `k = 1`21- Output: `[1]`22## Example 3:23- Input: `nums = [1, -1]`, `k = 1`24- Output: `[1, -1]`25## Example 4:26- Input: `nums = [9, 11]`, `k = 2`27- Output: `[11]`28## Example 5:29- Input: `nums = [4, -2]`, `k = 2`30- Output: `[4]`31## Constraints:32- `1 <= nums.length <= 105`33- `-104 <= nums[i] <= 104`34- `1 <= k <= nums.length`35"""36import unittest37from collections import deque38import util39class Solution(object):40 def max_sliding_window_dynamic(self, nums, k):41 """42 - time : `O(N)`, since all we do is `3` passes along the array of length `N`.43 - space : `O(N)` to keep left and right arrays of length `N`, and output array of length `N - k + 1`44 """45 n = len(nums)46 if n * k == 0:47 return []48 if k == 1:49 return nums50 left, right = ([0 for _ in range(n)] for _ in range(2))51 left[0] = nums[0]52 right[n - 1] = nums[n - 1]53 for i in range(1, n):54 # from left to right55 if i % k == 0:56 # block start57 left[i] = nums[i]58 else:59 left[i] = max(left[i - 1], nums[i])60 # from right to left61 j = n - i - 162 if (j + 1) % k == 0:63 # block end64 right[j] = nums[j]65 else:66 right[j] = max(right[j + 1], nums[j])67 return [68 max(left[i + k - 1], right[i]) for i in range(n - k + 1)69 ]70 def max_sliding_window_deque(self, nums, k):71 """72 - time : `O(N)`, since each element is processed exactly twice - it's index added and then removed from the deque.73 - space : `O(N)`, since `O(N−k+1)` is used for an output array and `O(k)` for a deque.74 """75 # base cases76 n = len(nums)77 if n * k == 0:78 return []79 if k == 1:80 return nums81 def clean_deque(i):82 # remove indexes of elements not from sliding window83 if deq and deq[0] == i - k:84 deq.popleft()85 # remove from deq indexes of all elements86 # which are smaller than current element nums[i]87 while deq and nums[i] > nums[deq[-1]]:88 deq.pop()89 # init deque and output90 deq = deque()91 max_idx = 092 for i in range(k):93 clean_deque(i)94 deq.append(i)95 # compute max in nums[:k]96 if nums[i] > nums[max_idx]:97 max_idx = i98 output = [nums[max_idx]]99 # build output100 for i in range(k, n):101 clean_deque(i)102 deq.append(i)103 output.append(nums[deq[0]])104 return output105 def max_sliding_window_bad(self, nums, k):106 """107 - time : O(N ^ 2)108 - space: O(N)109 """110 if len(nums) < k:111 raise ValueError("k cannot be larger than len(nums)")112 return [113 max(nums[i:i+k]) for i in range(len(nums) - k + 1)114 ]115# class Test(unittest.TestCase):116# def setUp(self) -> None:117# super().setUp()118# self.fn = Solution().max_sliding_window_dynamic119 # def test_001(self):120 # self.assertEqual(121 # [3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 7],122 # self.fn([1, 3, -1, -3, 5, 3, 6, 7], 3)123 # )124if __name__ == "__main__":125 test_deq = util.Tester(Solution().max_sliding_window_deque)126 test_many = util.TestMany(127 [128 Solution().max_sliding_window_bad,129 Solution().max_sliding_window_deque,130 Solution().max_sliding_window_dynamic131 ]132 )133 test_many.test(134 [3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 7],135 ([1, 3, -1, -3, 5, 3, 6, 7], 3)136 )137 # test_dyn = util.Tester(Solution().max_sliding_window_dynamic)138 # print(test_dyn)139 # test_dyn.test(140 # [3, 3, 5, 5, 6, 7],141 # ([1, 3, -1, -3, 5, 3, 6, 7], 3)142 # )143 #

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1#! /​usr/​bin/​env python2import numpy as np3import rospy, tf2_ros, tf, geometry_msgs.msg, sensor_msgs.msg4import pdb5import pat3.utils as p3_u6import pat3.algebra as p3_al7import pat3.frames as p3_fr8import pat3.vehicles.fixed_wing.legacy_6dof as p1_fw_dyn9# should be in ros_pat10import pat3.ros_utils as p3_rpu11import pat3.test.fixed_wing.test_01_dynamics as test_dyn12import pat3.test.fixed_wing.test_02_att_ctl as test_pil13class Agent(p3_rpu.PeriodicNode):14 mode_cst, mode_sim = range(2)15 def __init__(self, mode=mode_sim, name='ros_pat_play_simulation'):16 p3_rpu.PeriodicNode.__init__(self, name)17 self.mode = mode18 pos_ned = [0, 0, -1]19 self.T_w2b = np.eye(4)20 self.T_b2w = np.linalg.inv(self.T_w2b)21 self.T_a2b = np.eye(4)22 self.T_b2a = self.T_a2b#np.linalg.inv(self.T_a2b) # FIXME23 save=False24 savefile_name = '/​tmp/​pat_traj.npz'25 #savefile_name = '/​tmp/​pat_glider_circle.npz'26 if mode == self.mode_sim:27 if save:28 #self.time, self.X = test_dyn.sim_step_thr()29 #self.time, self.X = test_dyn.sim_step_ail()30 #self.time, self.X = test_dyn.sim_step_ele()31 self.time, self.X, self.U = test_dyn.sim_step_rud()32 #self.time, self.X, self.U = test_pil.test_step_theta(dm)33 np.savez(savefile_name, time=self.time, X=self.X)34 print('saved {}'.format(savefile_name))35 else:36 print('loading {}'.format(savefile_name))37 _data = np.load(savefile_name)38 self.time, self.X =[_data[k] for k in ['time', 'X']] 39 self.sim_dt = self.time[1] - self.time[0]40 self.sim_dur = self.time[-1] - self.time[0]41 42 self.tf_pub = p3_rpu.TransformPublisher()43 self.marker_pub = p3_rpu.PoseArrayPublisher(dae='ds_glider_full.dae')44 self.odom_pub = p3_rpu.OdomPublisher()45 self.joint_state_pub = p3_rpu.JointStatePublisher(what=name)46 47 def periodic(self):48 now = self.tf_pub.send_w_enu_to_ned_transform(now)50 if self.mode == self.mode_sim:51 t_sim = np.fmod(now.to_sec(), self.sim_dur)52 idx_t = int(t_sim /​ self.sim_dt)53 X_eul = self.X[idx_t, p3_fr.SixDOFAeroEuler.sv_slice_eul]54 #X_eul[0] = np.sin(t_sim)55 #print t_sim, idx_t, self.X[idx_t, p3_fr.SixDOFAeroEuler.sv_slice_eul]56 p3_u.set_rot(self.T_w2b, p3_al.rmat_of_euler(X_eul))57 #_set_trans(self.T_w2b, self.X[idx_t, p3_fr.SixDOFAeroEuler.sv_slice_pos])58 self.T_b2w = np.linalg.inv(self.T_w2b)59 p3_u.set_trans(self.T_b2w, self.X[idx_t, p3_fr.SixDOFAeroEuler.sv_slice_pos])60 va, alpha, beta = self.X[idx_t, p3_fr.SixDOFAeroEuler.sv_slice_vaero]61 p3_u.set_rot(self.T_a2b, p3_fr.R_aero_to_body(alpha, beta))62 self.T_b2a = self.T_a2b#np.linalg.inv(self.T_a2b) # FIXME63 64 #joint_states = [self.dail, -self.dail, self.dele, self.dele, self.dflap, self.dflap]65 joint_states = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]66 self.joint_state_pub.publish(joint_states, now)67 68 self.tf_pub.send_w_ned_to_b_transform(now, self.T_b2w)69 self.tf_pub.send_b_to_a_transform(now, self.T_b2a)70 self.tf_pub.send_transform('w_ned', 'ds_glider/​base_link', now, self.T_b2w)71 self.marker_pub.publish([self.T_b2w])72 self.odom_pub.publish(self.T_b2w, now)73 74def main():75 Agent().run(25)76if __name__ == "__main__":77 np.set_printoptions(linewidth=500)...

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