How to use log_start method in SeleniumLibrary

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...47 self.log_clean()48 self.__SETTINGS__()49 self.main()50 def __SETTINGS__(self):51 self.log_start(extra=1)52 # BROWSER CONFIG53 ################54 # Configured for MacOS55 self.CHROME_PATH = "/​Users/​home/​Library/​Application Support/​Google/​Chrome/​"56 self.CHROME_PROFILE = "Profile 5"57 # Don't change this. It's the only option for slenium_stealth58 self.USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/​5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/​537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/​83.0.4103.53 Safari/​537.36"59 # PROJECT SPECIFIC60 def main(self):61 self.log_start(extra=1)62 self.web()63 ###################################64 # GENERAL HELPERS AND UTILS BEGIN #65 ###################################66 # SELENIUM CONFIG67 #################68 def web(self):69 self.log_start()70 self.web_options()71 self.web_driver()72 self.web_action()73 self.web_shh()74 self.web_clear()75 def web_options(self):76 self.log_start()77 self.options = wd.ChromeOptions()78 self.options.add_argument(f"--user-data-dir={self.CHROME_PATH}")79 self.options.add_argument(f"--profile-directory={self.CHROME_PROFILE}")80 self.options.add_argument("--user-agent=%s" % self.USER_AGENT)81 self.options.add_argument("start-maximized")82 self.options.add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ["enable-automation"])83 self.options.add_experimental_option("useAutomationExtension", 0)84 def web_driver(self):85 self.log_start()86 self.driver = sv(CHROME_DRIVER)87 self.driver = wd.Chrome(service=self.driver, options=self.options)88 self.driver.set_script_timeout(1000)89 self.driver.implicitly_wait(30)90 def web_action(self):91 self.log_start()92 self.action = ac(self.driver)93 def web_shh(self):94 self.log_start()95 shh(96 driver=self.driver,97 user_agent=self.USER_AGENT,98 languages=["en-US", "en"],99 vendor="Google Inc.",100 platform="Win32",101 webgl_vendor="Intel Inc.",102 renderer="Intel Iris OpenGL Engine",103 fix_hairline=1,104 run_on_insecure_origins=0,105 )106 def web_clear(self):107 self.log_start()108 # I think they place a blocked cookie in browser ...109 # sneaky little fuckers. Ruins the proxy rotation110 self.driver.delete_all_cookies()111 # SELENIUM HELPERS112 ##################113 def web_go(self, url, get=0, https=1):114 self.log_start()115 if https:116 self.driver.get(f"https:/​/​{url}")117 else:118 self.driver.get(f"{url}")119 if get:120 return self.bs_html()121 def web_scroll(self, count):122 self.log_start()123 for i in range(count):124 l0(f"{stack()[1][3]} status ({i}/​{count})")125 html = self.bs_html()126 body = self.bs_element(html, key="body")127 l0("Down keys to be sent.")128 body.send_keys(Keys.PAGE_DOWN)129 self.zzz(mn=0.25 , mx=1)130 def web_type(self, element, txt):131 self.log_start()132 for char in txt:134 self.zzz(mn=0.1, mx=0.2)135 pf = [1] * 59136 pf.append(0)137 pf = choice(pf)138 if pf == 1:139 element.send_keys(char)140 else:141 element.send_keys(choice(abc))142 element.send_keys(Keys.BACK_SPACE)143 element.send_keys(char)144 # BS4 HELPERS145 #############146 def bs_children(self, element):147 self.log_start()148 elements = element.children149 for e in elements:150 if len(str(e)) > 1:151 yield bs(str(e), "html.parser")152 def bs_click(self, html, key, val=0, n=0):153 self.log_start()154 if val:155 element = html.find_all(attrs={key: val})[n]156 else:157 element = html.find_all(key)[n]158 xpath = self.bs_xpath(element)159 wdw(self.driver, 30).until(160 ec.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, xpath))161 ).click()162 self.zzz()163 def bs_element(self, html, key, val=0, n=0):164 self.log_start()165 if val:166 element = html.find_all(attrs={key: val})[n]167 else:168 element = html.find_all(key)[n]169 xpath = self.bs_xpath(element)170 l0(f"grabbed xpath: {xpath}")171 element = self.driver.find_element(By.XPATH, xpath)172 l0(f"found element: {element}")173 return element174 def bs_html(self, pretty=0):175 self.log_start()176 src = self.driver.page_source177 l0("grabbed page src")178 html = bs(src, "html.parser")179 l0("parsed page src")180 if pretty:181 l0("making html pretty")182 return html.prettify()183 l0("html complete")184 return html185 def bs_read(self, page):186 self.log_start()187 f = open(f"{DIR_HTML}/​{page}.html", "r")188 html = soup = bs(html, "html.parser")190 self.bs_save(page=page, html=soup)191 return soup192 def bs_save(self, page, html=0):193 self.log_start()194 if html:195 html = html.prettify()196 else:197 html = self.bs_html(pretty=1)198 with open(f"{DIR_HTML}{page}.html", "w") as fout:199 fout.write(html)200 def bs_title(self):201 html = self.bs_html(pretty=1)202 soup = bs(html, "html.parser")203 title = soup.title.string204 title = self.str_clean(str(title))205 return title206 def bs_xpath(self, element):207 self.log_start()208 """209 Generate xpath of soup element210 :param element: bs4 text or node211 :return: xpath as string212 """213 components = []214 child = element if else element.parent215 for parent in child.parents:216 """217 @type parent: bs4.element.Tag218 """219 previous = islice(parent.children, 0, parent.contents.index(child))220 xpath_tag = child.name221 xpath_index = sum(1 for i in previous if == xpath_tag) + 1222 components.append(223 xpath_tag if xpath_index == 1 else "%s[%d]" % (xpath_tag, xpath_index)224 )225 child = parent226 components.reverse()227 return "/​%s" % "/​".join(components)228 # LOGGING HELPERS229 #################230 def log_config(self):231 t = str(".")[0].replace(" ", "@")232 lbc(233 filename=f"{DIR_LOGS}{t}.log",234 encoding="utf-8",235 format="%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s",236 datefmt="%Y-%m-%d@%H:%M:%S",237 level=0,238 )239 lsh().setLevel(0)240 def log_clean(self, store=3):241 self.log_start()242 logs = listdir(DIR_LOGS)243 names = []244 for i in range(len(logs)):245 names.append(str(logs[i]).split(".")[0])246 names.sort(key=lambda date: dt.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d@%H:%M:%S"))247 keepers = names[-store:]248 for f in logs:249 name = str(f).split(".")[0]250 if name not in keepers:251 remove(f"{DIR_LOGS}{f}")252 def log_start(self, nap=0, extra=0, n=3):253 if extra:254 look = ">" * 45255 else:256 look = ">" * 15257 name = str(stack()[1][n])258 l0(f"{look} starting {name} ")259 if nap:260 self.zzz()261 return name262 def log_except(self, e):263 look = "!" * 15264 return l3(f"{look} error at {stack()[1][3]}: {e}")265 # JSON HELPERS266 ##############267 def json_dump(self, content, dest):268 self.log_start()269 pth = f"{DIR_ROOT}/​{uu()}{uu()}.json"270 with open(pth, "w") as f:271 dump(content, f, indent=4)272 try:273 with open(pth) as f:274 q = load(f)275 replace(pth, dest)276 except:277 remove(pth)278 def json_load(self, pth):279 self.log_start()280 try:281 with open(pth, "r") as json_file:282 data = load(json_file)283 except FileNotFoundError as e:284 self.log_except(e)285 data = {}286 self.json_dump(data, pth)287 return data288 # OTHER289 #######290 # string cleaning hahaha .. get it? like sPring cleaning hahaha!291 def str_clean(self, s, json=0):292 self.log_start()293 s = sub(r"…", "...", s)294 s = sub(r"[`‘’‛⸂⸃⸌⸍⸜⸝]", "'", s)295 s = sub(r"[„“]|(\'\')|(,,)", '"', s)296 s = sub(r"\s+", " ", s).strip()297 if json:298 l0("cleaning json")299 s = s.replace("'", '"')300 return s301 def zzz(self, mn=1, mx=5):302 t = round(uniform(mn, mx), 7)303 if t > 5:304 l0(f"sleeping for {t}")305 sleep(t)306if __name__ == "__main__":...

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...52 return dobData53 u'''添加双人授权'''54 def add_double_license_001(self):55 #日志开始记录56 self.log.log_start("add_double_license")57 #获取双人授权的数据58 dobData = self.get_double_data("add_double_license")59 for dataRow in range(len(dobData)):60 data = dobData[dataRow]61 try:62 #如果不是第1行,读取数据63 if dataRow != 0:64 self.double.click_double_license_button(data[1])65 self.authElem.click_all_approver()66 self.authElem.click_all_candidate()67 self.authElem.click_start_association()68 self.authElem.click_create_relate()69 self.cmf.click_login_msg_button()70 #点击返回71 self.authElem.click_child_page_back_button()72 self.log.log_detail(u"添加双人授权成功", True)73 except Exception as e:74 print ("add_double_license fail: ") + str(e)75 self.log.log_end("add_double_license")76 u'''双人审批同终端审批'''77 def same_termina_approvel_002(self):78 self.cmf.select_role_by_text(u"运维操作员")79 #日志开始记录80 self.log.log_start("same_termina_approvel")81 #获取双人审批申请的数据82 dobData = self.get_double_data("double_license_sso")83 for dataRow in range(len(dobData)):84 data = dobData[dataRow]85 try:86 #如果是第1行,读取数据87 if dataRow == 1:88 self.double.send_double_license_applicant(data)89 self.double.check_ico_len(data[1])90 self.loginElem.quit()91 except Exception as e:92 print ("same_termina_approvel fail: ") + str(e)93 self.log.log_end("same_termina_approvel")94 u'''双人审批申请人已下线审批过期'''95 def termina_expired_approvel_003(self):96 self.comsuit.use_new_user_login()97 #日志开始记录98 self.log.log_start("Expired_approvel")99 #获取双人审批申请的数据100 dobData = self.get_double_data("double_license_sso")101 expData = self.get_double_data("termina_approvel")102 for dataRow in range(len(dobData)):103 data = dobData[dataRow]104 try:105 #如果不是第1行,读取数据106 if dataRow == 2:107 self.double.send_double_license_applicant(data)108 number = self.acproval.get_new_process_number()109 self.loginElem.quit()110 self.double.approver_by_process_approval(expData, number)111 except Exception as e:112 print ("Expired_approvel fail: ") + str(e)113 self.log.log_end("Expired_approvel")114 u'''双人审批审批人拒绝申请'''115 def termina_deny_approvel_004(self):116 self.comsuit.use_new_user_login()117 #日志开始记录118 self.log.log_start("deny_double_approvel")119 #获取双人审批申请的数据120 dobData = self.get_double_data("double_license_sso")121 expData = self.get_double_data("deny_approvel")122 for dataRow in range(len(dobData)):123 data = dobData[dataRow]124 try:125 #如果不是第1行,读取数据126 if dataRow == 2:127 self.double.send_double_license_applicant(data)128 number = self.acproval.get_new_process_number()129 self.double.approver_remote_approval(expData, number)130 self.cmf.select_menu(u"运维操作", u"SSO")131 self.double.check_ico_len(data[1])132 self.loginElem.quit()133 except Exception as e:134 print ("deny_double_approvel fail: ") + str(e)135 self.log.log_end("deny_double_approvel")136 u'''双人审批审批人同意申请'''137 def termina_agree_approvel_005(self):138 self.comsuit.use_new_user_login()139 #日志开始记录140 self.log.log_start("agree_double_approvel")141 #获取双人审批申请的数据142 dobData = self.get_double_data("double_license_sso")143 expData = self.get_double_data("agree_approvel")144 for dataRow in range(len(dobData)):145 data = dobData[dataRow]146 try:147 #如果不是第1行,读取数据148 if dataRow == 2:149 self.double.send_double_license_applicant(data)150 number = self.acproval.get_new_process_number()151 self.double.approver_remote_approval(expData, number)152 self.cmf.select_menu(u"运维操作", u"SSO")153 self.double.check_ico_len(data[1])154 self.loginElem.quit()155 except Exception as e:156 print ("agree_double_approvel fail: ") + str(e)157 self.log.log_end("agree_double_approvel")158 u'''访问审批流程任务查询'''159 def double_query_process_task_006(self):160 #日志开始记录161 self.log.log_start("double_query_process_task")162 #获取流程任务查询的数据163 taskData = self.get_double_data("process_task")164 for dataRow in range(len(taskData)):165 data = taskData[dataRow]166 try:167 #如果不是第1行,读取数据168 if dataRow != 0:169 if dataRow == 1:170 self.acproval.user_login(data[1])171 self.flow.query_process_task(data)172 self.log.log_detail(data[0], True)173 except Exception as e:174 print ("double_query_process_task fail: ") + str(e)175 self.log.log_end("double_query_process_task")176 u'''访问审批个人历史查询'''177 def double_query_personal_history_007(self):178 #日志开始记录179 self.log.log_start("double_query_personal_history")180 #获取个人历史查询的数据181 perData = self.get_double_data("personal_history")182 for dataRow in range(len(perData)):183 data = perData[dataRow]184 try:185 #如果不是第1行,读取数据186 if dataRow != 0:187 self.flow.query_personal_history(data)188 self.log.log_detail(data[0], True)189 except Exception as e:190 print ("double_query_personal_history fail: ") + str(e)191 self.loginElem.quit()192 self.log.log_end("double_query_personal_history")193 u'''访问审批申请历史查询'''194 def double_query_apply_history_008(self):195 self.comsuit.use_new_user_login()196 #日志开始记录197 self.log.log_start("double_query_apply_history")198 #获取申请历史查询的数据199 applyData = self.get_double_data("apply_history")200 for dataRow in range(len(applyData)):201 data = applyData[dataRow]202 try:203 #如果不是第1行,读取数据204 if dataRow != 0:205 self.flow.query_apply_history(data)206 self.log.log_detail(data[0], True)207 except Exception as e:208 print ("double_query_apply_history fail: ") + str(e)209 self.log.log_end("double_query_apply_history")210 u'''访问审批全部历史查询'''211 def double_query_all_history_009(self):212 self.comsuit.dep_switch_to_sys()213 #日志开始记录214 self.log.log_start("double_query_all_history")215 #获取全部历史查询的数据216 allData = self.get_double_data("all_history")217 for dataRow in range(len(allData)):218 data = allData[dataRow]219 try:220 #如果不是第1行,读取数据221 if dataRow != 0:222 self.flow.query_all_history(data)223 self.log.log_detail(data[0], True)224 except Exception as e:225 print ("double_query_all_history fail: ") + str(e)226 self.log.log_end("double_query_all_history")227 u'''访问审批部门历史查询'''228 def double_query_department_history_010(self):229 self.comsuit.sys_switch_to_dep()230 #日志开始记录231 self.log.log_start("double_query_department_history")232 #获取流程任务查询的数据233 deprtData = self.get_double_data("department_history")234 for dataRow in range(len(deprtData)):235 data = deprtData[dataRow]236 try:237 #如果不是第1行,读取数据238 if dataRow != 0:239 self.flow.query_department_history(data)240 self.log.log_detail(data[0], True)241 except Exception as e:242 print ("double_query_department_history fail: ") + str(e)...

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1import datetime2import sys3import pandas as pd4from live_trading.logging_ import logging_5from .signals import Signals6STOP_LOSS = .27MINS_SELL_BEFORE_EOB = 158class SimpleMovingAverage(Signals):9 def __init__(self, strategy, long_periods, short_periods):10 super(SimpleMovingAverage, self).__init__()11 self.strategy = strategy12 self.long_periods = long_periods13 self.short_periods = short_periods14 # @classmethod15 def __buy_conditions(self, ticker):16 log_start = log = logging_.Logging(self.strategy.runtime_tm, log_start, str(self.__class__.__name__ + ',' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name))18 self.strategy.add_to_manager(self.strategy.strat_name, *log.monitor())19 # try:20 # short_ma_greater_than_long = self.__moving_averages(ticker)21 # except:22 # short_ma_greater_than_long = True23 return_minimal = True24 status = True25 while status:26 # if not short_ma_greater_than_long:27 # return False28 if not return_minimal:29 status = False30 break31 if not status:32 self.strategy.add_to_manager(self.strategy.strat_name, 'n False buy_conditions', 'increment_1')33 log.log(return_minimal)34 return status35 def __sell_conditions(self, ticker):36 log_start = log = logging_.Logging(self.strategy.runtime_tm, log_start, str(self.__class__.__name__ + ',' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name))38 self.strategy.add_to_manager(self.strategy.strat_name, *log.monitor())39 price_higher_than_bought = self.__price_higher_than_bought(ticker)40 sell_at_eob = self.__sell_at_eob_f()41 try:42 short_ma_greater_than_long = self.__moving_averages(ticker)43 except Exception as e:44 short_ma_greater_than_long = True45 print('this may be problematic')46 status = True47 while status:48 if not price_higher_than_bought:49 status = False50 if not sell_at_eob:51 status = False52 if short_ma_greater_than_long:53 status = False54 break55 if not status:56 self.strategy.add_to_manager(self.strategy.strat_name, 'n False sell_conditions', 'increment_1')57 log.log(price_higher_than_bought58 ,short_ma_greater_than_long59 ,sell_at_eob)60 return status61 # @print_meth_name62 def price_size_select(self, ticker, ix, side):63 log_start = log = logging_.Logging(self.strategy.runtime_tm, log_start, str(self.__class__.__name__ + ',' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name))65 self.strategy.add_to_manager(self.strategy.strat_name, *log.monitor())66 if side == 1:67 items = ticker.domBids68 else:69 items = ticker.domAsks70 _len = if _len > 1:72 # if self.market_open.debugging:73 if self.strategy.debugging.dummy_data:74 # price, size = float(random.randint(10, 100)), random.randint(100, 10000)75 price, size = items[ix].price, items[ix].size76 else:77 price, size = items[ix].price, items[ix].size78 else:79 # if self.market_open.debugging:80 if self.strategy.debugging.dummy_data:81 # price, size = float(random.randint(10, 100)), random.randint(100, 10000)82 price, size = items.price, items.size83 else:84 price, size = items.price, items.size85 log.log(price86 ,size)87 return price, size88 def sell_at_eob_f(self):89 log_start = log = logging_.Logging(self.strategy.runtime_tm, log_start, str(self.__class__.__name__ + ',' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name))91 self.strategy.add_to_manager(self.strategy.strat_name, *log.monitor())92 if self.strategy.debugging.dummy_time:93 _now = else:95 _now = if self.strategy.eob_min >= MINS_SELL_BEFORE_EOB:97 eob_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime("{}:{}:00".format(self.strategy.eob_hour,98 str(30 - MINS_SELL_BEFORE_EOB)), '%H:%M:%S')99 else:100 hour = self.strategy.eob_hour - 1101 minute = 60 + self.strategy.eob_min - MINS_SELL_BEFORE_EOB102 eob_dt = datetime.datetime.strptime("{}:{}:00".format(str(hour), str(minute)),'%H:%M:%S')103 sell_at_eob = > eob_dt.time()104 log.log(sell_at_eob)105 return sell_at_eob106 def __price_higher_than_bought(self, ticker):107 log_start = log = logging_.Logging(self.strategy.runtime_tm, log_start, str(self.__class__.__name__ + ',' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name))109 self.strategy.add_to_manager(self.strategy.strat_name, *log.monitor())110 symbol = ticker.contract.symbol111 held_ix = held_price_ix = 2113 held_price =[held_ix][held_price_ix]114 rank = 0115 if > 1:116 curr_price = ticker.domAsks[rank].price117 else:118 curr_price = ticker.domAsks.price119 log.log( ,curr_price)121 if held_price < curr_price:122 return True123 else:124 return False125 def stop_loss_f(self, ticker):126 log_start = log = logging_.Logging(self.strategy.runtime_tm, log_start, str(self.__class__.__name__ + ',' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name))128 self.strategy.add_to_manager(self.strategy.strat_name, *log.monitor())129 if > 1:130 current_ask_price = ticker.domAsks[0].price131 else:132 current_ask_price = ticker.domAsks.price133 change = (current_ask_price -[ticker.contract.symbol]) /​ current_ask_price134 log.log(current_ask_price135 ,change)136 if change < -STOP_LOSS:137 return True138 else:139 return False140 # @classmethod141 def __moving_averages(self, ticker):142 log_start = log = logging_.Logging(self.strategy.runtime_tm, log_start, str(self.__class__.__name__ + ',' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name))144 self.strategy.add_to_manager(self.strategy.strat_name, *log.monitor())145 # ma procedure146 long_ma, short_ma = self.__ma_calc('collected', ticker)147 if long_ma == np.nan and short_ma == np.nan:148 raise Exception('not defined')149 elif long_ma > short_ma:150 short_ma_greater_than_long = False151 else:152 short_ma_greater_than_long = True153 log.log(long_ma154 ,short_ma)155 return short_ma_greater_than_long156 def __ma_calc(self, by, ticker):157 log_start = log = logging_.Logging(self.strategy.runtime_tm, log_start, str(self.__class__.__name__ + ',' + sys._getframe().f_code.co_name))159 self.strategy.add_to_manager(self.strategy.strat_name, *log.monitor())160 long_ma, short_ma = None, None161 if by == 'collected':162 rank = 0163 # side164 # bid = 1165 # ask = 0166 side = 1167 self.filtered_df = self.strategy.__hist_data_winners_df[(self.strategy.__hist_data_winners_df['symbol'] == ticker.contract.symbol) &168 (self.strategy.__hist_data_winners_df['side'] == side) &169 (self.strategy.__hist_data_winners_df['rank'] == rank)]170 _length = self.filtered_df.shape[0]171 if _length < self.long_periods:172 long_ma, short_ma = np.nan, np.nan173 else:174 long_ma = self.filtered_df.sort_values('unix_ts', ascending=False)[0:self.long_periods]['price'].mean()175 short_ma = self.filtered_df.sort_values('unix_ts', ascending=False)[0:self.short_periods]['price'].mean()176 # print(long_ma, short_ma)177 _unix_ts = self.filtered_df['unix_ts'].sort_values(ascending=False).iloc[0]178 if self.strategy.ma_counter == 0:179 self._ma_collection_df = pd.DataFrame([[ticker.contract.symbol, _unix_ts, short_ma, long_ma]])180 else:181 add_df = pd.DataFrame([[ticker.contract.symbol,182 _unix_ts,183 short_ma,184 long_ma]])185 self._ma_collection_df = pd.concat([self._ma_collection_df, add_df])186 log.log(long_ma187 ,short_ma)...

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1import jax.numpy as jnp2from jax import jit, grad, vmap3from jax import random4from jax import lax5from jax.ops import index, index_update6from jax.flatten_util import ravel_pytree7from functools import partial8@partial(jit, static_argnums=(0,))9def dual_bisect_method(10 func,11 aL=-1e5, bL=-1e-5, aR=1e-5, bR=1e5,12 tol=1e-6, maxiter=100):13 batch_func = vmap(func, (0))14 i = maxiter-1.015 saL, sbL, saR, sbR = jnp.sign(batch_func(jnp.array([aL, bL, aR, bR])))16 init_val = [aL, bL, aR, bR, saL, sbL, saR, sbR, i]17 def cond_fun(val):18 aL, bL, aR, bR, saL, sbL, saR, sbR, i = val19 return jnp.sum(bL-aL) + jnp.sum(bR-aR) + 100 * jnp.minimum(i, 0.0) > tol20 def body_fun(val):21 # unpack val22 aL, bL, aR, bR, saL, sbL, saR, sbR, i = val23 # new center points24 cL = (aL+bL)/​2.025 cR = (aR+bR)/​2.026 scL, scR = jnp.sign(batch_func(jnp.array([cL, cR])))27 # L28 aL = jnp.sum(cL * jnp.maximum( scL * saL, 0.0) + \29 aL * jnp.maximum( -1.0 * scL * saL, 0.0))30 bL = jnp.sum(cL * jnp.maximum( scL * sbL, 0.0) + \31 bL * jnp.maximum( -1.0 * scL * sbL, 0.0))32 saL = jnp.sum(scL * jnp.maximum( scL * saL, 0.0) + \33 saL * jnp.maximum( -1.0 * scL * saL, 0.0))34 sbL = jnp.sum(scL * jnp.maximum( scL * sbL, 0.0) + \35 sbL * jnp.maximum( -1.0 * scL * sbL, 0.0))36 # R37 aR = jnp.sum(cR * jnp.maximum( scR * saR, 0.0) + \38 aR * jnp.maximum( -1.0 * scR * saR, 0.0))39 bR = jnp.sum(cR * jnp.maximum( scR * sbR, 0.0) + \40 bR * jnp.maximum( -1.0 * scR * sbR, 0.0))41 saR = jnp.sum(scR * jnp.maximum( scR * saR, 0.0) + \42 saR * jnp.maximum( -1.0 * scR * saR, 0.0))43 sbR = jnp.sum(scR * jnp.maximum( scR * sbR, 0.0) + \44 sbR * jnp.maximum( -1.0 * scR * sbR, 0.0))45 i = i - 146 val = [aL, bL, aR, bR, saL, sbL, saR, sbR, i]47 return val48 val = lax.while_loop(cond_fun, body_fun, init_val)49 # unpack val50 aL, bL, aR, bR, saL, sbL, saR, sbR, i = val51 # new center points52 cL = (aL+bL)/​2.053 cR = (aR+bR)/​2.054 return [cL, cR]55@partial(jit, static_argnums=(0,))56def choose_start(57 func,58 log_start = -3.0, log_space = 1.0 /​ 5.0):59 batch_func = vmap(func, (0))60 i = 061 aL = -1.0 * jnp.power(10.0, log_start + i * log_space)62 bR = jnp.power(10.0, log_start + i * log_space)63 aL_val, bR_val = batch_func(jnp.array([aL, bR]))64 init_val = [aL, bR, aL_val, bR_val, i]65 def cond_fun(val):66 aL, bR, aL_val, bR_val, i = val67 return jnp.maximum(aL_val, 0.0) + jnp.maximum(bR_val, 0.0) > 0.068 def body_fun(val):69 aL, bR, aL_val, bR_val, i = val70 i = i+171 sign_aL = jnp.sign(aL_val)72 sign_bR = jnp.sign(bR_val)73 aL = jnp.sum(-1.0 * jnp.power(10.0, log_start + i * log_space) * jnp.maximum(sign_aL, 0.0) \74 + aL * jnp.maximum(-1.0 * sign_aL, 0.0))75 bR = jnp.sum(jnp.power(10.0, log_start + i * log_space) * jnp.maximum(sign_bR, 0.0) \76 + bR * jnp.maximum(-1.0 * sign_bR, 0.0))77 aL_val, bR_val = batch_func(jnp.array([aL, bR]))78 val = [aL, bR, aL_val, bR_val, i]79 return val80 val = lax.while_loop(cond_fun, body_fun, init_val)81 aL, bR, aL_val, bR_val, i = val82 return [aL, bR]83@partial(jit, static_argnums=(0,))84def bisect_method(85 func, a=-1e5, b=-1e-5,86 tol=1e-6, maxiter=100):87 batch_func = vmap(func, (0))88 i = maxiter-1.089 sa, sb = jnp.sign(batch_func(jnp.array([a, b])))90 init_val = [a, b, sa, sb, i]91 def cond_fun(val):92 a, b, sa, sb, i = val93 return jnp.sum(b-a) + 100 * jnp.minimum(i, 0.0) > tol94 def body_fun(val):95 # unpack val96 a, b, sa, sb, i = val97 # new center points98 c = (a+b)/​2.099 sc = jnp.sign(func(c))100 # L101 a = jnp.sum(c * jnp.maximum( sc * sa, 0.0) + \102 a * jnp.maximum( -1.0 * sc * sa, 0.0))103 b = jnp.sum(c * jnp.maximum( sc * sb, 0.0) + \104 b * jnp.maximum( -1.0 * sc * sb, 0.0))105 sa = jnp.sum(sc * jnp.maximum( sc * sa, 0.0) + \106 sa * jnp.maximum( -1.0 * sc * sa, 0.0))107 sb = jnp.sum(sc * jnp.maximum( sc * sb, 0.0) + \108 sb * jnp.maximum( -1.0 * sc * sb, 0.0))109 i = i - 1110 val = [a, b, sa, sb, i]111 return val112 val = lax.while_loop(cond_fun, body_fun, init_val)113 # unpack val114 a, b, sa, sb, i = val115 # new center points116 c = (a+b)/​2.0117 return c118@partial(jit, static_argnums=(0,))119def single_choose_start(120 func,121 log_start = -3.0, log_space = 1.0 /​ 5.0):122 i = 0123 a = 1.0 * jnp.power(10.0, log_start + i * log_space)124 a_val = func(a)125 init_val = [a, a_val, i]126 def cond_fun(val):127 a, a_val, i = val128 return jnp.maximum(a_val, 0.0) + 100 * jnp.minimum(100. - i, 0.0) > 0.0129 def body_fun(val):130 a, a_val, i = val131 i = i+1132 sign_a = jnp.sign(a_val)133 a = jnp.sum(jnp.power(10.0, log_start + i * log_space) * jnp.maximum(sign_a, 0.0) \134 + a * jnp.maximum(-1.0 * sign_a, 0.0))135 a_val = func(a)136 val = [a, a_val, i]137 return val138 val = lax.while_loop(cond_fun, body_fun, init_val)139 a, a_val, i = val...

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