How to use dupe2 method in assertpy

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1import bpy2from bpy.props import (CollectionProperty,3 FloatProperty,4 StringProperty,5 PointerProperty,6 BoolProperty,7 IntProperty,8 EnumProperty)9from bpy.types import PropertyGroup10from mathutils import Vector, Matrix11from .utils import (bbox_diagonal,12 bbox_from_diagonal,13 bbox_rig,14 bbox_rig_vector,15 global_bbox,16 AddHipLocator)17def cull_matches(self, context):18 scene = context.scene19 matches = [o for o in scene.objects20 if "match_action" in o.keys()21 and o["match"] > scene.pose_match.match22 and o.parent["Matches"] == scene.pose_match.rig]23 for ob in matches:24 ob.parent = None25 ob.animation_data_clear()26 ob.use_fake_user = False27 scene.objects.unlink(ob)28 if ob.users == 0:29 = {"name": StringProperty()}31SceneRigs = type("SceneRigs", (PropertyGroup,), prop_dic)32bpy.utils.register_class(SceneRigs)33bpy.types.Scene.rigs = CollectionProperty(type=SceneRigs)34prop_dic = {"b1": FloatProperty(min=0, max=3.2, unit='ROTATION'),35 "name": StringProperty()36 }37BoneRot = type("BoneRot", (PropertyGroup,), prop_dic)38bpy.utils.register_class(BoneRot)39method = EnumProperty(40 name="Pose Match Method",41 description="Choose Way to Match Poses",42 items=(('BBOX', "Bound Box", "Compare Bounding Boxes (Fastest)"),43 ('BONE_DRIVER',44 "Bone Drivers",45 "Set Up Bone Drivers"),46 ('BONE_DRIVER_VIS',47 "Visual Bone Drivers",48 "Set Up Bone Drivers"),49 ),50 default='BBOX',51 )52func = EnumProperty(53 name="Driver Method",54 description="Calculate Using",55 items=(('SUM', "Sum", "Minimise sum of drivers"),56 ('AVERAGE', "Average", "Minimise average of drivers"),57 ('MAX', "Maximum", "Minimimise Maximum"),58 ),59 default='MAX',60 )61driver_var_type = EnumProperty(62 name="Compare",63 description="Choose Way to Match Poses",64 items=(('ROTATION_DIFF',65 "Rotational Difference",66 "Compare the Rotational Difference of bones"),67 ('LOC_DIFF',68 "Bone Distance",69 "Compare the distance between Bones"),70 ),71 default='LOC_DIFF',72 )73prop_dic = {"match": FloatProperty(min=0.0,74 max=30.0,75 default=10.0,76 description="Match Tolerance, lower = better match",77 options={'SKIP_SAVE'},78 update=cull_matches),79 "matches": IntProperty(min=2, max=10, default=10, step=2),80 "use_delta_loc": BoolProperty(default=False),81 "delta_loc": FloatProperty(min=-1.0, default=0.1, unit='LENGTH'),82 "rig": StringProperty(),83 "dupe": StringProperty(),84 "action1": StringProperty(),85 "action2": StringProperty(),86 "method": method,87 "func": func,88 "driver_var_type": driver_var_type,89 "name": StringProperty(),90 "pause": BoolProperty(default=False),91 "percent": IntProperty(default=0, min=0, max=100),92 "timers": IntProperty(min=0, default=0),93 }94PoseMatch = type("PoseMatch", (PropertyGroup,), prop_dic)95bpy.utils.register_class(PoseMatch)96bpy.types.Scene.bones = CollectionProperty(type=BoneRot)97bpy.types.Scene.pose_match = PointerProperty(type=PoseMatch)98class PoseMatchPanel(bpy.types.Panel):99 """Creates a Panel in the scene context of the properties editor"""100 bl_label = "Pose Matching"101 bl_idname = "SCENE_PT_layout"102 bl_space_type = 'VIEW_3D'103 bl_region_type = 'TOOLS'104 bl_category = "BVH"105 @classmethod106 def poll(cls, context):107 if context.object is None:108 return False109 if context.object.type == 'ARMATURE':110 return True111 def draw(self, context):112 context.region.tag_redraw()113 layout = self.layout114 scene = context.scene115 pm = scene.pose_match116 if pm.timers and pm.method.endswith("_VIS"):117 bones = scene.bones118 col = layout.column(align=True)119 col.scale_y = 0.4120 #tot = 0121 for b in bones:122 #row = layout.row()123 #row.scale_y = 0.5124 #tot += b.b1125 col.prop(b, "b1", slider=True, # show a percent slider for how far127 if pm.timers:128 row = layout.row()129 row.scale_y = 0.4130 #row.alert = True131 row.prop(scene.pose_match, "percent", slider=True, text="%")132 layout.operator("wm.modal_timer_operator")133 layout.operator("object.simple_operator")134 layout.prop(scene.pose_match, "match")135 layout.prop(scene.pose_match, "rig")136 layout.prop(scene.pose_match, "matches")137 layout.prop(scene.pose_match, "delta_loc")138 layout.prop(scene.pose_match, "action1")139 arm = context.object.data140 #arm = scene.objects.get(scene.pose_match.rig).data141 layout.prop_search(scene.pose_match,142 "action1",143 arm,144 "actions",145 icon='ACTION',146 text="Action1")147 layout.prop(scene.pose_match, "action2")148 layout.prop_search(scene.pose_match,149 "action2",150 arm,151 "actions",152 icon='ACTION',153 text="Action2")154 layout.prop(scene.pose_match, "timers")155 layout.prop(scene.pose_match, "method")156 layout.prop(scene.pose_match, "func")157 layout.prop(scene.pose_match, "driver_var_type")158 layout.prop(scene.pose_match, "pause", toggle=True)159 if "tot" in scene.keys():160 layout.prop(scene, '["tot"]')161 #layout.label("TOT: %3.1f" % tot)162 #if tot < 10:163 #print("under 10 at frame:", scene.frame_current, " (", tot, ")")164def bone(op, scene):165 if scene.pose_match.pause:166 return False167 bones = scene.bones168 # offer selection of169 # visual drivers all bones170 # same but grouped171 # single all encompassing driver using SUM172 ob = op.rig173 action = ob.animation_data.action174 dupe = op.dupe175 #ob = scene.objects.get("16_01")176 #dupe = scene.objects.get("16_01.001")177 strip = op.strip178 tot = 100000179 if == if abs(scene.frame_current - strip.action_frame_end) >= 20:181 if scene.pose_match.method == 'BBOX':182 tot = (bbox_rig_vector(ob) - op.dupe_bbox).length183 if scene.pose_match.method == 'BONE_DRIVER':184 tot = scene["tot"]185 if scene.pose_match.method == 'BONE_DRIVER_VIS':186 tot = sum([b.b1 for b in scene.bones])187 if tot < scene.pose_match.match:188 #print("TOT:", tot)189 #op.wait = True190 # look for matches within small distance191 h = ob.pose.bones['Hips']192 loc = h.location193 sf = ob.scale.x194 if scene.pose_match.delta_loc > 0:195 matches = [m for m in if m.users > 0197 #and m["action_frame"] in list(range(af-5, af+1))198 and (m.pose.bones["Hips"].location - loc).length199 < scene.pose_match.delta_loc /​ sf]200 if len(matches):201 #print("LEN MATCHES", len(matches))202 #print(matches)203 matches.sort(key=lambda x: x["match"])204 # delete all but the best205 if matches[0]["match"] < tot:206 return False207 #print(matches)208 for o in matches:209 #print("del",, o["action_frame"], o["match_frame"])210 o.parent = None211 scene.objects.unlink(o)212 #o["match"] = scene.pose_match.match213 dupe2 = dupe.copy()214 dupe2.hide = False215 dupe2.hide_select = False216 # remove custom props217 for prop in dupe2.keys():218 del dupe2[prop]219 = "[%06.3f]" % tot221 af = int(strip.action_frame_start)222 mf = scene.frame_current223 dupe2["match"] = tot224 dupe2["action_frame"] = af225 dupe2["action"] = strip.action.name226 dupe2["match_action"] = action.name227 dupe2["match_frame"] = mf228 dupe2.parent = op.mt229 hips = dupe2.pose.bones['Hips']230 #loc = AddHipLocator(dupe2, hips)231 #scene.update()232 #print("adding hiploc")233 #print("setting hips on ", for c in hips.constraints:235 hips.constraints.remove(c)236 hips.matrix_basis = h.matrix_basis.copy()237 #hips.matrix = h.matrix.copy()238 dupe2.animation_data_clear()239 '''240 hips.keyframe_insert('location', options={'INSERTKEY_VISUAL'})241 dupe2.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION'242 hips.keyframe_insert('rotation_quaternion',243 options={'INSERTKEY_VISUAL'})244 # code to add a hip locator instead of armature copy245 loc = AddHipLocator(ob, h)246 loc.matrix_local = loc.matrix_world247 for c in loc.constraints:248 loc.constraints.remove(c)249 print(scene.frame_current, ":", tot)250 op.wait = False251 # remove matches that are similar to current252 matches = [m for m in if m.users > 0254 #and m["action_frame"] in list(range(af-5, af+1))255 and m["match_frame"] in list(range(mf-1, mf+1))256 ]257 if len(matches) > 1:258 print("LEN MATCHES", len(matches))259 #print(matches)260 matches.sort(key=lambda x: x["match"])261 # delete all but the best262 matches.pop(0)263 #print(matches)264 for o in matches:265 print("del",, o["action_frame"], o["match_frame"])266 o.parent = None267 scene.objects.unlink(o)268 #o["match"] = scene.pose_match.match269 '''270 # keep list to 10 matches271 matches = [m["match"]272 for m in if m.users > 0274 ]275 #print("LEN MATCHES", len(matches))276 keep = scene.pose_match.matches277 if len(matches) > keep:278 matches.sort()279 #print("10th", matches[keep - 1])280 scene.pose_match.match = matches[keep - 1]281 = "Matches (%s)" % len( # if at end frame then click up the NLA283 # QUICK HACK TO CHECK284 if scene.frame_current >= int(action.frame_range[1] /​ 2):285 #bpy.ops.wm.redraw_timer(type='DRAW_WIN')286 scene.pose_match.percent = 100 * strip.action_frame_start /​ action.frame_range.length287 strip.action_frame_end += 1288 strip.action_frame_start += 1289 scene.frame_set(action.frame_range[0])290 if scene.pose_match.method == 'BBOX':291 op.dupe_bbox = bbox_rig_vector(dupe)292 if strip.action_frame_start > strip.action.frame_range[1]:293 scene.pose_match.pause = True294def set_up_simulation(operator, scene):295 #operator = operator.__class__296 # set up the action lists297 # put rna checking in the poll method. (both ops)298 operator.rig = rig = scene.objects.active299 scene.pose_match.rig = rig.name300 #print("RIG", rig)301 if rig is None:302 # ABORT303 pass304 arm = rig.data305 actions = arm.actions306 #print(actions)307 action = rig.animation_data.action308 dupe = rig.copy()309 dupe["dupe"] = True311 dupe.hide = True312 dupe.hide_select = True313 scene.pose_match.dupe = dupe.name314 #del["bvh_import_settings"]315 #remove the actions list from dupe316 dupe["actions"] = []317 dupe.animation_data.action = None318 dupetrack = = "DupeTrack"320 # QUICK HACK TO CHECK321 if scene.pose_match.action1 == scene.pose_match.action2:322 start = action.frame_range[1] /​ 2323 else:324 start = action.frame_range[0]325 action = dupestrip ="DupeStrip", 1, action)327 = "DupeStrip"328 dupestrip.action_frame_start = dupestrip.action_frame_end = int(start)329 dupestrip.scale = 1.0330 scene.pose_match.rig = rig.name331 scene.pose_match.action1 = rig.animation_data.action.name332 scene.pose_match.action2 = dupestrip.action.name333 operator.dupe = dupe334 operator.strip = dupestrip335 for bg in scene.bones:336 bg.driver_remove('b1')337 for bg in scene.bones:338 scene.bones.remove(0)339 if "tot" in scene.keys():340 scene.driver_remove('["tot"]')341 if scene.pose_match.method.startswith('BONE_DRIVER'):342 # ignore the parent bone and zlb's343 bones = [b for b in rig.pose.bones344 if b.parent is not None345 ]346 # remove old drivers347 if scene.pose_match.method == 'BONE_DRIVER_VIS':348 for b in bones:349 #pb = ob.pose.bones.get(b["bvh"])350 bg = scene.bones.add()351 = b.name352 d = bg.driver_add("b1").driver353 v = d.variables.get("bone1", = b.name355 v.type = scene.pose_match.driver_var_type356 # double boner357 v.targets[0].id = rig358 v.targets[0].bone_target = b.name359 v.targets[1].id = dupe360 v.targets[1].bone_target = b.name361 d.expression = "abs(%s)" % v.name362 elif scene.pose_match.method == 'BONE_DRIVER':363 scene["tot"] = 0.0364 tot_driver = scene.driver_add('["tot"]').driver365 tot_driver.type = scene.pose_match.func366 for b in bones:367 #pb = ob.pose.bones.get(b["bvh"])368 bg = scene.bones.add()369 = b.name370 d = tot_driver371 v = d.variables.get("bone1", = b.name373 v.type = scene.pose_match.driver_var_type374 # double boner375 v.targets[0].id = rig376 v.targets[0].bone_target = b.name377 v.targets[1].id = dupe378 v.targets[1].bone_target = b.name379 # get the angle between them380 #print(angle)381 # add copy transforms constraint382 con = dupe.pose.bones["Hips"]'COPY_TRANSFORMS')383 = rig384 con.subtarget = "Hips"385 scene.frame_set(1)386 if scene.pose_match.method == 'BBOX':387 operator.dupe_bbox = bbox_rig_vector(dupe)388 return True389def get_holder_empty(scene, key):390 obs = [mt for mt in scene.objects391 if is None392 and "Matches" in mt.keys()393 and mt["Matches"] == key]394 if len(obs):395 return obs[0]396 mt ="%s (Pose Match)" % key, None)397 mt["Matches"] = key # number of matches398 return ModalTimerOperator(bpy.types.Operator):400 """Operator which runs its self from a timer"""401 bl_idname = "wm.modal_timer_operator"402 bl_label = "Modal Timer Operator"403 _timer = None404 wait = False405 def modal(self, context, event):406 scene = context.scene407 if event.type in {'ESC'} or scene.pose_match.pause:408 return self.cancel(context)409 if self.wait:410 return {'PASS_THROUGH'}411 if event.type == 'TIMER':412 scene = context.scene413 bone(self, scene)414 scene.frame_set(scene.frame_current + 1)415 return {'PASS_THROUGH'}416 def execute(self, context):417 scene = context.scene418 if not scene.pose_match.timers:419 set_up_simulation(self, scene)420 else:421 scene.pose_match.timers = 0422 self.rig = scene.objects.get(scene.pose_match.rig)423 self.dupe = scene.objects.get(scene.pose_match.dupe)424 self.dupe_bbox = bbox_rig_vector(self.dupe)425 dad = self.dupe.animation_data426 self.strip = dad.nla_tracks["DupeTrack"].strips["DupeStrip"]427 wm = context.window_manager428 scene.pose_match.timers += 1429 #holder empty430 #mt.location = (0,0,0)431 = get_holder_empty(scene, self._timer = wm.event_timer_add(0.01, context.window)433 wm.modal_handler_add(self)434 return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}435 def cancel(self, context):436 scene = context.scene437 scene.pose_match.timers -= 1438 if scene.pose_match.timers == 0:439 scene.pose_match.pause = False440 if scene.objects.get( scene.objects.unlink(self.dupe)442 wm = context.window_manager443 wm.event_timer_remove(self._timer)444 return {'CANCELLED'}445class PoseMatch(bpy.types.Operator):446 """Operator to do the matching non modal"""447 bl_idname = "object.simple_operator"448 bl_label = "Simple Object Operator"449 @classmethod450 def poll(cls, context):451 return context.active_object is not None452 def execute(self, context):453 scene = context.scene454 scene.pose_match.pause = False455 scene.frame_set(1)456 #holder empty457 set_up_simulation(self, scene)458 = get_holder_empty(scene, action = self.rig.animation_data.action460 while not scene.pose_match.pause:461 bone(self, scene)462 scene.frame_set(scene.frame_current + 1)463 # clean up464 if scene.objects.get( scene.objects.unlink(self.dupe)466 return {'FINISHED'}467def register():468 bpy.utils.register_class(PoseMatchPanel)469 bpy.utils.register_class(ModalTimerOperator)470 bpy.utils.register_class(PoseMatch)471def unregister():472 bpy.utils.unregister_class(PoseMatchPanel)473 bpy.utils.unregister_class(ModalTimerOperator)...

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day 3

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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2with open("input.txt", 'r') as f:3 nums = [line for line in f.readlines()]4nums = [i.strip('\n') for i in nums]5nums_dupe1 = nums6nums_dupe2 = nums7empty = []8for i in range(len(nums[0])):9 counter = 010 for j in range(len(nums)):11 if int(nums[j][i]) == 1:12 counter+=113 else:14 counter-= 115 16 if counter >0:17 empty.append(1)18 else:19 empty.append(0)20 21 22binary = ''.join([str(i) for i in empty])23binary2 = binary.replace("1", "2").replace("0", "1").replace("2", "0")24print(int(binary,2))25print(int(binary2,2))26print(int(binary,2) * int(binary2,2))27#part 228empty2 = []29for i in range(len(nums_dupe1[0])):30 counter = 031 for j in range(len(nums_dupe1)):32 if int(nums_dupe1[j][i]) == 1:33 counter+=134 else:35 counter-= 136 if len(nums_dupe1) == 1:37 break38 if counter >= 0:39 nums_dupe1 = [x for x in nums_dupe1 if x[i] == '1']40 if counter < 0:41 nums_dupe1 = [x for x in nums_dupe1 if x[i] == '0']42print(nums_dupe1)43 44for i in range(len(nums_dupe2[0])):45 counter = 046 for j in range(len(nums_dupe2)):47 if int(nums_dupe2[j][i]) == 1:48 counter+=149 else:50 counter-= 151 if len(nums_dupe2) == 1:52 break53 if counter >= 0:54 nums_dupe2 = [x for x in nums_dupe2 if x[i] == '0']55 if counter < 0:56 nums_dupe2 = [x for x in nums_dupe2 if x[i] == '1']57print(nums_dupe2)58x1 =(int(nums_dupe1[0],2))59x2 =(int(nums_dupe2[0],2))60print(x1*x2)61 ...

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1def diff(str1, str2):2 list_for_strings1 = []3 list_for_strings2 = []4 list_for_strings3 = []5 list_for_strings4 = []6 dupe1 = str17 dupe2 = str28 reverse1 = str1[::-1]9 reverse2 = str2[::-1]10 duper1 = str1[::-1]11 duper2 = str2[::-1]12###########################################################13 for i in dupe1:14 if i in dupe2:15 list_for_strings1.append(dupe2[dupe2.index(i)])16 dupe2 = dupe2[dupe2.index(i) + 1 : ]17 18 for i in str2:19 if i in str1:20 list_for_strings2.append(str1[str1.index(i)])21 str1 = str1[str1.index(i) + 1 : ]22 for i in duper2:23 if i in duper1:24 list_for_strings3.append(duper1[duper1.index(i)])25 duper1 = duper1[duper1.index(i) + 1 : ]26 for i in reverse1:27 if i in reverse2:28 list_for_strings4.append(reverse2[reverse2.index(i)])29 reverse2 = reverse2[reverse2.index(i) + 1 : ]30##########################################################31 common = []32 for i in list_for_strings1:33 if i in list_for_strings2 and i in list_for_strings3 and i in list_for_strings4:34 common.append(i)35 common = list(set(common))36 common.sort()37 return common38 39# print(diff('abcddef', 'vdfaddwf'))40# print(diff('friends', 'afraid'))41# print(diff('delicious', 'indiginous'))...

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