Best Python code snippet using SeleniumBase
1""" A wrapper class for visualizing propagation models. """2import os3import sys4import matplotlib.pyplot as plt5import matplotlib.patches as mpatches6import numpy as np7from utils.occ_map_utils import load_map, display_occ_map, plot_grid_map_hmm, show_traj, red_cm, blue_cm, greens_cm8from utils.occ_map_utils import show_map as show_walls9from utils.scene_utils import caculate_traj_from_scene10from data_generator.ped_sim import sample_trajectories11from metrics import cross_entropy12from animation import Plot13map_resolution = 0.214word_to_vel = { 'UP': [0, 1], 'LEFT': [-1, 0],15 'RIGHT': [1, 0], 'DOWN': [0, -1],16 'UPLEFT': [-1, 1], 'UPRIGHT': [1, 1],17 'DOWNLEFT': [-1, -1], 'DOWNRIGHT': [1, -1]}18# key press to update figure for the next tracking setp19def on_press(event, visualization):20 sys.stdout.flush()21 if event.key == ' ':22 visualization.visualize_next()23 visualization.fig.canvas.draw()24# show an arrow point to the cell clicked25def onclick(event, visualization):26 res = visualization.res27 ix, iy = event.xdata+res/2, event.ydata+res/228 delta = .329 for idx in np.ndindex(visualization.axes.shape):30 if visualization.axes[idx] == event.inaxes:31 visualization.axes[idx].arrow(ix+delta, iy+delta, -delta, -delta,32 head_width=0.2, head_length=0.1, fc='r', ec='r', zorder=15)33 visualization.fig.canvas.draw()34class Visualize(object):35 """36 A class for visualizing propagation models.37 """38 element_to_title = {"obser": "observation", "pred":"prediction", "corr":"after correction"}39 def __init__(self, models, num_steps, simulated_data=True, tracking=False, measurement_lost=None,40 dynamically=True, show_map=True, show_seen=False, show_elements=['obser', 'pred', 'corr'],41 show_colorbar=True, num_col=5, model_names=None, show_at=None, show_metric=True, **kwargs):42 self.models = models43 self.num_models = len(self.models)44 = models[0].map45 self.res = models[0].map_res46 self.extent = models[0].extent47 self.num_steps = num_steps48 self.dynamically = dynamically49 self.simulated_data = simulated_data50 self.tracking = tracking51 self.measurement_lost = measurement_lost52 self.show_map = show_map53 self.show_seen = show_seen54 self.show_metric = show_metric55 show_order = {'pred': 0, 'obser':1, 'corr':2}56 show_elements.sort(key=lambda name: show_order[name])57 self.show_elements = show_elements if tracking else ['pred']58 self.num_col = self._get_num_col(num_col, self.show_elements)59 self.show_at = show_at60 if not self.dynamically and show_at is not None:61 self.num_col = len(show_at)62 self.show_colorbar = show_colorbar63 self.model_names = [ for model in self.models]64 if model_names is not None:65 self.model_names = model_names66 self.fig, self.axes, self.plots = self._init_figure()67 # bind key press event to update figure68 self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', lambda event: on_press(event, self))69 self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', lambda event: onclick(event, self))70 self.initialize_models()71 self.init_plot_contents()72 def initialize_models(self):73 """ This method has to be implemented by subclasses. """74 pass75 def _get_num_col(self, num_col, show_elements):76 """ Determine number of columns in the figure."""77 if self.dynamically:78 all_elements = ['obser', 'pred', 'corr']79 require_show = map(lambda e: e in all_elements, show_elements)80 return sum(require_show)81 else:82 return num_col83 def _init_figure(self):84 num_rows, num_cols = self.num_models, self.num_col85 fig_size = (4 * num_cols, 3.5 * num_rows)86 fig = plt.figure(figsize=fig_size)87 axes = np.empty((num_rows, num_cols), dtype=object)88 plots = np.empty((num_rows, num_cols), dtype=object)89 for i in range(num_rows):90 for j in range(num_cols):91 plot_idx = i * num_cols + j + 192 ax = fig.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, plot_idx)93 axes[i, j] = ax94 # no ticks on axis95 ax.set_xticklabels([])96 ax.set_yticklabels([])97 ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position('none')98 ax.yaxis.set_ticks_position('none')99 return fig, axes, plots100 # plot = Plot(ax,, self.res, plot_seen=self., title='')101 def init_plot_contents(self):102 """ Decide plot contents for every plot."""103 colorbar_dict = {'pred': 'occupancy_axes', 'obser': 'map_axes', 'corr': 'occupancy_axes'}104 for i in range(self.num_models):105 for j in range(self.num_col):106 if not self.show_colorbar:107 colorbar_on = None108 else:109 if self.dynamically:110 colorbar_on = colorbar_dict[self.show_elements[j]]111 else:112 colorbar_on = "occupancy_axes" if not self.tracking else None113 self.plots[i, j] = Plot(self.axes[i ,j],, self.res,114 colorbar_on=colorbar_on,115 plot_map=self.show_map,116 plot_seen=self.show_seen,117 title='')118 if self.tracking and not self.dynamically:119 self.add_custom_elements_to_plot(self.plots[i, j])120 if j == 0:121 self.plots[i, j].set_ylabel(self.model_names[i])122 if self.traj_overlay:123 # trajectory from scene can only be calculated for one target124 num_targets = self.num_targets if self.simulated_data else 1125 self.plots[i, j].add_traj_line(num_targets=num_targets)126 # add title to figure127 if self.simulated_data and self.init_moves is not None:128 self.fig.suptitle("Initial movements = {}".format(str(self.init_moves)))129 # add legend if neccessary130 if self.tracking and not self.dynamically:131 self.add_legend()132 def add_custom_elements_to_plot(self, plot):133 # add false negative axes134 # it shows locations where ground truth is occupied135 # but BOFUM fails to track136 plot.add_custom_image("fn_axes", blue_cm)137 # add true positive axes138 # it shows locations where ground truth is occupied139 # and BOFUM predicts occupancy prob higher than 0140 plot.add_custom_image("tp_axes", greens_cm)141 plot.add_colorbar("tp_axes")142 # add false positive axes143 plot.add_custom_image("fp_axes", red_cm)144 def add_legend(self):145 g_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='g', label='True positive')146 #b_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='b', label='False negative')147 o_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='orange', label='False positive', alpha=.6)148 #handles = [g_patch, b_patch, o_patch]149 handles = [g_patch, o_patch]150 plt.legend(handles=handles, bbox_to_anchor=(.6, 0., .35, .1),151 loc = 'lower right',152 ncol=3, mode='expand', borderaxespad=.0,153 bbox_transform=self.fig.transFigure)154 # plt.legend(handles=[g_patch, b_patch, o_patch], bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.1),155 # loc=1, ncol=1, mode="expand", borderaxespad=None,156 # bbox_transform=self.fig.transFigure)157 def start(self):158 # reset model's step counter159 # for model in self.models:160 # model.t = 0161 def visualize_next(self):163 if self.dynamically:164 if(self.models[0].t < self.num_steps):165 t = self.models[0].t166 print("t is " + str(t))167 # generate measurement data168 measurement = self.models[0].measurement_at() if self.tracking else None169 for model in self.models:170 measurement = model.tracking_step(measurement=measurement)171 self.show_dynamically(measurement)172 else:173 self.show_occupancies()174 def show_dynamically(self, observation):175 Ot_pred_max, Ot_pred_min = None, None176 Ot_max, Ot_min = None, None177 if 'pred' in self.show_elements:178 Ot_pred_max = max(map(lambda model: model.P_Ot_pred.max(), self.models))179 Ot_pred_min = min(map(lambda model: model.P_Ot_pred.min(), self.models))180 if 'corr' in self.show_elements:181 Ot_max = max(map(lambda model: model.P_Ot.max(), self.models))182 Ot_min = min(map(lambda model: model.P_Ot.min(), self.models))183 for i, model in enumerate(self.models):184 for j, element in enumerate(self.show_elements):185 if element == 'pred' or element == 'corr':186 if element == 'pred':187 Ot, max_, min_ = model.P_Ot_pred, Ot_pred_max, Ot_pred_min188 ap = model.calc_average_precision(evaluate_prediction=True)189 else:190 Ot, max_, min_ = model.P_Ot, Ot_max, Ot_min191 ap = model.calc_average_precision()192 title = self.element_to_title[element]193 if self.tracking and self.show_metric:194 self.plots[i, j].text.set_text(" Aver. Precision: {:.3f}".format(ap))195 self.plots[i, j].set_axes_data("occupancy_axes", Ot, min_, max_)196 else:197 Ot = observation198 if observation is None:199 Ot = np.zeros_like( title = 'observation'201 self.plots[i, j].set_axes_data("map_axes", Ot)202 if self.show_seen:203 t = self.models[0].t - 1204 seen = self.models[0].evaluate_loc_at(t)205 self.plots[i, j].set_axes_data("seen_axes", seen)206 self.plots[i, j].set_title(title)207 self.plots[i, j].refresh_colorbar()208 if self.simulated_data and self.traj_overlay:209 self.add_traj_overlay()210 def show_occupancies(self):211 if self.show_at is None:212 gap = self.num_steps // (self.num_col-1)213 self.show_at = [i*gap+1 for i in range(self.num_col)]214 for j, plot_t in enumerate(self.show_at):215 while self.models[0].t < plot_t:216 # generate measurement data217 measurement = self.models[0].measurement_at() if self.tracking else None218 for model in self.models:219 measurement = model.tracking_step(measurement=measurement)220 occupancies = np.array(map(lambda model: model.P_Ot, self.models))221 Ot_max = occupancies.max()222 Ot_min = occupancies.min()223 for i, model in enumerate(self.models):224 if plot_t > 0 and self.tracking and self.show_metric:225 x_ent = model.calc_cross_entropy()226 f1_score = model.calc_f1_score()227 ap = model.calc_average_precision()228 self.plots[i, j].text.set_text(" Aver. Precision: {:.3f}".format(ap))229 if not self.tracking:230 self.plots[i, j].set_axes_data("occupancy_axes", occupancies[i], Ot_min, Ot_max)231 else:232 self.update_custom_element(i, j, Ot_max)233 self.plots[i, j].refresh_colorbar()234 if i == 0:235 title = 't={}'.format(plot_t)236 self.plots[i, j].set_title(title)237 if self.tracking and self.traj_overlay:238 self.add_traj_overlay(i, j, plot_t)239 def update_custom_element(self, row, col, Ot_max):240 t = self.models[0].t - 1241 model = self.models[row]242 plot = self.plots[row, col]243 occupancy_prob = model.P_Ot244 h_max = occupancy_prob.max()/2245 #occupancy_prob = np.where(occupancy_prob>h_max, occupancy_prob, 0)246 ground_truth = model.ground_truth_at(t)247 overlap = np.logical_and(occupancy_prob, ground_truth)248 # if occupany on ground truth location is higher than 0.1,249 # it is not thought as a false negative250 occupancy_temp = np.where(overlap, occupancy_prob, 0)251 #predicted = np.where(occupancy_temp>0.1, 1, 0)252 false_negative = np.where(occupancy_temp>0.1, 0, ground_truth)253 # if model predicts occupancy higher than 0 on ground truth locations,254 # it is thought as a true positive255 true_positive = np.where(overlap, occupancy_prob, 0)256 # if model predicts occupancy higher than 0 on non-ground truth locations,257 # it is thought as a false positive258 false_positive = occupancy_prob.copy()259 false_positive[overlap] = 0260 # only show for occupancies higher than 1/4 highest occupancy261 # h_max = false_positive.max() / 4262 # false_positive = np.where(false_positive>h_max, false_positive, 0)263 plot.set_axes_data("fn_axes", false_negative, 0, 1)264 plot.set_axes_data("tp_axes", true_positive, 0, Ot_max)265 plot.set_axes_data("fp_axes", false_positive, 0, Ot_max)266 plot.set_axes_data("occupancy_axes", np.zeros_like(occupancy_prob))267class VisualizeRealdata(Visualize):268 def __init__(self, models, num_steps, scene, tracking=True, measurement_lost=None,269 dynamically=False, show_map=True, show_seen=True, show_elements=['obser', 'pred', 'corr'],270 show_colorbar=True, num_col=5, model_names=None, show_at=None, show_metric=True, **kwargs):271 self.scene = scene272 self.traj_overlay = kwargs.get('traj_overlay', False)273 if self.traj_overlay:274 self.traj = caculate_traj_from_scene(scene)275 super(VisualizeRealdata, self).__init__(models, num_steps, False, tracking,276 measurement_lost, dynamically, show_map, show_seen,277 show_elements, show_colorbar, num_col, model_names,278 show_at, show_metric, **kwargs)279 def initialize_models(self):280 map(lambda model: model.initialize(self.scene), self.models)281 def add_traj_overlay(self, i, j, t):282 """ Add trajectory lines on plots. """283 plot = self.plots[i, j]284 line = plot.lines[0]285 small_idx = max(0, t-4)286 big_idx = min(t+4, self.num_steps)287 xs, ys = self.traj.T[0][small_idx:big_idx], self.traj.T[1][small_idx:big_idx]288 line.set_data(xs, ys)289class VisualizeSimulation(Visualize):290 def __init__(self, models, num_steps, tracking=True, measurement_lost=None, num_targets=1,291 dynamically=False, show_map=True, show_elements=['obser', 'pred', 'corr'],292 show_colorbar=True, num_col=5, model_names=None, diagonal=False, show_at=None,293 show_metric=True, **kwargs):294 """295 :param models: list296 models to be visualized.297 :param num_steps: int298 number of time steps.299 :param dynamically: bool300 show propagation per time step or show all time steps at once301 :param kwargs:302 show_condition_probs : bool303 if True, show per time step with plots with quiver overlay. This304 option only has effect when dynamically is set to true.305 show_map : bool306 show map overlay. Default is True.307 num_plot : int308 number of plots for each propagation model.309 traj_overlay : bool310 if True, show the sampled trajectory along with propagation.311 init_loc : list312 a list of coordinate [int, int] of initial locations.313 init_move : list314 a list of initial movements. Movement could be one of "UP", "DOWN", "LEFT", "RIGHT".315 Note if init_move or init_loc is not provided, then trajectory316 is sampled from the map and its initial state is used.317 model_names : list318 list of model names.319 """320 self.num_targets = num_targets321 self.diagonal = diagonal322 self.current_speed = np.ones((self.num_targets), dtype=int)323 self.steps = np.zeros((self.num_targets), dtype=int)324 self.init_moves = None325 self.kwargs = kwargs326 self.traj_overlay = True327 if 'traj_overlay' in kwargs:328 self.traj_overlay = kwargs['traj_overlay']329 if 'init_locs' in kwargs and 'init_moves' in kwargs:330 tracking = False331 self.traj_overlay = False332 super(VisualizeSimulation, self).__init__(models, num_steps, True, tracking,333 measurement_lost, dynamically, show_map, False,334 show_elements, show_colorbar, num_col, model_names,335 show_at, show_metric, **kwargs)336 def initialize_models(self):337 kwargs = self.kwargs338 if 'init_locs' in kwargs and 'init_moves' in kwargs:339 self.num_targets = len(kwargs['init_locs'])340 Vt0, Ot0 = self.get_initial_state(from_traj=False,341 init_locs=kwargs['init_locs'],342 init_moves=kwargs['init_moves'])343 else:344 self.distances, self.trajs = self.models[0].initialize(self.num_targets, self.num_steps, diagonal=self.diagonal)345 Vt0, Ot0 = self.get_initial_state(from_traj=True)346 for model in self.models:347 if not self.tracking:348 model.initialize(self.num_targets, self.num_steps,349 P_Vt=Vt0, P_Ot=Ot0)350 else:351 model.initialize(self.num_targets, self.num_steps,352 distances=self.distances, trajectories=self.trajs)353 def _words_to_idx(self, direction):354 """ Transform words of directions to array indices of Vt. """355 extent = self.extent356 idx = np.array([extent // 2, extent // 2])357 for word in direction.split('_'):358 idx += word_to_vel[word]359 idx = np.where(idx >= 0, idx, 0)360 idx = np.where(idx <= extent-1, idx, extent-1)361 return list(idx)362 def _locs_to_idx(self, from_loc, to_loc):363 """ Transform velocity to array indices of Vt. """364 extent = self.extent365 vel_x = to_loc[0] - from_loc[0]366 vel_y = to_loc[1] - from_loc[1]367 vel = np.array([vel_x, vel_y])368 center_idx = np.array([extent // 2, extent // 2])369 return center_idx + vel370 def get_initial_state(self, from_traj, **kwargs):371 Vt0 = np.zeros_like(self.models[0].P_Vt)372 Ot0 = np.zeros_like(self.models[0].P_Ot)373 if not from_traj:374 self.init_moves = kwargs['init_moves']375 init_locs = kwargs['init_locs']376 # indices of initial movements377 mv_idxs = map(self._words_to_idx, kwargs['init_moves'])378 else:379 init_locs = map(lambda traj: traj[0], self.trajs)380 next_locs = map(lambda traj: traj[1], self.trajs)381 mv_idxs = map(self._locs_to_idx, init_locs, next_locs)382 # indices of initial locations383 idxs = np.array(init_locs).T.tolist()384 # occupancy is 1 at init_locs385 Ot0[idxs] = 1.0386 # put locations and movements together387 v_idxs = map(lambda loc, mv_ix: np.concatenate((loc, mv_ix)), init_locs, mv_idxs)388 v_idxs = np.array(v_idxs).T.tolist()389 Vt0[v_idxs] = 1.0390 return Vt0, Ot0391 # def init_plot_contents(self):392 # """ Decide plot contents for every plot."""393 # colorbar_dict = {'pred': 'occupancy', 'obser': 'map', 'corr': 'occupancy'}394 # for i in range(self.num_models):395 # for j in range(self.num_col):396 #397 # if not self.tracking:398 # colorbar_on = 'occupancy'399 # else:400 # colorbar_on = colorbar_dict[self.show_elements[j]]401 #402 # self.plots[i, j] = Plot(self.axes[i ,j],, self.res,403 # colorbar_on=colorbar_on,404 # plot_map=self.show_map,405 # title='')406 # if j == 0:407 # self.plots[i, j].set_ylabel(self.model_names[i])408 #409 # if self.traj_overlay:410 # self.plots[i, j].add_traj_line(num_targets=self.num_targets)411 # # add title to figure412 # if self.init_moves is not None:413 # self.fig.suptitle("Initial movements = {}".format(str(self.init_moves)))414 def add_traj_overlay(self, i=None, j=None, t=None):415 """ Add trajectory lines on plots. """416 if t is None:417 t = self.models[0].t - 1418 if t >= 0:419 truncated_trajs = self.models[0].traversed_traj_at()420 if i is not None and j is not None:421 plot = self.plots[i, j]422 for idx, line in enumerate(plot.lines):423 xs, ys = truncated_trajs[idx].T[0][-5:], truncated_trajs[idx].T[1][-5:]424 line.set_data(xs, ys)425 else:426 for plot in self.plots.flatten():427 for idx, line in enumerate(plot.lines):428 xs, ys = truncated_trajs[idx].T[0][-5:], truncated_trajs[idx].T[1][-5:]429 line.set_data(xs, ys)430 def show_dynamically_with_condition_probs(self, show_map=True):431 model = None432 for model in self.models:433 if model.__class__.__name__ == 'conditionalPropagateModel':434 model = model435 break436 res = map_resolution437 trans_prob = model.conditional_probs438 fig, axes_ = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='all', sharey='all', figsize=(10, 10))439 for i in range(4):440 plot = plt.subplot(2, 2, i + 1)441 probs = np.zeros_like(trans_prob)442 probs[i, ...] = trans_prob[i, ...]443 plot_grid_map_hmm(probs, 'probs', grid_res=res, map_=None, map_res=res)444 directions = {0: 'UP', 1: 'RIGHT', 2: 'DOWN', 3: 'LEFT'}445 if not show_map:446 show_walls(model.P_Ot, resolution=res, cmap='OrRd')447 else:448 show_walls(model.P_Ot, resolution=res, cmap='OrRd', zorder=1)449 show_walls(, resolution=res)...
...3import threading4import queue5from time import sleep6logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format=THREAD_FORMAT)7def show_elements(queue: queue.Queue) -> None:8 while not queue.empty():9 item = queue.get()10 info(f"The element is: {item}")11 queue.task_done()12 sleep(0.5)13if __name__ == "__main__":14 my_queue = queue.Queue() # FIFO15 for val in range(20):16 my_queue.put(val)17 info("Queue already has elements!")18 for _ in range(4):...
...3DLL.append(5)4DLL.append(10)5DLL.append(15)6print('\nLista inicial: ')7DLL.show_elements()8print(f'\nValor insertado: {DLL.insert(3,21)} ')9DLL.show_elements()10print(f'\nValor eliminado: {DLL.delete(2)}')11DLL.show_elements()12print('\nLista invertida')13DLL.reverse()14DLL.show_elements()15print('\nLista invertida y elevar al cuadrado')16DLL.reverse_and_pow()...
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