Best Python code snippet using Testify_python
...115 ship = AIShip_SetList("Free", start,, [])116 time.sleep(2.0)117, 0), 200, 1000)118 time.sleep(3.0)119 self.failIfAlmostEqual(ship.body.position, start, None, "Free Ship in same place", 2)120 """121 def test_explosion_force_amount(self):122 123 #Tests that different radii have impact on ship movement.124 125 start =, -100)126 ship = AIShip_SetList("Far", start,, [])127 start2 =, -50)128 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Close", start2,, [])129 time.sleep(2.0)130, 0), 150, 50)131 time.sleep(3.0)132 self.failIfAlmostEqual(ship.body.position, start, None, "Far Ship in same place", 2)133 self.failIfAlmostEqual(ship2.body.position, start2, None, "Close Ship in same place", 2)134 self.assertGreater(ship2.body.velocity.length, ship.body.velocity.length, "Ship Close should be traveling faster than Ship Far by being closer to blast radius.")135 self.assertGreater(abs(ship.body.position[0] - ship2.body.position[0]), abs(start[0] - start2[0]), "Ships Horizontal Positions have not diverged.")136 self.assertGreater(abs(ship2.body.position - start2), abs(ship.body.position - start), "Ship Close Should be Farther From its Start than Ship Far.")137 """138class WorldVisualShipRespawnTestCase(SBAGUITestCase):139 def test_ship_ram_planet(self):140 """141 Tests a ship raming into a planet should take damange.142 """143 planet = Planet(,0))144 start =, 0)146 ship = AIShip_SetList("Doomed", start,, [147 "RotateCommand(self, 180)",148 "ThrustCommand(self, 'B', 6.0, 1.0)"149 ])150 health = start2 =, 250)152 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Free", start2,, [])153 time.sleep(15.0)154 self.failIfAlmostEqual(ship.body.position, start, None, "Doomed ship should have moved", 5)155 self.assertAlmostEqual(ship2.body.position, start2, None, "Free Ship not in same place", 2)156 self.failIfAlmostEqual(, health, None, "Doomed ship should have taken damage", 5)157 #self.assertAlmostEqual(planet.body.position,, 0), None, "Planet shouldn't move when hit", 1)158 def test_ship_ram_planet_destroyed(self):159 """160 Tests a ship raming into a planet should take damange.161 """162 planet = Planet(,0))163 start =, 0)165 ship = AIShip_SetList("Doomed", start,, [166 "RotateCommand(self, 180)",167 "ThrustCommand(self, 'B', 6.0, 1.0)"168 ])169 /= 2170 health = start2 =, 250)172 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Free", start2,, [])173 time.sleep(15.0)174 self.failIfAlmostEqual(ship.body.position, start, None, "Doomed ship should have moved", 5)175 self.assertAlmostEqual(ship2.body.position, start2, None, "Free Ship not in same place", 2)176 self.failIfAlmostEqual(, health, None, "Doomed ship should have taken damage", 5)177 self.assertEqual(ship.killedby, planet, "Planet not set as killer")178 #self.assertTrue(ship.destroyed, "Doomed not marked destroyed") # Issue with _game_add_ship_for_player dealing with AI_Ships, moving it and resetting... boo179 def test_planet_gravity(self):180 """181 Tests a ship inside a gravity well vs outside.182 """183 planet = BlackHole(,0), 100, 100)184 start =, -50)186 ship = AIShip_SetList("Doomed", start,, []) 187 start2 =, 250)188 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Free", start2,, []) 189 time.sleep(5.0)190 self.failIfAlmostEqual(ship.body.position, start, None, "Doomed ship should have moved", 5)191 self.assertAlmostEqual(ship2.body.position, start2, None, "Free Ship not in same place", 2)192 def test_planet_no_gravity(self):193 """194 Tests a ship inside a gravity well vs outside.195 """196 planet = BlackHole(,0), 100, 0)197 start =, -50)199 ship = AIShip_SetList("Not Doomed", start,, []) 200 time.sleep(5.0)201 self.assertAlmostEqual(ship.body.position, start, None, "Doomed ship shouldn't have moved", 2)202 def test_planet_torpedo_no_gravity(self):203 """204 Tests torpedos aren't effected by planet's gravity.205 """206 planet = Planet(,0), 256, 100)207 start =, -100)209 ship = AIShip_SetList("Bully", start,, [210 "RotateCommand(self, 170)",211 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",212 "IdleCommand(self, 1.0)",213 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",214 "IdleCommand(self, 1.0)",215 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",216 "IdleCommand(self, 1.0)",217 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",218 "IdleCommand(self, 1.0)",219 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",220 "IdleCommand(self, 1.0)",221 ])222 start2 =, 50)223 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Doomed", start2,, [])224 self.assertEqual(,, "Ship Bully not at full health.")225 self.assertEqual(,, "Ship Doomed not at full health.")226 time.sleep(12.0)227 self.assertTrue(ship in, "Bully Ship missing")228 self.assertTrue(ship2 in, "Doomed Ship missing")229 self.assertGreater(, / 2, "Ship Bully not at 'full' health.")230 self.assertGreater(, / 3, "Ship Doomed not at 'full' health.")231 self.assertEqual(len(, 3, "Not all objects still in world")232 233 def test_planet_torpedo_gravity(self):234 """235 Tests torpedos are effected by planet's gravity.236 """237 planet = Planet(,0), 256, 100, torpedo = True)238 start =, -100)240 ship = AIShip_SetList("Bully", start,, [241 "RotateCommand(self, 170)",242 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",243 "IdleCommand(self, 1.0)",244 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",245 "IdleCommand(self, 1.0)",246 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",247 "IdleCommand(self, 1.0)",248 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",249 "IdleCommand(self, 1.0)",250 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",251 "IdleCommand(self, 1.0)",252 ])253 start2 =, 50)254 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Doomed", start2,, [])255 self.assertEqual(,, "Ship Bully not at full health.")256 self.assertEqual(,, "Ship Doomed not at full health.")257 time.sleep(6.0)258 self.assertGreater(, / 2, "Ship Bully not at 'full' health.")259 #self.assertLess(, / 3, "Ship Doomed at 'full' health.")260 self.assertTrue(ship in, "Bully Ship missing")261 #self.assertFalse(ship2 in, "Doomed Ship not destroyed") # BUGBUG: AI setup overwriting this, should redo how AI-Ships 'respawn'?262 print ship2.killedby263 self.assertIsNotNone(ship2.killedby, "Ship Killed By Not Set.")264 self.assertTrue(isinstance(ship2.killedby, Torpedo), "Ship not marked as destroyed by Torpedo.")265 self.assertEqual(ship2.killedby.owner, ship, "Torpedo was not marked as belonging to Ship Bully.")266 time.sleep(6.0)267 # should be 2, but other AI-ship sticks around...?268 self.assertEqual(len(, 3, "Not all objects still in world")269 def test_nebula_drag(self):270 """271 Test which has two ships thrust in the same direction, but one slowed by Nebula.272 """273 neb = Nebula(, -160), (384,256))274 ship = AIShip_SetList("Nebula",, -100),, [276 "ThrustCommand(self, 'B', 7.0)",277 ]) 278 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Free",, 100),, [279 "ThrustCommand(self, 'B', 7.0)",280 ]) 281 time.sleep(8.0)282 print ship2.body.position[0], " vs ", ship.body.position[0]283 self.failIfAlmostEqual(ship2.body.position[0], ship.body.position[0], None, "Ship Didn't get Slowed Down By Nebula", 15)284 def test_energy_scoop(self):285 """286 Test two ships, one in Nebula and using Energy Scoop.287 """288 neb = Nebula(, -160), (384,256))289 ship = AIShip_SetList("Nebula",, -100),, [291 "ThrustCommand(self, 'B', 7.0)",292 "IdleCommand(self, 2.0)",293 "LowerEnergyScoopCommand(self, 1)",294 ]) 295 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Free",, 100),, [296 "ThrustCommand(self, 'B', 7.0)",297 ])298 299 -= 50300 -= 50301 time.sleep(9.0)302 print ship2.body.position[0], " vs ", ship.body.position[0]303 self.failIfAlmostEqual(ship2.body.position[0], ship.body.position[0], None, "Ship Didn't get Slowed Down By Nebula", 15)304 self.assertGreater(,, "Ship didn't get extra energy")305 self.assertAlmostEqual(, 100, None, "Ship didn't regain all energy", 5)306 def test_ship_shoot_dragon(self):307 """308 Tests that a dragon can take damage from torpedos309 """310 ship = AIShip_SetList("Shooter",,, [311 "IdleCommand(self, 2)",312 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",313 "IdleCommand(self, 0.1)",314 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",315 "IdleCommand(self, 0.1)",316 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",317 "IdleCommand(self, 0.1)",318 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",319 "IdleCommand(self, 0.1)",320 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",321 "IdleCommand(self, 0.1)",322 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",323 ])324 dragon = Dragon(, 16, 0)325 dragon.body.velocity = Vec2d(0, 0)326 h = time.sleep(0.2)329 self.assertEqual(len(, 2, "Found more than two objects in world")330 time.sleep(4)331 self.assertLess(, h, "Dragon didn't take damage")332 #ensure ship is still there for testing ship timeout function doesn't effect AI ships333 self.assertTrue(ship in, "Shooter Ship disappeared")334 time.sleep(2)335 self.assertTrue(ship in, "Shooter Ship disappeared")336 self.assertFalse(dragon in, "Dragon not destroyed")337class WorldVisualShipDestroyedTestCase(SBAGUITestCase):338 def get_config_filename(self):339 return "test_destroyed.cfg"340 def test_star_damage(self):341 """342 Tests a ship inside a star takes damage.343 """344 planet = Star(,0), 100, 100) # high pull = faster test for Star345 start =, -20)347 ship = AIShip_SetList("Doomed", start,, [])348 start2 =, 250)349 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Free", start2,, [])350 time.sleep(1.0)351 self.failIfAlmostEqual(ship.body.position, start, None, "Doomed ship should have moved", 5)352 self.failIfEqual(, 100, "Doomed ship did not take damage")353 self.assertEqual(, 100, "Free ship took damage")354 self.assertAlmostEqual(ship2.body.position, start2, None, "Free Ship not in same place", 2)355 time.sleep(2.5)356 self.assertFalse(ship in, "Doomed Ship not destroyed")357 print ship.killedby358 self.assertIsNotNone(ship.killedby, "Ship Killed By Not Set.")359 self.assertTrue(isinstance(ship.killedby, Star), "Ship not marked as destroyed by Star.")360 def test_star_damage_ship_destory_ship(self):361 """362 Tests a ship inside a star takes damage.363 """364 planet = Star(,0), 100, 100) # high pull = faster test for Star365 start =, -20)367 ship = AIShip_SetList("Doomed", start,, [])368 start2 =, 250)369 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Free", start2,, [370 "RotateCommand(self, 70)",371 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",372 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",373 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",374 "FireTorpedoCommand(self, 'F')",375 ])376 time.sleep(1.0)377 self.failIfAlmostEqual(ship.body.position, start, None, "Doomed ship should have moved", 5)378 self.failIfEqual(, 100, "Doomed ship did not take damage")379 self.assertEqual(, 100, "Free ship took damage")380 self.assertAlmostEqual(ship2.body.position, start2, None, "Free Ship not in same place", 2)381 time.sleep(2.5)382 self.assertFalse(ship in, "Doomed Ship not destroyed")383 print ship.killedby384 self.assertIsNotNone(ship.killedby, "Ship Killed By Not Set.")385 self.assertTrue(isinstance(ship.killedby, Torpedo), "Ship not marked as destroyed by Torpedo.")386 self.assertEqual(ship.killedby.owner, ship2, "Torpedo was not marked as belonging to Ship.")387 def test_blackhole_crush(self):388 """389 Tests a ship being destroyed by a blackhole.390 """391 planet = BlackHole(,0), 100, 100)392 start =, 0)394 ship = AIShip_SetList("Doomed", start,, []) 395 start2 =, 250)396 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Free", start2,, []) 397 time.sleep(1)398 #ensure ship is still there for testing ship timeout function doesn't effect AI ships399 self.assertTrue(ship in, "Doomed Ship disappeared early")400 time.sleep(8.0)401 #ensure ship is still there for testing ship timeout function doesn't effect AI ships402 self.assertFalse(ship in, "Doomed Ship not destroyed")403 #ensure ship is still there for testing ship timeout function doesn't effect AI ships404 self.assertTrue(ship2 in, "Free Ship disappeared")405 self.assertAlmostEqual(ship2.body.position, start2, None, "Free Ship not in same place", 2)406 def test_blackhole_crush_vs_shield(self):407 """408 Tests a ship not being destroyed by a blackhole if shields raised.409 """410 planet = BlackHole(,0), 100, 100)411 start =, 0)413 ship = AIShip_SetList("Doomed", start,, [414 "IdleCommand(self, 4.0)",415 "RaiseShieldsCommand(self, 3.0)",416 ])417 start2 =, 250)418 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Free", start2,, []) 419 time.sleep(1)420 #ensure ship is still there for testing ship timeout function doesn't effect AI ships421 self.assertTrue(ship in, "Doomed Ship disappeared early")422 time.sleep(6.0)423 # should be safe as shield up424 self.assertTrue(ship in, "Doomed Ship disappeared to early destroyed")425 time.sleep(2.5) # wait for shield to expire, should be crushed immediately426 self.assertFalse(ship in, "Doomed Ship not destroyed")427 self.assertAlmostEqual(ship2.body.position, start2, None, "Free Ship not in same place", 2)428 def test_dragon_eats_ship(self):429 """430 Tests a dragon431 """432 start =,80)433 dragon = Dragon(start, 100, 20)434 dragon.body.velocity = Vec2d(0, -5)435 speed = dragon.body.velocity.length437 time.sleep(2.5)438 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dragon.body.position, start, None, "Dragon should have moved", 2)439 starts =, 0)440 ship = AIShip_SetList("Doomed", starts,, []) 441 start2 =, 250)442 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Free", start2,, []) 443 time.sleep(2.5)444 self.assertGreater(dragon.body.velocity.length, speed, "Dragon not moving faster")445 print dragon.body.velocity.angle_degrees446 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dragon.body.position, start, None, "Dragon should have moved", 5)447 self.assertAlmostEqual(dragon.body.velocity.angle_degrees, -50, None, "Dragon should be facing ship", 15)448 time.sleep(3.5)449 self.failIfEqual(, 100, "Doomed ship did not take damage")450 self.assertEqual(, 100, "Free ship took damage")451 self.assertAlmostEqual(ship2.body.position, start2, None, "Free Ship not in same place", 2)452 time.sleep(6.5)453 self.assertFalse(ship in, "Doomed Ship not destroyed")454 def test_dragon_stopped(self):455 """456 Tests a dragon457 """458 start =,80)459 dragon = Dragon(start, 100, 20)460 dragon.body.velocity = Vec2d(0, 0)461 speed = dragon.body.velocity.length463 time.sleep(1.5)464 starts =, 0)465 ship = AIShip_SetList("Doomed", starts,, []) 466 start2 =, 250)467 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Free", start2,, []) 468 time.sleep(2.5)469 self.assertGreater(dragon.body.velocity.length, speed, "Dragon not moving faster")470 print dragon.body.velocity.angle_degrees471 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dragon.body.position, start, None, "Dragon should have moved", 5)472 self.assertAlmostEqual(dragon.body.velocity.angle_degrees, -50, None, "Dragon should be facing ship", 15)473 time.sleep(0.5)474 def test_dragon_vs_cloak(self):475 """476 Tests a dragon and his ability (or lack of) to see cloaked ships477 """478 start =,100)479 dragon = Dragon(start, 100, 20)480 dragon.body.velocity = Vec2d(0, -5)481 speed = dragon.body.velocity.length483 direction = dragon.body.velocity.angle_degrees484 time.sleep(2.5)485 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dragon.body.position, start, None, "Dragon should have moved", 2)486 starts =, 0)487 ship = AIShip_SetList("Cloaked", starts,, [488 "RotateCommand(self, 180)",489 "ThrustCommand(self, 'B', 3.0, 1.0)",490 "CloakCommand(self, 5.0)",491 ])492 start2 =, 250)493 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Free", start2,, [])494 time.sleep(2.5)495 self.assertAlmostEqual(dragon.body.velocity.length, speed, None, "Dragon increased speed", 5)496 self.assertAlmostEqual(dragon.body.velocity.angle_degrees, direction, None, "Dragon changed direction", 5)497 print dragon.body.velocity.angle_degrees498 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dragon.body.position, start, None, "Dragon should have moved", 5)499 time.sleep(5)500 print dragon.body.velocity.angle_degrees501 self.assertGreater(dragon.body.velocity.length, speed, "Dragon should have increased speed")502 self.assertAlmostEqual(dragon.body.velocity.angle_degrees, -60, None, "Dragon should be facing ship", 15)503 time.sleep(2.5)504 self.failIfEqual(, 100, "Doomed ship did not take damage")505 self.assertEqual(, 100, "Free ship took damage")506 self.assertAlmostEqual(ship2.body.position, start2, None, "Free Ship not in same place", 2)507 time.sleep(7)508 self.assertFalse(ship in, "Doomed Ship not destroyed")509 def test_dragon_vs_cloak_eating(self):510 """511 Tests a dragon and that he can't eat a cloaked ship512 """513 start = dragon = Dragon(start, 100, 0)515 dragon.body.velocity = Vec2d(0, -0.05)516 time.sleep(0.5)518 #self.assertAlmostEqual(dragon.body.position[, start, None, "Dragon shouldn't have moved", 3)519 ship = AIShip_SetList("Cloaked", start,, [520 "IdleCommand(self, 0.5)", # TODO: Looks like get callback before registration so player doesn't exist to play cloak sound?521 "CloakCommand(self, 5.0)",522 ])523 health = time.sleep(0.5)525 self.assertEqual(, health, "Ship lost health")526 time.sleep(3.5)527 self.assertEqual(, health, "Ship lost health")528 time.sleep(4.5) # wait for decloak529 self.assertNotEqual(, health, "Ship didn't lose health")530 def test_dragon_ship_escape(self):531 """532 Tests a dragon not catching a ship at full speed.533 """534 start =,80)535 dragon = Dragon(start, 100, 20)536 dragon.body.velocity = Vec2d(0, -5)537 speed = dragon.body.velocity.length539 time.sleep(2.5)540 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dragon.body.position, start, None, "Dragon should have moved", 2)541 starts =, 0)542 ship = AIShip_SetList("Doomed", starts,, [543 "RotateCommand(self, 150)",544 "ThrustCommand(self, 'B', 7.0, 1.0)",545 ]) 546 start2 =, 250)547 ship2 = AIShip_SetList("Free", start2,, []) 548 time.sleep(2.5)549 self.assertGreater(dragon.body.velocity.length, speed, "Dragon not moving faster")550 print dragon.body.velocity.angle_degrees551 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dragon.body.position, start, None, "Dragon should have moved", 5)552 self.assertAlmostEqual(dragon.body.velocity.angle_degrees, -50, None, "Dragon should be facing ship", 15)553 time.sleep(3.5)554 self.failIfEqual(, 100, "Doomed ship did not take damage")555 self.assertEqual(, 100, "Free ship took damage")556 self.assertAlmostEqual(ship2.body.position, start2, None, "Free Ship not in same place", 2)557 time.sleep(5.5)558 self.assertTrue(ship in, "Doomed Ship destroyed")559 self.assertAlmostEqual(dragon.body.velocity.angle_degrees, ship.body.velocity.angle_degrees, None, "Dragon should be headed in about same direction as ship.", 10)560 time.sleep(3.5)561 self.assertAlmostEqual(dragon.body.velocity.length, speed, None, "Dragon should have lost interest", 4)562 def test_all_stop(self):563 start =, 0)564 ship = AIShip_SetListLoop("Doomed", start,, [565 "RotateCommand(self, 15)",...
...173 mopt2, _ = maximizePI(GP2, S5.bounds, xi=0.01, maxiter=10)174 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt2, copt2, 4)175 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt2, mopt2, 4)176 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt2, mopt2, 4)177 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt2, 4)178 self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt2, 4)179 self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt2, 4)180 GP3 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.3]), X, Y)181 pif3 = PI(GP3, xi=0.1) 182 dopt3, _ = direct(pif3.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)183 copt3, _ = cdirect(pif3.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)184 mopt3, _ = maximizePI(GP3, S5.bounds, xi=0.1, maxiter=10)185 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt3, copt3, 4)186 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt3, mopt3, 4)187 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt3, mopt3, 4)188 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt3, 4)189 self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt3, 4)190 self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt3, 4)191 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt2, dopt3, 4)192 self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt2, copt3, 4)193 self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt2, mopt3, 4)194 195 196class TestMaximizeUCB(unittest.TestCase):197 198 def test1DcUCB(self):199 200 f = lambda x: float(sin(x*5.))201 X = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 5, seed=22)202 Y = [f(x) for x in X]203 kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(array([1.0]))204 GP = GaussianProcess(kernel)205 GP.addData(X, Y)206 207 # should use optimizeGP.cpp208 ucbf = UCB(GP, 1)209 dopt, doptx = direct(ucbf.negf, [[0., 1.]], maxiter=10)210 copt, coptx = cdirect(ucbf.negf, [[0., 1.]], maxiter=10)211 mopt, moptx = maximizeUCB(GP, [[0., 1.]], maxiter=10)212 213 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt, copt, 4)214 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt, mopt, 4)215 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt, mopt, 4)216 217 self.failUnless(sum(abs(doptx-coptx)) < .01)218 self.failUnless(sum(abs(moptx-coptx)) < .01)219 self.failUnless(sum(abs(moptx-doptx)) < .01)220 221 222 def testXi(self):223 224 S5 = Shekel5()225 226 GP1 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.2]))227 # self.failUnlessEqual(GP1.xi, 0.0)228 X = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 10, seed=0)229 Y = [S5.f(x) for x in X]230 GP1.addData(X, Y)231 ucbf1 = UCB(GP1, len(S5.bounds), scale=0.5)232 dopt1, _ = direct(ucbf1.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)233 copt1, _ = cdirect(ucbf1.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)234 mopt1, _ = maximizeUCB(GP1, S5.bounds, scale=0.5, maxiter=10)235 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt1, copt1, 4)236 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt1, mopt1, 4)237 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt1, mopt1, 4)238 GP2 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.3]), X, Y)239 ucbf2 = UCB(GP2, len(S5.bounds), scale=0.01) 240 dopt2, _ = direct(ucbf2.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)241 copt2, _ = cdirect(ucbf2.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)242 mopt2, _ = maximizeUCB(GP2, S5.bounds, scale=.01, maxiter=10)243 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt2, copt2, 4)244 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt2, mopt2, 4)245 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt2, mopt2, 4)246 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt2, 4)247 self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt2, 4)248 self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt2, 4)249 GP3 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.3]), X, Y)250 ucbf3 = UCB(GP3, len(S5.bounds), scale=.9) 251 dopt3, _ = direct(ucbf3.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)252 copt3, _ = cdirect(ucbf3.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)253 mopt3, _ = maximizeUCB(GP3, S5.bounds, scale=0.9, maxiter=10)254 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt3, copt3, 4)255 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt3, mopt3, 4)256 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt3, mopt3, 4)257 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt3, 4)258 self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt3, 4)259 self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt3, 4)260 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt2, dopt3, 4)261 self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt2, copt3, 4)262 self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt2, mopt3, 4)263 264 265class TestMaximizeEI(unittest.TestCase):266 267 def test1DcEI(self):268 269 f = lambda x: float(sin(x*5.))270 X = lhcSample([[0., 1.]], 5, seed=22)271 Y = [f(x) for x in X]272 kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(array([1.0]))273 GP = GaussianProcess(kernel)274 GP.addData(X, Y)275 276 # should use optimizeGP.cpp277 maxei = maximizeEI(GP, [[0., 1.]])278 279 if False:280 figure(1)281 plot(X, Y, 'ro')282 plot([x/100 for x in xrange(100)], [GP.ei(x/100) for x in xrange(100)])283 plot(maxei[1][0], maxei[0], 'ko')284 show()285 286 def test2DcEI(self):287 288 f = lambda x: sum(sin(x))289 bounds = [[0., 5.], [0., 5.]]290 X = lhcSample(bounds, 5, seed=23)291 Y = [f(x) for x in X]292 kernel = GaussianKernel_iso(array([1.0]))293 GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y)294 maxei = maximizeEI(GP, bounds)295 296 if False:297 figure(1)298 c0 = [(i/100.)*(bounds[0][1]-bounds[0][0])+bounds[0][0] for i in xrange(101)]299 c1 = [(i/100.)*(bounds[1][1]-bounds[1][0])+bounds[1][0] for i in xrange(101)]300 z = array([[GP.ei(array([i, j])) for i in c0] for j in c1])301 ax = plt.subplot(111)302 ax.contour(c0, c1, z, 10, alpha=0.5, cmap=cm.Blues_r)303 plot([x[0] for x in X], [x[1] for x in X], 'ro')304 for i in xrange(len(X)):305 annotate('%2f'%Y[i], X[i])306 plot(maxei[1][0], maxei[1][1], 'ko')307 show()308 def test2DpyEI(self):309 310 f = lambda x: sum(sin(x))311 bounds = [[0., 5.], [0., 5.]]312 X = lhcSample(bounds, 5, seed=24)313 Y = [f(x) for x in X]314 kernel = GaussianKernel_ard(array([1.0, 1.0]))315 GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y)316 maxei = maximizeEI(GP, bounds)317 318 if False:319 figure(1)320 c0 = [(i/50.)*(bounds[0][1]-bounds[0][0])+bounds[0][0] for i in xrange(51)]321 c1 = [(i/50.)*(bounds[1][1]-bounds[1][0])+bounds[1][0] for i in xrange(51)]322 z = array([[GP.ei(array([i, j])) for i in c0] for j in c1])323 ax = plt.subplot(111)324 cs = ax.contour(c0, c1, z, 10, alpha=0.5, cmap=cm.Blues_r)325 plot([x[0] for x in X], [x[1] for x in X], 'ro')326 for i in xrange(len(X)):327 annotate('%2f'%Y[i], X[i])328 plot(maxei[1][0], maxei[1][1], 'ko')329 show()330 331 332 # deactivated for being slow to run333 def _testKernelMaxEI(self):334 335 # test different methods of optimizing kernel336 S5 = Shekel5()337 338 hv = 0.1339 testkernels = [GaussianKernel_iso([hv]), 340 GaussianKernel_ard([hv, hv, hv, hv]),341 MaternKernel3([hv, 1.0])]342 # MaternKernel5([hv, 1.0])]343 for kernel in testkernels:344 # print345 # print kernel.__class__346 347 348 # train GPs349 X = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 10, seed=0)350 Y = [S5.f(x) for x in X]351 352 GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y)353 354 eif = EI(GP)355 dopt, doptx = direct(eif.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)356 copt, coptx = cdirect(eif.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)357 mopt, moptx = maximizeEI(GP, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)358 # print dopt, doptx359 # print copt, coptx360 # print mopt, moptx361 362 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt, copt, 4)363 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt, mopt, 4)364 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt, mopt, 4)365 366 self.failUnless(sum(abs(doptx-coptx)) < .01)367 self.failUnless(sum(abs(moptx-coptx)) < .01)368 self.failUnless(sum(abs(moptx-doptx)) < .01)369 370 # train GP w/prior371 pX = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 100, seed=101)372 pY = [S5.f(x) for x in pX]373 prior = RBFNMeanPrior()374 prior.train(pX, pY, bounds=S5.bounds, k=10, seed=102)375 376 GP = GaussianProcess(kernel, X, Y, prior=prior) 377 378 eif = EI(GP)379 pdopt, pdoptx = direct(eif.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)380 pcopt, pcoptx = cdirect(eif.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)381 pmopt, pmoptx = maximizeEI(GP, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)382 383 self.failIfAlmostEqual(pdopt, dopt, 3)384 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(pdopt, pcopt, 4)385 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-pdopt, pmopt, 4)386 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-pcopt, pmopt, 4)387 388 self.failUnless(sum(abs(pdoptx-pcoptx)) < .01)389 self.failUnless(sum(abs(pmoptx-pcoptx)) < .01)390 self.failUnless(sum(abs(pmoptx-pdoptx)) < .01)391 392 393 def testXi(self):394 395 S5 = Shekel5()396 397 GP1 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.2]))398 # self.failUnlessEqual(GP1.xi, 0.0)399 X = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 10, seed=0)400 Y = [S5.f(x) for x in X]401 GP1.addData(X, Y)402 eif1 = EI(GP1, xi=0.0)403 dopt1, _ = direct(eif1.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)404 copt1, _ = cdirect(eif1.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)405 mopt1, _ = maximizeEI(GP1, S5.bounds, xi=0.0, maxiter=10)406 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt1, copt1, 4)407 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt1, mopt1, 4)408 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt1, mopt1, 4)409 GP2 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.3]), X, Y)410 eif2 = EI(GP2, xi=0.01) 411 self.failUnlessEqual(eif2.xi, 0.01) 412 dopt2, _ = direct(eif2.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)413 copt2, _ = cdirect(eif2.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)414 mopt2, _ = maximizeEI(GP2, S5.bounds, xi=0.01, maxiter=10)415 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt2, copt2, 4)416 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt2, mopt2, 4)417 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt2, mopt2, 4)418 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt2, 4)419 self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt2, 4)420 self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt2, 4)421 GP3 = GaussianProcess(GaussianKernel_iso([.3]), X, Y)422 eif3 = EI(GP3, xi=0.1) 423 dopt3, _ = direct(eif3.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)424 copt3, _ = cdirect(eif3.negf, S5.bounds, maxiter=10)425 mopt3, _ = maximizeEI(GP3, S5.bounds, xi=0.1, maxiter=10)426 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt3, copt3, 4)427 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt3, mopt3, 4)428 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt3, mopt3, 4)429 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt3, 4)430 self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt3, 4)431 self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt3, 4)432 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt2, dopt3, 4)433 self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt2, copt3, 4)434 self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt2, mopt3, 4)435 436 437 def testNoise(self):438 439 tf = Branin()440 441 X = lhcSample(tf.bounds, 10, seed=0)442 Y = [tf.f(x) for x in X]443 GP1 = GaussianProcess(MaternKernel3([1.0, 1.0]), X, Y, noise=1e-4)444 self.failUnlessEqual(GP1.noise, 1e-4)445 eif1 = EI(GP1)446 dopt1, _ = direct(eif1.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)447 copt1, _ = cdirect(eif1.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)448 mopt1, _ = maximizeEI(GP1, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)449 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt1, copt1, 4)450 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt1, mopt1, 4)451 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt1, mopt1, 4)452 GP2 = GaussianProcess(MaternKernel3([1.0, 1.0]), X, Y, noise=0.01)453 self.failUnlessEqual(GP2.noise, 0.01)454 455 eif2 = EI(GP2)456 dopt2, _ = direct(eif2.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)457 copt2, _ = cdirect(eif2.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)458 mopt2, _ = maximizeEI(GP2, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)459 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt2, copt2, 4)460 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt2, mopt2, 4)461 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt2, mopt2, 4)462 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt2, 4)463 self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt2, 4)464 self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt2, 4)465 GP3 = GaussianProcess(MaternKernel3([1.0, 1.0]), X, Y, noise=0.1)466 self.failUnlessEqual(GP3.noise, 0.1)467 eif3 = EI(GP3)468 dopt3, _ = direct(eif3.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)469 copt3, _ = cdirect(eif3.negf, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)470 mopt3, _ = maximizeEI(GP3, tf.bounds, maxiter=10)471 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(dopt3, copt3, 4)472 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-dopt3, mopt3, 4)473 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(-copt3, mopt3, 4)474 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt1, dopt3, 4)475 self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt1, copt3, 4)476 self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt1, mopt3, 4)477 self.failIfAlmostEqual(dopt2, dopt3, 4)478 self.failIfAlmostEqual(copt2, copt3, 4)479 self.failIfAlmostEqual(mopt2, mopt3, 4)480 481 # for GP in [GP1, GP2, GP3]:482 # mu, sigma2 = GP.posterior(X[0])483 # print '\n%f, %f' % (mu, sigma2)484 # self.failUnlessEqual(mu, Y[0])485 # self.failUnlessEqual(sigma2, GP.noise)486 487 def testMaxEIPrior(self):488 # make sure that the prior works with the different methods of EI489 # maximization490 491 S5 = Shekel5()492 pX = lhcSample(S5.bounds, 100, seed=511)493 pY = [S5.f(x) for x in pX]...
1"""2In addition to strict equality, it is possible to test for near equality of floating-point3numbers using failIfAlmostEqual() and failUnlessAlmostEqual() .4The arguments are the values to be compared and the number of decimal places to5use for the test.6"""7import unittest8class AlmostEqualTest(unittest.TestCase):9 def testEqual(self):10 self.failUnlessEqual(1.1, 3.3-2.2)11 def testAlmostEqual(self):12 self.failUnlessAlmostEqual(1.1, 3.3-2.2, places=1)13 def testNotAlmostEqual(self):14 self.failIfAlmostEqual(1.1, 3.3-2.0, places=1)15if __name__ == '__main__':...
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